lgcjaesun · 7 months
an lgc retreat starter for @lgcsanghyun
oh, it felt so nice to be out of the studio, jaesun thinks to himself as they wait in line for lunch. he had heard that the lunches were made by those around him, which was honestly quite surprising. he wondered what sorts of instructions they were given to make the lunches. not that it mattered that much. just whether they were good or not.
he was in line when he noticed sanghyun behind him. they hadn't spoken much since their banana milk days just because of their different schedules, so he was excited to see the other. "hello!!!" he opened his arms wide for a hug. "how are you? it's been a while! have things been well with you?"
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lgcsookyung · 3 years
- - - s o o n d o n g 1 . 1
sookyung really couldn’t believe that she was actually hosting her own show. she wasn’t the most well versed in the world of hosting, and it was only her shamelessness that made her seem good at variety. but still, the legacy higher ups had granted her her wish of having her own show. though, it was only now that she was standing in the martial arts studio, various staff and cameras standing in front of her, that it was really sinking in.
“hello hello everybody! welcome to the first ever season of soondong~ a show all about trying new things and testing physical abilities. i can’t believe i’m actually saying this, but i’m your host, bang sookyung,” she introduces, the wide smile that appears on her face the opposite of fake. “today, it’s all about taekwondo! but before we get further into what we’ll be doing, let’s introduce our first guest...” at this, she finally looks over at sanghyun standing next to her, throwing the old ‘razzle dazzle’ hands his way à la will smith. “..lim sanghyun! firstly, welcome to the soondong, sanghyun-ssi! it’s an honour to have you as my first guest. how about you us a little bit about you? what have you been up to during your time at legacy?”
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xm-sora · 11 years
Let's be Cheesy and Say BFFLs `Sanghyun
“Sora! Oh there you are! I was afraid you had forgotten!” A tall, portly man called as he hustled his way over to her, knocking over a few chairs in the process. The red-faced man was carrying quite the stack of paperwork for Sora. A light sigh escaped her lips as the familiar lawyer sat down in front of her. She really needed to find a new one of that was possible at all. The chubby man sitting across from her seemed to be simply useless. He dropped the stack down in front of her and Sora let out a more audible sigh. “What is this?” She asked in disdain. He gave her a sympathetic smile. “It seems that you are the only living heir to the fortune of your great step aunt on your mother’s side, once removed,” He told her, as if this was some great find of these. “Sangil, if I didn’t know I’d think you spent time searching for dead relatives of mine so I would have to pay you more,” Sora said with a small smile on her face despite her desire to get away from him. She slowly pulled the paperwork closer to her and began to read it, as she always did.
What felt like an eternity later, Sora was stepping out into the darkening surroundings of Eulsa as night approached. She lightly curled and uncurled her fingers to stretch him after all the signing and writing she had to do. But now, she was apparently the benefactor of yet another large sum of money. It was weird the way Sangil found all of this money for her, and creeped her out slightly. But that wasn’t much the point.
Walking towards the street, Sora glanced both ways swiftly before venturing out into the road. And if she hadn’t just spent five hours reviewing legal paperwork, she might have thought more intelligently. As she strolled out into middle of the street, her eyes caught headlights gaining quickly in her peripheral vision. Her head whipped to the side and in an instant Sora had to either move or get hit. Without enough time to move without major injury, Sora bend her knees and jumped at the last possible second, allowing her body to roll over the hard metal of the car. She had heard of the trick in a movie she had watched recently, and even though the physics didn’t make sense, she thought she would give it a try. And though she wasn’t seriously injured by the collision, she was in some serious pain.
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