#u make ur ramen in there while frying up the eggs that go on top
anyone else in the eat-soup-from-the-pot gang
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atomicqueer · 6 years
hey! can u share some ramen tips? im broke and curious
ooh okay so first this is all assuming ur using like square ramen and cooking it in a small pot on a stove (so not cup noodles) and some of these r pretty obvious, idk what ur currently doing with ur ramen but if ur starting from zero it’ll help
1. eggs are ur bff!! you can either  A) whisk one or two eggs in a small bowl and slowly drip it into the ramen when ur ramen is almost done (itll turn out like egg drop soup if u wanna goggle that to get a picture) or B) poach the egg in the ramen by making an opening in the noddles when theyre maybe halfway done dropping the egg in (no shell if its not obvious) and quickly covering it with noddles and turning the heat down a bit and letting it cook for another 2-3 minutes, depending on how well done you want the egg to be cooked. (the yolk will be even more done if you just eat it last and make sure its on the bottom of your bowl so it never rly cools off much). Also C) you can hard/medium/soft boil eggs ahead of time and slice one up and put it on top of ur ramen.
2. Spices!! I never cooked growing up and im very white so idk much but a little cayenne pepper or chilli powder, those dried minced onions, tiny bit of garlic powder, and whatever else you want will make ur ramen so much better. Also if your looking for more variety, i personally dont measure anything and dont pay attention to how much i put in SO its completely different every time. but be very careful with the cayenne pepper if ur sensitive to spicy stuff, its so easy to overdo. also add ur spices and the seasoning pack to the water before ur noddles go in,, that way it all absorbs into the noddles a bit more. (Walmart has some jars of spices for 1$ each so its a good investment if you can afford it, and sometimes bulk food stores have bulk spice sections that end up being very cheap too)
3. Veggies. Im sure its been said a million times but those bags of frozen mixed veggies at walmart that are only 2-3$, just toss in a small handful and it’ll add a bit of flavor while making u feel so so much more healthy. And lots of fresh veggies do well in ramen too (spinach, mushrooms, etc.) Its best to add any of these to the pot before you add the noddles imho. Also buy green onions and put some on top of ur ramen after its done cooking and youll feel so fancy. and once the green onions are super short and you’ve only got the whites left, put then in a mason jar or glass cup of 2 inches of water, set them by the window, and they’ll grow super easily, just change the water every few days, then u have infinite green onion.
4. Meats, any left over meats, just toss them in. Its best to try to match the flavor of the meat to the ramen flavor. Red meats into pork or beef ramen, white meats into chicken ramen, tuna into shrimp ramen. Canned meats are good and cheap, even if you dont love the flavor you still need those proteins and vitamins somehow.
5. Stir fry the noodles? This is weird and i havent done it in years but i remember loving it so, boil the noodles like normal, drain them, and then just toss them around in a frying pan with a little vegetable oil, add in the seasoning packet and maybe soy sauce... its worth trying once, especially if ur desperate for variety. add in egg, meat, veggies just like you would fried rice. it’s a lot quicker than cooking rice at least. 
6. Lots of people will say to add cheese to ramen but imo its only ‘good’ if its the creamy chicken flavor ramen. and keep in mind most shredded cheeses wont melt very well so it’ll look very unappetizing. ((also, peanut butter in ramen, the cryptid of the college dorm room, again id say creamy chicken flavor or maybe oriental flavored ramen would go ‘good’ with pb... it’s worth trying once lmao))
7. Experiment with using more or less water, adding or subtracting cooking time to get differently textured noodles. basically just never look at the package directions again, never use a timer again if ur comfy with that. I just eat a noodle to see if its done to my liking. With bare minimum water noddles that’ll be bone dry once theyve cooled off for more than a minute i think thats where u get into the territory of adding cheese, guac, sour cream, etc. as a topping.
8. Chili Ramen!! Add leftovers from canned or homemade chili to ur ramen (beef ramen if its beef chili, etc.) you can do this with any soup or stew probably if ur a taste bud heathen like me, but chilli ramen is very good.
Moral of the story is it in ur kitchen? is it savory? dump it in ur ramen. Also turn stale bread into toast and dunk it in ur ramen. Boom. I’ve solved ur Stale Food Bank Bread problem too.
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