#when he was in wcw
luxurysystems · 24 days
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( Self Con•trol- the ability to control oneself, especially in difficult situations. )
I: "Why won't you die?"
M: "You first."
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piledrivemytombstones · 4 months
My Scotty Flamingo headcanon:
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He definitely listens to 90’s eurodance unashamedly even in public
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84reedsy · 2 months
Wrath v Glacier - Opening Bout
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So Wrath is a beast that CAN WORK. His talent is more than admirable.
Glacier - 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I just never got it. His entrance was more detailed than pretty much anyone else's and he never really...delivered? Like the back thought he was way bigger than he was. Felt like a total disconnect between BOH and FOH.
Wrath deserved a better push - he had an undefeated (singles) streak that I could have been WAY MORE behind than.....that other guy
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No because this behind the scene is so shocking yet so interesting omg 
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
if you haven't been listening to kliq this... oh boy.
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saorianou · 2 months
I fucking hate tony schiavone where is daddy magic
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allelitewrestlings · 3 months
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I saw him and in my head I'm like, "I'm on TNT, where I used to watch Nitro, and Sting was a major player in that." Sting, at one point in time, you could say Sting was WCW. Everyone left except for him. He never left until the company closed its doors. When I looked over, I was like, "this is a trip." That's why I grabbed him and I said, "Hey, it's fucking Sting." I guess he heard that he liked it. Then Mox heard it and came over. I saw a meme, someone said "when you three uncles go out after three years of not seeing each other" or something, you know what I mean? But it's true. The fan that appreciates pro wrestling came out of me. – Eddie Kingston on working with Sting (for Inside the Ropes)
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tameodesza · 6 months
To All the Men Shawn's Ever Loved
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Headcanon about Shawn’s dating history in some random AU in my head, lol. Inspired by this post by @piratewithvigor about Shawn and his 5 boyfriends 🤭
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Marty: 7 years ―୨୧⋆ ˚
Shawn dated around a lot in his youth, but Marty was his first long-term serious relationship
They met at the start of their careers before teaming together in smaller promotions. Marty chased after Shawn rigorously, the blond being hard to get.
It wasn’t that Shawn didn’t find Marty attractive, but he’d made a promise to his brothers that he’d never date a wrestler. They didn’t have the best track record in relationships, and Shawn’s older brothers didn’t want him to get his heart broken. If only he’d listened.
Marty eventually won Shawn over with how sweet he was, and how interested he seemed to learn about Shawn rather than deducing him to just a pretty face. They took things slow and Shawn finally said yes to the idea of a relationship after Marty had kissed him after leaving a show.
Things were pretty good in the first few years, but the relationship eventually became super toxic, especially around the time Shawn began to gain more popularity and success than Marty.
But they still tried to make it work, Shawn more so than Marty, because of how long they’d been together. Shawn wasn’t willing to give up so easily on a man he considered the love of his life.
But love wasn’t enough to combat their constant relationship problems – trust issues, jealousy, fighting, cheating, etc.
After another pointless argument, Shawn had enough and asked for a break.
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Kevin: 3 years ―୨୧⋆ ˚
Shawn wasn’t used to being a single man, and after meeting Kevin, his “break” with Marty swiftly turned into an official breakup.
Shawn was attracted to Kevin the moment he saw him on WCW in that ridiculous Oz gimmick. When Kevin came to the WWF, everything just seemed to click between them. They got along well, Kevin didn’t care about the heat Shawn had backstage, and they seemed to have the same sense of humor with Kevin being just as goofy as Shawn.
Kevin had only been there for two weeks before they got together, Shawn determined to scoop him up before someone else could. Being with Kevin was the freest Shawn felt in ages. It was definitely an adjustment to go from his previous relationship to someone who was so laid back, gentle, caring, loving, and protective in a non-possessive way.
Kevin helped to build back up the confidence that Marty had torn down. He was the perfect man for Shawn and it should’ve been a perfect relationship. But in true Shawn Michaels fashion, nothing could ever be that simple.
Despite being with a man that treated him better, Shawn carried over the toxic traits he’d learned from his previous relationship with Marty and basically self-sabotaged his relationship with Kevin. Their problems usually stemmed from Shawn’s lies, jealousy, and trust issues. Which eventually progressed to him picking fights with Kevin just to get a reaction out of the man.
But Kevin was nothing like Marty, and he was too mature and level headed to fall for Shawn’s antics, which only seemed to make Shawn angrier. But Kevin had learned not to feed into the anger, knowing that Shawn would eventually cool off and apologize before crawling into his awaiting arms.  
Their relationship reached a boiling point when Kevin told Shawn he was leaving for WCW. Shawn barely registered Kevin’s explanation before he was yelling at the man, saying he was selfish, that he was abandoning him, that Kevin didn’t love him and was only chasing after Scott.
That caused Kevin to lose his cool, his frustrations spilling over as he cursed out Shawn, offended that the blond would question his love for him and insinuate something between him and Scott. The argument ended with Kevin calling Shawn clingy, which was more of an honest observation than an insult, and Shawn telling him to go fuck himself. Who was Kevin to call him clingy? He’d show him clingy, alright.
That night sealed the fate of their relationship when Shawn did the unthinkable and cheated on Kevin with none other than the hitman, Bret Hart.
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Bret: 1 year ―୨୧⋆ ˚
My fav ship, but they don’t have a happy ending in this timeline 😭 (sorry hartbreak fans!)
Marty and Shawn’s relationship walked so Bret and Shawn’s could run, both men being equally as toxic but somewhat addicted to each other.
Their relationship had not-so-humble beginnings that spawned from Shawn’s infidelity. And what started from sex eventually grew into an unhealthy codependent relationship with both men using each other to fill some kind of void, Bret fresh from a divorce and Shawn still heartbroken from Kevin dumping him.
It may have been Shawn’s shortest relationship, but it was hands down the most intense relationship he’d experienced on so many levels. 
The love was intense, both men love bombing each other as soon as they were official, quick to let everyone know the other was off limits. Bret specifically made it his mission to show excessive PDA with Shawn whenever Kevin was around, and he continued to do so up until Kevin left for WCW. Shawn was often unaware, just happy to receive Bret’s affection.
Their fights were intense, others often thinking the two would kill each other if someone didn’t step in. They’d gotten kicked out of hotel rooms on multiple occasions due to noise complaints or damage that had been done due to one of them throwing shit around the room. Many of their fights had centered around Kevin, Bret’s jealousy leading him to believe that Shawn was still in love with the man, and Shawn’s annoyance at Bret constantly bringing up his ex.
And best, or worst depending on how you look at it, was that the sex was intense. Shawn had been introduced to so many new kinks, toys, and sex positions because of Bret, and his orgasms were unlike anything he’d ever experienced, the blond often coming multiple times before Bret’s climax. Shawn found that the sex was best when they were mad at each other, thus beginning his unhealthy obsession with riling up Bret, leading to an explosive fight and the most erotic hate sex. It was almost as good as the passionate makeup sex that followed.
Overall, sex was really what kept each other coming back. But beyond their attraction, there wasn’t any substance to the relationship. They hadn’t learned anything important about each other like birthdays, favorite colors, likes/dislikes, etc., which one could say led to many of their arguments because they didn’t really have a good understanding of each other. 
Shawn made the mistake many times of comparing Bret to Kevin because, honestly, he’d never gotten over the man. And deep down, he wished to work things out with him, but Kevin had made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with Shawn after what he’d done.
So he settled for what he could get, but Bret wasn’t Kevin. He didn’t have Kevin’s patience and wasn’t one to tiptoe around his words to protect Shawn’s feelings.
But just like with his relationship with Marty, Shawn was hesitant to rip the band aid off despite how bad things had gotten between them. He’d grown accustomed to dysfunction, and he’d much rather put up with that than being alone.
The relationship only ended when Shawn got a taste of his own medicine. They say you lose him how you get him, and those words were never truer when Shawn found out that Bret had cheated on him with Sunny.
No surprise, the breakup was messy. Bret and Shawn had argued in front of the whole locker room, almost getting into a fight before Hunter and Chyna pulled Shawn away. But Shawn was a spiteful man and wasn’t going to let that be the last of it.
He keyed Bret’s car in the parking lot and threw a brick through the driver’s side window as an added bonus. Bret didn’t find out about it until the end of the show when leaving the arena. He was pissed and this led to him and Shawn actually fighting in the bathroom backstage the next week, Bret ripping out a few strands of Shawn’s hair in the process.
But Shawn got the last laugh in Montreal when Bret was screwed out of the WWF title.
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Undertaker: 4 years ―୨୧⋆ ˚
Shawn was as a broken man after his breakup with Bret, and even more so after the screwjob. Aside from DX, no one in the locker room wanted anything to do with him regardless of him telling people he wasn’t involved in screwing Bret out of the title (a lie no one believed).
It was the loneliest he’d felt in some time and certainly the longest he’d gone being single, which he had a hard time dealing with. Being the third wheel of Hunter and Chyna certainly didn’t help.
Undertaker had gained the same disdain towards Shawn as many of the guys had after the screwjob, steering clear of the blond at all costs. But he was also a professional and was willing to put his pride aside to do his job. So when Vince came to him about a possible feud with Shawn and a casket match, Undertaker agreed to it, albeit begrudgingly.
Ironically, their relationship began after Undertaker had injured Shawn’s back on that casket.
He felt absolutely devastated after hearing of Shawn’s upcoming back surgery that was a result of the casket clipping his back. When the words ‘career-ending injury’ began floating around, he felt sick to his stomach from guilt, blaming himself for the accident.
After Shawn’s surgery, Undertaker sent numerous ‘get well soon’ cards and flowers to Shawn’s hospital room. Shawn initially thought it was from his family or Hunter, but the cards never identified a sender. It wasn’t until Undertaker visited him in the hospital, the only wrestler outside of Shawn’s friends to come see him, that everything came together.
Undertaker was expecting to receive anger, insults, a spew of curses, anything other than the appreciative smile Shawn gave him when he sat at his bedside. The conversation was light, pleasant even, ending with Shawn telling Undertaker not to blame himself for his injury. He didn’t blame him, so the dead man shouldn’t do the same.
The visits became more frequent and once Shawn was released from the hospital, Undertaker had even taken some time off the road to look after Shawn in Texas. It was during that time at Shawn’s home that they officially got together. 
Being with Undertaker was vastly different than Shawn’s previous partners. It was almost a bit odd being with a man that was so thoughtful, yet also not afraid to call Shawn out on his shit. Undertaker had a very no-nonsense demeanor that Shawn respected and was drawn to.
At that point in his life, Shawn was done playing games, no longer interested in the drama of relationships. He didn’t want to pick fights or throw hissy fits. He wanted something easy. Simple. And that’s what they had.
During his time with Undertaker, Shawn had matured the most. Undertaker helped him better understand his emotions, reflect on his past, and realize what wanted in life going forward. It may have also helped that Shawn was completely sober due to him taking medication, which Undertaker made sure he wasn’t misusing.
Undertaker was very instrumental in helping Shawn train to go back to the WWF, now WWE, in 2002. A lot had changed in Shawn’s absence, and he was honestly insecure and a little bit scared to return. He didn’t know if the fans would even care about him returning. And he knew a few of the boys backstage wouldn’t be happy. But Undertaker was always there to kiss away his worries, ensuring him that everything would be ok. They would be together, and he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to Shawn.
Shawn didn’t know their relationship could get any stronger, but it surely did after his return to the company. For the first time, Shawn was able to see what it was like to have a healthy relationship on the road. Undertaker didn’t question him of his whereabouts backstage or hover over him at the bar. He trusted Shawn and Shawn trusted him, knowing that they’d always end the night in each other’s arms at the hotel.
They broke up some time in 2004. The breakup was amicable, and there were no cars keyed in the parking lot this time. Shawn wanted to take some time to focus on himself and his career, which Taker completely understood as they’d both been putting their career over their relationship. Undertaker also needed to focus on his own personal issues, especially with his brother Kane. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, it was best for Shawn’s safety for them to be apart for the time being.
As mutual as the decision was, it was still a painful breakup for the two. They really loved each other, and always would, but they had their own paths in life that didn’t seem to involve each other at the moment. They figured if it was meant to be, they’d find each other again. 
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Hunter: 2006 - Present ―୨୧⋆ ˚
To be honest Shawn should’ve seen this one coming.
Hunter had been Shawn’s best friend since 1996. He thought Shawn was the most beautiful man he’d ever seen when he first met him, and he’d almost made a move on the blond until he learned that Shawn was dating Kevin. Hunter settled on being good friends with Shawn and began dating Chyna shortly after.
As he and Shawn grew into best friends, his interest in the shorter man never wavered. Unfortunately for him, he never had an opportunity to pursue Shawn in their younger years as either he or Shawn always seemed to be in a relationship while the other was single.
And the one time that they were both single, they weren’t on speaking terms. They’d gotten into a heated argument where Shawn called Hunter a backstabbing friend and accused him of using him to get to the top. Hunter was fed up with taking the brunt of Shawn’s anger and they both didn’t speak to each other for over a year after that.
Surprisingly, it was Kevin that reunited the two, encouraging Hunter to talk to Shawn and hear him out. After hearing about Shawn’s injury and back surgery, Kevin was quick to call the blond, concerned about his well-being. Though they hadn’t ended on good terms, he would always care for him.
They’d kept in touch sparingly since then and through their short conversations, Kevin learned of Shawn’s falling out with Hunter. Shawn was a stubborn man and Kevin knew that no matter how sorry Shawn sounded over the phone, Hunter would need to make the first move to fix their friendship. And after learning how sorry Shawn was, that’s what Hunter did.
He still held a bit of anger towards Shawn, but he missed him. And after a tearful reunion, their friendship was back even stronger, and so was his feelings for the blond. Feelings that had never left. But Hunter soon learned it was too late to pursue anything as Shawn had been dating Undertaker.
So just as he had in 1996, Hunter settled on being a good best friend to Shawn. And he was ok with that. They had so much to catch up on, and Hunter was just happy to have his buddy back.
Shawn and Hunter didn’t get together until 2006 after DX reunited. They’d already been close after rekindling their friendship but being DX once again and constantly being surrounded by each other while also never getting sick of the other really solidified their feelings for one another. That and the kiss Shawn gave Hunter on New Year’s Eve. 
For the first time, Shawn felt confident as he went into his relationship with Hunter. He was in a better headspace, had matured, and instead of carrying over toxic traits of past relationships, he carried over the lessons he’d learned over the years, determined to make this relationship last because he not only cared for Hunter as a lover but as a best friend. He’d already built up an immense amount of love for the man, and he didn’t want to ruin their relationship again. Also, Shawn was getting up there in age and was ready to settle down.
Being with Hunter made Shawn wish he’d made the decision sooner. They just got each other. Many times Shawn wouldn’t need to say anything, just give Hunter a look and the man would know what he was thinking.
Hunter was always so tender with him, probably afraid that Shawn would break or revert to his old ways at the slightest hiccup, which Shawn wasn’t going to allow to happen.
Shawn loved that Hunter was very affectionate, always touching him in some kind of way whether it’s holding his hand, hugging him every chance he got, playing with his hair, or tugging on his pocket to bring him closer.
Their fights were minimal, or at least they fought the least out of any of Shawn’s relationships. But when they did fight, it wasn’t the usual screaming matches Shawn was accustomed to. They talked to each other calmly with level heads, both hearing each other out before making a point. And they’d always end the conversation with a hug and an ‘I love you.’
Shawn’s sure Hunter’s the one after the man gets injured in 2007. Seeing Hunter in the hospital in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it broke Shawn.
He took time off the road to help Hunter with his injury, much like Undertaker had done for him. Being with Hunter every day so close in such an intimate setting of Hunter’s Connecticut home made Shawn realize he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. And any man that could make Shawn endure the cold Connecticut winters deserved his heart.
The proposal was impromptu, Shawn whipping out the ring after Hunter’s physical therapy session. It was bittersweet, more sweet than bitter, since Hunter wanted to be the one to propose first. He’d been planning on doing it and would have done it sooner had it not been for his injury. 
But as he looked into Shawn’s beautiful teary blue eyes, he said yes, of course, and they were married on New Year’s Eve of that year, sharing the same kiss that started their relationship.
Looking back on the past, as painful as it was, Shawn wished he could thank all of the men he’d ever loved for teaching him how to love and helping him grow into the husband he was today. 
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aritamargarita · 2 months
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IT'S YOUR FIRST introduction to the World Wrestling Federation and you’re surprised at the fan reaction. It makes you giddy, but now people (including those in the back) are going to be expecting much of you. Your two best friends, Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, return back to the hotel room and you guys chat before heading to sleep.
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The adrenaline rush is still coursing through your veins as Shane McMahon helps you back over the barricade. You had just shown up to interfere in a match between Matt Hardy and the Big Show.
Shane told you that you needed to focus your attention on the redhead, Lita, and deal with the other, Trish Stratus, if necessary.
At one point in the match, Lita yanks Trish off of the apron and her shirt went along with it. Yikes.
Shane figured that this was a wonderful opportunity for you to get in there. He lightly pushes you forward and that was your cue to get the hell in there.
Lita was so busy with trying to beat on Trish that she hadn’t even noticed you jumped over the barricade. You can see her scream at Trish to “get up” as you approach. Her back is toward you. Perfect!
At first, the crowd was confused, but once realizing that you weren’t a fan, they holler and cheers at your appearance, quickly recognizing you from WCW.
“Is that—my god!” JR yells. “That’s [Name], from WCW!”
The crowd seems to get even louder when you yank Lita‘s shoulder and turn her toward you to smash your forearm right in her face.
Trish is looking on in awe, covering herself and scooting backward from the scene. Whoever you were, you kind of saved her?!
“She’s not taking too kindly to Lita right now!” Paul exclaims with laughter in his voice. “Fight, fight, fight!”
Lita doesn’t even get a chance to fight back, you’re moving way too fast.
It’s a little strange to hear the crowd so excited, but you try not to let it distract you as much.
Before you had gotten out of there, you made sure to give Lita a final parting gift. A swift DDT. You throw your arm around her neck and sweep your leg back, before pulling both of you down to the floor. Lita’s head slams into the concrete and you hop up from your spot.
The crowd gives a resound “ooooh” in response. If your DDT was in a box, it’d be wrapped with the prettiest bow anyone has ever seen.
Meanwhile, Trish wants to be thankful to you, this stranger that beat the hell out of Lita. Yet, she’s not sure if she should be feeling so grateful.
Covering herself with her coat, she slowly starts to make her way to the other side of the ring. She doesn’t want any problems with you!
And luckily for Trish, you didn’t have enough time to handle her, so you’ll save it for next show. Just disrupting the match equilibrium is enough.
No one was expecting you at all. You’re following behind the footsteps of people like Lance Storm, Hugh Morrus, and Booker T…..you are officially the fourth star to appear from WCW.
These random occurrences were no coincidence. To the WWF, it just meant man or woman, anyone could get it at any time.
Let it be known that the forbidden door is completely blown off its hinges. There was no longer any boundaries.
You had quickly made your way out before security could retrieve you and Shane had been waiting for you by the barricade. You two made a swift exit, with him encouragingly patting your side as he holds onto you.
Right now, he’s still guiding you out to the limousine with a camera trailing behind you two. The crowd cheers don’t end despite you two getting the hell out of there. You can still hear the noise from the arena.
“Great job, [Name]!” He exclaims. “Bet my father wasn’t expecting that! Now both divisions have something to look out for!” Shane quickly opens the door for you. “Get in!”
You quickly hop into the limo, shuffling in. Shane follows you and closes the door afterwards.
And just like that, it was the start of your WWF journey. You had always wondered if it’ll be like WCW. The backstage environment was sure to be different than this ones.
You suppose there was only one way to find out.
You’re splayed out in the seat of the limo, and though Shane had squished in there with you, he finds it to be a better idea to go sit across from you.
“I haven’t heard people cheer like that for a woman in years!” A but of an exaggeration, but it still holds true. People made a lot of noise for you.
Your attention is on the ceiling. It still hasn’t set in that the crowd might actually like you. You’re more focused on the fact that you’re actually here in the WWF.
You wouldn’t have ever guessed it. WCW was the place you wanted to be when you started. Years before you debuted, all you did was practice.
Really. Practice, practice, practice. Until you couldn’t move anymore. Your old mentor, Madusa, ensured that you were conditioned enough to be in the ring.
She kept you there for a while. You’d jokingly say that she was holding you hostage, but it ended up being for your benefit. You learned that they would pull the women from the school too early.
Madusa did not want them to make that mistake. She made sure you knew what you were doing before you could go anywhere!
You have to admit though, the training at the power-plant facility wasn’t the best. There were other woman who didn’t exactly know what they were doing. It was easy for them to mess up.
And it’s actually where you met your two close friends, Stacy and Torrie. You were nervous, they were nervous, it’s only inevitable you three would mutter things to one another.
You were more than happy to give them tips on what you knew. From you, they were more than happy to learn. Eventually it grew from only talking in the school to completely hanging out with each other.
It was really nice to finally make some genuine friends.
Shane takes you out of your daydream by holding out a bottle of champagne. “A performance like that deserves some reward! Want some?”
“No, I’m okay.” You shake your head. “But hey, I’m just glad I could get in there!”
Shane thinks you’re downplaying yourself. “Seriously, that was amazing.” He says. “I couldn’t believe it. WWF should know by now there’s one hell of a storm brewing.”
You didn’t realize it at first, but maybe you like this so called “invasion” more than you thought you would.
“You mind if we head to Times Square? I’m due to speak WWF New York.”
Your reply is sluggish. “Yeah, yeah, sure. What is that?”
“It’s mainly a restaurant, but we do some live events there too.” He summarized. 
That quickly reminds you of the WCW Grill in Vegas. You’ve been there many times, whether it to be signing things or just hanging out with other coworkers. 
You lean up from your seat. “WCW had something like that in Vegas! They closed last year though. Bummer, I kinda liked their food. And I think I had a menu item once!”
“Really? Well, I’m sure the WWF’s will be better.” Shane pauses for a second. “I mean, for once. Besides, we’ll be bigger and better. Then you can really get your name on the menu.”
You let out a chuckle. He slipped up a little. “Right.”
”I’m gonna need you for Smackdown too.” Shane says. “You don’t have to worry that much about transportation since we’re staying here for it.”
Oh joy! Seriously! No worrying about catching a flight tonight, that’s less stress on your shoulders. 
“Then I’ll be there.” It’s not like you wouldn’t be anyway.
”While you’re at it, mind asking Torrie if she could attend as well?” He requests you.  “I’ve got a great idea for the both of you.”
A great idea, he says. Not like you’ve heard that before. “Color me intrigued, what’s the plan?” 
“I want you ladies to go undercover in the WWF. Somehow, someway. Get as much information as you can from anyone you run into.” He explains. “If anything goes wrong, WCW will protect you. You’ve got my word on that.”
“I believe you. But how should I do that? Just waltz up in there and proclaim I’m one of them now? I just attacked Lita!” You throw your arms out for extra emphasis.
“Relax. Just act like you were misguided. And when you learned that I wasn’t in the right, you want to change your ways. If I were you, I’d apologize to Lita first.”
It was only a six minute drive from MSG to WWF New York. When the limo pulls up, you can hear the sound of the crowd on the outside of it.
The only thing you could do was nod at Shane. It’s go-time.
Leaning up from your spot, you take a second to fix yourself up, fixing your shirt and adjusting your hair so that it’s presentable. Wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea…
Rumors still can circulate, even if you were seen in the ring earlier! The last thing you wanted was for dirt sheets to grasp at straws, with your boss of all people.
Shane gets out first, then takes a second to open the door. He then pulls it open and you are greeted with the crowd on both sides of the sidewalk.
When they turn their heads to see who else was in the vehicle, they cheer over at you. All you can really do is wave with a smile.
Do they really know who you are?
Photographers are at the ready, their bright white lights flashing at you. It makes you squint every time a camera would go off. You just hoped those photos won’t come out bad.
Shane waits for you, offering his arm for you to take while you get out of the car. You happily take it and he ushers you to go inside.
It’s like walking the red carpet, albeit shorter and quicker. You two go in, and you try to look at what they’ve got on display as you walk.
Lots and lots of action figures. You can only look over there for a few seconds, but you do catch a Lita figure on one of the holders.
There’s a lot of others, but you’re not quite sure who they are. Stone Cold Steve Austin? Triple H? Edge? None of those people ring a bell.
As you two approach the steps, there’s only one thing pops into your mind.
…You can’t believe that this place has two floors! So far, it was beating that WCW Grill by a long shot. Upstairs was for merchandise, and as you two go down you assume that the restaurant was around here.
You’re greeted by another large crowd of people and the both of you make your way over toward the stage.
The camera nearby moves over to the both of you.
Shane lets go of your arm and goes to grab a mic from a stagehand. You wait for him by the center of the stage.
Before he says anything, he reaches down toward the crowd to give them high fives. Shane comes back toward you.
“Surprise,” He says. “Well obviously, I’m not Perry Saturn, and she’s not Terri Runnels. But dad, I know you can hear me. It’s your son Shane, how’re you doing?”
The crowd cheers his name and you keep the smile on your face. This place was WWF New York, but before anyone knew it, it could easily become WCW New York.
“You know, the one that owns WCW. The very organization that has you a little heated under the collar. Because WCW continues to infiltrate your WWF.” Shane motions over toward you.
“[Name] made an example out of two women on your roster, and believe me, that won’t be the end of it.”
You nod your head. You’re eager to take these women down, one at a time. You definitely need to make a mental checklist.
Shane continues on. “You see dad, that is done out of necessity. Because in order to build a brand like WCW, we need television exposure. But I’ve gotta give you credit on this because I didn’t think it was possible, through all of your connections you have been able to block WCW from airing on any television network period.”
When he pauses again for a split second, the crowd cheers him.
“Here’s how it’s gonna go down.” He says. “I may not be able to compete with your checkbook but I can compete with your brains. Since you have prevented WCW from airing on any network, it’s now time for WCW to invade the WWF.”
You clap your hands toward him, then try to signal for the crowd to make some noise. They do and you smile. “Thank you!” Although your words were drowned out by the crowd.
“One of the people to lead the charge in one division stands here next to me,” Shane turns to you. “I reckon that she’ll become the next Women’s Champion in no time..”
You hope so. That’s a big step in your career. You were one year too late in getting the WCW Women’s Championship, despite Madusa’s efforts to revive it.
To your surprise, Shane holds out the mic toward you. He must’ve expected you to say something.
You try not to look like a deer in headlights as you take the mic and speak up.
“All I want is to lead WCW to victory. Whatever it takes, I will do…so let this be a warning to the entire women’s division. What I did to Lita was a demonstration of what’s to come. Trust me when I say that no one can stop me, but feel free to try if you want to…that is if you don’t want to end your career early!”
Shane laughs at your words. Hopefully the women (and men if they so dared,) would take heed. You pass the mic back to him.
“Oh, but that’s not all,” He points a finger up. “Might I introduce the second person to lead the charge, I’m sure that you and Stone Cold Steve Austin know this man very well. Ladies and Gentlemen, the WCW Champion, give it up for Booker T!”
As Booker makes his way from behind the curtain with a mic, he throws up his arms.
You watch as he reaches down to high five the fans. After of which, you reach out your own hand for him to shake. He grabs your hand and shakes firmly.
Shane mimics you, shaking his hand as well.
“Last night, at King of the Ring, it was just too easy, no, it was just too damn easy to take you outta the game!” Booker says.
There are mixed reactions at his words, with more cheering than booing from the antsy crowd.
“—And you call yourself the WWF Champion? I respect that, but ask me what I call you. I’m calling you out to let you know that if you want some you can come and get some, because I’m gonna be here at WWF New York, kicking it all night long!”
Shane brought back up his own mic. “I’d like to call this my dream team. These two are going to lead my brand new company to victory. Dad, this is a warning to you.  I’m just here to say that you’re on borrowed time..”
That’s all that was needed to say.
Shane was 100% sure that his father was watching. He’s also sure that he was boiling in anger. It’s exactly what he wanted.
The camera makes sure to get all three of you into frame. It’s up to you, as that’s left was for you and Booker T to apply pressure on the WWF..
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After the segment at WWF New York, Shane fortunately allowed you to return to your hotel, but told you to watch the remainder of Raw when you could on the television.
You’re not exactly sure what his plan was, but now you’re curious to see. All you knew is that Booker T was asked to stay and they went off somewhere else while you just left through the back this time.
Just what in the world were they up to?
Shane was nice enough to send you your own limousine after bidding you a good night. Most of your energy had fizzed out and you could tell that his had too.
All you were excited for was to flop onto your bed. You don’t even move the comforters, all you do is just lie down for a few minutes. You’re sure you can move a little later.
There’s a lot of big changes going on in your life right now. You think the first biggest one was Shane McMahon’s entry to WCW and how quickly everyone went on his side.
It’s only fair. It’s the competition, hell, it’s the son OF the competition. Who specifically came in saying that he was against his father.
But what made him so trustworthy anyway? A lot of your coworkers were immediately on his side. You knew WCW was declining, but you never thought everyone else would stoop low enough to side with competition.
At least, not that quickly. The way things were going in the company, it made you feel like you had no choice but to trust him. So far, no betrayals, so everything is going okay so far.
You do get enough energy to at least turn on the television to Raw. You figure it’s only right to honor Shane’s request.
Immediately, you’re greeted by the sight of Shane McMahon heading down the ramp with a pep in his step. His father is not happy to see him at all.
Seeing the brand new WCW logo projected onto the ramp makes you feel…
Well, you don’t know how it makes you feel. You can safely say it makes you feel weird though.
You’re so used to it having an obnoxiously large watermark behind it, with the barely visible text of “World Championship Wrestling”.
Now it’s all small, jagged with the points on each letter. You have to tilt your head slightly in order to see it better.
Eventually, the camera moves away from the ramp and decided to follow Shane who was circling around the ring.
With you being able to hear the commentators properly, you wonder what they had to say about your prior run-in. You should’ve asked someone back at home to tape it!
“WCW does NOT belong in Madison Square Garden!” Paul is almost standing out of his seat by now with all of his screaming. 
“You may be right about that, but—“ Unfortunately, JR isn’t allowed to get one single word out thanks to his partner.
“You’re damn right I’m right! I grew up here, I know these things, I see these things!”
You roll your eyes. Shouldn’t Paul Heyman be worried about his own company instead of everyone else’s?
Oh, wait…
You chuckle to yourself. Thank god no one could hear your thoughts or that you were backstage. That wouldn’t have been good.
Vince is beckoning Shane into the ring, but unbeknownst to him, Booker had hopped right up into the ring, ripping his jacket off in the process.
It’s so over for him! You can’t help but smile. You watch as Booker lays in punches onto him, causing him to stagger backwards.
Booker takes advantage of this and runs toward the ropes, bounces off of them, then lifting one of his legs to give him a scissor kick.
Just to add salt in the wound, he hits a spinaroonie to get off the canvas.
How amazing is this?! You can see the entire WWF locker room run down the ramp but Shane and Booker are way too fast, making their exit.
This obviously must’ve been what Shane wanted you to see. Maybe this means that the ball is back in your court now.
You wonder how you can upstage Booker this time. It’ll definitely be hard since he literally knocked the hell out of the literal CEO of the WWF! Vince McMahon!!
Although, Shane offhandedly mentioned he has a sister who also happens to be in the business. You could always find something to do with her if he allows it.
Are you still buzzing from earlier? You had thought your energy was all gone, but it seemed like there was still bits of adrenaline in your veins.
You had only a few seconds to make your appearance count and from what you can think back on, you did a pretty damn good job.
The sound of the door unlocking makes you snap your head to your right.
“Helloooo!” Torrie sings from the doorway. “[Naaame], are you here? I’ve got Stacy with meee!”
Ah yes, your unofficial roommate for this trip. Torrie Wilson. And Stacy, who insisted that she room with you guys this time.
You think she’s just scared of being alone, which is understandable. But there was no need for her to try and sneak into your bed when she could use the pull out couch!
“I saw you on TV,” Stacy exclaims. “You were great! You really kicked….what’s her name? Ah, who cares?! The crowd was really loud too!”
“Yeah.” Is all you can really say to that. And then you fall back onto your bed, turning away from them and putting your head onto the cold pillow.
The both of them share a look, but Torrie’s the first to question you. She takes a seat next to you on the bed. “What’s your problem tonight? I’m surprised you haven’t called us on that dying Nokia you’ve got. Normally you’d be the one to drag us out after a show.”
Torrie teasing you about your phone was nothing new, but you still take offense anyway!
“I’m holding onto it!” Your words are muffled. “My 1999 phone is getting me places, okay?!”
Stacy takes a seat on the opposite side of you. “Aren’t they making a new one in like November?”
“Are they?” You turn your head so that they can hear you better. “I hope they have other colors. But honestly, I’m tired. Kinda.”
“Kind of?” Stacy repeated. “How much sleep did you get last night?”
You hold up five fingers.  “Five, so just enough to me. I had a flight to catch to get here, so five was really pushing it. I can’t really tell if this schedule’s gonna be worse than our old one.”
“Oh, you poor thing!” Torrie exclaimed, rubbing her hand on your back. “You’re right, but with Shane McMahon being our boss, I’ve gotten more sleep than I would normally! But that’s pretty bad to say, huh?”
“Yes,” You mumble. “Yes it is.” She just haaad to rub it in your face.
“Listen, I don’t think we have to be at the next show—“  You quickly interrupt Torrie. “About that, Shane wanted me to ask you to be at Smackdown. He didn’t say anything about Stacy this time.”
It makes Stacy cheer. “Yay! I get to relax aallll day tomorrow. You know what? [Name], I saw this really cute top at Delia’s earlier today. Now I can go back and buy it for you!”
“Was it that crop top with all those safety pins on the side?” Torrie turns over to Stacy. “If it was, that one totally screamed [Name].”
”YES!” She exclaimed. “That’s exactly the one I’m talking about!”
”From the sound of it, it sounds like I’m gonna have to have a lot of trust in that top.” You say. “And when did you guys go shopping??”
”Earlier. See, they said they needed us.” Torrie removes her hand from your back. “Then I guess they changed their minds since they had you?” It’s the only logical explanation she comes up with.
Whatever, it’s really no big deal. ”Well, you’re gonna be needed tomorrow anyway. And Stacy, I’m sure they’re gonna ask you to show up again. People went crazy! It would be bad if we just left you two in New York.” 
“I wouldn’t mind at all!” Stacy finally decides to take a seat too. “Times Square is beautiful! If I could, I’d totally live here.”
“I saw a rat walking down the street with pizza.” You comment. “And you’d stay here. Crazy, crazy, girl.” 
Stacy definitely rethinks it. “…Well, now that you say that, shopping only!”
“Hold on a second, it had pizza?!” Torrie exclaims.
It’s gonna be a long, long night, that’s for sure.
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*painfully gives a thumbs up.* I SWEAR THIS WAS LONGER WHEN I LOOKED AT THIS OMG. but, yeah. Here we go again, please strap in for the ride
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luxurysystems · 2 months
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still be yours when we're on the shore ⚓
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
AEW proved Punk right
So I saw the footage and my opinion has not changed.
This all happened because Tony Khan did not want to BE the boss. He did not squash the beef between Punk and the Elite. He did not want to kill those rumors before it reached a boiling point. He did not stop Punk from blowing out at the scrum and just sit everyone involved in a room and talk through their issues and reach an agreement. He did not want to tell Jack to stop being a self-entitled little prick. All this is because Tony Khan is a clown who's more interested in being a friend to the wrestler instead of being a boss.
What did this accomplish? What, more heat to a FTR vs Bucks rivalry?
What did this accomplish?
Air a talent from a different company
Make your current talent look bad
Make Jack Perry look like a entitled brat
Make Tony Khan look bad
Looked sad, pathetic and desperate
AEW looked bad
Acting like the man never existed and just focusing on building your promotion and talent you have WAS the win you were looking for. You gave Punk attention, all you did was proving him right.
The stupidity of spotlighting how a top talent for another company was easily able to make your talent look like a bitch is astounding. Tony Khan had days to reconsider and instead doubled down on the predictable disaster this was destined to be!
Like what did they gain from this? It makes them all look like a much idiots and losers.
Also? THAT'S IT??? That's what made Tony "fear for his life" Wasn't It Said That Punk Threw A Monitor? These are on a stand and it's obvious they were never thrown so why did Tony claim he feared for his life?
I've seen the live reaction, there was no fucking reaction. Unless you can call fans chanting "CM PUNK" a reaction. And as soon as it ended, all there was making fans uncomfortable.
Tony Schiavone looked like he had Vince fucking Russo flashbacks.
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They made Jack Perry, one of the four pillars of the company look like a geek in real life, nevermind CM Punk's action and they want Perry back? Why? They made him look like a entitled little prick who fucked around and found out.
All the video did was give them and internet fans a week to boast about a ratings. This proved Punk didn’t lie, was shown on a highly produced television show and has nothing to do with anything. It was 8 months ago. Like I said, they should've done this the Dynamite after All In to air this because all it fucking did was make the company look bad.
Guess what? All you did was give the Punk and McIntyre feud more fuel? What's gonna happen when Drew says "I'm not just some little kid you can slap around and choke out" or "Punk, I'm not some little guy you can push around. You try to choke me out and I will break you in half, you rat bastard." congrats, you gave fuel to a feud to the other company. Good job, idiots.
They didn't they lean into the drama when Punk was actually there and actually made some money off a Punk vs Elite feud. They had to do it when he wasn't there because they can't pop a rating without Punk's existence.
Vince could get Bret and Shawn to coexist and work together despite Bret literally ripping out Shawn's hair in a backstage fight. He could get Matt Hardy and Edge to coexist despite the real life affair that destroyed their lives. Meanwhile, Tony did absolutely nothing, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well, some people just can't get along, let's separate everyone into different shows." Literally left money on the table because he couldn't step up and be a boss.
No fists were thrown... He pushed Jack Perry and choked him a little and stopped 30 seconds afterwards... Didn't escalate things or anything. CM Punk was right.
This was AEW's "that'll put puts in seats" and the Fingerpoke of Doom rolled into one. And guess what? WCW 2000 is trending on Twitter. That's how bad this footage reveal was.
I watched WWF in 1996 with the Ted Turner skits. I watched Bischoff in 1998 challenging McMahon. I watched TNA’s constant attempts to get WWE to acknowledge them. Trust me, this shit never works and its an indictment of a promotion that has ran out of ideas. And AEW once again has proved why it was a stupid fucking idea. IDIOTS!
CM Punk wasn't lying when he said AEW is a joke and called Tony a clown. It's not a business and all they care about is temporary pop instead of long term for running a Wrestling promotion. You idiots just BURIED the whole company. What exactly did this accomplish?
It reminds me of TNA popping the ratings with Dixie Carter going through the table. It gives AEW a bump, but long-term it doesn’t do anything. It does help the bucks versus FTR feud in the short term. It makes AEW look unprofessional, doesn’t hurt CM punk that much
If your response to this brawl footage being shown on Dynamite is anything other than, "That was a stupid thing to show" then you are part of the problem. Stop enabling childish, idiotic behavior from AEW. Expect and demand better from Tony Khan!
This was Punk's reaction to the footage reveal. Good fucking job Tony, you really showed Punk!
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Causing hell in a 2 hour interview
Choked out the guy who catered to internet marks
Called the company a joke, called your boss a clown and still going out there to tear it down with Samoa Joe
Made your former boss so mad he released footage of his talent being choked out by you
Being the biggest draw in both companies
CM Punk is the greatest of all time, Punk stood on business HIGHKEY
CM Punk is truly the greatest of all time. Punk has managed to do something that hasn't happened in decades, make a wrestling company implode from their own stupidity. God I love this man.
Addition. AEW is so shook by the terrible reaction on social media, which is the only thing they have ever cared about, that they took down the video footage. I know a lot of fake journalists are gonna be working late tonight doing damage control on behalf of the company.
Absolutely ridiculous.
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84reedsy · 3 months
Love how he can't stop motioning or pointing towards his abs. Rightfully proud, but still 😂😂😂
Also, really feeling this cocky, confident Curt
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averagesizedperson · 1 year
what your favorite wrestling company says about you
wwe: you think all wrestling is the wwe. either that or you are below the age of 12 aew: you're queer and/or British. you have a rant about cm punk in your drafts somewhere impact wrestling/tna: you miss when they had the six sided ring and when they were on a network people actually watched. you despise vince russo with a passion new japan pro wrestling: you have torrents of every tokyo dome show and at least 5 different Bullet Club shirts. you may have wept tears of joy when the first forbidden door was announced ring of honor: you always like to remind people that this was where every great american pro wrestler of the 21st century got their start. for you seth rollins will always be tyler black. you kind of resent that they spent the 2010s being new japan's bitch before becoming AEW's bitch aaa: you really miss lucha underground cmll: you actually are really into lucha libre and hate that nobody talks about the oldest company devoted to it chikara: you think wrestling should lean into the fakeness more. the slow motion match always makes you laugh. you will never forgive mike quackenbush for what he did. combat zone/game changer: you like to watch people bleed. you downloaded cameo just so you can pay nick gage's rent. he's been through a lot, he needs it. ddt: like the chikara fans but without the resentment of the company founder's horrible actions. pro wrestling noah: every time someone mentions wrestling, you always bring up that kenta kobashi did the Go To Sleep first. all japan pro wrestling: whenever you talk about wrestling, you always have to preface with "yes, all japan still exists!" you miss fighting opera hustle. wcw: you hate vince russo even more than the impact wrestling fan. ecw: you are 30 or 40 years old and get misty eyed whenever you hear "enter sandman". nwa: you're either really into wrestling history or you're a smashing pumpkins fan who just found out billy corgan owns a wrestling company. you wish nick aldis got the championship instead of fox news pundit tyrus mlw: you are jim cornette. global force wrestling/xwf/control your narrative/wrestling society x/heroes of wrestling: your favorite website is the lost media wiki
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mjfass · 3 months
One of the few nice things I can say about Tony Khan as a booker is he understands the value of Sting. WWE never treated Sting with value or reverence or understood what he did for the business. They brought him in to be buried. The only reason why Sting even lost was because they wanted to build up to HHH & Stephanie vs Rock & Ronnie Lousey, a match that never even happened because of Dwayne's famous pull out game!
Then Sting breaks his neck in a stupid buckle bomb that never should've been a thing to begin with.
Never once did it feel like WWE respected Sting.
Sting never should have went to WWE. He originally swore to never go to WWE, a few years after the buyout, Sting was in a documentary explaining why he never went to WWE.
Basically the way they handled The Invasion and how WCW was buried just showed Sting would never be used right. And Sting was right. He never should have went. He should have stuck to his guns and retired from Wrestling. Hell, Arn Anderson’s own podcast admitted that Vince instructed the announcers to bury him and he was buried. First by Vince, then by having the nWo come to his aide. What sense did it make for the nWo to side with Sting? They were enemies in WCW. And then Triple H buried him. Sting was right. When HHH is your main, no, your ONLY angle for everything, you will be buried under the mass of ego and pathetic brand of wrestling he provided. ANd to make matters worse, it wasn't about Sting being a vigilante standing up to The Authority, no they JUST HAD TO MAKE IT ABOUT LOL WWE VS WCW just to bury Sting and the promotion he held out for so long for.
Sting could've fought The Undertaker and made it about Icon vs Icon. I even would've been content with a Undertaker vs Sting cinematic match. Just give Sting what he wanted, but Vince never thought he deserved it.
Sting could've been used as the ultimate babyface to bring justice to the heels.
Sting could've been made WWE Champion. WHy the fuck not? THey shoved Goldberg down our fucking throats for 6 fucking years, I saw no reason whatsoever why Sting wasn't WWE Champion before that stupid buckle bomb nearly ended his career
Sting could've just been treated with one single semblance of respect and even that was too much to ask for with WWE.
Meanwhile for 4 years Sting has been treated like a legend. Like an icon. Like he deserved to be treated and he gave back. He is to AEW, like what Terry Funk was for ECW and he's getting the send off he deserves!
One of WWE biggest sins is that they never value the person when they have them. There are so many cases of people that never got treated the way we all knew they deserved to be treated by them. It’s nice to see when other places actually value legends and icons like Sting. I’m actually very grateful of the way they have, not only treated Sting, but the way they have built his last year in the company. Since the moment he said he was retiring at Revolution, they have done nothing more than giving him everything he deserves. Hell, everything that happened last night? Amazing. That’s what he deserves!
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
The day after WrestleMania XI, “Psycho” Sid Vicious attacked Shawn Michaels, the man who was employing him as a bodyguard. What happened next put Michaels on the road to winning our Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award for the first time.
When Shawn’s good friend Diesel, who had been his enemy for several months before this incident, saved “The Heartbreak Kid” from further punishment and chased Sid away, fans responded with cheers for both men that set Michaels on a course toward unprecedented popularity. Those who once enjoyed despising him became eager to embrace him. And even before Michaels became a full-fledged fan favorite, he had his share of fans. 
“Michaels always struck me as being extremely arrogant,” wrote Nate Suarez of Montreal. “But now I'm seeing a different side of him. He’s more appreciative of the fans. He’s still cocky, but I can overlook that now.”
What Michaels has in abundance is charisma. He is naturally a very attractive personality, and the fans responded to that.
“He’s very charming,” wrote Sandra Trell of Cheyenne, Wyoming. “He’ll do something that’s really rotten, but then he’ll give the crowd a certain look, and everybody will think his opponent deserved exactly what Shawn did to him. It’s like I cheer in spite of myself.”
It doesn’t hurt, of course, that Michaels is a handsome man. For some of his supporters, that is more significant than any wrestling maneuver he uses.
“My heart skips a beat everytime I see him on TV or at the arena,” gushed Roberta Ashanti of St. Paul Minnesota. “How could you not love him?”
However, it isn’t Michaels’ good looks that have carried him to the peak. He is without question one of the sport’s outstanding technical wrestlers. ”That’s why I like him,” wrote Sam Gray of North Bergen, New Jersey. “Forget all that glitz and the hype; the guy isa terrific wrestler. He could beat anybody in the world.”
Clearly, Michaels is the most popular wrestler in the WWF, and one who doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight with his friend Diesel. After the Sid fiasco, Michaels displayed no jealousy toward “Big Daddy Cool” while he was World champion. It is an attitude that added to his popularity.
Next year could be different. Michaels could turn rulebreaker again. But for now, Shawn deserves all the favorable attention he gets.
STING: 17,728 votes
First runner-up: Last year’s winner is the most popular athlete in his federation, WCW. Sting even hears a few more cheers than his friend Hulk Hogan. One possible reason: He seems more sincere and reachable than the “Hulkster.” Supporters respect Sting for always playing by the rules and for not abandoning WCW for other opportunities. 
DIESEL: 13,450 votes
Second runner-up: He isn’t quite as popular as Michaels, but “Big Daddy Cool” still has a wildly enthusiastic following. Aside from displaying vastly improved skills, Diesel has proved himself quite articulate in the talk-show circuit, and that doubtless has won him fans who don’t normally watch on TV or travel to the arenas.
HULK HOGAN: 11,831 votes
Third runner-up: a decade ago, Hogan was more popular than any professional wrestler ever had been. Today he hears a few more boos, but there are still thousands of loyal “Hulkamaniacs” who believe there’s nobody better than their man. It is a popularity that persists on the strength of what he has done on the movie set, but in the ring.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Bam Bam Bigelow, Tommy Dreamer, Bret Hart, Public Enemy, Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, Tracey Smothers, and The Undertaker.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
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AN: hehe I like this one 😘
Synopsis: You tell Jack all the things you would do to him if you were his girl
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Singer!Reader
Please do not repost my content anywhere
It was no secret to your close friends how hard you had been crushing on Jack Harlow lately.
You were a famous singer and have been eyeing him for awhile.
An entire year to be exact.
You really got excited when you heard through mutual friends of the two of you how big of a crush he had on you as well. 
You also might have heard how he had a poster of you in his childhood bedroom that he hadn’t taken down to this very day. 
You didn't think he would be all that interested in you considering there was a little bit of an age gap.
He was 24 while you would be turning 30 later that year.
You two actually hadn’t crossed paths yet seeing as you were recording your new album, planning for your lingerie line, and now launching your make up line so essentially you didn’t have time to date anyone.
But you would make an exception.
If he was 6′3, had curly hair, and was from Louisville, Kentucky. 
It had been such a busy day for you and you were exhausted and all you wanted to do was stuff your face with chinese food as you laid in your bed. 
You were thankful that you had the next two weeks off to rest and then you would be back at it again.
It was Wednesday night when suddenly you got an alert on your instagram. 
jackharlow tagged you in a post
Well, shit.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, druski2funny, theestallion, champagnepapi, and 2,358,277 others
jackharlow: do people even still do wcw anymore because this is my woman crush everyday yourinstagramname 😍😍😍
urbanwyatt: I still remember her poster being on your wall and the day you bought it
jackharlow: had to admire that beauty on a daily basis urbanwyatt
dojacat: you didn't know she's already mine?
jackharlow: nah I'm shootin my shot so don't you come in here and mess it up dojacat
yourinstagramname: jackharlow well aren't you cute? 😏
jackharlowsource: OMG SHE RESPONDED
druski2funny: I see you my boy! jackharlow
jackharlow: soooo yourinstagramname are you in L.A. right now? 👀
yourinstagramname: nope jackharlow
jackharlow: yourinstagramname how about next week? 🤔
yourinstagramname: jackharlow and if I am what did you plan on doing?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname that's for me to know and you to find out mamas 😘
yourinstagramname: hmm jackharlow I guess I'll see you in a week then 😉
jackharlowfan34: HE GOT HER! HE GOT HER!
jackharlowfan56: Jack has been crushing on her since foreverrr. they would be so cute together ❤️
yourinstagramnamefan: I'm excited to see what happens between them 😍😍
The week passed by quickly and your close friends noticed that you were a bit too excited. They were happy about it, but on guard as well. 
You hadn't dated anyone serious in about two years.
Your last relationship had did a number on you and you knew that you needed to heal from it.
The problem was that you wore your heart on your sleeve and tried to see the good in everyone and everything.
And that's where your weakness was.
People took advantage and then left you to fend for yourself like nothing happened.
You had been cheated on, lied to, someone had gotten a girl pregnant while in a relationship with you. Basically you hadn't been lucky in the love department.
And it made it harder since you were famous. You didn’t know who wanted you for you or for your money. 
You and your best friend Kayla were sitting next to each other on the flight back to L.A. in a comfortable silence on your private jet when she broke it.
"What's wrong?"
"I know you're excited about meeting him and all that but just... protect your heart this time."
"I will, but I don't even know if anything is going to come out of this."
You shrugged and you were simply being honest.
If it happened, it happened.
But if it didn't, it wouldn't be the end of the world.
It was sad that you were almost anticipating disappointment when it came to relationships.
"It's just... I worry about you. I mean in your last relationship he literally had a baby on you while bringing that bitch in your house like it was nothing."
"Don't remind me."
"I'm sorry, but you are my best friend and you've been through a lot of shit. I just want someone who is going to love you for you and not your money."
Well you couldn't argue with her on that front.
"I know and I'm thankful I have you to look out for me."
"Always mamas. Been riding with you since pre k and that won't ever change."
You and Jack had been texting back and forth throughout the week trying to get to know each other better.
You found out he was extremely funny and his favorite color was purple.
But he mentioned that anything and everything was his favorite color on you.
Jack- So I heard you like to cook
You- you will gain 100 pounds eating my food if you aren't careful 🤣
Jack- naw I'll burn it all off when it comes to the bedroom activities 😏
You- oh will you now? I've heard you go by missionary Jack
Jack- you have to wait and find out. no spoilers pretty girl.
You- well, I'd make you call out my name and ask who it belongs to. But I'm not so I can't and I won't but if I was your girl 😏
Jack- stop playin in my messages mama. got me all bricked up and shit. 🙄
You- who said I was playing Jackman?
Jack- how much longer until I see you?
You- let me get settled and I'll text you. By the way, I was serious about what I said.
Jack- which part? 🤣
You- don't play with me lol I'm not doing any of those things unless there ends up being a title.
Jack- well looks like I gotta make you my girl first then, huh?
You- and may the best man win 😏
Jack- wait what
You- see you soon 😘
Jack- naw ain't no see you soon who am I competing with!?!
You- yourself so make sure you don't fuck it up
Once the plane landed, you and Kayla were on the way to your house and would be spending the next few weeks with you. 
It was around 3 in the afternoon and you planned on taking a shower and relaxing for a little bit before you let Jack know you were ready for whatever.
Once you had gotten settled, it was around 6 and Jack had sent you a text.
Jack- Mamas....
You- Yes?
Jack- I been waiting all day to see you 😌
You- I won't make you wait any longer. I'll send you my address to come get me. 😉
Jack- wear something casual
You- let me see what I can find
You were excited and nervous at the same time and you just hoped that the way you vibe through talking on the phone was the same in person. Once you were finally ready, you went outside and got Kayla to take a few pictures for you.
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, dojacat, champagnepapi, and 3,493,256 others.
yourinstagramname: sittin pretty 😘
jackharlow: I'm outside stink
jackharlowsource: OMG IS THIS THEIR FIRST DATE!?!
yourinstagramnamefan: we want updates every hour. EVERY.HOUR.
dojacat: jackharlow treat my girl right otherwise I'm coming for your neck
jackharlow: dojacat you mean MY girl, right?
yourinstagramname: jackharlow not your girl yet, but if you play your cards right, I just might be 😉
jackharlow: naw yourinstagramname you WILL be. claiming this shit now.
druski2funny: talk yo shit jackharlow!!
You walked outside to see Jack leaning on the side of the car waiting for you and he was all smiles.
"Hey pretty girl."
You went up to him and hugged him while taking in his scent.
Definitely LV.
"You ready mamas?"
"Yeah, where are we going?"
"Go kart racing. That's why I told you to dress casual." He answered as he opened the passenger side door for you.
"You not tryna see me on the track Harlow. I'm about to whoop your ass."
Jack had to have been doing some digging on you since go kart racing was one of your favorite things to do while you were off and you haven’t gotten to do it in awhile. 
"We'll see about that. Actually let's make a bet. If I win, I get a second date."
"Who's to say I want a second date?"
"Damn mamas, you really about to do me like that?"
Jack turned onto the highway as he handed you the aux.
"Let's make it through this one first."
As much as you truly wanted to be in a relationship with someone, you had to be practical so it wouldn’t come to bite you in the ass later. 
Luv is Dro immediately blasted through the speakers as you connected your phone and Jack was all smiles.
"You were listening to me, stink?"
"Of course. Been a fan for awhile and besides it's definitely one of my favorite songs."
"Well we can make that a reality."
"Stay in my good graces Harlow and we will."
"Well shit at least that let's me know I got a chance."
The two of you were now casually taking a stroll in the park near your house. After go kart racing, the two of you grabbed dinner but weren't quite ready for the night to end even though it was close to one in the morning.
"Aww, stink. Fix your face. You might beat me next time."
Jack was now pouting because not only did you beat him once, but multiple times around the track.
"I let you win, mamas."
"I know you don't expect me to believe that. As bad as you wanted a second date?"
"I underestimated you. I admit."
"It's okay. I'm thinking a second date might not be a bad idea."
"Wait, really?"
"Look, I like you. I really do. But, I need to take my time with this."
"I got all the time in the world for you. I'll go at your pace because I don't want to mess this up."
"I just... I've been hurt a lot and I don't think I'm ready to dive in head first. I've noticed that because I always want to see the good in people it makes me end up in situations that could have been avoided."
"I promise that won't happen if you give me the chance."
"People have promised me a lot before letting me down. So how about this, don't promise me anything, just show me."
"I'll show you that being with me is going to be the best decision you ever made."
And Jack definitely didn't disappoint. He let you take your time and go at your own pace like he said he would and you couldn't have been more thankful for that.
It had been about four months since the two of you began talking and the Billboard music awards were coming up. Award shows weren't usually your thing and you were going back and forth on your decision to go or not.
You hadn’t gone in at least three years. 
That was until Jack asked you to go with him.
"I wanna show off my girl." Is what he told you and since you weren't doing anything else that night, you agreed.
But, you weren't his girl, not yet.
You both were now in the hotel getting ready and you were mesmerized as Metta was working on Jack’s outfit.
Sittin’ over here starin in your face with lust in my eyes sure don’t give a damn and ya don’t know that I’ve been dreamin of ya in my fantasies
“Stink, take a picture it’ll last longer.” He teased while coming over to pinch your cheek.
“I just might, but before I do I have to go get ready myself.”
There had been a delay with your outfit getting to you, but at least your hair and make up was already finished and that typically took the longest. 
You added your signature hello kitty chain in order to complete the look.
When you were finished, you walked out to see Jack and just knew he was about to start drooling.
“Jack, close your mouth baby.” You said as you winked and went to look in the mirror while Metta and Urban laughed. 
“Well, how am I supposed to with you looking like that?”
“I know it’s hard, but people will think that there is something wrong with you once we hit that red carpet.”
“I’ll do my best, but no promises.”
You simply sighed.
You were excited to go with Jack however, you wanted for this night to be over with.
It’s not the fact that award shows made you uncomfortable, it just wasn’t your scene.
You were an introvert and would had rather been in your house with Jack watching them instead of being in person.
However, Jack was nominated for at least three awards and he was excited and you weren’t about to be a debbie downer and mess that up for him. 
You were nominated for at least five but couldn’t care less. 
So, you had to go and support your man who is not actually your man yet, right?
After taking about twenty pictures, everyone piled into the black escalade in the front of the hotel and the nerves were now starting to set it.
You knew that the hotel was only about ten minutes from the venue so you had ten minutes to get yourself together. 
You figured Jack could tell because you were holding onto his hand for dear life.
“Stink, you okay? I feel like you’re about to break my hand.”
You loosened your grip before mumbling a quick apology.
“I know this really isn’t your scene, Y/N, so thank you for coming and supporting me. It does mean a lot and I don’t take this lightly mamas.”
“Literally only for you Harlow, and you owe me for this.”
“I have an idea of how I can make it up to you. Definitely involves no clothes though.” He mumbled the last part so that only you could hear it and you immediately smirked before letting out a laugh.
“Hmm, who knows, tonight might be the night you get lucky.”
And it would be the night you got lucky yourself. 
A few minutes later, the car had now stopped and it was showtime.
You had calmed down for a few minutes, but now Jack could sense your nervousness.
“I got you baby. Let me go first and then I’ll help you out. Don’t let go of my hand.”
“What is this, Titanic?”
“Stink, stop playin with me. Besides we do have the same name.”
You shook your head before giving him a nod and letting him know you were ready.
The door opened and Jack got out first and you could immediately hear the screams.
He had his back turned to them within a second to look over at you and to make sure that you were okay and ready to get out and walk beside him. 
“You ready?”
You simply grabbed his hand as he helped you down and the screams got even louder.
“Jack and Y/N, over here!!”
“Give us a big smile!”
“How in the world did he get her?!”
“They look so good together!”
“We definitely do.” Jack whispered in your ear as you both posed for a series of pictures.
Afterwards, an interviewer from E! who you knew as Denise Langston motioned you both over to her.
Here goes. 
“Well, isn’t this a sight to see? Jack Harlow with Y/N Y/L/N on his arm.”
“He practically begged me to go so here I am.” You joked while poking Jack’s side.
“Baby, don’t show off now that we’re in front of company.” Jack replied while smiling down at you.
“It seems as if you two have been together forever the way you look at each other.”
“Well....” You immediately cut Jack off. 
“He actually hasn’t asked me to be his girl yet so...”
“Jack, what are you waiting for? Doja is here and you already know if she hears about this she’ll snatch Y/N up for herself!”
“Damn, Y/N, did you have to put me on blast like that? I had to take my time with her because she’s special and I don’t plan on letting her go.”
“Will you just ask her already?!” You heard Urban say from behind you and you stifled a laugh.
“Y/NY/L/N, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?”
“Hmm, let me think about it.”
“WHAT, we’re on national television and you have to think about it?!”
You then reached up to kiss him and he reached down to meet you halfway.
Then you heard felt someone sneak up next to you. Doja Cat of course. 
“Y/N, if he messes up, you know where to find me.”
“Where did you even come from? And I don’t plan on it. Might have to put a ring on it soon.”
“Well, look at that! You heard it here first straight from the red carpet on the Billboard awards. We have our new it couple, Jack Harlow and Y/N Y/L/N!”
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Liked by yourinstagramname, druski2funny, brysontiller, champagnepapi, dojacat, and 3,278,469 others
jackharlow: my girlfriend yourinstagramname 😍😍
urbanwyatt: I thought she was gonna say no for a second
jackharlow: urbanwyatt she had me nervous as hell 😫
dojacat: I was waiting for her to say no so I could swoop in and save the day
yourinstagramname: come on now jackharlow you knew I wasn't going to say no 🤣
druski2funny: well I'll be damned! Hey Ms. Y/N! 👋🏾
jackharlow: druski2funny back off and find your own girl
druski2funny: jackharlow I was just saying hi!
jackharlowsource: yourinstagramname giving people palpitations over here
yourinstagramname: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lol
urbanwyatt: my boy turned so red. I just knew he was about to faint 🤣
lilnasx: we would've picked him up, not to worry 🤣
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