#ty for giving me a chance to talk about tophzula! lmaoo.
sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
toph for the ask game??
a song that reminds me of them
unfortunate i don't listen to enough music to have a good answer to this </3
what they smell like
uhh not good
an otp
ok idk if i'd call this an “otp” but i do really love tophzula lmao. but that ship is mostly a scenario in my head in which (several years post-canon of course) they aren't actually dating, but they stage for zuko to accidentally walk in on them making out purely for the sake of menacing him like the little sisters they are. then they're like “zuko please don't tell anyone we're together we don't want to be public about it yet 🥺🥺” and their uncharacteristic (false, lol) sincerity and vulnerability gets to him and he agrees to keep it a secret. and he's in agony because he, oversharer that he is, can't even tell people that two of his little sisters are dating!! he's dying and he can't even talk about it oh god. and their plan has worked >:). i also think they could actually be good together lol but what i find most compelling about the ship is the comedic potential
a notp
to/kka is the only one that's a popular ship. i mean i don't have a strong opinion on whether or not toph's “crush” on sokka was real, but they age gap is icky to me, even if they're adults. and toph is sokka's little brother!! his eldest daughter!!
favorite platonic/familial relationships
i really love all her relationships with the gaang but i think for this i'm gonna go with katara. they're both so powerful and self-assured and they have such different relationships with gender and that sometimes causes them to butt heads but at the end of the day they're sisters and they love each other so so much
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
that she had a kid with sokka. like none of her characterization in lok makes sense (even the swamp hag thing, which i mostly enjoy, does a disservice against her arc in atla, which was largely about learning interdependence) but WHY do people feel the need to make her character (& sokka's!) even worse with this dumb headcanon
the position they sleep in
sprawled out inside a tent made of rocks. even when she's staying with zuko or her parents or some other fancy place. she makes a tent of rocks to sleep in.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
i've had gravity falls on my mind so i'll say that! i'd love to see her be friends with wendy <3
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
just her normal outfit! it's so her
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