#ugh. tomorrow's gonna suck. so does today. i just want the semester to be over. but then i cant escape my project. so idk what i want
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 months
As a stranger on the internet (so feel free to ignore or tell me I'm out of line) you might just be going through a grieving process. It sucks, a lot, and I don't really have any advice other than it will slowly get better, but it might help simply knowing.
Grief is different for everyone, and looks different for everyone too. But either way I hope you feel better soon <3
It's very possible, I just don't want that to be the answer because then I don't know what to do
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twenty-Five | Pent Up ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ Vulgarity, blood ]
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Why, why, why is it so hard to keep ahold of his temper…?!
So much more seems to grate at his patience than it used to when he was younger. Sounds, touches, even smells can start chipping at his mood, making him more and more agitated until something has to give. It’s like his brain has turned into a ticking time bomb, randomly exploding when just the right criteria are met.
Needless to say...it’s made most people wary of him. And now that he’s starting his senior year back in the district he once hailed from, he’s especially wary of being labeled dangerous, unstable, a freak.
He’s already embarrassed himself once. The pool party, barbeque, whatever that Rin invited him to ended in disaster when he had one of his seizures. Right in front of everyone...they all just stared in horror as he seized up, plunging into the pool.
But then the girl who lived there had dragged him up, spurring the rest of them into action. The damage, however, had already been done. By now he’s sure everyone already knows about it before he even steps foot into the high school this morning.
...he just has to stay calm.
Finding his locker, he ignores the dubious looks he gets, the whispers that seem to follow him. Even at the reformative school he’d been transferred to after his accident had seen him an odd one out, mostly due to his appearance...but his breakdowns and spasms hadn’t helped, either. By now it’s all just white noise, fiddling with the combination lock on his locker door.
Half a second late, Obito realizes he recognizes that voice, if only vaguely. A turn shows the girl from yesterday...Ryū? Admittedly he remembers almost nothing about her - only that she used to tag along with Rin when they were younger, and how much harder that made getting the other girl alone.
...of course that doesn’t matter now. Rin’s with Kakashi, for...some reason.
He just blinks at her, watching her approach with her books clutched to her chest.
In turn, she offers a smile. “So, you made it. How are you feeling today?”
The question earns a reflexive tick of annoyance. He gets really sick of people asking him that, but...there’s a genuine concern in her expression most people tend to lack. Usually they’re more exasperated than actually worried. “...I’m fine. Stiff, but it’ll pass.”
“Ah, good...that must have been so scary…”
“I’m used to it. It’s been happening for five years.”
Further sympathy wilts her brows. “...that must be really tough.”
He doesn’t have an answer, simply grunting and opening the door once the lock gives way.
“Well...if you need anything, let me know! Maybe I’ll see you in some classes?”
“I doubt it. Most of mine are pretty low ones compared to a lot of seniors.” And surely she’s not at his held-back level. She seems pretty smart, from what he can tell.
There’s a small awkward pause. “Oh...well, maybe a club…? I’ve been in the theater club since I was a freshman. It’s a lot of fun! But there’s a lot of others too, if you’re looking for something to do.”
Ugh, clubs...aren’t classes bad enough? “I’ll think about it.”
She seems to realize he’s getting annoyed. “Well...okay! I’ll, um...I’ll see you later, Obito. Have a good morning!”
He watches her go. Is she really one of those people that’s constantly peppy and good-natured? Isn’t that...exhausting? Well, whatever. He better get to first period. Last thing he needs is to be late on the first day. People are going to have enough reason to give him crap.
Thankfully he doesn’t have any confrontations on the way there, taking a back row seat and folding arms atop his desk to rest his chin. He’s barely been here ten minutes and he’s already sick of it.
...but he told his grandmother he’d try. She’s so eager to see him graduate from a proper school. All Obito can think is that he hopes she lives that long. She’s not exactly a spring chicken anymore. Out of everyone in his life right now...she’s his rock. The one person he never gets angry with, never gets upset by. Sachiko feels like the only reason he’s been keeping it together.
Even his old friends have clearly changed. Rin, while still friendly, seems a bit more...conscious about talking to him. Especially when Kakashi’s around. And Kakashi’s still quick to butt heads with him over practically nothing. Like yesterday with Rin’s invite to the party. It would have pissed him off...if Rin hadn’t rolled over for him so easily.
...he can’t expect them to be the same, but...he’ll admit, he’s not a fan of these changes. He knows things can’t be the same, but...even Rin no longer feels like a friend.
...maybe this whole ‘coming back’ thing was a mistake.
Morning classes pass in a bit of a fog, Obito in no way motivated to pay much attention. He just wants to check off this day from what will surely be a very long list of days until the year ends. The sooner that gets here, the happier he’ll be.
Come lunch, he’s realizing he’s now going to have to confront a few things. One being the crowds, and the noise. Another being trying to find a seat
Cuz he knows no one’s going to want to sit by -
Jolting a bit with his tray in hand, he spots Ryū waving at him from a table. Nearby, both Kakashi and Rin seem to hesitate.
That narrows his eyes...but he decides to sit anyway. If they’re going to treat him like a stranger, he’ll just do the same. He doesn’t need them. He doesn’t need anyone. They want to distance themselves from him? Fine.
Instead, he sits next to Ryū.
“How were your classes?”
“Boring. But about what I expected.” He pointedly avoids looking at the other pair, working on getting his food arranged on his tray. “You?”
“I already have homework in two classes, but...hopefully it won’t be too bad.” There’s a mild silence, Ryū seeming to notice the awkward air between the three former friends. “...what about you guys? Any hard classes this morning?”
“I had three AP classes but that’s usual,” Kakashi replies, also obviously ignoring Obito. “Schedule’s pretty full, but it’ll be fine. Need them for my college apps.”
Across from him, Obito scowls at the casual bragging.
“Rin?” Ryū gives a bit of a strained smile.
“Nothing too, uh...bad. Pretty typical. One homework assignment so far. Also not sure what club I want to join...I liked gardening club last year but apparently the damage to the greenhouse from that storm over the Summer means it’s cancelled for this semester at least.” Rin’s mouth falls into a disappointed frown. “So I dunno if I should wait, or...join something else in the meantime. Cuz depending on repairs and stuff, it might not happen at all.”
“Aww! That really sucks...you could join theater!”
At that, Rin gives a short laugh. “I...don’t think so. Not really the acting type, and...it’d be weird being there just one semester or one year. You guys are a pretty close-knit group, right?”
“Well, yeah. But we welcome new freshmen every year!”
“Mm...I’ll think about it.”
“What about you, Obito?” Ryū asks, turning to him. “Want to join any clubs?”
“Or you could play a sport!”
“Not sure a sport is a good idea with my condition,” Obito replies, making Rin balk.
“O-oh...right. Sorry…”
“Well, doing some kind of extracurricular activity is good for your educational resume,” Kakashi offers nonchalantly.
“Not sure my educational resume is really going to impress anybody, given the circumstances,” Obito retorts, looking annoyed.
“Doesn’t mean you should just give up.”
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want.”
“Hey, guys, it’s fine,” Ryū cuts in, a placating hand rising. “Everybody does high school differently. APs or not, clubs or not, it’s whatever.”
“Yeah I only got into one AP this year,” Rin confirms with a nod before shooting Kakashi a look.
All the while, Obito tries to keep a hold on his temper. He can tell Kakashi is just trying to get a rise out of him. And while he already has pent up anger concerning the other boy, he doesn’t want to let it win.
So he instead focuses on deep, even breaths while the girls try to diffuse the situation. Now, if only it weren’t so loud in the cafeteria...it’s grating on his nerves.
“I’m gonna go get ready for class,” Kakashi eventually relents, standing and taking his half-empty tray with him.
“Kakashi -!” Looking a bit flabbergasted, Rin tries to call him back to no avail. “...I dunno what’s gotten into him today!”
“Just his typical asshole self,” Obito mutters. “Has to boss everyone else around, has to make himself look good when no one gives a shit.”
“I think he is worried about what you’re going to do after graduation,” Rin replies, looking a little nervous. “I mean...you’ve got an uphill battle ahead of you, given your...um...setbacks.”
Obito’s expression only sours, temper fraying further. “Well he doesn’t have to be such a shithead about it.”
“...it’s just...going to take some adjusting, y’know? Everyone...being back together. We’ve all changed, right?”
That does it. Appetite ruined, Obito stands without a word and dumps the rest of his food, tossing the tray into the wash pit.
Behind him, the girls both jolt in surprise. But only one gets up to follow him.
He doesn’t stop, shoulders hunched and hands in his pockets as Ryū jogs to catch up.
“Don’t listen to Kakashi, he’s just -?”
“Just a massive prick and a pain in my ass,” Obito growls. He can feel the embers of his temper starting to flicker with flame.
“I’m sorry...you didn’t have to sit with them. I just figured -?”
“It wasn’t your fault. You -” You’ve been nothing but nice to me. “...Kakashi’s picked fights with me since we were kids. And...I’ve picked fights back. We’re just not meant to be around each other that much. Don’t worry about it.”
Managing to come around to his front, Ryū cuts off his path, expression guilty. “...still. I...should have read the room.”
“I didn’t have to sit there. It was my choice.”
“...well...tomorrow we’ll sit somewhere else, okay? That way it won’t happen again.”
Sighing, he stares at her. “...why are you being so nice to me?”
The question seems to take her aback. “W...why wouldn’t I?”
“Cuz no one else seems to want to.”
“Well everyone else are just a bunch of jerks. I know this is awkward...for everybody. And maybe Rin’s right, maybe things have changed, but…” She sighs. “...you still deserve to be treated kindly, and given a chance to meld back into things here. So I’m, at least, going to try to help you do that.”
It’s his turn to exhale, far more curtly than her. “...just pisses me off. Rin invited me yesterday, and then let Kakashi walk all over her. She just...abandoned me when she was the only reason I showed up! Then today she lets him say all that shit, and only stutters out excuses. She’s letting Kakashi blindside her.”
“...maybe she is. But...she might come around! You guys just...have to get reacquainted. And that’s not going to be easy. For now, I guess all you can do is...just try to be patient. See how things go. Maybe they’ll settle down, and...maybe they won’t. Only way to know is to try. In the meantime. I’m not going anywhere.”
For a moment he scoffs. She’s not going anywhere, is she? The person he knows the least out of this group? But...then again, maybe that’s a good thing. Whereas he has soured memories and expectations for Kakashi and Rin, Ryū is...a blank slate. Known only briefly. Vaguely.
And already making a good impression.
So despite his original intention to blow her off, he sighs. “...guess you’re right.”
“...I think for now, you guys should give each other some space. Kinda...ease into it, you know? I mean...five years apart is a long time. Trying to act like all that time didn’t pass will only make this more difficult. Take a little while for yourself. Get settled in overall, then you can worry about anything else.”
He considers that silently.
...that is until a pack of unruly freshmen make their way down the hall.
Loud, obnoxious, and clearly not yet learning any respect, they push through between the pair. Ryū, slighter in frame, stumbles back and slams into the wall, head knocking with a hollow thunk.
Something in Obito clenches.
“Watch it!” the ringleader taunts, pulling a face. That is, until Obito grabs him by the shirt front. “Whoa whoa whoa!”
“Apologize,” the Uchiha growls, ignoring the sudden attention they’re getting.
“Jesus man, you look like you got into a fight with a weed trimmer and lost! What the fuck is wrong with your face?”
Clutching her head, Ryū looks up with a wince before panicking.
“Funny, I was just going to ask you that. Cuz you look like a little prick that just got decked in the nose.”
With a crunch, Obito reels back and...does just that. The freshman falls to the floor hard, clutching at his face.
“What the fuck, man? What the fuck?!”
“You hurt my friend. Seems only fair you get a taste of your own medicine. And I’m really tempted to teach you a second lesson…!” His heartbeat is rushing in his ears, his whole body hot with anger. All he can focus on is the blood on this little asshole’s chin...and how much more he’d like to see.
“Obito, stop!” Ryū pulls at his arm, trying to waylay him.
“You’re gonna regret -!”
“Stop!” Desperate, Ryū instead steps right in his path, latching onto him tightly. Face in his chest, she clings arms around to his back.
He freezes.
“...don’t. It’s not worth it. He’s just some little punk. You’ve done enough!”
Blinking, Obito feels the heat receding. His tensed form slowly goes limp.
And all around him are staring eyes, whispering mouths, pointing fingers. But what tops it all off is seeing both Rin and Kakashi. The former stares in horror. The latter glowers.
A shaking seems to overcome him. It’s too much, he - he can’t -?
Urging Ryū aside, he flees.
Not one to give up so easily, she follows even as the warning bell rings.
Ironically, his hiding place is the storage room for theater club props.
“...Obito?” Navigating her way around the odds and ends, she finds him crouched in a corner of set pieces. “...hey…” Carefully, she takes a knee beside him. “You all right…?”
She sighs before just...sitting beside him. “...this has been a really shitty first day, huh…? I’m sorry. How about we just...stay in here for a bit? Let things...settle down?”
“I’m gonna get in so much trouble…! First day back and I’ve already fucked it up! I just...I wanted…” To Obito’s frustration, his voice starts breaking and tears sting at his eyes despite rubbing at them with the backs of his hands. “...I wanted...to get through this. F-for my...for my grandma. She wants me to…”
At that, Ryū softens, laying a hand gently on his arm. “...it’s gonna be okay. I’ll tell the staff what happened. Because to be fair...I did get hurt…”
At her sheepish smile, he looks over, sniffling. “...you okay?”
“My head kinda hurts, but...I’ll be fine. Freshmen are just...brats. Punching them might not be the best way to get them to shape up, but...it is a way,” she admits with a hint of a giggle.
“...I got angry. I shouldn’t have done that, but...I’m just so…!” His hands lift, to bury into his hair, pulling at it in frustration. “...I get so mad! I dunno why!”
Wilting again, Ryū leans against him softly. “If...I had to guess, it probably has to do with your condition. Did you...have any cranial trauma?”
“That can really mess with your emotions, depending on where it happened. People even develop new addictions or behaviors after they get hurt like that. But...you can get therapy for it. Maybe...that’s something you could look into?”
“We can’t afford it,” Obito counters bitterly. “...it’s just me and my grandma. She can’t…”
The thought trails off, and Ryū hums in response. “...well...maybe something will come along. But it sounds to me like this anger isn’t entirely your fault. A lot of it probably comes from the trauma you went through during your...your accident. But I bet you can overcome it…! It’ll just take time, and the right resources.”
Obito, knowing he can’t really access the latter, just stays quiet.
“...how do you feel now…?”
“...tired. Frustrated. But I’m not angry anymore. Not for now,” he adds with a sigh.
“That’s good, though! Think you can go back to class…?”
Another sigh, arms folded atop his bent knees to rest his chin. “...I dunno.”
“Then we’ll just stay here a little longer.”
“But you need to get to class.”
“This is more important.”
Obito’s brow furrows, watching as she stands up. More important?
“I’m really excited for the plays this year...we’re going to do Beauty and the Beast this Winter, and then Grease in the Spring! I hope I get good parts, since it’s going to be my last year…” Ryū looks over props from past productions, a fond smile on her face. “...it’s been a lot of fun. I’m going to miss it…”
“...can you do it in college?”
“Maybe. I dunno if I’ll have time, but...I’d like to. If all goes well, I’d like to go into nursing, like Rin. But theater and choir have made me really happy, too. They’re just...not really stable careers,” she adds sheepishly.
“...but they make you happy.”
“...they do.”
Breaking his gaze from her, Obito looks over the props around him. “...did you guys...build these?”
“Mhm. Well...I didn’t. We have people who work on props, or the lighting, or music. It’s not just actors, after all. But we all have a lot of fun.” She looks to him thoughtfully. “...I’d still say you’d enjoy joining us, if you want. Gives you a creative outlet, and you can make some friends! You don’t have to be an actor if you don’t want to. Maybe...stop in a few times, see if you like it? You can always quit if you don’t.” Ryū smiles at him. “But...maybe an outlet would be good for you. Something to think about and look forward to. Something...new. And fun!”
He mulls that over, looking unsure.
“...well, just think about it. We don’t have our first meeting until Wednesday - last period is cancelled so people can look at the clubs and pick one. Maybe you’ll find another one you can do instead, too!”
Almost immediately, Obito pushes that notion aside. If he’s going to do a club...it would probably be this one...if only because he’d already know someone in it. “...okay.”
For a while, Ryū finds some memorable pieces in the room, showing them off and recounting memories about them. Obito finds himself enthralled, glad for something else to think about.
...but all good things have to come to an end.
A knock sounds on the door, the pair of them looking up as the school secretary comes in. Her arms fold. “There you are. You’re both quite tardy to your next classes. And you’re to come to the office about a fight that happened during lunch period.”
Ryū tenses. “Obito wasn’t -!”
The woman holds up a hand. “A few witnesses said the freshman started things when he pushed you and injured your head, and that it ended when mister Uchiha punched the assailant. Both he and the freshman will be serving detention after school today. Guardians have already been called.”
Behind Ryū, Obito’s face falls. So...Sachiko already knows.
“Obito has a medical condition the school needs to take into account,” Ryū retorts. “Ignoring that will be grounds for discrimination for his disability!”
“You can discuss that with the principal,” the secretary retorts. “To the office. Both of you.”
To Obito’s surprise, Ryū glowers the whole way down, arguing quite haughtily with staff once they arrive. Jiraiya has already shown up, listening quietly to his daughter’s arguments.
“Obito shouldn’t be punished, he needs help! Punishing him won’t address the real problem and leave the possibility it happens again!”
“The school is not responsible for mister Uchiha’s health or disabilities,” the principal retorts, waving a hand. “If he has issues, they’re to be handled on his own time to ensure he attends school properly without resorting to violence.”
“And if he doesn’t have the means?”
“It’s still not the school’s responsibility. Obito’s job while here at school is to attend his classes and pass them, and refrain from poor behavior. If he can’t do that, we’ll have to remove him.”
Ryū bristles, but pauses as Sachiko is ushered into the room. Worry tightens the old woman’s face.
Obito’s head bows in shame.
Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, Ryū looks pleadingly to her father.
Glancing between everyone present, Jiraiya heaves a heavy sigh. “...the way I see it, we have a student on our hands that lacks the resources to be able to attend school as he is. Which means we need to get those resources squared away, so he can use the school his granny’s tax dollars pay for, and that he should have the right to use.”
The principal perks a brow.
“If we get the kid into therapy and his behavior improves, he can stay, right?”
Arms folding over his barrel chest, Jiraiya simply replies, “Then that’s what we’ll do.”
Ryū’s expression brightens, Obito’s slack in shock.
“Oh, sir...you don’t have to -?” Sachiko lifts her hands, looking hesitant.
“Nonsense. Any friend of my daughter’s is a friend of mine. Friends help each other. We’ll get this little snag taken care of, and then everything’ll be fine.” He gives a cool, pointed look to Obito. “...right?”
Looking exasperated, the principal waves them away. “Just...make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
The four of them then leave the office, Jiraiya talking to Sachiko as the teens idle uncertainly.
“...is he serious?”
“Mhm,” Ryū replies, smiling. “Dad helps a lot with stuff at the school - admittedly he’s...made a good amount of money. So he tries to give back. The party yesterday? That’s one of his ideas. He’s been doing it since I started school. He takes a lot of pride in the community, and maintaining it. I think yesterday already made him realize you need some help.”
“...I don’t -?”
She cuts off Obito’s retort with a hand on his arm. “It’s not pity. It’s help. A tool you can use to succeed. Besides, I’m sure he’ll find a way for you to make it up if you want. I know he hates mowing the lawn, so...expect him to wrangle you into something.” Her expression softens. “...it’s gonna be fine.”
Still looking conflicted, Obito just sighs. He’s not...used to this. How is he supposed to react…?
“Well, you two better get back to class,” Jiraiya then offers. “Sachiko and I are gonna hash some things out. You’ve still got your detention Obito, but that should be it. Just try and keep a lid on that temper until we get something figured out.”
“...yes sir.”
“Then off you scoot!” He ushers them down the hall.
“Well...guess I’ll see you later,” Ryū offers. “Think you’ll be okay?”
“...I guess.”
“I can wait after if you -?”
“No,” he cuts in firmly. “You...you’ve done enough.”
“...okay. Well, I’ll see you after class, then.” She gives a little wave, branching off down another hallway.
Obito watches her go.
“...thank you.”
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     Oof, this is very late OTL Almost finished it last night but I just...had a really bad day and an even worse night so I call it quits. Came back with a fresher mind and got it done. Still not 100% sure about it, but it’s done kjdfgjkdhfg      I always struggle with modern and this one felt really hard to write, idk why. I’m not very good at writing grumpy characters kjfdjdhfg but I tried :’D      Anyway I’ve got irl stuff to do so idk if I’ll get more done tonight or not, but I’ll try. Thanks for reading~
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missvgj98 · 5 years
It’s a Match!  Chapter 1
It’s midnight and I am still up working on a paper for my Anatomy class that’s due tomorrow morning. No, I did not procrastinate. I worked on it throughout the two weeks we were assigned them. I just decided to take on the hardest and most elaborate topic: Cancer. There are multiple types of Cancer and I have to write about every single one making this a ten paged Research Paper.
           Ugh, Kill me.
Hinata is also with me but, not physically. Through facetime. We decided that this semester was gonna take some of the same classes. She’s in school to become a doctor. Following the footsteps of her infamous Father. And I’m in school to become a nurse. We told each other it would be better to do it together even though I’m not going to be in school for the same amount of time.
           “Temari…” Hinata groaned out.
“Yes.” I said keeping my eyes glued to my computer screen.
“I’m dying.”
           “That sucks,” I said still not looking at her.
           “What.” I looked at her.
           “I’m tired of reading about how Ischaemic heart disease is the number one leading cause of death across a number of countries.”
           “I’m not the one who told you to take that topic.”
“Can we take a break?”
“It’s midnight, I don’t think we have room for a break.” I looked back over at her again and watched as she began to massage her temples. I know she’s stressed out because not only is she doing school full time but, also shadowing her Father in the Lab. He’s a big-time Bio-Medical Researcher and a Surgeon. He wants Hinata to take after him and continue on the Empire that is Hyuga. And not only her but, her older cousin Neji as well, and her younger sister too, Hanabi.
“Hinata, you know I’m not going to be easy on you. When we graduated High school, we talked about this.” I said.
           “I know.”
           “I asked you, do you want to become a doctor? And because of your Dad, you said ‘Yes.’ I said to do this only if you want to do this.”
“I know, Tem- “
           “I know you’re overworked. I know you’re stressed. But Hina, the time to change your mind is over. If you back out now, all it’s gonna bring is trouble.”
“I should’ve listened to you. You knew I wanted to follow my own dreams but- “
           “But the fear you have for your Dad is more than the wants you have for your dreams.” I took off my glasses and massaged my neck. “Hinata, you need to get over this fear. Not only for your Dad but, fear over all things that scare you. Cause one day you’re gonna look back at your life and you’re gonna regret not doing this or doing that. And I don’t want that for you.”
“Well, how about you?”
           “Don’t turn this on me. You know why I made my decisions. You have freedom, you just don’t take it. I have to take consideration of my family and the benefits it makes on them.”
“And you’re happiness? When are you going to take that into consideration? You’re becoming a nurse, yes, because it’s gonna make more money for your family. It’s a lot quicker than anything else; you’re gonna be in school for only two to three years and off to work you go. But that’s not what you want to do either. You’re just doing it to make your mom happy. So, you’re in the same boat as me.”
           “Yea, but you had a choice. You have a dream. I didn’t know what to do exactly after high school. This gave me something.” I told her. “Hinata, we can do this. Slowly, over time maybe we’ll start to love it.”
           She took a breath. “Okay…” Her breath was shaky.
“Don’t cry…” I said.
           “I-I’m not…” She wiped her eyes. “Let’s just talk about something-“
           A text message had popped up on my phone.
“Hidan?” Hinata guessed with an attitude.
I sighed. “Yeah…”
           Hidan: Hey Babe… U awake?
“This brings up another thing…” Hinata said. “Hidan.”
“Hinata I already know what you’re going to say. We’ve been through this before.” I said while texting him back.
           “Why are you responding?” Hinata complained.
“Why not?” I put her back on the screen. “He’s my boyfriend.”
“A BAD one at that.” She shot back.
           “He’s not bad. You just don’t like him.”
Me: Yea… still studying ☹
           “I have my reasons. A. He associates himself with the wrong crowd. B. He has a bad influence on your brother’s, and you know that. C. He does drugs- “
“Weed is not a serious drug and was made legal.” I defended.
“It’s not like he has a medical reason to be smoking it. D. He-“
“Are you going through the whole entire alphabet?”
           “That’s the problem Temari! I could literally go through the whole entire alphabet listing his problems. And that’s not even enough! I’d have to make up new letters.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
           “Am I?” Hinata crossed her arms.
“You’re just bringing this up so you don’t have to focus on your paper,” I said.
           “I’m bringing this up because I love you and I care about you.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m being so serious right now, Tem. You’re too good for him. He’s just playing you in an act. Keeping an eye out for your brothers, giving you money-“
“He takes care of me!”
           “Yeah, just so he can get the one thing you haven’t given him yet. Sex.”
“That’s not it.” I glared.
“It’s been six months Tem! Since the day I first met him all he’s eyes screamed was LUST after you. He’s trying to get with you! And then he’s going to throw you away like trash. He’s buttering you up for easy access. It’s. An. Act.”
“You know I’m right. And it’s not just him who is at fault here, you are too. You’re using him too-“
“No! You confronted me. Now I’m confronting you. It’s my turn.” I huffed. “I know you’re in a tough situation. Your mom is working two jobs, she’s barely in the house, your brothers are messing with the wrong crowd, getting in trouble with the police and at school, you’re juggling school and work helping your mom pay bills. I know- it’s tough Tem. Ever since your Dad died things have been stressful. And I get it Hidan helps distract you from it all. But there are better ways Temari.”
“It’s not like I’m doing anything bad,” I said.
           “But eventually you could…. Your mingling yourself with people who entertain the lifestyle of drugs, sex, and alcohol. And that’s not gonna keep your brother’s away from them if you’re in stupid love with one of them. They’re gonna think, “Oh, my sisters cool with them so, it’s okay now.” It’s just going to bring them into more violence and more issues. You’re their leader, Tem. They look up to you. If you want them to do good, then love what is good. Right now, you’re loving the wrong side. You may not see it now but, stay there long enough and soon it’s gonna hit you.”
           Hidan: Meet me outside.
“He’s there, isn’t he?” She guessed correctly.
“I’ll call you back?” I felt bad…
           “No. I’m just gonna finish this paper then head to bed. I’ll pick you up in the morning.” She said simply.
“Ok…” I paused. She looked at me with a face of slight disappointment. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” She gave me a small smile then hung up.
           I sat at my desk for a minute before I got up, threw my hair into a messy bun, and made my way outside to meet Hidan.
Hinata’s not wrong…but, I just need him now.
           “Heyyy!” He smiled at the sight of me and threw his arms out before him. “How’s my baby doing?”
“Good.” He embraced for a while as if he was taking every bit of me in.
“Ah, I missed you today. Sorry, I was so busy. We had a delivery today.” He wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me close. “Almost got in a mix up with a couple guys but, I took good care of them.”
           I smiled looking longingly into his eyes with my arms around his neck. “Wow, you're sooo strong.”
He grabbed my waist as I planted my lips on his. It felt so good. It made me feel… like I’m alive… like I matter. Hidan saw me when I felt like no one did and even if he’s not the right guy…
           He broke the kiss and looked me in the eye. His eyes looked hungry and before he said a word, I knew what was next.
“You wanna… go to your room?” He smiled.
           I nodded.
I want this.
­­­­            When I woke up, it was six o’clock in the morning. The sun was barely up. And Hidan laid with one arm over me, snoring softly. I starred up at the ceiling as I wrapped the sheets around my bare chest and took in a deep breath.
           My family and I moved here to Kohona about six years ago and through our cousin Sasori, my brothers met Hidan and the rest of the gang. Ever since then… it has been hell but, we’ll get into that sometime later. Hidan and I got together about six months ago. I would pick up my brothers from time to time at his place and obviously, he noticed me. Since the beginning, Hidan always had tried to get with me and I always rejected him. Because back then when I still had some sense I knew that he was apart of a gang, does drugs, sells drugs, and has a bunch of women at his disposal anytime he wants. So, to be with him (for the longest time) was ridiculous to me. I would never put myself through that… but then as years passed and my life getting no better… I became vulnerable. I became desperate.
           My parents fought and my dad was in and out of the house. My brothers being disobedient and getting in all types of trouble. And ever since my father’s untimely death I felt as though I had to carry my family. Whenever one of them was down or in a ditch, it was me who was there for them. It was me who heard them out, paid the bills… it’s like I sold my soul for my family. I sacrificed everything for them. And in return, I didn’t get anything back. So, I felt like nothing but, I felt like something when Hidan was around. He noticed me and gave me attention so I… gave in. And I saw that I could get something out of this.
           I turned and looked at him. He was still fast asleep.
It wasn’t love at first sight. Not at all. He didn’t woo me into it. Never really even felt a spark. This isn’t love. Hinata’s very correct. He’s nowhere close to being the one for me. But I am so empty… depressed even… The sex, the alcohol, the occasional drugs that I take from time to time….
I turned back towards the ceiling shedding silent tears. I muffled sobs with my hand.
           It gives me something to live for… and yet… it’s still not enough. I’m just using him. In high school, there was no one really there that peaked my interest. I only talked to Hinata; she was my only friend. No one even tried to mess with me because they knew who my brothers were and their reputation. So, no one bothered. And it wasn’t like I was searching for attention at the time. I was so fixated on taking care of my family that I didn’t have time to enjoy my youth and fool around. I had to grow up pretty quick. And take care of my mom. After my dad died, that’s when I became desperate and loneliness really became a burden to me. And Hidan kept bugging me.
           So, one day, I asked him, “What are you willing to give me?”
“Excuse me?” He smiled.
“What am I gonna get out of this?” I turned to him completely and played with the hem of his shirt.
           “I’ll take care of you,” He said. “Whatever you need baby… I got you.”
And I gave in. I gave into it all. I gave into his whole lifestyle and now I feel worst. I don’t want to tell Hinata because it would just kill her. And I wish I could but, I’m in too deep.
A/N: Please comment, like, share or whatever!
How did you all like the first Chapter? And don’t worry Shikamaru will make his first appearance in the next upcoming chapter. Hope you all enjoyed 😊
~ MissV
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