#we cant believe the result so we retook it
dxlaflamme-archive · 2 years
Beauty and the Arts
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You are the divine spirit of love, beauty and artistic expression, as well as the intoxication and revelry which often accompany both. Due to your association with pleasures of the flesh, you of all deities are perhaps the most closely enmeshed with the affairs of mortals, and you may even have a bit of mortal blood yourself. Your realm also encompasses the many elements which arouse intoxication, ecstasy, and spiritual transcendence for both mortals and divines—be they substances, music, or other sensory phenomena. Although you are certainly the life of the party, you also embody the spirit of healing, relaxation, and respite from the toils of the harsh mortal realm. Your mythological equivalents are Greece’s Apollo and Dionysus, Scandinavia’s Bragi, Mesoamerica’s Xōchipilli, and Mesopotamia’s Ishtar.
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