#we have never had the luxury of voting for someone who would not condone the mass murder of civilians
disenchantedfaerie · 4 years
So many things to say and so many things not to say.
Fandom: This fandom is toxic. There is no other way to put it. It’s toxic from top to bottom, left to right, diagonally. My partners and I discussed this today because we were bored. We whole heartedly believe it starts at the top and by top I mean her majesty of the written word. Of course, now that’s she’s dropped the self diagnosis of “somewhat autistic,” you really can’t say anything because then you’re a horrible person. But she uses that as an excuse for her snark and condescending attitude. Hey. Whatever lady. I don’t follow you, I don’t read your books and aside from the few things I see, you’re no better than the leads. The difference is you’ve been milking the fandom for 30 years; people are waiting for you to finish and you can’t even complete the one that was supposed to be done last year. Yet you continue to yak about this side thing or that side thing and really, I don’t need a JF origin story. We’ve gotten that enough in the 9 other flipping books. You see the pattern here tho folks?
The female lead: She has done her share of being flippant and rude to people on her SM. She becomes sweet as pecan pie on Thanksgiving when she wants to want to launch something though. She was the one who wanted to end the shipper rumors and so IFH happened but sadly when you skirt around a subject and don’t say your partner’s name or take photos of them/with them and only take photos with your male lead in what could be construed as compromising positions - yeah. People will continue to buy what you sell to them. I’ve said it time and again, they are the biggest trolls in the fandom and do more to fuel the ship, even now that she is married to another man who is not the male lead, than anyone else. That’s all I have to say about her. She doesn’t owe anyone anything, none of them do actually, but sometimes being kind goes out the window with the lot of them.
His highness: Where to begin? His “fans” come all the way over here to our little corner of tumblr to hide behind Anon Asks to spew their hate and vitriol to those of us who seem to have opinions that differ from theirs. Namely, he is not a god. He is not someone we worship. We simply come together over coffee and tea and trade stories of current events and talk about the what if’s. My opinion of him is based on his own actions. Maybe all these “fans” want to blur the timeline of events and take it as gospel from his highness that he went on his luxury vacation before the travel ban while the rest of us cancelled ours and many lost jobs and incomes. Well that’s simply untrue. When he was called out, knowing he was wrong, instead of being the sweet, humble, normal guy that everyone says he is, he doubled down, became rude, flippant, went on a blocking spree, posting articles about COVID being no worse than the flu. Did his traveling companion get serious threats. I believe so. I believe he has as well from the same kind of people that come here to our little corner of tumblr, keyboard warriors that hide behind their anonymity and spew hate and vitriol. I also believe that people have gone to Glasgow and stalked his flat, which, come on people. That’s wrong on so many levels. I lived in LA for many years. It never occurred to me to drive to Malibu, Hollywood Hills, Laurel Canyon to actually stalk the celebs. Why? What’s the point? So I can see them in their grungy clothes looking like real people? No thanks. I don’t have that kind of time or energy. Thus the 4 page rant. Hey good for you dude. It’s about time you grew a pair actually but what did it accomplish? Nothing really except people stopped talking about his covidiocy. Why? Not because he wasn’t a covidiot and quite frankly still is (remember, he’s the king of “it’s not worse than the flu”) but because he pulled the mental health card. I think he does have mental health issues. I still have high hopes that some day he will realize this himself and seek the help he needs.
Now these Anons come to our little corner of tumblr and drop their comments saying things like “I hope you get COVID and die. It’s because of you he did his 4 page rant. The people you call mommies are his real fans.” Mmmkay. I used to blindly defend him. I used to buy into his shilling and his ever so sweet exterior, I even bought into the “best fans ever” bullshit. You want to blame us who never name him, her or the one who “writes” in any blog, never hashtag him, her, or the other one or the show, never interact with any of them on other platforms of SM for his 4 page rant, his mental illness, all of his flaws and accuse us of not being fans - fine. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Perhaps you need to sit back and take a long look at yourself in the mirror as well. Wishing a deadly disease on people, making threats, spewing hatred - isn’t this the exact same thing that was done to his highness and you were all up in arms about it, yet you come here and do it to others and think that’s okay. What makes it okay? Because you’re defending your favorite star? If this is what it means to part of this fandom, part of his fandom specifically, no thank you. When y’all can walk on water, then you can judge me. Until then, judge not lest ye be judged.
I walked away long ago but I’m still human and still have an opinion, everyone does. If he’s your favorite celeb then perhaps you should follow his advice the next time you see something you don’t agree with - suggest you ignore. He’s the one that started the entire “be kind” campaign right? Or does that only apply when it’s comvenient? If you think this is the sort of behavior that will get you on his Christmas card list or the top of his potential list of never ending “girlfriends” - well, good luck. At some point this man (again, he’s a man, he’s flawed, he makes mistakes and he’s not perfect) will fall from the pedestal his fandom have put him on and then where will you all be? He has been unapologetic for all the things he’s done. He continues to shill his swill and all his other crap when a lot people can’t make ends meet. He continues to ask for donations to HIS causes instead of asking people to take care of themselves or their own communities. I love Scotland as much as anyone but my money right now is better served in my community. I ignore most of what they all do, following his own suggestion of ignoring, but things cross my dash and I do not condone or appreciate threats. I didn’t condone it when the threats were directed at him, his traveling companion, or anyone else nor have I ever made a threat against anyone.
I wish to be treated the way I treat others and if you can’t do the same, if you can’t engage with me in a calm, adult manner, I don’t have time for you. You can have a differing opinion than me. It’s okay. We don’t have to agree but we can respectfully disagree and discuss, not argue, about who’s right and who’s wrong. It isn’t cut and dry, black and white. We can agree to disagree and still be civil and still be friends.
My Scotsman added this: When will the games end, when will the games stop? I had high hopes for his highness to lead by example and be better but he’s a follower and he followers her majesty’s lead. He follows his business partner’s lead. He sees her milk the fandom, so why can’t he and he does an excellent job of it. His fandom vote for meaningless awards until their fingers bleed, buy all of his merchandise, buy anything he sells up to and including the ship. Is there an ounce of him being a genuine person left? Yes. He gives us a glimpse now and again but make no mistake, he will take you for what you’re worth. Maybe one day he’ll change and we’ll follow him again. Until then, I’ll be watching like my partner. I’ll be around.
I guess at the end of the day my point is this, the fandom made itself toxic and I highly doubt at this point it can or will turn around. Why would it? All we can do is choose to be part of the toxicity and contribute to it and pass it forward like these precious anons have been doing or we can choose to walk away, scroll on by, try to make the world or at least our little corner of it better.
I’m still disenchanted. I hope one day my wings turn white again with the promise of a better time and place. Until then, take care my friends. I’ll be watching and I’ll be blogging.
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Crème de la Crème: 32.
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“Eve, come on out the back, the plane is landing,” Aaron yelled as I took yet another shot of Grey Goose. After Ashton rude ass bumped into me intentionally, and I do mean intentionally.
He had enough room to walk around, yet he wanna be a fucking asshole and rub up on me. After that, I stayed my black ass in the back and decided to get drunk. 
I sighed heavily and walked towards the front where Aaron, August, and Sean were standing and grabbing their bags. I walked around them towards my seat and grabbed the rest of my bags. “I’m ready.” 
“No the fuck you are not!” Aaron yelled as August and Sean turned around to face me. All three of them had a scowl so tough on their face I thought they were going to crack. “What?”
“Where the fuck is the rest of your damn clothes, Evie?” August fussed. I rolled my eyes and smacked my lips. “Do not start, it’s hot and I plan on enjoying myself a--”
“You ain’t doing a damn thing! You’re not walking up off this plane with that bullshit on! I’m not playing Eve, go put some damn pants on.”Aaron interjected
"What?" I gave a little laugh and tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge "August, for real, move out my way." I once again tried to move but he stayed put
"We not leaving this plane, I'll keep us here all day if I have to so try me if you want to.” 
"What's wrong with what I have on? It's like 102 degrees out here and if my eyes serve me right, all Y'all mafuckers either got on basketball shorts or cargos. Let me live.” I argued
"Yo, what the fuck is the hold up?" Ashton walked back on with an agitated look on his face
"We're not going a damn place until Evie goes to change," Aaron said kicking his feet up on the table
The agitation never left his face as his eyes scanned my outfit.
The guys were being absolutely childish. I was twenty-four years old, turning twenty-five in less than fifteen hours. I may be the youngest on this trip, but I didn't need my movements monitored.
"I don't remember getting on this plane with my father present, I'm a grown ass woman." I informed "Sean? Tell them." I just knew he would have my back
"Listen I condone a lot of shit in our friendship, but I can't get jiggy with this." He shook his head
Jesse walked in with Mark and Camron. Mark was our COO and Camron was our GM. Ashton made his job super easy since he was the main one breathing down everyone's necks to make sure things were going smoothly.
"Jessie you have to see where I'm coming from." I pleaded
"What's going on?" He looked around at the disheveled faces of the other guys before his gaze fell on me "Oh." He finally said. Jessie sighed and I knew I wouldn't like his next words "C'mon Evie, none of us are comfortable with you walking around in those shorts. You got a grown woman body-”
"Too fucking grown." Aaron chimed in making me roll my eyes
"And it’s hard not to notice, you may think we’re trying to stop your shine but it's not about you, it's about us. We in a whole other country with men that's gonna see this" he outlined the curve in my body
"And gonna wanna fuck and you're gonna be the reason they get fucked up instead!" Sean kissed his teeth
Jesse chuckled "You got on a plane with seven niggas, we don't let that shit fly in LA, why you'd think Argentina was  going to be different?"
"Fine, I'll change!" I grabbed my bag and stomped off towards the bathroom
I wasn't even in the mood to deal with their petty behavior. Any other day I'd be willing to stand my ground but I wasn't about to let them hold up my vacation. This wasn't the last time they'd see my shorts though, believe that.
"Thank you!" He called after me
I formulated plans in my head for how I would get each and every one of them back as I made it to the bathroom.
"So they making you change?"
I jumped at the sound of his voice, I hadn't even noticed that he slipped away from the group.
"Ashton, what the hell is wrong with you?" I pushed him on his arm
He barely budged from my assault, instead, he leaned against the bathroom sink waiting for his question to be answered “They making you change?” he asked again
I huffed, we’ve barely spoken in the last few weeks and now he wants to act like we’re friends again? I wasn’t with his flip-flopping attitude.
“Yes,” I simply said
He shrugged “I don’t blame them, these shorts way too short and your thighs...” he flicked his finger underneath the hem of my shorts “Way too thick, might give someone the wrong idea.” he said
“And what idea would that be?” I placed my hand on my hip
His lips moved close to my ear “That they can have you as open as I did.” he winked at me before starting to make his exit “
“That slit kind of deep but you know what, I’m not mad. It covers you up so that’s all that matters” I rolled my eyes listening to August speak as we stood in the hotel lobby waiting for Mr. Martin to make his announcement
The guys literally voted on if my dress was acceptable before I was able to get off that plane’
Mr. Martin and his wife were waiting for us at the hotel for over a half and hour before we finally arrived because they wanted to be overprotective.
“Okay guys, rest a little, shower and do whatever you have to but make sure you all are back here by 3. We’re going to do a little sightseeing and then I’m going to treat you guys for an early.” Mr. Martin 
“And you kids won’t have to hang out with us for the rest of the trip.” his wife, Marlo chimed in
Some of us tried to reassure her that that wouldn’t be the case but she saw right through the lies and simply waved us off.
Ashton shuffled the small envelopes that were in his hands and cleared his throat “Okay, here are your keycards to your rooms. Enjoy yourselves and don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” he said passing everyone an envelope
“That means everything’s a go y’all.” Aaron gave a thumbs up making everyone laugh
Ashton simply chuckled “Just be back in the lobby on time.” he stopped in front of me and we locked eyes “You guys are too grown for me to chase you down.” he said handing me my keycard
Who was he really talking to though?
Bidding one last goodbye and warning about being back on time, I watched the Martins, Mark, and Ashton walk out
“Where are they going? I asked
“This isn’t just a personal trip, every year they plan these trips around their business plans, wherever business is that’s the vacation spot. Why you think August’s here? They need the need him to look over contracts” Sean joked
August checked his phone “Man fuck you, but I’ll catch up with Y'all later, they’re waiting on me outside” he said
“To look over a contract?” I smiled
He rolled his eyes before leaving Sean and I by ourselves.
I chuckled, I couldn’t be mad at him though, he’s being paid to be on vacation “I wonder what their suites look like, probably penthouse, yeah?” I asked randomly as we made it to the elevators
I just knew Mark, Ashton and Mr. Martin suites were crazy, especially in this luxurious ass hotel. They probably all have penthouse suites.
He scoffed “You didn’t think they were staying in a hotel like us common folk did you?”
What was that supposed to mean?
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"And your girl had life fucked up to think she was getting off the plane like that. She lucky I left my stomping boots in LA because I really wasn't playing with her ass." I huffed as I threw my suitcase on my bed
I looked around the hotel suite and I had to say I was impressed. It was way better than the rooms that were had in Rio the year before.
Tish kissed her teeth "When did you become her daddy?" She asked
"I'm not interested in being anybody's daddy." I smirked, "Unless that's what you're trying to call me…" I trailed off
Tish and I were... complicated. She had this big wall around her. Every time I felt like I was knocking it down she builds it right back up.
She probably thought I was just trying to get into her pants and just wasn't the case. I was a grown ass man if I wanted fuck then trust me I didn't have a problem saying that. I was attracted to her, that was without a doubt but I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with her. She was a good friend for right now.
I could tell her anything and vice versa. I don’t think I've ever had a woman in my life that I could just vent to, tell my deepest secrets to without judgment until Tish came along.
"Yeah, whatever you say, Sean." I couldn't see her face but I knew she was rolling those pretty eyes of hers "I bet it's beautiful over there, have you seen the water yet?" She asked
I fell back on my bed and looked up at the window "My room actually has a view of it. I'll take you here one day." She hummed into the receiver "I can take myself."
I sighed heavily at the slight attitude attached to her voice "Well, maybe I want to take you one day and that's why I said what I did."
"Don't argue with me." She warned
"Why you gotta be so mean?"
“I’m not even being mean to you Sean, you’re just sensitive.” She said dryly. I pulled the phone from my ear and stared at the screen in disbelief. Did she just say that I was sensitive?
This girl was crazier than I thought. "Sensitive? Yo, what's up with your attitude ma?" I questioned. Every since getting to know shorty she's been on ten. Her personality was really strong, I chop it up as if being a result from her past, but she had to chill.
I guess I can show her bratty ass more than I can tell her. "I don't have an attitude yo--" I clean cut he smart mouth ass off. Tish really had me fucked up now.
"Yo, listen to this. When you decide to get that little fucked up attitude together hit my line baby girl." I hit the end call button and threw my phone down on my bed. 
Tish was getting outta line with these little ass attitudes. At first, the shit was cute now she was really pissing me the fuck off.
I just knew that Tish would call me right back, this was what we did argue, one would hang up and the other would call right back after. To my surprise, almost twenty minutes passed and her little stubborn ass had yet to call back. 
“This girl stays on these damn games,” I grumbled out loud, sitting up on the side of my bed and snatching my phone up. “What?” I could just picture her ass rolling them beady ass eyes. “Yo, you really wasn’t going to hit your best friend back tho? That’s how we do now, Tish?” I asked, annoyed. 
“Shut up Sean, you get on my nerves.” she kissed her teeth
We both went back and forth with each other until we couldn’t and changed the subject. I had something on my hands dealing with this chick but that’s all cool with me because I have something special for that ass in about week. 
Smart mouth ass.
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sagebodisattva · 6 years
Severe Condemnation of Mediocrity
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Yeah, it's a shame to have to say this, but somebody's got to do it. Not only for your own good, but also just to go on record as someone in the masses that finally said what needed to be said, concerning the pervasive permeation of rampant vapidity that has saturated the human consciousness. So, you know, the ole roll up the sleeves dirty job requirement thing.
The most shallow superficial individuals with the lowest intelligence concern themselves with people and gossip, the moderately shallow superficial ones with average intelligence concern themselves with places and events, but the truly wise conceptually deep ones with the highest intelligence concern themselves with concepts and ideas. I say this because sometimes people ask me:
“Sage, how come you never do videos about people or current events?”
And, I have to tell you, the reason is simple; because that kind of content is trite, shallow, superficial, air headed, mediocrity, that only appeals to the lowest common denominator; which means, of course, the majority; of which, I have absolutely no interest in appeasing, nor to whom, the appetite of which, I will not be catering to. I am here to wake people up from delusion, not to enable sleeping lemmings to get more comfortable in their delusion by serving up predictable cheesy junk food entertainment that telegraphs all its intentions, so as to be more easily consumed by lazy sedentary brains, that love to get banged over the head with sophomoric catchy unchallenging candy coated tripe, so as to mask the inner quiet desperation with some fake outward appearance of arrogant clever self satisfaction, which upholds a contrived self image as being one who is among those who fit in, and are accepted into some smug group, that imagines itself to be just so great, because it attracts so many others of the same type, of which, you can be sure, is a whole lotta people.
This is the essence of mediocrity, and it's not anything to applaud, condone, encourage or feed into. Mediocrity is the death knell of artistry and creativity, and is a omen of bloated decadence and the rapid decay of intelligence, wisdom, philosophy and mindfulness. We should be careful when maintaining standards of quality to not reward mediocrity, for this only gives it more motivation to repeat itself, which is what it's best at, for one of the great hallmarks of mediocrity is the constant rehash and regurgitation of anything that was previously popular; and in this regard, mediocrity knows no decency, or shame. It will beat a dead horse into a pulp, and then take the pulp and make it into a smoothie, and after you throw that up, it will take the vomit and incorporate it into an energy drink.
This is the degraded state of mainstream pop culture, which began it's gradual degenerative descent into insipid superficiality in 1980, and has gotten regressively worse and worse upon each passing decade. Things got so lame that, after 1999, we even lost our creativity in the clothing styles that usually reflects the particular flavor of bubblegum that represents the pop culture zeitgeist of a decade, which you would think would be the bread and butter. Have you noticed that? If you look at the 50's, 60's, 70's. 80's and 90's, each decade has it's own unique style, but does anything really come to mind when you think about 2000 to 2009? What about 2010 to today? Anything? I can't really think of anything, other then just a mish mash rehash of past styles. There's no more distinct style accompanying the decades anymore. Everything now is either just streamlined brand names and commercial logos, or a x-factor, hipster, socio-historical grab bag of random appropriation, or just the usual formal business attire. Not that I really care all that much, but it is a demonstration of the decline of creativity via the saturation and satiation of mediocrity on the masses, which dilutes, or dries up completely, the wellspring of primary source content and original expression.
And you know that the mediocrity has reached epic proportions, with the reality shows the way they are nowadays, along with all the various parades of side shows freaks, drama queens and attention whores. It's gotten so bad, that they even do FAKE reality shows now. That's right. TV is gonna go to great lengths to indulge your need for sniffing other people's dirty underwear, and providing you with a role model archetype you can identify with, so that you may properly vicariously indulge in all the attention whoring and drama pornography, even if it mean it has to stage events to appear real. Sound familiar? This is seems to be related to a theme we find present here in this reality. This gusto for lies and fakery. Much of the time you even know it's a lie, but you love it anyway. We love fake people and fake personalities, because we are not self accepting people. We hide our pure natures behind the superficial facades of luxury, plastic surgery and extravagant lifestyles. And we keep ourselves happily sedated in this shallow fluff by consuming large amounts of prescription drugs and mainstream popular culture. And, isn't it curious that the biological definition of culture is: the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc., in an artificial medium containing nutrients. Artificial. Got the drift? And so, who is the most popular bacterium of the day? All the sheep want to know.
Yes, sheep. As in, sheeple. It's always been kind of a cool way to refer to the adherents of mediocre conformity, but I always had my own little pejorative label that I liked much better than the sheeple, which has grown into a bit of a cliche. I have always called them, the Ones. I call them the ones because they are the ones that all agree, and they are also called the ones because they are all like little metaphorical number 1's, uniformly basic, all running around in giant packs of identical meaning and purpose. What are all the ones watching? What are all the ones listening to? What does the latest poll by all the ones reveal? Which contestant have all the ones voted off the show? Because, you must be like all the ones. All the ones agree on this. Don't find yourself in opposition to all the ones. All the ones might pass a new law to crush your individuality. Cause you must be like all the ones. You must be like all the ones and (X8)....
So, to appeal to all the ones must mean that you are successful, right? To be celebrated by the lowest common denominator has become the measure of greatness. When all the clones love you, you know you have achieved something magnificent. You are now a popular mainstream product of pop culture mediocrity. Congratulations! Obviously, your appeal must be a reflection of good taste, because all the ones approve of what you are doing. You are normal, non-threatening, and unchallenging to the ones sensibilities, and thereby fit for mass consumption, and other such facilities. Because you know how bubble gum logic works, if it's popular, then that must mean that it's the best. That it's better then all the alternatives. That it's top shelf, crème de la crème, right? Yeah. And that's why fast food cheeseburgers are so much better then filet mignon. This is why junk food is so much better then gourmet cuisine. Are we to believe this? Come now. It's not better, it's just cheaper. Easier. Flashier. It's mediocre. Which, at best, just means supremely average.
How does something like that sound to you? You are so stupendously average. Quite Ordinary. Unremarkable. Standard. Normal. Typical. Regular. Are these descriptors getting you horny yet? No. Popular doesn't mean better. It means mediocre. Which, from the perspective of the refined aesthetics of a creative discerning mind, means complete and utter artistic failure. You got that? Under most circumstances, with few exceptions, popularity means epic fail. Artistically, popularity isn't indicative of success, but of a failure that is obscured by a sort of ironic condescending mocking lionization. Behind all the applause and smiling faces is the secret desire to see your downfall. This is why so many artists who were lauded and celebrated and pushed to the heights of praise and attention are promptly kicked and dragged through the dirt the second they are down. The media and paparazzi just love that, don't they. Like buzzards and vultures circling a fresh corpse. That's why they celebrate you so hard when you're on the way up. It's fresh meat. A future meal. Another mediocre subject for them to rip apart and play in the innards.
You feel bad when you see this happen to someone like Marlon Brando, but not so bad when you see it happen to anyone in this new crop of snarky millennials, who knew or blew their way to the top because it was always their dream to have the lifestyle of an artist. You dig that? The lifestyle. Actual artistry is a glossed over afterthought. They don't have much talent, but talent doesn't matter if you have a really good looking superficial appearance! Don't worry about talent, we got teleprompters and auto tune for that. What we'll loosely call your so called body of work, is really just generic filler to justify the lifestyle of a pop star, which is more important and incidentally, the subject of a new reality TV show, where the lifestyle is the feature showcase of the show! And have you seen one of these shows? They are expositions that provoke misanthropy, which is why they are best avoided; for they inspire the desire for bloodsport. They make you root in favor of the media vultures, and even want to assist them, by sharpening their talons and feeding them cocaine. Give you some privacy? Please. You got what you signed up for, so don't sneer and push the photographers, lest you get thrown to the lions. Yeah. I'm in favor of bringing back the colosseum games wherein reality TV stars and their ilk must engage in gladiator battles to the death. Now that would be something to celebrate!
And speaking of celebrating, the crypto semantics of which brings us the word "celebrity", it's amazing how mediocrity, which works so little and contributes works of such little value, feels it needs to be praised and awarded on a regular basis. You know... The type of mediocrity that is so average and so propped up by nepotistic handicapped assistance that it just simply deserves to be showered by various awards granted from itself to itself!! There's nothing better in the whole wide world then mediocrity patting itself on the back and bestowing itself mediocrity awards. A reward for a job well done, right? And they call this professionalism, which is a real slap to the intelligence. More like professional mediocrity.
But do you know what the real kick to the kidneys is? If you look up the word mediocrity in the dictionary, it's lists as a related synonym: amateur. And this is a common misconception and misassociation, as, obviously most people don't understand the meaning of the word, as it's often wrongly used to indicate a meaning of one being green or unskilled or of lame creative abilities, as we have often heard it spoken in response to displays of buffoonery to "knock it off and stop acting so amateur"... amateur doesn't mean unskilled. It means someone who does something out of a love for doing it, as opposed to the professional, who does something out of a love of profit, which automatically means it just has to be better, right? Making an amateur mistake means that you haven't been thoroughly trained on how to produce to the cookie cutter standard. You aren't formula enough. You need to become more predictable, less thoughtful and cater to someone else's standards. That's funny, considering so many of the styles and techniques that come naturally to the amateur are often later adopted and replicated by the so called professionals. The amateur has heart. The professional wants money. And that's exactly why the quality of all these mainstream projects has gone so low. The motive of profit almost always necessarily equates into a decline in quality and substance. And this truth pervades all arenas of human achievement. Ask yourself, what kind of doctor would you like treating you, or operating on you, one that loved what he was doing, or one that was just doing it just because he loves the paycheck? And what kind of politician would you want representing you, one that loves and serves the people? Or one that will use the office to benefit himself and his corporate pimps? Profit is a recipe that poisons the well. But with art it's even more of a factor that will determine quality. When you are pushing out content for profit you have basically become a pimp who is prostituting an art form, which drastically cheapens everything, despite the million dollar budget, and that's really an unfortunate shame.
And it’s really all quite depressing; which is why I’m done talking about it now... but, uh, yeah it kinda had to be said and uh, I had to say to say it. It was really not really pleasant. But I, you know, had to really deconstruct it. Chop it up, and slice it the other way... into little cubes. Can’t have that. Too much. Too much facade; it has to be chopped. You know? It’s bad enough there’s a facade; but a facade on steroids? No, it has to be chopped, sorry.
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