#unless i’m wrong and like idk
whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
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nattikay · 12 days
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leqclerc · 7 days
Looking at the way Charles’s Monaco win was celebrated by the entire team, the whole paddock, and countless fans across the world, it’s crazy to me that Binotto fumbled those three attempts (2019, 2021 and 2022) so badly. Especially the last one, obviously. I mean people will revere Vasseur now (if they weren’t already) and he will go down in history as the team principal that delivered that long-awaited Monaco win and helped Charles basically fulfill his destiny. If Binotto had thrown his whole weight behind Charles when it counted he could’ve been a part of that success
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natugood · 6 months
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
maybe some people will disagree, but i personally believe that to actually be an apologist/defender of a certain character you have to be able to hold them accountable when they fuck up
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Spoke to someone I don’t know over the phone, 11 dead, 32 injured
#I’m all flowery on here but in real life conversation I am the driest most uncomfortably pragmatic person alive#I’ve been scolded for being so task-focused that I forgot to say hello to the secretaries in high school when I went to do a task#or for having an “attitude” with my parents (often when I was purposefully trying to appear humble with an “idk” voice)#so I’ve amended that by fake laughing at everything and keeping my customer service voice on All The Time#0/10 it works flawlessly but I’ve also made myself into a socially anxious doormat#I’ve been the one to break it to people that their friend died on more than one occasion and I always feel bad about how I do it#I usually just blurt it out because I don’t know how to lead up to it other than saying “maybe you should sit down for this”#it would be wrong if I knew and didn’t tell them#so it has to be me… you know?#I’m so disconnected from any feelings of grief (I’ve never felt bereavement in my life) that it feels wrong for it to be me#because I’m physically incapable of sharing in their pain and emotions; I literally don’t understand it#but sometimes I’ll cry reflexively if I see someone else crying even if I don’t have any actual feelings for them or their situation#I’m more disturbed by knowing of people who are alive going through pain than I am by knowing someone died#because death is natural; suffering isn’t#unless the person is a child or otherwise very young#but if they’re old and lived a fulfilling life I recognize they’ve had a fulfilling life and hope that my life#is as fulfilling as theirs was when I go#I’m not afraid of death; I’d just like to not go before I’m good and ready#When I go away I hope that I WANT to go away; you know?
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augustsails · 7 months
I think my advisor is so neurotypical she cannot even fathom other people not being as neurotypical as her. Because why is she mad at me for doing exactly what I was supposed to do? I just didn’t tell her I had done it because she never asked, I was supposed to just know?? That she wanted me to tell her I did it?? So now I have to do it again and she’s giving the subtle ‘you fucked up’ vibes when I literally did exactly what she told me to do!
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rosemary-bells · 1 year
just absolutely Speedran reading the no doubt in us manhua. what’s life even
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
y’all i think i’m stupid. it’s gonna be will making the deal to free mike because that’s literally how a hostage situation works
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yvtro · 1 year
if you ever wonder why i post/reblog meta that contradicts each other, this is because i enjoy the variety <3 while there are some common threads in my readings, i’m not dogmatic in my interpretation. it’s what it is – interpretation, and i think many fans would benefit from similar attitude.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
hey just want to say you're really chill and fun, i wish i could be friends with you
actually, do you mind joining this discord server? its my friends group server for art and writing and stuff, i think you'd like it
here's the invite: discord.com/invite/aAEtfF7szX
ohh sure I’ll check it out! Tho I might not be very active depending on how big it is but tysm!
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Gonna leave my CV to my maybe futur job later today
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livvyofthelake · 6 months
why did my dad have to have his retirement party on a day i could have been going wonking instead. does he hate women or something goddamn
#can’t go after the party this man’s work is 40 minutes away and idk how long this stupid party will go on#and then our normal movie theater is 30 minutes from home in the other direction#and i refuse to go to a new theater i’m not spontaneous like that#the drive to the theater is normal on a regular day but the timing just sucks today#and tomorrow won’t work because my sister has stuff to do#and friday i have work. and saturday i have work. and sunday we have church and my aunts house#and then monday through wednesday we’re in pennsylvania#and then there’s new years to worry about#i do NOT want to spend new years with my dad and his sisters so i haven’t requested off work for the 30th in hopes i can use that as an#excuse to stay home. and if i stay home so might my sister#and THEN. maybe we can get wonking#unless my dad tries to be like oh but we can go on the 31st to go meet them! and then i won’t have a choice#unless i threaten to kill myself. but i won’t do that that would be crazy#but i don’t want to go to that. none of my cousins will be there my sister and i would be the only ones there who aren’t in their 60s#like. nothing wrong with hanging with the old ladies but why can’t my dad hang out with his sisters and their husbands alone.#why would you even want your two random daughters in their 20s there. weirdo#i know he’s just upset that my mom won’t go but like he knew the whole time she was gonna spend new years with HER sister. like get over it#hoping to get my sister on my side soon so we can unionize to not go. i know she already didnt want to but i need her to not change her mind#she has a tendency to feel bad for our dad when he wants us to do annoying shit. it’s her oldest daughter syndrome i guess. 🙄
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coldvampire · 8 months
ngl. unconsciously disengaging from this website has been hdjfkg kinda good for my mental health overall? like yes im still dhdjfjf left out of a lot of stuff BUT i see it less so that means my feelings don’t get as hurt lmao. functionally that’s more or less the same thing probably?
going recluse isn’t what i ever want to do (& I didn’t even do it on purpose, just got busy and had a low social battery because of it) but aside from me being overall comfortable by myself, it just kind of seems like it’s where people are content to leave me. doesn’t feel great but it is what it is.
#not rly on discord servers for the same reason tbh#got tired of trying to interject my awkward attempts at participation#I mean people can still @ me but i just don’t have it in me for the server stuff#my social perception is low enough that I can’t tell what the right move is but high enough I know when I fucked up#idk if I’m just not built for larger groups or if it’s something else :(#wish I knew so I could work around it but it’s not exactly a perfect experiment#so w/e. I do kind of miss it a bit but I also feel like my absence doesn’t make a difference#which is a sad thought in itself but that’s how it goes#idk I think in general I’m in a weird spot where I make an impression but it’s never a vital one to the dynamic ?#I do sometimes doubt like. what I bring to interactions in general lately#doesn’t feel like much if I’m being honest. I mean I think I’m at least moderately interesting but djfjf who knows#weirdly settled with myself as a person but I’m thinking that cost is probably an isolating one#knowing a lot of people just never breaking past that surface level#sucks. not much else to describe it as.#idk I’m sure this is bad for me but I think I’ve kind of already messed up first impressions#it’s so stupid but I keep encountering the same dynamic of either we Click fairly quickly or we just don’t really at all#and I feel like that’s wrong of me bc I know some people need time but unless that initial click happens I just seem to falter??#idk idk idk I guess lately it’s like I feel alone/lonely but I don’t feel like I’m wanting to return to anything#bc I never felt like I really had a place there to start with#weird feeling. very weird feeling.#logging back off now dhjfkf
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ceramicbird · 1 year
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finished reading harrow the ninth
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
guys can i talk about that fucking guy. clap if you think i should talk about that fucking guy.
(accidental ramble in the tags. oops. don’t read if you don’t want to read a crisis.)
#yo it's d :)#you already know who that fucking guy is unless you’re new here and that’s none of you so .#i need to start asking my friends if i can talk about that guy but it’s hard honestly#he literally takes up 50 to 80 per cent of my mind on a daily basis#even when i’m not thinking about him i’m thinking of him#i’ll see something blue and be like ‘wow! yk who really likes the color blue?’ and suddenly my brain is flooded with thoughts of Him#don’t get me wrong i love him but i realize that other people don’t care about him as much as i do so i’m trying to dial it back#still. it’s hard.#especially knowing that other people know how to contain themselves and i’m just sitting here raw out in the open like this#to be honest idk how i managed to survive school because since september i’ve kinda been living in mana hell(/heaven. depending on the day)#some people say they have addictive personalities and honestly i think that’s me#my brain is addicted to him! i literally study this man’s face and mannerisms and can tell you exactly how he smiles when his expression#is otherwise neutral. i can relay unnecessary amounts of his band history to you and have watched WAY too many interviews and videos#and the worst part? i literally told myself ‘hey! you can’t get like this again’* because the last time was really bad! it was destructive!#*(about a person.) i literally cannot function sometimes for just thinking about this guy.#i rarely listen to music besides his anymore and can literally tell you characteristic features of his composing! it’s kind of embarrassing!#like i’m a music nerd but i’m not THAT big of a music nerd. i usually can’t tell you things like that. most i can do is tell you#instrumentation. but whenever i listen to something he *mightve* composed i can automatically confirm or deny.#that’s not normal !!!!!!!!#having over *2000* pictures of a person you’ve never met in your phone is not normal!#but despite me being in the goddamn TRENCHES. i love him so so so much.#he genuinely makes me so happy. seeing images/videos of him from any time period makes me go ‘!!!’ because i think he’s the coolest!#and he’s so inspiring. he’s part of the reason i took up drawing again and regained some passion for music.#thus ends my tale of woe.
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