utcmmoments · 1 year
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When thinking about this blog moment, what comes to mind is the line from Jay-Z song allow me to reintroduce myself? My name is Nyesha LOL!!
This year I made a commitment that I was going to Just Be!! I said to myself what does JUST BE mean? Well, you know what I did YUP I went to my good friend google & this is the definition of "JUST BE":
To JUST BE means allowing the flow of life and the world to move as it will, without the need to control, and acting when inspired to do so.
It means being open and receptive to the truth here, to the love and the peace available.
All I can say was ALL RIGHT!!!!!
When making the commitment to “JUST BE” I consciously decided that I deserve to feel & be free. I will continue to push to be the best authentic version of myself.
So, with that being said my name is Nyesha Bridges and I am committed to “JUST BE ME”.
What commitment will you make for yourself today?
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utcmmoments · 1 year
There was a moment in my life when I felt alone, broken, and misunderstood. I felt like I was being left in a dark forsaken hole with shackles against my feet, not letting me search for the freedom I wanted. I was depressed. My body — especially my mind — had tricked me into thinking I was something I was not and that was a FAILURE. These feelings made me cry myself to sleep, starve myself, and even attempt to harm myself. Well, I am here to affirm that DEPRESSION and LONELINESS did not WIN.
 Let’s take a moment of the thoughts in my mind.
I felt like I couldn’t speak my own mind because of how much every single thought I had corrupted me. I even felt like I couldn’t control my own body. But I put my foot down and took control right back. I always had trouble communicating with others — especially my family. So, you can imagine how hard it was for me to tell my own mother how I wanted to harm myself. She found me a therapist that provided me with exercises, but honestly, that didn’t work. I made up my mind that the only person who could make me feel better and know my own worth was me. I decided that I would be open and honest with someone whom I could trust, who would not judge me, but most importantly wanted the best for me and that was my mom.
I’m an honor roll student who has stopped stressing and overthinking about the little things that I should not be stressed over.  I’m not saying I don’t have bad days where I may feel stress or overthinking creeps back up, because I do. But, what I can say is that I am a better me today compared to what I was in 8th grade.
Written By: Zahir Williams (Guest Blogger)
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utcmmoments · 2 years
“Walking In Next”
The first word that comes to my mind this very moment while writing this Blog Moment is the word “Pressure”.  As you may or may not know I am big on definitions, so I decided to look up the word pressure and the definition states continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it. Immediately what came to mind after reading this definition was the pressure cooker process.
Here is the pressure cooker step-by-step process and how I equated it to W.I.N. (Walking In Next):
Step 1: Place the content to be cooked inside the pressure cooker (Acknowledging and understanding your next).
Step 2: Take the weighted pressure regulator off and close the lid (Knowing that what you are about to experience will not be comfortable, but necessary for your next).
Step 3: Wait for the pressure cooker to gain pressure (Staying in God’s word to keep you from not throwing in the towel as you are waiting in your next).
Step 4: Reduce the heat to a lower level so that the pressure cooker continues to simmer and does not whistle (God is getting ready to propel you forward, so be ready with a posture of walking in next).
Step 5: Release pressure (Allowing what God has poured into you to be released through Your Obedience +Your Faith= God’s Promise
Just understand that this process or journey is not easy, but if you are willing to step into it God will walk you through it.  
As the songwriter, Jekalyn Carr says “Everything attached to me wins”
So, from this day forward, I am Declaring that we will W.I.N. (Walking In Next)!
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utcmmoments · 2 years
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“Waiting Process”
So, for weeks now I continue to hear the word process, I mean almost every day. I know we have all heard the tagline “Trust the Process”, but I am learning that it has to go a little bit deeper than just trusting. It felt like an Ah-ha moment to me. I started asking myself questions like how am I waiting in this process and what I’m doing while I’m waiting in my process. There’s so much power in the wait.
There have been so many different feelings that I have been going through. This thing called life is not easy, but all that we go through is necessary. Understanding that your foundation must be strong in what you believe in. My foundation is God’s Word. I would equate this strong foundation to a building having to withstand a heavy storm or hurricane. When you think about it, for a building to have a strong foundation there must be a process that the builders go through to ensure that the building is built on solid ground.
If the contractors use materials that are not strong and just throw anything together without the proper layout it won’t be solid, nor will the building be able to withstand anything that is heavier than its foundation. It’s the same thing in God, you have to lay a solid foundation in seeking and meditating on His Word daily. This way when the flood of the storm comes you are able to withstand the storm that will try to take you out. Always remember that no storm lasts forever. Let’s continue to lay that strong foundation that will guide us through our waiting process so we can continue to trust the process.
Shout out to my sister Alexis Smith for a powerful quote “Patience isn’t a destination but a journey”
Written By: Nyesha Bridges
Edited By: Tammy Richardson
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utcmmoments · 2 years
Welcome to my blog! 🌻
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utcmmoments · 2 years
In this season of my life, I find myself always finding revelation in certain things that I may encounter. Last year I traveled on an airplane for the first time in my adulthood. Yes, I said it stop judging me LOL!! I was so excited to be traveling with my husband to Las Vegas for a weekend getaway.
As we are getting settled in our seats the flight attendant gets on the PA system to give us instructions which there were quite a few instructions that were given.  The one that made me stop, pause, and look up was when she said in case of an emergency make sure you “put your oxygen mask on first before helping others”. It made me reflect on how for so many years of my life I would always pour from an empty cup. Giving everyone all of me and having nothing left for me.
I can’t give you the exact date and time when I had to decide whether I will just continue to run dry or be willing to die of who I was to birth who God has called me to be. There was so much impact behind what that flight attendant said before taking off.
I understand today that I am more valuable to my family, friends, and community when I decided to love myself more first. While being willing to walk through the door alone rather than trying to carry the weight of people on my shoulders.
I AFFIRM that:
Pause in this moment and write what you will affirm today! DROP those affirmations in the comments…
Written By: Nyesha Bridges
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