#v causal but haven’t taken a pic like this in a while
dumb-doll-lips · 1 month
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melaninja-mo · 5 years
Only Clichés: Short stories you can predict 😂
A series of short stories that are just a bunch of clichés of that genre or subject.
Story One: A Predictable Romance
A man, who looked exactly how you’d imagine a man who recently got out of a bad relationship and is bumming it out on his friends couch wakes up and of course, clicks the remote and grabs the rest of a beer he was drinking the night before.
It was February 13th of course and the Newscaster was explaining that there may be rain with a chance of love. He scoffs and shakes his head at the tv and gets up to go to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, a few miles away, a hardworking woman is working hard at work.
“Ma’am, those people from the Benson deal are on the phone.” A secretary intern says and she pours coffee into the woman’s cup.
“I’ll call them back.” She replies and the secretary leaves the office. Right as she is about to lower head and take a deep breathe, her desk buzzer goes off.
“You have a visitor.” She sighs and responds,
“Let them in.” A girl, dressed causally is holding a teddy bear and flowers and giggles her way into the office. It is her best friend with a Valentine’s Day gift. They proceed to hug and then make their way to two arm chairs offset by the window.
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long, have you been?” Her friend says eagerly.
“Oh you know, the usual, the life of a woman CEO. What about you?”
“Great! Matthew’s mom is keeping the kids, so I thought it be nice to come visit you for the weekend!” The friend looks at the woman’s hand. “You’re still not dating are you, Rebecca?”
Rebecca rolls her eyes. “How could I possibly date and run a business at the same time. Love & money don’t mix. You know the story.” She gets up and walks over to the window, looking out a city skyline view.
“Oh come on, that’s so boring! There’s a man that’s just waiting to sweep you off your feet. You’ve just gotta put yourself out there.” She pauses then continues. “And you have to forget about Chris, it’s been months. It’s over. He was a piece of shit and didn’t deserve you.”
Rebecca looks over her shoulder. “This is not about Chris... I just... want to focus on my business.”
The friend stands up and looks Rebecca into the eyes and grabs her hands while saying, “I knooowwwww, you want to be boring, but I’m in town and I’ve planned a day! Take the day off.”
Taking her hands back, Rebecca says, “I can’t just leave,”
Her friend takes her by the arm and pulls her, doing a slight run, and says, “Yes you can you’re the boss!” Rebecca grabs her purse and her phone before getting pulled away.
“Hey, Daniel, do you have any plans tonight?” A guy says behind an open refrigerator door.
“Uhhh, no, why?”
“My brother and his wife are in town, and they invited me and Sarah out for some V-day outings. His wife is bringing her friend, uhhh, Rachel, no, Relissa, crap, something with an R. I saw a pic of her, she’s a catch. Told them you would totally hook up with her.”
Daniel raises an eyebrow. “Let me see the picture.” His friend, holding two beers, closes the fridge with his foot and walks over to the couch and sits down. He shows them a group picture that was taken about 2 years ago.
“She’s single?”
“I guess so, she runs like a business or something.” He begins to drink the beer.
“Dude, a business?! I can’t go out with a woman who owns a business. I work a dead end job, I haven’t showered in days, and I just left a chick who thought she was too good for me.” Daniel said standing up.
“Dude, relax. And you should probably go shower. Take your mind off of that. You never know, she could be “The One”,” Daniel slaps the back of his head while heading towards the bathroom.
Part Two coming soon 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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