#unless the guild of DMs been planning somethin ages in advance in a complicated we
beedreamscape · 1 year
Wait doods... what if those other names in Luds' notes are of Architect Arcanes from other flying cities? Bc as far as we know, nobody except the ring knew about Laerryn's inventions or studies, hell people from Avalir barely knew what her regular work entailed.
There's only three names there but the three most relevant flying cities were Aeor, Avalir, and Zemnia — at least that we most often hear of.
Why the Architects? We clearly see "his" machines did something to the leylines and those people would be the ideal ones to contact (whenever, however it is he planned to do that, idc), giving their work material was leylines and ether gathering — and however they/that relates to the divine gate, maybe; Avalir's whole shebang with the extending lifespans unnaturally that Brennan didn't tackle in the game; whatever nightmarish horror show Aeor was up to.
Though one way to refute the anonymity of her plans would be if Aeor successfully infiltrated and discovered her plans and studies, and this is how Bolo is involved—
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