#use a premium tsum tsum to clear exactly 100 tsum tsum in 1 play
tsumoverflow · 7 years
Clear exactly 100 tsums in 1 play -- Bingo Card #9, Task 17
This has got to be one of the most frustrating bingo tasks yet!!  Because it REQUIRES YOU to do MATH IN YOUR HEAD WHILE YOU PLAY :D
I like doing math on PAPER but in my head, NO.  So this task was really killing me!!!  Because of this, I’ll just say this at the start: If you hate doing addition in your head AND while multitasking and playing the game you won’t be able to pass this bingo task (other than TOTAL 1 in a million luck of randomly clearing tsums til you happen to get 100, lol), your only option to beat this task is to find a friend who IS okay with doing addition in their head and can beat the task for you. :/ If anyone can think of a way to get around this without doing math, feel free to chime in! haha
It took me a ton of tries, but I finally got it, and here are the tips I can give you:
- Much like the exact coin task (I can’t remember which card that’s on) you want to AVOID having any bubbles or a full tsum skill meter at the end of the game because that’ll add to your total and ruin everything.
 - Try saying the amounts out loud, that could possibly help you keep track of the total and adding.
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TIP: If you hate math and want to avoid further complications, don’t clear chains larger than 6, because if you do a chain of 7 or more that’ll create a bubble and then you have to make sure you pay attention to how many tsums the bubble cleared because VERY VERY IMPORTANT: the quantity it shows after you pop the bubble INCLUDES the BUBBLE but for the purposes of this task the bubble does NOT COUNT as a tsum.  So, say it says the bubble cleared 10, that’s actually 9 tsums + 1 bubble, so you need to take that amount and minus 1 to your total towards 100.
- If you ARE OKAY with doing math in your head then it’s fine to clear a large chain if your total is under 60, if it’s over 60 I wouldn’t risk it because you risk going over 100 at that point.  Let’s say you have 60, you clear a chain of 25, that’s 85, then you pop the bubble and it adds 10 more tsums to your total (1 bubbles + 10 tsums) then you’re already at 95, and you just need to clear a single chain of 5 (make sure you ONLY do chain of 5, because no other combo will work since you must clear 3 tsums minimum). Now let’s say your total is 70, you clear a chain of 25, then pop a bubble that clears 10 additional tsums, that’s 105 total.  So, if you’re careful and you only clear a chain of 10, for a total of 80, pop the bubble that adds 10 tsums, then you have room to clear small chains to reach 100.
- On that note, just to give it its own bullet point: REMEMBER that you must clear a minimum of 3 tsums to make a chain, so keep that in mind when you’re down to 10 or less tsums to go to reach 100.  Like, if you clear three chains of 3, then you’re screwed because you can’t clear 1 single tsum (unless you have Holiday Donald’s skill activated).  Or you clear two chains of 4, and have 2 tsums to go, out of luck again.  So for your convenience/for people who hate math, here are the workable chain quantities you can do once you’re down to 10 tsums to go (i.e. you’ve cleared 90 tsums so far)
5 chain + 5 chain
6 chain + 4 chain (or vice versa)
3 + 3 + 4 (in any order)
As you can see, there’s not much options for 10 left, so might be best to pay attention with even 15 left so you have some room to think about your totals.  Here are some (not ALL) potential chains you could do:
Five 3 chains
3 + 4 + 4 + 4
3 + 6 + 6
5 + 5 + 5
6 + 4 + 5
- If you normally play with gyro on and hold your phone perpendicular to the floor, I would suggest turning off gyro and looking at your phone flat, because (for me at least) it was easier to do math without having to pay attention to properly angling my phone.
- I recommend transformation tsums and NOT burst tsums because burst tsums will always remove a lot of tsums which will create more bubbles, plus most will remove an unspecified amount of tsums so you’ll have to pay attention to how much it clears after (as opposed to seeing the amount prior to clearing, when making chains).  Transformation tsums, on the other hand, especially ones that transform in clusters next to each other, will make it easier for you to quickly clear chains to add to your total.
- I used Holiday Daisy, here are some other possible premium box tsums that MAY work for this task (I tested them, but the SKILL LEVEL your tsum is on will make a difference) in no particular order:
Holiday and Valentine Daisy
Holiday, Valentine, Cat Hat Minnie
Pumpkin Chip
Ghost Dale
Elizabeth Swann
White Rabbit (MAY work depending on his skill level due to stopping time allowing you a few extra seconds to think)
Pumpkin Mickey (triggering fever with his skill won’t affect your tsum count AND it will buy you additional 5 seconds)
Holiday Donald (tapping single tsums MAY work but for me it was kind of more cumbersome. I did get very close though, so I think it is possible)
POSSIBLE but because they take so many tsums to power up (19+), may not be worth it:
Little Oyster
Mrs. Potts
Not recommended because their skill removes additional tsums besides what’s in the chain thus complicating things:
Anna and Birthday Anna
Maleficent and Dragon Maleficent
Fairy Godmother
Baymax (he doesn’t remove extra but because he only makes giant tsums you’ll always get a bubble which also complicates things)
That’s all I can think of!  I hope this helps!  Feel free to send any messages if you need help!
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