#video streaming script
onlineclonescript · 2 years
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gleenlaura · 2 years
Top Thing to Consider While Video Streaming App Development
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We are specialized in Media streaming and video streaming applications. Our highly tuned streaming platforms enable your viewers to get real-time or live interactions in high-quality videos. Contact us now for more information.
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mokeonn · 7 months
So I heard that Tumblr is slowly being abandoned (they seem to be laying off a majority of their staff and keeping a skeleton crew) and we might be nearing the end of this webbed site. I don't think it's currently worth panicking over, but I'm definitely going to start making that neocities website.
I'll make a post soon about other places where you can find me. Unfortunately, I've spent quite some time these last couple years getting rid of a majority of my social media because most platforms were bad for my mental health. I do not plan on going back to these platforms, so if tumblr goes down, I'm going to be only on non social media.
Maybe if one of the new social medias being created, actually take off (like bluesky or pillowfort or whatever else these days) I might join, but if not I might be entirely on personal websites, patreon (I will start posting regularly like a blog and make more free posts), some old websites I deleted but not because I hated them (such as ko-fi, which I deleted due to inactivity) and possibly furaffinity. I'm still on the fence about furaffinity. I might also finally start using my toyhouse but that is an oc sharing website and not much of an art sharing website.
I really do hope Tumblr doesn't go down, this is my one social media and if it does go down I am going to lose nearly all of my audience. I can make do by creating a personal blog and using whatever I have left in terms of "can post my art there and people can find me", and it won't discourage me from making my personal projects. I can make do, and I will make do, but I don't really want to make do.
Anyways, that's all I have to say right now, I'll make a post later once I set up some alternative sites to find me at, but for now I want to give the heads up that if I'm gone, you're not gonna find me on twitter, Instagram, or whatever third option there is. I'm likely going to just make do, be offline more, and likely just become active on the discord servers I'm on.
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hyruviandoctor · 9 months
Hey Guys!
Now that I'm getting more back into streaming and making videos, I figured I'd drop a "here are my links" post in case you want to give me a follow/subscribe/whatever! I'll be posting at least some of it here as well, but it helps a lot to have interactions on the actual sites I'm posting the content on originally!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@astrotyler
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/astrotyler
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theastrotyler
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fyrets · 2 days
just a heads up, video is ummm probably not gonna see the light of day unfortunately. recording with this new mic is a little aggravating and im not sure what else i can really do. plus i feel like the time has really passed for a proper video.
i might try to rework the script into a semi-proper essay just to Get It Out There but i'd have to think about how i'd do that exactly and whatnot. like would I just post it on tumblr or link a google doc or what. idk.
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pixeldotgamer · 8 months
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I'm Pixel posting on Twitter so I'm sharing it here for posterity
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spacehell69 · 1 year
i wish twitch archived streams so bad. im often thinking about this one time jhonen was playing videos games while chatting with his friend about iz and when the "dib is a clone baby" theory came up he just nonchalantly debunked it like "idk i never thought about that. membrane just fucked i guess"
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simple-persica · 2 years
Ayo ya boi got herself a job! So between that and school, I'm gonna be swamped. As a result posting might become a little more sparse than it already is.
But I still wanna stream at the usual time, so I'm just not gonna post here when I do stream. I'll be better at scheduling streams ahead of time so people who are subscribed can see when the stream starts.
Commissions are staying open too btw.
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dreamnoteprincess · 5 months
Finished a fanfic and a script for an upcoming YouTube Video!
Feeling productive today ^^
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femcelhood · 8 months
1984 intro speech but it’s about vtubers in ASMR
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camryemerald · 9 months
its weird to think that like 4-6 years ago around this time i would have like a giant group of friends over and i'd upload a video of all of us playing some fnaf game or whatever, and now thats just like... not even remotely how my content goes
i barely even upload anymore! if at all! tell that to 2016 camry who was pumping out like 2-3 recordings of him playing stuff every week! insane!
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dreamguystech31 · 1 year
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fans4wga · 8 months
Adam Conover: So the writers strike is finally over, and I'm so happy to tell you that...
Full transcript of text on images below the cut!
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And we changed not just our industry for ourselves, but for every writer who comes after us. And I am…so proud of us. 
Thank you to every writer who made this victory happen, and thank you, thank you, to every fellow worker who stood with us. 
We are gonna stand with you as well because what this proves is that when workers stand together, we win. 
[video ID: Adam Conover summarizes the terms of the 2023 WGA Contract that ended a 148-day strike.
So the writers strike is finally over, and I'm so happy to tell you that...WE FUCKING WON.
These are all things that they swore to us five months ago they would never give us in a million years. But we went on strike and we hung together until they were forced to come to the table and meet our demands. 
Contract Summary
This is the contract that we just spent the last 148 days fighting for. And lemme tell you what’s in it: 
a guarantee that a minimum number of writers be hired on every show, 
comedy-variety writers like me be paid [equally on streaming and TV],
provisions that mean better pay for screenwriters, 
better pension and health for writing teams, 
script fees for staff writers for the first time, 
and protections against AI.
AI Protections
AI can’t write scripts, edit scripts, or undermine our rights and credits.
Success-Based Residuals
And we won a success-based residual! So for the first time, when more people watch a movie or TV show on streaming, the writer that created it will make more money, too.
And we changed not just our industry for ourselves, but for every writer who comes after us. And I am…so proud of us. 
Thank you to every writer who made this victory happen, and thank you, thank you, to every fellow worker who stood with us. 
We are gonna stand with you as well because what this proves is that when workers stand together, we win. 
And now…LET’S GET BACK TO WRITING. [/end video ID]
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appclonescript · 1 year
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Do you want to rule the live video-streaming industry by launching your own video-streaming app? If yes, then making use of a readymade live video streaming script would be the right choice. Before choosing a ready-made live video streaming script, you have to know what is a live video streaming script and how to choose the best live video streaming script.
Live video streaming script is a readymade solution with essential features that helps to build an astonishing live video streaming app. With the help of a live video streaming script, you can reduce the cost and time of building a live-streaming app. 
But, if you want to get an effective live video streaming script, you have to consider some key points. 
The live video streaming script you choose must have the necessary features to suit your live video streaming business 
It must be scalable to include any additional features if required 
It must be built with a user-friendly interface and the latest technologies and designs. 
You can get one such efficient live video streaming script with the above-mentioned features at Appkodes with a flat 40% offer.
 Appkodes Livza is a ready-to-use live video streaming script that is built with exciting features such as a seamless streaming option, an option for live comments/likes, and options for following/unfollowing the user. 
So, kickstart your live video streaming business with an awesome live video streaming script. 
Contact details:
📲 Whatsapp: +917708068697
👉 Skype-id: live:.cid.e49c2a2ab94ee1f6
✉️ Mail-id: [email protected]
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drunkkenobi · 2 months
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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amalgamasreal · 10 months
Bit of a long video but worth a watch.
TL;DW though is that hidden in the Terms and Conditions for Google's AI Labs is a nice little poison pill that says they get access to your entire Google Drive if you opt in.
So if you're an author of some type and you keep your unpublished works in your G-Drive that means an AI will get to scrape all of it and by opting in you will have given them permission to it. The content creator goes on to predict that Google is going to let out their own streaming service where the scripts, and potentially the art if it's animated, will be almost or entirely AI generated using that scraped data as a baseline and the authors/artist's who's work was essentially stolen in its most raw form to crib from will have zero way of fighting Google on that in our current legal system.
This is of course right in the middle of the writers and actors strike where we're seeing just what lengths studios will go to in order to screw everyone but themselves.
They go on to recommend that if you keep any creative or personal works on Google Drive that you pull it off as soon as possible and delete your entire Drive. They acknowledge that of course this doesn't mean Google really deleted the data but if you do it before they start compulsory opting everyone in there's a chance your work might get overlooked. They also recommend several free editing programs that aren't run by corporations like Google with LibreOffice (the default office program of most Linux distros) being named.
Finally they go over methods of shaming Google which I feel like you just have to watch for comedies sake so I won't describe them in full.
Now this is from me: I know the majority of people don't have the ability to build and manage a big archive just for themselves, but if you're a creative NOW IS THE TIME to educate yourself on what you can do to protect your works. Cloud storage was always iffy at best, but with AI scraping entering the mix it's now downright malignant. Get a bunch of thumb drives, buy some external hard drives, if you have the money buy a pre-built NAS, and if you really want to get into learn how to build your own NAS. These are the old ways before cloud and they're coming back again, more important than ever.
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