#we do have a bunch of stuff to post that we've been holding onto though .... 👀
trgdaily · 10 months
Happy Anniversary, IDOLiSH7!
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Alright! A bunch of stuff got announced to celebrate the series' 8th anniversary today, so lets break down the most important things regarding our favorite group, TRIGGER!
You've probably heard this stuff already but hey. I do what I want and I'm making this post anyway.
First up, let's get all the smaller 8th Anniversary stuff out of the way! Plenty of stuff has been changed and announced to help bring the series into its latest era, and all of it is very exciting!
Special Anniversary visuals by the series' main character designers have been shared and released!
... Also I feel like it's worth noting that Arina-sensei has made it clear that we've reached TRIGGER's numbers in terms of anniversaries, and that reflects in her art. Meaning, maybe it'll reflect in other things too...?!
The game is hosting weekly free 11-pulls which bring back Heavenly Visitor, Wish Voyage, Kiseki, Music in Your Thoughts, and Light Future cards! On top of that, there's a log-in bonus for nanakores and 80 Stellar Stones in total!
The game has been refreshed with a few new features like notifications on screen when you get a message from an idol/manager, more idol storage, and even special voice lines that play before a live, after an auto live finishes, and if you manage to full-combo the song. The "hey, there's an event going on" home screen line has been replaced, too, thank fuck.
A new Namjatown collab has been announced that covers the idol in glowy clothing!
The official website has been completely overhauled including brand-new bios for the idols!
Now, onto the really fun stuff...
Shuffle Units are back!!
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As part of the yearly anniversary story, we're finally getting Shuffle Units including Re:vale and ZOOL! As of Producer Letter 26, it's been confirmed that these units will be themed and have special songs for each, but the themes haven't been shared yet! We may have to read the two-part story to find out!
Part 1 will release September 5th, and Part 2 will release September 15th! It won't be voiced, though. Voice acting will come at a later date.
Kuji Memorial Video & Cards!
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What's likely the most surprising thing of all for the anniversary is that it's big surprise looks back on all of the dramas IDOLiSH7's cast have starred in over the last seven years - down to releasing an animated memorial video that covers everything from La Danse Macabre to the Last Dimension musical! There's a lot of shots of TRIGGER to spot, so if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it! It's pure emotional eye candy!
On top of that, the yearly revival gacha deals with it, too, featuring special UR cards that focus on specific scenes from Mechanical Lullaby, i7 Police, Hoshimeguri (now known in English as The Stargazer?), Karatoga, La Danse Macabre, Mission (Yamato's movie from Part 3), and BLAST! (Part 5 drama)
The best part is all the old cards, including the same kujis shown here, are in these pulls, too! Best of luck if you try to bring them home!
Producer Letter #26 Takeaways
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As is tradition with i7 anniversaries, there's a new Producer Letter that goes over what the current and future plans for the series are that has a few interesting tidbits fans should be aware of! I'll break it down, but if you can, I suggest reading it in your own time.
The team is still figuring out what exactly comes "beyond the period" in terms of the story, so no updates on that just yet.
They're wanting to do another 16 person live, but they're trying to book a "difficult venue" so many fans can see it. Some fans believe this to be a hint that they're trying to book the Tokyo Dome. 😱 But 16 person live isn't an impossibility!
They've implies that they're working out international distribution and screening for the recent movie Beyond the Period! So sit tight if you haven't gotten a hold of it for yourself yet!
That's about it! Pretty damn big anniversary, isn't it?! Let's enjoy it to the fullest and keep supporting TRIGGER and their friends!!
Happy anniversary!! 🤍💖💙
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On the topic of New Age beliefs and how so much of it is just repackaged Christianity:
We were almost sucked into the New Age cult a few years ago. We had only barely begun our journey of deconstructing from Christianity and were dabbling in New Age practices such as "raising vibrations" and studying starseeds. We had been desperately searching for a place to belong and didn't feel like we fit in at school or in our town. A large part of this was due to us being autistic and queer and just generally feeling like an outsider in our community, and let me tell you something: New Agers will absolutely prey on this vulnerability to drag you into their cult.
For a while we genuinely believed that we were a starseed, feeling as though we were from someplace outside of this world. Now, for a bit of background on us: we're a plural system, aka a bunch of people sharing one physical body and brain; it's stated in our bio on this blog and every other blog we run. Our plurality is heavily influenced by our spiritual beliefs, particularly the idea that we are a gateway system, meaning many of our headmates come from some sort of outside source rather than our brain itself. And we do believe that the folks who enter our system from outside are in fact from other worlds than this one, alternate timelines and such. This belief has had a positive impact on our acceptance of our system and made us more open to understanding the experiences of other people and beliefs.
Now, back to our point. While we understand how our spirituality affects our system, that doesn't make us as a whole, or the physical body we all inhabit, a "starseed". We also collectively share a few otherkin identities, primarily wolfkin, faekin, and fallen angelkin. But back when we were active in New Age circles, we didn't fully grasp any of these concepts. We fully believed that we were actually an alien from another world, sent to Earth for the divine purpose of aiding humanity and ushering in a new age of prosperity and love. We explained away our autistic and ADHD traits with starseed stuff, but something about it never felt... right.
One thing we were caught up in for a while, and what actually inspired us to write this post, was something called the "New Message from God." It's been a long time since we've actually taken a look at the website, but it's basically Christianity infused with New Age beliefs like ascending to a golden age of love and light, the idea that every so often humanity receives a new prophet to interpret messages from God/Source, blah blah blah. According to the website, our current prophet is a man named Marshall Vian Summers who started getting messages from God several years ago in order to warn humanity of a coming evil and to help put a stop to it. It's a whole bunch of doomsday Armageddon BS, but we genuinely believed it for a while just like the starseed mumbo jumbo.
We're very glad that we listened to our instincts and actually broke down what the New Message from God and similar communities are trying to sell to people, because otherwise we would have been sucked into it completely with little hope of getting out. It's really important to think critically about what you incorporate into your spiritual practices, especially if you're converting from Christianity and still hold onto some of the things the religion teaches. This stuff is absolutely a cult and especially preys on young people who feel like they don't belong anywhere, giving them a false sense of having a community full of people that love them. But as with every other cult out there, this love is conditional; these people don't actually care about you if you don't believe in the same things as them. They will love bomb you and dress up their beliefs in pretty packaging and ribbons in order to conceal how harmful it really is, so you never see the damage it's doing to you before it's too late for you to escape. -Dylan
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | A Bad Day
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
Summary: You had a bad day at work and Bucky knows that, so takes this chance to brighten your bad day.
Word Count: 2k
Warning(s): Fluff, crying... I think that's about it.
A/N: Thank you for 100 followers! Plus, I mean, who wouldn't want Bucky to comfort them after a bad day? (GIF isn't mine)
⤑ Click here for my taglist to be notified when I post my future fics.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
Locking the door behind you, you lean yourself against your door, sliding to the floor. Tears flowing down your face, you pike your knees up you to the chest, wrapping your arms around them. It was another one of those awful days at work, your face hidden in the nook you made. You slowly sobbed to yourself, trying to express the bad day you had quietly into your house as if it could listen.
The quietness of your rural home thickened the sound of your tears; you sigh deeply into your knees, attempting to catch the breath you longed for. Then, calming yourself, you wipe the tears with the end of your jumper before hearing your phone ring. A few sniffs holding the fact you were crying, you check your phone to see it was your best friend calling.
"Yellop", you softly chime to your best friend on the end of the other line. You can hear an audible laugh. "Yellop doll, how was your day?" The voice you always long to hear at the end of your days. "U-usual", you softly chocked out before continuing ", how about you, old man? How was your day?" You giggle slightly at your remark.
A long pause extended your conversation with him before he broke the silence with a soft laugh through his nose, "usual, same since we last spoke", you smile, getting up, taking the conversation to your couch. Hearing his voice had taken away any sadness you had before you even picked up the phone. "Hey, I'm coming over. I need your help," he says, which piques your interest.
"What does a 107-year-old man need my help for? I'm sure you have all the life experience you need," you joked; Bucky gasps ", ouch, my feelings… they're hurting because of you", he laughs, causing the two of you to roll your eyes at each end of the line. "May I ask what you need help with?" You sat up from the couch, eagerly waiting for his reply.
A steady silence homed their conversation for a few seconds "a date y/n… there is this beautiful woman I want to ask on a date." He sighs.
Your face drops slightly, tears rushing down your face again like the ones before. Quickly wiping the tears, you answer, so Bucky doesn't worry "a date, huh? Since when do you socialise" you half-laughed to yourself sadly. "well… doll. You see, I don't if I'm honest," you both laugh, waiting for him to continue. "But… she is amazing, beautiful, the most incredible person I've met", he boasts to you over the phone.
You couldn't help but wallow in your thoughts for a bit, wishing that it were you he was talking about. But you knew that you two were just made to be the best of friends; despite how you felt towards him, you knew he could never feel the same. It took you a while to collect yourself when Bucky spoke again, breaking your train of thought. "Doll?" Your eyes focus again on your surroundings, coming back to the reality that you wanted to run away from right then and there. "Doll, are you there?" He asks again; you clear your throat "yes! yes… sorry, yes I am." You coughed.
"I am happy for you, Buck! She will be so lucky to have you." You stand up from the couch walking into your kitchen. "I am the lucky one, actually…" he replies softly. You smile at his reply only to realise the context of the conversation before answering back to him, "Well… are you sure you need my help? I feel you have all of that covered. I don't think I could be of much help to you, Buck." You held the phone between your shoulder and your ear as you opened the fridge up to check what was for dinner tonight. "I most certainly do doll. You are a vital part to getting this right," he excitedly says; you could never turn him down.
Even after being his friend for over ten years, you still couldn't say no to him. "Geez, Bucky, you really are serious… I'll have you know, though. I haven't had a boyfriend since I met you, so I'll only be able to give you basic pointers," you laugh to yourself. "Doll, don't worry about it… as long as you're there, that's all I need." He swoons. You couldn't help but laugh, "see, buck, with that attitude, I think she will say yes." You lightly say, "plus, have you asked Steve? I'm sure he has better advice to give," you question. "Yeah, I did… no help there", he laughs.
"Okey dokes, well I'm going to take my shower n stuff… you've got a key so you can let yourself in, alright?" You say, continuing to push through the built-up tears and emotions that halted at your throat. "Okay, doll! See you shortly," he says "see ya, Buck" you smile, hanging up.
Not knowing it, but your world fell before you; you didn't want to lose Bucky to a woman he hasn't even told you about. Then again, you cared for his happiness, that is what he needed after all the trauma he had been put through. You shook off the tears sucking up the pain into your stomach, heading to take a shower.
Bucky’s POV
"How do I tell her, Steve?" Bucky groans, pacing around the living room, "I love her so goddam much, but I am afraid to lose her. What if she doesn't like me and only sees me as a friend-"Bucky is cut off by Nat, who is sitting on the other side of the couch reading a book. "Bucky, I am going to slap some sense into you soon. She is head over heels for you." She sighs, getting up to leave the room. Bucky continues to pace again, with Steve closely watching.
"Ask her on a date Buck. Go from there," Steve lightly says, leaning back into his seat. "Hey doll, I know we've been best friends for ten years now, but I just wanted to let you know that I've fallen in love with you since the day we met", he frustrates into the palm of his hands. Steve chuckles a bit, "sounds about right", he snorts. Bucky wide-eyed to his oldest friend. "Ahaha, so funn-" he is cut off with a buzzing in his left pocket.
Reaching in, he picks it up "oh, it's just Sam" he rolls his eyes, answering, "what's up, Sam?" Sam sighs "have you talked to y/n recently?" He asks, which immediately makes Bucky furrow his eyebrows "no, why? Has something happened?" A pause before Sam speaks, "Can you check on her, please. She had a rough day at work. I have a feeling she is not at her best at the moment." Bucky's eyes dull hearing that the woman he's in love with is sad "okay, on it. Thanks for letting me know, Sam", he let out a sigh. "I've given her the week off, but please check." He sternly asks. "You have my word Sam" Bucky hangs up, turning to Steve.
"She had a bad day at work…" he frowns before plopping himself on the couch. "Well, buck, this may be a good opportunity to take her out on a date? Or even have a sneaky film night?" He stands up, patting his friend's shoulder. Bucky gives a slight grin, nodding, "Thanks, pal".
Steve walks out of the room, leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts, "okay okay okay, I can do this, I can do this." He hypes himself up, taking his phone pressing your contact that he had on speed dial.
"Yellop" Bucky hears on the other end of the phone; he couldn't help but melt to the sweetness of your voice. It was one he loved so much. It wasn't unusual to call each other; it was a religious routine for the both of you. If one didn't call, the other would. But this time, it was different; Bucky was nervous; it has taken him ten years to work up the courage to ask you out. But he still couldn't, not without seeing your face, not without being able to hold you as he said he loved you and not without comforting you first. He knew you didn't want to burden him with your troubles, so he took it upon himself to make up an excuse just to see you.
After the call, Bucky knew that you'd been hiding your emotions just to have your usual conversation with him. He felt even guiltier when he went on and on about you but never had the guts to tell you that he was talking about you.
Bucky packed a night bag from his room, packing it onto his motorbike before making his way to the local supermarket that was on the way to your house.
He picked up some of your favourite snacks and a bunch of your favourite flowers, securing them on his bike before riding to your house. Then, turning his bike off, he left it parked in your garage, heading inside. He closed the door behind him, walking into the kitchen laying the snacks on the table before heading down the hall into your room. He could hear the shower running and knew you were still in there.
He could hear you singing a soft melody of your favourite song; Bucky smiled, took his shoes off, and set them at the door in the hallway. Bucky flopped onto your soft bed with the flowers he had for you hidden on the bedside away from the bathroom door so you wouldn't be able to see them when you'd come out.
Finishing your shower a few minutes later, you wrapped your hair in a towel. Drying yourself and popping on your oversized henley, the same one Bucky had given you all those years ago when you had nothing to wear the first time you slept at his. You put some undies on and Van's socks. Using the dryer to dry your hair, you fitted your thick hair into a messy bun with your black scrunchy. "Alright", you took a deep breath before heading out to see Bucky lying on your bed.
"Oh, Buck! Hey," you smiled at him. His head was comfy on the bedsheets; he turned to see you, a bright smile upon his face. "Hey, doll," he noticed straight away that you weren't wearing any pants, something he was used to but not used to at the same time. You'd always make a fuss over going to bed with pants on; you hated wearing pants to bed. So you just opted for socks. "So", you sigh, flopping on the bed next to him. "Who is the girl?" You asked, turning your body to the side facing him. He chuckled, rolling over the edge of the bed, coming back to meet you, your favourite flowers in his hand; you both were face to face.
You look at him, jerking your face back a bit in surprise but totally melting seeing the flowers. "M-me?" You reply; Bucky smiles, brushing the hair from your face nodding, "It's always been you y/n." His arm caressed your cheek, and you couldn't help but rest yours on his. You kissed the inner of his hand before taking the flowers leaving them on the bedside table.
"You know how long I've wanted to tell you that I love you" you smiled almost in tears; wrapping his metal arm around your waist, Bucky pulled your body close to his "And you know how long I've wanted to say the exact same thing" he rested his head against yours "I am in love with you y/n, I've loved you ever since I met you". You sniffled, cupping his cheek before leaning in, kissing his chapped lips; he leaned into him, kissing back "and just when I thought I was going to have to let you go, you prove me wrong," you chuckled through your tears.
He chuckles with you. "I couldn't tell you on the phone. I had to be here. Plus, Sam told me you had a bad day, so I wanted to be with you." You smiled, giving him the biggest hug. "Thank you, Buck. Thank you for doing this" he kissed the top of your head.
"You're welcome, love", he smiled.
Sebastian Stan's Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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kidmachinate · 4 years
Not All Is As It Seems
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My literal reaction to the very end of the movie. Much like The Last Jedi, I don’t have an issue with this as much as the majority of the internet and think it was a fun watch…however…two things. As a Star Wars film, which is what it is, man did they mess things up. Also, whatever plot complaints people had about The Last Jedi? Rise of Skywalker basically says, hold my beer. Let’s get into this.
This was the most obvious thing from the beginning with the trailers but Emperor Palpatine? Why is he in this? Kylo just gets the shaft at the end of the day because he’s “Supreme Leader” until THE supreme leader comes in, which brings him back to the temper tantrum angry kid he is. Still taking orders from someone ultimately and can't rise to power. Poor Kylo. Guess we've gotta kill Palpatine. Everyone wants to anyway. I suppose this all needed to happen in order to set up “ReyLo” but the inclusion of Palpatine at all just seems like a huge copout. Should have just kept Snoke. Replacing Snoke with another main villain after he was killed off by Kylo makes that scene pointless in the previous movie. Palpatine for the Final Order apparently has a bunch of literal planet destroyer ships. Cool…so…pulling the strings all along over the last two movies is pointless. Just execute the final order and forget going through all the trouble? The final battle was cool upon first seeing it, but just doesn’t feel like a satisfactory payoff at the end. The more it dragged on it went between predictable and cringeworthy. Rey gets shown the space battle just like he did to Luke back in Return of the Jedi to try and make her lose hope and embrace her dark side because…you know…evidentially Rey is a Palpatine. Isn’t this Rise of SKYWALKER? Maybe we should look at it from Kylo Ren’s perspective instead and it makes more sense? All these force families are related in one way or another and cross over and such so I’ma give that a pass. The way the ships just fall from the sky when things are over just seems absurd. Lando Calrissian must be one hell of a charmer to have gotten the army he did to help out. There ARE things I like, I swear. Call this nitpicking but these were my thoughts through the movie. Take it or leave it. There’s more.
The ending overall was probably my least favorite part of the whole film. The awkward tension between the three main characters towards the beginning felt forced, and I think we could have done without as well. The force link of sorts between Rey and Kylo was kind of annoying and awkward as well in the previous movie, but I think was done much better in this one. The ways Kylo tries to manipulate Rey or extract info from her is front and center. Parts of the fanbase don’t like Rey. Well I do, so fuck them. Just kidding, we all have opinions. That said, for as much as I actually don’t like Kylo Ren, this trilogy might as well have been his journey. He is probably the only new character fleshed out to their full potential. He actually gets progression through the movies. Rey is basically the equivalent to Superman and just can’t be stopped. Struggling with the dark side and her humility keeps her “human” but her sheer power just makes things very predictable. She throws down against Kylo in The Force Awakens with NO FORCE TRAINING and wins. It is actually one of the reasons I thought he was kind of a joke. This is his trilogy…then he dies. But hey, awkward kiss from Rey before he dies. Guess there goes ReyLo. What they were building up to all these movies…fanfic achieved…short kiss…no more ReyLo. I’m almost done with the bad I swear…
Finn. What the hell were they thinking? What is his role in this film, really? In fact, what is his role truly since Force Awakens? He’s clearly force sensitive in some way and they really don’t get into what that could mean. Easy character development that just doesn’t really happen. He has heroic moments in The Last Jedi as well but in this movie…he’s just not interesting and mostly ends up just being worried about Rey but never able to do anything about it. He also “has something to tell her”. He never does. The topic even gets revisited between Poe and him. Still doesn’t say anything. Guess there’s no resolution there. Oops. Also, real quick, we knew Leia would fall just like Han and Luke. One per movie. But we don’t kill off Chewy although we tease it. I was happy about that. Droids are fine too. Humans gotta go though. Guess human don’t sell as well as toys. Alright, we’re done here. Onto the good stuff.
I just mentioned Chewbacca so his emotional reaction to Leia’s death was really well done. Leia was treated the best way she could have been with what they had to work with, in my opinion. The tiny gripe was referring to her as Princess instead of General but I guess we will give that a pass too. The force ghost scene with Luke and Rey was both great and nostalgic. That X-Wing was sitting there the pervious movie and to see him raise it for Rey to use was one of the grand moments of the film. This along with him catching the lightsaber as if to say, I was wrong and was scared when you first approached me about training. Or maybe this was to shut up angry fans about the fact that he threw the saber in the first place in The Last Jedi. I found that great personally. Fans need to get over themselves sometimes. The Han Solo retread with the famous “I know" line was another highlight. People will nitpick this and say Han never had force powers so shouldn’t show up in this way. Clearly it was just Ben recalling memories as if to be talking to himself, to his Dad, and being offered forgiveness. A highlight of the movie for me as well. This all brings things to where this post started. Just before that however, I want to recall thoughts from a previous post of liking what they tried to do in this sequel trilogy and prove that the force is more than what we saw it as and isn’t “just blood”. Even the dark side can be converted. Offered redemption. There are just several places where this all could have been done much better. They also could have put Mara Jade in the movie. Just saying, totally not salty, let’s wrap this up.
Rey’s revisit to Tatooine is a great way to end the film, the Skywalker saga. She buries the two sabers where Star Wars started in the first place and reveals the one she forged for herself. I love this. When she engages in conversation with the person who questions who she is, at the point of redeeming the ending, she mentions she is Rey Skywalker. You’re a fucking Palpatine, was confirmed, and I get that you got the nod from Leia and Luke’s force ghost, but that quite literally, is not how things work. You don’t just label yourself something and become that. Without her being a Palpatine, her struggle with the dark would make less sense. However, I do think there would have been more value in her actually being related somehow to a Skywalker that dabbled in the dark, meanwhile Kylo Ren started good and turned dark due to having too much “Vader” in him. Like two people trying to find their proper place in the world in their own struggles. Rey was always gonna be the one to live however. I personally think it would have been more respected that way. Maybe I’m dealing in absolutes here.
These are my thoughts on everything. Nothing is as it seems and Kylo and Rey both have their respective journeys realized for better or worse. Will Rey train a new generation of Jedi and tell them about the Skywalker linage while then lying to the kids about her being one as well? Since she is now a self-proclaimed Skywalker? Don’t lie to the kids. Don’t hide shit from them. You don’t want to end up with a classroom full of Kylo Rens.
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