#vs brewer
hippolotamus · 1 year
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Chapter Two | E | Please note the rating change
David paces the length of the sitting room, keyed up and anxious. The penthouse, measuring however many thousands of square feet, is still too small. Too constricting. He’s already shed his jacket, hanging it carefully in the walk-in closet. He’s not a monster, after all. But it does little to ease the tension that continues building under his skin, making him spark with need. Eager to get his hands on Patrick again.
Patrick’s ragged breathing echoes in his mind, the way he writhed under David’s touch, so desperate for release he was practically begging. 
David won’t be alone for long. Patrick has always come, will always come. He knows this, and it terrifies him. Yet, with every minute that passes, every errant sound that makes him turn toward the door, his doubts grow louder. 
Agent Brewer was supposed to be a personal conquest, a challenge. A one time fling. There was no room for a ‘next time’. David really should have known better. From the first moment he noticed Patrick in Monsanto,  he wanted him. He took one look at him – wearing his awful midrange denim and braided belt – and wanted to take him apart. To ruin him. 
The opportunity didn’t arrive until their third encounter in Vienna. There was no bed, not so much as a fancy, plush chaise lounge. Only the two of them, hidden in the shadows of Neptune’s Fountain. Not how David envisioned it, but he wouldn’t exactly call getting buttoned-up Agent Brewer off against ancient architecture a loss. Especially not when he sought David out the following evening and let himself be reduced to a whimpering mess, barely capable of stringing two syllables together.
read on ao3
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For @schittscreekdrabbleblog word challenge: Laser
“Laser tag? I thought it was paintball. Not that I’d play either,” says David, lounging on the couch while Patrick prepares for an afternoon of barbaric sports.
“We can’t play paintball.”
“Why not?”
Patrick is silent, busying himself with lacing up his sportsball shoes. David grins.
“Did they permanently ban you and Ronnie from playing against each other after last time?”
“The paintball staff suggested laser tag because it’s a ‘non-contact sport,’” Patrick grumbles.
“That’s probably best.”
Hours later, Patrick stomps angrily back into the cottage.
“Um, how was the laser tag?”
“It sucked. And they have a new rule.”
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fantasychickfights · 2 years
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Marli (L) vs Lindsay (R) … Bikini Brawlin’ Blondes 👱‍♀️ Who’s left standing after this total CATfight????
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re: whatever old post i have out here somewhere about an original pantheon of gods, where Void is the first, Spoil the second, and Sever the third, and Spoil is very much taken as a negative presence -- god of rot and decay and corruption
world where that is taken very literally and the professions of brewers and cheese-makers and fermenters of any kind are professions of heretics, foodstuffs that are secret and sly and spoken of in whispers and derision. a people who are the only ones who call upon this god, and a god who is only called on by their like, and by murders: those who wish for rot to take place quick
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oddmanoutninja · 3 days
Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers 'Best Bet'
The Chicago Cubs (28-28) take on the Milwaukee Brewers (32-23) at 12:10 PM CT! Watch on BSWI! The Brew Crew leads the series with the Cubs 2-1 currently. After a big 10-6 win yesterday, the Brewers aren’t showing signs of slowing down. The Brewers are sending starting right-handed pitcher Colin Rhea (4-2) to the mound. Rhea has a 3.98 ERA, 1.36 WHIP, 37 Strikeouts, and 20 Walks across 54.1…
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themlb · 13 days
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Tough Start to the Road Trip but the Milwaukee Brewers Move Onward
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smcclintonjr · 1 month
Scratching my head all this time: The Post-Easter Holiday Edition.
Miss me? Of course. I had to take a break. Had to clear my mind of what to write next. It’s apparent that when my break happens, of course, I need to take a step back and chill. But the fact of the matter is, it’s now the Post-Easter Season leading into Pentecost. And of course, with the Easter Holiday now behind us, hope all had a good one. For all of you who are ministers, knowing that…
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astmclaren455 · 2 months
first game of the season and gary, keith, ron, and steve are already cracking me up😭
the way gary, keith, and ron all gang up on steve is the funniest thing to me
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theredhairing40 · 7 months
fibs vs. cheeseheads
Strange Boy: You had to enter the Cheesehead remark didn't you? The Blogger: Sorry... I couldn't resist Cheesehead Gunther: Have you no SHAME! How dare you! You disgusting little good-for-nothing FIB! The Blogger: That's a bit off the wall isn't it Ditto? Cheesehead Gunther: *SWISH* Ditto: Too dramatic? The Blogger: No the fact that you called me a *Fracking Illinois Bastard without the proper context. Ditto: Should I start it over again from the top? The Blogger: Yeah... Strange Boy: How many takes are we going to do of this until we get it right? *awkward silence*: (insert random cough here) Strange Boy: Where did everyone go?
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stockmarket3334 · 2 years
Brewers vs Pirates prediction
Brewers vs Pirates prediction
Brewers vs Pirates prediction If you’re wondering what to bet on in the upcoming Brewers vs Pirates game, there are several factors to consider. In this article, we’ll look at the starters, the lineup, and the game’s overall outlook. The Milwaukee Brewers lost their series finale to the Boston Red Sox, 7-2, but they are still in a great position heading into this series. In addition, the Brewers…
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liajayeger1 · 2 years
Goliaths versus Reds MLB 2022 live stream (6/25) How to watch on the web, TV data, time
Goliaths versus Reds MLB 2022 live stream (6/25) How to watch on the web, TV data, time
The San Francisco Giants have the Cincinnati Reds in MLB 2022 activity Saturday, June 25, at Oracle Park in San Francisco. The game will be live gushed on fuboTV. Right-hander Logan Webb will begin the hill for the Giants, versus left-hander Mike Minor for the Reds. San Francisco is 38-32 this season, while Cincinnati is 24-46. The Reds versus Monsters game beginnings at 6:15 p.m. Focal (7:15…
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hippolotamus · 2 years
For the intimacy prompt
tracing fingers down your partner's chest
Ok, ummm, all I can say is Thank You for this. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did 💙🖤
In all the years of artfully sneaking around for missions, Patrick Brewer never thought his expertise would lead him here. At least, not as many times as it has.
The hotel ballroom must have close to 800 people, but he’s already seen the one he’s after. Patrick knows he’s been spotted, too. They’ve been chasing each other around the globe - from Mexico to Monaco, South Africa to Saskatchewan, and everywhere between - for years now. This dance is familiar and they’re intimately acquainted with how the steps go. 
Patrick sips his sparkling champagne, peering over the rim, and meeting familiar dark eyes standing on the upper balcony. One delicate hand, with olive skin and silver rings, lifts a champagne flute from the railing in a silent toast across the sea of otherwise ignorant partygoers. Patrick’s target raises a single dark eyebrow, then tilts the glass to his lips, draining it in one go. He replaces the vessel and smirks in Patrick’s direction before turning to walk away. Patrick recognizes it for the signal it is, sitting his now empty glass on a passing server’s tray. 
As if by intuition alone, his feet carry him up the staircase, past eclectic older dealers arguing whether a Van Gogh or a Cézzane will fetch more, young heiresses flirting shamelessly, and the occasional solo chap watching them. The stream of people thins the further Patrick walks, the lights becoming more spread out, leaving shadowy patches between. The electric glow of an Exit sign catches his eye, and he’s just about to turn back when he finds himself tugged into a dark alcove, pinned to the wall. 
Patrick smirks, noting the warm, spicy scent now surrounding him. It should make him wary, but that sensation stopped long ago, replaced by want and lust. “Rose, we meet again.”
“So we do, Mr. Brewer,” a voice purrs in response. “I hope you’ve been well since Denmark.” 
Patrick traces a finger over the curves he’s become so accustomed to, feeling the sleek mother-of-pearl buttons under his skin until he hooks onto the V of the single-breasted tuxedo jacket. “Never better. Should we exchange the usual my country wants you dead pleasantries first or is foreplay off the menu tonight?” 
A singular growl precedes firm hands pinning Patrick’s wrists above his head, warm lips and tongue meeting his own. No matter how many times they’ve done this, it always makes him dizzy. It shouldn’t be this way, he should be capturing David Rose and hand delivering him to the Canadian government. Instead, he always finds himself in total disbelief at how right, and fucking life affirming, it feels to be under David’s control. 
Sometimes, dangerously, he thinks he wants it forever. It only took Patrick mentioning once that he doesn’t sleep with anyone else between their trysts. David went off the grid for over a year before they came crashing back together in a blissful rendezvous where the only sounds were gasps and skin on skin. Patrick fell asleep with David slung across his body, head on his chest, and he thought they turned a corner. But when he woke in the morning, David was nowhere to be found. They didn’t see each other for three months until their paths crossed in Moscow. 
“David,” Patrick pants, too close for comfort to losing his composure like a teenage boy as David grinds their hips together. And he’s not going to do that in a suit that had a comma on the price tag. He’s not. “Please.”
“Want me to stop?” David’s teeth drag over Patrick’s earlobe before scraping along the line of his jaw.
David chuckles softly, the vibrations humming against Patrick’s neck. “Are you sure, Mr. Brewer?”
Patrick can only hiss in response when David’s hips thrust forward, holding him in place. 
“Well, I’m not getting on my knees for you in a hallway, in this suit,” David’s breath ghosts against the shell of Patrick’s ear. “I know you don’t always follow orders, but be good and meet me in the penthouse. I’ll make it worth your while.”
David presses a searing kiss against his mouth, pulling Patrick’s bottom lip between his teeth, before he retreats into the darkness. Patrick feels adrift without the weight of David to anchor him, even knowing they’ll be tangled together soon. He stands tall, straightening his jacket and adjusting his bowtie. He reaches into his pocket for his phone so he can at least check his hair in the camera. Patrick smiles to himself when his fingers brush over the keycard David slipped in next to it. He taps the card, deciding to abandon checking his reflection, hoping he won’t encounter anyone else important along the way. 
After all, there’s no time to waste when he has a foreign agent to catch.
send me a physical intimacy prompt!
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One thing I like about book 7 (which I am rereading for fanfic reasons) is that it’s very relatable from my autistic perspective. Like the obvious thing is Alex ‘touch of Aspergers’ Schwartz running around obsessing over numbers, screaming about leeches and freaking out in random social interactions, but also Agent First being like
“What is with all these bizarre, performative social rituals, why must I jump through nonsensical hoops to get what I want, oh my god this doesn’t make any sense” and very carefully thinking through how to navigate social situations is a wholeass Mood
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fantasychickfights · 2 years
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All BLACK Catfight!!! Marli (L) takes on Lindsay (R) … this time you tell me who wins!!!
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holylulusworld · 7 months
Dreams of sharp teeth - Halloween
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This story was written for @viking-raider's HALLOWEEN-KINKTOBER CHALLENGE. 🎃
This story was also written for @navybrat817 & @darkficsyouneveraskedfor 𝕹𝖆𝖛𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖔 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜’𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖘 - I used the following tropes:
An unwanted houseguest
Power outage
A string of unexplained deaths
Summary: People disappear in your sleepy town.
Work Name/Title: Dreams of sharp teeth
Author: Holylulusworld
Fandom: Henry Cavill (MI & Night hunter)
Ship: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader x Werewolf!August Walker
Square filled for @halloweenhorrorbingo: Square 3: Wouldn't even harm a fly.
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Halloween was always special to you. The costumes, carving pumpkins, and watching scary movies with your boyfriend.
Sadly, you are not allowed to leave your house tonight to watch the kids raid candy and have a few drinks with your friends. 
A string of unexplained deaths keeps people in your sleepy little town awake. It’s not unusual for people to die or get killed in accidents. But these days, people disappear and never get found. 
The few that got found were missing something important. Their hearts. That’s very unusual and concerning. Especially when the worst crime ever happening in your sleepy towns was when a few teenagers stole a car and crashed it. 
Your boyfriend is somewhere across the country, and you are alone in the empty house, feeling a little under the weather as you caught a cold from one of the kids at the local library where you’re working at.
It feels like the hours passed by in a blink, and dusk falls soon after you dragged yourself out of bed. You yawn and try to get your legs to obey. 
It’s a struggle but you manage to walk inside the kitchen to make some coffee.
You hate the dark liquid, but you are scared to fall asleep since the killings started - like everyone else in town. If only you can stay awake until dawn, the nightmares will go away.
The monotone noise the coffee brewer makes lures you into sleep again. Your eyes feel heavy, and you yawn once again. “I need to stay awake,” you remind yourself as you remember the dream you had last night.
Teeth - sharp and deadly haunt your dreams. And voices. Deep voice luring you in, calling for you in the darkness. They say your name and promise a life beyond your imagination.
Watching the coffee run into the cup you sigh. If only you could sleep for a few hours. It’s all you want and need. Your migraine is getting worse with every hour you force yourself to stay awake and you are so tired it’s painful.
“Just a few more hours,” you take a large sip of the bitter brew. “Hang on, Y/N. The curfew will be over soon. They will hunt the wolves killing the people in town down, and you can go back to your normal life.”
You chuckle as you realize that you tend to talk to yourself lately. With no one around, and no chance to leave the house, you are stuck here with too many thoughts running through your mind.
Maybe watching a movie will take your mind off the current situation in your town. You walk back inside your living room, searching for the remote control to switch the TV on. As you plop down onto the sofa, you groan as your bad knee cracks again.
“You’re getting old, Y/N,” you chuckle to yourself. “That’s payback for all the times you made fun of your mother for complaining about her age, and the little aches and pains that come with it.”
You take another sip of your coffee and switch to another channel. Horror movies are out of the question. The horror you experience in your dreams is enough. 
Switching channels, you try to find anything else to watch but a horror movie. You sigh, as you end up watching a talk show. 
Between sipping at the unwanted coffee and watching nonsense on TV you try not to fall asleep. Eyes trained on the tv you try to follow the conversation going on between the host and their guests. It’s boring but distracts you from the nightmare you had.
“It’s not that bad,” you lie to yourself while listening to the show. You are about to laugh about something the host said when the TV turns black. “NO!” All the lights go out, and you are sitting in darkness. 
Not another power outage. That’s the last thing you need right now. Fear grips your heart hearing noise come from outside your house. You grab your phone and run toward the front door to double-check if you locked it.
It’s locked, and you feel a little safer. Next is the back door, and all the windows. You almost run upstairs to check on your bedroom window, only to find it closed too.
“Y/N, you need to calm down,” you tell yourself once again. It’s hard to remain calm while people in town disappear, and die, though. “Relax. This is only another power outage. Nothing will happen to you.”
It doesn’t matter that your doors are locked. You walk back inside the kitchen and get the biggest knife you own. Your boyfriend will call you paranoid or crazy when he comes back, but you don’t care.
Better safe than sorry.
You walk back upstairs when someone knocks at your door. It’s in the dead of the night, and you don’t want to open the door. 
But what if one of your neighbors is in trouble? 
Maybe Mrs. Sinclair, a widow who can barely walk. Or Annie, from three houses down, a nurse with a heart of gold. You cannot ignore them, not if someone is in trouble.
Turning back around, the knife still in your hands you silently walk down the stairs. You’re a good neighbor, but you don’t want whoever is standing in front of your door to know that you are at home.
You look through the peephole, frowning because you can’t see shit.
“Hi, miss. I’m Walter from across the street. Your new neighbor. I mean we moved to town some months ago, but I wasn’t around much lately.”
“Walter,” you whisper and try to remember the people who moved into the only vacant house in your neighborhood.
“Walter Marshall, miss. I was checking on the neighbors if anyone needs help,” he says. “I’m with the police.”
“I locked the doors, and my boyfriend is here with me,” you don’t know why you lie to Walter, but you do. “He checks the windows. We are good, really.”
He chuckles darkly, and you step away from the door. “Sweetie, we both know you are all alone. I can hear your heart racing and smell your fear.”
Smell your fear? How’s that even possible?
You only know one thing for sure - that you won’t open the door for him. No matter what. You step backward, almost knocking the small coffee table next to your couch over as he knocks again. 
“Sweetie, open the door. It will make things so much easier for you and us.”
“Go away,” you shiver as he knocks again, louder this time. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I can’t,” he almost sounds sorry. “Y/N, you are not having a cold. Didn’t you ask yourself why so many people died after you got scratched by the kid in the library?”
You shake your head. How can he know about the incident and your cold?
“We know because we were there that day,” another voice says. You feel his hands on you, holding your trembling body in a tight grip. His strong arms wrap around your body. “Let us help you before you hurt more people. It’s not your fault. We should’ve been there to guide you through this.”
“August, go easy on her. She doesn’t know,” your eyes widen when the front door opens. You are sure you locked it and now your neighbor invades your home. “Hold her tight, we need to bring her to the basement before the moon rises again. She cannot control her powers yet.”
“What do you want? Let me go! Now,” you grow and snarl in Walter’s direction. You don’t know what’s wrong with you. “I’ll kill you.”
“I know you are confused,” August whispers in your ear. “But you need to listen to us. The kid that bit you wasn’t a normal child. It was our cousin’s boy and a werewolf. He cannot control his instinct.”
“He’s a good boy. Usually, he wouldn't even harm a fly. But the full moon was close, and you tried to take the book out of his hands. We are sorry, but you are one of us now,” Walter steps closer to cup your face. “You need to come with us before you hurt more people.”
“So far, we were able to cover your attacks. If you run around town and attack more people, they will find out about our secret, and we cannot let this happen.”
“I don’t…understand. I was at the library and then I…” you frown. “I lost track of time. My boyfriend…I need to call him. I…”
“Sweetie,” Walter tries to calm you. Your eyes glow, and you snap your teeth in his direction. “This is going to be hard to stomach but...”
August holds you a little tighter before he says, “He was your first victim…”
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This is the end of this year's kinktober.
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oddmanoutninja · 18 days
Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Milwaukee Brewers 'Best Bet'
The Pittsburgh Pirates (19-24) face the Milwaukee Brewers (25-17) for Game 3 of their current road stand against the Brew Crew! First pitch at 12:10 PM CDT! Watch on BSWI! The Pittsburgh Pirates are sending starting left-handed pitcher Martin Perez (1-2) to the mound. Perez has a 3.60 ERA, 1.40 WHIP, 36 Strikeouts, and 13 Walks across 45 Innings Pitched. The last time he faced the Brewers he was…
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