#viktor gif
nothing-real-here · 2 days
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there he is, spinning in my blog like a ballerina in a box
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How about a Yandere Viktor and Jayce with a reader already having a boyfriend?
This is now just for Victor... my brains didn't work for Jayce
Yandere Viktor
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You and Victor were childhood friends.
You grew up in the same place and knew each other for a long time.
Victor would have had a crush on you for a long time.
Unfortunately, he wouldn't dare to take the initiative and ask you out.
At this time, you already have time to fall in love with another person and start dating.
Victor would be too late.
And at first he would be okay with that.
When he still doesn't understand the meaning of his own feelings.
Or that he had so little time left to live.
But things would soon change.
Everything would change…
Viktor would realize that he couldn't live without you.
At least the little time he had left.
Viktor would definitely try to break up your relationship.
You would also support Viktor by the way.
Of course, he would try to cover up whose fault it was for your relationship to break up.
Vikot is there to support and comfort you.
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arcanegifs · 2 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: Season 1 ↳ "Oh, the misery."
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criticalsorcery · 1 year
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business is BOOMING!
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moonlightsdreaming · 7 months
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“When you’re going to change the world, don’t ask for permission.”
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ricky-olson · 7 months
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THE BOY SAVIOUR Arcane: League of Legends
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pimglo · 1 year
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weeop womp weeop womp
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melmedarda · 1 year
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sun ⋆ moon ⋆ star
⸻ JAYCE, VIKTOR, & MEL, Arcane
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multi-fandom-imagine · 3 months
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A/n: Let's A Go!
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•Viktor Vasko•
Viktor was a large man, a large intimidating man but that did not stop you from falling for him. The one's who weren't close to him didn't know he had a kind heart, they didn't know how gentle and soft he was with you. Sitting on the bar too, you crossed one of your legs over the over. "Hey Viktor?"
A grunt was your reply, sighing you rolled your eyes holding out your hand for him. "Come here."
Placing down the glass he was holding, he took one long stride to you. "Ves?"
Grinning you sat up placing your hands on his cheeks, your thumbs caress his cheek. "Oh nothing! I just wanted you to know that I can hold the whole world in my hands."
Viktor's eye went wide for a moment, glancing away you heard him grumble something under his breath as he pulled you into his chest.
"HA can I get a hug too Viktor!" Rocky chimed in.
A deep growl escaping Viktor's chest as he held you close. "I vill kill him."
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•Mordecai Heller•
Dropping his pen, Mordecai pulled off his glasses as he looked you over, you were practically vibrating with excitement. "Yes?"
Quickly making your way over to him grasping his cheeks. "I'm holding the whole world in my hands."
Tensing, Mordecai adverted his gaze. He didn't know what to say, how do you even reply to something like that? Scowling, his mind was racing a mild a minute. He knew he could just push you away but then that would only upset you and he didn't want that.
Accepting his fate, he resigned to rest his head on your chest as you scratched behind his ear.
"Good boy."
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•Dorian "Zib" Zibowski•
It was a lazy afternoon in Lackadaisy, the other band members have long since left leaving you and Zib alone. The man's head resting on your lap, a smile on his face as he enjoyed you running your fingers across his ears.
"Ya Doll?" The cigaret he'd been smoking had long since went out though he opened on if his eyes to look at you.
Humming, you then let your hands cup his cheeks squishing them together. "Nothing too important, I just wanted you to know that I am just holding my whole world in my hands."
Grinning, he disregarded the cigaret sitting up. "That so? Well then? Can you give me a kiss?"
"For you, anything."
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Rocky was practically vibrating with excitement, he was hoping you'd like this date he set up for you. He's never felt this way about someone, nor did he ever expect for you to return his feelings.
Letting out a small giggle you shook your head as he gave you a small twirl on the dance floor. You were having so much fun. Your heart was pounding in your chest as Rocky pulled you in close. Your hands quickly moving to his cheeks as you gave him a cheeky smile. "Did you know that I am holding the whole world in my hands right now Rock?"
Eyes going wide, it did not take long for Rocky to let out a laugh as he swung you around the dance floor, a happy laugh leaving him. He was so happy, so lucky to have you.
"You're my whole world too!!!"
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•Sedgewick "Wick" Alastair Sable•
It was an odd feeling, being in love. Sedgewick never in his life did he think it would happen to him. But there was something about, something he couldn't explain but he liked it.
He loved you.
Heading home, your head rested on his shoulder as you both walked to the car. A soft hum leaving his lips though just as you were about to enter the car Sedgewick pulled you in close, his nose nuzzled yours as he cupped your cheeks gently.
"May I tell you something."
Laughing softly, you shook your head smiling up at him as you lent into his touch.
"I'm holding my whole world right now."
Gazing softening, you quickly buried your face into his chest. "That's supposed to my word you know, can't believe you stole it from me."
"I'll make it up to you, promise."
"You better."
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hazelcallahan · 1 year
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ARCANE - SEASON 1 ↳ Episode 8, “Oil and Water”
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pondwatr04 · 1 year
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All of a sudden I've been absolutely obsessed with Viktor and his voice, and there's very little content centering around Viktor on Tumblr and other social media I've noticed. Starved for anything, I decided to attempt to make my own Viktor AI Voice bot for self-insert pleasure. This is my first attempt at anything like this, so lemme know how it did. The audio's are arranged by degree of "likeness" to Viktor's voice, but some are definitely more convincing than others.
Voice snippets from my Viktor (Arcane) AI voice.
More NSFW snippets later?
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arcanegifs · 2 years
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Arcane: League of Legends Season 1 + Favorite Quotes
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Visitors - Viktor Krum
Viktor x Fem!reader Diggory
Cedric x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,385
Summary: Viktor and Y/n meet only to meet again not long after. And her brother and friends approve.
Authors Note: My first Viktor Krum imagine
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Y/n had to admit being at the Quidditch World Cup was pretty cool. Especially since she got to go with her brother, father, and friends. It was also nice that she had seemed to catch the eye of a certain star player.
Cedric nudged his little sister, teasing her. “I think someone like’s you.”
“Shut up.” Y/n nudged him back looking down shyly.
After the game, Y/n had gone to the little shop portion of tents surrounding the arena. As she was exiting the tents she ran into someone.
“Sorry.” Y/n apologized before looking up.
“No, no I’m sorry. It was my fault.” Low and behold the player who kept eyeing her during the game was who she ran into. And now he was helping her up. “I’m Viktor. Viktor Krum.” He introduced himself with a smile upon his lips. She was even prettier up close.
“Y/n. Y/n Diggory.” Y/n mirrored his smile but she did look down feeling embarrassed. She just literally ran into the Viktor Krum.
“Did you enjoy the game, Y/n?” Viktor asked still having not removed his hands from hers.
“Very much.” She nodded looking back up at him. It seemed he knew she felt a bit embarrassed but he didn’t want that to stop their conversation. “You were very good out there.”
Viktor got a slight blush on his cheeks. “You flatter me, Miss Diggory.”
Y/n shook her head with a smile. “Please just call me Y/n.”
The two suddenly heard cheers and rants coming from behind Viktor. As the two looked over they saw it was his team. They both let out laughs. “Looks like I must go.”
“Me too it seems.” Y/n said also glancing behind her to where her friends were calling her over and goofing off.
“Will I see you again?” Viktor asked before she could go. He didn’t want to leave her presence just yet.
Sadly she couldn’t give him a good answer to that. “I don’t know.”
Viktor nodded knowing that with school and things that liked to happen in the Wizarding world they couldn’t tell when they might see eachother again. But he knew how he felt. “I’d like to.”
Y/n sent him a smile. “Then hopefully we will. I’d like it as well.”
Viktor sent her a warm hopeful smile as he let go of her hand and headed back to where he should be with his team. Meanwhile, Cedric had walked over and stood beside his sister.
“Does someone like a certain quidditch player? Or does a certain quidditch player like you?” Cedric asked smiling but not in a teasing way. He would support his sister in her decisions, always.
Y/n smiled shyly biting her lip, blushing. “Maybe a bit of both.”
^     ^     ^
Being back at Hogwarts was fun and stressful. But apparently, this year was going to have guests. At least that’s what Dumbledore is saying currently.
“This year Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament. This also means we will be housing 2 other wizarding schools as well. Let’s give them a warm welcome.” Dumbledore said and once he finished the big doors opened and in came the Drumstrang academy.
It didn’t take long for Y/n and Hermione and the others to notice Viktor Krum as part of the school.
“Well, will you look at who that is?” Hermione smiled as Krum entered the great hall.Y/n had told her about their encounter at the Worldcup. “Cedric wasn’t the only one to notice the way Viktor was looking at you. Or you him.”
“Hermione” Y/n dragged out her friend's name but even she knew it was true. She and Viktor had caught eyes when he entered the great hall. Cedric had noticed to.
“Y/n you deserve to find love. If that happens to be with the great Viktor Krum then let it.” Hermione encouraged. She would love to see Y/n happy and in love, the girl deserved it.
“You're supporting this?” Y/n asked with raised brows in shock before sneaking a quick glance towards the Drumstrang boys.
“Absolutely.” Hermione nodded, smiling mischievously. “I also think Cedric is supporting it as well.”
“Yeah, isn’t that odd?” Ron asked with his mouth full of food.
“Yeah, shouldn’t he be all protective over you?” Harry also questioned. Cause wasn’t that normal for siblings?
“Oh, he will be if anything happens but he’s also very supportive.” Y/n explained smiling over at her brother as he sent her a wink. Then Y/n and Krum met eyes again and both couldn’t help but smile.
^     ^     ^
Y/n and Cedric were sitting by the black lake just spending some time together. Before Cedric nudged y/n and nodded behind them. “Will you look who’s coming over.”
“Bug off” Y/n nudged him back.
“Well, I need to go get ready for our first challenge.” Cedric stated getting up obviously leaving the two alone.
“Cedric.” Y/n grumbled as he started to walk off. Her brother trying to play matchmaker.
Cedric and Viktor exchanged glances as they passed eachother. Viktor smiled at the y/h/c-ed girl as he approached her. “Y/n.”
“Viktor” Y/n greeted back smiling as he sat down next to her, also facing the lake. “How are you enjoying Hogwarts?”
Viktor smiled back, always enjoying the Diggory girl's presence. He thought about it for a moment before answering. Which Y/n appreciated that he took the time to give her a real answer and not a short one. “It's different. I will say it’s nice that it brought us together.”
Y/n nodded in agreement smiling at the muscular boy. “It is a nice outcome.”
The two sat there for a long time talking and getting to know eachother. They did that till they had to leave for the first event of the tournament.
“Here to wish me luck?” Cedric smiled as Y/n entered the champion's tent.
“Of course brother.” she smiled and hugged him. She’d support him through this but it didn’t mean she wasn’t scared for him. He’s her brother and wizards die in this tournament.
“Maybe have to also with a certain Bulgarian luck?” he teased wiggling his eyebrows.
“You keep teasing me and he’ll be the only one I wish luck to again.” Y/n threatened playfully pointing at him and poking him in the chest.
“I wouldn’t mind.” Viktor smiled standing behind Y/n and shared a knowing look with Cedric over her head. Cedric smiled down at Y/n before walking away to talk to Fleur.
Y/n turned to face Viktor with an evident blush on her cheeks. “Want me to route for you, hmmm?”
“I would like that, yes.” he flashed her a smile and gave her a nod in confirmation. It seemed this girl could easily get him to smile, which was rare.
Y/n smiled back giving a short nod. He wanted her routing for him, that gave her butterflies. “Then you’ll have me routing for you.”
“Young love is blooming for more than one contestant it seems.” They turned upon hearing the reporter. Y/n felt slightly embarrassed having known the way she was looking at Viktor was intimate. Viktor sensed her discomfort and narrowed his eyes. “An with her own brother also a champion no less.”
Viktor stepped forward and stepped in front of Y/n, acting as a wall. With a stern face and voice. “It’s none of your business.”
“I think it’s time you left Miss Skeeter.” Dumbledore stated as he entered the champions' tent.
“I have to agree.” Igor Karkaroff said, standing up for his student and the girl he knew Viktor has a crush on.
“Mr.Diggory, your up first.” Dumbledore said after Miss Skeeter had been escorted out. Then he turned to Y/n smiling. “And Miss Diggory you should get to your seat. We’re ready to begin.”
“Be safe.” Y/n said hugging her brother as the adults left the tent.
“I will.” Cedric promises hugging her tightly before heading out.
Y/n turned to face Viktor after Cedric left and headed to the exit walking backwards. “You as well.”
Viktor gave her a nod and sent her a wink. “For you, I will.”
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@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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moonlightsdreaming · 7 months
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“If dangerous ideas didn’t excite the imagination, we would never wander astray.”
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ricky-olson · 1 year
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#married already
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smolsawyer · 2 years
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Arcane appreciation week (Nov. 13th - Nov. 19th) Day 5: Color/Animation/Aesthetic - The Art of Arcane - face close ups + blue
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