#want scarf now!! 😡
as a young, not-very-feminine woman, i never really understood the appeal of shawls. until of course i start work on a boat in winter (in IRELAND) when: 1) it is cold. 2)rain can come on at any second. and 3) the need for a blanket is always present, i can understand why people go feral for this shit. anyways i wanna make one anyone have a good pattern?
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pony-central · 1 month
Winter Lovers - An SMG4 and SMG3 Story (Long Post)
Summary - Eight years ago, the Meme Guardians, SMG4 and SMG3, were both trapped in a cold home, where they went Cuckoo Crazy. Eight years later, they both get a faint memory of the incident.
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It was a calm day at the SMG4 Castle. SMG4 was busy working on his latest video, when he had received a quick email from his friend, Mario.
SMG4: Oh, my God. Did Mario seriously send me another email? If it's anything like last time with the love email, then I won't bother with it.
He had recalled what happened last time when Mario had gotten the Love Letter virus, and had sent love letters to all of his contacts. SMG4, shivering in squick at that past email, opened the new one. And, to his surprise, it was an invite.
"Dear SMG4. Mario wishes to send you somewhere from your past. Hope you don't end up trapped again. From, your best friend Mario."
SMG4 was surprised at this sudden invite. He then smiled and packed his things. He thought he was going somewhere nice and cool.
SMG4: HOLY CRAP! Mario sent me an invite. He must know me so well. *sighs* I wonder where I'm off to. Ooh! Maybe it's somewhere like Hollywood, or the Bahamas. Ooh, or maybe Brazil. 😊
He ran out of his room with a suitcase and headed to where the Taxi was. The taxi then drove him off on a long drive to the unknown location.
At the Café, SMG3 was sending out people's orders. The café wasn't that busy, there were only three customers who all ordered lots of coffee. SMG3 was exhausted from sending out coffee. Eggdog barked to get his attention, for the puppy wanted beans.
SMG3: Aww, Eggdog. Business is kind of going slow, eh, little buddy? But, don't you worry about it. Soon we will be filthy rich, and -
His phone bleeped. There was an email for him, too. SMG3 sighed in annoyance as he opened the emails up. It was from Mario.
SMG3: *sighs* Mario, I swear to God, if it's that video of spaghetti being made, you're gonna get it! 😞
SMG3's eyes opened wide as he read the email twice over. It was the same email Mario had sent SMG4, just with SMG3's name instead.
SMG3: *gasps* A free vacation?! Oh, my God, I love vacations! I'll get ready right away. Eggdog, you're in charge while I'm gone. Love you. 🥰
He gave Eggdog a kiss on the forehead and left the café with two bags of luggage. He was smiling from ear to ear, as he put on a pair of sunglasses, expecting to be somewhere warm and cosy.
Back with SMG4, the blue Meme Guardian was wondering where he was going. He noticed it was getting a bit on the cloudy side.
SMG4: Oh, ha ha. Looks like a thunderstorm is approaching. Ha ha. OK, I don't think we're gonna experience sunny skies for the entire week, eh? So, where AM I going for my holiday? Hawaii? Japan? Thailand? Pee Pee Island? 🤩
Swag: We're not going to any of those places.
SMG4: Oh. Then... Where AM I off to? 🤨
Swag: You are going to the Arctic. Hope you have a coat with you.
SMG4: The Arctic? But, that's impossible. Mario said I was going on holiday. 🤨
Swag: You ARE on a holiday... To the Arctic. You might need a coat, or a scarf. It'll be a long while before we get there. 😊
SMG4: OK? But, if I'm off to the Arctic, then where can I go for a bathroom break? 😟
Swag: That won't be a problem.
SMG4: *sighs in frustration* GODDAMMIT, Mario! 😞
SMG3 was in his own taxi, wondering if he was going somewhere nicer. He was relaxing in the back of the taxi cab.
SMG3: Huh. Now I'm wondering where I'm off to. A beach? Scotland? Ooh, maybe somewhere more fancy. 😊
Chris: You're off to the Arctic.
SMG3: WHAT?! But, the Arctic is so cold! How the fuck am I supposed to stay warm if I'm in a cold climate?! 😡
Chris: Wear a coat and scarf. 😊
SMG3: Ugh, typical Mario, sending me somewhere I'm gonna die. 😒
Once both taxis arrived at the Arctic, the Meme Guardians stumbled out of the cars. SMG3 was still in a fussy mood, and SMG4 was green in the face. There were a lot of speedbumps on the way there.
SMG3: Ohhh, why is it so c - c - c - COLD here? I'm freezing! 😫
SMG4: Ugh, that trip was awful. I feel sick. 🤢
SMG3: Whuh - SMG4? Is that you? 🤨
SMG4: S - SMG3? What are you doing here? 😟
SMG3: That's what I wanted to ask you. Why are you here, and... Why am I here as well? 😟
SMG3 then noticed that SMG4 didn't feel so good. The blue Meme Guardian was about to be sick, and that worried the purple Meme Guardian.
SMG3: Oh, man. You OK? 😟
SMG4: No... I feel like I'm gonna throw up. *gag* Too many speedbumps in the road. 🤢
SMG3 sighed. He then shook on the spot, he was freezing.
SMG3: I think it's best if we find some shelter. I'm getting colder by the minute. 🥶
SMG4: Good *gag* Idea. I could use some shelter. 🤢🥶
They both set off to find some shelter. SMG3 looked down and noticed that SMG4 was holding his right hand with his left one, and covering his mouth with his right hand.
SMG3: *mind* Man, SMG4 looks terrible. I should probably assist him while he throws up.
They both looked everywhere, but the couldn't find anywhere warm enough to sleep in.
SMG3: You feeling OK now? 🤨
SMG4: No... *gagging* Oh, God. It's gonna come up! 🤢😖
SMG3: Oh, shit! Don't worry, buddy. I'll be sure to get you somewhere. I promise.
SMG4 smiled a weak smile. They both saw a shadow that looked like an igloo of some sort. SMG4 blushed a bit, remembering the last time he was in an igloo with SMG3, one of his friends.
SMG3: You can't be fucking serious. Is that literally the ONLY shelter in the whole Arctic?! DAMMIT! 😡
SMG4: *gag* I'm gonna throw up, SMG3. 🤢
SMG3: *sighs* Just... I dunno, throw up somewhere in that igloo. I dunno. 🤨
SMG4: What? But, you remember what happened last time, right? 😰
SMG3: Just go ahead. We're, like, ten feet away from it. I'll wait for you until you're done.
SMG4: OK, if you insist.
He stumbled over to the igloo. He opened the door, where he noticed a TV and a toilet. He was relieved to have found a place to throw up. So, he did just that.
SMG4: *ducks over the toilet bowl and retches* Ugh. That feels so much better... OK, I best get out now.
The blue Meme Guardian walked over to the door and turned the doorknob. But, to his sudden alarm, the door was locked. He struggled to get it open, but it was locked from the outside. He heard Mario's laughter from outside, knowing the red plumber was the only one who had a key.
SMG4: What the? MARIO, LET ME OUT OF HERE! ����
Mario: Mario's not gonna let you out until SMG3 is in there. Sorry. 😊
SMG4: *face-palm* Ohhh, GODDAMMIT! 😫
SMG3 was waiting for SMG4 to be finished in the igloo. When he noticed something was wrong, he walked up to the igloo.
SMG3: Huh. Wonder what's taking him so long. Huh.
He was then shoved into the igloo by Mario.
Mario: Mario wants you guys to stay here and relive the incident from eight years ago. You're welcome. 😊
The Meme Guardians were both shocked. SMG4 could only blush, and SMG3 wasn't happy.
To be Continued...
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phantommn1969 · 3 months
Plsss tell us about ur oc Hoshiko!
Alr alr lemme copy the info I just edited into the previous post and then I can add extra !!!
This is a dice insert oc so main part IA about her and ouma ♡♡
Tgey met when they were both 8, hoshiko was making a mad dash away from her old orphanage and she jumped a wall and her dress got caught on a point part of the fence and when she ran she fell face first into his back and knocked him over onto the floor and almost got trampled by the other dice members She literally looks up from the ground and sees herself surrounded by a bunch of 7-12 year Olds in creepy clown masks and basically clutches her purse thinking she's gonna be robbed amd starts freaking the fuck out like "DONT TELL THEM I RAN AWAY PLEAXE DONT TAKE ME BACK I DONT WANNA GO!" ans starts spiraling into oblivion while ouma (8) is like stomping his feet throwing a hissy fit over her knocking her over and knocking his mask offMeanwhile some of the older (12 yr old) members are helping separate them hoshiko looks at him and is like oh my GOD he's so cool!?!??! (He isnt) she makes an attempt to ask who they are and gets a response of like "were a SECRET EVIL CRIME GROUP and were SUUUPER BAD so you CANT JOIN US 😡😡" and he makes them all run away, but forgets his silly little mask. Which she grabs and stashes in her bag, then runs after them Once she catches up she basically has been yelling after them for like 10 minutes so her voice is honestly kinda shot and she like whisper screams "you forgot ur scary mask thing!!!!" To which she gets a like begrudging "ugh... thanks :///" because In my opinion ouma is very picky when it comes to friends, it's either love or hate and she hasn't made it on the good list yet so all she was is a stranger who PUSHED HIM!! (Faceplanted)She she looks around at this group of people and suddenly tye urge to join them.hits her like a brick and she immediately asks if she can be their friend (which earns her a few smiles) and ouma kinda just... glares at her like :/// what do you add to the group ://///Little does anyone rlly know she's a very talented little pickpocket and she does a little rudimentary trick and steals something outta his pocket and that's her ticket in :>
Ok now onto more
Her first true friends in dice were 2 of the girls from the dice portrait in v3 (brown hair girl and blonde twintail girl. I named them Mika and Yui.)
She rlly wanted to get along with ouma but he made an effort t9 avoid her for a few days after she joined bc he was still annoyed that she made him trip and look stupid
He kinda started seeing her as a talented liar and a good person to be around when she started showing admiration for him
Like when she was designing her little uniform she decided to wear her scarf like he does because "it's suuuuper cool :]"
she proved herself to be a good thief and a pretty good liar so she ended up being the go to for schemes when her and ouma became friends
She has a very codependent personality so she puts like all her trust in him (mistake)
Other members warn her about it but she's already too deep in and starts mirroring his personality until it sets in and they're super similar to each other
Some silly little details I think about with her and ouma specifically
After they get close and hoshi becomes more of his like. Right hand man / second in command they end up talking a lot
Ik it's cliche as hell but they don't rlly lie that much to each other bc they can see through eachothwts bullshiy there's no point
As more group members join they try and split responsibility over like. Group chores.
They both have a commanding presence so whenever they like. Sneak into an abandoned apartment complex for shelter they kinda split responsibility with how to organize it
Theyre kinda sibling like but they aren't rlly related they just look similar
She has an insane amount of shit on him it's not even funny
Id love to write more silly hcs or stuff about her in her respective KG at a later point ♡♡
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dat-bruv-person · 1 year
ıllı it's the most wonderful time of the year~
a/n: how we feeling about the holidays??? Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it <3 Also I did mean pre-Scaramouche for Kuni's one, I prefer the soft, innocent one. Fight me 😡
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly, god of gods!reader in Zhongli's section
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Kunikuzushi is very new to the festive season, so you're obviously gonna have to teach him a thing or two. He very much enjoys the hot chocolate and marshmallows though, they're probably his favourite. During the next few days up till the actual holiday, he tries to be on his best behaviour so he doesn't get coal in his stocking. Speaking of which, you both have matching purple ones, his lighter, yours darker.
You and Ganyu make her office a little bit more festive by hanging tinsel around the corners of the ceiling. It's a nice white and blue colour scheme, nothing too much, but it still manages to feel festive. She takes peppermint tea with her to work for the holiday season, and wraps up warm because of the snow <3
Ayato and Ayaka are yet again seeking out your attention, both of them bickering about who you want to spend Christmas with the most. Of course, they can't duke it out like normal siblings and beg for you to choose because that would spoil their image. Bribery is the next best option. Ayaka wears little red scrunchies in her hair and asks for you to help her pick an outfit so that she can match with your scarf. Uh oh: does Lord Kamisato see competition? Oh well, he needs some help making cookies because Lords being humble is the new trend these days, care to try his millionaire shortbread?
Zhongli has seen many seasons go by with you, but this one seems to be a lot more memorable. He has stepped down from his godly position whilst you have not. You, the god of gods: aka the god babysitter, used to play with Guizhong in the snow, not caring about a single thing, your job was to make sure that another war didn't break out and that there was peace after all. Building snowmen with her was the best, and watching you two from afar was amusing. Alas, those were good times. Now was the time to huddle over the hearth and drink eggnog with you and Barbatos.
Out of spite, you spend Christmas with The Raiden Shogun, not Ei. You two have a great time, sure she's kinda dry, but she's good company. In my past works, I make you and Raiden besties and leave Ei out just because it's funny but I'd genuinely like to be the puppet's friend, you know? Well, Ei does not like this. She enjoys the sweets and everything, yeah, but when she sees you dressing up her puppet in a Santa hat and pretty earrings, she starts thinking that you want her puppet more than her. Hmmm, maybe you're just bonding. That's right! Bonding. Raiden seems to enjoy this though, the attention she's receiving is so much better than just setting out tasks for people to do. She thanked you by giving you a stiff hug. The poor thing's trying, okay?
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etes-secrecy-post · 24 days
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: The Knitting Trio - Mother's Day 2024
IMPORTANT NOTE: No #OnThisDay share post, today.
Hello, May! 🌏☀️ Its that day of the moms, again! 🤰👩🚺♀️ And I have this artwork, right here in a 90s style setting! 😁📼💿
• Truth be told, these three women had never met each other under the same roof, until now. 👩👩👩 In addition, they're all pregnant with their beloved children inside. 🤰 But, what are they doing while they're pregnant? 🤔Well, there are a lot of things to do while they're pregnant and I think I have the perfect activity; "Knitting". 🧶🧣😊 I was gonna say "Crochet" because my lovable mom always loves crocheting outside of our home, so yeah. When it comes to making huge lengths of the scarf (and other wearables) like what they're doing, "Knitting" is always king, or "QUEEN" because we're celebrating "Mother's Day". 😊 Rita had a little experience of knitting before she aimed at her dream career. But, with a little help from a tutorial by playing a few VHS tapes of the 90s, she can handle it like the mother she was. And she's passing her knowledge to her mommy besties. 😉🧶🧣
Rita 🐶🚺: Absolutely, tama (correct)! I used to be knitting back when I was my elementary school years. I was totally pag-ut-ot (suck) at knitting, and I given up my knitting experience to other hobbies that I've been dreaming of. Sa panahon ngayon (nowadays), with a help of VHS tapes and knitting manuals at my rightful age, I've perfected my pagniniting (knitting) skills, and I'll share my knowledge to my two kaibigang nanays (friendly mommies)! 😊 So, happy mother's day to all nanays! Tandaan (Remember): Your NANAY (MOM) will always LOVE YOU! ☝😁😘👩🤗
Well, that's all for now!
Rita Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! Windy (Rabbit OC) - owned by @bryan360 Debby Ramcat (Cat OC) - owned by @shadowredfeline
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gemwing2010 · 6 months
Rugrats: Babies in Toyland ❄️🎄🎁🧸🚂
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Warning, this will contain spoilers of the special so please read with care and enjoy.
Rugrats: Babies in Toyland, is my all time favourite Christmas Special in the entire franchise. It is very a fun and entertaining special filled with some festive baby adventures and it carries a pure message of learning the true meaning of Christmas.
The special tells us the story of Tommy and his friends celebrating his brother’s first Christmas and trying to make it special as well as keeping Dil happy.
This Christmas, the entire friends and families are heading off to visit Christmas Land, a winter wonderland designed by Stu, Dil and Tommy’s inventor father and endorsed by their Aunt Charolette’s company.
While celebrating Baby Dil’s first Christmas is the main plot, Angelica has her own story arc where she claims to be good all year, when in reality, she’s being completely naughty since the start of the episode where she scares off the Christmas carollers at hers cousins’ house, being rude to one of the staff members dressing as one of Santa’s elves and gong as far as gleefully lying to Tommy and his friends that if Dil doesn’t get a present the first time round, he’ll never have another Christmas for the rest of his life.
And she’s only digging herself deeper by driving the man who was hired to play as Santa to quit, making the kids think the real Santa Claus was calling it quits.
While Angelica had been a complete brat about the guy giving her a cute toy reindeer with a scarf plushy instead of what she had listed out what she actually wanted, I have to be honest, I did got out a few giggles when she exclaimed this following quote:
Angelica: You’ve got me a… MOOSE?!?! 😡
Meanwhile, while they were checking out the atheistic of an old pioneer cabin, the grown-ups get snowed in when Stu’s snow machine malfunctions and they try to think of a way to get out.
Back with the kids, when Kimi suggested that when “Santa” had quit, he had left all of the presents at his workshop back in the North Pole. Unfortunately, being the greedy and selfish little brat as she is, Angelica had no intention of sharing Christmas with the babies and wants all the presents to herself. She deliberately lies to the babies and directs them to the woods while she sneaks off to the North Pole on her own with Prancy the Reindeer as her only companion.
During a crazy yet cute fantasy of the babies getting involved in a scene from the Nutcracker, facing up against the wicked Mouse King and his mouse army, the babies gathered a few items they believed are presents: Chuckie finds a large Christmas walnut, Phil takes a ballet slipper from Clara (of course Lil did ask first) while Lil takes a ribbon and Kimi picks a small bell that Chuckie accidentally kicked off from the Mouse King’s neck (long story).
After making their escape, the babies encounter a lost goat under the belief he belongs to Santa and decided to take him with them.
While still trapped in the cabin, the adults soon start to learn the true meaning of Christmas while making decorations and roasting chestnuts just like the pioneers used to do.
Meanwhile, after she reaches the North Pole, Angelica starts to understand the true meaning of Christmas herself after she was given “The Reason You Suck” Speech from Santa’s head elf when he told her the cold hard truth about her being nothing but naughty throughout the entire night as well as is genuinely heartbroken when a now living Prancy rejected her after she had called him a “dumb reindeer” earlier.
After a charming song sequence that motivated her to be good all through the year while treating each day like Christmas, Angelica has a change of heart and reconciles with Prancy while deciding to seek out the babies and bring them their presents.
Meanwhile, after he thought the kids were under the care of his wife, Lulu and the other adults, Grandpa Lou volunteers to play Santa while the guy who had quit is missing in action. When he other hears a report of “Six babies have been seen with a goat heading towards the Bethlehem pavilion”, Lou grabs a little one horse open sleigh and rides off to the rescue.
Open reaching Bethlehem, the babies find a doll of Baby Jesus and give him all the presents they had gathered on their journey. Even Dil wanted to give the baby the hat he had picked up, which is a very sweet Character Development since Dil tends to get all grabby, claiming anything he gets his tiny hands on since his debut in the first movie.
After Lou rounds them up and pulls over to dig his family and friends out from the snowed-in cabin, Chuckie is the one to voice out that the presents don’t really matter since the babies still had fun together and that Christmas is all about being with all they hold so dear.
A fully reformed Angelica enters the scene and gives the babies their presents. To add in the heartwarming moment, she decided to give Prancy to Dil, promising she’ll visit her reindeer friend.
After the fa likes are reunited, everyone all agree that this Christmas is the best one yet before they all gathered around the piano as Lou and Lulu happily sing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas while the specials ends with the real Santa Claus flying over Christmas Land in his sleigh, delivering gifts to all the good children all over the world.
I always liked tobelieve that Babies in Toyland is the official finale of the original Rugrats because it serves a healthy Character Development for Angelica’s character and I just love the message it brings out the true meaning of Christmas.
Hope you all enjoy that special as much as I do and I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and may your dreams shine. ✨
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I'm SEVERELY CONSTIPATED due to my meds but this second round of chemo was handled a lot easier than the first.
Only feel sleepy, thirsty and gassy af but nowhere near as bad as the first.
Drinking tons of strawberry and fruit punch flavored pedialytes so I'm not dehydrated. My doctor swears by pedialyte as a good drink to recover with after chemo and it seems like he wasn't wrong.
If only my stomach wasn't aching with gas though 😭.
One of my doctors in my cancer team didn't even recognize me 🤣.
But it was the first time she saw me with a wig. She mostly saw my bald head, a beanie or a scarf.
Also got a new wig coming in the mail. A longer one. Also black, but straighter. (Current one is wavy and down to my chin)
Trying to regain the weight I lost cos my Latina ass has NO CHEEKS. My nalgas VANISHED and I want them back.
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Like why my nalgas GONE? I want them back 😡.
Cancer took MY ASS.
Like I'm OK losing my hair (actually I love being bald cos I prefer wigs over my real hair) but MY NALGAS, DAMN IT!
I want my bones cushioned again. I dgaf about my hair regardless of how my family pretends that I should care cos of some femininity thing (I'm bald and still girly af so idk why they keep trying to force me to cry over my hair. Good riddance. Wigs are better ). What I want my ASS back. 🤬 I like my ASS and tiny waist and now my ASS is gone.
Some people might think this is funny but I'm mad af. That part of my body is very important to me personally.
Also... sitting while bony af is actually painful. I didn't know that was a thing but my hips are in actual pain when I sit wtf. Like I've got little knives poking at me. So uncomfortable.
Gonna google what exercises I can do other than yoga while with cancer. I need muscles on these cheeks or something.
Also "cancer friendly" diets also help lose weight... but a highlight is I have less cellulite due to less body water retention thanks to giving up on all sodas. (They're said to feed cancer with harmful chemicals so I no longer drink soda. Gave up on it forever)
I'm baby skinned too. Smooth af. Even my skin discoloration that I had BEFORE my diagnosis is gone cos of my new diet purifying my insides quite literally.
Problem, however is this "purifying" process has me gassy af. I also heard it's normal for your body to go whack while it's cleaning itself.
Glad I didn't get rashes like a friend of mine did. She gave up on unhealthy fats and all fried foods and she literally broke out for 2 or 3 months cos her body was purging years of unhealthy foods she ate daily.
She's looking great now but sometimes our bodies wanna troll and punish us when we change something drastically.
Wonder if that's my case 😭
On to other things... Trying to contact one of my old roommates cos I saw her in the chemo room and she looked so changed. I'm so terrified for her. It's not her first time but I guess the formula for her IVs was changed.
I'm worried so I'll keep asking her everyday in whatsapp although I'm pretty sure she's resting up. I didn't contact anyone when I had that bad chemo reaction cos I felt too weak to even talk.
I'm becoming naggy af. Don't want to nag her but I wanna know she's OK asap. Or to know how I can help.
I mean I'm probably pretty useless to most people while sick like this but if I can help even a little bit... she's such a nice woman and it's so unfair she's in pain like this.
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itsanikk · 1 year
I am going to yeet myself and god into the sun bc i am fucking overwhelmed. Only a week to finish a project and yet my family is pulling me around going “come on nick let’s aimlessly drive in other neighborhoods and blast the ac and blast the radio and scream in the car when its completely unnecessary” “come down now for dinner when it wont be ready in several hours” “lets watch something together while we yell and talk over the tv” and every attempt at painfully trying to get past a state of nonverbal to explain that i need space, i need to focus on this, is only rewarded with “what the hell its sunday!!!! you NEED to spend time with us. 😡 Why are you having such an attitude you agreed to this?!” Like no, you said come on like i didnt have a choice. And now im riding in a car where the driver isnt paying attention and is instead swerving down the street bc they’re more focused on pointing out houses and talking about things that DO NOT MATTER. This is my ONE day off this week and i have a scarf to finish, a cape and pants to embroider and i KNOW im never gonna get another chance like this to work on it. Not to mention a handful of other things that demand my attention, like my schoolwork, a friend who i had to turn down her offer to hang out bc im fucking busy, a video game to finish that a coworker is getting frustrated that im taking it so slow, cleaning my room, measuring the backyard for another project my family wants me to do. I’m gonna fly into the sun and take you all with me, i cannot do this right now.
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uravichii · 2 years
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how they react when you try on clothes with them!
character/s: bakugo katsuki, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou
genre: fluff, humor, a little suggestive, informal writing lmao, literally just them hyping u up (as they should 😡)
note/s: help i hate this but it's been sitting in my drafts since march 😟 anw we stan kirishima n shouto in this household thank yew
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bakugo katsuki would (try to) remain nonchalant throughout the whole thing. he'll be on his phone the whole time, grumbling here and there, though you've caught him staring over his phone multiple times. when you struggle with zipping up dresses or tying belts, he'll just stare for a good five minutes before grabbing your waist and aggressively (without hurting you ofc) helps you with your clothes. he'd definitely tease you with, "up or down?" while having the zipper in his hand and resting his chin on your neck, peering over with a smirk. once katsuki decides to participate more, he commits. when he doesn't think the outfit suits you, he'd shoot endless insult and remarks on the clothes, never on you. in fact, you'll hear a lot of "no, not this. you're too good for this garbage of a scarf." "the fuck is this cardigan? ha?! you're too good for this shitー what are you so pretty for anyway?!"
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kirishima eijiro would just be beaming at you the whole time. he doesn't even give actual feedback on anything, he's just thrilled to be there. you"ll hear a lot of "that's pretty!" "oooh nice!" other times he'll just give you the brightest smile and put up his thumbs like, "yes. 🤩👍‼️ we love that." he'll instantly offer to take photos of the outfits for you, though most of them ended up focused on your face, and barely the clothes. eijirou lives for the growing smile on your face the more he takes photos and compliments you. you don't know whether to fawn or get annoyed over that because now you have 30 photos of your face with nearly the same expression in each one and not one proper photo of your clothes. 😔
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you trying on clothes with a kaminari denki is just chaos. like kirishima, he thinks you look good in everything except he's a lot louder about it. every outfit, every little accessory you add, he's cheering and clapping like a seal. "BABE, YOU LOOK AMAZING!" "YES, I LOVE THAT ONE" "SLAY 👹‼️" with little cheek and forehead kisses occasionally because other than screaming it, he doesn't know how else to deal with how gorgeous you look ! he'll actively insist on accessorizing you (if you're okay with it, doing your hair's his favorite) trying on clothes together and hyping each other up as loud as you can has now become the newest love language between you two.
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todoroki shouto's a lot more peaceful than everyone else. he won't give much feedback except for, "you look beautiful, love." and "that one's nice, i think." but you can tell he enjoys being there. he'll instantly turn the other way when you change into another outfit and asks every time, his cheeks tinted pink, if you'd prefer him out of the room instead. when you walk up to him to clip his bangs with a hair pin that didn't match your outfit, he just lets you, later re-adjusting the tiny accessory so it wouldn't fall off. and just when you think your boyfriend couldn't get any cuter, a week later you're faced with a very enthusiastic shouto, showing you his pinterest account with tons of outfit ideas he saved specially for you.
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taglist :: @uxavity @joy-the-reader @kiiraes @escapenightmare @afk-dreaminq @avocamich @theboredvee @wonderwrench @ur-local-simp @p-ol @x0xuglyh0tgrl2005xoxo @cosmonettica @melin-oe @mitzi127 @lilac-o @r2katsu @bakucumsackslut @idunnomynamesince2005 @astralwaifu @taurus852 @creepyproxies @maycat-19-142 @stella-fleurets @veenxys @devilgirlcrybabiey @drawingaddict @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @lexiv-web @angelshimaa @izukus-gf @christiansdior @homosexualjohnwayne @uwiuwi @hirugummies @cupidines @loveisningning @hazyspells @brunnetteiwik @winterwildfire @dukina @the-massive-simp @luvvmamaia [ bold couldn't be tagged :'( ]
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
Hey Squiddy! Let's do 🛥️ &🔔. I also wanted to do that yellow scarf/tie thing but I can't find the emoji 😡
hey there sweetheart! 💖
🚤 - do you get seasick? Yup. 😥 Only on like mid sized boats though. Little fast boats are cool. Big ass cruise ships are fine. But like whale watching/fishing boats. No good.
🔔 - what’s the last text you received? "Yea. Shove up both side of nose. Crack up while Sean stomps around yelling it tickles. Stir snot stick in provided vile. Add 3 drops of snot liquid to pregnancy stick. Wait." 🤣🤣🤣 This would be my mother recounting the adventures of giving my step dad a home covid test.
🎗 - what are you the most proud of? [yellow scarf/tie thing?] Hmm...I feel like I'm supposed to answer my kids but like, I still have plenty of time to fuck that up. 😆 I don't know. I generally don't give myself credit for much so anything to comes to mind I just write off as dumb luck or whatever. I guess I'll say my career. It wasn't my dream job and it's still fairly boring but I'm proud I started at the bottom and now basically run the place.
yellow emoji ask game :)
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etes-secrecy-post · 5 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Jan 13th,2018
Title: Cocoa and Scarf
Yes yes, the holidays are far from over. And while we're wait for another December month (sure, it might take very long) 📆, the shivery winters still there, in their world. (As well as selected countries from the northern hemisphere) 🌐❄️
Nonetheless, here's Vanilla 🐰🎀 sharing her scarf with his beloved boyfriend Spot 🐶🏎️, while sipping a hot cocoa. 🐰🧣❤️☕🐶 It's a good thing when two young lovebirds will get them warm, don't you think? 🥰
*No dialogs for them. Let them enjoy the winter couple, and their privacy* 😉
Spot Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! Vanilla (Chowder OC) - owned by glassfu (dA) / SmileAhoy (tumblr)
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etes-secrecy-post · 6 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Dec 9th, 2017
Title: Nose rubbing with a mistletoe
When Spot🐶🏎️ and Vanilla🐰🎀 closely with their nose rubbing between two of them. I understand that you're gonna say "kiss", but, well then you have to imagine yourself. 😘🥰
BTW: #1 - I give vanilla a random winter clothing with a blue and red scarf resembles from Spot's color (her boyfriend). 😊🐰🧣 (and) #2 - No dialog, this time around. Let's leave these two young lovely birds alone, in their private room. 😘🥰
Spot Speedster (Chowder OC) - created by ME! Vanilla (Chowder OC) - owned by Glassfu (dA) / Smileahoy
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