#they never talked about it again afterwards but the fact remains that they understood each other clearly from then on
weepylucifer · 2 years
Carrot and Vetinari had that “polis/policeman/politician” conversation in Men at Arms, and later on in Feet of Clay Vimes remarks that Carrot is one of the very few people who genuinely like Vetinari as a person. Plus, Carrot in his role as King Destined has some insight into metanarrative, so I don’t doubt that Carrot, in that moment, became perhaps the only person to plainly see Vetinari for what he is, beyond the icy evil mastermind act that Vetinari puts on. Man Of The City. Good gods. And he’s never told anyone this. So I like to believe that, as soon as Vetinari had said that, Carrot very purposefully strode back across the throne room and gave Vetinari a rib-crushing hug. Like, the kind that lifts you off your feet a little bit
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
Ice Anon
Today my sister and I had a talk about our past together. We talked about how we apparently both hurt each other, about some things we did.
And she... she apologized to me. She told me that she remembered me being kinda bossy and always being first, and apparently sometimes smacking her (which might have been me playing but not realizing anything. Not 100% sure since I still don't really remember hitting her outside of playing games where we'd both go at each other in that way) and used that to say that's why she was a bitch to me.
But then she told me that a little while after she said that to me, she started remembering how she treated me, she said as she started to remember she thought, "I shouldn't have said that to them."
She then told me that she did all of those things because she thought there was nothing wrong with it, cause she thought it was normal, then she proceeded to say she's upset at her younger self for thinking that was ok.
I even opened up to her about some of my feelings on that time, and she totally understood. I actually even mentioned how at one point I wanted to kill her cause of how much I was hurting and she told me, "You should have, I wouldn't have even been mad. I would have gotten 'character development' either way."
Even though she still insists I was a bitch to her, she said that she thinks she was definitely worse to me.
I just, don't really know how to feel right now. Cause I love her, but also hate her at times too. It's so fucking confusing for me. I know it's not her fault that our dad is abusive, which is where she got that from. And we're both still just kids so I know she has time to fix herself.
We talked a bit about how we used to roleplay together when we were little. About how we'd pretend to be characters and act out stories of them doing whatever.
How sometimes we'd even talk about those characters having sex, which thinking back on it was really weird for kids under the age of 10 to be talking about. Like I know we didn't exactly know how sex worked, but we knew of it. I think I actually learned about it first and brought it into our conversations first, and I do feel really guilty about that even when I know realistically I was a stupid kid who couldn't know what I was actually talking about.
I wanted to mention to her how we actually seemed to have engaged in some slightly sexual acts but she was already cringing thinking about how we used to talk about it, so I didn't end up mentioning it.
I still am not sure if I ever forced her into those sexual acts or not. I don't know how consensual they were.
Because of that reason, I feel terrible. What if I sexually abused my sister? I don't think I could forgive myself even though I was a child who couldn't have known how wrong it was.
We both agreed that maybe talking about our childhood and traumas with each other more often could help us more cause we both don't want to talk about each other to our therapist since we have the same one.
Maybe this will help mend our relationship, even if just a little.
I'm just, still kindof in shock a bit. I don't know how to feel or what to do.
Sorry for long rant
Hey, nonnie. I'm glad you could open up with your sister about some of what you've been through and that she seemed to have realised that she was hurting you. It sounds like it was a really hard conversation to have, and I hope you did something nice to take care of yourself afterwards. If you didn't, it's never too late to do it now!
It's okay that you didn't know how to feel. The truth is, when people who've hurt us admit that they've realised it was wrong and apologise, and listen when we open up about how they've hurt us, that doesn't automatically erase the pain they've caused. It doesn't erase the trauma we already feel, and it's absolutely okay to still be scared that they'll hurt us again in the future. In fact, I think it's a good thing to remain distrustful even after a conversation like this. Sadly, many people with a history of toxic and/or abusive behaviours need much more than a heart-to-heart to truly change their ways, and they can end up using the vulnerability we shared with them and/or our renewed trust in them to hurt us more. So I think it's always best to trust people's actions over their words, even if we acknowledge their words.
It's true that she still has plenty of time to grow up and change, and we shouldn't hold kids and teenagers to the same standards as adults. But you can acknowledge that while also acknowledging the pain she's caused you. She is capable of growth and deserves help healing and becoming a better version of herself and you deserve to take any steps to make yourself feel safe and to heal from the trauma she's caused. Both can coexist. And if you don't want to, you don't have to be a part of her growth. Not after how she's treated you.
I'm sorry to hear you feel guilty about bringing sex into your play when you were kids. You're right: you were just a kid, and you couldn't have known it was wrong. When this guilt appears, it might help to think about what you would say to anyone else if they told you they were talking about sex to other children when they were a kid. I'm sure you'd remind them that children aren't to blame for these things and that they deserve help, not judgement. Those are the words you deserve to tell yourself too, nonnie.
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
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jossambird · 3 years
The Scent on your coat P4
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Summary: You reflect on your life choices, and despite your wants, Life had other plans for you.
Otto Octavius x F!Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: NS/FW Subjects, No Doc in this Chapter (or is there) but building to the next part, mentions of emotional Reader, heartbreak, yearning for things you can’t have.
Ao3 Fic Link for previous parts, or on my masterlist!
“I've only ever wanted you.” You repeated into the silence of your apartment, barely listening to the news that played on tv. Images of various villains flittered on the screen, your eyes falling on the one face you couldn’t stop seeing behind your eyelids. You shut the tv off with a huff, eyes watering at the whole mess.
Hands slinging your blanket over your back, you bundled yourself up and sat in bed, pulling your other blanket over your legs and feet. You couldn’t even begin to find the correct words for just how much you had missed Otto.
Even after all this time, Otto remained as handsome as he had been the last time you had seen him all those dreadful months ago. His soft brown hair that shined red in the sunlight, his gorgeous brown eyes that used to always seek you out in a crowd.
You sighed, replaying his words in your mind. Did he mean everything he had said? He had never been a liar, that you knew…
For weeks after his accident, you had thought him dead. For months, you had listened to the radio and new outlets, slandering his work and very career once he had emerged, tentacles and all, turning to a life of crime.
How long had you mourned him, mourned the fragile friendship you had had together, mourned his work but most importantly, mourned your love for him? It had taken weeks, months even, to finally be able to step back into this laboratory and work, and not be pitied by every living soul here.
They had all known of your deep and dark secret, the love you had held so dear for the Scientist, but stayed silent.. all except for one.
Peter Parker. Sweet Peter Parker, always there for you no matter, always asking if you needed help or a shoulder to cry on, always asking how you were holding up with everything.
It had been Peter, of all people, who had saved you from the endless internal darkness that had started to consume you slowly but surely, depression sinking its claws into you and pushing you towards dangerous thoughts.
He, who had asked you if you wanted to go see a movie together. He, who had walked you home every night afterwards, only ever smiling and offering his arm whilst you tried to say it was okay.
He, who had tentatively asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend that one summer night after a quiet walk, knowing full well how your heart held a part of itself for another.
It was he, who had kissed your lips, reassuring you that he understood what it felt like, having already lost the love of his life too.
And so, telling yourself that maybe this was what you needed to finally forget Octavius, you had given him a chance; slowly taking your time together and learning about one another, becoming closer and closer by the passing day.
Peter’s secret identity hadn't been kept from you long after you noticed Spiderman arriving at your Oscorp to walk you home, just like Peter did. He had practically fallen off a building when you asked out loud if he was done stalking you like a creep, his laugh echoing softly in the noisy New York streets.
“Aren’t you afraid a villain will come and kidnap me Pe- Spiderman?” You had asked him, grinning even though your heart clenched at the idea of *one* villain kidnapping you. Thoughts like those were burned and shooed away, trying to focus on the good and kind man that loved you.
“Don’t worry, Ill always protect you Y/N.” He assured you with a whisper, bowing his head as you stepped inside your shared apartment complex.
You had come to love him too, in a way, over time.
Your first time together was the moment you realized your heart was irreparable; Peter’s hands were on your hips, holding you softly as he fucked you but in that moment, another man’s name found itself on your lips, a name all too familiar to you, trying to make its way out and into the air between you. You hadn’t let it, swallowing both it and your shame down, sorrow coursing through you as Peter called out your name.
A few days later, on an early September day, as you turned away from the amazing view from your apartment window, the wind blowing your hair from your face, you had felt it; Nervous energy in the air, shudders wracking your body.
Peter Parker asked you to marry him on the same balcony moments after.
No amount of preparation would have ever prepared you for the absolute heartbreak you had felt as the man before you wore bruises shaped like claws, deep cuts and barely fading scars, crooked grin smiling up at you with a ring in hand, waiting.
“I know I’m not him, and you aren’t her, but I'd like to love you for the rest of my life.”
You had sobbed under the loud noise of the shower until the water turned cold, and after.
Though now, sitting here alone in your living room, you wondered why life sought to hurt you so.
Soon you would be married to a sweet man who loved you, adored you, and all fantasies of the tall Doctor Octavius would have to be forgotten and erased.
You sighed again, burying your face into your blanketed hands, trying to will yourself to stop feeling this way. Peter deserved someone who loved him with all their heart, not someone who craved another and had let said man eat them out in their previous work place.
A knock sounded at your front door and you frowned, standing, wrapped in your blankets still, to answer.
Would it be possible… that he would come? Would he knock on the door, or simply open it, hands seeking you out and untying your robe, touching what he had already accidentally claimed?
As you turned the handle and opened the door, your inner shame grew, eyes landing on the smiling face of your best friend Allie.
“Thought Id come see how the bride-to-be was feeling! How- Oh my god Y/N what's wrong?” Allie said in a rush as she saw tears form in your beautiful eyes, stepping inside in a hurry to comfort you. You could barely let out a sob, let alone words, arms wrapping around the woman.
“Y/N, babydoll, what's going on? You can talk to me, you know that right? Nothing leaves this room, only between you and me.” Your best friend whispered, holding you tightly.
She pulled away, arms still wrapped around you but just enough to see your face, and you knew she had figured it out, knew she had pieced it together. “Oh, Y/N… It’ll be okay, it’ll go away.”
What Allie failed to know though, was that you didn’t want it to go away, still feeling his soft but firm fingers holding your thighs and ankles, kisses laid against your skin.
You didn’t want your love for Otto Octavius to disappear, just like the words of love and adoration groaned along your thighs and core, expressive brown eyes seeking yours out in desperation. Desperate for what, you still didn’t know, but it made your heart race, thinking that the renowned Doctor Octavius and villain Doctor Octopus wanted to see you reach ecstasy by his hand and his alone, desperate for only his name to find itself on your tongue.
And you felt even more horrible for it.
Allie held you close, blankets wrapped around the both of you as she flicked through channels on TV.
“Want to talk about it?” She whispered, eyes still trailed on the TV but you knew her attention was solely on you.
What was there to say in a situation like this?
“No.” You croaked out, snuggling closer against her in an effort to forget everything, forget the outside world, forget the fact that the very man you wanted most of all was also somewhere out there. You weren’t surprised when Allie sighed, the sound of the TV shutting off. She laid down beside you, worried eyes gazing back at you.
“You know, it's not…” Allie paused, breath caught in her throat at the sight of you.
“It's not abnormal for marriages to be cancelled.” She continued, her eyes flickering over your face for a sign that you were understanding her meaning. You could barely breathe as she waited, the implication of her words sounding out.
“Allie thats- Peter, he-“ you tried, heart breaking at the idea of telling Peter you could no longer marry him. Allie, the beautiful thing she was, faked a gag and rose up, sitting beside you.
“Y/N, forget Pete for the moment okay? He doesn’t exist right here, right now.” She started, turning back towards your surprised visage with a finger pointed at you.
“I will always be here for you. I know you aren’t happy… I just want you to know that it’s never too late to cancel anything.”
You cried that night, silently into your pillow, never acknowledging the words she had spoken. Allie remained with you for the next few days, never uttering another word of the subject she had begun, helping you instead prepare for your wedding.
That night, you dreamt of large hands pulling you close and whispers of love pressed against your breast, heartbeat steady as he asked the one thing you could never lie about:
“Do you love me, Y/N? Me, and only me?” He whispered, lips moving against your collarbone, heated kisses following his words.
“I've only ever loved you.” You whispered back and watched the Otto before you smile, his hold turning bruising.
New York, even at night, was never silent. Noises could be heard everywhere and anywhere, people out and about, some heading home and some heading out.
Allie liked the hustle and bustle of the town, always eager to find a new Hole-in-the-wall type of bar or restaurant to get drunk in, and tonight, after saying she wanted to make you feel better with sushi, hadn’t been any different. She hummed under her breath and dutifully followed you back to your apartment, the both of you enjoying each other’s presence.
Convenience store bags in hand, you looked back at Allie as she wobbled, her steps mismatched, a half empty beer can in hand.
“Come on Al, we're almost there!” You laughed, watching her try to Hopscotch along the street. She stopped, eyes wide and smile even wider, throwing the beer can into the air and away from the both of you, making you cringe as it hit the ground.
“Oh my god- Was that a laugh!?” She yelled happily, the smell of beer and sake wafting off of her as she ran up beside you and held you close, arms trapped in her hold. You couldn’t help but smile at your best friend, mouth opening to chastise her for littering but you didn’t have the time; a faint melody met both your ears and Allie beamed, disentangling herself from you. You barely had time to register what song it was before she leaned away, breathing in sharply and letting loose.
“You should have bought her flowers!” She sang out, words echoing in the streets around you. Sang was perhaps too kind of a word though, as she scratchily belted out Bruno Mars lyrics.
“Shh! Oh my god Allie, shhhhhhh! Shut up!” You tried, running after her as she continued back to your apartment complex, uncaring of the people passing you by.
“You should’ve held her hand! Should’ve given her all your hours!” You barely made it in time to her, free hand rising to try and quiet her, heart racing as you imagined someone hearing-
“But now she’s marrying another man!”
Her words felt like a bath of freezing cold water, any remnants of alcohol in your system instantly evaporating.
She was right. You were, and no matter what fantasies and dreams you liked to imagine, you knew that life couldn’t continue like this, childishly hoping and wishing for another man to come sweep you up.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
“come on baby, put on a show”
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paring: eren yeager x female reader
cw: modern au, language, nsfw (nipple play, choking, fucking (obvs), voyeurism, praise, biting and kissing)
word count: 1700+
a/n: please even idk why i’m in such a nsfw mood lately, this was from a dream that @katsuhera​ told me to right, go follow her cause she bby 🥰
summary: in which whilst you and eren are getting intimate, your roommate arrives with a couple of friends, eren aware decides to make it a show to make them know who you truly belong too
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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The arch of your back was felt as you bounced against his cock, his hand in your hair pulling your head away from his body. You were a moaning mess moving up and down on his thick cock, a simple movie night in your apartment had led to being stuffed by your boyfriend. “Keep going baby.” Eren whispered, you saw how your own hands rested against his bare chest, feeling every muscle underneath your fingers.
“Dadd…” Unable to speak, you kept on bouncing, trying to keep a pace, his previous words ringed in your head. You’re the one who started this, you’re going to do all the work yourself. It had been teasing but all he did was wrap his hand around your hair in a tight grip, he loved seeing you work to get fucked. Work to satisfy yourself like the slut you were, his other hand gripped your waist, watching you with his intoxicating ember eyes. 
You always admired how attractive the boy truly was, the way he’d come from the gym with a sweaty body and hair tied up always melted you. Even at parties, with the sweatshirts and trousers he was always catching girls eyes. But even then, his gaze always fixated on you, but in this moment, he lazily watched you try and cum with your own movements. It was unsuccessful but he found it amusing a smirk plastered on his face.
His hair fell down to his shoulders and you wanted to grab it to make him fuck you. But he kept your hands just skimming the bottom of his hair, it was sweaty, and the air filled with the sound of you bouncing and the smell of salty sweat and cum. “One more minute, and then I’ll fuck you.”
He needed to make you suffer a while more, he saw you struggle each time you lifted your body up he saw you struggle to fit his length back into your velvety. Leaning further back on the chair, he saw the clock next to the front door, watching the red hand tick away towards the 12. His hand had let go of your hair as he put both against the arm rest, turning to see how your body arched to accommodate his length. He wanted to relive this moment forever, the sound of your mewls and moaning out his name, the lewd thoughts you were probably thinking, he wanted to stay like this forever. 
“You did such a good job.” He praised giving a lock lick down the side of your neck, it sent a shiver as he brought himself further inside of your walls. You had been tight going down on him but now he could feel himself crushed between your walls even more as he lifted his hips into you. “Let daddy do the work now.” 
You allowed himself to thrust his hips into your sore cunt, the way his fingers tightly gripped into your sides, the flesh between his fingers leading purple bruises. His mouth went to your breasts, sucking on your tits, leaving a swirl of saliva around each one, before biting against the muscle. He watched how moving bruises erupted from his sucking, moving up your chest to your collar and neck. 
With each thrust his hand kept firm, hearing your moans again, “Ere...please...fas...faster.” Your begging always sent him wild, knowing his pretty girl was begging to be cummed into, begging to feel all of him. He thrusts upwards making sure to hit the back of your uterus, he heard muffled moans as his gaze continued biting and sucking at your collarbone.
His eyes fixated on the door, seeing the handle shake. He ignored it groaning into your ear, “such a good girl, doing so well.” He nibbled at your ear lobe, his mouth sucking on your neck but yet again his eyes fixated on the door handle. 
He knew someone was touching it, someone was trying to get in. That was one thing he hated about this apartment, it wasn't home for him, you lived here with your roommate, your male roommate. Some guy who had known you and Jean when you were kids, the guy had supposed to move in with Jean, but the horse face had gotten his own apartment and you were your friends only option. 
He might hate the guy, but he knew he could use this moment. It may have been petty, but he didn’t care, he continued to thrust upwards, one hand moving to massage your breast and the other to grab your neck. The squeezing of both hands letting your body stay loose against his own, you moaned a “Eren”, a sound he would never forget just as the door opened. 
They had been talking which in your high you hadn't heard through the thrusting and groans from Eren. Your roommate and his two friends stopped in their steps, eyes widening at the sight of you getting fucked raw by Eren. Eren’s gaze from your neck moved to the three men, he didn't care, continuing to thrust into you, “Ere… more” You moaned again still unaware of others present.
He smirked at the three men, watching how even if they wanted to, their faces remained fixated on your own body. They watched how you were being used, how the smell of your slick filled the room, how you bounced along with the thrusts upwards. “Fuck...you’re doing so well, who’s pussy does this belong too?” Looking dead eyed at the three men, he asked the question. He wanted them to hear your answers, wanted them to see how you were his. 
“You...your daddy.” You gave out a lengthy moan, he saw the tightness of the three men’s jeans, your roommate had become red at the fact he was watching his childhood friend getting fucked mercilessly. “Cum...please”
A coil had erupted in your stomach, needing a release. “You gonna cum for me.” You nodded, as he planted his hands back onto your hips gripping you tightly as he thrusted upwards, hitting every inch of you. “Fuck...baby, I...I…” Eren had felt his own cum arrive, needing to cum inside that pretty cunt of yours. 
“Agh, Eren.” You moaned out your eyes having rolled to the back of your head, his hand gripped your hair bringing your head closer, he gave one sly look at the three men who had been frozen for the past minutes. The stray hairs around his face were pressed against your face, as he pulled you in for a kiss.
Sucking your tongue, mixing saliva with one another, he let out a groan as you breathed out heavily. He gave a smirk having let go of your mouth and giving a whisper, “come on baby, put on a show” You were confused but at the feeling of him thrusting deeper in you, you moaned with your white cum having gushed out onto his cock. Cum was smelt through the air, but even then, you still hadn't noticed the men watching, his previous comment having been dismissed, but Eren knew you’d probably kill him later, but he didn’t care. 
The feeling of knowing that these men were almost wishing they could be him made him want to fuck you even harder. His lips reattached to yours, twirling his tongue in your mouth, before groaning, the feeling of thrusting through the slick and cum, “fuck...Y/n.” He saw his cum spurt inside your cunt, the way your stomach bulged at the feeling of his cum inside of you. 
“You did such a good job.” He praised, giving a kiss to the side of your head, you smiled at him, resting your head against his chest. 
“I love you.” You whisper tiredly.
“I love you too.” He caressed your hair, his cock still deep inside of your warm cunt, he could almost see the cum drip down your leg. “Shows over.”
The three men got out of there gaze, wide eyed with red faces having intruded in a private moment. They had been so enticed by Eren’s glare at them, that they had stayed, you tilted your head looking at the three men, you looked confused before pressing your chest against Eren’s chest to make sure you were at least covered. 
“No point trying to hide it now baby.” Eren teased, you had regained some knowledge of some sorts, a glare across your face. 
“How long have they been there?” The question was directed to your boyfriend, he smirked watching how you glared at the three men who turned around. Grabbing your clothes and wearing it knowing you’d have to clean yourself afterwards, “Eren.” 
Eren looked at you with a grin, “I had to make sure they knew you were mine.”
“Not like this.” He wore his clothes, watching at your angry self. 
“I’ll make it up to you.” He went up to your body, his much taller frame, nuzzling his head into your neck. Soft kisses across your neck before he spoke, “we can do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” You gleam out like a school child.
“Whatever you want?” He repeated, grabbing your waist and allowing his whole body to lean against your shorter frame. 
“I’m so sorry.” Your roommate spoke feeling embarrassed about it all. 
You shook your head knowing that there was always a chance of it occurring, the two men he had been with had refused to meet your gaze. You laughed seeing the bulge through their own jeans, “round two?” You whispered to Eren, he looked at you eagerly, knowing what you were doing. “Come on, baby.” You took his hand taking him away from the living room and to your room.
Your roommate had understood what you were doing and rolled his eyes at you, “I’m sorry for what just happened and what’s going to happen.” He spoke to his friends; they had tried to get comfortable doing what they had come to do in the first place. But the sound of your moans and groans coming from the other room had made them both suffer under the constriction of their jeans. You and Eren truly were the same person, the excitement of them hearing having made it a very long night.  
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dracowars · 3 years
sacrifice | anakin skywalker
pairing: anakin x jedi!reader
word count: 4,1k
summary: where y/n has to sacrifice everything in order to save anakin
a/n: i'm so proud of this, i hope you enjoy reading it <3 also i really want to write more for anakin (& other male sw characters), so feel free to send in requests!! ♡
warnings: angst, torture, violence, mentions of severe injuries
universe: star wars
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Exhausted and plagued by a painful sting pulling through your whole body, you slowly flutter your eyes open which turns out to be difficult at first due to the bright light. Your limbs feel sore and incredibly weak, you can hardly feel your arms anymore and an uncomfortable tingling sensation runs through your legs. Your head is extremely heavy and the world around you rotates, getting faster in each second that passes and thus disenables your ability to think clearly.
Still blinded by the light, you narrow your eyes to at least be able to see something and as you do, your breath gets stuck in your lungs right away. Your gaze is directed at a black steel door with red and white switches and lights flashing on the right and on the left. A steel door which most likely allows no escape.
"Sir. The Jedi is conscious again", you hear the mechanical voice of a droid and you turn your head in its direction to your right. You see two Battle Droids next to you, one of them now aiming his weapon at you alarmed, the other standing at a control field.
Only now do you notice that you are much taller than these droids and you quickly discover why. Surround by a bluish light, you float in the air, your wrists and ankles chained in stuncuffs, making you unable to move even a tiny bit. You helplessly hang in the air, the tight handcuffs already painfully straining your skin.
"Do not let her out of your sight until I get there", you suddenly hear another voice through the comlink one of the droids is holding. A voice that unmistakably belongs to none other than the Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army General Grievous himself.
However, there was something else in the background. Something that made your breath get stuck in your throat again.
Screams. Full of pain and suffer that can only be produced by incredible agony.
"Where should she even go?", one of the droids asks annoyed and gets hit on the back of his head by the other after his statement immediately.
"Don't ask, work."
Not saying a word, you try to shake your hands to maybe loosen the handcuffs a little, but to no avail.
"No chance, lady. You will not get out of here that easily", the Battle Droid laughs while the other joins in. Throwing them an angry look, they quickly stop and get back to their work, ignoring you.
Using the moment of silence to your advantage, you close your eyes and try to feel the Force that surrounds you so that it can guide you the way. Because of your severe headache you do not succeed, but you also do not give up instantly and at least try to concentrate enough to remember what exactly happened.
The terrifying image of a battlefield on Ryloth appears in your head, droids and clones brutally fighting each other. With your ignited lightsaber you run between them, giving the clones cover while taking down several Battle Droids and Droidekas with one slash of your elegant weapon.
"General Y/L/N! General Skywalker has just informed us that he has advanced further at the front and has almost reached Grievous", you hear Fives tell you in your blurred memories when you hide behind a tree to seek protection for the split of a second.
"Anakin", you softly breathe, not noticing that you said his name out loud, and your eyes shoot open when your memory cuts off all of a sudden.
All you remember is that you followed him after Fives' words, but you do not remember what happened after that and you do not know where Anakin is now or if he was even captured as well.
In any case, you are not allowed to think about it any further when the door in front of you opens and you are greeted with the shadow of a large robotic figure, two Magna Guards on either side of him.
"Grievous", you hiss disapprovingly when he comes up to you with slow, heavy steps, his face - if you can even call it that - at eye level with you. "I sould have guessed that only you would be able to carry out such primitive captures."
His smoky laugh sounds at your words, which is quickly interrupted by a subsequent cough. In the next second, however, he tightly grabs your neck with his mechanical hand all of a sudden and forces you to look into his fleshy eyes. The pressure on your throat causes tears to well up in your eyes.
"You have a very important piece of information that Count Dooku would love to have, General Y/L/N", he mentions and you try to hide that he is currently blocking your windpipe. "All methods are fine with me as long as I get what I want."
"And I suppose you will only let me go if I tell you this very important piece of information?", you state ironically and take a quick breath in as he releases his strong grip from you.
"That would make things much easier for both of us", Grievous agrees and looks at you intensely, almost expectantly. "Where do the Jedi keep the holocrons?"
"What do you want to do with it? Even if I told you, which I will definitely not do by the way, you could not open it anyway", you mockingly point out and raise an eyebrow.
A second later, you have to fight for air again.
"That is something you should not worry about", he aggressively snaps at you and squeezes his hand harder, making you gasp for air even more. "Tell me where they are kept."
"You could kill me and I would not tell you", you choke out and his creepy-looking eyes sparkle with anger.
"I will let it depend on that", Grievous states and lets go of you again, but with a subtle gesture he gives his Magna Guards a sign and they suddenly approach you, their dangerous electrostaffs now activated.
Shortly afterwards you already feel an incredibly terrible pain that makes you cry out loud. A painful electricity shoots through your entire body that would force you onto your knees if you were not currently chained to stuncuffs in the air. It only takes a few seconds, but it feels much longer until they stop their torture, staying in their position.
"Where. Are. The. Holocrons?", Grievous asks you again, this time more angry and somehow stressed, putting strong emphasis on each word.
"You would like to know, huh", you slightly grin and although you know that such a cheeky answer will cause you to suffer again, it rolls of your tongue anyway.
Again, several electric shocks run through you at the same time and an increasingly unbearable pain forms in your body, but your head remains unwavering when they stop again.
"Tell me where they are, Jedi scum! Now!", the merciless General shouts at you and you can sense how he is getting more and more impatient by each second. He will not stop torturing you until you tell him what he wants to know and until you stop holding it back, but you have sworn a vow to the Jedi Order that you can't and will not break, no matter how much pain you have to endure.
"I guess you have to kill me then, because I will never tell you, Grievous", you respond breathless and you can already smell how your skin, your flesh, has slightly charred because of the burns.
Giving his Magna Guards another command with a simple hand gesture, they continue to torture you, but this time they only shock you briefly with their bright purple electrostaffs before stopping abruptly. Your muscles still tremble from the impact and the unbearable ache persists.
"Uhm, Sir. I hate to interrupt you, but the other Jedi just managed to take down one of the droids", one of the droids next to you reports and you, although you only understood half of what he just said, too weak to focus, you immediately know who he must be talking about.
General Grievous must have already tried to squeeze something out of him, that is why you heard screams earlier.
"Anakin", you groan in pain as the Magna Guards go back to their task of torturing you out of nowhere and put you into a state of absolute pain.
"Interesting", you hear Grievous utter through your own screams as your body writhes in pain in the air, the handcuffs pressing deep into your skin. Until the pain suddenly fades and you fall to the hard ground in front of his feet the next moment when the droid freed you with the push of a button.
"Sir, is that not too risky?", one of the droids ask, but you can't even get up from the floor by yourself because you have been weakened so much by the electric shocks. You are not even sure anymore whether you might even have passed out at this point.
However, you quickly realize that you, in fact, are still conscious when you are roughly pulled to your feet, a firm grip on both your upper arms as the Magna Guards pull you up.
"She is so weak, she can hardly walk. And without her lightsaber she can't do much anyway. It was a fine addition to my collection", Grievous laughs in your ear devilishly, and a lateral push in your ribs makes you realize that you should move forward. Having no other choice, you obey and stumble forward on shaky legs, losing your balance with almost every step due to the fact that your hands are still tied together with stuncuffs.
Losing any sense of orientation, you get pushed forward right behind General Grievous, your vision blurred and your head continuing to spin until you finally come to a stop in a corridor that is no different from the previous one.
The door to another cell opens, at least you recognize the same sound as your cell door did before, and you are suddenly rudely pushed inside after Grievous has entered, meeting the hard and cold surface of the floor.
Trying your best to get up again, you notice that their dangerous weapons are no longer close to your body. Yet, you are prevented from doing anything at the sight in front of you after you managed to lift yourself up from the ground a little bit with your hands and looked up.
"Anakin!", you exhale in shock when you see your almost lifeless husband floating in front of you, the same handcuffs on him as on you, stunning him.
He immediately stirs when he hears your voice and lifts his head up, only to discover your trembling figure lying on the ground in front of him.
"What did you do to him?", you shout at Grievous with all your might and manage to fully get up due to the sudden adrenaline rush, but soon are shoved back onto the ground by Grievous and the Magna Guards pull you into a kneeling position by your arms.
"The same I did to you", General Grievous explains with a laugh and trudges back and forth between you and Anakin. "Verily, the will of a Jedi is strong, but I have already cracked the toughest will."
Admiring himself, his gaze slides on you and you immediately avoid the contact, looking at the ground.
"If you touch her even once, I swear you are already dead", Anakin angrily snaps at him, but Grievous does not even react to it, not even when Anakin manages to throw one of the Battle Droids against the wall in his anger with the tiniest movement. Grievous just stops in front of you and roughly lifts your chin up, indeed touching you.
"How many more electric shocks will she endure before her will breaks, what do you think?", Grievous asks into the room and you remove your chin from his grasp with all your leftover strength.
"J-Just leave her alone", Anakin mutters weakly and briefly looks at Grievous with a hateful expression before his muscles give up again and his head sinks down again in exhaustion.
"Tell me where the holocrons are and I will let her go", Grievous declares and turns to your husband, who is about to pass out.
"No! Don't listen to him, Anakin!", you interrupt him right away and try to, although you know that it will not be possible, to loosen your bonds, but the Magna Guards are quick to hold their electrostaffs threathingly close to your body again. "N-No matter what he does to me, you must not tell him- ouch!"
Feeling the burning imprint of the metal back of Grievous hand on your now throbbing cheek, the impact throws you to the ground and tears shoot into your eyes because of the sting, but you suppress them quickly.
"Well, if you do not want to talk, I know who will", Grievous threatens and you press your eyes shut in defeat to mentally prepare yourself for the torturing pain.
A pain that does not come.
At least not in the way you expected, because all of a sudden you hear something that is probably much worse for you than thousands of electrical particles shooting through your body.
They are shooting through Anakin right now.
Excruciating screams escape his throat and you have to watch how he is tortured, how his body winds in pain, how he slowly breaks apart.
You both expected that he would attack you.
"NO! Stop!", you yell at them and desperately shake at your bonds, tears flowing down your cheeks at the sight of the love of your life being hurt in front of your own eyes.
"Please stop! You will kill him!", you screech over his screams, but Grievous does not let his Magna Guards stop, rather he induces them to continue.
"Don't, Y/N. Do not tell- argh!", Anakin tries to tell you, but is interrupted by his pain and you can clearly feel how he is getting weaker by every second and how his strength and will are leaving him more and more.
With every further shock that electrifies his body and puts his muscles out of action, he groans in unbearable pain while thin billows of smoke are already emanating from his upper body. The skin on his neck and hands is reddish, a sign of an already severe burn. Yet the worst are still his inevitable screams that are fully soaked in suffer.
"The Jedi Archives!", you shout out loud while your tears keep streaming down your face, a feeling of guilt building up inside of you for just having betrayed the whole Jedi Order.
But you have no other choice.
"T-They are in the Jedi Archives!", you stutter out and General Grievous finally brings the torture to an end, but Anakin's body is now just lifelessly floating in the air.
"Well, that was not that hard, was it?", Grievous says, amused, and turns around to step out of the cell, his Magna Guards close behind him, leaving you alone. Before the door closes, however, one of the droids presses a button on the outside of the door, causing Anakin to fall to the ground with a loud thud.
"Anakin!", you cry out and quickly crawl over to him, his body still trembling as a result of the numerous shocks when you turn him on his back to get a better view of him and as soon as you touched him, you shortly get electrocuted as well.
"Do you hear me, Anakin? Please, please don't do this to me. Open your eyes!", you basically yell at him in his passed out condition and very carefully place your hands on each of his cheekbones, caressing them tenderly.
Lowering your head after he shows no reaction, your heavy sobs rock through your body and you whimper quietly, gasping for breath over and over again.
"I am so sorry", you sniff sadly and wipe your tears away with your hands, which are still tied together, before gently placing them back on his burning hot upper body.
"Y-You should not have- Should not have t-told him", Anakin utters all of a sudden and his eyes flutter open a tiny bit, weakness and pain covering his handsome face.
"W-What should I have done instead?", you desperately ask and can't help but feel a little bit relieved that he is able to talk to you despite his bad condition and despite the terrible torture method he just went through.
Seeking support and security, you grab his hands and he gently squeezes yours, trying to reassure you that he will be fine.
"That is- That is w-why it is forbidden- ugh forbidden for us to love and- and-", he groans as he tries to sit up, but he is too weak and even with your help, you do not manage to get him up so you gently lay him down again, his head in your lap.
"A-And to make us dependent on some- argh, damn! Someone", Anakin finishes his sentence anyway and if you did not know better, you could have sworn to see a small smirk scurry over his chapped lips.
"Ani, I betrayed the Council", you supress your crying and brush his brown locks out of his face while looking down at him with affection. "They are going to exclude me from the Jedi Order.."
"What are y-you even talking about? You s-saved me, babe. I will not let that happen", he hisses in pain, the last words nearly inaudible as his eyes slowly close again, his body becoming limp.
"We will not let that happen either", another voice suddenly speaks up and you look up startled, only to see Ahsoka standing in the hallway in front of your now opened cell.
"Ahsoka?", you mutter under your breath in disbelief and widen your eyes as she steps into the cell, not sure how much of your conversation she was able to hear. After all, nobody knows that you and Anakin are a thing, let alone married.
"Master!", Ahsoka breathes in shock and falls onto her knees next to you as she speechlessly takes in Anakin's fragile figure.
"I- They have-"
"It's okay, Y/N. Take it easy, slow breaths, in and out. We will get you out of here in no time", she affirms and gives you a gentle, encouraging smile before she quickly severes your and Anakin's cuffs with her green lightsaber. "Obi-Wan is chasing after Grievous and Captain Rex-"
"Master Tano, I found the lightsabers and am now on my way to the prison wing", Rex's voice interrupts Ahsoka through the comlink.
"Can you walk on your own?", she asks you concerned and helps you on your shaky legs, even though you nodded.
"I knew- I knew you would come, Snips", Anakin coughs out of nowhere, and you are not sure whether he is conscious or if the Force just allows him to feel what is happening around him right now.
"You always have to be bailed out, Skyguy", Ahsoka chuckles and at this moment Rex enters the cell with more clones, immediately handing you back your lightsaber, which you attach to your belt.
"Rex, please help me out over here", Ahsoka asks him and together they lift Anakin up from the ground and carry him out. Following them into the corridor in front of the cell, Fives quickly meets you and puts your arm around his shoulder to help you walk until you arrive in the hangar and get onto the Twilight.
They place Anakin in one of the small cabins and you let Fives guide you there as well. You sit down in front of your husband and do not let him out of your sight.
Holding back the sad and re-emerging tears that come up while looking at his distorted, unconsicous body, you bite down on your lower lip to prevent you from crying and take his rough flesh hand in your own. You gently stroke over the back of his hand with your thumb while the clone trooper medic puts an oxygen mask over his face.
It does not take long for Obi-Wan to join you in boarding the ship and as he does, he straightly goes to you when they start the Twilight and fly out of the hangar and into the vastness of space. When you feel his hand on your shoulder, you flinch.
"Sorry. How is he?", Obi-Wan asks you with great concern in his voice and face. After all, Anakin is like a son to him.
"The clone trooper medic said that he suffered severe burns and bruises, but apparently no permanent serious or consequential damage. Nevertheless, he urgently needs professional treatment when we arrive on the Negotiator", you sob and inconspicuously remove your hand from Anakin's to not let Obi-Wan see. "I have to- uhm I have to tell you something, Obi-Wan."
"I know. But better keep it to yourself a little bit longer for now until we report to the Council together, alright? Then you only have to tell it once", Obi-Wan calms you down and gives you warm smile.
"Thank you, master", you lower your head and turn your gaze back to Anakin, whose chest moves up and down regularly and whose breath is sounding through the room.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You did what everyone would have done and I am very grateful that you did so. We all have to make sacrifices at some point", he assures you before carefully patting your shoulder one more time and leaving the room, leaving you alone with Anakin again.
After you have finally arrived on the Negotiator, you do not leave Anakin's side when a few clones bring him to the medical bay, where the meddroids take professional care of him right away. While they are treating him, you wait outside, your body full of tension while nervously tapping the floor with your foot and playing with your fingers. They checked up on you as well, but because you were only briefly subjected to torture it only took them a few minutes to treat your wounds.
When the door finally opens automatically, you look up with hope in your eyes and stare at the medical droid expectantly.
"He is stable. You can see him now", the droid announces and guides you inside. At the sight that greets you, your heart stops beating for a moment.
There your husband lies, with cables connected to all the beeping machines, his eyes closed and his breathing light and regular. You unconsciously quicken your pace in order to get to his side faster. As soon as you stand next to him and neither say anything nor touch him, Anakin immediately opens his eyes as he senses you through the Force.
"Hi, beautiful", he weakly smiles at you and grabs your hand, causing you to directly surround his with your own, looking at him with worry, the load suddenly falling off your shoulders all at once.
"I was so worried about you. How are you?", you openly admit and gently run one of your hands through his messy but soft hair.
"You should not have done that, you know?", he clears his throat, ignoring your question as he feels the conflict within you, a serious expression while staring in your eyes. "I mean saving me. You have put yourself in danger. If something had happened to you.."
Tears well up in your eyes as you unintentionally review the recent events in your head, taking Anakin's words to heart, but you quickly catch yourself again.
"Anak-", you want to answer, but abruptly get interrupted when he pulls you into his strong arms out of nowhere, hugging you tightly like his life depends on it.
"Thank you for saving me, love", he softly whispers into your ear and you smile into the crook of his neck before he guides your face with his hand on your jaw right in front of his own. His blue eyes scan your face and then switch between your eyes and lips until he gently places his hand on the back of your head and leads you into a tender kiss.
Feeling his lips against yours suddenly feels so surreal to you. After everything that happened, you almost did not believe that it could still end, well, like this.
Leaning more into the kiss, he eventually breaks the kiss, just to place one gently between your eyebrows. His thumb softly runs over your cheek as he gives you a warm smile.
"I love you."
"I love you more. And I would always sacrifice everything for you", you return his smile and connect your lips again, feeling like nobody can harm you anymore.
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Y/n looking at Jojos as competitions/rivals (hcs)
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Summary: You consider the Jojos a rival, and competition when it gets to grades and all, they never did anything to you but you’re just generally annoyed at them because you think they’re better than you and you’re annoyed that they are better than you, you’re not jealous just annoyed that they exceeded you. (basically enemies to lover for short) Inspiration: Based on real life thoughts with a person honestly lmaO I really think they are a compeition(they don’t know) but in the end it’s just a friendly thing. Disclaimers: Underage smoking (Just because this action is being done here it doesn’t mean you should do it too, for both my adult and teen audiences i rlly don’t recommend this and just because I used it in this fic doesn’t mean you should do it as well) , and  mentions of violence, or implied violence, drugs are also mentioned( i repeat i do not encourage these behaviours in real life) Header: Orange Other writings: Masterlist/Taglist Requests/questions: Ask/Request Box
Jojos as your Rivals
Jonathan Joestar
  ✧ God. To you he was really annoying, teachers praised him and he was a top student in the rankings and a teacher’s pet, you’d never see him complain, cry, or anything at all.
  ✧ Of course he was the class president and a student council so it annoyed you more since he was kind of like a mary sue in your eyes, the fact that he got good grades and doesn’t seem to have a hard time in the things he does really annoy you.
 ✧ You were in the top 3 top students except you’re in 3rd place and you could never beat Jonathan, moreover he’s also an athlete and you were bothered that girls were practically drooling to him. But despite this you’ll never do anything to seek revenge, you won’t embarrass him or frame him because you still have morals.
 ✧ Though you were just grumpy and passive agressive to him sometimes whenever the teacher asks him to help you, you really didn’t like receiving help from him because for you, you think that’s a sign of weakness.
 ✧ Of course you get parterned up with him a big project that was considered as your examination and you hated it. You treated it more of a individual work, but after knowing him a bit from that project you kinda like how he acted, polite, kind and patient.
  ✧ Everytime he sees you struggle and you decline for help he’ll just go behind you or besides you and either guide your hands to fix it or he’ll fix it himself and he’ll just smile afterwards, it was really cute and you’ll mentally slap yourself for liking him, were you forgetting he was rival?
 ✧ He’ll slowly consider you as a friend and he would really really feel guilty for assuming that you were a rude person base on you act towards him but he eventually thinks that you’re a kind person in the inside but a bit stubborn and he finds that cute.
 ✧ If it’s a love story you and him will secretly date and its not obvious to the world that you two are dating, you were never touchy with him in public, you two still acted the same honestly, a bit stubborness coming from you and stubborness from Jonathan because he’s really willing to help you with everything, eitherway you two only have playful fights and a few REAl arguments here an there but you two eventually make up again a few days later.
 ✧ If it’s a platonic relationship you two would be the bestest of friends and you two would have playful arguments and some people would literally ship you two because of your friendship.
 Joseph Joestar
 ✧ This guy was intelligent but lazy and yet he still gets 1st place in the class as a top student with A+ grades, and you found it also annoying that he was naturally talented and effortlessly got them, you sometimes wonder if he cheats.
 ✧ And because you think he cheats you go out of your way to site his essays and public works to see if he uses references or anything, but no this guy is just naturally talented and you felt like he didn’t deserve especially with his laid off attitude.
 ✧ Now you don’t show your passive aggressive side to him because you know better not to make him think that you’re literally angry at him, for you he’s just a competition and another boss level to defeat, it’s not personal just a fun thing you do so you don’t take out your anger out on him.
 ✧ He is also an athlete, of course the Joestar bloodline and legacy literally revolves around the sports they take, so it was no surprise, you on the other hand is also an athlete and you would most likely take the competition seriously whenever there’s a boys vs girls basketball game, you were the MVP let’s just say, sports was like your whole life.
 ✧ Of course there’s an annual event that the high school hosts where as every student will be competing against each other, the remaining 4 players will be the ones set out to compete to another sports festival in a different school. They will choose 4 players per sport.
 ✧ Of course you chose to marathon since you were honestly swift and that was more on your main sport, running. And it was Joseph’s as well and you two had to compete with each other among other students, he’ll say something cocky to you that is enough to motivate you to defeat him.
 ✧ Eventually you and Joseph were one of the 4 people chosen to compete in another school, and though it took awhile for you two to agree on things you two won the tournament with teamwork and ever since then your friend consists of constant and non stop teasing and playful banters.
 ✧ “What do you mean? I clearly made our team win!” he’d say and you’d just roll your eyes at his cockiness. Though you’d retort with something cocky as well.
Jotaro Kujo
 ✧ You honestly don’t know why this guy was even a top student he often gets into fights and the teachers just shrug it off,  you find it annoying he gets to answer everything before you and finish quizzes before you and you get so pissed and can’t understand why is he quick and he doesn’t seem like a type to review.
 ✧ He’s pissed at every fangirl he has and he is pissed at you sometimes as well because you try avoiding him, yeah he’s aware of your competitiveness and he doesn’t really care that much.
 ✧ But you do so you basically you’re like legit pissed at him and you think that he also doesn’t deserve his intelligence since he’s just wasting it away by smoking cigarettes at the back of the school and fighting people it was honestly annoying and you wish you had his intelligence at the same time.
 ✧ Unlike the others maybe in this one you’re being constantly pressured by high grades so you started smoking as well to relieve your stress, you’d somberly sulk at the back of the school as well smoking your problems away it made you feel calm for some reason.   ✧ He sees you there and mumbles a “Tch” while he adjusts his cap and walk near you and light up his cigarette and doesn’t say a word, he doesn’t honestly care what you were doing, anyone was allowed to do anything they want to do so he left you there.  ✧ Honestly he started getting concerned of you when you were often doing it, even he knew that too much is too much. “ That’s enough” he’ll say and take your cigarette pack away, “Touche” you’ll just roll your eyes and walk away. He’d always stop you from smoking, you were getting addicted honestly and it’s not helping since every minute you were getting stressed out.  ✧ When you’re not listening to him he’ll agressively tell you to “cut it off bitch.” or something along those lines, and you didn’t really know he was a person who hid his feelings so you snapped and scolded him that you were a mess because of him  and took out all of your anger and left honestly.  ✧ He couldn’t care less what you said about him and tried to accompany you at the back of the school or in the rooftops everytime it’s break or the end of classes, he didn’t speak that much but he was a good listener and constantly listened to your problems, eventually this is a routine and you treasured every second of it.  ✧ It became a thing that you two basically  sit on the rooftop talking to each other, from then on he’d accompany you outside of school as well and you two would hangout and it would be nice quiet moments when he’s around, he’s also a very protective friendship. Josuke Higashikata  ✧ This guy really doesn’t care about his grades and yet he gets high score it was also annoying that teachers adore him, and that every girl adores him as well. Unfortunately you two were partners for a spelling Bee. Only professors were allowed to choose who participates, and though Josuke might not be accurate with his english pronounciations and spellings he still had high grades and it annoyed you that he got to participate his weak subjects just because he has high grades.  ✧ Honestly he’d hate it as well and would just play games all day long instead of studying or anything, and during the spelling bee he didn’t help at all and you were pissed at him. Even though you were softly and passive agressively scolding him he didn’t get mad back and just said a “Okay okay! I’m sorry.” he’ll apologize and try to study but he’ll get distracted.  ✧ Teachers still continued to praise him and gave no praise to you at all even though you carried your partner to the finish line, that’s why you hated Josuke, he was loved by everyone and you never understood why, was it his personality? Smarts? What was it?   ✧ From that then you’ll break into his house with no permission and catch him playing video games. You’ll scold him to study the words and act like a strict teacher towards him, he dozed off a lot and was laid back and distracted, yet he was still able to answer some of them.  ✧ This is why you didn’t like him he was too laid back and didn’t seem to take things seriously, because of this you suggested a break and he went back t o playing his video games and getting frustrated, and even though you were tight while teaching him he was kind enough to still offer you to play with him. You were going to decline but you still accepted it.  ✧ This is where you saw his true personality, he talked about a lot of things and you two ended up having fun as you two play, you didn’t mind this moment and you’d want it to treasure it forever honestly. You brought up your personality as well to him, you started showing your true colors and he really liked the fact that you weren’t an overbearing person at all.  ✧ ever since then you two manage to win the competitions and manage to play at the same time. You two became the bestest friends which was unexpected since you considered him as a rival, though you’re still annoyed because everytime you ask him to teach you he’ll teach really badly and you wouldn’t understand anything from him. Giorno Giovanna   ✧ This guy was a quiet yet smart type, he often sits at the back of the class dazing off the window and yet still able to answer questions of the teacher even when not paying attention.   ✧ Though you compete with him you know not to mess with him honestly, though a lot of really negative rumours constantly spread about him. Like his family problem and things like that so you pity him at some times.  ✧ Girls adore him, something about the Joestars getting fangirls annoys you a lot. They baby him, and even though sometimes he gets annoyed and straightforwadly tells them to go away sometimes he’d entertain them and be kind. Teachers always saw him as a role model student it makes you barf.  ✧He’ll also probably hangout with his school gang, nobody knows what this gang does honestly, the teachers just leave him be just because they want to just leave him be and they’re too naive; thinking that it’s just a normal innocent gang where it’s a group of kids hanging out.  ✧ You caught up his ‘gang’ beating up someone and since you were a witness he saw you as a immediate threat(or so you though) and this quiet kid did a whole 180 with his personality and looked at you menacingly.  ✧ You don’t know how to approach him that you won’t tell anyone you’ve witnessed and always ran away everytime he approaches you or everytime his gang approaches you. Now your rivalary and competiting against grades is now ruined because this guy could always beat you anyday when it gets to physical fights, or so you thought.  ✧ You always ate lunch at the rooftop so he kind of took this opportunity to calmly sit besides you and talk to you about what you saw, he just wanted to give you context so that you wouldn’t get the wrong idea. Apparently that guy was an adult selling drugs to a bunch of graduating elementary kids.  ✧ You were relieved he wasn’t gonna beat you up and put you in the sewers, you took this time to also talk to him to actually see he was a nice guy, a gentle man and that you thought he was a cocky student because you always assumed him like that, not only that but you assumed him being a playboy as well since he gets so much attention.  ✧ You confess all of this to him and he let’s out a quick chuckle and you just laugh as you confess all of your thoughts and competitiveness against him, he was a good listenered actually, and didn’t take it really personally, he knew deep inside that you were a good person even though before you used to give him a scary glare when you two didn’t talk yet.  ✧ From that day on you start catching up to him in the hallways and talk and all his fangirls would practically hate you and give you glares as you two are having a good time.  ✧ He’ll make sure you’re out of his school gang businesses and arguments with other gangs, he may not say or sometimes express it but he always cares for you and tries to be supportive in littliest ways such as listening and remembering to every detail you tell him.  ✧ you’d still playfully compete with him and if he wins you’re okay with it unlike before
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Thanks for reading! Reqs are open! My only requirements is no nsfw and probbably not part 5 yet since im not there hihi.(P.s I do canon x oc :) ) Sorry for not uploading for awhile
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oddshelbyout · 3 years
Forever // John Shelby X Fem!Reader
Summary: You get a letter that declares your husband, John dead during the war. Just as you were slowly getting used to the pain, a miracle brings him home.
Warnings: Mention of death (non graphic), Angst
Word Count: 1668
Author’s Notes:
I needed to write some angst and this is how it ended up. I’m really proud of this one even though I don’t think it’s as angsty as I intended to make it. I hope you enjoy it <3
English is not my first language and I’m not always confident about my work so please let me know if I make any mistakes or anything I can fix in my writing.
You can ask to be added to my taglist. You can be tagged to works on a specific character or just any of my works. Please dm me or send your wish to my ask box if you’d like to be added.
Requests are open. You can request any Peaky Blinders related imagines or prompts for me to write. I’m a minor so I don’t take NSFW requests, please keep that in mind.
You were lying on John’s childhood bed. It had been your bed ever since he got shipped off to France. The house you lived together in felt empty and the double bed you slept together was lonely.
With all the boys being on the battlefield, expect Finn. The Shelby women were staying together, taking care of business and each other.
It had been two years since they left when you got the letter. The letter was delivered to the house you and John lived. You didn’t realise it existed until a few weeks later. You wished you never realised.
The letter declared John dead. He was presumed killed in action. He had originally gone missing and afterwards was called dead.
You hadn’t opened the letter until you were with Polly. You could feel that it was something bad. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be delivered in the first place.
Your eyes started bawling out the moment you read the first few words. Polly had his arms around you, much calmer than you. She didn't shed a single tear. Ada was there too but unlike Polly, she was crying. Not as much as you did of course.
One might’ve assumed they would cry more. They were family by blood. You cried most because you had less time with him and that time wasn’t enough for you.
When you finally let go of the letter, his eyes appeared behind your closed ones. You couldn't open them, you didn’t want to see a world where he wasn’t in. It got easier after a while but then, you started hearing his voice. How he called you “Love” and “Darling” and occasionally “Baby”.
Thankfully you had Ada and Polly and even Finn. The youngest Shelby was your best distraction. All of them had the same pain though with different ways to show it. Polly got more aggressive after learning about John’s death and Ada got more passive. Finn just stopped playing with his toy guns.
You got used to the fact that your husband wasn’t going to return from the war. It hurt but you got used to it. You knew there was a possibility of that happening but never thought it would actually happen.
You were lucky that you were already staying with the other remaining Shelbys in Small Heath. John’s childhood bed felt more like your own bed after learning about his death.
You got so used to the Shelby home that you even forgot you had a house you lived with John in. Maybe you just chose to forget. The bed you were sleeping was more comfortable anyway.
You sat on the bed. You didn’t feel like doing anything productive so you just sat and read your book. You had become somewhat numb. The book in your hands would’ve made you cry if it was a few months ago.
You barely understood anything you read so Finn suddenly opening the door was a gift. “You have to come down Y/N.” he said with his not yet thickened voice.
You sighed, “Can’t it wait until I finish this chapter at least?” Finn shook his head. “Polly said now.” you rolled your eyes. You couldn’t think of anything that could be this urgent.
“And you always do as Polly told right?” you mocked Finn. He seemed upset by it and looked into your eyes, putting pressure on you. You closed your book and before letting Finn say anything, you left the room.
You slowly walked down the stairs, Finn behind you. When you got down, “Pol?” you called out for her. You looked around and just as you were going back upstairs you heard footsteps.
You turned your back, expecting Polly, you were going to ask her what was so urgent. Instead you saw John. His face reflected his tiredness. His eyes were looking dead. He had a cane in his hand, you examined him from head to toe. You thought you were hallucinating.
You gasped. You blinked a few times. Your eyes teared up. “John.” you said quietly. Your whole body went numb. Finn looked at John and then you. Polly appeared behind John, her face was wet from tears.
You couldn’t stand still. You collapsed on the floor. It was dark. You heard John calling your name, felt Polly’s hard slaps on your cheeks. You couldn’t open your eyes.
“Finn get her water.” Polly ordered, you heard the boy’s footsteps. A harder slap from Polly came afterwards. You opened your eyes. John’s eyes blocked your sight. “You.” was all you could say.
Finn came back with a glass of water. You tried to sit up, Polly offered you her hand. John was silent. He was on his knees beside you, he was in pain. He took support from his cane and stood up.
“Finn, go upstairs.” Polly told the boy, he nodded and rushed upstairs. “He’s supposed to be dead!” you shouted at Polly then looked at your husband. You took the water from Polly’s hand and took a sip.
“Let’s get you up Baby.” you heard him say. You thought you’d never hear his voice again, you thought you’d never be called baby and feel the way you did when he said it. It should’ve felt like a blessing, a miracle but it felt more like a curse.
You stood up by yourself without any help. “Why don’t we sit down.” John said, looking towards the door of the living room. You nodded silently. Every breath you took felt like the first.
You sat down on the couch, John sat down beside you. “I’ll leave you two alone.” she said and left, probably going upstairs to Finn.
“Y/N, why won’t you look at me?” he asked. He noticed he avoided his gaze. You felt like none of it was real. “You were supposed to be dead.” you mumbled, barely able to speak.
Your voice cracked, John seemed to share the pain you were in. You couldn’t understand why you weren’t happy about this. John understood, you were in shock. You were just getting used to his loss and now you knew it was all a lie.
You cried, you didn’t know what to see, neither John did. You sobbed, John pulled you to himself. His arms felt safer than ever. He gave you a kiss on the forehead. Your tears wetted his shirt.
“Why aren’t you dead!” you were angry that you had to go through that grief even though it wasn’t true. You pushed yourself out of his arms.
John held your face between his two hands. “Look at me Love, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” he assured you.
“But…” you tried to speak but he interrupted. “I got captured.” he said, it was obviously hard for him to talk about it. He felt like he owed you the explanation, he had to tell you about it no matter how hard it was.
“I was tortured, you got the letter when I was in the enemy's hands.” he swallowed, his eyes teared up. “You don’t have to tell me if it’s too hard.” he let go of your face and held your hand instead.
“I have to.” he whispered, you nodded telling him to continue. “I was found only a few weeks ago, I needed treatment so they transported me back here.” he took a deep breath. “John…” you said before biting your lip.
“Y/N just listen.” John said softly, “Okay” you mouthed. You squeezed his hands in support. “They told me the war is over for me, at least this one.” he said, “I’m home and I’m not going back.” his voice was still.
“I wish I could be happy right now but I’m just in more pain.” you confessed. “I know but I’m here and as long as we have each other it’s okay.” you hugged him. You hugged him tighter than you ever did and ever will.
John started crying too. His tears fell on your hair and yours fell on his shoulders. He was here, you were hugging him, you were talking to him, he called you “Baby” again. You expected to wake up from this dream but it was real.
“No more grieving.” he whispered here. “No more going to bed alone.” you said. “No more being apart, we’ll be together forever.” his words just made you cry more.
It was the first time you saw John cry and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time. The way he stood and spoke told you he was a different man now but it didn’t matter. You were in his arms and he was in yours.
“Has Ada seen you?” you asked while still holding him close. “Not yet.” he said softly, “She’s gonna be so happy to see you.” you replied back.
“Definitely happier than Finn was.” he said, it made you chuckle and put a smile on both of your faces. “I love you so much.” you cried and all he could say was “Me too.”.
Neither of you spoke for a while. There was nothing left to say, maybe there was a lot to talk about but it wasn’t the time. Your safe silence in each other’s arms was cut with Ada entering the room.
“Fucking hell!” she screamed, “Have I gone mad?” she shouted. You and John laughed unintentionally at her reaction. Polly came running, “I guess it’s time to have a family meeting.” she said while Ada stood there her jaw dropped.
Ada was calmer than you were and so was Polly. Neither of you expected it but it was a miracle anyway. It was your miracle. You were finally at ease while you still had that little but of grief left.
The happiness didn’t appear until you were getting ready for bed. You weren’t going to sleep alone. John wasn’t sleeping on the uncomfortable hospital bed or in the trench. It was the most peaceful night you had in ages.
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You Better, You Better, You Bet - Chapter 8
She Makes Me
Ron Speirs x Juliet Fletcher
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Summary: Juliet Fletcher reaches a breaking point in her life. When she is at her absolute lowest, she meets Ron Speirs, and something happens between them that neither of them will ever forget.
Word Count: 3.8k
Tag List: @vintagelavenderskies​ @how-are-those-nuts-sarge​ @iilovemusic12us​ @hesbuckcompton-baby​ @tvserie-s-world​ @whovian45810​ @50svibes​ @cagzzz107​​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this update!
Warning(s): None :)
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7
AO3 link
Chapter 8 let’s go!!!
Arthur William Burns, 33, of London has married Miss Elaine Spencer, 20, of Birmingham. The couple celebrated their union on February 14, 1944 at the chapel on his uncle Edward’s estate in Suffolk. The intimate ceremony was followed by a small reception of the couple’s closest friends and family. The new Mrs. Burns was thoughtful about her war-time wedding, taking extra steps to avoid unnecessary costs or supplies. She updated her mother’s wedding dress instead of buying new, and after the wedding, generously donated the gown to the Army. Her engagement ring was an heirloom of Mr. Burns’ family, but it didn’t stop there - 
The article didn’t stop there, but Juliet did. She couldn’t read another word about Arthur’s wedding. In fact, she slammed the paper down on her desk. It rattled the teacup in its saucer to the side, but miraculously, nothing spilled. Huffing, and her article forgotten, Juliet folded her arms across her chest and stewed. 
She couldn’t really say why it bothered her so much. She had moved on the same as him, but getting married? It hadn’t been that long. What could Arthur possibly know about this girl? For a girl she was at the tender age of twenty. Was that what irked her? That the girl was so young? No, it was fairly normal for an age gap like that, especially among their class. 
Perhaps it was the class issue that was grating on her. Elaine Spencer was - to the Burns family - everything Juliet was not. Young, rich, well-behaved, and (though only Arthur knew this difference) able to bear children. Seeing their announcement, and the kind of wedding they could afford, was a rather harsh reminder of all that. But even that should not have been this upsetting. 
Deep down, Juliet knew what was bothering her was that she was bothered at all. She was happy with Ron. So why did she care about her ex? Why did this feel like such a blow to her pride? Why did she feel as if Arthur had just terminated their engagement all over again? Wasn’t it enough to have Ron in her life, a man she truly respected and cared about? 
That was something else to consider. Juliet realized she had wasted far too much time on someone who wasn’t half the man Ron was. And yet, Arthur had rejected her. If what she thought about him was true - that he was a coward and totally undeserving of her - shouldn’t it have been the other way around? She knew she felt shame for how much she had loved Arthur when she didn’t receive that love in return. Was that what got on her nerves about this? 
She certainly was not jealous of the girl. Elaine. Juliet knew she absolutely did not want to be married to Arthur. In the long run, they could never make each other happy. Especially now that Juliet had experienced Ron, who truly appreciated what she had to give. She had to keep reminding herself of him or Arthur’s dumb face next to Elaine’s stunning smile would drive her crazy. And yet, she couldn’t stop looking at that picture. They looked so perfect. 
Her door opened and she jumped a little bit out of her seat with a gasp. It was Ron, but that oddly made her more nervous. She perked up. 
“Hi, honey!” she greeted brightly. 
His brown knit together over his eyes. “Honey?” 
“Yes, dear?” she returned. 
“Seriously,” he frowned. “Why are you calling me that?” 
“I haven’t before?” 
“Obviously not.” 
“You don’t like it?” 
“Obviously not,” he repeated. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing!” she insisted. Then it was her turn to frown. “What endearments am I allowed?” 
“Why do you need them, when my name works just fine?” he replied. 
“Oh come on,” she said. “Not even darling?” 
“Darling is meaningless here, you people call everyone darling,” he said. 
She considered that. “Alright. ‘Love’, then?”
“No, thanks.” 
She bit back a giggle for the last one. “Daddy?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous.” 
“My heart belongs to Daddy,” she began to sing as she got to her feet and approached him. “So I simply couldn’t be bad -”
“That’s a little bit sick, coming from you,” he cut across her as he shrugged off his jacket.
She ignored him. “Yes, my heart belongs to Daddy! Da da da da -” 
This time, he interrupted with a kiss. Juliet giggled into his mouth, but he was successful in stopping the song entirely. When they parted, she had a goofy grin on her lips. 
“Are you absolutely certain we should disregard the genius of Cole Porter?” she teased. 
“Let it go,” he returned. 
“What are you gonna do?” she challenged, making her voice dramatically husky. “Spank me?” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” 
She blinked, taken aback by his casual reaction to such a suggestion, but she was also a little curious, so she decided to push the envelope. “You wouldn’t.”
“What’s the matter?” he questioned. “Afraid you’ll like it?” 
Her mouth fell slightly agape. How had he managed to so drastically turn the tables on her? She was supposed to be teasing him and somehow, she ended up being the one flustered and red-faced. She cleared her throat and shook her head to remove the rather graphic images that had popped up inside it. All thoughts of Arthur were certainly out the window. 
“I did not anticipate this backfiring,” she admitted. 
“And yet, here you are,” he said. 
“How tired are you from training?” she asked. 
“Not too tired to make love to you, if that’s what you’re asking,” he answered. 
“That’s the perfect amount,” she said. 
With that, she tugged off her cardigan and pulled him in for another kiss, deep and deliberate, with a nip at his bottom lip to get him riled up. He lifted her into his arms and they fell on the bed together - her pinned beneath him as their lips remained locked. 
Afterwards, as they dressed to get some dinner and Juliet was in the bathroom fixing her hair, Ron spotted the article. Suddenly, her behavior when he first walked in made sense. She’d distracted him with the endearments conversation, and he hoped he had distracted her from what she’d read. But his gut told him there was something more. He’d walked through that door every day without surprising her. There was a reason she had started and panicked this time. He picked up the newspaper, and looked hard at the photo - at the man who had humiliated Juliet, but ultimately paved the way for Ron’s own happiness with her. 
Arthur was not much to look at, which was both surprising and expected. Surprising because well, Ron found Juliet to be very beautiful, and he knew she could do better. Expected because Juliet was not the sort of person to base a relationship on looks alone. Although she had certainly noticed Ron’s. But for the first time, that made him doubt. She told him once she was more upset by the indignity of what Arthur had done, but she must have really seen something in him to have agreed to marry him. And she talked so much about Ron’s looks, he started to wonder if that was all she saw in him. 
He quickly dismissed that thought. She had been incredibly vulnerable with him and shared parts of her life he was certain she had shared with few others, perhaps not anyone. But something was holding her back from addressing this with him, and he wanted to know what. 
“I reckon we can just pop downstairs and have something quick,” she said as she emerged from the bathroom and picked up her cardigan. “That way we won’t get too cold before we - y’know - warm back up again.” 
He faced her, and caught the surprised look in her eye at his expression. Her smile drooped and faded as she realized what he held in his hand. 
“Jules,” he said, voice heavy. “I want you to do something for me.” 
“Sure,” she looked nervously between the paper and his face. “Anything, Ron, just -” 
“Without one fucking joke, I want you tell me why you’re upset about this,” he said, indicating the paper, though she understood perfectly well what he meant. 
She sighed. “Are you sure you want to hear this?” 
“Yes,” he said. 
She waited for him to explain, but he didn’t. But he was not sacrificing his control of the conversation, he was solidifying it. She was going to explain herself to him. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m annoyed at myself for letting it upset me at all,” she said. She met his gaze, searching his face for a reaction, but he didn’t give one. “I mean, yes, it’s a wound to my ego that by all rights that announcement should be about me and him. Although, I never would have gotten married on Valentine’s Day. Seriously, of all the cheesy -” 
“No jokes,” he cut across her. 
“That wasn’t a joke, it was a disparaging remark,” she returned. 
She bit her lip, carefully forming how she wanted to say what was on her mind. But, it turned out he wasn’t giving her that either. 
“Don’t think, just talk,” he instructed. 
“I care about you so much,” she blurted out. “You make me happy in a way I hardly thought possible until I knew you. But seeing that announcement made me ache. It’s difficult to pin down why exactly since there are a number of things that bother me about it, but mostly it’s that it shouldn’t matter. I’ve moved on, haven’t I? But if that still hurts me, I’m worried that perhaps I haven’t, and that’s not fair to you or to me. And if that’s the case then perhaps I should let you go, but the thought of that makes me want to hurl myself out of a window. Then that makes me worried that no one will ever be enough for me. Which is ridiculous because you’re more than enough. You’re the most wonderful man I’ve ever met in your own weird way. So, that means there’s something terribly, terribly wrong with me.” 
She stopped to take a deep breath and paused. She considered saying more, that was really the sum of her feelings. Ron stood there calmly. 
“Can you talk now please?” she requested. 
A hint of smirk tugged at one side of his mouth, but he stopped it. 
“It’d bother me more if you didn’t care about this,” he replied, which made her brow wrinkle. “It’s okay to have feelings about someone you were involved with. Doesn’t mean you still have feelings for them.” 
“You don’t think it’s a reflection of my feelings for you?” she asked hesitantly. 
“No,” he said with a shrug. 
She bit her lip. “I just...I just don’t think it would get to him if he saw my wedding announcement in the paper.”
“It would,” he replied. 
She rolled her eyes. “You can’t know that, you didn’t know him.” 
“I know you,” he said. “That’s enough to understand that there’s no way you didn’t have an impact on him.” 
“That’s -” she began to argue but stopped herself as she absorbed it fully. “Well...that’s actually a lovely thing to say, thank you.” 
He set the paper down and walked over to her, gathering her up in his arms so he could kiss her forehead. 
“Don’t hide behind distractions when there’s something serious,” he said gently. “And don’t hurl yourself out a window, I had enough trouble with you on the bridge.” 
She looked up at him and smiled. “You’ve lifted your moratorium on jokes, I see.”
He pecked her on the lips. “Nope, just for me.”
She repaid him with a light jab to his ribs with her pointer and middle fingers. “Shut up.” 
On that note, they headed down to the bar for dinner and drinks. Though Juliet had mentioned wanting to return to her room quickly, they ended up lingering. Talking like they had when they first met. Juliet talked a little more about Arthur, and Ron gave her the space to do so. It didn’t last long. Slowly, he faded from the conversation and they moved on. Ron challenged her to a darts game, and Juliet readily accepted. 
“I’ve never played before,” she confessed. “Well, actually, I almost did when I was seven or so. Dad took Billy and I to the pub with him and left us to our own devices.” 
“I don’t like where this is going,” Ron said. 
She pressed on anyway. “We weren’t tall enough to reach the board, so Billy drew one on the wall we could use. The owner got upset and started shouting at him.” 
“I really don’t like where this is going,” he said again. 
“So, I stabbed him in the thigh with the dart,” she finished. 
“The pub guy.” 
“Just checking.” 
“Anyway, he starts screaming -”
“Nope, still the pub guy,” she said. “He grabs me by my hair and starts dragging me out. That didn’t sit right with Billy, so he leaps onto the man’s back and starts punching him. Mind you, Billy was only about nine at the time, so he wasn’t the most effective.” 
“I imagine not.” 
“But of course Billy doesn’t care, he’s just looking out for me,” she continued. “So the guy lets go of me, and I grab him round the legs and trip him. Then Billy and I ran out of there as fast as we could, terrified about what Dad would do to us if he realized we’d caused the commotion. Luckily, he never found out.” 
He blinked at her. “Honestly, I’m just impressed you stabbed a guy.” 
“He yelled at my brother!” she returned. “What was I supposed to do?” 
“Stab him, of course,” he said. 
“That!” she cried. “Right there! That’s why we work so well together!” 
She giggled into his mouth as he kissed her in agreement. 
“C’mon, let’s play,” he said. 
He showed her where to stand, how to hold the dart, and some tricks he used to get better aim. She was attentive to his coaching, and it certainly paid off. Each throw got her closer and closer to the bullseye. So much so, he considered tripping her on her last turn. He didn’t, since that would put her dart in rather close proximity to his thigh, and he was in no mood to get stabbed himself. 
She took her shot, and to the surprise of Ron and a few onlookers, she hit the center of the dartboard. She punched the air with excitement and let out an enthusiastic scream before turning to face him, beaming with triumph. 
“That’s right!” she bragged to anyone listening. “Juliet Fletcher is the darts champion!” 
For a moment, Ron genuinely feared she was going to try and chest bump him, and he wasn’t sure there could be romance after that. To his relief, she did not. She did something far more embarrassing. In movements that could only be described as lost and awkward, she...danced. If one could even call it that. Her limbs jerked, her hips lacked any semblance of rhythm, and her feet sort of scraped across the floor. He watched in disbelief as she went about her celebration, completely unabashed. 
“What’s the matter, Speirs?” she taunted. “Upset you lost to a girl?” 
He wanted to laugh, but he was so disturbed it came out more of a grimace. “What...what are you doing?” 
“Victory dance,” she returned simply. “Like footballers do.” 
“No one has ever done anything like what you’re doing,” he said. 
She came to a slow stop, a smirk on her face. “I told you I can’t dance.” 
“I thought you meant the foxtrot.” 
“Well, I can’t do that either.” 
“I’d expect not.” 
“Are you embarrassed?” she wondered. 
“Aren’t you?” he shot back, though judging by her expression, she wasn’t. 
“Nope,” she shook her head. 
“Should be,” he said under his breath. 
She ignored that little remark. “Life’s too short to stifle the joy of kicking your boyfriend’s ass in a game of darts.” 
He rolled his eyes. “I’d hardly call that an ass kicking.” 
“You wanna go again?” she dared him. 
“God, no,” he replied quickly. “If you win, you’ll start dancing again.” 
“So you admit it?” 
“You’re afraid I’ll win.” 
“Yeah, but not for the reason you want.” 
“Whatever,” she giggled. “I’m gonna get another drink, d’you want one?” 
“Sure,” he said. 
With a nod, she headed for the bar. She established fairly early on in their relationship that she was not the sort who wanted to be doted on. She had no problem sharing the responsibility of buying drinks or fetching said drinks. Ron rarely even pulled out her chair for her. Opening doors was different, as Juliet usually had a bag or something, but she never so much as suggested that Ron carry it for her. He once offered, but she told him she’d only allow it if she could tip him, which promptly ended the conversation. 
“Hi, Juliet,” Emily, the bartender, said as she approached. “‘Nother round of whiskeys for you and Lieutenant Speirs?” 
“Yes, please,” Juliet replied. 
“Just a moment, I’ve got to bring some beers to the lads back there,” Emily said, pointing to the other end of the pub. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time,” Juliet assured her. 
While she waited for Emily, a man approached the bar. A dark haired, tall, but mousy looking man Juliet had seen at the Blue Boar only a handful of times. He was usually alone and stayed for only one drink before leaving. She got the impression he was not solitary by choice - he was clearly unpopular. The other officers always gave the table a wide berth. 
“Hi,” he said timidly. 
It took her a moment to register he was speaking to her. “Oh! Hello, there.” She stole a glance at his rank and then his name. Sobel. She decided against trying to say it to avoid the risk of mispronouncing. Plus, she didn’t want him to think she was interested. 
“My name’s Herbert,” he said. “Herbert Sobel.” 
She studied his face for a moment. “Herbert, huh?” 
He blinked, surprised. “Um. Yes.” 
“Oh, yeah, Herbert absolutely suits you,” she said. 
He was taken aback again. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“Never mind,” she shook her head. “How can I help you, Herbert?” 
“You could start with your name,” he replied. 
She wrinkled her nose. “Eh. No, thanks.” 
“I’d rather not give you my name,” she said. “Because I’m afraid the follow up is going to be your asking for my phone number or offering to buy me a drink. So I reckon we’re better off if I get the ‘no’ out of the way now. Save us all some time.” 
He sputtered for a moment before she went on. 
“I know this must seem like contempt prior to investigation,” she said. “But even if I wanted to - which I don’t, mind you - I am involved with someone.” 
“Wha - who?” he wondered. 
“Lieutenant Speirs,” she said, and pointed him out for good measure. 
Sobel glanced over just as Emily returned and began pouring the whiskeys. 
“Well, isn’t Speirs lucky,” Sobel murmured. 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Juliet said, taking their drinks. “I really am a horrid bitch, you wouldn’t like me anyway.” She held back a laugh as his eyes went wide. Emily covered her mouth to stifle her own giggle. “Cheers, Herb. And thanks, Emily.” 
Emily asked a stricken Sobel what he wanted to drink while Juliet left. She returned to her seat next to Ron and delivered his whiskey. He wore a deep frown which told her he’d been watching her interaction with Sobel. 
“What’d Captain Sobel want?” he asked, just a hint of bitterness to his voice. 
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I shot him down,” she replied. 
“He hit on you?” he questioned, but his shoulders relaxed a little. “Must not have seen you dance.” 
“Shut up!” she laughed, elbowing him. 
He didn’t say anything in return, he only put his hand on her thigh, giving it a little squeeze. Something about it thrilled Juliet. It was...intensely macho. Possessive even. Normally things like that disgusted her, but Ron made it sexy. Only, she had to question it. 
“Are you serious?” she said. 
“About what?” he returned. 
“You’re not bothered by my talking about my ex-fiancé, but a strange man offering to buy me a drink has you marking your territory?” she asked. 
“I can’t help who you were with before we met,” he said. “I can do something about anyone getting ideas now.” 
“What would you have done then?” she questioned playfully. 
“Stab him with a dart,” he replied, without missing a beat. 
She giggled before she sipped her drink. “You’re ridiculous.” 
She wasn’t able to remain in Ron’s grasp long. Emily approached and told her there was a phone call for her. Juliet excused herself, but not before kissing Ron deeply. 
“So the other girls don’t get any ideas either,” she teased. 
“Fine by me,” he said. 
With one more peck, she followed Emily behind the bar. She picked up the receiver and held it to her ear. 
“Juliet Fletcher,” she said. 
“Juliet, it’s Otis,” said the voice on the other end of the line. 
“Oh, hello, Otis, how are you?” she replied politely. She got along with the investigator most out of all the people involved in Peggy Lee’s case. 
“Quite well, thank you,” he said. “I’m sorry to call you so late, but I’ve just gotten the news that Meredith Fisher’s trial has been moved up. We begin on the fifteenth of March.” 
“Crikey, that’s quick,” Juliet said. 
“I know, but the prosecution is confident enough,” he told her. 
Juliet was tempted to let him know they were absolutely right in their confidence with the way Meredith Fisher’s lawyer was going about things, but she held her tongue. 
“That’s good,” she said. “I’ll be sure I’m there for the trial.” 
“I’ll see you then,” he returned. “Good night, Juliet.” 
“Good night,” she replied before hanging up. 
She returned to Ron, who shot her a curious look. 
“A trial date has been set for Meredith Fisher,” she said. “In just a couple weeks.” 
“Are you ready?” he asked. 
“Damn right I am,” she said. 
“That’s my girl.”
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catohphm · 3 years
A True Friend for a Werewolf
Hi everyone, here’s the third in a series of drabbles that shed some light on my MC, Cato’s relationships with the canon characters of HPHM. I’ve written pieces for Talbott and Badeea. It’s Chiara’s turn now. For a while, we didn’t know what house she was in. She was revealed to be Hufflepuff in the sixth year. Chiara’s life and personality are defined by her biggest secret: she’s a werewolf. Very mysterious, she is. But unlike Talbott, she also faces social rejection and shame if her status is disclosed, not just government interference. In time, Cato grows to build a very close friendship with Chiara based on trust and a vow to look out for each other and keep their secrets safe. Just beware, this post is longer than the others as I provided some background and more details to help build the foundation of their bond. Enjoy!
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Chiara Lobasca was born to an affluent family. Her father was an arithmancer and her mother was extremely skilled with memory charms. Due to her knowledge of the spells, she was employed by the Ministry as an Obliviator, responsible for solving violations of the secrecy laws by wiping the memories of muggles who were aware of the incident, as well as knowledge of magic in general. 
As a young child, Chiara ran afoul of the infamous werewolf, Fenrir Greyback. She was bitten by him and became a werewolf too. He attempted to recruit her for his army, which sought to take over the wizarding world as revenge for oppression against their kind. Fortunately, her parents were able to stop him and send him packing before their daughter could be influenced by him. Chiara, aware that she got lycanthropy from her encounter with the cruel Greyback, was extremely scared that he had gotten very close toward taking her away from home and doing who knows what to her. Sheltering their daughter, they chose to keep it private that she was a werewolf, knowing of the large negative stigma and laws that would make it hard to live with her condition. 
The Lobascas managed to live stable lives for some time afterwards, but the expenses of procuring Wolfsbane potion to help Chiara get through her transformations put strain on the family’s finances. She eventually befriended a neighbor named Selina, who wasn’t intimidated by hearing she was a werewolf. They were good friends until the former saw Chiara after she transformed. Selina was horrified and never talked to her again out of fear. Her memories were wiped by Chiara’s mum so she wouldn’t have to live haunted by the memories. It was from this incident that Chiara became a more guarded person, being very cautious over who she let into her circle.
She was sorted into Hufflepuff upon arriving at Hogwarts. Her secret meant her life and she understood that if it went out, she’d be in great danger. Chiara’s greatest fear was the fact she was a werewolf becoming known at school. Inside though, she remained the sweet, goodhearted individual she was before she was infected with lycanthropy. Between classes, she would help out Madam Pomfrey with work in the Hospital Wing, her dream of becoming a healer. It was there she first met Cato.
While Chiara found the Ravenclaw boy to be a kind soul who valued people, they remained only acquaintances for a while because of her previous experience with her former friend. They said “Hi!” or even waved to each other when they passed in the halls, but Chiara tried to avoid conversation as much as possible. Cato wondered why she was like this, but he had a feeling that she had something she didn’t want to share, so he respected her choice. It was early into their third year that they got closer.
Cato, Penny and Chiara were all in Herbology when a boggart emerged from its hiding spot. It took the form of a werewolf. Hearing Penny’s shouts, Chiara ducked under a table and fled from the greenhouse when the boggart was repelled. Her memories of Selina finding out she was a werewolf were triggered by the incident. As a result, she became less like her usual self and isolated herself more from her peers. Both they and her professors caught on this and grew worried. Penny was concerned too, and she sought her best friend Cato to try to speak to her roommate and find out what’s going on. 
He was advised by Penny not to mention her to Chiara, as she is worried that her encounter with the boggart may create a rift between them. Cato was worried too, as he hadn’t seen Chiara in the hospital wing much after the ruckus in the greenhouse. He first questioned Madam Pomfrey on her whereabouts. She suggested he look in a cupboard down the hallway she uses to store medical potions and other supplies separate from Snape’s classroom so that students wouldn’t touch them during classes.
Cato went to the cupboard, quietly muttering "I hope you're in there, Chiara." A door opens and her, recognizing him by his voice, ushers him in and quickly shuts the door. Chiara explains that she has to tell him something, needing someone outside of her house that she can be able to trust with the information. He learns of a rumor that she overheard about a first year who was attacked by a mysterious white creature in the Forbidden Forest which was believed to be a werewolf. The victim is believed to be a Gryffindor named Pippa MacMillian as she was reported absent from Astronomy the night the attack took place. Hearing this made Chiara desperate. Afraid of what could happen if people started thinking she was the creature, Chiara wanted to tell somebody she knew who could be able to help her solve the mystery.
Together, she and Cato sought out Pippa, who couldn’t recall anything the moment she was attacked in the woods. With the help of a memory potion, she was able to explain that wasn’t sure if her assailant was actually a werewolf. Claw marks on the arm prompted the assumption it was a lycanthrope. Chiara was very relieved to hear this. The three of them dispelled the rumors with Penny’s help, who was also happy to learn the good news. Cato and Chiara became friends after the case was solved. They talked more, especially when they were assigned together in classes such as Herbology. She was still careful with how deep the conversations got, but entrusted Cato with her secret, knowing she could depend on him.
Eventually, their bond would be put to the test. Chiara introduced Cato to an acquaintance of hers, another werewolf named Remus Lupin. She revealed how she shared some of the wolfsbane potion she received from the school to aid in his plight. Lupin was poor and had to keep moving and changing jobs every once in a while to prevent people from finding out he was a werewolf. He stopped accepting wolfsbane from Chiara as it was now time for him to keep moving on. Before leaving, he reminded her that the full moon would be out that night.
That night, Cato and Chiara were playing gobstones, where they opened up a bit more about each other’s lives. She quickly left after remembering Lupin’s warning about the Full Moon. Urgently looking for a safe place to transform, a greatly worried Cato followed her to the Training Grounds. She was about to tell him to run. But it was seconds before she shifted into her werewolf form. Instead, she told him to not let her hurt anyone. As she transformed right in front of Cato, he covered his eyes with his hands, tripping and falling on the ground. When he looked back up, Chiara was now a large werewolf with white fur. She was menacing, but there appeared to be some hesitance in her motion. Cato pulled out his wand, got up and with it behind his back, he called out at her “This is not who you’re really like Chiara! Remember, you’re my friend! You can count on me!” Chiara pauses for a moment, halted by what he just said, but then becomes aggressive. He calls out “I’m sorry! I have to make sure you don’t hurt yourself or anyone, for you! Cato casts Flipendo but the jinx misses and the transformed Chiara strikes him, knocking him back to the ground. His arm is now hurting from the hard blow, but he remembers the Banishing Charm he had learned from Charms a few days ago. Teeth-clenched from the pain of his arm, Cato aims his wand at the werewolf as she closes in to him, his eyes now brimming with tears. He mutters out “Depulso” in a stressed, worried tone. A mass of bluish-white energy explodes from the tip of his wand, blasting the werewolf Chiara several feet away from Cato.
She gets back up on her feet and stares at Cato. A twinkle gleams across her eyes and she makes out a weak smile, before turning away and running back toward the Forbidden Forest to wait out the rest of the night. The morning after the fight, Cato joins Chiara in the artifact room to catch up on the night before. She, although surprised, thanks him for standing by her and not running away when she turned into a werewolf. She then explains why she was keeping her distance all this time, recalling the incident when her neighbor found out what she looked like as werewolf and asked her mum to Obliviate Selena so that she wouldn’t have to live in fear. Chiara was then reluctant to make friends as she didn’t want to harm others through her lycanthropy. Now confident enough to face her fears, she fully opens up to Cato. 
He presents her a photo he recovered from the Training Ground after the fight. It was a beautiful color photo of the sun setting over the Black Lake, with Hogwarts Castle in the foreground. Chiara lets Cato keep it as gratitude for his help, and tells him that Lupin gave it to her. The photo was taken by Lupin’s friend James Potter, both of whom were part of the Marauders during their years in school. Cato learns from Chiara that the message of the photo is “The morning will always come.” They immediately give each other a big hug, Cato still holding the photo in one hand. She remarks “This is for not giving up on me. Thank you, Cato!" He answers “Anything I can do for my friends. They’re like family to me.” Chiara then said “I’ll always be able to make it through even the darkest night, so long as I have the support of my friends.”
They were best friends after those events, and continued to be so well into adulthood. Eventually Cato would retire from the high-adventure lifestyle of curse-breaking, looking for a more stable job he enjoyed that could also support his wife Penny and their two sons. He was hired as a healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Working with Penny and Chiara, Cato and they would often reminisce about their past adventures in school and as young adults. He continues to keep the photo Chiara gave him back in Hogwarts as a token of their friendship.
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mrslittletall · 3 years
saw your whump post, honestly the "I'm fine" screams Hornet to me, so it'd be cool to see that! - dooblebugs
Title: The Idol Fandom: Hollow Knight Characters: Hornet & Little Ghost Word Count: 2.825 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30941981
Summary: After the Hollow Knight is freed from the temple, Hornet does her best to take care of the ones that are still left in Hallownest. Everything should be fine... until it isn't.
(Author's note:  @dooblebugs
I thought about using canon verse with “Almost everyone lives AU” or your Mer AU. But ultimately, canon verse won, because I still miss some context for the Mer AU. I hope you enjoy.)
Hornet opened her eyes and jumped on her feet right away. Her day would always start with hunting and gathering food, preferably before Hollow woke up and tried to move, and it was a whole other problem trying to haul a bug their size back into bed, especially when they rigorously ignored their wounds.
While Hornet trusted Quirrel and Cloth enough to leave Hollow in their care for a while, she always felt better if she could look over them personally. However, the longer she hesitated with leaving, the longer she would need to come back, so Hornet left the house in Dirtmouth they had inhabited for Hollow's recovery and went towards the crossroads.
The little pitter-patter of tiny feet next to her prompted Hornet to look down. Ghost had decided to accompany her again. They always would. She could tell them a hundred times to stay behind, they would never listen. For a vessel meant to be void of mind, Ghost was one of the bugs with the strongest will that Hornet ever had seen.
“You will still come with me, even if I say no, right, little Ghost?”, Hornet said, shouldering her needle. Ghost didn't nod or sign at her, they simply stared, with their unblinking, never changing expression. It was enough for Hornet to know that they wouldn't leave.
“Alright, but don't get into my way.”, Hornet said. At this, Ghost swung their nail and jumped in front of Hornet in a pose that depicted a challenge, then their nail went down on the ground in a strike, the swing of it breaking through the calmness of the morning.
“I know! I know! You've beaten me twice, but... I have gone easy on you.”, Hornet half hissed. It was a blatant lie and she knew it. The first time she had simply underestimated them (or she simply had become tired of fighting) and the second time... she had given it her all and they still had remained victorious. In a sense, Ghost was the new king of Hallownest, but they didn't seem to put any mind on the title. They didn't even seem to be wanting to be celebrated for being the saviour of Hallownest. They simply joined Hornet every morning for hunting and went off on their own afterwards, always coming back to play with their friends in Dirtmouth.
As the both of them jumped down the well, Hornet couldn't help but think about that there wasn't much to rule anymore. This kingdom was in shambles. It had been two weeks and the dried off infection still crusted the crossroads, too little bugs alive to care much about cleaning the place up. It was becoming more and more difficult to get food, because so many of the infected had simply been reanimated husks, without any meat left in them.
They surely would have to wander to Greenpath again, hopefully finding a few vengeflies and mosscreeps to bring home.
Hornet was used being alone. She had been alone for a very long time. She had managed. She never was lonely... well, maybe a little lonely and now there was a bunch of strangers up in Dirtmouth who relied on her. Hornet never wanted for anyone to rely on her. She had seen what happened when bugs relied on someone and... there wasn't a solution.
She looked down on Ghost again, they had their nail on the ready and stared vigilantly in front of them. They must have crossed this crossroads a dozen times on their journey, still expecting to be attacked by the infected every given minute. Hornet could understand that it was hard for them to let go of old habits.
She was the same. She never let go of her needle as well. Even with the infection never being able to come back, she had to remain vigilant. She would protect her siblings, no matter what. She wouldn't, no she couldn't, let anyone down.
“We are nearing Greenpath.”, she said, only to cut through the silence between them. She knew it wasn't Ghost's fault that they didn't have a voice, but after years of not being able to talk to anyone, Hornet barely could stand the silence, when there was someone she could talk to. “Remember, when we hunt the mosscreeps, take their leaves as well, for the herbivores.”
While Hornet was able to eat plant matter as well, it never had been satisfying to her. She was the daughter of a spider and a wyrm, both predators, and therefore she usually would hunt for food. She was unsure about what kind of diet Ghost and Hollow needed, but they seemed to be content with the prey she brought back, so she wouldn't change anything about it.
“And remember, we can't hunt too much. The population needs a chance to recover.”, she said as well. The infection had done a number on the whole of Hallownest... it wasn't a surprise that there was such a food shortage. In fact, Hornet had cut her own food intake in favour of her siblings and anyone who couldn't hunt or still needed to recover. That bug, Tiso, came to mind. Had a far too big stomach for having been utterly destroyed by the colloseum of fools. Why Ghost had dragged him back to Dirthmouth, she would never understand.
Ghost showed that they understood with a little nod of their head and the both of them entered Greenpath. It was a MUCH nicer place without the infection, but they still had to pay attention, the fool eater plants were easy to overlook (not that Hornet had ever overlooked them, but Ghost tended to forget...) and there were some predators still around, though they were no match for her needle. The problem was to avoid them to not hunt too much. Like she had said to Ghost, they needed to give the population time to recover, if they wouldn't want all to starve beforehand.
“We get only enough for everyone back in Dirtmouth.”, Hornet said again. “Then we leave again. Let's search for some mosscreeps first.”
The both of them jumped and slashed their way through the vegetation of Greenpath. While Hornet preferred to use her needle, Ghost had found a lot of new ways to move around since the first time they fought and they dashed (literally leaving their shell behind and somehow phasing through time and space) and jumped with wings that reminded Hornet of her father... and she got a bad feeling in her guts every time she saw them.
After a bit of time, they had managed to hunt two vengeflies to bring back, Hornet keeping them cocooned up for transportation and were now searching through the vegetation for some mosscreeps. Finally, Hornet found one and struck it down with her needle, preparing a cocoon for it again, when Ghost picked something up from the grass.
“Ghost, what do you have there?”, Hornet asked. The item was too small to be prey and they tended to hoard stuff they found. It probably was just something that was completely worthless nowadays, only generating Geo when given to this historian in the City of Tears. She still wanted to know.
Ghost came over and laid the thing they had picked up in her outstretched hand. When she looked down on it, she froze.
It was a King's Idol, the item that the citizens of Hallownest had crafted to worship her reclusive father. Each of them looked different, but they all shared the general shape and depicted his most salient feature: The horns that resembled a crown.
Staring down at it, something in Hornet broke. It might have been the stress she felt since Ghost had arrived. Or the fact that Hollow recovered from years of abuse from both the gods of Hallownest. Or that she was running on an empty stomach most of the time. But once she saw that thing, all her frustration crashed down on her at once.
You!”, she hissed. “It was all your fault! You knew that the plan wouldn't work! You knew that they would suffer and you still have let it happen! The teacher, the watcher, my mother, all sacrificed for nothing! And then, in the moment you were needed the most, you vanished, you damn coward! We needed you! I needed you! I hate you. I hate you and I can't even say it to your face anymore!”
Hornet threw the king's idol on the ground with so much force that it skipped on the ground and then fell on her knees, slowly getting aware of the tears on her face and the presence of little ice cold hands patting her arm.
“I am fine.”, she said, wiping the tears away. Just a moment of weakness, nothing else. Even though she could feel the judgemental stare of Ghost, she was fine. She had to be. “Seriously, I am fine.”, she continued once more. “Let's continue hunting.”
As Hornet was putting her composure back together, she didn't notice how Ghost continued to stare at her, picking up the idol from the ground, and only starting to move again once she called out for them.
The hunt had been more or less successful. At least they had found enough prey that nobody should go terribly hungry (at least when Hornet halved her own portion again). As usual, hunting had taken the better part of the day. Hornet would have liked to go hunt at some different locations, but the Old Stag from the stag ways wasn't around lately, apparently he was taking care of some personal business. With him not being around, it was just too far to walk to the Fungal Wastes or Deepnest, at least not when she wanted to come back the same day.
Currently Hornet took in her meal in Hollow's room with Ghost present as well. She was busy thinking about if there was another route that would make sure she could hunt elsewhere but Greenpath for once, when she felt a nudge. When she looked down, she saw how Ghost offered them a half of their mosscreep, holding the prey up in their little hands, seemingly eagerly awaiting for her to take it.
“I can't take this, Ghost.”, Hornet said. “You need all the food you can get, you are still growing.”
Ghost cocked their head and for once their eternal deadpan expression was on point. Hornet knew how ridiculous her argument was. Ghost had been born before her. They hadn't grown in years. Their body had been unable to grow because they didn't had access to void. “You know what I mean.”, she defended herself. There was the possibility that Ghost would start to grow as long as they stayed in Hallownest.
Ghost offered their meal a little while longer and then gave up with a little frustrated stomp of their foot. It was then when Hornet felt another nudge... this time it was Hollow, who had simply watched the scene unfold in front of them, offering their part of their meal.
“Oh no, not you too, Hollow.”, Hornet sighed. “You need the food much more than me, you are still recovering. I won't accept anything from you.”
The both vessels shared a look and once again Hornet asked herself if they could talk to each with some kind of void telepathy, before both of them looked at the ground in defeat.
“I am fine.”, Hornet repeated herself, she knew that. “Really, I am fine...”
Hornet awoke the next morning... not because her stomach cramped and she had trouble sleeping because of it, but because someone nudged her. She cracked one eye open and murmured: “It's barely morning...” She just craved to go back to sleep, to forget about the day in front of her for a few minutes longer, but the nudging got more and more intense, until she shouted: “Fine! I am getting up! Stop bothering me!”
It was Ghost in front of her and immediately Hornet stopped being annoyed. What if something had happened? “Is something the matter with Hollow? Or is a threat approaching the village?”, she asked, already fumbling for her needle, once again forgetting that Ghost was more than capable of defending the village themselves. They just looked too much like a little, defenseless child, even though Hornet had experienced otherwise.
Gladly, Ghost shook their head, though this put Hornet right back into annoyance. “Then why have you woken me up?”, she said, falling back down in her pillows, ignoring the urge to close her eyes and looking at Ghost again, making sure to give them a judgemental stare.
Ghost did grip something under their cloak (wings? Hornet never knew what this thing around the vessels was) and after a bit of struggling, they produced a jar... a jar filled with honey. The smell actually made Hornet's mouth water. Honey was one of the few things she liked to eat that wasn't meat, mostly because she had trained in the Hive in her youth.
Though, as lucky as she felt about having more food, she couldn't help but scold Ghost. “Ghost, did you get this on your own? The Hive is dangerous, even without the infection! What if the Hive Knight would have found you?”
Ghost shook their head and then outstretched their hand, showing Hornet a shiny little charm. A charm she remembered. The charm of the Hive. “Wait, you have been there and challenged him already?” Hornet wanted to be surprised, but Ghost couldn't really surprise her anymore. When they could surprise her somehow, then it was that they were full of surprises.
“Anyway... I guess I have to thank you, though I don't approve that you sneak out at night into the Hive.”, Hornet murmured. “At least we have more food for the group now..”
Ghost rigorously shook their head and pressed the jar in her hands. “For me?”, Hornet asked and Ghost nodded.
“But... Ghost, I appreciate it, but I don't need.. the others need the food much more than...”
Another shook of their head and a stomp of their foot along with crossed arms and a slight turn around. Hornet suddenly felt very small, she had never seen them that upset.
“Alright, alright...”, she said. “Maybe I have eaten insufficient lately...”
Ghost nodded again and gave the jar of honey another press, so that she had to hold it firmly in her hands.
“Alright alright...”, Hornet finally gave in. “I will take your offer, Ghost.”
As she opened the jar, her hunger became more and more apparent and soon she dug in and had finished the whole jar in what felt like no time and finally, for once, she didn't feel overly hungry. Satisfied even.
She then saw Ghost holding up something. A little rock with a few letters written on it. Lately Cornifer had given them writing lessons, though it still was a work in progress.
That was the word they had painted on the rock (where did they even have the colours from?).
“I am fine.”, Hornet said. “This time for real. I am sorry, Ghost, I shouldn't have lied to you. I just feel so... responsible for everyone. I can't show weakness in front of anyone.”
Ghost shook their head again and then got something out. Hornet recognized it as the King's Idol they had found in Greenpath. They tossed it at the ground, just as she had done and then hit it with their nail, leaving a notable crack in it.
“You as well don't have the best memories of him, right?”, Hornet said. Both of them had been left behind, though in a different kind of way. Ghost had been discarded and Hornet had been left with responsibility far too huge for her age.
Ghost nodded again and gave the King's Idol another smack, so that it landed in front of her. Hornet took it into her hands and stared at it. She did miss him, that she had to admit to herself, but she also knew that her anger and her disappointment were real and there was no reason to hide it in front of Ghost.
She squeezed the Idol until it cracked into two pieces and just watched as they fell down. “Thank you, Ghost.”, she said. “But make sure to not tell Hollow about this.”
The way Hollow idealized their father... it would break their heart seeing his image being defiled like that.
Another quick nod and then Ghost actually got another one out, their face clearly saying: “Wanna break another?”
A grin crept over Hornet's face. She would never get her mother back or escape her responsibilities, but at least she could vent out her frustrations, even though it took her sibling for her to realize.
“Oh you bet I want.” (Author's note: Little Ghost is kinda fun to write. I think they are a character mostly showing what they feel through body language and it was fun to come up with how they would act. I also like to think that they can stare very judgemental, even though their expression never changes, a stare of them can make anyone falter. Hornet's relationship to PK is... complicated. He hasn't actually been a bad father to her, but as the infection came back and depression took over, he left her alone more and more and she got angry about it... especially when he decided to just vanish. She felt utterly betrayed by it and it is a huge source of her frustration and anger. I put in some little references to the game in there, try to find them if you please.)
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Prompts: “Are you cold?” “No” “Liar” + ‘Wearing their jacket/hoodie’ 
Requested by: @skylett-skyler​
Pairing: Mycroft Holmes x Reader
Gender: Neutral       Triggers: None
Genre: Casual; Little Fluff        Words: 1,771
Notes: I’m sorry it’s not really that fluffy, and doesn’t really have any ‘romantic fluff’, but this is all I could really come up with right now. I hope you like it either way~
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Looking over the case file for Sherlock’s most recent case, you read through the evidence with interest. Apparently the case was so confusing and mixed in with political ties that Sherlock not only asked you for help, but also asked his brother Mycroft, much to his own annoyance. But Sherlock does not like involving himself in the political scene, so he figured his brother would be willing. 
When Sherlock told you Mycroft would be coming around, you tried your best to hide the obvious nervousness that you felt. Sherlock saw it, obviously, but he said nothing. He had been scolded enough times by John to know when to not intervene. He was also slightly amused by it, as he did not understand how you could have feelings for his brother, though he knows you think the same. He also knew that Mycroft himself had feelings for you, which he also found amusing, but to him was more understandable. 
You were annoyed by your own feelings for the older Holmes brother. When you first met him you disliked him and his cocky and somewhat arrogant attitude. But over the last few months you couldn’t help the attraction that seemed to slowly sink in. You would catch yourself getting anxious around him, your eyes often landing on him. You scolded yourself, telling yourself that it would never work. You two were way to different, you bickered with each other a lot, seemingly forming a love hate relationship between you. 
Recently you had been avoiding contact with him, wanting to avoid the growing feelings you had for him. You had convinced yourself that he had no interest in you, though you knew that may not be 100% true. Often when you’d bicker, you thought that he was flirting with you, but you would push the thoughts away. 
As these thoughts were rolling around in your head, you almost missed the fact that Mycroft had entered the room, only becoming aware of his presence when Mrs. Hudson announced his arrival with “Sherlock, your brother is here!”
When Mycroft arrived, you forced yourself to stay focused on the files you were reading. Mycrofts gaze almost immediately landed on you, sitting with your legs crossed, look of concentration on your face as you read, what he assumed, was some case-files. 
“Y/n” he greeted, watching as your eyes lifted to meet his. 
You gave him a small smile, trying to fight the butterflies that had begun to flutter “Hello Mycroft” you greeted him simply before looking back down at the files. Mycroft could barely repress his frown at your apparent indifference to his presence. 
As Sherlock came back into the living room, he had to repress an eye roll as he noticed how intensely his brother was gazing at you “Mycroft” he greeted, before almost immediately getting into the details of the case.
Throughout the time he was explaining the case, he of course noticed the numerous times Mycrofts gaze landed on you, as well as the numerous times you struggled not to look over at him. Getting somewhat annoyed, and tired of not intervening, when Sherlock was done explaining the case he turned to you and Mycroft, he spoke to Myroft “Now I know that you know I don’t quite trust you to tell me all of the information you find out, so I would like for Y/n to go with you” he glanced at you, seeing you hide the surprise you felt at his suggested. 
You and Mycroft looked at each other, Mycroft nodded his head “I will ignore the offense that I feel at your distrust of me brother and agree to your terms” turning to you he spoke again “I have a meeting this evening, so if you are able, I would suggest doing this now”
Looking between him and Sherlock, you thought you saw a small smirk on Sherlocks face. You shrugged your shoulders lightly “I’ve got the time”
“Good” Mycroft rose “Then we should be off” you stood as well, grabbing your things, turning to Sherlock and John he said his farewells as you followed him, after waving a goodbye to the others. 
After exiting 221B you and Mycroft were taken to a nearby embassy, where Mycroft insisted he could get the required information. You then watched as he elegantly got some of the information he needed from multiple people, you broke in here and there, earning more pieces of information. It wasn’t really until this interaction with Mycroft that you realized just how much he and Sherlock were alike.
Finally leaving after what seemed like hours of politicians talking about various topics you had no interest in outside of the case. You had the information you needed. Leaving the embassy, you looked around for Mycrofts car.
Mycroft, upon seeing you looking around spoke up “I thought we’d walk”
You turned and looked at him “To where? Sherlocks flat is miles from here”
He hummed before adjusting his coat “After having to deal with those politicians for as long as we did I don’t quite feel like seeing my brother just yet” you shrugged slightly, somewhat understanding what he meant “So” he began “I thought we would walk up the street here and get some tea” walking past you he began down the road. Of course assuming you would follow, which you did, not sure what else to do.
Catching up to him you walked side by side in silence for a few moments before Mycroft glanced over at you “I was quite impressed with how you were able to get some of that information out of those people” he commented.
Looking over at him you shrugged “I may hate politics, but I’ve learned how to deal with politicians” Mycroft simply smiled as you continued walking. 
After stopping in front of a cafe, Mycroft held open the door for you as you entered. Getting yourself some tea, you sat inside, near the window. After discussing the case for a little, you asked Mycroft about what exactly it was that he did. “Sherlock insists that you ‘are the British government’ is he right?” 
Mycroft chuckled, eyeing you momentarily “Somewhat”
You smiled, shaking your head “You Holmes brothers sure don’t like talking about yourselves do you?” 
Mycroft thought to himself for a moment “I would tell you more in detail” he looked around slightly “somewhere less...public”
Glancing around the near empty cafe you almost laughed, but understood he must be cautious. You looked back at him “I’ll hold you to that” 
Mycroft smirked “So be it” 
You ended up basically interrogating Mycroft about his and Sherlocks upbringing, which he obliged you with, though he did remain somewhat vague about his childhood. Not long later both yours and Mycrofts phones went off. Sherlock had begun texting both of you asking where you were and why it was taking you so long. 
You chuckled as you checked the texts, Mycroft sighed in mild annoyance “Well I suppose I should take you back then, though, slowly I think”
“Just to annoy him further I suppose?” 
He smiled “Of course” 
After leaving the cafe, Mycroft gestured for you to turn right, and begin walking “My car will be at the park up the road, less traffic to get through”
You nodded as you began walking, realizing that the temperature dropped significantly since you entered the cafe. You also realized that you had not worn the proper clothes to stay warm.
Mycroft saw you adjust your thin jacket, as a cool autumn breeze clearly chilled you “Are you cold?” 
As an immediate extinct, thought your not sure why you said “No” 
Mycroft frowned slightly, but was also a little amused “Liar” he said as he began to take of his coat. 
You watched as he turned to offer it to you, raising your hand you smiled “No, that’s alright Mycroft, really I-”
He cut you off buy basically forcing it over your shoulders “I insist” he said with a smile “You are clearly cold”
Hesitating for a second you grabbed the edge of the coat so that it would not fall off “Thank you” you felt your ears burning a little as the interaction “Are you sure you aren’t cold?” 
He shook his head “My suit is thick enough to keep me warm” 
You nodded before a thought popped into your head, realizing you and Mycroft have been together for the last few hours, the afternoon having become evening “You’re not going to be late for your meeting are you?” 
He looked at his watch “I believe I will be right on time” 
As you approached the park, now much warmer in the autumn evening, you saw a familiar car pulling up to you and Mycroft. Opening the door for you he spoke “My driver will take you to Sherlocks, and if you wish he will take you home afterward” 
“What about you?” 
He motioned his head across the street as he spoke “I am having my meeting across the street, no need for a car” 
You looked across the street to see a fancy restaurant “Oh, I see”
Moving to take of his coat he stopped you “Forget it, I will collect it later. It will still be cold when you have to go back to your home” 
“Okay, thank you Mycroft. Though, part of me wont forgive you for leaving me to deal with Sherlock alone now. I suppose that was your plan”
Mycroft chuckled “No, I assure you it wasn’t, I was just enjoying our time at the cafe and lost track of time. If Sherlock berates you in any way, let me know and I will apologize accordingly. Perhaps with dinner” 
You almost missed the last part of his sentence, due to how casually he suggested it “Dinner?” 
“Yes. Besides, you do want to know exactly what it is I do correct?” 
“I thought you didn’t want to discuss it in a public place” 
“It will be a private dinner” he countered, determined to get you to agree.
And you, not really having a reason to refuse, nodded your head “Alright. But expect a scolding, you and I both know that Sherlock will definitely berate me”
Mycroft smiled “Of course” 
Smiling, you began to get into the car, Mycroft bent down to see you “Goodnight Y/n” 
You smiled lightly at him “Goodnight Mycroft” 
Closing the door, Mycroft watched as you drove off, his heart pounding from the interaction, and at his own boldness to finally ask you out to dinner. Part of him was surprised you agreed, but he was overall relieved, and very excited.  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Ehh, not sure how I feel about this one. I always have a hard time writing for Mycroft I think. 
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Heyyyy I'm sure you've probably talked about this a lot, but maybe you could point me in the right direction? Cuz I keep seeing ppl say that Dean and Crowly canonically fucked. Which is cool. But I'm not exactly sure how it's canon? Is it all in the subtext? I'd like to be able to use it whenever anti bi!Dean weirdos get on their bullshit, but the whole Dean/Crowley stuff seems so vague, and I don't really understand how their relationship was "canon" if that makes sense
Hi hi! First off, yeah we have talked about this a lot, over a period of many years, to the point where it’s discussed in meta circles and this particular corner of the internet as something that’s not even up for debate anymore. It’s generally accepted and understood canon. Second of all, my First Rule Of Fandom is “don’t attempt to engage with or convince people who do not want to accept your read of the show.” As you put it, “anti bi!Dean” people are never going to be convinced that Dean is bi. Just let them be with their heteronormativity and move on with your life. You don’t need to engage with them at all. Your life will be better for it.
That said, I’m not sure which lecture series to pull from here... lol “lecture series,” but that’s how it’s starting to feel. Do I need the “subtext is actually a part of canon” and the fact that the way Crowley and Dean’s relationship through that entire period and long afterward was presented with heavy romantic themes and tropes, and after their “summer of love” (a phrase literally said in text to describe their fling) was portrayed as basically “mostly civil exes,” to borrow part of a tag from @grey2510? Or should I pull out all the posts about triplets and the fact they were playing foosball with identical male twins while a third man who bore a striking resemblance to them sat at a table in the background? Or the fact that no attempt was made to show us any female-presenting twins and/or triplets?
But see, this is what people who approach canon from an “anti” position will do. They will nitpick each individual point until you start doubting that any of it is even real, instead of looking at the canonical whole series of events. And that’s just not how this works.
“Dean was only shown in bed with a woman.” Yes, but also note it was Crowley’s bed. In a room with only one bed. That also seemed to be Dean’s room...
“We don’t know that was Dean’s room too. But that’s irrelevant, because they never showed and/or told us the triplets were dudes.” True, but even if they were actually women, the fact remains that Dean and Crowley engaged in a sexual encounter with three other unnamed people... together...
“Well obviously each of them weren’t doing anything sexual to ~each other~ they were focusing on the women they were with.” Well, that’s making several logical leaps that are not implied anywhere in canon. Why would anyone make those leaps-- first from the fact that the triplets were NEVER, NOT ONCE implied to be women. They were heavily visually implied to have been men. So even the assumption that they were women is not implied nor encouraged anywhere in canon. Since the encounter is never elaborated on in canon, we’re left to imagine what happened ourselves. Someone watching with an “anti” mindset will immediately begin trying to explain away the icky thoughts they do not want, you know? They’re not approaching the story honestly. If you look at it honestly, without forcing your own read on it, the most logical conclusion is that Dean and Crowley had a sexual encounter with those three dudes they were hanging out with, and Crowley would treasure their flickr albums forever. He was sitting there scrolling morosely through his goofy couples pics with Dean while Hey There Lonely Girl played. I mean...
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There comes a point where they throw such a preponderance of subtext at you that you begin to look like a moron for trying to deny it.
But again, your life will improve 195860418% if you stop caring what antis say and do. It’s not your job to convince them of anything. They don’t want to be convinced, they will not be convinced. They just want to argue and ruin everyone else’s fun in the process.
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Chapter 02 - The plan
Links: Chapter overview, Character list, Map, Glossar Rating: M over all Publishing cycle: each Friday on (link)
Remarks: all my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks. It’s your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the plot. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting.
Honeymaren stepped outside and quietly walked away from the kota, leaving the two alone. This was a deeply private moment, she felt instinctively. When she raised her head and looked around, she saw only sad faces and bowed heads. Yelana stood nearby and gently took her in her arms as she passed, knowing that Elsa was also very close to Honeymaren's heart.
The sun had set a few minutes ago and the first campfires were lit in the village. No stars had been seen in the sky above the Enchanted Forest for more than thirty-four years. But now the first of them appeared in the rapidly darkening firmament, and many of the Northuldra stared up in awe. Even though it had been a while since the magical fog had disappeared around the forest, it was a miracle for most of them to experience it.
It had become very quiet now and except for Kristoff and the others from Arendelle, nobody was standing in front of the kota anymore. No one spoke a word, not even Olaf. Then sobbing from inside could be heard and the flap of the hut opened. Anna stepped outside with her head down, tears in her eyes. Kristoff rushed towards her and gently put his arm around her shoulders. He felt her body tremble and wondered what was really wrong with Elsa. No one had told him anything, no one knew more.
Anna raised her head and looked into his eyes. Then she began to speak in a fragile voice and the others curiously came a bit closer. “Elsa is ... she ... ”, she broke off and began to sob again. “Kristoff, my sister has ... she didn't recognize me! She doesn't know who I am! She ... I talked to her, told her about me and Arendelle, about our parents, about Olaf, about all of us and about our experiences here in the forest too. The Spirits and Bruni, who she liked so much. Even about Ahtohallan and who she was afterwards, who we both were. The bridge. Of the fact that together we both freed the forest and the Northuldra, that she made me Queen of Arendelle.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Kristoff, she doesn't know anything anymore. Nothing at all! She ... she's forgotten all of us ... including me.”
Then Anna just couldn't take it anymore and collapsed. Anna slipped out of his grip to fall to the floor in front of him and screamed, “Elsa!”
She began to cry unrestrainedly and her body shook with helpless sorrow. Kristoff immediately knelt beside her and tried to comfort her in some way. Mattias watched helplessly as his queen let it all out. Halima took his hand and sobbed. Many Northuldra had rushed by the noise and watched in dismay. Olaf looked sadly over from Anna to the kota. He could not understand what was going on. Then he made a decision, walked towards the entrance of the hut and entered the inside.
It lasted only a few moments then a scream came out of the kota. “Ahhh ... get out! Help me! Get this thing out of here! Don't touch me! Get away! Get out of here!”
All heads went around startled and even Anna stared at the hut in disbelief. Seconds later the entrance opened and Olaf came out backwards. He turned around with his head down, walked a few steps and abruptly dropped to the ground. Then he started to move his body slowly back and forth. Over and over again.
Snowmen can't cry but with Olaf everyone had the impression he did now.
Anna grabbed Kristoff's hand and he helped her to rise. Then she went over to Olaf and took him in her arms. He needed comfort now, more than ever, and she hoped a warm hug from his best friend would help him. At first he did not react. His pain was just too great. Then he nestled his head on Anna's shoulder and began to speak softly.
“I don't understand this, Anna. How can Mom forget me? She's never yelled at me before.”
Again tears began to stream down Anna's face and she squeezed her eyes shut, hugging Olaf a little tighter. Olaf had never called Elsa that before! But he was right. Elsa had never yelled at anyone before. Never! Something had changed her. It wasn't just her memory loss or the fact that her skin was so unusually warm. It was almost as if she had become a different person.
Mattias gently squeezed Kristoff's shoulder and pulled him aside. “Let's leave the two of them alone and calm down a bit first. We need to talk.”
Kristoff nodded and they sat down together with Halima at the next campfire. “How could all this have happened. What can we do?” Kristoff looked at both of them for help.
Mattias hadn't known Elsa and the others for very long, so he was the only one in the group who could see the events emotionally at a distance and remained calm and composed. Not least because of his age and his background.
“I experienced something similar once before, with a soldier with a severe head injury. He couldn't remember anything afterwards, not even his own name. It took a very long time and was a difficult healing process, but little by little his memories came back.”
Kristoff started to answer when Yelana came out of the darkness to her crackling fire and sat down between him and Mattias. Everyone looked at her eagerly.
“You want answers and you are seeking for a solution. Unfortunately I cannot give you one. Even our healer has never experienced such a thing and is at the end of her abilities. But I can tell you what happened before you arrived.” And so she told them everything she knew and left out no detail, including the disappearance of the spirits and that Elsa's magic was apparently gone as well.
“We must take Elsa back to Arendelle. The more things she sees there from her past, the sooner her memories will hopefully return,” Mattias noted at the end of Yelana's report. “However, we should be careful that as few people as possible become aware of this. This whole thing could leave us vulnerable if details get out beyond Arendelle's borders.”
“Vulnerable?” wondered Kristoff.
Mattias looked at him with a serious look, “Elsa's magic and her status as Fifth Spirit. If it became known that she no longer possessed either, then ...”, he left the sentence open.
Kristoff couldn't imagine exactly what Mattias was thinking about, but nodded slowly. It was probably best to keep everything as secret as possible for now.
“I will ride back to Arendelle with Halima in the early morning and bring back a few reliable men and an inconspicuous means of transport. I will think of a reason for this and also bring a suitable disguise for Elsa. There's nothing we can do at the moment, so perhaps we should get some sleep.” At this, he looked questioningly at Yelana.
“I have already made sure that everything is prepared. The two kotas over there will be at your disposal for the next few days.” she replied and pointed in that direction.
Finally they all rose together and Kristoff looked over to Anna who was still cradling Olaf in her arms.
“Oh Anna!” he whispered and slowly walked over to her.
Kristoff managed with a lot of feeling and gentle words to get Anna and Olaf to go to one of the provided kotas for the night. He opened the flap and held it open for them. Inside the kota there were two very comfortable looking beds, which were covered with plenty of furs. Anna had to pull up her nose involuntarily when she entered and an intense reindeer smell hit her. She was used to Kristoff's odor, but this was different and almost took her breath away at first.
Kristoff didn't seem to mind when she turned to him, and he just closed the flap behind him with a motionless expression.
“Can you ... ,” she asked and nodded towards the entrance.
He raised his eyebrows, but then understood. “Uh ... yes of course. Sorry, I hadn't thought of that.” He fastened the flap to the outer sling and then came back in. A gentle night breeze blew through the inside and let Anna breathe a sigh of relief.
He let her choose one of the beds and Anna sat down on the front edge of one of them. Olaf pulled down one of the furs and lay wordlessly at the foot end. Anna looked over at Kristoff, who stood there undecidedly. Finally he sat down opposite her. For a moment there was an uncomfortable silence.
Then Anna said softly, “Remember when we talked about my past as a child?” He confirmed with a nod.
She let out a long sigh, “Well, I thought of that because of the similar situation with Elsa now and that I still can't remember by myself what happened to me that night when Grand Pabbie simply took away my childhood memories with Elsa's magic. Elsa told me everything a few years ago and helped me to visualize it. For that, I am infinitely grateful to her.”
Kristoff nodded, “Yes, I understand very well what you mean. I remember that it was pure coincidence that I followed this ice track that one of your parents' horses pulled behind it and that I was hidden behind a rock when I watched everything. I mean, I grew up with the trolls, but I had never seen this ability with Grand Pabbie before or known about it. To witness what he did with you and to see his visions about Elsa scared me a lot.” Kristoff was caught up in his memories for a moment. Then he shook his head. “But let's stop thinking about it. We better should go to sleep now.”
Anna quietly agreed, “Yes, you're certainly right. Let's better go to sleep.”
Kristoff lay awake for a long time, pondering her words and today's events. Pale moonlight flooded in from above and enveloped the kota in a diffuse light. Anna had a restless sleep as he could tell by the creaking of the bed. He looked over to her. Anna rolled back and forth, her breath went in jerks, her body twitched in her dream. Then she screamed out loud. Kristoff jumped out of bed and hurried to her.
“Anna!” He wiped away a tear with his thumb and stroked her cheek. She woke up, still breathing heavily, and looked at him.
“Please stay with me tonight,” she whispered and moved aside a little. He hesitated a moment, but then lay down next to her gently. Anna snuggled up against him.
“Thank you,” she breathed.
“Sorry to wake you, but you had a bad dream and you even screamed.”
Anna hesitated a bit before answering him, “I dreamed about the cave. Where Olaf had dissolved in my arms. At that moment I believed ... I knew that Elsa hadn't made it, that she had gone too far. Everyone I loved had left me. I felt so lost, Kristoff. I don't know where I found the strength to get back up again. Honestly, nothing was the same anymore. I was so alone. It felt like I was the last person in this now-desolate world.” She paused, and Kristoff heard more than he saw in the dark, that she was crying again. “The way Elsa is now, it feels worse for me, as if she had died!” Kristoff swallowed hard. He was afraid of the next two days and how they would change his Anna.
“My bright star has gone. I have lost her,” she mumbled softly after a few moments before falling asleep again.
The next morning brought light rain and it had become quite cool. The sky showed grey clouds and the usually so friendly looking forest lay in grey shadows. The camp was quiet and not many of the Northuldra were on their way yet. Mattias was just about to saddle the horses when Kristoff, Anna and Olaf stepped out of the kota. Halima stood next to him and they talked quietly together.
Anna immediately cast an uncertain glance over to Elsa's cabin, while Kristoff walked over to the two as soon as he noticed them.
“Good morning, General ... Halima,” he said and nodded to them.
“Well, it could be a little better, Kristoff,” Mattias replied with a grin and wiped the raindrops from his face with one hand while holding the reins of the two horses with the other one.
“Morning, Kristoff. How is Queen Anna doing?” asked Halima and looked over to her.
“She's fine, but her sleep was restless,” Kristoff replied. All three looked over to her now and Mattias noticed the direction in which she still was looking.
“Take good care of our queen, Kristoff. All this has taken quite a toll on her and she now needs rest and someone to comfort her with attention. I'm convinced, you are the best man for that.”
“This of course is, General Mattias, thank you. Take good care of yourself on the way back. I'll see you in about two days.”
Mattias gave Kristoff a friendly slap on the shoulder. “We will. We'll hurry.” Then he helped Halima into the saddle and led both horses over to Anna and Olaf. He bowed respectfully to Anna. Halima did the same from the top of the horse. Anna looked at them and the horses in astonishment.
“You are leaving us already?”
“Good morning, Your Majesty, excuse our behaviour, but yes, we don't want to lose any time and want to be back here as soon as possible. Last night we all agreed that we want to bring Elsa back to Arendelle. Unfortunately there's not much we can do for her here now, but the doctors at home will surely find a solution. Kristoff knows all the details of our plan. Rest now, and don't grieve. Kristoff, Yelana and Honeymaren will take care of everything you need. Please do not worry. We'll be back in two days.”
Anna nodded wordlessly and he got on his horse in relief, turning it towards the big clearing. Then they both rode off, waving goodbye one last time. Kristoff stepped beside Anna, put an arm around her and they watched the horses disappear between the trees.
“It's gonna be all right, Anna.”
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment if you liked the story, I would be pleased to read your opinions, even criticisms. If you want to be tagged as soon I publish the next chapter please let me know.
Tagging:  @karma26​ @whether-near-to-me-or-far​ @annaofthenorthernlights​
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Stitching The Wounds, Chapter 14
TITLE: Stitching The Wounds CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 14 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki and Kilgrave are Alphas and feel a spark with the same omega. RATING: M
Kilgrave’s new job fitted in quite well with Loki’s.
Whilst Loki left in the morning and was back mid to late afternoon, Kilgrave didn’t start until lunch time and he was back in the evening. So there was only a few hours that Leona would be on her own for during the week.
Loki was home early on Friday’s and Kilgrave was off on Monday’s. They both had weekends off. So they had plenty of time to spend with their omega.
She had been thinking a lot one afternoon about whether she wanted to pursue a career or not. The thought of going back to school filled her with so much dread, she had struggled enough when she was younger. It would also mean less time with her Alphas, which she was starting to really enjoy.
Then there was the fact she had no idea what she wanted to do. Nothing jumped out at her at all. The thought of just continuing as they were, being here for when her Alphas were home was so appealing.
When Loki got home that afternoon, he could tell something was on her mind. Before getting changed, he scooped her up and took her to the sofa. He sat down and plopped her on his lap, she tried to squirm off, but he caged her within his arms.
‘What’s on your mind, doll? I know there’s something.’ He hummed, nuzzling into her neck.
She sighed and leaned into him, allowing his hold to take over.
‘I was just thinking about… well, me. And what I want to do with my life.’ She said quietly, suddenly really interested in his tie.
‘Oh? And what conclusion did you come to?’ Loki asked, sliding his hand under her top to stroke her back.
‘Well… I uhm. I really hated school when I was younger. And I don’t really know what I’d want to do. Nothing jumps out at me… I was kind of hoping I could maybe just be a stay-at-home omega? But I… I don’t want to disappoint you and Kilgrave. If you’d rather I did something and contributed financially, I understand and will think about what to do.’ She blurted out the last part quickly, feeling a little nervous to be talking about it.
Loki smiled softly and hooked her chin with a finger, turning her face towards him. ‘Sweetheart, we want whatever it is you want to do. We said we would support you whatever you decide on. There is no need for financial contribution, we can more than cover all the bills and then some.’
‘Really? You don’t mind?’
‘Of course not. If I’m being completely honest, Kilgrave and I had discussed it between us, too. Selfishly, we had hoped you’d rather just stay home, so we can spend as much time with you as possible. But it’s your choice, and always will be. Even if you change your mind in a few months’ time, or even in a few years. Nothing needs to be set in stone. You can just enjoy life with us for now, take each day as it comes.’
Leona felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. She snuggled into him and smiled. ‘Thank you.’
‘But you need to promise me one thing.’ Loki said.
‘Uh oh.’ Leona muttered quietly and looked up at him again.
He chuckled. ‘Just don’t become a hermit. You are free to go out for walks, to the shops. Just ask either of us for money if you want to go shopping. For anything at all.’
Her face lit up completely. ‘Thank you. I’m sure I can manage that, spending all your money.’ She grinned cheekily, making him chuckle.
‘I’m sure you can.’ Loki grinned and grabbed at her side, making her laugh.
When Kilgrave came home that evening, he was pretty stressed. It had been a tough afternoon.
One of the trainee doctors thought he knew better than Kilgrave. Being an Alpha, he didn’t want to take orders from anyone. He made a huge mistake during one of the surgeries thinking he knew better, almost costing someone their life.
Kilgrave had managed to save them, and afterwards he absolutely lost it with the trainee Alpha. Rightly so. But Kilgrave was still told off from the head of neurology, but got off with a warning. As the head understood how bad the mistake from the trainee had been. After looking back through the footage, it was clear the trainee was blatantly just ignoring Kilgrave’s orders. And he was chucked out from the programme, to Kilgrave’s relief.
It was one of the many reasons why Kilgrave absolutely loathed training juniors. He didn’t have full control, because there was a chance they wouldn’t listen anyway. Especially young butthead Alphas that were raging with new hormones, trying to best other Alphas. Including their seniors.
While Leona had originally been in a cheeky and playful mood, she knew that wasn’t what Kilgrave needed tonight. So after Kilgrave had some dinner that Loki had left in the microwave for him, she quickly got naked then crawled onto his lap and started kissing his neck.
He smiled and slid his hands up and down her back. She started grinding down against him, feeling his bulge get more prominent underneath her.
‘Mmm, have you been good today?’ Kilgrave hummed as he slid a hand down between her thighs and started touching her, not at all surprised to find her wet.
‘Of course. Aren’t I always?’ She grinned, biting her lower lip as she pushed down against his hand.
‘That can be debatable.’ Loki drawled from beside them.
Leona glared over at him and stuck her tongue out. Kilgrave swiftly smacked her bum, making her yelp. ‘Owww.’ She pouted.
‘Behave.’ Kilgrave growled at her.
After stroking her cunt for a while, circling her clit firmly and teasingly inserting a finger into her, she was more than ready to take Kilgrave. She quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped him, pulling his cock out. She raised herself up and lined him up, then she slowly sank down onto him, both of them moaning together as he filled her.
‘Ohhh, yes.’ Kilgrave moaned and let his head fall back in pleasure. This was just what he needed after such a stressful day.
Leona kept him as deep as possible, just moving her hips in circles more than anything. Bouncing up and down on occasion, just a little. Kilgrave kept a tight hold of her hips, helping her move as he wanted. But he did let her have some free rein.
She knew when he was close to cumming from the way he twitched hard inside her. Kilgrave rubbed her clit firmly, sending another gush of arousal out of her body to coat his cock, letting his knot slip into her with such ease.
‘Fuck!’ Kilgrave panted, his grip on her hips tightened as he swelled inside her and came deep. Leona scraped her nails down the back of his neck at the same time, making him shudder in pure pleasure.
Loki was stroking himself next to them while he watched, unable to help himself. But he knew Kilgrave needed all of her attention for now, after having such a rough day. But it didn’t stop him from enjoying himself while he watched the free show.
Leona trembled on top of Kilgrave, clenching hard around his cock as she came repeatedly on his knot. He was hitting so much sensitive spots inside of her, throbbing torturously and making her feel every single inch of him.
It took a lot longer than before for Kilgrave’s knot to go down. While they were waiting, Leona kept wrapped tightly around Kilgrave, sliding her fingers through his hair while he did the same to her. She had her face buried into the crook of his neck, enjoying his scent while she was still lodged on his cock.
Even when his knot went down enough, she didn’t move. She remained sheathed on him, cock warming him for a while. He watched TV over the top of her, but he wasn’t overly interested. Leona didn’t care, all she did care about was the occasional throb of his cock within her, setting her body alight all over again.
‘Are you going to tell Kilgrave what you told me today, doll?’ Loki said, getting their attention for a bit.
‘Uhm… I, I want to be a stay-at-home omega if that’s ok.’ She whispered, highly distracted with his cock still buried inside her.
‘Oh really?’ Kilgrave asked, slightly surprised but also SO delighted.
‘If that’s ok.’
‘That’s more than ok, sweetheart.’ Kilgrave assured her, trailing his fingers right down her spine that made her shudder.
Leona whined when he started very slightly thrusting up into her, his knot starting to swell already. Though it had never gone completely down in the first place. She bit on his shoulder, even through his shirt he still felt it and moaned.
In return, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her head forcefully to the side, so he could bite her neck in return, growling as he did so, making her mewl on his lap.
‘Remember who’s in charge, pet. Even though you’re the one on top right now.’ He snarled against her skin.
She almost melted into a puddle on his lap when he said that, and Kilgrave felt it. Making him chuckle wickedly.
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fallenhero-rebirth · 4 years
Brain update
First, let me say that this isn't about what anybody has done. My reactions are not in proportion to anything that has happened, and might be considered odd, weird and sensitive to people involved.
So let me explain.
I'm an Aspie (what we call ourselves in Sweden), on the autism spectrum. Yeah, might have guessed that from the story I'm writing, Sidestep is not the only one trying to figure out how people work.
Over the years I have built up an arsenal of knowledge and analysis to be able to pretend to be neurotypical, something that I can manage alright most days, but which breaks down once you get to know me better. I'm open with this at my current job, and luckily both my bosses seem to be okay dealing with open communication and just telling me what I need to do.
It was not always like this, and that is one of the reasons why I had a breakdown and needed to get off discord/tumblr.
Back in the late nineties, I had finally got my dream job. I was a product developer in the food industry, part of a rather small department of middle-class academics. I was the new hire, everyone else had worked there for years, and things were going well. Or so I assumed. I got cool projects, got along well with one of the sales people, and well, my boss was weird but bosses always are.
Three years later. Our parent company wanted to sell us off, everyone was starting to get worried about their job. We tried to expand into things were weren't equipped to do (you don't bring spices into a fruit jam line, will be hell to clean) and while I did the projects, I also raised an (in retrospect) too big stink about the fact that we were wasting time developing things we couldn't produce without expanding. My boss (who I had learned was a devout christian) started to get really weird, I got called in and he wondered if I was a member of a cult (I was often wearing a headscarf at the time because pressure on my head is good for stress relief). I also got told off for wearing army boots to work (we had lab shoes in the lab), because (I kid you not) if we had danish visitors to the lab (we didn't have visitors) they could be offended since they had once been occupied by Nazis. Yes, at the time I was an Antifa metalhead/satanist, it was a very volatile time in sweden and nazis were everywhere. Now they're a political party, go figure.
It all came to a head when I was confronted with a folder one of the secretaries of the department had where she had written down every odd and strange thing that I did, and there were a lot of accusations of things I quite frankly blocked out. Around this time I was suffering from bad burnout, had memory loss, my hair was falling out and I lost two bikes because I forgot where I parked them. All because of workplace hostility.
So for the first time ever, I went to the company doctor, who immediately sent me on a one month sick leave, and gave a reference to a therapist. When I went and told my boss, his reaction was "It can't be anything at work," in a dismissive tone. I wrote my resignation right then and there, left the building, snuck back a Saturday to clean out my stuff so I didn't have to meet anyone. Luckily I was backed up by my union, so I got unemployment despite quitting, and the therapist helped me get back on my feet and hook me up with some antidepressants.
Still, I was a wreck for years.
At the time, I had NO idea I was an Aspie. It weren't talked about, the only thing I knew about Autism, was from the various portrayals in movies, and well, in the nineties you can guess. Rainman pretty much was it.
What destroyed me the most was not that people disliked me, I didn't like them either, we didn't have anything in common, and middle-class people always scared me. No, what broke me was the fact that my system failed.
See, I had built up myself over ten years into someone I wanted to be. Smart. Capable. Metalhead. Researcher. Activist. I thought I knew the rules. How to interact.
It turned out I knew nothing. People had been talking behind my back for years, and I didn't know. Getting annoyed by my ticks, and I had no idea. Nobody ever brought anything up to my face until it exploded one day out of the blue. This is why I have ranted about anons on this tumblr. This is why I have been so openly against passive aggressive posts and bullying, especially the anonymous kind, because it destroys people and I don't think the people who does it knows the impact they can have. I hope they don't.
I have never gone back to the lab. I can't. I'm having heart palpitations just thinking about it when I'm writing this. I retrained. Became a machinist. Back to the working class I came from. Eventually started writing.
And this is exactly what these last months have felt like.
I thought I understood things. I was pretty open with being old, an Aspie, not understanding memes, or humor, or tik tok, or certain aspects of people's behavior like jealousy, but the problem with joking about this is that it's so easy to take as just a joke. That I'm just making fun of myself (oh it's that too). I got advice from some of you, which I ignored, because I thought that I could be different. That there was no danger in getting close. That I could be just another voice in the crowd. An occasionally evil avocado. That this couldn't blow up in my face, that everything was cool.
And then it did. And I was wrong. And the talking started, and things were coming out that I had no idea that was going on. That I was being held responsible for. Opinions that were spoken in my name. Events I was supposed to have been aware of and supported. All of a sudden I was omniscient, aware of the true passive aggressive meaning of every reblog, aware of every post in every room in the discord I wasn't even running. Wasn't even a mod on. All of a sudden I had power, and I had used it to hurt people. The people I cared about. Everything I wrote was taken in the worst possible way, twisted into things I never meant, and the more I tried to talk to people, the worse it went.
Look. I know this was at heart a war between people that just doesn't like each other and the things they do/the ways they behave. I'm still not entirely sure who's been involved, and I'm not interested in finding out. I tried to build a supportive space, reblog everyone's art and fics, encourage people to make their own things, get a kofi, get some money, make some friends.
And herein lies my problem.
I thought I understood how to be, and now I don't. I have no idea who hates my guts and who doesn't (well, except some who has very vocally let me know). I can't trust anything. I can't trust anyone. And it sucks. Someone I trusted stabbed be in the back because they were convinced I stabbed them in the back and that sucks more than I can describe. Every time I make a comment on AO3 or twitter it's after psyching myself up for half an hour, and I'm usually a wreck afterwards, because my brain doesn't know if they hate me too, and if I am imposing on them and making their day bad.
So yeah. I need to figure out how to be. How not to have a nausea attack every time I accidentally click open tumblr from pure reflex, looking away from the screen just not to see how may messages I have.
I never wanted to be the aloof author, but maybe I have to be. The question is if I can. I have been told I can't comment on pics or fics, because then I have favorites. And that makes people jealous. And it makes people think I take sides. I have been told I can't be on the discord, because then I will be held responsible for what the mods do there, and everything that's said even when I'm not around. I should apparently have someone manage the tumblr, it's not something that I, an author should do.
I now understand the authors who just stay away and remain distant, because people give themselves the power to write the narrative for you.
Part of me wants to tell people what I've told my current bosses, don't assume, just talk to me. I don't pick up/do passive aggression, I don't understand hints, I have trouble with nuance, I don't listen to gossip, I don't interact enough to know anything that's going on. Just ask before assuming.
Except that right now I can't. I can't talk about any of this. It's too close. It sets me off. It's getting better, sure, I'm on medication again, but the smallest thing still can ruin my entire day. I have no idea how long it will take me to recover and come back to some semblance of normality. I'm not posting this myself (my partner does). Writing is going well, because it lets me not be myself. I need those walls again. The therapy of writing about pain.
I'll rebuild them. I'm not entirely sure who I'll be on the other end of it. We'll see.
I have consciously not spoken about any details because those could be misunderstood, this is not a passive aggressive callout to anybody. I have no hard feelings towards anyone, I am not angry or upset, just confused and sad. I am truly so very, very, very sorry that I've hurt people, both by action and inaction. It was never my intention. I will do my best to do better in the future.
Still working on how to do that.
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