#well on one hand im thinking abt his silly little guy behavior
distant-velleity · 1 month
rubs my evil little hands together (<- he is thinking about ruixing)
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
protection - k. leona
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summary; you don't need protection but leona likes to insist on it when the rest of his dorm are trying to be assholes.
genre/extra tags; fluff, comedy if you squint, jaguar! reader, cat behaviors but with humans, quiet-ish(?)! reader, reader has vitiligo, reader is mc but not really???, reader is referred to as mc and prefect, reader has no mentioned skin tone, reader is implied to be shorter but not by much (sorry, jaguars are just shorter than lions), slightly badly written hurt/comfort, ooc leona?????
[warnings; assholes being assholes, making fun of appearances (specifically vitiligo) but like this all only happens at the start and 1-2 times]
[gender neutral! reader]
word count; 907
a/n; yippee!!! thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy! i had a good time writing this! something abt jaguars just makes me so happy like when i watch owls. they're just silly little guys yk
also im bad at writing mean shit sometimes so uih,,,, dink donk sorry. also the spots that reader have are the rosette spots that jaguars have!! i only say the ones on the arms but it's implied that there's a pattern on them on their body :)))
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you haven't really had much time in the savanaclaw dorm because despite how it contains people like you, they were not very nice. but it didn't really matter to you as you didn't need a pack to live happily. you have a pack, yeah, but it wasn't really a necessity for your kind of beastmen. you've learned very quickly that jaguar beastmen aren't really social people. so you've been accustomed to being alone in peaceful silence.
"you're brave for coming here looking like that. spots and all."
and you're more than used to a few verbal jabs about your looks.
you attempt to walk past the three beastmen but they're blocking your way. you huffed in annoyance.
"are you here to see dorm leader? because i'm sure he doesn't want to see you." one of them (the assumed leader) pokes at a particularly different part of your skin. it just happens to be one of the several spots you sport on your arm, the biggest rosette spot. you don't say anything as you push past them.
the collar of your shirt is tugged on, forcing you to stop. "we didn't say you could leave, short ass."
"no, you didn't, but i did." leona's voice rings out in the common room of the dorm. the air felt colder than ice despite the beaming sun outside. "you got a lot of nerve trying to make fun of my partner, you know?" he rolls his eyes at the trio as he pulls you to his side. "you okay, mc? they didn't hurt you right?"
you're faced away from the three as you look at leona, "i'm good." you mutter. you're not really shaken up, maybe feeling a little odd. somehow it felt different from the other times that you've been made fun of. was it because of leona coming to help?
"good. if there's any scratch of you, i don't think i would be so easy on you lot. tch." leona glared tiredly at the three beastmen. the trio pathetically blabbers their apologies as they leave. "why don't you fight back?"
you shrug as you both walk to leona's room, "i'm used to it. it's not the first time people picked on me." your ears flicker at the sound of beastmen in their respective dorm rooms. you can distinctly hear jack working out, it makes you huff in amusement. "i'm not social like you, leona, i don't express my anger as easily as you. also they just wanted to get a rise out of me to make me look bad in front of you."
"well, you should say when you're mad. or at least fight back?" he muttered. "you're... just as strong as i am."
"heh, takes a lot to call me strong, my lion." you snickered for a second but you stop, frowning slightly as you remember the odd feeling from earlier.
"shut up." he knocks a knuckle against your head. he opens to the door to his room, he gently grabs your hand and takes you into his room. closing the door and locking it, he faces you. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks. his eyes are stern but soft as he stares at you.
you take a moment to answer. in that moment, he rubs his head against your neck as if to comfort. "i don't know? felt weird when you stood up for me." he moves his head to look at you and wait for you to continue. your hands grip his clothes at the waist. "it didn't feel bad. they made fun of my... spots. i'm usually used to it but it felt different today. is that weird?" your ears flatten as you look up at him.
"nothing weird about feeling bad. being insulted sucks." he pauses, "was it at least a good thing that you felt when i came around?" his free hand reaches to brush his fingers through the layer of fur on your ears.
you lean into the touch, "i think so. but the insults kind of sunk in after that too..." you muttered as you rest your body against his. he's quick to lead you onto the bed, both of you laying down and finally getting comfy. "didn't like it. just wish they just made fun of my personality and not.. something i can't control." you try your best to explain. you pick at the stray hairs on his face, staring at your jaguar spots on your arms. "heard comments like it all the time and yet... something felt off." you sigh, "maybe it was because they mentioned you." his ears twitch at the comment.
"what did they say?"
"that you wouldn't wanna see me. poked at my spot after that." your finger rubs over the biggest rosette on your forearm.
"i'll make sure they get their heads straight." his hand grabs at your wrist and moves your arm as his lips kiss the spots. "until then, i won't ever say i don't want to see you. i love you a lot... and i hope you know that." his voice is stern but you can see the love pouring from his eyes as he stares at you.
you can feel your face go warm as he continues to stare at you, "s-stop looking at me like that, would you?!"
"but it's cute watching you be all embarrassed over me saying i love you." he snickers.
"back- back off, leona! not all of us are whipped for their partners!"
"don't lie to yourself, you love me too."
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teachugger69 · 3 months
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y’all i worked so hard on that shitty ass graphic design so you better read this
summary: relationships have important times that stand out (like firsts and special days!!) soo i’m bored and figured i could write what i think spencer reid would be like in some scenarios 😈😈 MUHEHEHEHE please don’t cancel or doxx me because you disagree with one of my ideas!! but i would like to hear more abt it 🙏🏽🙏🏽😏
(reader is afab for a small portion but mostly gn. also, please do not interact with if you’re a minor.)
when spencer first saw you he thought you were so incredibly beautiful (AND THEN WHEN HE SPOKE TO YOU HE ALMOST PASSED AWAY) his 187 IQ going poof in an instant just from hearing you speak, voice incredibly velvety to his ears. being up close to you made him able to take in your facial features. his eyes would travel down your face as you spoke with him, taking into consideration each and every detail as if he was analyzing a sculpture in a lavish museum. (he has a staring problem.) spencer seriously considered shaking your hand… like that’s how much he was drawn to you #what?? #zing
getting to know you personally/pals??
actually giggling bc this guy loveddd to ask you all sorts of questions. like he wanted to figure you out because he thought you were fascinating and you would be like?? spencer literally take a look at you? YOU’RE the special one… tf? every single time he could he made sure he learned more about you- almost as if he was studying you up bc there was a huge exam the next morning abt u!! he’d be so desperate bro like actual little kindergarten kid behavior on his behalf. im talking asking about all sorts of things from your favorite color or food or author. (also at some point definitely had matching bracelets or a “book club” between just the two of you.) of course, he was aware he sounded kinda silly, it was worth it. growing up he didn’t ever have a close friendship like y’all’s where he didn’t care what he did and was able to just have fun. thus, he rambled more often than usual because you allowed him to express himself freely- he found himself being able to show who he really was (rather than just masking.) he adored talking to his best friend, cherishing the conversations and always awaited the next one impatiently. (you would let him talk about like genghis khan and he would let you talk about like bagels) knowing you was a cure he didn’t know he needed.
realizing he is genuinely failing in love with you
this boy legit is a genius but cannot understand his emotions AT ALL. he may know why he feels a certain way from a textbook point of view, but he can’t really understand them all too well (maybe that’s just a me thing...) BUT one thing he did know… was that he loved you. he knew for sure that he platonically loved you, yes- but nah that man was falling head over heels before he could even realize. he noticed how he felt bored without you- even when he’s alone at his apartment which is literally his haven. he noticed how the smallest and most minuscule things made him think about you (he always found a way to tie anything back to you, duh.) also he writes about you SO much in his letters to his mom, bruh. it gets to the point where writing about anything else seemed like a chore. to him, the best part was being able to fawn over you in these letters. it felt so nice to let some feeling off of his chest. the longest part in the letters are totally about you and he writes in disgustingly prolific detail. diana literally feels like she knows everything about you- both your appearance (down to tiniest marks on your pretty skin that he described for her) and your personality that he loved oh so much (she loves you. like legit KNOWS YALL ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. ik she definitely knew spencer was in luv before he himself knew. simply because mothers always know.) he felt safe and comfortable around you #securityblanket jeezzz BRO NEEDED YOU. but for some reason he felt guilty for falling in love with you?? extremely self doubtful, of course, he settles for not telling you cause like?? you’re only friends? he feels so bad for seeing you that way and he feels sad like omg they will never love me :((
first date/kiss??
ideally, i daydream about it being impromptu. like i’m just imagining it being very intimate like maybe at his apartment and your playing chess or baking or watching movies or simply just hanging out for the comfort of each other. (it’s totally meant to only be platonic tho…)but y’all get a little closer and snuggle up?? you’re like… “spencer… i like you.”h in a little petrified whisper bc it’s scary to admit and he’s definitely like WHAT THE FUCK internally but on the outside he’s just starting into your soul with his own widened puppy dog eyes and is STUNNED. 😧 it gets so bad bro almost seems like he’s going nonverbal or having a shut down and you’re like FRICK UHHHH and you just kiss him 😜🥺 (need to have my y/n moment.) this literally ruins him like bro he’s mush atp and RED. and you’re like “OMG IM SO SORRY- i shouldn’t have done that i’m so sorry if i made you uncomfortable spe-“ and BRO CUTS YOU OFF BY WHISPERING WITH THAT ONE SWEET VOICE WE ALL KNOW N LOVE GOING LIKE “shh it’s okay, i feel the same way.” (or a sassy but caring “shut up”) he softly cups your face and KISSESSSS YOU like it’s so desperate and makes both of y’all’s lips swell and flush. it definitely isn’t rough or long but it is passionate and kinda messy. (bro was WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT he was NOT gonna miss out)
sex 🤡 *afab!reader sorry :( im not assigned male at birth so i would have written something super dumb and anatomically wrong . this is for your own good. i didn’t go much into detail, though.*
first time is after a makeout session which have become a habit. but this time y’all were READY. after an awkward little ask to make sure y’all both wanted to move onto this point in your relationship, it was off to the bedroom! you unbuttoned his shirt agonizingly slow as he felt himself growing harder and harder by the second. once you’re both undressed, he gulps like the loser nerd he is because he’s going insane by just looking at you. first person to make a move is you, gently guiding his hands to touch you. “you’re beautiful.” he whispered nervously as his slender fingers traced your skin. you would realize that he is very much loser virgin nerd so you’re like let me guide you baby. N HE’S LIKE UHH OKAY!!(you ride him let’s be fr that man isn’t gonna be able to top) def finishes early because he’s super fucking sensitive but you assure him it’s okay and he helps you finish soon after aswell. (in my head this is baby version of spencer and he’s very careful because he prioritizes your safety so i imagine he makes sure to use a condom at least for a while early on until he wants to try it without.) oh and the aftercare is amazing like he tells you facts to make sure you’re safe and he’s like clinging onto you thanking you like a million times every minute.
first time saying he loves you
for a decent amount of time BUT NAH. he knows he loves you, so why wouldn’t he tell you? it’s very early on, and he does it super nonchalant but he planned it and was working up the courage for so long like he was freaking out hit you smile and and time you love him back and he’s like… oh yeah. also addicted to telling you after the first time seriously cannot go a day without reminding you.
okayyy that’s all im gonna write because im already bored #snooze 😴 i wanna write fics but i feel like i write stupid as fuck so this is just me dipping my toes in the water 😳😈
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truckfreaks · 10 months
had such an funny array of experiences the other night at that bar and I've been reflecting on it and wanting to write about it very much.....
on one hand i saw my friends sibling who i haven't seen in quite a while, and he was more outwardly open and excited and chatty than hes been for probably the whole ten years I've known him. like, he even invited me to his bands show? he never invites anyone! he's notorious in our crowd for being very, like... idk. ive heard lots of things - "particular", "difficult to work with", perfectionist... but he was totally different.
he brought his new boyfriend along, and we all had a long silly talk about sneaking into cons when we were kids, navigating the precarious world of gender soup (he understands my soup probably better than anyone, cis trans or otherwise, that I've ever met! it felt great!), the different creative projects were working on (he went to college for video game soundtrack composition at a really prestigious school - super talented!), got really excited when we realized we never had any idea one another had bugsonas and excitedly shared art of our respective bug guys... oh and his boyfriend recognized Dr. Habit on my phone lock/background?! it was the first time anyone's ever recognized anything SFM related on me in the wild ! so that was cool!
and on the other hand... my friend (his brother)'s girlfriend who i've been trying to give an honest fair shake in getting to know was there as well. and like, i think surface wise most people look at her and assume she's like, very ... leftist? and I'm sure she thinks she is, too. but every time i talk to her she sneaks in some kinda backhanded comment about women. i get a big internalized misogyny plus Italian familial politics vibe. and i found myself talking to her abt similar topics, because she said to me she's never seen her boyfriends brother so animated before! and i said well this might be my personal experience coloring things, but being out makes a massive difference in someone's ability to just, like, exist happily! and she wasn't sure what i meant by that, so i explained, and she was like "oh, well i guess i don't understand why you're choosing to identify in a neutral or masc leaning way but you dress like a girl?" and i explained that first off, i appreciate not getting it, but the first step is recognizing that there is no one right way to be a man or a woman, and if we accept gender nonconforming behavior from cis people then why don't we accept it from trans people? why do i have to be a caricature of manhood for you to see me as transmasc? and it kind of got through to her but... not entirely, because her line of questioning was a little ... invasive and unkind in a bad faith way (i have a LOT of patience for folks who may "get it wrong" but engage with me in a good faith way). like she was tryna play gotcha or something.
and i suppose the juxtaposition - people who are quietly queer suddenly becoming loudly queer and, as a result, happier, vs. people who are vocally supportive, but only when a person fits their narrative of what a queer person should look or act like... well. it was not lost on me!
and it also reminded me that sometimes, when you get a vibe about a person, you should trust your gut! it's ok to think, yeah, this isn't a nice person, im gonna protect myself! because if i continued engaging with her, the conversation might have gone very poorly. it certainly has in the past. (for example, apparently bee and puppycat was, and i quote, "too woke" for her. she got really mad when i laughed about it and realized with horror that she wasn't kidding). i feel bad for my friend (her boyfriend) for being in the middle of it, sorta. he's a easygoing simple dude who is wildly supportive of his brother and however he chooses to identify, and frankly i don't think he knows a whole lot about this side of his girlfriend because to him, he doesn't really seek out those kinda conversations. not obviously that it's never come up, but yeah. i know him well enough to know he doesn't share those feelings with her, and it's always really shocking to me to hear her express them - but always when he isn't around. so much so that in the past when I've expressed concern about it, he didn't believe me at first! (then other folks started saying the same thing.)
idk. life is cool and weird and i am happy to be a cool and weird little guy.
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
ur other ocs sound so neat (very gremlin www its adorable) and its neat !! it sounds absolutely adorable !! (i also find it cute that they seem pretty short www but can i rly say that when im barely that much taller)
i love that one u did w audie cos like its like one of my fav tropes when its the Menancing Tall guy whos the trophy husband and audies just The Capable guy like hell yeah!!! ppl dont expect that !!
and ofc doc and kal divorced r always fun ! doc is fun in general cos u can do wtv and u probably arent wrong (ok except maybe mine bcs i want mine to be a kid for cute reasons) but i think the extra ideas u gave them r cool ! like actually giving reasons for them to wear that stuffy ass outfit, thats cool ykyk
oh and speaking of the banshee gremlin bounty hunter i was also thinking of the same (kind of ocs) like a travelling merc/bounty hunter duo (a phidia and sarkaz) who just go around and do jobs but mostly just whatever they want like !! bounty hunting is a tough job but an ez excuse for making ocs (in my case anyways...) and anyways yeah! theyre cool! everyone is cool! i love it u can always talk more abt ur ocs i love them. they r like precious. im cannot decide on the word but. precious. yes. thank u sm </3
hehe, of course! thank you for enjoying all of em :) kal-doc divorce is the cornerstone of my house.
audie's the one i have the most lore about. he is genuinely on many levels a professional trophy husband, it's just that...he also has a ton of skills that he can whip out like a swiss army knife. a swiss army boyfriend? he's good at business, he's incredibly good at originium arts and swinging a big axe (he would basically be a duelist defender but that specializes in arts damage), and he's way more social than both encio and gnosis, so he fills that role in their team comp... all three of them are equally determined and capable and in a way manipulative, but audie is better at obscuring it by being friendly in a way that neither of them quite have down pat. so as much as they were a little weirded out at his appearance in their affairs, they do kind of need him sometimes. i can never quite decide if they're a V, a triad, or if audie just accepts that no matter what he does encio will be a little bit married to gnosis. but either way, they are quite tight when it comes down to it. because audie's family is minor and he's the only living heir, he kind of understood that he could either work his tail off on building a family legacy (a lot of work, a lot of resources, for little guarantee of reward especially since he would never actually be able to go super far) or he could hitch himself to someone with much more pull, and make himself invaluable. he decided to go for the latter, and so he's had very little illusions about how he does have certain roles this way. he has lower standards of behavior for himself and inhibitions in some senses than, say, shealtiel, who is, well, Catholic. he's the one of them who tries to at least get on with Enya but she's leaving him on read because, well, he can be as nice as he wants but he's still her brother-in-law and not even to the sibling she likes.
audie was educated in leithanien, which is how he got so good at arts. the greataxe, i think, is a notable martial art of the fuchsfrost line. foreign education, martial skill, and general good looks are what got him to stand out as an arranged marriage prospect. (aka, he had the least depressing biodata out of every eligible noble single in kjerag.) the meet cute was that he walked in, sat down, and basically said "you need a partner for political reasons because you're now the most powerful man in the nation and you simply can't keep being the keystone of this entire country, because a human keystone can fail. if you select me as your partner, i will be your right hand arm. man. your silly rabbit. do you call me that? it's up to you" and encio was sold enough to fake marriage about it. (then, of course, they realize they get along quite well and have good teamwork and chemistry and uh oh. thinking about the how do i tell my husband i'm in love with him reddit post.)
again this is all really self indulgent but i just quite like it, lmao. it's my oc and i make the rules. i'm cringe, but i'm Free.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
a two-player game (2 lives left!) | k. kenma
2 lives left! | a two-player game: kozume kenma x f! reader 
SHOCK: — — — — — 5/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — — 4/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
SHOCK: — 1/5
OBLIVIOUSNESS: — — — — 4/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — 3/5
FRIENDLINESS: — — — — — 5/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
(U/N): hello? u still there?
(U/N): hellooooo
(U/N): afk much? haha
(U/N): u didnt finish what u were sYing\
Kenma stared at his screen, wondering what he should say. His mind wandered, thinking about the fact that (Y/N) was somewhere out there, in the comforts of her own home, sitting and playing the same game he was playing. He thought about how she was probably sitting cross-legged, or slouched, or her back completely straight as she probably wore headphones over her ears, or earbuds tucked in the confines of her ears, or blasted the game soundtrack through the speakers of her computer. Kenma sighed, as he slouched back in his chair. A blush crept over his face. He was talking to his crush over a video game. It was practically like texting her. Kenma began to type once more.
applepi: yea im still here
applepi: so abt my crush
No, no, no! What was he doing? He couldn’t possibly tell his crush about his crush! Why? Why would he do that?! He immediately typed in a “never mind.” Despite some protests from the other person, the two pretended to forget that ever happened.
All throughout the weekend, Kenma sulked and sulked. There was no particular reason, but he just felt so uncomfortable knowing that he told his crush that he had a crush on someone. There was also the factor that (Y/N) didn’t seem quite interested in what he had to say about his predicament, unlike past times where he could talk about anything he wanted and she would gladly contribute all she had to offer to help the poor boy out.
And so the terrible weekend had ended. It was a nice break for Kenma, being away from everything and everyone; he immersed himself in the virtual world as he let go of all of his worries. But now he had to face reality once more - he had to face (Y/N), the terrible final boss. He had so many more enemies he had to defeat (his teammates, according to Kenma), but the powerful weapon of ignoring them always beat them in the end.
He wanted to stay in his bad mood for the entire school day. It was his plan, and it was a really good plan, but (Y/N) just had to ruin it.
Kenma sat at his desk in his classroom that morning they returned from the weekend. He stared at the nothingness that lay before him on his desk until he heard the sweet sound of (Y/N)’s voice when she came through the door to the classroom. He heard her laugh as she greeted those around her a good morning. He relished in the music as she walked towards her desk.
“Good morning, Kenma-kun!” (Y/N) chirped, as she sat down. Kenma jumped at the sudden words, and he felt warmth everywhere, especially in his cheeks. He smiled at the sound of her greeting, and said one back. God, no one could make him feel the way she makes him feel when he’s around her. He took a deep breath, knowing that his unrequited love consumed his whole heart. Ah, if he were only as smooth as Kuroo was and knew his way with words.
Kenma frowned; from a mile away, one could tell he was clearly in a bad mood. He hung his head down low, as he was reminded of (Y/N)’s date last weekend.
“Kenma-kun, are you okay? Is there something wrong?” (Y/N) asked, her voice laced with concern. Her eyes studied his face, discontentment written all over it. She wondered what she should do; if only she could consult applepi in this situation. The setter faced (Y/N) and he smiled.
“Ah, it’s nothing, (Y/N)-san, please don’t worry,” he murmured, hoping that she would get the feeling that he would like to be left alone.
And so for the rest of the time they sat next to each other during class, (Y/N) thought about everything that applepi had advised her to do with every problem that she had:
(U/N): help!!! i cant decide between buying a sword or a dagger from this shopkeeper
applepi: hm get a sword bc u will get more gold out of the enemy
(U/N): theres this one friend i have & i feel like she rlly hates me??/?
applepi: are you only focusing on the small details?
applepi: look at the big picture & notice her behavior around u,
applepi: is it different from when shes around other ppl?
(U/N): do u think its weird that talking to u feels like an escape from reality?
applepi: no i feel the same.
applepi: i think that talking to someone u barely know is a good way to let loose bc they dont know who u r
(U/N): how do you get rid of the feeling of missing someone?
applepi: i talk to them thru text as if they were sitting right next to me
applepi: like how im talking to u right now
(Y/N) looked down at her notes to see that she had written nothing compared to all the complicated words written on the blackboard. She had been staring at the blackboard daydreaming about how she had fallen in love with her internet best friend. (Y/N) thought it was silly, really; it was stupid how she had fallen in love over text on a screen. But those words, all of those words that some guy out there named “applepi” had accompanied her throughout her best and her worst times. She could stay up all night to see them up as well, fighting away enemies to clear the level. From in-game items to wise words of advice, (Y/N) owed so much to this person.
And Kenma had no idea that his crush liked him back.
(Y/N) was a very friendly person; everybody in the volleyball club could see that. It seemed to Kenma, of course, that (Y/N) was the friendliest with Kuroo Tetsuro, the captain. All throughout practice they would constantly make jokes with each other, teasing and pushing each other around. It hurt Kenma; it really did. But (Y/N) did not know that.
In fact, after that dreaded date over the weekend, (Y/N) and Kuroo promised to each other that they would not go out on a second date. They realized that they were better off as friends, for Kuroo could sense in (Y/N)’s eyes and her words that she had the ability to break Kenma out of his shell, even further than Hinata had done. She also told off Kuroo, telling him that she couldn’t date someone who had such weird bed-head hair, much to his disdain. He couldn’t get rid of it! And besides… she already had someone in her heart.
But the point of the matter is: Kenma was taking this completely the wrong way. He watched with jealous eyes as Kuroo and (Y/N) shared playful banter. Her beautiful laugh rang in Kenma’s ears for all the wrong reasons.
As they practiced serving, Kuroo used this as an opportunity to try out his jump serves. He was consistent, but the one time he hit it into the net, (Y/N), who was watching for stray balls, called out to him, teased him to no end. The other teammates laughed on, especially Haiba Lev, whose serves were just as bad. Kenma mentally cursed at Kuroo, for stealing away (Y/N). He could never possibly curse at him for real; everyone would be in shock at his sudden outburst and ask him what was wrong. (Y/N) would ask him what was wrong. And if that happened… he would freeze up and definitely lose another life.
When they began practicing receiving, Taketora called out to Yaku to try out Karasuno’s libero’s “Rolling Thunder,” or whatever it was called, to which Kuroo made a sarcastic remark that Yaku could never pull off something as flashy as that. (Y/N) laughed, despite not knowing what the “Rolling Thunder” move was. Once again, Kenma mentally told off Kuroo to stop saying funny things that (Y/N) could laugh at. His jokes were the ones that made (Y/N) laugh; he knows this because she laughed at all the jokes he made over their chat in their video game.
During their water break, Kuroo and (Y/N) played a little chasing game as she playfully refused to hand him his water bottle. She tossed his bottle to Taketora, who then threw it to Fukunaga, handing it over to Yaku. Kuroo chased the libero around, who passed it on to Inuoka. He gave a hearty laugh as he tossed it to Lev. Silly, clumsy Lev called out to Kenma as the tall boy threw it to Kenma, who with his slow reaction did not catch it in time. The lid of the bottle flew open, and water poured out everywhere. Everyone else watched in shock, but the initial shock passed by them as they all began laughing.
Kenma thought they were all laughing at him.
The same ordeals continued even after the water break, and after a millennia later, the practice ended. Kenma, along with everyone else, helped clean up after practice. They also cleaned up the little water spill, which (Y/N) thanked Kenma for helping clean up.
Kenma changed his clothes in the club room. He was the only one inside, as Kuroo and (Y/N) were outside waiting for him. He could hear their laughter through the doors. Then they suddenly went silent. Kenma groaned, knowing that they were probably making out or something, as he buttoned his uniform back up.
He opened the door, and to his surprise, Kuroo and (Y/N) were actually not exploring each others’ mouths with their tongues. Instead, he opened the door to see a smirking Kuroo and a very, very flustered (Y/N). She gasped slightly when she caught sight of Kenma and she turned her flustered face away from his prying eyes. Poor Kenma thought that he had accidentally caught them making out and they pulled away right as he opened the door.
And so he walked away, leaving them in the dust.
He thought he heard her call out, “Kenma-kun, wait!”
hello! thank you for reading! next part is the last part, so please comment if you want me to tag you on the last part! whatchu guys think so far? lemme know! i also take requests too........... B)
taglist (comment/ask to be added!): @i-bitch-you-bitch @cadememe @animefan7420 (wont let me tag u :( !!!!) @issalilmessy
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