#wada is her sister who is a year older than naruto and comes to live with them later
fineanimesideblog · 3 years
thicker than forgotten 👀❤👀❤👀❤ i gotta know
Both you and @tenderlysizzlingfart asked about this one, which is hilarious bc its...probably THE most convoluted and hard to explain but I'll do my best 😂
Basically this arose between me and my sister during a series of speculations after I finished the adoption fic (Taking Care) where we went on to flesh out the OC and her clan/family, and play with how the story would go from there and where things would end up if Narto (and Sask) had a whole adopted family during the events of the show. This is where it gets weird. At the time, we were also obssessed with this book called "The Incredible Lives of Greta Wells" (which everyone should read- its literally lifechanging) which is about a woman who keeps waking up as parallel versions of herself in different timelines and trying to reconcile them, and we took those ideas and were like 👀👀
So yeah, basically this is "regular naruto wakes up in our au adopted naruto world where everything is perfect for...angst reasons? I guess?" Here's a bit of a snippet below. Eri and Wada are the OC's created for the story- like I said this is heavily au-
“Not true,” Said Sasuke, “Naruto knows all about how worms taste, don’t you?” 
He turned and looked sharply at Naruto, and Naruto felt like he’d been sucker punched. His teammate had an actual smile playing around his lips, as he looked slyly over to him across the table. Naruto had never seen Sasuke so relaxed and happy; for one strange fleeting second, he felt like he really was his brother, being playfully ribbed with an inside joke at dinner. The next second, Sasuke realized his slipup, and his face re-masked itself. 
“Oh, you wouldn’t know about that.” He said, clearly embarrassed. “Nevermind.” 
Tell me about it then Naruto felt like begging him. All of a sudden he could no longer stomach it; the warm inviting banter at the table and the hot food and the feeling of being surrounded by people seemed cruel. He pushed his bowl away suddenly. 
“I think I’m gonna go to bed.” He said, throat suddenly raw, “OK?” 
“Alright…” Eri blinked at him from her seat, “Do you want me to show you where your room is?” 
“No, I can find it.” 
It wasn’t hard to find. At the top of the landing a note scribbled on a piece of paper and stuck in the attic door with a kunai read, “Wada’s room, keep out!” in bold lettering. Down the hall, all of the other doors were open; he had only to get a glimpse of the Gai poster, smiling brilliantly at him from the wall to tell which one was Lee’s. That left the door in front of him. The room was a high-ceilinged space with bay windows. On one side, the dark blue bedspread was perfectly made and clothes for the next day laid out. On the other, the garish orange bedspread was haphazardly tossed over the mattress, familiar looking clothes and socks strewn around it. 
I share a room with Sasuke. He realized, and tried not to dwell on the thought, kicking off his clothes and searching through the pile of unfamiliar items before pulling on a T-shirt and sweatpants that already smelled disconcertingly like him. 
The sounds of them talking and laughing downstairs drifted up to him, Sasuke’s voice among them, and he bit his lip and tried to snuggle down into the blanket. 
It wasn’t fair. If this was a genjutsu, it was a particularly cruel one. But it couldn’t be; the detail went too deep; Naruto only had to look around the space he was in to see touches that couldn’t have been constructed by his own mind. Sentimental items he didn’t recognize, trash shoved into the frame of his bed; there was even a diary, hidden not-exactly-well within his pillowcase. He pulled it out and began reading the latest entry,
Tuesday, July 10’th. 
Kinda spent all day goofing off again at training, but captain Yamato takes forever to get to the point so it’s not really my fault. Sakura is totally eager to spar all the time now and I don't plan on getting my face caved in, so i’m pretending to learn a new move to avoid her. Tomorrow Wada and Shino and I are going out to Ichariku’s with our mission money. Might ask Sai to come just so i don’t feel like a third wheel (gross). Ok, Sasuke is literally snoring right now even though he says he doesn’t snore. As I'm writing this I can hear him. Note to self; borrow a video camera for evidence. 
There was more to it, but Naruto closed the book and quickly shoved it back under the pillow. He didn’t want to read anymore. He didn’t want to be here any more. It was too cruel, and unfair; and a cruel and unfair thought was beginning to form in his mind. Maybe, he thought under the covers listening to the warm family banter below, maybe he just wouldn’t get back home. Maybe that other Naruto could take his life- the empty, trashed apartment, the fractured team, the lost Sasuke- and he could have this, if only for a while. He’d had it pretty good for a while, hadn’t he? That other Naruto? It was only fair. Maybe that other him would even  know what to do with his life. 
He lay there considering it in the darkness for awhile until he heard someone come up the stairs. In the hallway outside the door he could hear people talking in hushed voices; Eri and Sasuke, it sounded like, before the door was pushed open and Sasuke slipped inside. He didn’t bother being particularly quiet as he pulled on his pajamas and slid into his own bed. 
“Night.” He called quietly after a few minutes, and Naruto jumped, having forgotten that he could, of course, use sharingan to tell if he was awake. 
“Night.” he called back, guiltily, but he stayed awake anyway, as long as he could, listening to the sounds of the house as it settled. Trying to create a perfect snapshot of it, in case he closed his eyes and woke up in his old life again. 
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