#vetinari had a whole motive rant in guards guards where he was all ''there are only evil people look at me i'm so cynical''
weepylucifer · 2 years
Carrot and Vetinari had that “polis/policeman/politician” conversation in Men at Arms, and later on in Feet of Clay Vimes remarks that Carrot is one of the very few people who genuinely like Vetinari as a person. Plus, Carrot in his role as King Destined has some insight into metanarrative, so I don’t doubt that Carrot, in that moment, became perhaps the only person to plainly see Vetinari for what he is, beyond the icy evil mastermind act that Vetinari puts on. Man Of The City. Good gods. And he’s never told anyone this. So I like to believe that, as soon as Vetinari had said that, Carrot very purposefully strode back across the throne room and gave Vetinari a rib-crushing hug. Like, the kind that lifts you off your feet a little bit
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