#when she takes him what do you expect her- to be all naggy and complicated about his morals?
cosmik-homo · 3 months
I wrote about this on discord a bit back but I think a big part of the whole doctor-master complication is that it's the type of argument and the master is the kind of person where they'd rather die than do something that might make it seem like conceding they're wrong, regardless what they actually think, and that's why "where I stand is where I fall. Stand with me" that almost works on Missy: She has made her move here, she killed him- made so he's dead when the other shoe drops- and he knows and acknowledges that and can offer her a way of coming near him and being on the same side without it being her side losing, saving face that she can join him in this. And the speech very much highlights how to the doctor it's never been about winning, always about harm to people and help to people, but I don't think the master is as affected by that as by the 'if you want to hold my hand now I can make it so it doesn't make you seem the fool for your past actions'.
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thepeanutbutterwizard · 9 months
Whats the family dynamic like for Misako, Garmadon, Nya and Lloyd like in your Venomous Teachings AU and are Mystake and Kai included in it since Mistake helped take care of Lloyd while Garmadon was banished and Kai gets freed from Wu's manipulation?
Kai and Mystake are definitely considered part of the family, even if it takes Kai a hot minute to actually realize and accept that.
They're a massively chaotic family, for a lot of reasons. Garm and Nya are like, actually a bit feral bc of the whole 'decade in the Underworld with only each other' thing. And I mean feral in a 'not accustomed to civilization and polite society' way, not a 'chaos for chaos sake, will bite as a greeting', though both do apply.
The two are also incredibly close, as are Misako and Lloyd, which is to be expected from, y'know, having no-one else around for a decade/most of the kids lives.
Garm and Misako kinda just, fit back together almost immediately once they're reunited. They're that type of old married couple who've been in sync with each other so long that even after a decade apart where the both of them have changed, they just click back together like they were never apart.
Things between Nya and Misako have a one-sided awkwardness to their dynamic at first, mostly from Nya's side. Growing up, Garm told her a lot about Misako, the wife he absolutely adored, and how he knew she would be just as happy to have Nya as a daughter as he is, to the point where he's been referring to Misako as 'your (Nya's) Mom' for years, and Nya's been excited for years to finally meet Misako and her probably younger sibling.
But actually meeting made things different. Nya's usually very unapologetic about being who and what she is. As long as she has her Dad in her corner, who gives a shit at the side eyes she gets when she refuses to use silverware? He isn't using them either!
But Misako is Human. The only Human Nya actually wants to like her (Kai's her brother, so even if he looks Human she knows he can't be, not fully, so he doesn't count and his teammates are annoying).
And there's also a bit of fear of 'I know Dad said she'd like me, but what if she hates me as much as the rest of the city and is just pretending for Dad's sake?' or something like that.
Misako picks up on something going on with Nya, how she seems to act differently around her vs anyone else, and quickly puts Nya's fears to rest. Sure, a surprise 14 year old kid showing up with her thought-to-be-dead husband wasn't on her bingo card that year, but she's happy to have Nya as a part of their family, and wishes all the 'stop Wu from taking over the world' stuff wasn't making it so hard to get to know each other.
Things go smoothly for them after that.
Lloyd and Nya hit things off almost immediately and are absolute menaces together.
After...everything that happens with Wu and the Mega Weapon, Kai and Nya both are officially adopted by Garmisako, something that takes Kai a while to adjust to.
Kai pushes back against them hard at first, Garmadon especially. Life with Wu was rigid, structured, strict. He knew what was expected of him in any situation, and knew what the consequences for not meeting those expectations was.
Garmisako are very much not like that.
Eventually, Kai does warm up to them, but with his luck he doesn't get to the point where he's comfortable calling them his parents until just before Ray and Maya are freed from Krux, which makes things really complicated again.
Mystake is kinda like a vodka grandma to the RGB siblings and the other kids. She's a bit like that meme " 'what are you doing?' 'teen rebellion' 'fuck yeah, stick it to the old people' ". She gets a bit naggy with Garm, but it all comes from a place of concern for this disaster of a pup she's known his entire life. Mystake is honestly boggled that Garm's made it this far without dying.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 12
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 12 – Kaia’s POV.
Kaia stood in front of the team members she had been working closely with and played with her bracelets nervously, wondering just how much she knew about each individual. Ever since Kaia had decided to tell the entire team about her second job that morning, she had been experiencing several emotions, one being guilt. Kaia never expected that her friendship with Changmin would ever amount to anything since it was so secretive in existence on its own. As she looked back over the time of being friends with the superstar, Kaia realised they had both been incredibly reckless. All it took was a photograph together, and with how Changmin had explained it to her a while ago, someone of his status would usually be followed. Kaia knew her luck had run out now.
“What is it Kai, you’re kind of scaring me,” Keith finally piped up out of the sea of expectant faces and she tried to pull herself together. “Has something bad happened?”
She nodded.
“Are you okay?!” Sungra immediately questioned, her dark eyes filling with concern. Kaia felt the guiltiest towards her, wondering how she would fix their friendship if Sungra took her news badly.
Minah stepped forward and placed a hand on Kaia’s shoulder reassuringly. “Are you leaving the team? You’re an asset to us Kaia, so I really hope its nothing like that.”
“I have been the worst person.” Kaia looked weakly around at the faces, all of them stunned that she had started speaking. “I have taken all of your friendship for granted and enjoyed your openness with me but I haven’t been open about everything in my life.”
Kaia watched as Keith and Abby exchanged glances and then shook their heads as if to stop her. She chose to ignore their protest and took another deep breath as Sungra looked at her, hurt evident in her dark gaze.
“I have a second job, and its one that I have kept to myself because of the implications it brings to this office-”
“Is it illegal?” Minah interrupted and Kaia shook her head. “What kind of implications then?”
“I work for an Entertainment company teaching English to idols,” Kaia finally announced and gasps filled the otherwise silent room. “I kept it from you all because I didn’t want to be seen as someone biased, though personally, I’ve never written anything to over exaggerate any idol.”
Sungra looked at Kaia coldly for a moment and nodded her head. “It’s SM Entertainment, isn’t it?”
“H-how did you know?” Kaia stuttered, and the room filled with more shocked noises.
“You work with Eunhyuk-oppa?!” Hyurin asked and Kaia grimaced, nodding lightly. “Can you please give him my phone number?!”
“Oh, and SHINee! Is Key as high maintenance and naggy as he appears on variety shows?!”
“Ladies,” Minah called out, silencing the bustling talking. “This is probably one of the reasons why Kaia felt compelled to keep this from us. Have you no dignity?”
“I have to go,” a small voice said and Kaia darted her focus back to Sungra. She rushed towards the exit and Kaia followed after her, screaming her name as she hurried down the flight of stairs. Sungra paused at the door and looked up at Kaia, tears forming in her eyes. “Please just let me have space. I will talk to you when I feel like I can. Right now, I’m wondering who my best friend truly is. And it has nothing to do with who works in that building but the reasons behind why you never told me.”
Sungra stepped out into the street then and Kaia watched for a moment before heading back up the stairs slowly. Everyone looked at her return and she shook her head softly. Keith came up and slung his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t worry Kai; she’ll not stay mad for long.”
“She’s not mad, she’s hurt.”
“She’ll come around, she always does though,” Abby assured and Kaia nodded, going back over to the group.
Minah cleared her throat. “Kaia, my office please.”
Kaia followed the woman down to the small room, sliding the door shut behind her. The older woman sat down at her desk and regarded Kaia for a moment. “I’m sorry for not informing you of this.”
“It must have been hard to keep it secret,” she said and Kaia nodded. “How long now?”
“I think it’s nearly eleven months.”
“Is there a particular reason you decided to share the information now?” she wondered and Kaia nodded again, hoping her idea would come across as a realistic opportunity.
“I have been given the chance to join TVXQ over in Japan for their TONE promotions. I won’t need any expenses to be paid for, just your permission to go and be a VIP reporter for Korea Star.” Kaia bit her lip gently in hopes Minah would agree.
“Does SME know you work here?”
“I believe they did a full background check on my enlistment into the company. They also are aware I write under a pen name.”
Minah seemed thoughtful. “Are you willing to take responsibility for anything you write?”
“I am.”
“Including writing the article under your real name? How we never picked up the fact you were the English teacher they employed who was good friends with Shim Changmin, I don’t-” She stopped her train of thought and let a knowing smile curl her lips up. “You have done the best to your ability to keep this secret to the point you ensured we wouldn’t discover you here.”
“I feel bad for taking the deliberate steps to not be uncovered. I didn’t want to be seen as a biased member of this team,” Kaia answered honestly and Minah chuckled.
“I will allow this trip, so long as you bring me the best news possible, and before the other news companies who we normally translate from. And that you write it all under your real name.”
Kaia cringed. “Is that last stipulation really necessary?”
“It’s the only reason I’ll let you come back to your job,” she replied and Kaia swallowed, Minah staring at her with a complicated expression. “You have no idea why I said that, but you’ll realise it in time.”
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Changmin had been so excited Kaia was going along to Japan, that he booked her flight immediately. Three days went by and still she hadn’t heard from Sungra, despite leaving at least fifty messages on her phone and email, even going around to her apartment for an hour without luck. Earlier in the morning, Kaia had returned to slip a note under her door explaining what best she could and of her whereabouts for the next three weeks. She then made her way to the airport with luggage in tow, wondering if she’d be able to get to the hotel she was staying at without getting lost. Kaia was panicking over her zero understanding of Japanese minus Konnichiwa and Arigatou, and realised she and Changmin hadn’t really thought this plan out as well.
All the same, Kaia boarded the plane when her flight was called over the intercom system and followed the other passengers onto it. She went to continue into economy but the stewardess stopped her, taking the ticket again and shaking her head.
“Miss, your seat is back up in first class.”
“It is?!” Kaia squeaked in astonishment, allowing the stewardess to direct her to the right seat. After thanking her distractedly, she sat down in the chair and blinked a few times. Pulling down the tray in front of her, Kaia ceased all movement when she noted the huge screen and assorted luxuries of the seat, before closing it back up hastily to pinch her arm. Letting out a yelp, Kaia shook her arm and accidentally bumped the person now beside her, bowing lightly despite his back being turned to her. Going back to her thoughts, Kaia barely noticed they were already in the air until she heard the seatbelt bell go off.
“Why on earth did he get me a first class ticket? Just because he lives a life of jet setting, did he think I would feel comfortable in amongst all these businessmen?” she mumbled to herself, pondering the idea and pulling a face. Kaia decided she wouldn’t play with anything out of stubbornness and the fact that she felt too far out of her depth. Folding her arms across her chest dramatically, Kaia cringed as she somehow bumped the man beside her again. “So much for heaps of space.”
“I never expected you to complain so much.”
“Well, its just completely unorthodox for me to be sitting here,” Kaia answered immediately and scowled at the chair in front of her.
“Could you imagine me back in economy with my long legs? You’re joking with me, right?” the person beside her continued and Kaia rolled her eyes and then let out a small scream, his hand covering her mouth so it became muffled. “Ugh, do you really have to make such a scene?”
Kaia’s eyes grew wide as Changmin rolled over to face her properly; his hair covered in a hat and hoodie that also shielded his face. She pushed his hand away from her mouth and then beat him with her own, his cries disturbing the older couple in front of them. After giving an apologetic smile to them both, Kaia leant towards the boy. “What are you doing here?!”
“I decided to be a nice friend, is this the thanks I get for jumping planes?”
“You’re supposed to be on the jet right now!” Kaia hissed back and he shrugged, picking up his iPod and fiddling with his playlists. “What if your fans saw you change?”
“I look like this, how could they?”
Kaia gave him an incredulous look. “You look completely like an idol. Who else tries too hard to hide in public? It’s just a complete giveaway.”
“Stop complaining, I did this for you because I knew you’d be worried about arriving in Japan and getting lost,” he spat back and she softened her expression, noting how uncomfortable it made him. “Don’t get too overwhelmed. Can we just enjoy the flight together?”
“Thank you,” Kaia said honestly and rearranged herself in the chair. Changmin placed one of his earbuds in his ear and offered the other to her, which made Kaia smile. Listening as Muse sounded through the device, she smiled up at Changmin and his ability to calm her nerves. Kaia wondered if she was able to offer anything to the tall Korean like he seemed to whenever she needed it.
With this thought in mind, Kaia hoped that she would be able to help Changmin with his dilemma of Kaori Kimura. It was the least she could do.
Part 13
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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sarcasticfina · 6 years
lost & found - bamon - 1/1
prompt: “what if I say no?”  crossposted: ao3 | ffnet
Bonnie would like to say that she was happy. And in many ways, she was. She had a stable job, an apartment, and a good man that loved her. But it wasn’t until that same man bent down on one knee and asked her to marry him that she second-guessed all of it. 
Six years ago, she left Mystic Falls and never looked back. She traveled and healed and decided her life would be different; it would be better. And she’d accomplished a lot of what she set out to do. She finished school, she built up a career, she settled down and rooted her self to a place she wanted to call home. But there were parts that she missed-- people that she’d loved and lost, who left scars and wounds and open spaces they used to occupy. She’d grieved for Enzo and she chose to live the life he would have wanted for her. She still missed him sometimes, but she had grown from the experience. Learned what she wanted and what she deserved. Which was where Brendan came in. 
He was a good person. Smart and funny and loving. He was warm and safe and the kind of guy a normal woman would want in her life long term. Up until this moment, she thought she did, too. But Bonnie wasn’t normal. She was complicated. She had a history she could never share with him. To Brendan, she was a smart, strong woman that was building a new life after the loss of her family. That wasn’t untrue, it just wasn’t everything. There was so much more that she just couldn’t tell him. She wasn’t even sure where she would start. That she was a witch. That she’d fought and killed and defended her hometown against any number of enemies. That her best friends were vampires. It was all just too much and, frankly, he hadn’t signed up for any of it. In his mind, she was normal. Human. And maybe she’d done a good job of convincing him, and herself, that she was. Until now. 
Bonnie stared at the ring he was holding and panic clogged her throat. Normal people were excited by something like this. By the idea of a forever spent with a good person that loved them. And maybe she would be, if the love she felt for him was as strong as it should be.
Six days ago, she got a letter. 
She wondered if her answer would be different if it was seven days earlier. Or if the letter never came at all. But the letter had come, and she’d read it.
In fact, she’d read it every day since she got it...
Dear Bonnie, 
Bet you thought you’d never hear from me. I wasn’t sure you would either. 
I think we can both agree that I sound better on paper than in person. Or maybe that’s just an excuse. Maybe I thought if I showed up out of the blue, you’d shut the door in my face. I’d deserve it. I deserve a lot of things. Some good, some terrible. 
I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to write. I guess I thought you deserved some time away from it. From this town, from the chaos, from me. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. I hope you found healing out there in the wider world. The kind of healing you were never going to get here, not while we were holding you back. 
I guess I should get the big stuff out of the way first. Stefan’s back. You’ll be happy to know that no innocent witches were sacrificed in making it happen. It took some work, but, well, he deserved it. I was a shit brother and a certain naggy witch had a pretty big effect on my ability to take responsibility for my terrible choices. So, he’s back, and settling in at home with Carebear. 
In other news, Elena’s gone. Not permanently. You know how humans are, so fickle about living their short little lives to the fullest. I get it. She’s happy in New York now. She earned her stethoscope and we haven’t seen each other since. I think we’re both better off. 
Anyway, the whole point of this letter wasn’t to drag you back into things. There’s no world-ending war on the horizon. It’s a lot more simple than that. I did some traveling of my own-- hit up a few of my old haunts, revisited a few places I went to with you and Ric. It was nice. But it might’ve made me a little homesick. Or, more aptly, Bonnie-sick.
I told you once that I was going away because I'd rather let you down once than let you down for the rest of your life. I meant it then, even if it was a shitty, cowardly way to go. In a lot of ways, I’m probably still that guy, but in a few others, I’m not. And I’d like to think I’d make better choices, starting with you.
I told myself when you left that I was going to let you go. You deserved that. You’d be a lot better off without me around to screw things up for you. And maybe I was right. Maybe your new life is everything you want it to be and there’s no space for me in it. I’ll understand if that’s true. Believe it or not, all I really want is for you to be happy. But, on the off chance that something’s missing. That maybe you’re missing me, too... I’m here. 
Specifically, I’m in town, and I’m staying at the Spellman Hotel (rather fitting, don’t you think?). Room 615. I’ll be here all week, since I figure you’ll need some time to wrap your head around things. If, at the end of those seven days, you don’t show up, it’s okay. I can take a hint. I won’t write anymore and I’ll keep my distance. No hard feelings. 
But if you do show up... then maybe we can start over. Or pick up where we left off. Whatever you want. Whatever will make you happy. 
Yours,  Damon  
She blinked back to the present and stared down at the ring. It was beautiful, and so was the man holding it. “Brendan...” she whispered. 
He grinned at her. “I know it’s only been a year, but... I knew from the moment we met that I--” 
Her hand covered the box, stopping him in his tracks. “Wait.” 
He paused and stared up at her searchingly.
“Brendan, you’re a good person. And you’ve been... amazingly patient with me. This last year has been...” She shook her head. “Everything I needed.” 
His smile widened. 
“But... It’s only been a year, and I feel like we’re still getting to know each other. There’s so much about me that you don’t know. So much about you that I--” 
“But we can learn all that. We’ll have a whole lifetime to ask questions!” 
There was a time when she would’ve thought that was sweet and romantic, but in this moment, she found it naive. His history would be nothing like hers. It couldn’t be. And she had a feeling that if she did tell him what her life was like, it would be too overwhelming to completely comprehend. The appeal in dating him was that it was simple and safe. But Bonnie had never expected it to last for long. Even a year was stretching things. Not because he wasn’t a good partner or person, but because he was her beginning point. Not her end. He was the bridge between her old life and her new life. He showed her that she could have a life outside of Mystic Falls, that she could be with someone all her own, untouched by the supernatural. But Brendan was never meant to be her forever and always. As much as she cared about him, she wasn’t in love with him. She couldn’t be when she was keeping so much of herself hidden. 
"What if I say no?” she wondered.
Brendan frowned. “Bonnie...” 
“Be honest. Does it end right here and now if my answer isn’t yes?” 
He stared up at her searchingly. “I think it might, yeah.” 
Nodding, she licked her lips. It was the fact that it didn’t hurt that decided it for her. Maybe she would miss him in the long run. Maybe she would even regret it down the road. But in that moment, she knew that she was making the right choice. 
She closed the ring box. “I’m sorry.” 
Brendan nodded. His gaze fell and he stood. “Can I ask why?” 
Nothing she said would comfort him, but she still tried to explain it. “For the last six years, I’ve been trying to find myself. I thought when I got away from everything, when I had a chance to figure out who I was, it would be different. I would be different. But in a lot of ways, I’m not. I’m stronger than I was before. I put myself first now. But at my core, I’m still exactly who I always was. And I don’t think you know her. Not the way you should.” 
He opened his mouth to argue, but she shook her head. 
“It’s not your fault. I don’t think there’s anything you could’ve said or done differently that would change this.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I really am sorry. I know this wasn’t the answer you wanted.” 
He nodded. “No, it wasn’t. But... I always loved your honesty.” 
It wasn’t a jab, not really, but it still made her wince. 
Brendan was quick to leave. He said he’d be back in a few days to pick up any of his things and she walked him out. Once he was gone, she closed the door and leaned her back against it. 
There was an itch in her fingers-- a reminder that she still had unfinished business. She could go tomorrow, or not at all. Did she really want to invite him back in? Knowing what kind of chaos he could bring with him. Knowing that her whole stable, safe life could be turned on its head. Knowing the pain they’d already suffered in the past... 
Bonnie pushed off the door and made her way to her bedroom. She dug through the bottom drawer of her vanity until she found the letter. Folded and refolded, the paper wrinkled with each time she’d read it. Chewing her thumbnail, she sighed and made a decision. 
It was late. She considered turning back more than once. Sitting in the parking lot of the hotel, she stared at her dashboard. In the pocket of her jacket was the letter. Tapping her fingers against the steering wheel, she chewed on her lip. She and her boyfriend had basically just broken up. Maybe she should wait. Then again, this didn’t have to be anything. It was just one friend visiting another. A friend she used to have feelings for. Very strong feelings. The kind that left her broken and devastated once upon a time... 
The fact that she’d turned down a proposal and was sitting in front of Damon’s hotel suggested she might not be over those feelings either. 
Taking a deep breath, she reached for the keys. No, she should go. Back home, to her safe little apartment where nothing supernatural had ever occurred. To her 9 to 5 job that was so mindlessly boring that she sometimes fell asleep at her desk. To her completely human life with her very human friends where nobody knew she was a witch or the ties she had to vampires and werewolves and hybrids, oh my. 
Just as she turned the ignition, she switched it off. Who was she kidding?
Pushing the door open, she climbed out of her car, only to find a smirking Damon standing in front of her. 
“Was starting to think you’d never show up, Bon-Bon.” 
Crossing her arms, she leaned back against her car and tilted her chin. “I wasn’t sure I would either.” 
He stared at her searchingly. “What changed your mind?” 
“You know us humans and our short life spans... Six years is a pretty long time to miss someone.” 
A slow smile grew. “I don’t know if you qualify as human. You’re a lot more than that.” 
“Maybe.” She shrugged. “But I’ve only got sixty years or so, right?” 
“I think we can squeeze out a few more than that.” He took a step forward, hands tucked in the pockets of his jacket. “So, how much did you miss me?” 
Bonnie rolled her eyes. “You’re the one that wrote a sappy letter.” 
“Sappy?” He scoffed. “That was a well-crafted masterpiece of friendship and love and a little bit of longing. It should be memorialized in a book.” 
She raised an eyebrow. “A little bit?” 
“Maybe bit more than that.” 
She snorted. “You spent a whole week in this hotel hoping I would show up. What would you call that?” 
Bonnie pinched her lips in an attempt to hide her smile, but when Damon grinned, she could tell she wasn’t fooling him. “I have a life, you know. I set down roots, got a job, I had a boyfriend.” 
She stared at him a long beat. “You and Elena, you’re really done?” 
“Kaput.” He nodded. “Different priorities, expectations, and, uh, I don’t think I was the same person she went into that coffin loving.” 
“Is that a good thing?” 
“I think so.” He looked away, teeth scraping at his lip. “Kinda like to think I’ve done some growing. Figured a few things out. Myself, mostly.” 
Pushing off the car, she walked toward him. “So what are you expecting? What do you want to happen?” 
His gaze fell and then moved to her. “Six years is a long time.” 
“It is,” she agreed. 
“Means I have some stuff to catch up on.” 
Bonnie nodded. “Sounds like we both do.” 
Damon’s brows raised. “I want to.” He half-smiled. “So, what do you say, Bon? You wanna take a chance on a vampire with a terrible track record? See where life takes us.” 
“Not the safest choice.” She pulled her hands from her pockets. “But I was getting restless anyway.” 
His smile widened and he held a hand out. 
Bonnie reached back. 
Tugging her forward, he dropped his head down and met her eyes. “Are we starting over, or picking up where we left off?” 
Bonnie leaned into him. “A little bit of both.” 
Damon nodded. “I like the sound of that.”
She wasn’t sure what happened now. Maybe they stayed and built on the life or maybe they went elsewhere and started from scratch. Maybe they traveled to places unknown or maybe they revisited where they’d already been. All she really knew was that they would do it together. Maybe as friends, maybe as more, the possibility was there. This was just the beginning. They had a long time to go before they reached any kind of ‘end.’ And she was excited to see where it would take them.
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