#valentino maes
ithseem · 4 months
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minamishimada835 · 19 hours
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Court of Darkness sick headcanons because I’m sick and I want this comfort
I’m just guessing with most of these so sorry if they’re inaccurate 😅
I feel like he would either have Jasper bring medicine for you or bring you to his room so he can keep an eye on you
Would probably not let you out of bed ngl 💀
Straight up would be like “You’re sick. Lay back down.”
He would act annoyed but you know he isn’t
I feel like he would force medicine into your mouth if you refuse to take it, or have Jasper dead with that cuz I feel like he would do it better lmao
Is secretly a little worried, would never admit to it though(You can tell though)
If you wanted to get up he would probably carry you to the place you wanted to go(Like the bathroom) then come back after a few minutes to bring you back(If you needed a book though he would have Jasper get it for you)
He would care but would stay a safe distance away so he doesn’t also get sick
Would comb his hand through your hair though when you’re asleep 10/10
As I said before, he would force you to take medicine no matter how bad it tastes
Would probably give you something sweet after though so you aren’t complaining as much
Would get the items you needed like books or paper so you wouldn’t have to get up
Would probably have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Would bring you soup but if you’re too weak to eat it he would help you
Yeah no that’s all I got for him lmao
This man is an expert at this
Would probably try and find a better tasting medicine and in liquid form so you don’t gag from taking a pill
Blankets. Everywhere.
Would have you take a lukewarm bath, would have Violet help you take one if you needed if you aren’t paramours but if you are he would probably help you(and tease you about it)
Would bring you soup that’s meant to help with whatever illness you have and would make sure you eat at least something healthy
Would 100% make you tea, he wouldn’t allow you to drink anything cold
His cold hands feel good on your forehead haha
He would have Knight check up on you and bring you things when he can’t
I feel like you would get better really quickly since he’s an expert at this stuff(at least that’s my guess)
Would help you with any missing work once you’re better
Would probably ask Toa for some help
Would also get you soup that’s meant to help with whatever sickness you have
I don’t know how he would react if you didn’t want to take the medicine but he’d still find a way somehow
He also has cold hands so those would feel good on your forehead
Calms down Robin when he’s worrying about you, allows him to help as well(as much as he can)
I feel like he’s try and bribe you with candy just to take medicine if you refuse to take it, better yet, he would make the medicine look like candy and then be like “well now you have to swallow it since it’s already in there”
Would also have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Like Toa, he would also make you tea
He would stay as close as he can without getting sick but would still make sure you’re ok
Would bring you tea
I feel like he would find a way to put the medicine in your tea
Would also pull the tricking you into thinking the medicine was candy but he would make sure you swallow it with the tea so you either won’t complain about the bitterness of it or to make sure you don’t notice it’s medicine
Would rub your back
If you throw up he would hold up your hair so it stays clean
You would apologize but he would tell you it’s ok
Makes sure you sleep
Would read you a book or tell you a story so you fall asleep as well
Would hold your hand 🥹
I feel like he would try and distract you from any discomfort you’re feeling by telling stories or letting you watch him draw
Would rub your back and make sure you fall asleep
I don’t think he would force you to take medicine but he would still find a way to make you take it
I remember in one event Grayson brought MC fruit when he thought she was sick so yeah that’s what he would do
Would try and find something easy for you to eat
Would try and make some small talk if you’re feeling up to it
He’s likely get some advice from Toa
Would fall asleep with you
Tino would be worried but Lynt doesn’t budge
Tino would convince him not to sleep so close to you so he won’t get sick
He’d probably feed you
He’d make you feel bad for not taking the medicine(unintentionally)💀
Would reward you with something like a sweet bread or a candy
Would encourage you to sleep more(even if you don’t he’s still gonna fall asleep)
Would be so worried omg
“Oh stars… oh no…”
Would make you bread and soup
I feel like he’s also(unintentionally) make you feel bad about not taking the medicine
Would ask Toa and Knight for help
Poor Tino just wants for you to feel better 😭
Would make sure you’re comfortable
Would literally, like, panic if you were in any pain
Would comb his hand through your hair if you wanted it
Would be a little less worried when you’re asleep but still very worried
Bread and soup galore
Would try and make you laugh if you were in any pain
Would take a bath with you
Would also probably feed you
I don’t know what he’d do about not wanting to take medicine though, would probably pull the old candy swicharoo trick then cover your mouth so you can’t spit it out
You want cuddles? Yes ma’am.
Would make sure you’re ok whenever he can
Would help you with your homework after you get better if you ask him
He’d use his ancient magic in you to help you sleep if you are having trouble
You would have more food then you would know what to do with
He’s literally so sweet omg
Would feed you 100%
I feel like he’s carry you to bed
He would make you smile 🥰
Would hold your hand 🥺
Would somehow find a way to make you take your medicine
Would also help you with your homework after you got better and would help catch you up on everything
I feel like he wouldn’t know what to do 💀
Would just give you the medicine and be like “Eat it.”
Would at least try and make you feel better
Shifva(I don’t remember how to spell their name-) would also be there trying to make you feel better
I feel like he’s hold your hand
Would also make you tea
Because he already doesn’t go to lectures he would just stay with you and make sure you’re fine
Would pat your head
I feel like he would read to you, idk it just seems like something he would do
Would also not know what to do LMAO-
He’d try and act like he knows what he’s doing but if he’s actually struggling he’d reluctantly ask Toa for help(everyone just asks Toa for help 💀)
Would read to you about mushrooms
I feel like he would make you a soup with a mushroom that would help you sleep
Would trick you into taking medicine but he would do it in different ways so you never expect it
Would put the medicine in your food, pretend it’s candy, force you to take it, or just trick you into agreeing to take it 💀
I feel like he would braid your hair
Would still stay a comfortable distance away lol
Would hold your hand 🥰
Would sing to you
His voice is like music to your ears 😄
Because he also doesn’t go to class much he’s just stay with you haha
He heard you’re sick and was worried
If he’s busy then he would have Nix or Phinny bring you medicine
I feel like he’s let you stay in his chambers though while you’re sick
Would smile while seeing you asleep 🥰
Would make sure you’re ok
He’s also trick you into taking medicine 😡
“Please” “no” please” “no” “yes” “no” “no” ye- wait…”
He would be so smug about tricking you 💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair
I feel like he would be pretty good at taking care of sick people tbh
Would wake you up every few hours to make sure you eat
He’d be so nice about it omg
Girl would be worried but would try and make you feel better
Would braid your hair so it doesn’t get in the way 🥰
Would also hold your hair back if you threw up
Would have Grayson make you something to eat
Would hold your hand 🥰
She would be so nice and would try so hard to help it would be so sweet
Would simply convince you to take nasty tasting medicine but would give you candy after
She tried to make you food once while you were sick, didn’t go so well 💀
Give her a hug rn 😡
She would also be so sweet omg
Would bathe you 😄
She would rub your back and pat your head
She would also make you tea 🥰
She’d find a way to give you medicine but idk how lol
Would check up on you whenever she can
I feel like she’d light a candle that would help you sleep
Would help you change your cloths whenever you needed it
Would braid your hair and hold it back if you throw up
She’d be so supportive 🥺
Ok that’s all I have but if you have anymore please put them in the comments!
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bitchkay · 5 months
Hear me out: Tino with stretch marks. That's it.
You mean tiger stripes🤨☝🏽
Tiger stripes for my fiercest amazingest sweetest beautifulest boy that deserves kisses on each and every one of them
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magicjesuscup · 10 months
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I was reading through one of Tino's perspectives and wanted to share this part because it's super cute. 🥺💚
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notlevifromobeyme · 2 years
Lou: “Alright everyone, we must wear these masks so that we don’t get infected.”
Guy: “Why can we use magic?”
Lou: “Some do not have as powerful magic to do so.”
Toa, muffled: “This is unbelievably uncomfortable to wear.”
Lynt: “We have to, Toa.”
Roy: “Yes, Master Lynt is correct.”
Fenn, covered in fangirls: “I’d rather see all your faces, truly. But, we have to be safe, my dears.” *wink*
Violet: “Fenn, you can’t touch anyone for a while. You may get people infected. Or the other way around.”
Fenn: *Sigh* “What a shame..”
Rio: “How will I be able to eat like this..?”
Thoma: “You can pull it down while eating, lad. Don’t worry! I’m sure this’ll be over soon, yeah?”
Rio: “Yeah, you’re right!”
Sherry: “Oh dear. Where would Grayson be?”
Grayson: “I’m here, princess Sherry.”
Sherry: “Here, put this on. I made it blue to match your attire!”
Grayson: “Thank you, princess Sherry.”
Tino: “Young Master Lynt, you mustn’t sleep with the mask on! Just when you’re awake!”
Lynt: “Hmm?…”
Tino: “I beg you, please don’t go back to sleep! Oh, dear…”
Lance: “You think Gruscha will recognize me?”
Dia: “But of course. That hound will always recognize it’s master.”
Lance: “What about Linos? Will he recognize you?”
Dia: “Obviously…What I’m worried about is the mushrooms.”
Lance: “Why?”
Dia: “Maybe they won’t recognize me and be scared. Those ones that have the eyes. They always greet me.”
Jay: “Lord Dia, do not worry. I’m sure they’ll recognize you.”
Jasper: “Knight, whatever are you doing?”
Knight: “J-Just getting fresh air. I’ll be on it.”
Jasper: “You have to wear the mask at all times. It’s very important for us Valets, you see.”
Knight: “Uh-huh.”
Thoma: “Sherryyyyyyy! Over here!”
Sherry: “Hey! What’s going on?”
Rio: “Have you seen Y/n?”
Sherry: “I haven’t yet.”
Violet: “I wonder where they are….I miss them.”
Hawke: “She’ll turn up, I’m sure.”
Violet: “Hawke, where’s your mask?”
Hawke: “I was drinking a bit..Heh.”
Violet: “Oh for fucks sake Hawke-“
Y/n: “-Fuck this. I’ve already gone through it in the human realm.”
Everyone: “…………..”
Lou: *Nervous laughter*
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annicaax · 2 years
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Tino 💖💗 never lose the confidence and never think of giving up mc for another. in an otome world filled with dashing hunks who go all out for the sake of their MCs, a confused, not so confident LI like Tino is refreshing (not that I don't admire the dashing dudes, lol. I do. I do.)
these event stories are so good ... It sucks that m so busy to even play them 😪
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hanafubukki · 2 years
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Lmfaooo please tino never change. He’s such a sweetie and can be so funny at times
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Mc wording is still top notch 😂😂
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Awwww he calls you sunbeam 🥹🥹💞💞
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Oh to be friend zoned in a different route 🥲🤣
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marypickfords · 5 months
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The Delicious Little Devil (Robert Z. Leonard, 1919)
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citizenscreen · 3 months
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Best man Rudolph Valentino and maid of honor Pola Negri with the happy couple, Mae Murray and Prince David Mdivani, on their wedding day in June 1926.
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ironicscavenger · 6 days
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“The fourth episode of
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missneko-otaku · 9 months
bit image spoiler
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Finally finished his route week ago?? ahhhhh (❀˘꒡˘)♡ (and I'm late to posting it tbh XD) it's just been not that long and I miss him already.. hmm.. pls release more story events for him in the future~
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93hyena · 2 years
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Imagine MC was turned into a child again from a spell or potion accident now all the prince’s, valets, Sherry, Lance, and Dia have to watch over her until she turns back to normal
Now imagine MC doesn’t remember anything other then her memories as a child so she’s absolutely terrified and she runs away from them
Imagine everyone loosing it because they can’t find her after only looking away for a few minutes
MC was just with Lou cuz she saw him and went “funny looking marshmallow man” and started clinging to him and following him around everywhere 😌
She gives everyone mini heart attacks but she was just with the Headmaster calling him Mr. Marshmallow Man 💀
Dia starts calling him Mr. Marshmallow man and MC is dealing with the second hand embarrassment from that nickname 💀
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bitchkay · 1 year
Court of darkness ships
Explained *biased and /hj*
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Guy x Toa
Oh this just reeks of trauma and internalized homophobia you broken broken men!
Do you actually hate him or do you hate him because your attracted to him and you've been conditioned to think that's wrong and sinful and your channeling all that into anger toward the person your the person your attracted to and supposed to hate more than anybody and the "feuding families" provides you with an excuse.
Like babe closet is glass, its giving obsession, fan behavior, go be homoerotic somewhere else😐
Mfs glare at each other so often you think they're staring into each other's eyes
Mfs are about to kiss💀💀
Spouting insults at eachother at any chance they get
Gay as hell to have an arch nemesis, tf he arching? His back?
"I can't stand the sight of you" "I hate the sight of you more" like bruh might as well be a declaration of love💀
Guy x Fenn
This fanfic.
If you tell me these two haven't had sexual intercourse you're lying.
They've literally kissed before
Guy lets that man get away with a little too much with him if you get what I mean🤨🤨
Guy x Jasper
What straight man acts like thatt!!
Again the closet is glass
You don't have to act like you not boyfriends we already know, you straight up be flirting in front of everyone anyway
Nah cus why they act like a married couple in their honeymoon phase💀💀
The other princes have a valet, Guy gets a life partner💀
These two act like they're in a polyamorous relationship with MC no matter which one MC is specifically dating
No way these two haven't kissed
They walk into a room together and the air gets a little fruitier
Hold on-
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Guy x Roy
It's giving "I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me"
Roy literally gets jealous when other people have Guys attention
Roy's lil boy crush on Guy is sometimes a little embarrassing like bro is whipped💀💀
Like bro is so in love with him💀💀
Guy x Lynt
Guy secretly likes being cuddled.
This pairing is proof nobody can say no to Lynt
"Let go of me, I'm not your pillow." *dosen't struggle* *makes no effort to move* *ends up either napping with him or staying there the whole time for Lynts comfort*
Lynt likes Guys smell and Guy simply does nothing about it
I bet Lynt can tell when Guy uses a new body wash
Toa x Lynt
I've learned the ship name for this qelkedia and I love it
this fic.
Nah but for real tho these two are actually besties like
Lynt was the first person to give Toa a candy when they were children, if that doesn't sound like the beginning of a budding romance idk what is🙄🙄
Like imagine it, Toa(🏳️‍🌈 in denial) crushing on Lynt this cuddly cute bean and every time he does Toas having a major internal gay panic cus "I swear I don't like men, this is just normal Lynt behavior"
The internalized homophobia is hitting😳
Lynt x Roy
Imagine Lynts consort path right
Except Lynt and Roy fall in love instead.
That's all I have to say about that.
Roy also takes care of Lynt😭😭
Who else would be fully willing to CARRY Lynt to their S rank lectures because he wants him to go to class for once and its apparently common😭😭
"Will you carry me?" "If I must"
That's his boyfriend yall.
Violet x Jasper
Tell me they're not exes. I dare you
They used to date and Jasper did something (cus let's be honest why wouldn't it be Jaspers fault) and that's why Violet doesn't trust him
"Be wary of Jasper, he is a bad bad man" "to what do I owe such slanderous claims😊" "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY"
"While I have you here, would you join me in town for a drink?" "Would you happen to be inviting me out on a date?" "Maybe I am😏" "THERE YOU GO AGAIN, FLIRTING WITH ANYTHING THAT WALKS" "you wound me, not just anyone meets my standards😏" "... do you enjoy lying Jasper?"
Tension so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Violet does however trust him and respect him as a valet but she will drag his name through the dirt if she can help it
Half the time she wont even say his name outright💀 it's always some iteration with spectacles💀💀
Idk for some reason I can see them having a reconciliation like say Jaspers in the valets quarters and Violet comes in but like is trying to avoid him but ultimately fails and then they're left alone in the valets quarters and idk have a heart to heart or some shit
Violet x Grayson
Tell me they wouldn't be drinking buddies at some point
So many times over in events and consort routes has Violet gotten drunk after being dumped by a man
Like if she was just broken up with best believe she'll pick up a bottle, and look Gray can't hold his liquor for the life of him
What ever happens happens I rest my case.
Like Grayson would obviously refuse a drink knowing he can't control himself when hes intoxicated but Violet, probably way deep in her cups by now and really emotional dosen't wanna drink alone and probably doesn't wanna be alone in general since she just got dumped so Gray gives in promising to pace himself which doesn't work cus Grayson guzzles liquor down like juice like he doesn't know he a fucking lightweight
Again whatever happens happens, let them decide how they feel about it once they're sober
Violet x Tino
These two are besties yall
Violet complains about men meanwhile the perfect man is right there🙄
Tino has nursed her back to health when drunk after being dumped multiple occasions carrying her to bed making sure shes safe(canon)
Stop looking for love and let love find you baby girl😩😩
Like I can imagine Tino carrying an almost black out drunk Violet to her room cus another man decided to be fucking BLIND and like Tino leaving a glass of water at her bedside and Violet deciding to be clingy is like whoa Tino don't go😣😣 and Tinos like 😐girl go to bed😐/j but Violet just wants someone to hold if only for the time being. And Tino, sweet sweet hearted Tino is weak to the asks of some who truely seems vulnerable and needs a bit of comforting, stay with her until she falls asleep♡
Violet x Hawk
Idk where this one came from but I like it!
Violet x Zev
Yall remember when Zev was flirting with Violet in the princes path
Tell me they don't have history right now
*Violet turning down his date invitation*
Zev: MMM! I love it when you ignore me!😫
They went on like 2-3 dates, the issue lies where Violet is actually looking for a partner while Zev is just casually dating
Violet x Mc
These bitches gay.
Nothing about this is heterosexual.
Nah cus why both of them have admitted they wouldn't mind getting with the other
That's so gay.
Dia x Fenn
... you just had to be there
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Dia x Sherry
I know what yall thinking
But have yall seen they're interactions in the short stories😭😭
In Dias path itself Sherry says to mc that it would be nice to know Dia as well as her like😖 baby
In the short stories it mostly them bumping into eachother and Sherry's like wow your so pretty and you should smile more
One in particular where they run into eachother and Dias trying to get away from her(like he does with every one) and he smiles politely and says he has somewhere to go and Sherry's like wow you have such a beautiful smile, you should smile more and Dias like "...thanks😳" and blushes and at the compliment then Sherry's like gimme one more big smile and he does smile, hes like 😊 and shes like I hope you have cause to smile more often, smiles make for more harmonious communications♡
That's so cute yall
In another story they wanna borrow the same book from the library but Dias like you can have it let's her have the book but the Sherry's like we should read it together😄💖
Is this a slow burn romance or something😳😳
No but fr Dia acts annoyed but hes actually so nice to her😭
Rio x Sherry
Not my personal feat, I prefer them as friends
But they cute asf
I love a good friends to lovers moment
Especially knowing they're known each other since they were children
Childhood friends to lovers😋😋
Also the height difference is so cute
Rio is 6'2-6'3 and Sherry's literally 5 feet tall💀
Shorty has to crain her neck to look up at him and Rios like *lifts her up by the armpits* there😄
Roy lowkey ships them but the big brother in him is like nah
It's not that he doesn't think Rio is a good guy it's just that that's his baby sister!!
The day Sherry gets a paramour is the day Roy dies a little inside.
Addis Ira x Gilbert Qelsum
These is literally the most hateful mfs.
Traumatized their children and are shitty people in general
Why are they the only kings that mutually like each others
Gilbert trusts Addis
Hes the only one of the kings that he does trust btw
And Addis dotes on Gilbert
Why are you doting on him-- are yall in a relationship🤨⁉️
Nah cus why all the other kings is like if one trusts another, the other is scared of them or one likes and the other thinks they irritating or they both just hate eachother
I bet they bond over disliking Roc Avari--
I'm stuck on Addis Ira doting on Gilbert
How you doting on a grown ass man but not yo child--
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Moral of the story, Guy is fruity as fuck, gayest bitch in the building, Violet got hella rizz😩 and Toa and Lance are step siblings--
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bump-inthe-night · 2 months
Vivziepop prides herself on having "amazing" queer representation when it's blatantly obvious that she's disinterested in queer women and their relationships, having fewer of them compared to queer men and ships.
So far, the only queer female characters are Charlie, Vaggie, Cherri Bomb, and Sallie Mae. The only WxW relationship is Chaggie, with the rest being in the background and missable.
As for queer male characters, we've got far more of them, such as Alastor, Angel, Husk, Sir Pentious, Valentino, Vox, Asmodeus, Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Moxxie, and Stolas. There’s also more MxM relationships such as Huskerdust, Staticmoth, Fizzmodeus, and Stolitz.
Vivziepop heavily favors queer men way more than queer women, which is why she has far more of them and their relationships.
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