#was thinking abt putting my kh art in here and was just like.
dilutedbeanibeans · 21 days
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ffvii doodle dump
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lovedtogekiss · 9 months
pronouns dot page / carrd
^ my kin and headmate lists are here
auagahhhh tags guide
dreamstag : dreamcore/"liminal"/other surreal types of images, mainly there for filtering rather than searching.
[character]posting : kinnie/headmate tags. i have a lot of kins and thus a lot of tags so i wont list each one. most important one is #addiposting, which i use so often that its the first tag tumblr suggests to me
is this anything : original jokes that i made myself with my own two hands
gender envy tag : i cant describe my gender in words so heres a collection of tumblr posts that fit
life skills tag : shit that might be helpful to know for life and shit
art skills tag : drawing advice. early tag is full of references that i need to filter out
ref tag : art references
bookmark tag : things i want to see later
SUPER bookmark tag : things i want to see later that i dont want to get lost in the bookmark tag
sfsh tag : pictures of my f/os and various kin lovers. NEW !!
> shaplin tag : a derivative of #sfsh tag that i created before i had that one. pictures of shaplin deltarune my beloved cringefail
> spamton tag : same as #shaplin tag but for spamton
[fandom] tag : fandom-specific tags. currently used for rhythm heaven (rh tag), kingdom hearts (kh tag), parappa the rapper (parappa tag), pikmin (pikmin tag), sky: children of the light (sky tag), subnautica (subnautica tag), flight rising (fr tag), and no straight roads (nsr tag)
something something predatory wasp of the palisades : tag for things that make me think "oh humanity is good after all"
[tumblr] tag : tumblr poetry
gordon, i feel normal : 😳
robot fuckery : deprecated. legacy tag for obj posts, now replaced by @cybersexisholy . i need to go back and clear this one out
for the adgroup : posts targeted towarda viddy and cakesy
posts about charaty : targeted things towards my girlfriend
mecore : posts that make up a key part of my worldview, whether theyve influenced it or just put it into words. used to be something else but i forgot what it was and tumblr recently stopped suggesting old tags to me again.
the cube, the angel of aperture (chell) : very cool, very important-looking pictures of chell portalgun.
the artist, the visionary, the prophet (dr rattmann) : very cool, very important looking pictures of dr rattmann
the fool, the hanged man (wheatley) : very cool, very important looking pictures of wheatley
the right man in the wrong place (dr freeman) : very cool, very important-looking pictures of gordon freeman
me abt pao : things relevant to my experience writing pinkaddiofficial that i didn't feel like reblogging to it
doing that thing i do : peer-reviewed tags
more will be added as i remember them
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doribuki · 2 years
I have seen some of ur KH Art and I LOVE ur style! Now here are a bunch of questions because bothering people is fun (lol JK )
Favorite Game?
Favorite Character?
Thoughts of Darkness and Light?
What are some Headcanons do you have for some KH Characters? (Can be any character and multiple/trios)
And the most important question....what does the darkness smell like? Like I really wanna know (Looking at u Riku 👀)
LOL mysterious late night question anonymous indulging in my hyperfixation? ill TAKE it.
Favorite Game? - a hard tie between the three mainline games (1, 3, 2 in that order) and birth by sleep! i think all the mainlines are totally solid and bbs just has a majority of my favorite tropes/characters
Favorite Character? - The Girls But Aqua ESPECIALLY (kairi is a close 2nd, then in the third tier are all the other ladies.) this doesn't count disney of ff characters who are in a separate tier list.
Thoughts of Darkness and Light? - making the darkness an acutal sentient creature of evil was a mistake and throws any message from the games of "both are necessary actually" into total disarray because, no, actually, darkness is Really Truly Bad and has Been bad Since The Dawn Of Time. i don't like khux. i like some aspects of it but i hate it for what it did to the lore and how it recontextualized darkness. ANYWAY, MY THOUGHTS: the first game made a point to highlight the phrase "the closer you are to light, the greater your shadow becomes", tying these two forces together and holding them in equal standing. that single line frames my interpretation forever; that darkness is a primal and often negative force, but it is often misused by beings that suffer from their own hubris and riku is a good example of what happens when you accept yourself and all your flaws/detractions instead of suppressing/hiding/ignoring them! balance is necessary and i think they should have made a bigger point of aqua and eraqus's negative aspects (aqua tries to MURDER cinderella's stepfamily and eraqus tries to murder ventus) by their adherence to the light and the pressures they put on their loved ones (aqua unintentionally, eraqus very intentionally) to follow the same. something something when you stare at the sun you go blind so light is not always good, etc.
What are some Headcanons? - too many to quantify in a single ask but if you're that curious, by all means, please ask me specifics individually! esp abt characters you yourself may be interested in. granted! youve seen my work you know who i care about most (sorry, boys.) so i may have more for some than others. lol. some do push through in the answer below, tho!
What does the Darkness smell like? - burnt elements, differing from person to person by strength and pleasantness. maleficent (headcanon time!) smells like scorched plantlife with deeply bitter, stinging notes. terra smells like baked earth and clay, clinging and overwhelming but still like home. etc! on that note; only people deeply DEEPLY entrenched in darkness and light can pick up on those scents.
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glamoplasm · 2 years
hii your kingdom hearts posting is getting to me is kingdom hearts any good?? idk anything abt it other than theres disney characters, keyblades, theres a lot of games and you play them in a weird order, and my friend cloud strife is there. the disney characters are really throwing me off bc everything i see abt the original kh characters looks good and also i love my friend cloud but is it worth getting into? or is it one of those things thats good bc youre already into it and u love it? i ❤️ piracy and have a hacked 3ds so the price of so many games is not an issue. u do not have to answer this ofc! but i thought it was worth asking nc the art u are reblogging is intriguing to me
smile :)
my short answer is, i think its good! definition of good here being it was really fun to get into. i havent personally actually played any of the games if you're planning to play them tho- all of them are action rpgs, the first has like a certain amount of platforming and also bad camera controls that are just kind of a given considering its age. if you enjoy those types of games tho, its still very fun! holds up well. most of them are first and foremost playstation games except for 358/2 Days, which was a ds game (it hasnt had a remake like some of the other games, which is sad bc it has some of the best story and the cutscenes by themselves miss A Lot, but the gameplay itself is uh. Rough)
first, look up "kingdom hearts 1 opening"
if you think that looks sick as hell, i would honestly try out the first game and see how you feel about it afterwards! watching someone play that was what got me interested in digging into the entire thing and it is the first game so its a naturally good introduction with none of the weight of all the stuff that gets added over the years to the Lore. if you like 1 you can either play them in release order or chronological order and both would work probably. except the mobile game kh union x stuff i wouldnt touch that until you go through everything prior to kh3 even if its chronologically the first
(more details under the cut since this is getting long lol)
extremely basic summary: a young boy, sora, lives on a group of islands called destiny islands with his best friends, riku and kairi, and they dream of exploring outside their small home. sora and all his friends are taken from the island and their world by the forces of darkness and are swept into a grand battle of light and dark. he teams up with donald and goofy from Disney(tm) and they fight monsters born from the darkness in people's hearts. sora has a blade that's a key bc he unlocks doors between worlds and hearts and stuff. rinse and repeat with a new iteration on the enemies you're facing and the worlds you visit
asides from the disney, the basic plot there is very normal jrpg fare! whats special about it to me is in the specifics, its visuals (i think despite not liking disney as a company the existence of these differing tones and visual styles is what Makes kh what it is), the non disney world and monster designs, the weirdness of a lot of the scenes and writing, and its complete sincerity in statements that are inherently very corny. while the themes shift and compound, the primary theme is connections between people and how those make up who you are and your heart.
you may have heard the story is confusing. honestly, i think this is mostly hyperbole and it makes as much sense as it really needs to. there are bits of lore that are definitely confusing but the games explain everything in such a way that the concepts arent confusing, they just sound weird when taken out of context. not that a lot of it isnt really silly and weird LMAO just that its easy enough to follow and grasp what its going for
re: the disney sections (like the actual worlds): theyre at best like. inoffensive filler i guess LOL. you can really see disney not giving a shit about their part in kingdom hearts the later it goes, with the kh3 disney worlds being like. sure lets put the entirety of frozen's "let it go" in who gives a fuck. however this was after pixar was bought out by disney, and the people working on the pixar stuff that was subsequently added to kh3 definitely put more thought into them as far as tying it in thematically to the rest. still not majorly important tho asides from a couple plot relevant scenes.
you will never escape the Big disney characters tho lol. mickey mouse will Always be there after kh1, as well as donald and goofy who are literally the main character's party members. against my better judgement i do enjoy donald and goofy in kh, and find them generally fun characters despite having limited personal nostalgia about them! they're fine to have around.
if u want to see cloud strife our friend, i will say he isnt there a lot and he's in full sulky guy mode, tho a Lot of final fantasy characters are included until kh3 where i guess they decided they were going to stop putting ff characters in for whatever reason. sephiroth is a major secret boss fight in both 1 and 2. yuffie, aerith, cid, and leon are there immediately. tifa is in 2. barret has never shown up despite all the other ff7 main characters which is a little. raises eyebrow. but whatever
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ajdrawshq · 3 years
Give me the pkm center OC reviews plz 🥺🥺
PLEASE i am just. This is gonna be abt Tei primarily bc Dia is a Slight Sore Spot atm ill just talk abt her later at some point as well as my other non kh related ocs but yea im just. Just. Look at he
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These are the only decent refs i have on hand so please bear with me (the second i just doodled like a sec ago after realizing i have No good art of him in his post-war state ffs. first one is pre-war) BUT some basic info since hes one of my keykids yknow: age 11-12, around 4'7" in height, transmasc n aromantic, part of the Anguis union until the keyblade war, primarily wields Sleeping Lion, left-handed.. i think thats it. Anyway,
He is just babey! Just a lil dude! Funky puppy boy. I want to pick him up and put him in my pocket. Kiss him forehead. Buy him candy and puppy. I would die and kill for him but he can do that himself also. Not the dying. Hes not allowed to die. He can kill whoever he wants tho if he kills someone they definitely deserve it. He wouldnt but like, he should. And he could
Little dude has many things to say!! But alas!! He cannot say anything!! At least not physically bc some bastard messed up his throat in the keyblade war. Also his eye. So he matches my now one eyed cat (opposite eyes, even. Wild). Still a talkative kiddo tho!! God help u if ur not totally fluent in Daybreak Town's sign language bc he signs SO fast and SO big he wants u to know everything on his mind Right Now. Hes not even fully fluent himself hes kinda just winging it most of the time. If that doesnt work for u get ready for him to submit college length essays about whatever he was up to on his last mission (spoiler: he learned how to make flower crowns and is explaining the entire process in depth. Hes giving u one also) or how cool his chirithy is (spoiler: Extremely cool, u Wish u were it) or even how cool Ephemer is (spoiler: basically similar to chirithy, but with a slightly sadder tone. Hmm). If phones existed in the ux era he wouldve Thrived. Multi texting Tei's beloved hed send like 20 messages per minute. Oh he is definitely not neurotypical im just now realizing this
Also heres a bunch of pkmn center reviews i found that sum up my train of thought whenever i think abt him and that i now quote daily
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custer-mp3 · 4 years
long-ass general life update for you nosy bitches // tw: men, my bad legs
so boring to say i’m settling in but i am, i just wish there was something better to call it
there was somebody camped out in the back of the park across from our house down by the railroad tracks, on what we think is technically railroad property, and the parks department came today and tried to haul their shit away without a police order cuz “it’s just trash” no dude it’s a tent that’s someone’s home you leave it the fuck alone so Agatha screamed at them until they went away but then the cops came by & tagged it so now they have 3 days to move or the parks department’s allowed to come back & take their shit away
when we were trying to figure out whose site it so so we could reach out to them thru the drop-in center we noticed the tent was locked but had been cut open and the rain fly was ripped off and Agatha says it’s probably fine but it looked like somebody rolled their shit hella bad & i’m just worried about whoever it is, it looked like multiple people (or at least a guy and a girl) and i hope they’re okay like. physically
thanksgiving weekend launched me into the flare of the century i’m still not recovered from. i dared unpack my boxes of books yesterday (which were all small!! 6 free USPS boxes!!) and my knees had just. Had It. from that 20 minutes of activity. my wrists and elbows are flaring rly bad rn too & i had to buy ankle braces cuz my Achilles was already super fucked up from moving & like. whole body hurts.
i was limping around super bad at work--like unable to actually walk, just kinda toddling around in slow-mo if they needed me to move somewhere--and my manager made fun of me to my face IMITATING MY LIMP ON BLACK FRIDAY when i requested a break then my ASM and tenured keyholder ALSO made fun of me on Hell Saturday and i’m going to burn the entire store down
marina says report them to HR but that’s not very anarchist of me and i just don’t care enough to ruin their lives cuz it’s a temp job anyway and i can make it thru the holiday surely but it’s also like. i am the most able-bodied disabled person i know. i get more shit done in a day with 2 nonfunctional legs and fucked up arms and guts that are trying to escape my body and The Brain Fog TM than most people in full health do. if you’re being this awful to ME to my fkn FACE, ON THE CLOCK, how awful are you to “““actually disabled”““ ppl like out in the world on your free time
i just hate that there are no buses on sundays, no buses after 7, and i keep getting put on these dumb fucking late closes that mean either paying $15 for an Uber or walking the 3 miles home in the dark and the cold and some days i just physically Cannot with my Body and have to pay for the Uber which sucks ass cuz i’m making barely above federal minimum wage again
but i’ve been walking dogs and stuff with Kara. she’s got a hot friend who saw the picture of my halloween costume she threw in the groupchat and apparently thinks i’m cute and has been inquiring about my existence ever since so she asked me if she could give him my number and like sure bro i’ve met this dude exactly once AND I DIDN’T HAVE EYEBROWS ON AND WAS STANDING THERE RUBBING MY EYEBROW STUBBLE IN MY OVERSIZED SLIPKNOT HOODIE AND PAJAMA PANTS but i would like him to throw me thru a brick wall so sure but then he tEXTED ME and we set up a hangout which was supposed to just be coffee but turned into a whole-ass actual lunch date which like. worm. and made out in my living room cuz why not.
yesterday we hung out again (the coffee i was promised) and walked dogs with Kara in the cemetery and went to Kinko’s and the sketchy Halloween store that’s still open in fkn December and also made out, and then he was like “we should have an Actual Date For Real People” and i was like mfkr what?!?????? is that not???? no??????????????
so that occurred t o d a y cuz you can’t call me anything but efficient and spoiler alert, it was NOT a Real People Date, it was a fkn punk shitbag date, we definitely smashed then cuddled and tried to get Parsnip to interact with the other cat in a peaceful fashion and listened to Ministry and helped Agatha with the camp/park service situation and dealt with the cops when they showed up and had the aUDAciTY to park in front of our house to pull that shit then ran errands and cuddled and went to a Food Not Bombs meeting like. mfkr. that aint a date. that’s hanging out. how. is the prior 2 things with designated start times and wearing Nice Shirts and Going In Public Together Solo and shit not dates but tODaY was a date. fkn. WHAT
anyway he’s simple and sweet and hilarious and pro-SW anarcho communist and insanely hot and self-deprecating and i want to climb him like a tree but he too is divorced once over and we’ve Talked about it & it’s made me feel Better about my own shit & like. i want him to throw me through a brick wall and buy me food and leave me alone, and he’s in a non-monogamous relationship with one of Kara’s friends and his partner’s like “bro u need to date other ppl so i don’t feel bad” and y’know, that’s fuckin stellar imo. for me.
like what this whole fkn Ordeal has made me realize is i actually hate being in capital-R-Relationships. i do NOT want the pressure of being somebody’s whole world, i do not want the EXPECTATION of being solely responsible for somebody’s emotional happiness and well-being, i just wanna be friends with people and hang out and make art and occasionally make out and otherwise be left alone to do my own thing so this is like. rad as fuck. that this just sorta fell into my lap fully-formed and i didn’t have to do a bunch of screening and dealing with fuckboys and everything i was dreading abt y’know. finding someone to make out with in the midwest
and it was all because of my dumbass pun-based nu-metal halloween costume, which is the best thing that’s happened to me in decades, so. thank u jonathan davis
but i’m making friends--mostly thru Kara, but the other fellow new KH at work is the oldest person in the store (older than me by a couple years) and ALSO super into all things manson-adjacent and ALSO super queer and everything and has given me a ride home a couple times and i love her so maybe we’ll end up being friends in the long run too--and like living with Kara’s been good cuz there are always people around and she doesn’t mind me inviting myself on stuff sometimes so
there’s some sort of Krampus parade thing this Saturday in which for $2 you can actually be beaten with sticks and the squad’s going to that and we’re all doing FNB on Sunday and i know aforementioned dude is gonna be there but also so is his partner so like. that’ll be Inch Resting. but. we’ll survive. ‘we’  meaning me.
idk if it’s some sort of fucked up coping mechanism from coming dead last in my own monogamous relationships for uhhhhhhhhhhhh my entire fucking life but y’know. i kinda just feel whatever abt it!! like cool!! there is the dude i am fast friends with and def have a mutual crush on and am also currently fucking! and there’s the person he’s been dating for 3.5 years and owns a house with, and they’re a Thing!! and idk where i fit and what the vibe’ll be idk if the partner’s other ppl are gonna be there too so it’ll be weird fr all of us or it’s just me and like honestly how do y’all NAVIGATE i just don’t wanna make fkn heart eyes at the wrong time or NOT make heart eyes at the wrong time U FEEL ME
but also y’know what, whatever, fine. i’m like the least possessive person in the universe. like. i like that it’s all out in the open and people aren’t running around on me or anybody else. can’t believe this is my life, honestly. idk if the squad was conspiring on this or what cuz kara has terminal Nice Person disease but. good job fam. 
i was in a real dark place this time last week and it only got worse over Hell Weekend, like. feeling directionless / unmotivated / isolated / lonely / traumatized / failure. it’s really been hitting me hard that i’m [redacted] years old & getting d*vorced & back in a punk house in a city i’d never set foot in before & working the shittiest shit job in the history of shit jobs and i’m never gonna see this person that was my best friend for so long again (cuz, y’know, i know i don’t talk abt the Private Life on here very often/in very concrete terms ~~this post being the exception~~ but. we were Best Friends. for a very long time) & i’m officially losing this friendship that meant so much to me and does mean so much to me, because i do care about him as a friend. like. fuck him as a spouse, he’s terrible at that, but as a friend i don’t want to see him struggling. which is bullshit. cuz he was abusing me and my life was a living goddamn hell in VA. but it’s hard to let go of the basis of the whole goddamn Ordeal to start with, and it’s hard to reconcile My Friend Whomst I Adore with My Ex-Husband Who Triggers Me On Purpose & Reads My Instagram Messages & Has Been Blackout Drunk For Months & Won’t Let Me Have Space Even In My Own Office, and it’s hard cuz the only people i know who’ve gone through something like this are dead. and all of that’s hitting at once. and i can put up with a lot of shit but i cannot put up with feeling like a failure within myself. and shit was truly fucking bleak.
so the whole social life thing just came at a good time y’know & even if things otherwise aren’t going the way i want there’s at least one good spot in my life. i got friends, i’m getting out of the house, i figured out where the good cemetery is, people are buying me food & talking me through all of this & rubbing the shaved part of my head & i’m happy
kara’s got a dr’s appt tmrw AM & the dude is apparently our designated Responsible Adult With Car so he’s picking her up from that & will be in my house once again tmrw morning & i fully plan on hiding in my room and pretending to be asleep cuz fuck that lmao don’t make me socialize i was not emotionally prepared for that
hayden sent me a 1995 Marilyn Manson gig poster and an enamel pin of a jackalope wearing a cone of shame & honestly??? i do not deserve him, talk about great friends
we need to get a frame for the poster but then me & kara are starting a MM wall in one of our living rooms & it’s gonna be great. the dude’s gonna come over with a drill & help me hang shelves in my room some time soon so i can finish getting unpacked cuz i’m just down to the boxes of art and getting all my shelf crap squared away & then i can finally finish Unpacking For Good
me & kara cried on the kitchen floor together last night from laughter bc i still have not learned my lesson in How Much Soup A Bowl Can Hold and my lizard brain was convinced if i got the beans under the liquid it would all fit, which, spoiler--it did not, and all my makeup ran off my face. it was that good. i love her so much
anyway thanks for listening check out the distro so i can buy groceries until my food stamp paperwork clears which will probably not be for almost another goddamn month i’m so pissed
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