#whb sfw
r0-boat · 11 days
Hi, I love your WHB headcanons, they make me smile all the time! I don't know if I can request something, ignore this message if it's not allowed! But if you can…
Can you tell us how you think the Kings (especially Satan and Lucifer) would react to finding out their MC's birthday? Would they give you some gift or perhaps for them, immortals, birthdays are a useless celebration?
Thank you very much for all your wonderful work! And…sorry if my English is horrible
Oh my gosh celebrating your birth would be a special occasion let's see how these kings celebrate it
Whb Kings celebrating your birthday.
Sfw cut for length
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The nobles celebrated together in the hall of the castle. They have a party what humans call a potluck. Where they bring their own food and snacks and their gifts.
Since demons live so long their birthdays are not as celebrated except for maybe the birth of their kings. But even then a birthday was not really a devil thing. But that didn't mean they They didn't like doing it They want to celebrate birthdays the way humans do and what better way to celebrate it with a human!
They want to do everything a human does at their birthday even the most silliest things like pinatas or pin the tail in the donkey everything anything you mentioned they will add it. But they also want to celebrate you in a devil way so you end up just getting this weird mix of demon human celebration.
The nobles and Satan are celebrating your birthday together but later Satan will give you an extra special gift ;)
His version of parties are more relaxed with golden ballrooms fancy dresses and suits with expensive wine and catering. He will grant you anything on your birthday and for your party anything you wish. Of course unlike the other demons he will not be talked in out of making your party what you deserve. Your venue will be at a golden Mansion with hot tubs pools endless five star foods.
Anything you suggest he will pump it up to tenfold. At a park? No problem You shall have your party at a beautiful garden venue with exotic flowers plants and fruits. In a familiar place like his house? No problem He shall make it work. (Bimet with a money donation booth)
Your cake must have the least be five tiers. All five flavors and fillings as well as designed to your desire. You will be working with a five-star bakery and they will provide samples to make sure your cake is to what you desire.
"anything you want my dearest, this day is yours I will make sure your birth is celebrated as a national holiday"
He keeps your birthday a secret He wants to be the only one celebrating it! And he gets mad jealous if you ever tell anyone. Of course you throw a hissy fit. And Levi assures you that he'll give you enough gifts to make up for the fact only he knows.
Listen Levi may be an envious little bug but he has his limits... He knows he'd rather be celebrating the day of your conception and he realizes the special day since he never had a birthday himself nor he wanted to celebrate his birthday because of his past. He doesn't even remember what day it was.
Anything you want any wish you want to Grant for the entire day he is yours. And I guess the other Hades nobles will give you gifts as well since you made such a big stink about it.
If you ever mentioned to celebrate your birthdays together his eyes will go wide and his job will go slack. You're willing to share a special occasion with him? He just fell even deeper for you.
Parties are a Abyssos specialty! your party will be a grand celebration. Wild and fun not like the parties in Tartaros we're rich people got like fancy little birds with their tiny fancy drinks and little crackers and cheeses, chirping about how rich they are. A real party!
And of course the grander the party the more strict the planning will be. Beelzebub takes these parties very seriously You can call him a party aficionado. Of course what you want also matters so he will ask Bael to keep notes because he'll probably forget. You can pick the venue pick the snacks it's starting to sound more like a wedding than just a birthday party.
It will have the most fun most lively most wild venue. Devils from across the seven kingdoms will hear about it and want to come bringing gifts to party in Abyssos. The nobles and King talking excitedly how this will be the greatest party in millenia. Will it last a day no a whole week of partying!
It will take A LOT of talking if you want your party to be anything other than the greatest celebration that Abyssos has to offer. In the end you'll just get sad pouty puppy Demons just wants to give you the best that Abyssos has to offer and parties are their specialty :(((. They will give in because it's what you want and whatever the birthday human decides.
Angels do not celebrate birthdays The only birthday they celebrate is either God or Jesus. So it completely slipped his mind until you mentioned it. His eyes went wide Oh yeah human celebrate their birth...
He's not one to ask for a party or anything, He brings you flowers and gives you cake and a little gift. The gift is the most expensive thing he always gets you jewelry or something you like.
Asking you out for birthday dinner is something he would probably do too. The other citizens of Paradise lost is allowed to celebrate as they please. Gamigin is not okay with this He is planning a party for you right now. Lucifer thinks it's unnecessary but he will attend anyway.
He tells his subordinate to please keep in mind that your day should be up to you. And if the young dragon is planning on anything you do not want he will be punished.
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months
Is too late to request for a new years kiss with Minhyeok,that man deserves loves for everything he does for us even gives us his milk😭🙏
It's never too late for a kiss from our bestie <3 Even if it's March 💀 Thank you so much for your patience.
💙New Years with Minhyeok💙
*He waits a few minutes before the count down, nervous to even purpose a kiss when he hasn't thought of it the year before or last. Well, that would be a lie, he has he's just been too afraid to execute a plan that wasn't cliche or cheesy.
*He sets the scene, going out on the balcony of his apartment with you, and takes a look at his watch. Alright, one minute before the countdown. *It has to be right, as he counts the seconds with you while you both wait for the fireworks that are supposed to go off at midnight. *When the time switches to midnight, the fireworks pop, and Minhyeok swirls you around toward him, cheeks red, and leans in, he closes his eyes though and his head collides with yours. Whoops.
*Thankfully, he didn't headbutt you too badly, but after a short laugh, you're both staring at each other and this time leaning in at the same time and meeting halfway. *His lips are soft, it seems like he prepared ahead of time by brushing his teeth, a minty aftertaste on his tongue. He breathes lightly at first and then heavily when you decide to take it further, pulling him in. He's really good at this, his tongue slipping over yours, putting his hand behind your head, and even moaning into your mouth. You can tell he's wanted this for so damn long that he's starting to melt into you.
*After the last of the fireworks have quieted down, you both pull away and he's breathless, swallowing any spit he hasn't swapped with you and still blushing. He asks if it was good for you, and yeah it was. In fact, maybe you two should go inside and kiss more on the couch...( 。ˇ艸ˇ)
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blades-lovemail · 5 months
had to get this one out sorry
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darkrosesins · 5 months
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So for the sake of making a ref for my MC, I took the pictures from the wiki and merged them into one image to make this!
Kind of interesting the clear spots where all the demons overlap
From there I just did some simple edits to cover up the remaining spots!
Feel free to use this for whatever WHB thing you need it for!
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angelzone · 3 months
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Sfw Alphabet|Abbadon x gn!reader
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Abbadon is a bit nervous about PDA, it's not like he doesn't like it. He does enjoy PDA a lot, but anytime anyone holds his hand, he'll not want to let go until you convince him to that is. But occasionally when he's not feeling nervous, he'll link his pinky finger with you while looking away. He'll walk close to you regardless of PDA.
In private, he'll often place you on his lap and rest his chin on your shoulder, regardless of his intentions are sexual or not but he'll make sure to tell you if that's the case or you could guess if you feel it. He'll give you tiny kisses on your neck when he holds you. When he does hold you be prepared to not leave that spot for a good few hours.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Abbadon usually keeps to himself with exception of Marbas, Morax, or Lucifer. He's quite scared to have friends because he's often scared to lose them which definitely is a barrier for him. But when someone passes that barrier, he becomes rather talkative at times and is very attentive with his friends. He often offers to go to places with his friends. But he will become very protective of his friends even if they can defend themselves.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Abbadon does love cuddles but often he waits until his s/o brings up the idea first but sometimes he will bring it up just pick his s/o up and put them on his lap.
He'll often press you against his chest as he lays on his back on his bed, he'll often kiss your forehead when he does this. But he doesn't mind if you want to be the big spoon either, he'll put his head on your chest as he wraps his arms around your waist.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Abbadon can cook barely but that doesn't mean he enjoys cooking though. He prefers to go somewhere to eat. But he is a major clean freak (Probably from working with Morax), he always makes sure his house is tidy before he leaves and when he gets home. If he has enough energy that is.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Abaddon will be severely hurt especially if someone betrays his trust especially since he told them everything about his past. He'll likely ignore you for a few weeks before deciding to face you and break up with you. But if you did betray his trust or break his heart, he will be incredibly angry at you and upset. If you're ever in Paradise Lost, he will act like you're not there and will ignore you all together.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's very hesitant about having a fiancé much less a lover. He's always nervous about having a Fiancé even if he thinks you're the one. He doesn't want to lose you to the angels or dying because of the angels or anything in general. He's not really quick with wanting to get married since he has to get past his fears first. But if you bring it up, he'll definitely think about it a lot more.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
With you, he's gentle. He's so gentle with you, like he's afraid you're going to pop if he holds you too hard. He often whispers in front of you, his touches are gentle and soft, He often tries to restrain himself during the heat of the moment.
He's still gentle with you in public but doesn't show it as often. But his anger sometimes does get the better of him in public especially if another demon flirts with you, he'll hug you
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs and private but make sure to ask before you hug him though, he'll get startled if you hug him suddenly. He'll rarely hug you first but if you ask for him, he'll definitely oblige. But if he's needy or misses you, he'll hug you first.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a long time for him, especially since the fear of losing you still weighs on his mind. But if he feels true love and adoration for you, he'll say it first, it may just take some time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets jealous easily, especially if its another king doting on you but he hides it well but doesn't hesitate to grab your hand or be behind you whenever it happens. If someone flirts with you (The Kings or not) he's going to grab you and press you against his chest but if it's a lesser demon doing it, he won't hesitate to drag you away while glaring daggers at them or make threats if need be. He won't be against marking you or biting you because of his jealousy, he might even do something intimate with you if he's jealous enough and if you're okay with it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
In public, he'll kiss your cheek or your forehead if he's feeling comfortable with PDA in public. He'll never initiate a kiss on the lips in public. In private, he won't hesitate to kiss you on the lips, if you want to. He'll even make out with you and play with your hair all the while.
He likes it if you kiss his cheek or forehead in public but in private, he likes if you kiss his shoulders or neck especially since his shirt shows his arms.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's rather sweet with children even if he has no experience with them. But children in Paradise Lost tend to like him as a brother of sorts. He often will play with games with them if he's free. He'll often let them cling to his arms and use it as a swing if they prefer.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's very groggy in the mornings, since he is used to waking up in the afternoons unless Morax and Lucifer needs him for something. He'll often cuddle with you in the mornings as he tries to go back to sleep. It might end up with you having to wake him up or kiss him awake. He'd like that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He likes to relax after having to deal with healing people and working with Morax, having to see a demon anger because of an angel attack does a number on his state. He likes to cling to you and rest his head on your chest and get kisses from you or he'll kiss you if he feels like it. He likes when you whisper sweet nothings in his ear. If you make food, he'll just watch and will hand you the ingredients but will not help unless you ask him too.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes a long time for Abbadon to open up about his past especially since his past is rather gruesome and something he'd rather not relive again. But if he trusts you enough and you ask, he'll tell you but rather slowly over time.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn't get angry easily but when it comes to protecting you from angels, that's when his true anger comes out and gruesome actions towards them. Another time where you'll see him get angry is if someone insults you when he's around.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers you regardless but it's not because Solomon is your ancestor, or he hears the angels utter your name whenever he has to kill them. It's because you're so dear to him. When he hears you talk to him, he makes a mental note and he'll talk to you about it later.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He remembers everything about his relationship with you, but his favorite moment is the first time that he cuddled with you, it made him not want to lose you, ever. Not as long as he's standing. But his second favorite moment is when he made love with you when he had to give you devil's energy.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Abbadon is very protective, he always makes sure you're close to him especially when angels are trying to kill you. He always stays close to when you're visiting Paradise Lost, he'll always make sure that you're close and you don't run off even if you're with one of the 72 devils or the King's, he'll always be there much to the King's annoyance.
He'll peak around the corner if you're with a King or the 72 devils as he'll try to be sneaky but the King's and everyone knows he's there. He'll get really flustered if you notice him and point him out.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries to be thoughtful despite angels trying to kill you and the rest of the demons all the time. He'll try to make the date special before angels ruin it by trying to kill you and him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He worries about everything, including you. Even its a small scrape you got when you tripped, he'll act like you got stabbed and make it a big deal while scolding you for not being careful. He always worries for you even if it's a minor wound, he doesn't want to lose you after all. It can be overbearing but that's Abbadon's trauma talking, he lost so much, he doesn't want to lose you and he'll make sure that he never does.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn't really pay attention if he's attractive or not. He doesn't really care especially since he gets blood on him every day. But he always make's sure to wash it off later though especially if you're visiting him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Abbadon has been used to being alone all of his life, back in Heaven and even in Hell, so he's used to being alone. But if he put his trust in you and you broke up with him then yeah. He'll be absolutely heartbroken, but he'll hide it in front of others, but he'll always miss you even if you betrayed him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Abbadon enjoys sweets even though he doesn't eat them often or has the time too. He often visits Avois because of this reason, if Lucifer tells him he can. On the subject of Lucifer, he's very close to him even on a subject standpoint, he just enjoys his company. He can relate to him (shared trauma *cough*).
Abbadon also gets along with Bael, believe it or not. He always feels bad when he visits and sees that Bael is doing a big pile of paperwork but the two get along well enough.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people that push to know something about him or just push to know something in general. Its rather disrespectful in his eyes, there's a difference in trying to convince someone to tell you something or pushing it in your face when you already said no to it, even if it's a partner. Asking about it a few times is fine for him but when it passed that mark he'll start to get upset and angry.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sleeps in his clothes; he doesn't really sleep in nightwear. He often wakes up in the middle of the night because of his nightmares but he often falls back asleep once he calms down. He's a stomach sleeper when he's not cuddling with you. He'll often hug his pillow as a safeguard when he sleeps.
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libidinous-weeb · 6 months
oh also! to anyone following me that writes! ESPECIALLY ESL writers or anybody with any form of disability! (not a requirement tho!) i am always available to grammar check (for free!) if you’re interested! or to be a beta if you need one!
maybe you just want to see how something sounds before you post it? or check the flow? concerned about inclusivity too? making sure you get all the TW? let me know! i’m here to help! my DMs are always open and proofreading is a lot of fun for me. love ya’ll!
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sparkbeast20 · 2 months
Stay for cake (Beelzebub X MC)
My Birthday fic for our favorite wandering king
Note: Even though this sfw, please remember that WHB is a 18+ game so minors DNI
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Midnight, which should be quiet and most people would be asleep by now. But not in hell, especially in Abyssos where Beelzebub is king.
You were told to stay in the palace for the night while the nobles were out and about on duty. While Bael stayed in his Beelzebub's office doing this month reports.
They fixed up a room for you in the palace whenever you visit them. You couldn't sleep and decide to sit by the window and looked at the twin moons of hell.
You wonder why they suddenly asked you or more so took you from Gehenna to stay in Abyssos for the next couple of days. When this happens, there is only one reason for it, Beelzebub might come to Abyssos. He never stayed for long, so some of the nobles would ask for you to stay in their region so there is a chance that Beelzebub would come and visit them. Though even he doesn't come, they are more happy to have you staying with them for these couple of days.
At first, you felt that you were being used by the Abyssos nobles so that they can see their king again, but it more so. They wanted Beelzebub to be happy and you being there makes him and the others happy.
Plus, you are always excited to see Beelzebub.
Deep down, you missed him. You missed his teasing, his childish behavior, and sly tricks. While you often find it annoying... In truth, that's how he shows that he cares. You recalled a fade memory where he called you out for almost giving up your soul for a good time. You hated that he was right. He wouldn't have said that if he doesn't care.
Not to mention, the way he held you in his arms, they way he is direct with his words about his feels and they way he makes you feel good.
God, he makes you feel full with love at the same time hungry for him-
"Still up?"
Speak of the devil, that sudden whisper behind the back of your neck made you yelp in place, and you whipped your head towards the voice and there you saw a giggling man with a unicorn resting on top of his head with his blond locks, and his majestic tan skin which is littered with written tattoos of all sort of acts and desire.
There standing behind you is the king of Abyssos, the wandering king of hell. Beelzebub.
"I couldn't sleep" You said it with a pout on your face, which cause him to start laughing now.
He eventually stopped, but not before wiping a nonexciting tear from his eye. You huff before looking away from him. He smiled and just lean forward and landed on your back. His chest pressed against your shoulders.
"I missed you" He said in a whisper before moving his face do he can give your shoulder a longing kiss. And that made you melt. You sighed before leaning back and letting him wrap his arms around you. You turn your head slight so you could let your forehead touch his lower chin, then you reach up and start caressing his face.
"I missed you too."
"Hehe, then lets not waste this day." He smiled as he snaked his arms to slide under your clothes-
"Wait." He stopped when you whispered. "I heard that it's your birthday"
"Yeah? Hehe What you got something for me?"
You glance at him and smiled before slipping your hand into his and entwine your fingers with his. "If you don't mind staying for cake"
And with that he smiled and nuzzled his cheek on top of your head and said "I'll like that a lot"
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Hello! I really love your works sm, can i request a sfw or nsfw head cannons of the angels from WHB? Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked them!! So I’m tryna write the angels as best I can Gabriel is the only one I’ve met outside of a event, I’ve seen the other two in the Halloween event! I like em but ngl they have…unique kinks I needed to google hifth
I hope you enjoy!!
Over all cw: blaspheme (I think?? ((Angels worshiping you)), death (not main characters), abuse of power
Sfw/nsft hcs on Angels!
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Cw: inappropriate boners,
He basically a guard dog standing over your shoulder 24/7 to keep you safe, he calls you his ‘Lord/Lady/Highness’ and has an army of angels who think the same of you
He’s not very affectionate but if you just say ‘hold me/my hand’ or ‘kiss me’ he’d do it in a heart beat. As his God he only wants you pleased
He’s a terrible cook and somehow steals food and is terrifying good at getting away with it (it must be an angel thing??) he dosent even lie saying he made it, he’s just vague where it came from (only once have you caught him in the act and you made him apologize, but the person gave him the food regardless)
He dust a lot in your home and you cant help but notice the ‘home made’ duster he ‘found’ has feathers matching his wings…
Canon Kink: Hierophilia; deriving sexual pleasure from religion, religious places and objects as well as find the act itself religious
He enjoys watching you participate in religious activities…maybe too much. He also finds pleasure in treating you as his god.
You jokingly thought of making him go to church, only for him to jump at the chance. He lowkey regretted it when you didn’t touch him, and made him stay squirming in his seat instead of helping him get off. He for whatever reason thought you’d let him jerk off or would touch him yourself as you were holy, nothing you did was wrong but…touching himself in this place is
You’ve actually caught him touching himself to you praying before, he got bashful upon getting caught but you swear you’ve heard him doing it after that, you just don’t catch him in the act (though you’ve caught him awkwardly standing by and adjusting himself)
He’s got a adorablely small and sensitive cock and he genuinely doesn’t need it touched to cum, roll it between your fingers for a few minutes and he’s trembling as he spills out all his cum
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Cw: murder, inappropriate boners
He’s strict with everyone around you, but not you, in his eyes you are the law since he serves only you, you cant do wrong
He’s terrible if you have guest, he demands they now to you and though he’ll settle if you tell him to, he watches them like a hawk and makes sure nothing gets out of hand
You see that leash? If you get mad and pull on it, he will calm down and you have his full attention, give it another tug downwards, and he’ll drop to his knees in front of you, and anyone else in the room
He likes brushing and styling your hair, he’ll try to help you bathe, insisting you don’t need to lift a finger, he will take care of everything, just relax
Canon Kink: Erotophonophilia; ‘Muder kink’, deriving sexual gratification from killing or watching someone get killed (BOY IS THIS A HARD KINK TO CASUALLY WORK WOTH)
If push comes to shove he has a habit of killing people who harass you too much/threaten you, but he gets…really excited afterwards and is pressing his thighs together to hide his erection, especially if you’re clearly not in the mood
You’ve seen him get in fights while still aroused from the last kill an honestly, when in public you sometimes just force a chastity cage on him to discourage him acting out
Though he believes self pleasure, or just the act in general is…sinful, he will do anything for you with no qualms, he only feels good when you touch him anyway
He suffered from wet dreams whenever you’re around him or he has objects with your scent
When he want to fool around desperately he will walk right up to you, kneel and beg you to touch his neither regions, stroking, slapping, pinching, doesn’t matter as long as you touch him
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Cw: messy kitchens, messy person, furniture abuse,
He’s messy and kinda gets annoying at times since he discovered how much fun it is to smash condiment packages
He’s good about cleaning, and he even cooks to make up for the mess…but he’s a sloppy cook too but at least it’s not intentional this time
He doesn’t understand that the furniture isn’t trying to hurt you and doesn’t need to be punished. He’s broken threee tables, one bed post and five chairs since he’s moved to being your ‘Guardian Angel’, all for tripping you or you stubbed your toe on them
He’s not affectionate but he’s not distant, he just follows your lead, he stands close by and if you ask him to come over he flops in your lap and looks up at you like a puppy. He likes when you watch tv and let him lay across your lap, he falls asleep easily that way
Canon Kink: Automysophilia; getting sexual gratification from defiling oneself, being dirty or defiled
He enjoys getting messy with cum, blood, dirt, just about anything. He will be blissed if you strip him and cover him in…well it’s up to you ;)
He has no qualms with jerking off in front of you if you don’t want to touch him while he’s too messy, but he wants you to be fully clothed while he’s sprawled out naked in front of you
He’s fucked slime before since it feels…weirdly good around his shaft, to the point he gets excited when he sees it around the house. You had to punish him for thinking he could ‘fool around’ with it then hide it away again
He’s got a very sensitive halo, while other angels get off to them being touched like a devils horns, he avoids it since it brings him to his knees in seconds
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luminumfoil · 6 months
A Gift to be unwrapped
Part 2/3 (N/SFW)
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this! I have decided to write something special for Christmas. This will be dedicated to the three WHB Seraphims (Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael), enjoy!!
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It was quite the night in Tartaros. It sure was tiring but it was a lot of fun. You enjoyed the event more than you expected. You were about to go out, when you suddenly excused yourself, saying that you'll be back in a minute.
You weren't so sure where Michael went after many people bid on him. Many competed with one another and kept on bidding a higher amount. You walked somewhere close to a door when you saw a light shining brighter than the rest of the lights around the room. You guessed it was probably his halo shining and fortunately for you, you were correct.
You both made eye contact. You looked at him and he soon followed when he felt your presence. You could see his eyes and eyebrows suddenly changing almost as if he was annoyed. He tried to speak, but you could only hear a muffle and you couldn't understand a word because of the gag on his mouth. You weren't so sure if you were simply just imagining things but it looked as if Michael had been thinking about something.
You silently admired his figure; he had a ribbon tied up around him — it was tied up on the button of his clothes as it tried to keep it in place. It almost looked like he was a gift to be opened. You slowly approached him and he tried to attack, but then again, he wasn't able to because he was tied up. You still remember when your name was mentioned in the event, telling you to go and examine him, especially about the way he twitched in your touch, seeing the corner on his lips slightly move upward out of pleasure from the way your finger lingered on his skin and you were certain that he remembers it as well.
“Well, what do we have here.. Someone's excited for this season.” you teased, pointing at the obvious boner poking in his pants. Michael looked at you, his eyes looked at you with a glare, there was an obvious rosy-pinkish color that dusted his cheeks. You approached him even closer and took off the gag on his mouth. You got closer, feeling the heat from both of your breaths, both of your lips almost touched as you looked up asking for consent to which he agreed. The both of you shared a heated kiss as you pulled him even closer to deepen the kiss.
“How interesting, who would've thought a seraphim would admit in his pleasure with a human.” you glanced at him with a mischievous grin on his face, despite him looking annoyed, deep inside he was amused by how brave you were for even deciding to tease a seraphim.
You slowly started to untie the ribbon on his clothes to reveal his bare skin, the moment he felt your skin brushed against his, he twitched slightly as he looked down on your figure before you slowly rose back up. You ran your hands around his waist, slowly making its way to his face. You looked him in the eyes, asking for full consent and all he did was nod in slight amusement.
“I don't want anyone to hear the noise you'll make. Those noises should only fall into my ears...” you stated clearly before you put back the gag on his mouth as you made your way to unbuckle his pants. You weren't so sure what exactly was driving you to be so greedy, but the moment his length sprung out, you wasted no time to pump it in your hand slowly while your mouth made its way through his torso.
You firmly stroked his dick, feeling the way his body twitched every time that you do. You firmly sucked hard on his skin as it slowly started to stain a slight reddish color. You didn't stop right there after marking him just one time, no, you continued even more as you felt him coming in close to his release. The way he wets the gag with his saliva that now started to drip down his chin as he threw his head back.
After a few sweet pumps, he finally released while his eyes rolled to the back of his head out of pleasure. He was breathing heavily, he was marked in some places by you, he looked like a complete mess underneath your hands. You stood up and took off his gag and you could hear how much of a moaning mess you've turned him into. You then locked those noises up with a kiss to which he returned. It truly was quite the night in Tartaros.
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r0-boat · 14 days
Whb Demon Kings as fathers from best to worst.
Sfw yet dark because children are involved
This is just for fun a little fantasy don't have babies with any of these chuckle fucks.
Cw: toxic familial (kings love their kids, but they ain't perfect :/ the kid are no better)
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I firmly believe that Satan is a good father. The only reason why he's so low is because his anger. His child is a firecracker and he fully supports that rage anger "That's my little baby... Off to destroy the angels..."
When he does not know how to take care of a child he will sit down and read. He will make sure your child and you are healthy and safe.
Holding his child in his arms, His eyes soften this tiny little being you had made and he helped bring into this world.
Lucifer can be overprotective over his child at any age they are still his little young one And that will never change, He helps parent happily holding his child and his arms and feeding them. He is the demon of pride and he wants his child to be the best. He wants his child ready for one day they will rule Paradise Lost. When they're old enough he will tell them everything.
Lucifer is a strict father yet caring. He strict because he loves The both of you these rules are in place for a reason.
He is the guy to SCREAM his child name in assemblies, and aggressively root for them in team sports. "FUCK YEA! THATS MY FUCKING KID!!"
Trying to punish would be a nightmare. Your kid is the child of Wraith They and his father getting fights half of Gehenna will be destroyed. At least Satan is there to stop tantrums.
He is the angry soccer mom yelling at team to get in the car so he can take them to a game to beat the shit out of Tartaros team and mammon's kid. He has snacks juice everything
Listen Mammon's got money so he with get his kid anything they will ever desire. The reason why he's third is because that child will be spoiled rotten. Tartaros little royal...
Anything that kid wants Mammon will get. Good luck trying to unravel that when Mammon is constantly telling them about how important they are how they own everything.
That's his child so of course everything he owns is theirs now... But the child is the prince of greed so they are gonna want things on there own. There with be desputes on gold and materials. However on like Satan and his child these two actually talk through their disputes instead of wrestling they have a very mature almost interrogation like discussion of what comes they own and they will own.
If you think the spoiling for you is going to stop when the child is born you're wrong. In fact now that you have a wealthy child and husband they're both going to work together to spoil beloved Mom/spouse.
This man does not handle responsibility well. He loves his kid but He will be skipping out on at most 50% on parental responsibilities. He does start stepping up a little bit. He actually does go to work...
Beel adores his kid, Beel spends a lot of time with them. He bought a baby sling to carry them around when he goes to work. He wants to show his child all the beautiful spots in hell. When any devil asks him about his kid he with tell you all about them.
Sadly he is forgetful especially with dates. Please remind him about important miles downs or important things that his child has going on. He will feel very remorseful if he forgets.
He can be a good father, just watch that man.
No one is surprised. This man is the literal embodiment of envy. Don't get me wrong he does love his child. It is his kid, and he is trying. He wants to be a father He wants to be a father he never got, as a kid he didn't even know what a parent was So of course he'd want to give his child a life he wish he got. He holds his child, He helps you feed them, And he brings them everywhere. He lets you rest. However that jealousy does flare up which leads him to do childish things.
And he is protective of his kid. of course he is. That is his kid. His kid with you a proof of his love. Proof that you are his. Every time he looks at them he sees a mix of you and him and his heart fills with love. A moment of softness with Levi when he thinks about how his child will a fine Prince one day.
And as the child of envy they are going to be a literal copy of him. When they get older there will be a lot of father vs child moments especially with getting your attention. Your child loves their father, And they do want to make him proud. They love being The Prince of envy, They want to be just like him.
I think parent child duo is even more dangerous. Teaming up to fight a common threat is more often than you think. Envy is just a weird way they bond I guess. You will never get peace in that household.
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jazeswhbhaven · 10 days
First of all, hi 💕, i just wanted to say that your headcanons are amazing and that i love it here. And if ist ok and you are acepting anons, can i be dumbass anon? Also x2, i let my imagination run free, and i thought of something, what kind of dates do think the kings, nobels and/ or angels would have with you? I thouht of these: Motorbike ride with Satan, spa date with Paimon, picnic by the lake with Mammon, walk in the forest with Andrealphus, bar and restaurant hopping with Beel, after lots of begging flying with Michael, beach date with Gamigin. Bonus for babyboy: movie and sleepover with Minhyeok. Sorry, i kind of in a fluffy mood (one of the 4 moods i have apart from: sad bitch, horny and caotic dumbass)
This has been sitting for a while dumbass anon, please forgive <3 BUT because it's been a minute, this is going to be one big fluffy sfw post for all devils/angels!! (though I will leave out the cherubim because I know mehhh very little of them?)
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🖤Dates with your Faves, WHB Edition 🖤
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Satan: An ideal date with this king is one of the most thrilling. You can count on traveling the country on his motorbike, trying out the local cuisine and bars, and maybe getting into a little trouble like sneaking into a movie you didn't pay for (as if anyone cares but...) or purposely antagonizing one of the other kings with a prank call. But he ends the day with visiting an abandoned ruin or building where you can watch the sunset together.
Stiri: Tea, tea, tea! There's a place in Gehenna that's similar to wine tasting except it's tea tasting. After selecting a loose leaf to take home, he takes you to a thriller suspense movie, it gets your heart going and that way he can hold your hand during (as if he needed a reason)
Paimon: Shopping malls stand no chance. You're both coming out with new outfits, sticker books from a niche department store, and perfume. Next is a spa day at the palace where neither of you is bothered, and you can relax all day.
Leraye: Trying to impress you he takes you on a nature hike! Even though he's a bit winded from the hills, the scenery is amazing. Bonus if there's thunder and rainy weather during your hike, the two of you bundled under an umbrella as he tries his best to hold back the horny and enjoy your company. Anything is worth it when it's with you. Astaroth: A quiet evening of listening to audiobooks and drinking fine wine (or sparkling red grape juice if you don't like alcohol) is perfect for this devil. He may try to slip an erotica in there, but it's just to tempt you.
Belial: He left Jiyu behind with Ppyong so he could go on your date. And just so happens there's a concert going on nearby. He loves the music, and he loves your energy after you both go to his favorite restaurant so he can recommend dishes for you, silently yes, but it's still just as fun as he loves hearing you speak, bonus points if you sing for him.
Zagan: A yoga session (don't worry he'll help you!), and tailisman writing course along with a paint and sip event. He's just happy to spend time with you any way he can, and you've gotten much better at reading his expressions!
Ppyong: Awh, let's not forget our fave little red lump! A day trip to the human world so he can eat all of his fave junk food and dishes is sure to make him happy. But he also wouldn't mind if you made some of his fave dishes in Gehenna from scratch.
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Mammon: A date with this king is so over the top that you feel bad for even showing up without a fancy outfit. However, this time he opts for a quiet dinner at the palace, meaning the best cooks providing a feast, a massage for two, and cuddling in each other's arms on his balcony as you watch the golden rivers shimmer against the sunset.
Bimet: Better have some cash handy so you'll be ready to buy whatever it is he finds during your date that he wants. But also expect to be spoiled for once. For his favorite person he goes all out, he may cheap out on a couple things, but it's for a purpose. After window shopping, he takes you a place that fully customizes anything you desire and he pays for it.
Valefor: Oh he's a gentleman through and through. He's been saving up for your date to make sure it goes well, but you help by suggesting things that require more of his attention and time than money. He appreciates it and loves you more for it, a quick stroll around town, eating ice cream, and well it's his cheat day so he's chowing down on carbs!! Pizza and a movie with him is the best. Eligos: The only thing you'd need to do for his date is show up, look cute (not cuter than him) and pet his head the entire time you're walking around looking at items at the outdoor mall. He eats a lot so be prepared to stop at every little restaurant or cafe to grab a snack or an entire meal. He wants you to feed it to him.
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Beelzebub: Oh, he actually remembered your date? Nope, there was no specific time, he literally showed up, took you, and went around Avisos showing you the different places you can hang out at (sounds familiar yeah?) only this time no funny stuff, he just wants to spend time with you and is very clingy the entire time. It's a foodie date again too, except a little easier on your stomach than last time. And he wants to take you to the store that sells a weird variety of candy aphrodisiacs.
Bael: He's so stressed out he almost forgot to take time off for your date. The two of you stay at the palace and enjoy each other's company by having good food, and massaging each other, and there's an indoor hot spring! He needed this and may fall asleep on you during the date but it's cute. Let him sleep.
Amon: He's never been on a date before, so he's quite clueless about what you'd want to do. But he likes seeing you blush each time he does something cute or flirty, so he keeps that up. A beach date is perfect, he can't wait to see you in your swimsuit. Embarrassed? Even better.
Stolas: He's annoyed that you suggest going out for the date, mostly because he doesn't want to deal with any random bs in the heart of Avisos. But after some convincing you both visit that maid cafe together and feed each other desserts. You'll have to split the bill though.
Naberius: It's so cliche but a zoo or an aquarium is a good date for him. Or...a science/art museum! But there's nothing "normal" about these places in Avisos, so get ready to see strange creatures, some that may have escaped from their enclosures...but he's got you. Oh and that new Italian restaurant that opened up? Check your meal for hair...
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Leviathan: A date? With you? As if...(goes anyway because you asked him out and he doesn't want anyone else to go with you) It's somewhere quiet, serves nice pastries, and good drinks/tea. A boba shop, connected to an area for quiet sitting and reading. He orders for you, and gets upset and hangs the cashier if the order isn't right. But it's okay, no worries, you distract him anyway with jumping right into conversations about your hobbies. He seems to not care but he does, because he gets mad if you stop talking and ask about him lol
now let's say in a perfect world Levi even allows his nobles to go on a date with you...
Foras: A magic show. Yes. I know it's corny and he can spot every trick, but he finds it fascinating that someone here in Hades even bothered to entertain in such a way. Also, time spent with you? You want to spend time with him? He's glued to you the entire time.
Barbatos: Oh he's the biggest hopeless romantic. A stroll in his personal rose garden, nude...and has been growing a specific breed of rose just for you. Sunbathing and plenty of rose-centered dishes. He's just trying to impress you as much as possible.
Glasyalabolas: A date? Well, this was hard to get out of him because he declined, finding the thought of it pretty unsightly. But, you mention there's a film showing that the patrons are at risk of dying if they watch it, and now he's interested. Movie date it is- (and surprise no one dies and Glas already knew that you were lying once you got to the theatre, he just had a hard way of expressing wanting to spend time with you)
Orias for the heck of it: He knows that going on a date with you would annoy Levi, so he makes it very obvious that you two are going on one. He's dressed up, best makeup, best shoes, and outfit, he knows Levi spies on you so he makes it to where each time he kisses your cheek he brags about how soft your skin is. After all that tormenting and Levi not reacting, he gets bored and cuts the date short. He has better things to do. (brat)
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Lucifer: He does not require much for a date. He's just happy to have you around. This consists of no Gamigin or Jjok, nor his nobles because this is just a date (though they are closeby) tea in his garden, sitting in silence, he may ask to hold your hand or heck have you sit in his lap. Just peace and quiet...for once.
Gamigin: He's so energetic! Something that exerts alot of energy is key, so a hike, dancing, amusement park, nature park, anything stimulating. Plus if you get hurt during he can instatly heal you with his staff! Expect blushing, hand holding, and nose kisses.
Morax: Awh, poor baby is worried about you the entire date. "Do your feet hurt? I can carry you" "Oh that dish is too hot let me check" "I think this may have an ingredient that's deadly, I'll taste." He's also just so courteous and chivalrous it's too sweet. You two are probably eating a nice dinner, or enjoying the library or art museum.
Buer: He's originally from Tartaros so he's got the cash saved up to pay for a nice date anywhere in Hell. In fact, that's where you end up going! He's treating you to a lavish dinner, and a quiet evening at the palace resort (yes there's a resort attached) He makes tea for you himself during your downtime at the resort.
Marbas: Goodness, his idea of a date is trying to figure out what it is that you even like to do. Expect him to stare at you a lot, make awkward comments, and thank goodness he took off his restraints during the date, but you do have to remind him to keep pulling up his pants.
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Belphegor: Well, let's just say that your date with him would be...him staring at you intently. Asking why you're in Hell, and then nodding off if you start rambling too much. This has now become a nap date. Get those pillows ready! (I wish his info was out already so I could do this better lol)
Adrealphus: A date? He's so surprised and more than happy to go on one with you. You link arms, visit an area that doesn't require being around too many people, and describe the landscapes to him. Add on a shoulder massage and peppered kisses on the nape of his neck and it's a perfect end to the date! He loves the stimulation.
Bathin: The best date for this quiet devil is a bookstore/coffee/museum. He may or may not hold your hand during depending on his mood, but he does request to stop by Avisos so he can see his friend Stolas. While in Avisos there's a pit stop at a cafe during the daytime the only time it's not surrounded in chaos.
Guison: Oh boy, get ready to stay in for the night. Your best bet with a date with this man is solving problems and doing a quiz night with various snacks and drinks. It's mundane but he loves it, bonus points if you have any strategy board games to play.
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(a little spicy tho due to the nature of this country) Asmodeus: Pure speculation here, but your date is pretty wild. It started with a nice stroll in the park and ended with your shirt going missing and the last five hours a blur as you're in his arms waking up in a random bed. Hey from the hickie you have on your neck, I assume it went well.
Phenix: Oh honey, you two didn't even make it out of the door before he was rolling around and orgasming over your outfit. It wasn't even revealing it just looks so good on you. Yup gotta take it off now, he's feinin' for you.
Dantalian: Well, he's just a simple devil with simple needs, whisking you up the heaven to see how long it takes before someone notices you two are up there and now someone has to come get you two. It was a nice thrilling date though, cause he made out with you in front of everyone.
Ronove: The two of you stay at his place and he shows you his collections of...things if you don't mind. He wants to paint your nails, and his takes off his mask for you as long as you promise not to take a photo or tell anyone. Long convos about little to nothing to...oh wait yup those are his fingers...in your [redacted] this date has escalated.
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Michael: Well, you know one thing is for certain, and that's he's not having the date happen in heaven and only because everyone annoys him. So you offer to go to a place of his choosing. He doesn't eat much, so the two of you are just traveling place to place, hearing him vent, and if you're lucky he may want to hold your hand or you may see him smile.
Gabriel: You're going to laugh but his ideal date is church, bible study, a retreat, or a mission trip. Anything that involves serving God and showing your love for him to do his work is a great time for Gabriel. Not religious? Don't worry, you can pray together in his room. That counts as a date. Eventually, you'll see the light.
Raphael: Oh he's dragging you wherever he wants for a date. He wants to get out of heaven and away from his brothers so much that he's practically begging you. A BBQ place to eat will suffice followed by possibly punishing some sinners but maybe that can hold off for a moment. He's holding your hand during. You aren't going too far either....he'd even follow you to the bathroom.
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BONUS, date with-
Finally, he's been waiting for the moment to ask you out and have a good time together. Now that you're back from Hell, for the time being, he's got an entire day planned out. Takes you to your favorite restaurant, you catch a movie together, go shopping and buy matching keychains or anything, even phone charms. And finally, today is a special day, he hired someone to fire off fireworks to ask you to officially be his partner. How could you say no? (well...you may have to if you're still attached to your devil(s) maybe he's just doomed to wait for you forever?)
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Ok ok. So I don’t usually like angst but what about WHB mc finally breaking after Sitri time after time has only considered and called them Solomon. Maybe it hurts more because mc has fallen for him so him still not viewing mc as their own person hurts even more? Anyways yeah :) I’m still very annoyed that Sitri consideres the mc as Solomon in WHB :):):)
OH ALSO, it would be kinda cool if Sitri could like hear how mcs heart beat changes and stuff when he calls them Solomon or something around this lines, I was thinking about this all last night.
Ok, hi Nini 💗 how was your dayyyy?? 💗💗
Heyyy, my day was pretty good, I like this idea so~ it will probably be short though. (I’m writing so much sfw stuff these days)
Annnd, idk how to write heartbeat, looked it up, and it said ‘lub’ and ‘dub’ soooo
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A steady heartbeat, rhythmic, like music to his ears. Sitri listened closely to your heart, he can read your mood like that. You were feeling bored, the beat was rather slow. He walked over to you, showcasing a gentle smile, “would you like some tea?” “Ah, sitri..! Yes, tea would be nice, thanks.”
The pace got chaotic, but calmed down eventually, seems like you were deep in thought. “I’ll prepare it.” You watched his back while he heated the water, those baby blue locks looked so pretty in your eyes. He was a devil, yes, but even so he is definitely one of the most charming ones. You also liked how attentive he was, he always knew instantly how you felt.
Your heartbeat got a little faster, were you impatient? He hurried up with the preparation, pouring the water over the leaves, then putting everything on a plate. Careful, diligent steps, not a single drop got wasted, how elegant. Sitri put the plate down on the table in front of you, he was still wearing a small smile. “Thank you, sitri!” You took a sip, and returned the smile to him. “My pleasure, Solomon.”
Ah… right. This time even you could feel your heartbeat drop. You’ve been tolerating him enough, everything with no fail, he always called you by that name. It was as if a needle pierced your heart, as if it got cut down and thrown out. He was attentive, but he was delusional, and that hurt. It hurts a lot.
The rhythm got hieratic, sitri’s eyes widened a little, was it the effects of the tea? “Solomon-” “stop, sitri, don’t utter that name.” “What do you mean, Solomon?” “Stop it, don’t call me by that name.” “Humans are so strange, why don’t you want me to call you by your name?” “Because it’s not mine!” Maybe it was because of your already shitty mood, but you snapped. “What..Solomon-” “stop! stop..stop, just, stop it…”
Ah, what a… raging heart, fast, uneven. It sounded painful, why? This always happened whenever he calls your name, so he thought it was ‘normal’. But this time, you didn’t have an ounce of sympathy, there was only disappointment. “Sitri, think about it, do I look like Solomon to you?”
It got louder, it sounded expectant, you told him to think? Right, your appearance wasn’t the same, but the soul, the heart beat, it was the same. You are Solomon, maybe only a reincarnation, but you were him. “I don’t understand, you are Solomon, there is nothing to change about it.”
Now it sounded like.. you lost hope? At what, what do you want from him? He didn’t understand humans- no, he didn’t understand you. “Sitri, I need time for myself. Leave.” “But-” “no, sitri, you don’t understand, I just want you to…” he looked at you expectantly, you could see that his eyes were filled with confusion. “To leave me alone for now, please.” Why couldn’t he understand, is he actively refusing to understand? You don’t want to hurt him, and you know he doesn’t want to hurt you neither, though this just won’t work. The devil listened to your heartbeat a last time, you were wavering between two sides, he definitely did something wrong, but what, what should he do, should he just leave? Maybe that’s for the best. So he did, letting out a deep sigh, face twisting into a sad one, and closing the door behind him.
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
So like i suddenly have this random thought- like Michelleel x gabriel.
Idk why i just somehow wanna see a scenario or hc of them?? Its so weird like i dont even know it crossed my mind lol(Gabriel was the bottom too like wth???)
Can I request a scenari- actually i think head canon will be much more fitted for these two. Sfw & nsfw(if its even available for imagination.)
If your not comfortable with it its fine, it was just a random thought lol. But do tell us how you feel about these two randomly hoho
My first reaction to Michi was like "Who put Olivine in WHB?" Although Olivine would have a lot of fun here. It's hard to say anything about him and Gabriel because we don't really know anything about them, but I see potential. For now, I'm pretty neutral about Gabriel, and I'm curious about Michi.
From what I've seen, Principalities are very low-ranking angels.
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Or at least that's what wikipedia says and that's consistent with what I know.
We all know how the Seraphs treat even the Cherubs who are right below them, so there must be something special about Michi if Gabe not only didn't send him to his death, but actually trusts him.
At this point, the only thing we know about Michi is his card, so all of this are huge assumptions and a lot of imagination
SFW headcanons:
Their relationship would be quite tricky. Gabriel neither likes nor dislikes Michi (or at least that's what he says), but considers him a smart and useful angel who knows his job. Michi doesn't ask questions, doesn't question orders, and is best used for putting things in order. At the same time, he is not a pushover and can be clever on his own initiatives. That's how he kept his head and earned trust. Not because he is strong, but because he stands out and is irreplaceable.
I don't see our big three working at their desks, I guess they just give orders and little ants have to implement them somehow
In short, all the bureaucracy falls on this poor guy while Gabriel is busy simping praying
Michi behaves perfectly around Gabriel. He likes to live, after all. He looks at him with adoration and is proud that despite his rank, Gabriel paid attention to him. At first, Seraph's attention scared him, but over time, only his brothers scare him
But since he is a lower-ranking angel, he is much closer to the reasoning of humans than Seraphs. Maybe it would be possible to convert him, just like Leamas. Of course, after eliminating all the propaganda that Gabriel put into his head
NSFW headcannons:
It's hard to say anything about it, because the whole heaven could have one big orgy to let out some frustration. The only thing that I can think of is that probably not all angels have chastity cages, considering what is heavily implied to have happened during Levi's childhood… When we saw Leamas' life with Nina there was no mention of the cage either.
Of course, there can be many explanations. My own little headcanon is that some angels do get rid of these bonds. If Michi tried to get rid of his and got caught… Although there is also a problem here, that it is Gabriel who is the most faithful and all. It would be easier to involve Michael or Raphael. Although, who knows…
So I don't see it happening yet, but I'm open to it in the future.
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rimeiii · 11 months
Random demon HCs (SFW)
Eyo, it's your girl, the one WHB poster who's interested in this game for all the wrong reasons with something non-gameplay related for once! Part of what definitely interests me is the demons in general and how they'll play off with each other + the MC. Doesn't even have to be related to the sexy stuff - some of these demons I feel have the potential to have interesting and complex dynamics with each other, particularly the Avisos demons!
So, um. Yeah. Enjoy my brainrot-
(Also I will be particularly biased towards the demons who've caught my eye. Refer to tier list below. So, um. Yeah. Sorry about that orz)
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I feel like out of all the demons in Hell, Belial would be the one most attuned to music. He'd be the one to replay songs again and again, probably wearing noise-cancelling headphones so that he'll truly be immersed in the music. He probably used to love singing as a child, so when his voice was taken away, he was completely and utterly devastated. To compensate, he'd take up an instrument (like an acoustic guitar) or learn how to compose, so that at least he can express his love for music and performance...
Gusion desperately wants to cut down on work, but it's hard. He spends countless days and nights just going around solving problems - and there's an abundance of them in Hell. Honestly, he thought of creating systems to help streamline his work and problem-solving shenanigans, but holy shit everyone just loves wrecking those too, huh. After calculating and approximating the time and effort required to perform his duties, merely solving issues as they crop up is the more effective and less tiring solution to everything. Which is saying something, when that in itself is already tiring as fuck.
Leviathan is a gentleman, through and through. Cool, calm, and collected on the outside, he practically perfected the art of hiding away his negative emotions behind a charming smile and a no-nonsense attitude on the battlefield. The only people able to pry away his emotions from beneath the mask are his fellow kings, the demons of Hades, and eventually MC. And even then, he'll only be able to show his most vulnerable sides to his nobles and, again, MC (eventually). It's hard to win his trust and openness, what with his jealousy often getting in the way of him forming healthy relationships with others.
Beelzebub is actually a pretty bad cook. Like, Mystery Food X levels of bad - at least, starting out. Now, though? Well, the people who said they enjoyed his cooking have somehow deluded themselves to think it's good before the side effects kick in. Does it have hallucinogenic properties? Is it a side effect of Beelzebub's tendency to have weird things happen around him? Or perhaps he really did improve on his cooking? Who knows...who knows.
Naberius and Gusion are the perfect drinking buddies. They'd get together at a random pub somewhere in Hell when they have the time, and they'll spend their time getting buzzed while unloading everything weighing them down at the moment. Honestly, this started as an effort to help Naberius - letting out his emotions bit by bit to ensure everyone's safety is much more preferable than letting his anger and annoyance explode to an extent he becomes a Kerberos. Sometimes, they'll be joined by Bael, although rarely as he is standing in for Beelzebub. More often, Satan shows up and chats with them, as amiable as always - and they end up being his main listening ears if he needs to vent. Satan's secrets are always safe with them, and for that, he is forever thankful.
Leraye and Paimon often make things together! The former has a knack for sewing, while the latter has a lot of ideas for clothes and stuffed toys! Working together, they'd be able to create a large variety of trendy clothing and cute plush toys.
I know a lot of people HC this but yes, Marbas would be a gentle giant. While he's aroused by being restrained, I'd like to think the reason why he's always restrained is because something bad happened while he was doing something while not being restrained. Perhaps he accidentally killed someone with his sheer strength, during a more "daily life" scenario. While his strength is his pride, his ability to heal is a larger source of pride for him - which is why he agrees with the notion that putting restraints on him is for the best.
Sitri is a tea connoisseur! He likes tea, knows which tea leaves are the best, how to make specific blends of tea, how long each tea needs to steep in order to bring out a specific sort of flavor...and among the demons in Hell, there are few who can appreciate the finer details in tea brewing like him. Some of these demons include Barbatos (surprisingly enough), Foras, Bael, Bathin, and Paimon. They regularly get together to sample his teas!
Whenever Bathin wants someone to accompany him in his travels, Amon often takes him up on his offer. They'll wander around without any prior destination, dealing with problems that crop up during their travels along the way. They both live in the moment while traveling, letting the winds dictate where they'll head to next. Amon deals with most of the logistics of travel while Bathin would focus more on finding and learning about the points of interest wherever they end up. An MC who enjoys traveling would love being travel buddies with them!
Mammon's way of showing his affection is gift-giving. Though his gifts might come across as overboard sometimes. Because what do you mean he already sent over some more jewels your way? Nobody needs that many jewels, sir! Either way, Tartaros is a prospering land purely because of the many treasures Mammon gives away to his people. Whether or not these overflowing treasures gets sent off to other areas is a different story entirely.
Andrealphus would be the most sympathetic towards MC, I feel. He knows how it feels to lose someone you care about deeply, to have your life ripped away from you in an instant. He had already been in that position a long time ago, and it would greatly please him if MC would let him support them any way he can - up to and including sticking by their side to protect them.
Out of all the demons in Paradise Lost, I feel like Morax would be the one most versed in the logistics involving healing and first aid. Which is understandable - his method of healing involves transferring his patient's wounds onto him in the form of pain. As a result, he'll have to be able to gauge just how far into the healing process he should perform with his abilities - especially on the battlefield. He'd have his nose buried in books during his free time just so he can increase his healing efficacy.
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2af-afterdark · 11 months
Where Rights Meet Limits
Please keep in mind that the game is still not out, so so it is based on a bunch of random headcanons sort of put together.
Content: GN!MC & Michael (whb), sfw, god mc au, yandere, imprisonment, potential murder mentioned
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"Michael," they say, "I would like to go out for a walk."
It was a strange turn of phrase considering there was no 'in' from which to go 'out' of. Heaven was, after all, a vast open space. It seemed that God (the original one, at least) didn't foresee the need for privacy. In retrospect, that was likely one of the series of bad choices that led to Him absconding from heaven in the first place.
The other significantly poor choice was creating an entire species solely motivated by by their desire to adore their creator, much to His detriment.
The last was failing to give them a sense of morality.
Michael looks down at where they sit on the ground, standing over them like a warden. "You may go wherever you so please."
They were, after all, God of the heavens. This kingdom was Their domain by creation. They could do just about anything They pleased since no one would stop them.
"Alone, if you don't mind."
He, in fact, did mind. Quite a lot.
"Oh?" He stares Them down, his golden eye seeming to look right through Them and into Their soul. The doubt in his stare would be considered blasphemy if he was not the highest angel in heaven. "And why must you go alone?"
"I don't believe I answer to you."
Impressive. They had finally learned their position as the head of heaven and were trying to use it to their advantage. Michael was almost proud of Their attempt at exploitation.
"You do not."
"Then I will do what I want," They say with conviction as They lean against Their own knee to pick Themselves up.
"As You wish."
They stare at him the same as he had been Them. They take a step away, as if expecting him to follow, but he does not. They take another and, when he still stays in place, They turn away from him and hesitantly move further.
He is still merely watching when They stop and turn around to see he has not taken a single step to follow after Them. Only then do They speed up just enough that most other creatures wouldn't notice the haste in their pace.
Michael would almost dare to say that he was proud of Them, if not for the obviousness in Their skittish behavior. Still, They deserve a reward for finally acknowledging and using their status. It would be wrong for him to punish Them for finally recognizing Themselves as God.
Instead, he would much rather punish Them when they try to act as a human once again.
He follows after Them at a distance so They can still feel as though They have been given the freedom They wish for. It was about time They have the opportunity to explore Their kingdom at Their leisure. As long as They stay within the heavens, They can have all the freedom They long for.
But he knows They will be unable to stick only to heaven because They are still far too human.
As he passes by a group of angels -- the lowest ones without a rank or title who are assigned to menial work -- he gives them a message to pass along to all who may see their beloved God.
"When God tries to leave heaven, do not stop Them."
Because it is only a matter of time until They attempt to leave them, under the false impression that they are alone and no one is watching. Michael thinks it a wonderful idea to allow Them the time to think Themselves wise for finding the exit and revel in their escape. Perhaps he will even allow Them a brief moment to find another human who will feel sympathy for Their panicked state for only an instant before he lobs off their head. Surely such a scene will serve as sufficient punishment and reminder that They are no longer of the human world and are officially claimed by the heavens.
And if not, well, as many heads as necessary will roll until They finally do. Whatever it takes to teach God that They cannot leave Their devoted subjects behind a second time.
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angelzone · 6 months
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About Me: Hunter|He\They|Trans-Masc|Obey Me & Whb Fanatic|Big Monster Fucker|NSFW/SFW Writer| Big Satan & Diavolo Simp|
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Anyone is welcome to send me a request if there open or send me any questions or requests about my OCS as well.
Requests: Open
Confessions: Open
My WHB OCS: Abbadon|
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