wwwdlabrie · 1 year
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🎄🎅🏿🥳Holiday $ale (Until 1/3/23) Get @DLabrie #USAsia Album Exclusive on @bandcamp #LinkinBio (Will be available for Streaming soon) #DLabrie who frequently Tours through #Asia to Perform, NETW3RK, Record, Film Music Videos, Movies,,Guest DJ as well as Educate on #HipHop releases 22 New International Songs...Produced & Remixed. by "Mr Cruzeo" (Japan DJ) GO to #Bandcamp (Swipe Scan QR) Celebrate the coming #NewYear 2023 by purchasing Great #NewMusic like this or classic Album #MrNETW3RK + New @rdv_promo Singles & @DLabrie #Merch 🧢"I create 25/8 👕 All $ale Discount Prices #RonDavouxRecords #RDV #RDVpromo #Holiday #Sale #HolidaySale #NewYearSale #NewYearsSale #NewYearsEve #NYE #NyeSale #Endofyearsale #Fashion #Brand #Japan #Korea #China #Thailand #Vietnam #Phillipines (at Asia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmvcZIvSurZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohplagg · 7 months
I Love Yoo Timeline Part 4/4
The Timeline
This is part 4 of 4 of my I Love Yoo Timeline as of Episode 241.
Part 1 and 2 consists of laying out all the detailed evidence with descriptions, screenshots and episode number.
Part 3 consists of explaining the evidence, connecting the dates and some math because the I Love Yoo universe (the Yooniverse, if you will) uses letters instead of numbers to represent official years.
Part 4 is the I Love Yoo Timeline.
If you havent read the previous 3 parts of this mega post I highly encourage you to go check them out before continuing since up ahead I will be writing and explaining under the assumption that you have read the previous 3 parts.
All the events are placed where they are according to the evidence. I will not be providing much explanation in this post as to why things are placed where they are in the timeline so if you need explanation go back to the previous parts.
I also won't be adding most of Shin-Ae focused events otherwise the timeline becomes unnecessarily messy.
And lastly, I won't be mentioning every single event that has happened in current year of the story (20XX), only major events. If you want a more detailed timeline for present year this old reddit post that goes up to episode 146 has more details.
While I was finishing writing this timeline AugmentedElle from reddit published her own version of the timeline (Elle, if you see this, big fan. I don't have reddit but big fan) which has some parts I disagree with based on my interpretation of the evidence but her timeline is so well written and easy to follow + it's more detailed than mine that I honestly do recommend checking it out as well because Elle did a way better job than me in that regard.
Without further ado..
Cheat sheet
Because the Yooniverse uses the alphabet instead of numbers to keep track of years, it's hard to really grasp how much time has really passed. This is why I created this little chart where it lays down the year with the number equivalent and the age each character had in each specific year.
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Dieter, Soushi, Maya and Rika were born the same year as Shin-Ae.
Sang-Chul and Alyssa were born the same year.
Meg was born the same year as Kousuke.
Yui's age is not exact. We only know she is in her 40s meaning she can be either 40 or 49. Meaning she was pregnant with Kousuke between 16-25. I chose 20 for no other reason than it's right in the middle.
I have no idea of anyone else's age (Rand, Hansuke, YuJing, etc) so I didn't even add my guesses to not confuse the timeline. If you know any clue about someone's age I would love to know!
The Timeline
I'll start with the earliest date and move forward from there.
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the year that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
January 20WA === 50 years ago
Young-Chul Kim become Chairman of Hirahara Corp.
Prestigious Prep School starts mishandling reports of SA
+ 25 Year
October 31st, 20WY === 25 years ago
Young-Chul Kim steps down as Chairman after SA accusations
Hirahara Corp CFO of several years, Randulph Hannesson is a witness against Young-Chul Kim
Next year
January 20WZ === 24 years ago
Yui and Rand get married without the public's knowledge
Yui and Rand have their honeymoon in February
Kousuke is conceived in February
Rand gets announced as temporary chairman of Hirahara Corp on March 27th
As of March 27th, the press and public only know that Yui and Rand relationship goes as far as "seeing each other in public"
Kousuke is born November 8th
+ 5 Years
January 20XE ==== 19 years ago
Nol is conceived around March
Kousuke has his 5th birthday
Nol is born December 21st
+ 6 Years
January 20XJ ==== 13 Years ago
Nol and Nessa move to USAsia
Nol and Kousuke meet for the first time
Kousuke has his 11th birthday
Nol has his 6th birthday
+ 4 Years
January 20XO ==== 9 years ago
Kousuke Graduates High School (Nessa is at the park the same day)
Yui and Rand's public marriage reconciliation
Kousuke starts college
Kousuke gets a college friend group
Kousuke has his 15th birthday
Nol has his 10th birthday
Next Year
January 20XP ==== 8 years ago
Kousuke has his 16th birthday
Nol has his 11th birthday
Nessa is found dead December 21st
The brother incident happens
Nol is taken to the Mental Facility
+ 2 Years
January 20XR ==== 6 years ago
Nol gets out of the Mental Facility
Nol get's officially introduced as Rand's bastard son
Kousuke has his 18th birthday
Nol has his 13th birthday
Next Year
January 20XS ==== 5 years ago
Nana moves to US Asia*
Nol moves in with Nana*
Shin-Aer starts going to Min-Hyuk's middle school
Shin-Ae has her 12th birthday
Alyssa has her 13th birthday
Shin-Ae and Alyssa meet
Kousuke has his 19th birthday
Alyssa pushes Shin-Ae
Shin-Ae gets out of the hospital
Nol has his 14th birthday
*This could have happened in late 20XR. It all depends on how exact "5 years" ago was.
Next Year
January 20XT ==== 4 years ago
Shin-Ae has her 13th birthday
Alyssa has her 14th birthday
Min-Hyuk graduates middle school and starts high schools
Meg has her 20th birthday
Kousuke has his 20th birthday
Nol has his 15th birthday
For the past 2 years Nol has had no friends (ever since he got out of the mental facility) and Kousuke has been acting like his "guardian" (during which Kousuke has been constantly badmouthing Nol to everyone)
Next Year
January 20XU ==== 3 years ago
Shinae graduates Middle School
Shinae, Dieter and Soushi have their 14th birthday
Alyssa has her 15th birthday
Nol and Dieter meet while running during "summer before year 1 of high school"
Dieter, Shinae, Soushi and Nol (and the rest) start high school
Nol starts trying to befriend Soushi*
During a very rainy period Nol tries to meet his mom after 5 years of not seeing her*
Kousuke talks to Soushi*
Nol becomes friends with Dieter and Soushi*
Nol hangs out with Dieter and shortly after Soushi joins the group.*
Kousuke takes a break from babysitting Nol*
Nol, Dieter and Soushi meet Alyssa*
Nol and Alyssa start dating*
Alyssa starts the path of becoming a Kpop idol*
Kousuke and his college friends have the fallout**
Meg meets Kousuke*
Meg has her 21st birthday
Kousuke has his 21st birthday
Nol has his 16th birthday
(*All these events need to happen in that order, the placement on the timeline in relation with the other events depend on when Nessa's birthday was or when exactly Nol tried to "see" his mom)
(**I've decided to assume Hansuke doesn't really remember the exact facts of how, what and when Kousuke lost his college friends since he was in a different college, he would only occationally tag along and he was very busy with his doctor exams at the time)
Note: Whatever happened with Kousuke's friends, the fallout could perfectly have dragged throughout a couple of weeks/months. It doesn't necesarily need to have happened in a one day event.
Pretty eventful year
Next Year
January 20XV ==== 2 years ago
Kousuke graduates from his master's degree at 21 years old*
Dieter and Soushi have their 15th birthday
Alyssa has her 16th birthday
Kousuke has his 22nd birthday
Nol has his 17th birthday
(*I've decided to take Meg's flashback gossip about Kousuke with a grain of salt. This could have happened at the end of year 20XU instead of the beginning of this year.)
Next Year
January 20XW ==== Last year
In March a SA investigation in prestigious prep school (the one where Kim Sang-Chul is the Student Council President) gets launch
Min-Hyuk graduates high school
Kousuke has his 23rd birthday
Nol has his 18th birthday
Next Year
January 20XX ==== this year
Min-Hyuk goes to USA for college
Dieter, Soushi, Shin-Ae have their 17th birthday
Alyssa has her 18th birthday
In July the SA investigation in the prestigious preschool ends with nothing found and nothing done.
Dieter confesses to Shin-Ae
Saturday September 17th is the party where Shin-Ae meets the brothers
Thursday November 8th: Kousuke has his 24th birthday
Between Friday 9th and Saturday November 10th Shin-Ae's dad goes into a coma
Wednesday November 14th is the Gala. (That same night Shin-Ae was supposed to get evicted)
December 1st Min-Hyuk returns
Monday December 16th Nol has his trial (and he's sentenced for 120 days starting December 22nd)
Tuesday December 17th: Shin-Ae and Nol meet in the rain, Nol blocks everyone.
Saturday December 21st: Hirahara's Chirstmas party, Min-Hyuk's welcome home party, Nol turns 19 year's old
Sunday December 22nd: Nol is at the hospital (his sentence is pushed to start December 25th)
Personal Thoughts
This timeline broke my brain more times than I can remember. Whenever I thought I was close to being done with it I would remember something new or come across new information that would force me to rethink almost everything.
When I first started writing this timeline it was only going to be 2 parts, the evidence with the explanation and the timeline layout, but it kept getting bigger and bigger. It was supposed to be released the first week of October. We are in November. I've been writing this for 2 months.
I almost wrote this timeline in a manner that I would drag you all along through the same path of insanity that I went through but I decided against it not because I felt compassion for you all but because I plan to come back to these posts in the future for when I want to refresh my memory and I didn't want future me to go through that confusion again. I've suffered enough.
Shout out to my friend who lend me her DMs whenever I was going crazy and let me rant myself into sanity every time.
The timeline is not perfect, specially the events that happen between 20XS (5 years ago) and 20XV (2 years ago), but I'm satisfied with how it turned out considering the information we have so far.
Please don't take this timeline as the one that rules them all. If you have a suggestion on the order of events or theories on what could have happened I would more than love to read about them, so please do share your thoughts!
This is part 4 of 4. In case you missed it, go read the previous parts:
Part 1: The Evidence Part 1
Part 2: The Evidence Part 2
Part 3: Math and connecting the dots
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trashlie · 11 months
Not sure if this is right, but I was under the assumption that Youngchul Kim was the CEO of the USAsian branch of the Hirahara group. Given the Hiraharas are Japanese, Yui takes frequent trips to Japan for presumably business, and Kousuke had his CFO interview there, I’m pretty sure the Hiraharas own a Zaibutsu/Chaebol type of financial group in Japan and the businesses (hospitals and office) in USAsia are just overseas branches. It just feels like Rand doesn’t seem important enough to be CEO of the whole thing, especially since Yui’s the one making the Japan trips.
I'm gonna level with you Nonny ;______; You definitely know better than me lol
I guess it never occurred to me that a separate branch would have their own set of executives because in my head, the executives are at the very top for all branches. Literally looking at organization charts and talking to friends about this lmaooo but yes that seems likely - Youngchul was CEO of the USAsian branch, and the Kims have probably been involved through that side, which, now that I'm thinking about it, all makes perfect sense and really checks out!
Also had to go searching through episodes to remind myself Rand is the chairman.
I'm over here feeling like I'm studying for some big school test trying to actually learn about organizational structures lol What you said about Rand sounds correct - he only has a role in the Korean branch, not the higher levels of the base (parent????) company.
Thank you guys for giving me input ;______; I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like a dummy when it comes to these things lol
I remember Yui oversees Health Facilities but does anyone remember if/where her role is given? This lends more interesting insight to her phone call with her father - and his seemingly interest in Rand and even Nol.
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kramlabs · 6 months
Recommend both of these books that cover ISA:
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christinamac1 · 2 years
B Australia has key role to play as clean energy reshapes Indo-Pacific relations
B Australia has key role to play as clean energy reshapes Indo-Pacific relations
Australia has key role to play as clean energy reshapes Indo-Pacific relations A new report by the Perth USAsia Centre, in collaboration with the Climate Council, recommends five practical actions for Australia to secure its economic and strategic clean energy advantages in the Indo-Pacific
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ditlevsen26odom · 2 years
Shipping Terms Yang Mungkin Penting Bagi Anda
Salah satu pikiran pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiran Anda adalah bahwa Anda harus berkemas dan memindahkan barang bawaan Anda. Anda harus mempertimbangkan pengiriman barang jika Anda perlu mengangkut barang jauh. Artikel ini akan membantu Anda memahami opsi untuk kontainer pengiriman barang murah. Saya sarankan Anda mulai dengan AS Ini adalah yang paling ekonomis untuk jumlah kecil. Untuk memastikan mereka dapat digunakan, pastikan Anda memeriksa batas berat dan dimensinya. Mereka memiliki opsi angkutan udara dan permukaan. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, industri kargo Asia telah mengalami ledakan karena pertumbuhan industri angkutan udara China. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada fakta bahwa pada tahun 2004, angkutan udara dari Asia ke bandara Dallas Fort Worth, yang merupakan pemimpin dalam transportasi kargo Asia di timur dan USAsia selatan, meningkat sebesar 42%. Layanan ini menjadikan kita warga dunia dengan semua perubahan ini. Para ahli dibutuhkan di seluruh dunia dan mereka dapat dipekerjakan dari mana saja. Ekspedisi ke lombok dapat dengan mudah pindah ke Jepang untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sebagian besar penduduk shanghai adalah ekspatriat dari dari negara lain. Anda akan menikmati kecepatan saat Anda memilih menggunakan angkutan udara untuk mengangkut kargo Anda. Dibandingkan dengan laut, jalan raya atau kereta api, mencapai tujuan normal yang membutuhkan waktu tiga cara lima hari untuk mencapai hanya akan memakan waktu satu hari jika opsi pengiriman angkutan udara diambil. Frekuensi adalah keuntungan lain dari pengiriman angkutan udara. Anda dapat mengirim dan kumpulkan kargo dari bagian mana pun di dunia setiap hari. Pastikan perusahaan memiliki layanan dukungan pelanggan 24/7. Ini penting agar Anda dapat dengan mudah melacak pengiriman barang Anda pengiriman dengan menanyakannya di pusat layanan pelanggan. Sangat disarankan agar Anda melacak semua pengiriman untuk memastikan bahwa mereka terlihat setiap saat selama transit pengiriman . Dari saat Anda menerima bukti pengiriman, periksa status dan lacak kiriman Anda. 3- Perlakuan panas. cargo jakarta Ukuran batu dan karakteristik fisiknya akan menentukan apakah batu harus diolah dengan kompor minyak, gas, atau listrik. Untuk orang-orang yang baru memulai, saya sarankan untuk memulai melalui agen, Anda harus membayar mereka 5% tetapi mereka tidak perlu repot tidak melakukan transaksi. Jika Anda 'membeli kurang dari muatan kontainer, mereka menangani semua dokumen, mengatur pengiriman ke pelabuhan, dan menggabungkan barang Anda dengan barang orang lain. Ini sangat berguna jika Anda membeli produk dalam jumlah besar. Mereka juga dapat membantu memeriksa dan mengaudit barang sebelum meninggalkan China untuk memastikan tidak ada'kejutan.
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daley62pagh · 2 years
Pengemudi Layanan Pengangkutan Seluruh Dunia
Jika Anda memiliki pelanggan di wilayah yang sama (negara bagian atau provinsi), Anda dapat mengatur rencana pengiriman yang akan memastikan bahwa semua pesanan ke arah itu dikirim pada hari yang sama , sebaiknya dalam satu truk. Ini akan memungkinkan perusahaan transportasi untuk menggabungkan beberapa pesanan dengan beberapa pengiriman untuk penghematan maksimum. Ini sangat berguna jika Anda memiliki cukup produk untuk membuat Truk oad. Anda juga dapat menghilangkan pembawa LTL Anda. Ingat, Pengangkut muatan truk tidak dihitung . Pasar kargo Asia telah mengalami booming dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena pertumbuhan pesat China dalam angkutan udara. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada fakta bahwa pada tahun 2004, angkutan udara dari Asia ke bandara Dallas Fort Worth, yang merupakan pemimpin dalam angkutan kargo Asia di timur dan selatan USAsia, meningkat sebesar 42%. Shi ping berturut-turut adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengangkut komoditas.Lebih disukai memiliki pengiriman yang lebih pendek time.Jika Anda membutuhkan transportasi cepat, angkutan udara alternatif adalah pilihan terbaik Anda. cargo jakarta Pengiriman barang anda melalui kapal akan menjadi proses yang lambat. Bagaimana cara Anda membawa barang dari satu tempat ke tempat lain? Apakah Anda bisnis yang sebagian besar mengandalkan truk Anda sendiri dan/atau toko ritel yang bergantung pada pelanggan yang masuk pintunya? Jika Anda menempatkan situs Anda lebih tinggi, Anda dapat menggunakan Internet atau metode lain untuk mencari pelanggan di mana saja di Amerika Serikat atau dunia. FEDEX dibuat dan hilang jutaan dolar di tahun pertama. investor ingin Fred dihapus dan seseorang untuk mengambil alih perusahaan. Manfaat utama menggunakan udara untuk mengangkut kargo Anda adalah kecepatan. Tujuan normal yang memakan waktu lima hari melalui jalan darat, kereta api atau laut akan memakan waktu hanya satu hari untuk mencapainya jika Anda menggunakan t dia pilihan pengiriman angkutan udara. Keuntungan lain yang dapat dikaitkan dengan kecepatan metode pengiriman udara adalah frekuensi. Anda dapat mengirim dan mengumpulkan kargo dari bagian mana pun di dunia setiap hari. cargo bandung akan menikmati kecepatan ketika Anda memilih untuk menggunakan angkutan udara untuk mengangkut kargo Anda. Waktu rata-rata yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan, yang biasanya memakan waktu lima hari, dengan kereta api, laut, atau jalan raya, akan memakan waktu hanya satu hari jika opsi pengiriman angkutan udara telah dipilih . Frekuensi adalah keuntungan lain yang dapat dikaitkan langsung dengan kecepatan metode pengiriman barang. Anda dapat mengirim kargo ke mana saja di bumi setiap hari.
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googleblogposts · 4 years
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US Approves Google Request to Use Segment of US-Asia Undersea Cable The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Wednesday approved Alphabet unit Google's request to use part of a US-Asia undersea telecommunications cable after the company warned it would face significantly higher prices to carry traffic by other means.
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5millionfriends · 4 years
'Bewildering' US hasn't followed Aust, NZ lead on COVID-19
'Bewildering' US hasn't followed Aust, NZ lead on COVID-19
The US’ inability to follow the lead of countries such as Australia is ‘bewildering’, according to USAsia Centre’s Gordon Flake.
“We’re now looking at over 100,000 deaths in a very best case scenario,” Mr Flake told Sky News.
“And as I sit here in Western Australia where we have celebrated seven straight days of no new cases, I find it absolutely bewildering that the United States hasn’t been…
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wwwdlabrie · 1 year
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🙏🏿March #BandcampFriday Everyone who Purcha$ed 👩🏾‍💻📲👨🏿‍💻@DLabrie Music 🎶🎙& Merch 🧢👕💿 🖋📀 3/3 @Bandcamp Online 🎵🎤 Store! Plan for 1 if NEXT #BandcampFridays 4/7 #1stFriday Grateful for those who are #ProudtoPay Feel Free to Shop 2day or Anytime #LinkinBio @RDV_promo We appreciate your business 💵💴💶💷💳 25/8/365 ...BUT especially on #1stFridays when #IndieArtists Receive 100% of $ales & Oakland Company #Bandcamp waives ALL fees #FirstFridays #IndieMusic gets the whole 💰 s/o @bandcampoakland #SwipeLeft to Check Out #DLabrie bulk of catalog 24 Releases 35% off or 👀 2 Albums; "USAsia" x Audio/Visual Masterpiece #MrNETW3RK pt. 1 or 👀 the Newest Singles from Upcoming "Mr NETW3RK" Sequel Coming 2023 🔗in Bio #RonDavouxRecords #RDV #RDVpromo #Icreate258 #HipHop #Rap #Music #NewRelease #NewReleases #NewMusic #IndieHipHop #IndieRap #IndieRapper #IndieMusician #NewSingle #NewMusicAlert #1stfriday #firstfriday (at Bandcamp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpeRpewO4wK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leonsearch · 6 years
☺ Happy 🎂 Birthday 2018🎤🎧📰🎥📹📡📺📻💻📱✈🚍🚘🎉🎊🎈🍌☕🍵@yukmanofficial #RaymondWong #WongYukMan http://leonsearch.com #HongKong @discoverhongkong #HK #852 #Chinatown #SFChinatown #SanFranciscoChinatown #SanFrancisco #SF #415 http://gooyabing.com Thanks @makeagif shout out to: #StarImage 📷: #MichaelChen of #2001Band #USASIA (at Hilton San Francisco Financial District) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoXhnXqnI5K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q56s2qko819j
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CME to list WTI-Dubai crude futures as US-Asia oil trade flow grows SINGAPORE (Reuters) - CME Group Inc said it will list a new futures contract that prices the spread between West Texas Intermediate and Middle East benchmark Dubai as the flow of U.S.
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atomic-wizard · 7 years
The “A” in “USA” is pretty ambiguous
United States of America?  North or South?  Or is it United States of Asia?  Africa?  Australia??  ANTARCTICA???
Really the only one ruled out is Europe.
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kramlabs · 3 years
The Army of Northern Virginia
AKA, ISA, The Activity, USASIA
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leanpick · 2 years
Business awaits details of US President Joe Biden’s Asia economic framework
Business awaits details of US President Joe Biden’s Asia economic framework
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Perth USAsia Centre support framework to expand the US’ economic leadership in the Indo-Pacific region but say the devil will be in the detail.
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