skkangstzine · 5 months
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It’s only under immense pressure that the common becomes extraordinary— that coal can become diamond.
@zukkaoru is a scholar in all the ways they can make our favourite pair of diamonds shine, and their prose polishes the beauty in Soukoku’s chaos.
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hi hi i come bearing prompts (late bc i didn't see your rb at first)
"Right now I think you could probably talk me into anything." + fyonikonathan
"You just can’t stay away from me for too long, huh?" + nikolai x ranpo hehe
"Right now I think you could probably talk me into anything." + fyonikonathan (cowboy edition bc i like that au lots)
The fire is crackling steadily, the smoke disappearing up high into the night sky to join the stars. Fyodor's half-asleep, curled up against Nathaniel, head nestled into the crook of his neck. Nikolai's laid across Nathaniel's lap, staring up at him.
"Right now," He traces Nathaniel's cheek, "I think you could probably talk me into anything."
"Don't say that like you don't have desires in mind." Nathaniel shoots back sternly, grabbing his hand and pinning it to Nikolai's chest. Nikolai hums.
"As if you don't?" The bandit grins up at him with sharp fangs which Nathaniel already knows the feel of.
"The mere difference is in how private or public either of you make those desires," Fyodor chimes in tiredly, and Nathaniel wishes they hadn't, because now between Nikolai's eager gaze and Fyodor's weight shifting against him, he's not sure how to respond.
"You just can’t stay away from me for too long, huh?" + nikolai x ranpo
Ranpo twirls a lollipop in their hands, staring at the crime scene. It's obvious what happened, and they look at the jester masquerading as an officer in front of them with playful irritation.
"Maaan, you just can't stay away from me for too long, huh?" They boop him with the lollipop. He bites it off the stick.
"Hey!!" Ranpo pouts. Nikolai laughs, grabbing their arm and sweeping them into a very brief dance.
"You knew that'd happen, detective."
Ranpo stares back, then rolls their eyes, smirking, "Yeah, I did."
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justadino-ig · 4 months
sharing a blanket. snuggled up together. + kunichuuzai? 👀
i take the gays i send them out somewhere nice <3 (camping)
The night sky was beautiful, stars shining above, no clouds in sight. It wasn't too cold, thankfully; the warm summer air was pleasant on their skin. The touch from the others, too, was welcome. Kunikida had been set in the middle of the cuddle pile, Dazai leaning against him on his left side, Chuuya on his right. The blanket was soft, an impulse purchase on Chuuya's part- But it had quickly become a favorite between the three of them. The fire crackled in front of them, though it began to dim til there were nothing but embers; and at that, Chuuya stood up, picking up Kunikida (ignoring Dazai's whining about not being the one to be held) and strolled into the tent, Dazai grabbing the blanket and following. Unsurprisingly, Dazai was the one to wiggle inbetween his partners for snuggles that night, relaxing in the two's arms.
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enevera · 1 month
🎻 for any of your OCs you'd like to talk about !! <3
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
brighter half plays viola and clarinet very well <33 darker half cant play instruments (not smth super valued at like assassin bodyguard school lmao) but she can imitate a number of bird calls :D 3 ivies cans play piano well enough for her family to make her show it off but she doesnt personally like it all that much
oc ask game!!
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pinchan · 7 months
happy birthday!! 🥳🎉
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thank uuuu graceeeeee :-3
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theolddivorcedzukka · 7 months
trick or treat 🥄
treat!!!! pov i teleport you to a kfc
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artificialconditions · 4 months
Carcy! c':
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@zukkaoru ty!!
what made you ship it?
i can't remember exactly, i just remember watching season 5 with my dad and being like "oh these two... they're gonna have something going on..." (and they did) i think the good fight really solidified it for me though
what are your favorite things about the ship?
well. a lot. i think it's a fun inversion of grumpy/sunshine (i kind of dont like that label but whatever) because previously in the show carter is overeager as hell and then lucy comes in as a mirror of him and he's like well. FUCK. also i love a couple that bickers LMFAO. old married couple ass bitches. and i just really like that they challenge each other in different ways
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
carter is for sure kind of a dick to her but lucy is also an ass back to him and i don't think we as a society (me myself and i) address that enough. they match each other bitch for bitch. also i'm not sure how unpopular this is but the show does NOT address lucy's death enough after it happens. we dont get near enough of their onscreen interactions in general but it IS established that they spend a good amount of time together outside of work and have a connection to each other. but after carter meets lucy's mom the show kind of forgets that carter's trauma/addiction stems from a stabbing that happened With Lucy and resulted in Lucy's Death. like during carter's intervention n shit. GAH.
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rotisseries · 2 months
ummm how about akutagawa for the character bingo? <3
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something is so wrong with him. tf you mean "call me diablo." I never want a single bad thing to happen to him ever again
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polyphonial · 1 year
for sketch requests.. perhaps utahime? 👉👈
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when she's with gojo + geto vs with shoko
[id: two pencil sketches of utahime iori from jujutsu kaisen. she is a thin asian woman with a hawk nose, a long face and a large facial scar. she is shown from the bust up in both. in the first she looks serious, if not annoyed. in the second she looks happy and smiles gently, with star doodles around her. end id.]
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bisexuallsokka · 2 years
i have this random dialogue that i might stick in a modern au meet cute one day, until then, i have no other plans for it lol
Katara’s grip on her cell phone threatens to shatter it in her hold. “Sokka! How many times do I have to tell you not to scream when I answer the phone!”
“You’re screaming at me now!”
“That’s different! I haven’t lost screaming privileges because I wasn’t the one who made us think Momo was on fire!”
“Fine! I’ll call Aang and tell him about the cute guy I saw today that I literally fell in love with!”
“Seriously? Is that what is so important that you had to call me in the middle of my work day?”
“You picked up!”
“Yeah, what if Momo was on fire?”
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“would you like some bread?” + steinbramcraft? <3
WOO the sillies.. i have not written steinbeck very much nor bram but hopefully this is good
"Would you like some bread?" Steinbeck offered, holding it out to the vampire.
Bram stared for a moment, before replying, "I cannot eat it."
"Hmmm.. what if I like, put some blood on it?" He tilted his head.
Lovecraft peeked his head in, "What are we talking about?"
"John is being.. considerate of my diet." Bram answered simply.
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justadino-ig · 1 month
2, 4, and 11 for nikonathan? <3
2. What their love letters look like - stained with blood when it's nikolai's doing, ...and stained with blood from nathaniel. he used to pretend he was better then using his own blood as ink and then nikolai was like "no you aren't <3" had a freak moment and wrote nathaniel a love letter in his own blood and now that's just how they do things. he OCCASIONALLY uses ink to save face if he thinks others might see it but then nikolai makes sure to splatter blood on his letter in return
4. What they do on date night - hhm. nathaniel's tried to drag him to church like once or twice but he hated it, so now nikolai typically just drags him along to places that could be fun. nikonathan at the amusement park cheating and both trying to pretend they're not...
11. What their first impression was of each other - i think nikolai was immediately drawn to him as someone perfect to mess with, and nathaniel of course despised him. i have a vivid scene i'd like to write someday of nathaniel praying, and then nikolai comes over and starts being annoying; asking him all sorts of nosy questions about god and stuff that he Really does not appreciate
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strrwbrrryjam · 7 months
suki and katara for the character bingo? <3
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thinking bout katara for too long makes me upset, shes just a kid and she's been through so much (like all of them really) i just wanna give her a hug n tell her that she is a kid and she can be a kid
i hate how her grief is a common joke in the fandom n i hate how she's often referred to as the 'mum' when.. no, she's just a kid who feels like she has to take responsibility for the rest of them because she was given responsibility from a very young age, she's just a kid who cares n shes smart n wonderful and i want to give her a huge
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suki i love so so much, i have to be honest n say i like, hated sokka on my first watch cause of all the sexism yknow yknow (im so sorry i love him now) so when suki came along n put him in his place she was my favourite character
i will say by what i mean by "fanon" is like. and i might be wrong, but i didn't like how often she was put into the "sokka's love interest" box in canon, and i feel like in the fandom she became more of a character than she already was? like fans gave her more depth, though again i could be wrong lol
suki n the kyoshi warriors are so so cool, i wish they appeared more in the series, i wish suki actually travelled with the gang, i wish she was in for more than 11 episodes though i understand completely why she stayed, i think she and toph would have gotten on like a house on fire
i have the same feelings about suki like i do about katara cause. she's so young and she's n the kyoshi warriors are the only defence kyoshi island has n.. they are kids. they should be allowed to be kids, honestly i think the time she spent with the gang was possibly the only time in years she was able to just. relax and have fun
anyway. i have feelings about these two
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pinchan · 2 years
im surprised i never came across riko lives aus. anyway post spv au where riko lives bc geto dies taking the bullet. she gets to run away and live with the world's best bodyguard and worst babysitter in one but without kuroi she just feels lost. she was her only family, and now that she's gone she doesn't know what to do bc her life only ever consisted of her purpose as a vessel and kuroi as her family. she doesn't even know why she's still alive anymore. big themes of grief and reclaiming your life as your own, giving it meaning for yourself rather than having others define it for you, that sort of thing
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theolddivorcedzukka · 7 months
uhhh how about jinzula and yuekka for the ship bingo?
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it’s a shame that i’ve read every fic cause. it’s a rarepair and that’s all i have :(
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i want what they have in the sense that … um…. haunts you in your dreams .
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rotisseries · 3 months
for the ship ask game, how about uhhh yue x suki and fyolai?
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yueki yuri win!!! as for fyolai i do think they make sense and i understand the appeal i am just not that personally attached to it cause i often gotta be insane about the characters individually to be truly compelled whereas with fyodor and nikolai i'm just like yeah they're neat :)
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