#unless you hc that he didn't tho of course!
ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
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@jeoseungsaja​​ sent in:
Hello I mentioned I was going to send more unprompted asks aND I'LL BE SENDING ANOTHER ONE RIGHT HERE WUIEHDIHD (I hope this is okay but pls feel free to ignore if it's not fitting or something of the sort!):
A thud resonates through; the sound of files harshly cascading down wooden desk, a desk which had to suffer the consequences of Hyuk's despair just a few days ago, when tears stained his face and hand slammed surface until becoming red with numbing ache.
You wouldn't guess he had a breakdown days prior just by staring at his stoic countenance, at those features that fight to stay composed and dry as he slides the files toward the end of the desk; toward the Black Knight.
So many words about their last meeting still unnerve him. It's like he knows, and how? Pigeon carrier. Solving a puzzle. Maybe he's overthinking this time around, unconsciously finding Patrick everywhere (no matter where he goes, a lot of things remind him of his best friend).
Speaking of unnerving, he also remembers the quiet wincing. And he remembers getting hit by a wave of worry. Why should he worry? Why should he care? His jaw clenches. He swore to himself he wouldn't care for anyone else.
"The files you wanted." He sourly addresses; files a little frayed and decayed due to the hands of time. There are new pages too; freshly printed ones that Jae-Hwan added inside. They were the one who got these files for Hyuk; the files of the disappearance of Shin Seonghun and Shin Chaeryeong. It didn't need a lot of budging...as much as he dislikes to admit it, Jae-Hwan is always willing to help (he had to hide the fact that the Black Knight requested them, otherwise, he's sure, they would've insisted on handing them themselves).
However, before the vigilante can take them, a palm grabs them and takes them back to the detective. "Why are these important?" Eyes narrow. "Why do you need these?" The Black Knight didn't expect Hyuk to give in so easily, did he? || a tale from long ago ( ft. unprompted )
If the Black Knight FLINCHES, he only hopes that the detective doesn’t notice. Loud noises- he’s learned anything from the course of five years and counting, nothing good ever comes out of sudden noises. Or surprises in general. But he can’t be that obvious, can he?
So perhaps as the mild literature professor, they know him to be jumpy, nervous despite a mellow demeanor. But the Black Knight isn’t any of that. Decisive, calm, and meticulous, they consider him. A far cry from the Shin Myungdae, the literature professor. They wouldn’t think to connect the two.
( Little do they realize, even a worm will turn. But between the Black Knight and Shin Myungdae, who is Patrick supposed to be? He certainly doesn’t feel like himself in either part. He wonders if Hyuk would know the answer. )
He glances at the leg of the desk. There are new skid marks on the floor, making a lattice with the older ones from their reunion first meeting. Behind the tall neck of his coat, Patrick frowns, watching his dear friend closely. Something happened in the last few days. His expression is even more sour and pinched than usual like he’s trying to cover up whatever is threatening to spill out. Did ANACHRON or even ARGOS do something? Did he receive bad news? The questions keep popping up like bubbles in simmering water and- Patrick bites the inside of his cheek.
That’s right, he’s not supposed to care. Slipping into the seat across, he grips the hilt of his sword tighter, not trusting himself to speak even when the files get slid across towards him.
He glances at the top. Just as he suspected; the sound made might have resounded throughout the room ( although that might also just be because the walls aren’t soundproof- Hyuk really didn’t pay much for this place, did he? ), but the files look more on the…thinner side. After all, their kidnapping was conducted by professionals- experts in the field who made sure the trail of evidence DISAPPEARED sooner rather than later. Or perhaps the police didn’t bother to look much into the case, considering that there wasn’t any family advocating for a search party. Just a seven-year-old boy and his younger sibling shoved into the foster care system.
Either way, it doesn’t surprise him that the police wouldn’t have many paper files on an unsolved case from thirty years ago. There wasn’t much to glean off of the digital records anyways. Still, he takes note of the newer sheets of paper sticking out between the yellowed pages. So there might be something NEW to gain from this after all.
Still. He waits, watching the files. There’s no way it would be this easy to get this information, especially not from Hyuk-
And right Patrick is. The files are snatched back before Patrick can even skim the top folder. Typical of Hyuk. Impatient for an answer. Even more impatient to wait for one.
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The Black Knight scoffs, legs crossing as he leans back. It feels unnatural, how he wants to take back that scoff, the cocky attitude. He shouldn’t be telling his dear friend this. He shouldn’t be seeing him, let alone going ahead with this partnership. The less Hyuk knows, the better; actually, it would probably be even safer if the Black Knight let Hyuk stay STUCK behind that wall.
“And you said you knew everything there was to know about him. But I suppose even the closest of friends keep secrets from one another, no?” In other words, you didn’t know him nearly as well as you thought you did. “If you exclude the fact they were both kidnapped by ANACHRON or the fact one was a researcher in the field of time travel, they’re no one special. Of course, there wouldn’t be much effort put into finding them at the time. They didn’t have much family who cared.”
The Black Knight shakes his head. “Well, save for their children, but I highly doubt the police would listen to a seven-year-old’s pleading. Let alone a four-year-old. One disappeared off the map a year later. And other, well, he was lucky for the time being- another family took him in and gave him a new name.” Patrick peers up at his dear friend. The moonlight is rising, tonight. A pair of dark brown eyes watch Hyuk, carefully. He’ll have to find a way to steal those folders out of his dear friend‘s hands soon.
“I think you would know THAT ONE’S NAME, better than anyone else.”
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come to think of it how do you think Branch learnt everything he knows?
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in TBT he says in the argument scene that after Grandma died there was no one left to take care of him confirming that he literally had no one after her death.
implying with everything else we know about his backstory that he Raised himself from a very young age likely 5 6 or 7 I'd assume based purely on his looks alone.
but thinking about it how could he have learnt how to do everything that he knows as an adult?
I mean I know some of it can simply be self taught but do you really think a little kid that age would be able to self learn everything that Branch knows as an adult?
like how to build an underground Bunker without it collapsing in on itself? and how to build a working lift in the Bunker?
and just basic stuff like cooking and maintaining a House by himself ( Hell I'm in my early 20s and I still struggle with a lot of that crap 😂😂😂😂 )
I mean do you think he literally is meant to have just been alone? or do you think its more a case where he didn't have a specific guardian per say.
but maybe he was still technically looked after by the village to an extent like he had people to teach him certain things and or bring him food and stuff that he needed to make sure he was still healthy.
but he still sorta just lived on his own and didn't interact with other people unless he absolutely had to due to how closed off he was.
some people like to HC Kismet as having visited him during all those years to check up on him occasionally and bring him stuff and make sure he was properly taking care of himself.
so maybe we could find out something like that was the case in a future film tho maybe not necessarily with Kismet as cute as that would be.
like maybe he did have certain people looking out for him over the years when he was a kid despite him closing himself off from everyone.
IDK it'd just be sorta cute I think he still has large gaps in his Backstory that DreamWorks could potentially work with in the future.
like maybe a future film does actually introduce a new character from his past during that period in his life who tried to look out for him or at least check up on him every now and then to make sure he wasn't literally dead.
as I like the idea of him maybe having a kinda surrogate parent figure in a future film who he didn't even really think of in that way.
but later on its pointed out to him just how much they tried to do for him as he was growing up even tho they had to somewhat do it from a distance given Branch's wishes of wanting to be alone.
like maybe they were someone who also lost loved ones to the Bergens and they were more understanding of Branch's grief and him not being able to move on like the rest of the village did.
plus they just had a basic human amount of empathy and could see it probably wasn't Right to leave a grieving traumatised little kid with nothing to take care of himself with.
and maybe over the course of the film he kinda slowly realises even during all those years he spent alone someone did actually care and at least tried to look out for him.
and Branch comes to appreciate them like family plus Bro zone would instantly like them given how they looked out for him when they weren't there.
so they don't judge the relationship at all and are just kinda happy for Branch. ( I mean they can't claim he's betraying their parents memory or anything he didn't even know them as far as we know )
but now I'm getting more into fanfic ideas territory than cannon based speculation territory lol.
I just want the next film to give my boy some Happiness and a cute little semi surrogate parent plot has been spinning around in my head for the past week now.
I just kinda love the idea even if it would sorta be a retcon to his backstory and more new characters for the future films to have to introduce and develop even tho the cast is already super full.
but like I said I just find the idea kinda sweet plus screw Brozone lol I'd love for my boy Branch to find a found family member in the future.
who actually did try and be there for him throughout the worst periods of his life even when the rest of the village may have saw him as a lost cause.
but like I said that's more fanfic idea territory anyway what do you think in regards to the main question of the post? 😂😂😂😂
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hi so i read your travis stoll x daughter of poseidon hcs and i was for a similar one?
connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon hcs? you can choose the trope but maybe featuring overprotective brother percy?
if not that’s okay too, thank you if you decide to do it!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon! reader hcs
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content: connor stoll x poc! daughter of poseidon! reader hcs warning: language, silly goofy times, someone is shirtless author's note: this one scared me, to be totally real. again, i don't really know if it is my place as a white passing mixed person to speak on this topic, so i wasn't sure if i wanted to do it. but, I figured screw it, let's give it a shot. and then from the moment i started it, i started to have fun, so thank you!! (tho if any one feels that it was wrong that i wrote this or something, pls pls let me know and i'm more than willing to take it down!!)
bro stole your heart and then wants to claim he didn't???? like, give it back that was MINE-
you guys obvi fell in love on a quest
it was a mismatched group but chiron just needed to send people to go get one of aphrodite's many, many combs.
so it was just you and connor on your way to maine, where she accidently left it on the beach totally not after hanging out with ares.
you and connor knew of each other but weren't like...close
but then you guys were riding the subway out of new york and when it jerked, your grip on the pole slipped and you would have been sent barreling into other new yorkers had connor not caught your waist and pulled you into his chest.
blushing mess, the both of you
that was the start fr
then it was the little bed and breakfast in maine
they only had one tiny twin bed left
because of course they did
but you and connor were so exhausted from fighting your way to maine that it didn't even matter anymore
"i'll sleep on the floor, lemme just grab a pillow-"
"are you kidding me?? con, we just fought off a hydra for like thirty minutes. you can't keep doing this quest without back support. c'mon, promise i don't bite," you argue, instantly.
connor stared at you for a few seconds before his eyes flicked to the tiny bed and then back to you
"i'm not gonna fight you on this. bed, now. unless you want to sleep in wet pajamas because i will bust a pipe if you sleep on the ground."
"okay, okay, calm down, aqua girl."
"that's ms. aqua girl to you!" you joke and connor laughs, shaking his head as he slipped into the bed, squeezing off to one side as best he could
you followed soon after, also trying to give him as much space as possible
there was some silence, just the quiet slow breathing from the both of them and the distant sounds of the waves of maine
"good night, y/n"
"night, connie."
the next morning, connor woke up before you did, feeling strangely warm and a heavy weight on his chest
he forced his eyes open and looked down, realizing your head was now resting on his chest, your tight curls sprayed over his sleep shirt
his arms were naturally draped over your waist and both of yours legs were tangled up with his
connor blushed, feeling like he was tangled up in the softest seaweed
he wanted to move away for your dignity but he caught one whiff of that distinct ocean smell in your hair and couldn't bring himself to pull away
which led to an awkward breakfast
both of you blushing idiots as you retrieved aphrodite's stupid comb, mentally cursing the damn thing out for causing all this trouble.
but then, ever the confident one, on the train ride back to camp, you kissed connor
he kissed back bc he's not an idiot
if a pretty girl kisses you, you kiss back
those da rulez
let's just say they were grateful for aphrodite's comb after that
also girly totally forgot it on purpose to get the two together, change my mind
ANYWAYS you had told connor that you could not tell percy under any circumstances
he was crazy protective of his baby sister
no guy even tried anymore bc percy would just kick their asses during train and pretend it was just to make them better
no it was to keep them away from his sister
he just didn't think any one was good enough for her
so, you and connor snuck around
which connor was perfect for, being a son of hermes and all
he had mastered the art of sneaking at a very early age
though, he got better as he did it with his pretty ocean girl
so, obvi, you guys were fooling around in the poseidon cabin
percy was supposed to be gone for at least another hour, helping someone with something that you didn't care to listen to
connor's shirt had been flung somewhere else and he was working dedicatedly on getting yours off
that was, naturally, when the door swung open and percy waltz into his cabin, stilling as he saw a shirtless, lip gloss covered, connor stoll on top of his sister
"...hey, percy, what's up, man?" connor started, trying to offer a bright smile
percy's eye twitched before he lunged forwards, connor scrambling out of the poseidon cabin, still without his shirt and his pants falling out slightly
"I'M GONNA GUT YOU!! GET BACK HERE!!" percy scream after him, pursuing the son of hermes
"I'M SORRY BUT SHE WAS JUST TOO CUTE!" connor called back with a laugh, darting behind a beefy son of ares and his daugther of apollo girlfriend
"what ever it is, i didn't do it!" travis replied, confused, but throwing his hands up
"not you," you told travis who nodded his head
"ahh, percy finally found out?"
"yes- wait, how'd you know?"
"please, don't be rude," travis taunted with a wide smile
"boys, boys, you're both pretty," y/n mused, laughing with travis
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xanasaurusrex · 8 months
Helloooo could u please do Poseidon cabin next? My hc is that they can be either very chill like typical calm surf kids and super relaxed (like calm and relaxing waves” or unhinged af like chaotic, super fun in a bit of crazy way and overall more energetic and like yeah unhinged (like Percy). Lil obvs usually overall the same calm, go-with-the-flow kind of kids but also either very chill or very chaotic. Wanna know what u think tho… so yeah. Poseidon cabin if u can please?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ poseidon cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! of course i can do poseidon cabin hcs! i honestly have a lot of ideas about poseidon kids. thank you so much for the request and i hope you like these!
i totally agree with you that there are two ways a poseidon kid can turn out
1) totally chaotic (percy)
2) totally chill surfer kid
there are a few people who are a mix of chaotic and surfer, which makes them actually really fun to surf with, but only perodically, because while surfing with them is fun it can also be kinda scary at times
continuing on with water sports
poseidon kids are naturally really good at any and all watersports
they can often be found as the captains of swim teams
and very good at waterskiing and waterboarding
a go-to job for a poseidon kid is lifeguard as well, obviously
poseidon kids also don't eat seafood
some people find this confusing and some people find this obvious, i personally think it's obvious
it's because they can understand what fish are saying, so they don't like eating them
if you ask them why that bothers them, they'll say "you know what people are saying, would you eat them?"
not the most sound logic, but they're not exactly known for that
all poseidon kids have natural beach waves
poseidon himself definitely has beachy wavy hair, and he definitely passes that onto his kids
just like hecate and athena pass on their eye color to their kids, poseidon passes on his hair
poseidon kids are hardly ever seen wearing shoes unless it's absolutely necessary
they just naturally feel more comfortable barefoot
(the darks are a-barking)
ignore me
they love spending time at the beach, obviously
little beach creatures always manage to find their way to them
like you'll look away from a poseidon kid at the beach for about two seconds, and look back, and they have a little crab in their hand
sometimes they can look a little crazy, because they'll start having conversations with these little creatures
another thing about the beach with poseidon kids:
yknow the thing where whenever you leave the beach, you have sand just everywhere
they don't
it's something to be genuinely envious of when it comes to poseidon kids
like, they'll shake out their towel and there will be no sand on it, and then it's just done
it's definitely magic, a gift from their godly father
poseidon kids also hate aquariums
most aquariums don't treat the fish like they need to be treated, so going to an aquarium is kind of traumatic for a poseidon kid, because they can understand what the fish are saying
a kind of universal traumatic event for any poseidon kid is going to an aquarium on a field trip in elementary school (not yet aware that they're the child of poseidon) and hearing the fishes beg for help to be liberated from the prison they were being kept in
and when they got to the touch tank, hearing the fish beg to not be touched, things like that
like any and all poseidon kids ran around ripping everyone's hands out of the water, begging them to stop touching the fishes because they didn't like it
needless to say they got picked up early that day
poseidon kids also tan really easily
like, they'll fully walk past a sunny window and get tan
like for the full summer season, they're tan
they also stay tan for a really long time, so they're honestly still tan into like spooky season
poseidon kids are also very good at throwing parties
it's their chaotic side
they know where and how to get the best decorations, where the best spot to set everything up is
(and where to get good alcohol without getting caught, but you didn't hear that from me)
poseidon kids are the definition of horse people
not all horse people are children of poseidon but all children of poseidon are horse people
not in a cringy way, either, they just connect with horses more than any other animal, which makes sense because they can hear them and can have real relationships and conversations with them
they do often look a little bit crazy if they're seen at the stables fully having a conversation with horses
if they return to the stable where their horse is kept after spending all summer at camp, they'll go around catching up with all the other horses
they're also naturally skilled at riding horses
like if i jumped on a horse right now, i would fall off and die because i've never done it before and horse riding is a skill (according to the sims 4)
poseidon kids could go literally their whole life without riding a horse, and then jump on one during a quest and ride perfectly
the favorite movie genre of poseidon kids is also westerns, because they generally have horses in those movies, and they can understand their neighs
they think it's hilarious when a horse makes fun of the actor in the movie but no one but them can tell because they can understand what they're saying and no one else can
they look like crazy people watching westerns
at the camp movie nights, whenever it's poseidon cabin's turn to pick the movie, they pick a western, and are laughing at the most inappropriate times in the movie, because the horse just neighed in the background and he was making fun of the actor guys! the horse thinks this makes as much sense as we do, trust me, he has a really good sense of humor
going back to the aquarium thing a little bit, poseidon kids are also not a huge fan of zoos
this is because they can understand zebras, and zoo animals are also not treated the best
sometimes they're treated better than aquarium animals, but poseidon kids are always hesitant to go to the zoo, or just any place where you go and look at animals of any kind for fun
they can't help but think how they would feel if they were in that position
so basically poseidon kids have the hugest hearts ever
and they're very brave as well
and basically the coolest ever
you should probably be friends with a poseidon kid... if you're not already
alright that's all for poseidon kids! this was super fun, i had a bunch of ideas for poseidon kids! i want to thank everyone again, for all the support i'm getting on these. i've decided to start writing for harry potter characters, because i'm binging those movies and have a bunch of ideas, so these might be coming out a little bit slower, but know that i'm working on them! if you've requested one and i haven't posted it yet, just know that it's in the works. thanks so much for all the support and requests, i love you all so much!! muah!
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juannaflippa · 6 months
random total drama reboot sexuality headcanons (made these while listening to laufey)
priya is pan, she just kinda knew she loved any and all genders. demiromantic, falls in love at first sight but always thinks twice about if its a crush or not (it never is). uses she/they. scared to tell her parents
millie gives lesbian tbh, never felt attraction to a guy. had crushes on girls and always brushed them off until she was like wait. holy darn i'm gay what the flip okay. also demiromantic, just like, never has crushes but knows she can
julia's bi. idk she just like, likes girls. she's never dated a girl but she lowk wants to, never told anyone
hear me out. mk, aromantic. always joked about how she was too busy with her tech to be into romance, then she realized she wasn't joking. also lesbian and nonbinary
nichelle is THE closet lesbian my god, straight on air but lesbian off set. got caught on a date with a girl once and literally had to make a whole 10 page insta slide explanation (everyone skimmed it, no one even cared, literally everyone still thought she was still straight UNTIL she made the post.)
axel is just so lesbian to me idk. her and ripper get together in season two tho so idk but i still live by the lesbian hc tbh
scary girl is just. scary. idk man she's not a girl or boy they are just an essence. unlabeled, asexual, probably uses any pronouns because as long as you're scared she don't care
emma is so transfem to me she is just a trans girl trust me. she's also bisexual and uses she/they. chill about telling people she's bi, but doesn't really bring up that she's trans unless she trusts you
raj is obviously gay. felt more free when he realized. lowk forced himself to have crushes on girls to fit in, like just thought you could choose someone and be like "yup ur my crush now"
wayne is either the BIGGEST straight ally ever or aroace. idk he just gives aroace vibes to me, also faked crushes. raj and wayne would LOWK be jealous of eachother for actually having crushes on girls ☠️
bowies gay of course. always just kinda knew, very very open about it. get's bullied for it sometimes but he doesn't care (the other person always get BODIED by his insults if bowie feels like it)
damien is transmasc and bi, pretty open about it. he doesn't mind telling people cause he doesn't care if they hate him for it. always shocks people when he comes out, he finds it funny
chase is so transmasc oh my god he has literally never told anyone and he is scared to. also the HARDEST bisexual closet case my god
zee idkk like maybe genderfluid bisexual asexual and uses any pronouns.
ripper is an on the low bisexual. wants to held by a MAN
anddd caleb idk probably straight ally
non sexuality related but
emma listens to laufey!
emma and chase havent come out to eachother about being trans. emma told chase about being bisexual and chase just kind of ghosted her for a few days
raj is autistic and wayne has adhd
damien listens to tyler, the creator
axel is def hispanic, she got that puerto rican blood in her i swear
damien got snake bite piercings
chase still payed for all of emmas subscriptions after they broke up ☠️
chase was buying tampons for emma and deadass asked her "babe what size yo pussy". she blocked and ghosted him for a good week
emma is an avid minecraft player, lowk got chase into it (they had a hardcore world for THREE YEARS and chase got them killed by a creeper when they were making a bakery for emma because he SWORE emma was paranoid for wanting to wear armor)
bowie used to be a track kid
emma tried to go vegan for like a week before she quit
damien is probably autistic
chase used to work at one of those kiosks at the mall that sell shitty overpriced sunglasses
priya has watched total drama more times than she can count. her parents didn't let her watch any other shows until she could memorize all the lines to island, action, and world tour if she was LUCKY
chase is a kpop stan
that's it. that's the post. same time next week guys???
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tacky-jack-with-a-hat · 2 months
I have brought angsty stuff here ya go >:)
-New York can’t walk some days due to misaligned bones that never healed, courtesy of England’s A+ parenting
-NY is TERRIFIED of fire. For like. Many. Many. Many. Reasons.
-Texas works so so much that he’s literally always in some sort of pain. He won’t admit it of course. He’ll just limp his gangly ass through the rest of the day 🫠 (dude someone help this poor man 😭)
-Texas is also always some form of unwell in terms of illness. Like- bro is always running a damn fever or cough, and even nausea is pretty damn common for him
-hangovers are REALLY bad for Loui, especially since they don’t happen a lot. He’s always got a mind-splitting migraine, and he’s extra snappy towards everyone, which he feels really really bad about later :(
-loui has lost sensation almost entirely in his left shoulder and upper left arm due to the burns from Deepwater Horizon (did I mention that they were instantly infected due to the nasty crude oil-)
Trigger warning for angst although if you read the post you probably already know
•7/10, I actually grew up in England. I never made headcannons bc I think they would be too dark. There's so many things I could get into detail with but for now I'll just say if England was a person, they definitely would be abusive especially emotionally. Also as you were reading this the English have robbed your house, and now it's in the British museum.
•9/10 Fear of fire is justified.
•8/10 someone get Loui to sit this cowboy down-
•100/10 concerned, poor Loui would be the worst hungover. Not only is he constantly drunk but the states probably trust him with so much information because of how calm he usually is- not only would he be snappy but he would also have no filter say something personally hurtful even if he didn't mean it.
Texas asking for advice: just- I don't know what to do?
Loui *with a migraine*: go to therapy, your dad isn't going to love you either way
Texas: ...
Texas: yeah you're right (ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)👍
•I didn't know what Deepwater was but I looked it up and found out it was an oil spill that killed 11 people, injured others and damaged wildlife. No one has served jail time for what happened. The families of the victims are still alive. I don't know much about it but I personally feel uncomfortable with ranking this hc.
Your other hc's are great tho and I do enjoy talking about darker topics just not real ones involving real people and death. Unless it's the submarine. I don't know why but I don't feel the same way about the submarine. It confuses me
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discocandles · 1 year
more customer service voice Damian hcs, bc it's been a bit.
After learning the "regular citizen" voice, Damian decides he has to master more accents and dialects, in case he's on a mission away from Gotham and needs to blend in. (This is the son of Batman we're talking about, of course he plans for these things). Over the summer Damian travels to large cities around the world, and familiarizes himself with their way of speaking.
Cass found out very early on and decided she's going with Damian, bc I think Cass would enjoy sightseeing. But after they were caught leaving for Moscow(and after Damian explained that he was doing this for research at least 7 times) it was decided someone should supervise them. Dick patrols Bludhaven, so that was a no. Jason and Tim were automatically out. Steph went to supervise them, but was exempt after they were arrested in Seoul. So Duke ended up being supervision, unless Dick was available to go with them.
This doesn't mean they didn't get into chaos bc of Duke. No, it's bc with Duke, they can be invisible and not be caught doing the chaos. Duke does enjoys the trips with them tho, mostly for the sightseeing and food.
One time, Cass convinced Bruce to join them(how, no one really knows. Cass is just magic like that). And they had a good time in Rio de Janeiro, tho Bruce was almost recognized a few times, and he would sometimes try to sneak off and work. Unfortunately, Cass's attempts to invite Babs weren't as fruitful, mostly bc she didn't understand why Damian wanted to actually go to those places instead of learning it through the chatter radios of those areas instead. Damian's only response was that it wasn't the same and being there changes everything about it.(he was actually doing both methods).
Damian, Cass, and Duke do run into Talia at one point. She was intrigued as to what her son was doing in Melbourne with Cassandra, and the newest child Bruce had taken in, but is by no means unhappy to see him. Duke on the other hand, is scared to meet Damian's mom, given her reputation. Damian and cass being so nonchalant about meeting up with her probs didn't help.
There was a small "hi, what are you doing here? Huh, what a coincidence." Type of conversation. And then Duke sticks out his hand and says a (very awkward) "it's nice to meet you, Ms. Al Ghul." Which Talia shakes and says (also very awkwardly) "Uh, Talia is fine. And nice to meet you as well, Duke." Then leaves. Damian was surprised, he's never seen his mother so blatantly awkward before. He's seen her at a loss for words, but she remained elegant as she pondered what to say next. But in that moment, she was shy and dare he say nervous. "Thomas, what did you do to my mother?" "What? I dunno man. I was more worried about her glaring a hole in my skull."
The only trip that Damian went on with someone besides Cass was his trip to England, bc he wanted to go with Alfred. While he knows Cass would do fine, Damian wants to learn as much as he can, and learning from someone who grew up there and is close to him is his best bet. This of course took a lot of work, bc as everyone knows, Alfred Pennyworth is the backbone of the Batfamily, so convincing both him and the rest of the family would take some time and effort. But after a promise from Bruce to not be up to his ears in work while they were gone, Babs noting she will enforce that promise, plus Jason and Duke vowing to protect Alfred's kitchen at all costs, Alfred went with Damian for a week to visit the UK(by far the longest trip Damian went on).
And while the trip wasn't perfect(Damian almost beat a man bloody for insulting Alfred, and lots of bad weather), it was by no means a bad time. Damian picked up the accent and slang almost automatically, Alfred met some of his old friends. By consequence, Damian learned a lot about what his grandfather did before meeting the Wayne family, which he will not retell in a promise to Alfred(but he will say he knows just to mess with the rest of the family)
Did Wayne manor crumble in Alfred's absence? Surprisingly no. For the first couple days, Bruce made good on his promise to take care of himself, but by day 4, Babs had to entirely disconnect the computer when it was time for Bruce to sleep. And if Cass didn't guilt-trip the hell out of him and Steph didn't bully him, he probably wouldn't have fully left the bat-cave. Duke and Jason were able to protect the kitchen for the most part. Jason often made the dinner, and Duke catered to the random cravings of the rest of the family. They did have to call Kate for backup twice, but the smoke alarms never went off.
Overall having to fill Alfred's shoes was a good bonding experience for the family, though not one they would ever try to replicate willingly.
So I think that's all for Damian Wayne's summer world tour.
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Hello Skye, I hope your doing well in your life and of course you having a good health, may I please request a react from modern au Sanji and Thatch (separated it can be platonic or romantic) with a s/o roommate who doesn't eat well? Like before these two arrived to their lifes they have been eating junk food, takeouts, instant food or basically none though work and studies and when these two finds out they are in absolute disbelief and horror cause c'mon these are chef's and legitimately refused to let them eat trashy food anymore and they took it upon themselves to make sure their roommate eats full healthy meals every day. If your ok with this then ok if your not then that's ok too I understand. Thanks for reading me
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Sanji and Thatch with Roommate! G/N! S/O that eats Unhealthy Food
Summary: Deciding to live with you, your boyfriend found out your pantry and fridge filled with unhealthy food! Nope, they would never let you eat those crappy food when you got him to cook for you!
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Blackfoot Sanji:
- Oh boi, you eating junk food in his presence??
- No can do!
- He'll immediately take away ALL of your instant food and fills your fridge with fresh ingredients.
- You tried stopping Sanji from taking your favorite chips but he just push a fucking strawberry into your lips and say "Don't worry, love. You don't have to worry about unhealthy food anymore! :D"
- Gosh, Sanji is definitely 100000% husband material like have you seen those magnificent cooking skills? Not to mention how he looks in your frilly apron 🤭
- Your food everyday would be better than those 5-star restaurant, no kidding!
- "Gosh, I'm craving for some (insert food) right now :/"
- Your wish is Sanji's command! Before you can look at your boyfriend, he's already in the kitchen whipping up some delicious food just for you~
- And of course, you would always thank the man by complimenting his food and maybe give him a little kiss too.
- Man's over the moon whenever you did this XD
+ Luffy and the rest of the gang will probably crash at your place just to eat Sanji's food.
+ Sanji's not impressed to see the boys savagely eating his food while in your presence!
+ As a gentleman, Sanji will treat you, Nami and Robin with his delicious food. But yours was noticeably a little more special 😉
- Upon seeing your pantry, Thatch will be like (ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ)
- You dare eat unhealthy food when he's here!?
- Nah, just kidding. Thatch won't scold you, maybe just a little though
- He's been in this situation before, having to deal with Ace and Haruta's junk food tendecies in the past (They're still eating junk food tho, just not when Thatch was near them lol)
- Anyway, Thatch, just like Sanji, would replace every unhealthy food you have with the freshest ingredients he could find
- You can see him leave in every early morning to the Farmers market with his cute grocery basket <3
- Thatch is a world class chef so it means that you will have world class food too, every morning, afternoon and evening.
- He will not let you have junk food! Not unless when you gave him your cute puppy dog eyes, then he will let you eat some. This doesn't happen very often though
- One time, you tried to cook for him and that didn't end well. Thatch just laughed at you and comforted you with whatever food you're trying to cook
- And yes, Thatch will definitely teach you how to cook :)
+ Just like the Strawhat gang, WB gang will also crash at your place
+ Ace and Haruta will try to sneak some junk food for you everytime they visit
+ But Thatch always caught them tho
+ Then he made the two wash the dishes as you, Thatch, Marco and the others chill at the living room with Pops telling you guys his fond memories from the past
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Hello, Anon! I am doing well, how about you :3? Also, enjoy these HCs made especially for you!
(The rhyme tho XD)
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Hi hi! I was the Yan Manny and Yan matpat anon! And thank you so so much for doing them! They turned out fantastic u did such a good job 🥺🥺❤️❤️/gen!
If you don’t mind another ETN request (cuz beainrot lol) could you separate Yandere headcanons for Bretman, Oli, and Tana? Take as much time as you need!
(also can I be called 💋 anon)
Hi!! Ty for the kind words, and of course you can be called 💋 anon! Trying another format (again tee hee 🤡) so hope this came out okay!
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-Soft yandere enjoyers pspspspspp
-I love her sm. Like actually you know yandere or not she would treat you right
-She's another yandere that would want to protect you from anything that could harm you :)
-The problem here however is that she want to protect you from EVERY little thing. You get a scrape and she acts like you just died/j
-She doesn't really like seeing people get hurt, preferring more if she could just be left alone with her darling but yk how some people are
-I feel like she would be very two-faced as a Yan.
-Soft and sweet around darling, but scarily stoic around those she deems a threat.
-only on rare occasions tho, she's not overall that violent
-oh and totally unrelated but she would absolutely give the best hugs backtotheheadcan-
-girl treats her kills like it's a normal thing or something you would be proud of (why aren't you proud of her? She did it for you... ☹️☹️)
-like actually just coming home covered in blood and being like "heyyy bby 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️"
-more manipulative than physical, although not over the top since unless she sees a reason to she would prefer not to have conflict
-11/10 would recommend
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-why is everyone from etn so 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💓💓
-no but actually he's so nice and protective of you and ajskfjdkka
-poor guy has no idea what he wants to do because he feels all these things for you but doesn't really know how to process or act on them?
-he'll figure it out in the end don't worry
-he loves you sm but unlike other yandere's (mat) he'll be way more shyer and toned down with his affectionate
-he doesn't want to try anything but one thing you'll definitely notice is that he's always hovering around you
-the affection he does show (in public, at least) will be something subtle like holding your hand or sprinkling in little compliments here and there
-would probably have a heart attack if you got voted into a challenge
-you make him go "🥰🥰😳😣" but also "😰😱😖😵" if that makes sense
-mainly concerned for your safety tbh and aims mainly on keeping you out of it rather then defending you from it
-more physical than manipulative, no offense but bro wouldn't be able to manipulate a fly 🙄
-also gives great hugs, mans a walking body heater and no I don't take constructive criticism
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-woah there power couple, chill 🙄
-he'd be more possessive/obsessive, because yeah he does worry sometimes a lot but he knows that you can kick ass if you were in a situation where needed
-don't take that the wrong way tho he wouldn't hesitate to step in if you want him to or he feels it's gone too far
-he'd help you with makeup and stuff like that for sure. I mean c'mon, he's literally a beauty influencer (normally)-
- he would be really good at hiding his yandere tendencies, no one really notices and those that do think it's just innocent
-bro usually comes to YOU for hugs bc like remember earlier when Oli was your human heater? It's your turn bestie
-he likes holding your hand because in a way it's kind of like a mark but subtler?
-akkwjs you two lock pinkies constantly and he almost starts crying bc he adores it sm <3
-he likes wearing lipstick sometimes so when he kisses you it stains
-lmao random hc that he did one time but you didn't know and when y'all came back to the group everyone was looking at you like '🤨'
-he mainly tends to manipulate than do the physical stuff, but he wouldn't hesitate if it came to it
-also 10/10 we stan a ...male?boss?
-iajsnajak sorry I'm not too sure I got his character right
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There you go, 💋anon! Sorry it took so long, I was very busy today 😣 Hope you liked 'em!
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oswaldsleftbicep · 1 year
Hello hello hello and good evening.
Me myself and I, currently being around my five years old cousin watching pokemon, were wondering how you would see Levy and Kaim (they're just so fine for me tbh) around toddlers. Or how u see them as toddlers. I reallllyy would like to know if I could be able to stay with them for 5 mins or not. I personally like kids alot, maybe it will change. But I do not think so. Yet.
Have fun and take your time hun<3👶
how levy and kaim would act with toddlers
i've experienced many kinds of toddlers, some of them are great, others tho...
also i went with the toddler age range (1-3 years old), but if you'd like me to write about an older age group lmk!!
genre: crack, fluff?
cw: toddlers. the terrible twos. children.
❧ mans sometimes has the temper of a toddler
❧ so he'd get along with them in that sense :)
❧ jkjk
❧ i don't see him as someone who would openly admit he wants kids, i do however see him as someone who gets baby fever
❧ he'll see a cute kid while in town, or he'll read about a baby in one of his books and he gets to thinking
❧ but if you asked him to babysit, he'd have a strong preference that the kid be well behaved
❧ he and mefy are too close in age for him to have much experience with caring for toddlers, and the next youngest is kurt, but i hc that he didn't start working for lucia/living in the mansion until he was at least five
❧ if the kid is chill and well behaved, he'd be so down to just read to them, maybe do play with some educational toys
❧ he's not bad with kids, he just handles them better when they're well behaved
❧ if the kid is rowdy, levy is at a total loss lmao
❧ he's trying everything: food, toys, books, playtime
❧ i don't think he could be able to distinguish what a child wants unless he's spend plenty of time with them
❧ like if he's just babysitting for the day? forget it
❧ if it's a relative or his own child? he is a quick learner, very intelligent
❧ he's too headstrong and stubborn himself to get the kid to do some things tho, like eating their food or getting them to put on pants
❧ lord help him if the child is teething; the moment he sees the kid with one of his books in their mouth, he gets the most disgusted face ever and swears right then and there to never have kids (he's being dramatic of course)
❧ back to the temper tantrums, i could see levy getting pretty overwhelmed at first, scrambling to figure out how to deal with them
❧ but then he thinks back to how lucia used to comfort him and even mefy during tantrums; the memories are pretty faint but they're enough to give him a good starting point
❧ he's intuitive, able to pick up on little things after a while of studying, but he can get into his head too much and overanalyze and jump to the wrong conclusions
❧ so pretty much, if the kid is well behaved, great!! if they're a trouble maker, yikes, good luck levy; definitely prefers older children who know not to put things in their mouths :/
❧ a godsend, this man can handle anything
❧ need him to babysit? sure thing
❧ he deals with lucia, his brothers, and kurt on the daily, what makes you think he can't handle an actual toddler?
❧ i like to think he's been serving lucia's family for a while, and has at least grown up with lucia and was there when levy and mefy were growing up, which gave him experience with different age groups
❧ he has a way of making the most rowdy child behave, maybe it's just that glare he has lol
❧ like i can just picture a child screaming and thrashing around and kaim standing there unimpressed like -_- and the kid slowly calming down and stopping cuz they aren't getting the attention they wanted
❧ he'll stick to a strict routine for the kid with appropriately and strategically scheduled meal and nap times
❧ he knows the best schedule for the child that will make the day go smoothly and with minimal hiccups
❧ of course, tantrums and sour moods are inevitable, but kaim is always prepared
❧ he's great at distinguishing between cries and screams and is able to get whatever it is the child needs
❧ if the kid is teething, he always makes sure there's a few appropriate teething toys withing grabbing reach of the kid at all times
❧ he's not one for playing, but he'll supervise and guide the kid through educational puzzles n stuff
❧ what he lacks in emotional connection and sensitivity he sure makes up for in strategy and basic care skills
❧ if he's just babysitting, the parent will most likely be surprised at how calm their child is upon return and asks kaim to babysit again some other time lol
❧ he expects to be paid.
❧ if it's his kid, he's so strategic with everything; he operates on a strict schedule and that flows over to his child as well
❧ this is great in that the kid is always kept busy and cared for, but if that schedule is disrupted for whatever reason
❧ meltdown. full blown meltdown.
❧ he can handle it tho :,) most of the time at least lol
❧ there have been a couple kids whose meltdowns really got to him and drove him near insane
❧ he doesn't like talking about it lucia teases him for letting a three year old get the better of him
❧ tl;dr: he's great with kids, knows exactly how to handle them and how to get them to behave, although he's not the most openly sensitive and emotionally caring; he tries harder if it's his kid, or a kid he cares deeply about
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hello, hello! I come with a request/prompt/whatever you call em
so, I have this hc that wherever the dark and light side are divided, there's a barrier (Patton's responsible for this, he made some not so nice decisions) and darks can't go to the light and lights can't cross to the dark and all that
unless they get accepted, of course
now to the actual prompt lol
this would be Remus centric mostly and with his pov
all three dark sides love each other a lot, Virge wants to see the light side mindscape because... yeah, so he goes and gets accepted, what he didn't expect but should've is that now he can't go back to the other two, so, when they meet on the outside world, Vi and Jan talk and Virge convinces Jan to get the others to accept them so they can be together (so like, can lying be good, I think)... Remus isn't aware tho, he wasn't there when they spoke and they never found the time to tell him they've been so busy
but he sees the effort Jan is putting into getting accepted, how often he goes out and all that, and the thoughts that come with being 'intrusive thoughts' convince him that it's because Jan got tired of him and wants to go back to Virgil because he likes him better, he wants his friends to be happy, so he lets it be, thinking it's the best
the lights are on board, Logan likes Jan and Remus, he thinks they're interesting and Roman wants to be with his brother again, Pat is the one that required a bit of convincing but they got it eventually
when all is set and done Jan and Remus go to the barrier and Jan crosses over and Remus, thinking he isn't and won't be accepted because the bad thoughts say so, doesn't even try
then Janus realizes Remus is still on the other side and then all comes back and he realizes he never really specified that Remus was coming too
cue the sides finding a way to get to the dark side to fetch Remus, who's very confused at seeing everyone there claiming they came to get him, as is bound to happen after being alone with his thoughts and the effects of his room for a moment too long, and tell him that they love him and would never leave him behind on purpose like that, he and Virge hug, Jan apologizes and they live happily ever after
was this too long? idk, sorry if it is
i want you to know how much i loved it :)
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mrstsung · 2 years
Random shang tsung hc blurbs. Dont mind me I'm just throwing out my own hcs and interpretations.
To my knowledge. Shang tsung was never specified on what and whom the gods he worshiped were. All we know if they are more likely fell/dark powers. (Hence his curse to take souls according to the og bios)
Then again NRS changes shit up too much so its up for grabs n free real estate at this point for storytelling/hcs. :/
Kinda makes more sense he started out just as a very excellent warrior. Was taken from his home and forced into service by shao kahn. He was forced to fight for outworld and given an opportunity to learn dark sorcery. Either that or risk death. Of course he chose the magic. But at a price of course.
The magic he learned and the gods he paid tribute to granted him very powerful magic at the cost of his own very soul. Thus making him almost immortal and impossible to kill truly.
Buuuuuut this also in turn forced him to collect souls to not only replenish his health but a never ending cycle of cheating death.
I like to think it was a combo of the fell god powers he worshiped and the elder gods that cursed him. He can't die thus enter the heavens. But he can't enter his gods dominion either. He is basically stuck. And if he does "die" he is sent to the void.
Which he can be brought back anytime via thru magic or other powerful beings (i.e kronikas bih ass)
Tho at first he probably needed to replenish the souls a lot more than of currently. I think this is due to him getting used to the magics effects.
In other words. Shang tsung can go longer without feeding on souls now than in his apprenticeship days. He can stretch out their use.
And he can do small "nibbles" at a soul so to speak. So its a slower process but it keeps you alive longer to have him feed at you. Without completely killing you.
Course he'd never do this to his beloved. Unless in dire circumstances but even then he's not so very keen on it.
Only his enemies have this "privilege" of having them being slowly drained like an iv drop,lol.
But shang doesn't get "THAT" drained easy. Otherwise he would have perished a long time ago.
On leisure,in my hcs,his souls i can muster an average of one lunar year per soul. 3 yrs max Stretch for one soul.
This can increase or decrease depending on other factors. But this is average
He can hold jars of 5,10,15,50,and 100 souls. Think of them like minor and max healing/energy potions in a game.
There are special and specific jars that hold certain beings,like other kombatants. Then there is some poor unfortunate souls(tm) which he uses to heal.
But on the flipside which is some cool shit.
Canonlly to my knowledge. He can also in return give back a soul. Heal. Bring back the dead. Etc.
So if he really wants to. He can legit bring back any character to life and restore it with a snap.....he just chooses not to.
But here's a really interesting thought. What if. Shang. Keeps certain souls not only to use them (this is shang,he is a bit self serving) or even heal himself (honestly thats not by choice so eh) but sometimes he just doesn't want them to leave his company? Like i hc shang gets lonely very very easy. And he has hella separation anxiety. But especially more so if he likes you.
I think maybe its his years of being in outworld,forced to serve shao khan. And basically live a life he never wanted in the first place.
Not to say he didn't want greatness,or to be the strongest warrior,nah that was always a dream and goal. But shang to me comes off a as a character forced to play a role he never wanted but said "fuck it,if I'm gonna be a mofo sorcerer,I'M GONNA BE THE BEST MOFO SORCERER YOU EVER SAW!"
Like i feel shang tsung could be "good(ish)" if he chooses to. It's just too damn easy for him to be sneky sneky. Because that's out of survival. Like bih is just lonely,sad,and depressed. But he lashes out,takes souls,and is the best magic man because he HAS NO CHOICE.
It's either get good or die (which is mortal kombat in a nutshell) and he chose to get gewd.
Growing old may also have been a fear growing up for shang. Maybe he had too many people he loved,cared about perish in his life before servitude.
Maybe that's also why turning to soul magic was so damn easy for him and why he excelled in it.
God there is so much potential storytelling for shang tsung!
But nobody's going to do it! Damn right NRS ain't doin it.
Again villains/antagonists aren't born. They are made. How was shang made into the gorgeous cobra we all know n love? What was his downward spiral? I neeeeeed to know people!
💚Come on kombatants,it's for science.💚 (You get a cookie 🍪if you know this reference from the game)
So that's why i made some hcs to fill gaps. Still a w.i.p but ya know.
Again shang you gotta remember don't have anyone,ANYBODY.
Nobody is his friend,he has tons of enemies. Even other big bads don't trust this guy.
That's what makes this both sad as all hell. And also hilarious af when they HAVE to have him help them because if they don't their fucked.
Anyways enough rambles. Hope your day goes good 💚
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aquanology · 2 years
I'm speculating, yet again....
So since the 19days chapter realsed a day or two ago (maybe even three depending on when this gets done and then posted), I wanted to share a few thoughts and some opinions along the way, hope you enjoy.
So the cliffhanger Old Xian left us with is making me worried about Jian yi, for several reasons being:
1. She li is somewhat and somhow on par with He tian, or atleast close to him power/skill wise (still less strong than He tian tho).
2. I know Jian yi has been training with brother Qiu for a while now but we don't the typ of training he went through, was it training him to run away and have as much stamina as possible, was it to defend himself in case someone caught him and tried to kill him, or was it a training to teach him how to kill? (Or make someone lose their consciousness/beat'em up)?
Brief Answer(?): The most likely one is that he is trained for two of them one in particular he is very good at, also the one he won't use, running away. Whilst the second is defending himself (it could be fighting rather than "defending"), why am I so confident you ask? Well simply because he won't show up to She li's invitation to specifically get beaten up (or worse..).
3. Even if Jian yi can take on a few of the gangsters that are helping She Li, which I doubt for a few reasons:
A. All of these gangsters (including She Li) have weapons and I'm not sure if he can handle that ( weapons like bats and whatnot)
B. She Li in particular is not a nice fighter who plays clean, he always uses some dirty methods like using knives and other dangerous stuff to just win, and I'm not sure if Jian yi can handle a stab or two...
4. You can call me a hopless romantic who enjoys love interests coming to the rescue of each other, but I think Zheng xi will come and try helping Jian yi afterall he promised to protect him, didn't he?
5. I know I said you can call me a hopeless romantic but really I am but a mere hypocrite, hence my upcoming contradictory point here, which is brother Qiu is gonna be the real champ here and save the day. Since Jian yi is highly limited to his small experience in fighting (street fighting) and there is only so much Zheng Xi can do, and also because Qiu is supposed to be protecting Jian yi. While yes I know that the relationship between HT and HC is very complicated it doesn't have much to do with Qiu's job to protect Jian yi ( it kinda does but you wouldn't expect him to not protect him, unless I'm wrong which of course, doesn't happen.)
6. I think for the next chapter or the one after (or the after both of these) we will see HT and Mo chilling.
So that was a hard task, of course this took three days or so(maybe four) because I'm lazy and I also have a life, a sad one, but still a life nonetheless. Hope you can take this with a grain of salt since I'm no God, Goddess or author of this magnificent series, I'm only a fan like you guys are and I'm doing this for fun. If i git anything right then that's great and if didn't, well that's also great, just means Old Xian is unpredictable. Hope you guys are having fun with climate change horrors we're experiencing this year <3.
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mercyburned-aa · 1 year
some k.aeya thoughts -- very heavy s.poilers for 3.5 !
I had this theory that K.aeya was directly connected to the abyss because, while redoing the beginning quests on my EU account, there’s a moment before Di.luc shows up in his domain where Ka.eya speaks directly to an ab.yss mage and says something like “the hi.lichurls couldn’t be responsible for this themselves which means YOU must be behind it” so he knew all the way back then — confirmed when he says in this quest “so what if I know my ancestry”? (slight possibility he's referencing having just found out, but i doubt it.) i half-think his quip about diluc's involvement was to throw us off, looking back at it, BUT he also seemed to be having a confrontation with the a.byss mage though there are a few reasons going either way as to why.
But also I was half right about my HCs that he doesn’t have much of a connection to k.haenri’ah because it became less and less a part of his life as he grew up. However I don’t think for half a second he was actually in su.meru to talk to spice merchants about some tavern agreement LMAO. jean would never send him half a world away to sample alcohol. I don't think the part about k.haenri'ah becoming more distant in his life was entirely a lie, as ... people grow up and change, but --- i don't think it became as unimportant as he implies, even though i don't think he hated life at da.wn winery and with the friends he made so much that he dwelled upon it constantly either.
what stands out to me is how forthright k.aeya was with l.umine (since i play her as the traveler i'll be referencing her, y'all know i mean the traveler) about his surname. he absolutely would not have said that without a good reason imo. k.aeya, who's been SO secretive this entire time and who's SO crafty / strategic, just happens to make sure he's in sume.ru at the same time as lumine... and he just happens to drop his surname so casually? nah. I don't buy it. he's keeping a whole lot more under wraps. ( and that might, indeed, have been a ploy to force d.ain to stop hiding in the shadows and come confront him directly -- i think i lean this way since k.ae calls him out on skulking around anyway ).
d.ain has obviously been keeping tabs on him since he orders k.aeya's favorite m.ondstadt specialty, lmao.
i think d.ain knew that k.aeya already knew the truth (or had suspicions about, anyway, maybe knew some) about his ancestry, and he put him on the spot like that to test him. clever of k.aeya to immediately call himself "someone from mo.ndstadt", but also a bit sus.
i think he has memories of time in the abyss and/or something or someone else related to that, but without the piece of information d.ain gave him, he might not have fully made the connection. i also don't believe for a second that he actually thinks his father left him in mond "to have a nice life." he lays it on a little too thick there. but cut off from what tho? cut off from what "certain things", kae??
also -- potentially confirmed k.aeya was not born in kh.aenri'ah, so there goes my cryo pod theory rip. d.ain calls him the descendant of the founder of the abyss order, and c.hlo.thar didn't start to go mad until a few centuries AFTER the cataclysm. so kae could not have been born in kh.aenri'ah, unless d.ain was calling ch.lothar the founder before he ... actually was the founder, which is a little asynchronous but i guess not unreasonable? they're at least from the same clan/family line though perhaps. ca.ribert is tagged as his illegitimate son (though he later calls him just "my son"), so k.aeya's line could be descended from a legitimate marriage, which would make c.aribert sort of his half-brother. i'm not entirely sure i think c.aribert and k.aeya are specifically connected, though of course they could be. "descendant" seems like a strong word for an illegitimate child, though -- technically correct, but if the al.berich clan was nobility, something tells me they might not "count" an illegitimate child. of course, i could be wrong on this.
i don't think he's involved with the a.byss order, but i don't think he's not involved with the a.byss order. remember he also claimed to have "linguistic prowess" at one point while getting information from the a.byss -- which he gave to l.umine and which turned out to be true.
"mama" was definitely the female skeleton buried in the field. interesting how her burial plot was used to grow those weird mushrooms -- not sure about the connection there though beyond that.
and i have...half an idea about who "he" was, the voice inside the h.ilichurl temple, but it almost sounds too bizarre to be possible? something about the way "he" spoke though reminds me of k.aeya, making me wonder if "he" is related to him in some way.
i think he's playing an extremely dangerous game with the a.byss and using his position as leverage of some kind. i think his friendship with and loyalty to people like jean is sincere. i think there's a decent chance he knows where a.ether is or at least has some decent guesses.
anyway, on a lighter note, i don't think he had any bad intentions when he snuck away to s.umeru, and i think he felt guilty when he came back, but i think he was probably just a too-clever-for-his-own-good kid being impulsive, scared, and reckless.
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sk2lton · 2 years
hello! 💘 can you do general hcs on how it would be like to have epel, sebek, and cater as your best friend? thank you 💗
being best friends with epel, sebek, and cater!
꒰ note: please forgive me if this is ooc! i tried my best to keep it in character but i haven’t written in weeks and my city is still trying to recover from the large storm so i’ve been tired! please enjoy tho<3 im glad to be back and have the motivation to write! ꒱
— warnings: gn! reader, none
— characters: epel, sebek + cater
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✿。 epel
— having epel as a best friend would no doubt be interesting. it would take him a while to consider you as his best friend. nothing against you or anything, but it probably takes him longer to form a close bond. there's no rush anyway. nonetheless, once you're best friends he's not letting you go! you can decide whether or not that's a good thing.
— he'll talk to you about his problems a lot because he really cares about what you think. even if he doesn't end up listening to any of your advice, he's still glad he consulted with you. obviously, he'll do the same for you and your problems too. as your best friend, he wants you to feel happy so if something is ever standing in the way of that, he's sure to solve it to the best of his abilities.
— he shares his lunches with you, especially if you didn't bring one or don't have enough money to buy lunch. he's also the kind of friend who would order for you if you were too nervous too, however, if you were just too lazy to then he probably wouldn't! epel also has traditions with you as his best friend. these traditions are usually on holidays, and they're things like dressing up as x and watching y movie with snacks!
✿。 sebek
— sebek wouldn't even realize he thinks of you as a best friend until you call him your best friend, then he's suddenly like, "oh, we're best friends. that's the word for it." he doesn't talk very much about problems or stuff like that, however he's fine with listening to you rant. he doesn't really think he'd give the best advice, but he'll listen and occasionally speak up.
— he really likes doing things with you whenever he's free. it doesn't matter what it is, but there's nothing more entertaining than having fun with your best friend, right? additionally, he'll go out of his way to acknowledge when you've done something well. he's also the first to notice your personal improvements (such as grade, going outside more often, whatever it may be), even without you telling him!
— sebek wouldn't really express his care towards you unless you were away from him for more than two days and suddenly he's in shambles. who else will hang out with him? who else will entertain him with stupid things? however, he would be reluctant to admit he missed you. but it's obvious by the way he acts when he sees you again.
✿。 cater
— as your best friend, cater subsequently is now your biggest supporter, whether you like it or not. he's constantly there to remind you how amazing, funny, or intelligent you are, whether you need assurance or not! when something goes wrong, he's the first one to the scene to help you out. no matter what it is, he'll be there for you. you're his ride or die and there are no exceptions to that.
— he's the type of best friend to just randomly show up at the place you live, his bag in hand, and announce he's sleeping over. so, sleepovers are mandatory. he also does every single magicam best friend trend with you and posts it (with your consent, of course!).
— cater likes to brag that he's your best friend. to him, being somebody's best friend is a title that far surpasses anything else, and because of that, he would drop everything instantly to help you. he also has entertaining ideas whenever you're hanging out. they're usually random and on the more spontaneous side, but even so, they're never scary.
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hanniejji · 3 years
[ diluc x little sister!reader ] [ kaeya x little sister!reader ]
anon: can you make hcs of being both kaeya’s and diluc’s little sister?
notes: i didn't know whether you want me to write separately or generally being their sister but i did both neways hehe | m.list
warnings: fem reader
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the more affectionate brother!
pampers you and smothers you as if you're a little kid lmao
he's the chill bro who teases you just because he can
why do i get the feeling that he'd order you around when he's lazy with the "im older than you" excuse
more relaxed and carefree around you
encourages you to do things that you want to try and is always around to support you despite his busy schedule at work gjsjf
accompanies you when you go shopping or want to try a new place
trains you sometimes and shows you the more fun and easy ways to fight a bitch
would invite you to join the knights of favonius but diluc says no lmao
kaeya sneaks you a drink or two because diluc thinks you're too young for anything alcoholic
always has lunch with you and diluc if possible when he has the time
"so, is that the lucky guy that you like?"
"what? no!"
"young lady, i know a liar when i see one. so, what's he like?"
gets you involved when he messes with diluc because diluc can't get mad at you fbskfh
genuinely glad that you didn't try to cut him off after what happened when you were younger, he almost lost diluc, he didn't want to lose you too
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he might not accompany you in your outings, but he's always around if you ever need a break from kaeya's annoying ass lmao
gives the best advices and helps you when you need it
he might not be able to guide you when it comes to emotional things, but he gives the best hugs so that doesn't matter
he's more strict and serious in training you when it comes to fighting, mainly because he's scared that if he or kaeya doesn't teach you how to defend yourself properly, you might get hurt
he doesn't want to lose another family
scolds kaeya a lot every time the latter drags you to dangerous things
if you visit him in the tavern, he'd teach you a few things in bartending if you're interested uwu
but no alcohol for you young lady
"but im old enough?"
"not unless i say so"
can't get mad when kaeya does something wrong because you're usually involved lmaofbwid
"stop hanging out with kaeya, you're starting to sound like him"
if he sees you interested in something, he immediately buys you things related to it or asks you if you want to sign up for a lesson or training gksjfi
definitely does not want you to get involve in his nightly routine
but you're aware, of course, he can't exactly lie to you either
"it's dangerous and i don't want you to get hurt because of me"
glad that you're still around to keep him and kaeya intact won't admit that though, because if you weren't, he for sure does not know how to get on with life without his only family
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how are you still sane? these two will drive you crazy with how many times they fight over who's the better brother
when they were younger, they'd baby you and smother you with love because you're the only female in the family ekfjso
im sorry reader but you're going to have to be matured and strong-willed enough to stop them from fighting each other
you're probably the only reason they're still talking to each other
you're also their messenger
"tell your sorry excuse of a brother to pay his bills in the tavern or im not serving him anything"
"tell our dear brother that he shouldn't make me pay, i'm family after all!"
"i wanna go home"
archons forbid if anything happens to you, that will only be the time they ever agree to something
"did you find out where this guy lives?"
"you don't have to ask, ive known since this morning"
like your brothers, especially diluc other nobles try to ask for your hand in marriage but all of them are rejected lmao
both are protective of you
kaeya's a little more relaxed than diluc tho
"you let her go? on her own? have you gone mad?!"
"she's old enough to go on her own, she's not a kid anymore"
brother diluc and brother kaeya? more like mother diluc and father kaeya—
if you're ever upset, they team up to make you forget whatever made you sad
you're Spoiled™
both have heart eyes for you when you achieve something you've been working hard on or just genuinely happy
you may or may not have the power it takes to rebuild their connection, but if you try, they might put their past behind them to be a family once again :')
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