fruitiermetrostation · 5 months
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Apple Icon by Uriy Premudrov
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simena · 2 years
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Uriy Martinchuk
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aeterna8amantes · 4 months
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In honour mode Astarion dumped my tiefling barbarian Urii for being a miserable, manipulative, maladaptive fuckboy of a bottom.
They ended up remaining friends somehow, so Urii brought him Cazador's broken body as a gift like a mutilated bird a cat brings for its human. Somehow, Urii rebounded upwards and got Halsin to go goth for him.
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Much debauchery was had by all, and our awful, tadpole-eaten lads 'saved' the world with a hope, a prayer and a huge pile of explosives. Don't ask what happened in the epilogue...
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stariekis · 2 months
URII WHERE ARE YOU🙁🙁🙁 I MISS YOU BBG🥺🥺🥺 hope you're doing ok and I'm not pressuring you to come back if your resting! Take care uri💋💋
my baby 🤏🏻 i'm doing fine i'm just resting a bit ): i also have a few exams next week so I'm preparing for them too but i'll be back next week ! sorry for being so inactive and thank you so much for asking, i'll answer all the asks i have when I come back <333 ☝🏻⭐
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inabusire · 5 months
- La ce te gândești în noapte, când rămâi singură?
- Am început să scriu sub formă de dialoguri doar ca să pară că m-ascultă cineva. E ceva din aerul vremurilor noastre care emană un damf bolnăvicios, ceva ce oamenii sensibili resimt dureros. Îmi e greu să-mi păstrez mințile. Mă simt dată peste cap, răsturnată, stingherită-n locuri în care nimeni nu m-așteaptă, încercând să mă mint că negrul e alb. Niciodată n-am avut o singură nuanță, iar ce lor li s-a părut definitoriu, îmbrățișând prejudecățile, mie mi s-a părut a fi doar o altă fațetă.
- Erau niște versuri... "Sunt o grenadă eficientă/ Te poți autodistruge cu ea sau arunca în aer lumea asta dementă." Încă n-ai învățat să te aperi?
- Nu știu ce să fac cu lucrurile bune din mine. Nu știu cum să mușc, să lupt; sunt agresivă și sfidătoare, dar e doar o atitudine ce răsare în clipe ultime, ca un fel de reflex extrem de respingere.
Dă-mi putere, Doamne, să nu uit gustul adevărului, să nu confund ceea ce este cu ceea ce pare și nu-mi orbi ochii oricât de tare mi-aș dori să pot să nu văd. Limpezește-mi mintea în clipele în care disper și simt nevoia căderii; nu mă lăsa pradă urii, fiindcă știu că-i asemeni unei găuri fără fund. Ajută-mă să rămân ceea ce sunt și să nu-mi mai doresc să mă pot anula, să dispar ca și cum n-aș fi fost, să șterg urmele mele pe care-am călcat plângând, privind cum toate pică. Când noaptea mușcă din carne, alină-mă. Am uitat că suntem suflete. În zilele de-acum, nimic nu mai are însemnătate; ne sărutăm pătimaș încercând s-ascundem nimicul din noi, să ignorăm prin plăcere sunetul pustiu din vintrele noastre.
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itspronouncedfeckyou · 6 months
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ousama · 2 years
📋 characters in your funny little furry anime
WOO OK ITS BEEN A MINUTE SINCE I WATCHED ETO LET ME SEE im not opening the tiermaker site im lazy
S. kirinda ofcourse. cream. CHOCOLAT and all her forms
A. pakarachi!!! monk. tart.
B. pochiro. souffle. gao. nyorori. urii.
C bakumaru. drago. fucking forgetting the princesses name she's fine too
D hols sorry.
F i don't hate anyone
id rank the other cats separate but idr each individually very well i like them tho. so they just count as chocolat for this
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ajpdamms1225 · 1 year
URII collages
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libertineangel · 1 year
The leader of the Yapathian Horde managed to conquer a small pocket of space before succumbing to the ravages of age, and after a short period of infighting a successor emerged whose agenda focused on maintaining those borders and building a solid infrastructure rather than rapid conquest, and so it seemed the threat was over for a while.
At this point the galaxy had been almost wholly subjugated between two major powers: the Oxanalytoran Alliance, a militantly evangelist republic, had vassalized almost the whole of the galactic west, and stood as the galaxy's primary diplomatic power, while the hegemonic Rak'Thalak'Nak Imperium and its subjects held approximately two thirds of the galactic east, as well as the loyalty of the powerful Empire of Plumbia in the south-west. The Combined Halfliferan Stars and their federation still clung on to their independent territories as best they could, but the once-great Uriy Mandate had lost the vast majority of their space to the formidable warriors of the Lozavatan Imperium and its vassals; those groups between them held the remainder of the east, leaving the Kodranitan Accepted Mark as the only independent power worth considering in the galaxy.
The Kodranitan commanders were considering various plans for their next battles, making preliminary plans for incursions into Halfliferan space, when they received a most unexpected transmission: their western neighbours, grovelling pacifists known as the Pictling Tranquil Compact whom the Oxanalytoran conquered while the Kodranitan were otherwise occupied, made a secret pledge of fealty to the Accepted Mark. A similar message had been received some time ago from an inconsequential enclave calling themselves the Sacred Mollarnock Confederacy, but it deemed worthless in comparison to the military investment required to enable it; now, however, going to war with the west would be far easier and net them far greater gains.
Plans for the Halfliferan federation were scrapped, and the admirals readied themselves for a challenge.
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marrutu · 2 years
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Petic pentru viata
“Mi-am cârpit ciorapii și o bluză-n cot, Însă fericirea să mi-o cos nu pot M-am dus în oraș să cumpăr o ață, Să pot coase, zile, nopțile la viață
Mi-a zis o băbuță: Ce te străduiești? Ce-ai pierdut! Pierdut e! N-o să-l mai găsești! Poți cârpi pe tine,toată îmbrăcămintea, Sufletul nu-l coși! Inima și mintea!
Soarta nu se schimbă, dar poți îndulci Fiecare clipă! Poți! Cu bucurii. Și mai poți c-un zâmbet să aduci lumină, Casa mulțumită ! Lumânări în mână!
Omul în necaz, să-i întinzi bănuți Pâine la flămânzi, papuci la desculți. Nu te mânia, când ți-or răde-n nas Urii nu-i lăsa, lângă tine-un pas.
Nimeni n-are voie! Nicicând să îngrădească! Binelui o ușă! Iubirii, fereastră! Coase dacă vrei: Flori și cer pe ie, Clipele să-ți treacă, cânt de ciocârlie!
Pune nod la lacrimi! Punte fă-i la dor Și-or părea ușoare, toate câte-ți dor. Nimeni nu-și cârpește inima rănită Nu întorci din drum, viața rătăcită!
Nu răsare soare, când e miezul nopții Nu poți fi pe plac, așa cum vor toții. Însă poți rămâne: Om de omenie Viața rai lumesc pentru tine fie!”
Elena Căruntu
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kirinda-ondo · 2 years
Eto Ranger Characters That Need Therapy tier list when
I've thought a lot about it but that would be very hard to actually rank
Backstory Gang (tm) and Urii definitely top tier tho I think
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leacuri · 25 days
Să lăsăm Învierea să ne ridice deasupra singurătății, urii și disperării...către putere,frumusețe și fericire. Să lăsăm sufletul să se înalțe, să simțim bucuria CREDINȚEI și a speranței divine.Numai într-u Dumnezeu viața ne va fi mai ușoară, plină de armonie și liniște. Dumnezeu să ne ocrotească pe toți și să ne aibă  sub paza SA. Sărbători fericite cu bine și pace în inimă. HRISTOS CU ADEVĂRAT A ÎNVIAT.
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nash-21 · 1 month
After a long time isn't? I know I know. I am in love so irregular with this. Didn't even thought that I would be in love again
This has been a just a ride I would have to explain each and everything. Here am I about what I felt.
Going to follow up with a story a girl who has a life of unexpected turns which she crossed with courage and now a independent proud women.
I have been always a person who believes in love always. Love is a different feeling. Makes you feel that there is someone in the world who is waiting for you to call you or is there at a place wanting you to be there for him/ her.
We both were in love in past were we didn't got the love we wanted or the commitment that is given to each other. My story and her story is different yet quite similar when it comes to getting hurt in life. She has been hurt from her friends and the then special person in her life were she was too much into him and yet the guy didn't realise this and left the picture (good for me ;)
She thought of killing her as she experienced love for the first time in life ending in this way which is long distance with so little talking and conversation with each other.
Love is quite funny sometimes. You are there for them but they aren't is that really love? For me it's not. Love happens both the ways. You being there for that person at the same time the person is there for you.
She felt heart broken and it was so intense that she couldn't bare thinking she would be alone in life. Her friends blaming her for all the fights they are having is quite unbelievable. Now knowing all these the guy left her. Obviously no one is like me ;D haha.
However she was broken and wanting to be around someone she can love and give the love to someone. She didn't fall in love for anyone till now until she did in 2023.
The pressure of her sisters marriage and her mom's health created so much undeniable situations that she wanted to be with someone who can act as a barrier for peace. However this time there was a guy who not only gave her pain but with that additional situations of fake account and abuse with words and a lot of things were he was dating with someone else. She being innocent cannot understand if he is telling lies and truth ( innocent she).
She being with her starting to talk to someone who is HANDSOME... COOL... CUTE... LOVELY... NAUGHTY.. and a LOVER...She felt good with him.. Felt life is in place.. Felt she can be loved.. Felt she can be in peace...The guy made a lot of efforts to express the love he has for her. Getting that love from him she felt in the top of the world. She is getting happy everyday until once day when she say him in person.
Instantly felt in love. However she told everything about the existing guy and finished things with him and coming to him.
After they saw each other magic happened. She left that love. Even the guy felt that someone loves her. Magic and full magic happened after that day. There was a lot to know about each other during that time. However the first impression was exact as the guy wanted as it was important for him to put that on her but he realised that it was not necessary as she never was into looks or anything however she likes stars with bodies...humm humm. However she loves the fact I workout and have nerves which she checked every now and then.
A lot to write about all these however one at a time. Just to finish this with one song dedicated to her. Ami bhaundule ghuri je amake bhasbe bhalo tar aakashe urii ami tor aakashe urriii <3
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Ucraina, “la telefonata di Putin” e il trattamento Dostoevskij: ecco il supplizio dei “desaparecidos” rapiti dai russi
KIEV – “La chiamano la ‘telefonata di Putin’: è quando ti attaccano gli elettrodi ai testicoli e ti danno la scossa”. Uriy Andreev si accende una sigaretta. Sorseggia un tè. Sembra calmo, ma un inferno gli brucia le viscere da otto anni. Te ne accorgi quando ti fa vedere, furibondo, orgoglioso, il suo tatuaggio sul braccio: “Figlio del Donbass”. source
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cmosneagu · 6 months
1 Decembrie nu mai este Ziua Națională a României. România a capitulat. E Ziua Ocupantului României #ArmataRomână #MărețuluiConducător #PalatulVictoria #României #StatuluiTotalitarRomân #ZiuaOcupantuluiRomâniei https://bit.ly/3N7QSb9
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hopernicus · 6 months
Nesfarsita poveste a iubirii si urii
Pedepsit cu un poem in aceasta nesfarsita poveste a iubirii si a reversului ei, un produs Saga, marca Adrian Grauenfels ! Felicitari dragi tuturor…
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