#we could've overhyped a tech return a little bit
toadslug ยท 23 days
ooooh, i see you're a tech girlie ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
how are you coping with the finale? (i'm not)
I'm making my peace with it tbh ๐Ÿ’” Still letting everything sink in. Here are my VERY messy thoughts about the Tech thing so far:
We kind of got baited ๐Ÿง Most of the evidence for a Tech return was subtle, but still compelling?? Especially when considered altogether. If the writers weren't intentionally trying to bait us, then I feel like the marketing was (with the poster and "ooOOooOh who could this be" stuff for CX-2).
Some the disappointment we're feeling probably could have been eased if the show had just... talked about Tech's death? We hear it in passing a lot, and his goggles are constantly shown, but we don't get to see any of the characters actually confront it? The only time I truly felt the gravity of his death was when Crosshair lashed out about it in the finale. I almost feel like Mayday got a more satisfying tribute than Tech ๐Ÿ˜ญ Since the show is so weirdly dismissive of him, it also enables the fans to be dismissive. Which, I mean, the theories would've sparked either way... BUT if the show had properly addressed his death earlier in the season, I think we'd be more ready to let him go (maybe).
Be it Tech or Cody or some random guy, I wish CX-2 had lasted a liiiittle longer in the finale. Because we spend so much time on him just to... watch him get speared? Just like that?? I think it could've been cool if he got to fight more and part of his helmet shattered, revealing a sliver of his face. Even just getting to see an eye or something would've been more satisfying to me. A scary reminder that there used to be a person under there... And a tiny bit of payoff for the mystery surrounding his character.
ANYWAYS, yeah. I DID enjoy the finale overall!! And I'm in the Hollow Knight fandom as well, so I'm very, VERY used to putting on the clown makeup ๐Ÿคก I HAVE LONG ACCEPTED THE CLOWN SHOES OF SHAME!!! YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT TO ME!!!!!
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