#when the show released they did little info posts ab a character
goose777 · 2 years
i’m just saying that obviously something is going to happen with the shirts right? Cause they would be putting cute captions like “i guess its my turn” if it wasn’t and they wouldn’t be waiting to do one per day right? My theory is that either Kit or Amita is going to do one tomorrow then on Monday the other is going to do it and Monday is the day of Netflix Geeked that we are getting Shadow and Bone info SO either we are getting a confirmed Six of Crows spinoff (!!) OR a release date/possible teaser for season two and this is their way of hinting that something significant will be happening with the Crows?
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meowsaidmayaanime · 6 years
What I'm Watching September 2016 as of 9/27
Big Windup! 9/27
My girl friend and I have been watching this anime for the past month, since we only watch it together it took quite a wile to get through, but it was well worth it.
The anime follows a first year high school baseball pitcher, Mihashi, who joins his schools brand new team. Mihashi, because of his experiences with his middle school team, is significantly less than confident in not only his pitching but in his ability to make friends. He is very much a kid who suffers from severe anxiety, self worth, and some PTSD caused by bullying in middle school. Despite this he was convinced to join the baseball team at his new school and the rest of the series focuses on his relationship with his catcher, Abe, who recognizes that Mihashi has great talent and tries to get him to realize that, as well as his own self confidence and worth.
From the description above it makes the show seem rather dark and serious, but it is not whatsoever. Its a very light-hearted show, with its own unique brand of comedy. The English voice actors, while not so great at first, really grew on me and fit very well with their respective characters. In fact, now I can't see the characters being played by anyone else.
This anime definitely grew on me, especially after watching the teams first practice match in the first few episodes. It makes you feel for and understand Mihashi and Abe, and root for their relationship despite being so blatantly different. It very 'natural' too in the way that the characters interact with each other and especially how they respond to Mihashi's mental problems.
If your into sports anime, this one is wonderful. I've only seen the first season (25 episodes), and plan to continue watching. The only problem is that the second season is a half season (12 or 13 ep) and there is no word on whether or not the show will ever continue. By the look of the end of the first season, there is no way the show could be wrapped up in the second season. So if you do decide to watch it keep that in mind. When I finish the second season I will give you guys a little more info about it. But for now, I really love it. (and the facial expressions are great!!)
Silver Spoon 9/25
Silver Spoon is a semi-natural (but still mostly natural) anime about a boy who decided to go to a high school in the country focused on agriculture in order to get away from his parents home in the city. Upon arriving he finds that all his classmates attend the school because they grew up with the farm life. Being a city boy, he is thrown into the farm/agriculture classes learning about raising animals and growing crops.
I was a little skeptical going into this anime, but the moment I finished the first episode I realized that this would be an anime I would thoroughly enjoy and love. And I do!
Like many of my other favourite slice of life anime, I love this one because of the deep topics it explores and discuses. In here Haciken, the main character, struggles with not knowing who he is or what his dream for the future is, the stress and complications from his family, as well as dealing with issues regarding the animal industry. The first season primarily deals with Hachiken's struggle to decide where the line is drawn between a pet and livestock. Can he care for an animal, in this case a piglet, and then accept it when the animal goes to the slaughterhouse for food? That being just one example of the real-world struggles and debates that the anime discusses, and does so rather directly. hey do not beat around the bush with these topics which is great.
On top of discussing deep topics the anime is also rather hilarious often giving chances for comedy, as well as deep thought, interpersonal relationships between teachers, classmates, friends, families, and some mild romance.
I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants something more out of slice of life than just comedy or just school life. I would highly recommend you watch the first episode because you will know immediately whether you will like this anime or not.
Millennium Actress 9/19 re-watch
Millennium actress is a movie released in 2001 about a director who finally finds the actress he admired the most after decades of hiding. Chiyoko, now in her 70's, was famed in cinema from the 20s to maybe the 50s or 60s until she mysteriously vanished and became recluse at the height of her career. After finding a key that once belonged to chiyoko and finally finding her home, the director asks for an interview and the chance to return the key. The rest of the movie is about the actress recounting the tale of the key in question, explaining why it was so important to her and how it caused her to go into acting when she was young. Reality and the roles that she played in cinema merge and intertwine with her tale, as we watch her grow as an actress in the roles she played and the feelings/inner turmoil she experiences.
I had first watched this movie when I was much younger and first got into anime, so it must have been sometime between late elementary and middle school. Back then I thought the film was beautiful and amazing, but could not truly comprehend what it meant. I had re-watched it a few times to try to understand it, but I never did. At-least not until I re-watched nearly 8 years later. I understand it now, i completely understand it, its definitely a concept that is better understood by at least someone in their late teens who knows more about the struggles of constantly searching for someone. I won't say more here about it, but I will say that its a fascinating story.
What I love most about this film are the moments we see Chiyoko's films, most of what we see focuses on historical periods from a thousand years ago to the 50's. And there are a number of films she acts in that I would personally love to watch more of. Along with her recounting, the die hard fan director pops up and plays the other supporting roles he knows well from re-watching her films, giving a great bit of comedic relief. The only thing I didn't like was the filmography who accompanied the director, his presence was largely only comedic relief and i felt was mostly forced into the film.
Regardless, this is a great film, constantly filled with action, a little confusion, mystery, drama, and romance. It's a more serious film better suited for adults and young adults simply because of the overarching theme/concept the film focuses and relies on to tell the story. As I have before, I would definitely watch it again.
Shirobako 9/14
This is an incredibly meta and 'natural' anime. It begins with 5 high school girls creating an animated short film for their anime club. Each of the girls has a passion for the different parts that goes towards making an anime, production, writing, animating, art, and voice acting. They promise that in the future they will make their high school production a reality. Jump forward a few years, and most of the main characters are out of collage and fresh in their new jobs. The show takes over following one of the girls, Aoi Miyamori, who joins a production studio as a production assistant. We watch her go through the stress and struggle of dealing with the numerous people working on the project, deadlines, and life in the industry. We also watch how the other four girls are doing with their careers.
Overall its a very good story about being young post graduation individuals trying to discover their dreams, make their dreams a reality, and struggle with figuring out if what your doing is not only right for you, but feasible at all.  As a senior in college and being only 2 years younger than the main character (I am currently 21 and the five characters are 22-23) I can really understand what they are going through having struggled with the question of what I want to do, study, and whether its the right choice for me.
It's an incredibly good young adult story. A large portion of the characters are well rounded and different (there is a huge cast because we meet nearly every employee), and no one falls even 90% into one particular archetype, but rather feels like a real person. In terms of how accurate to a Japanese production studio it is, I can't say for sure considering I've never worked in the industry. However I will go on a limb to say that a production company who writes a story about their own business would be pretty accurate. And from an outsiders point of view, it feels very accurate.
I wholeheartedly recommend this anime. Especially if you like slice of life that is 'natural', focuses more on real life scenarios, and for once does not take place in school, but focuses on adults and the adult life.
10/10 would watch again and recommend. In fact I've already convinced a friend to watch it and after the first episode was hooked~
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying 9/13
This is a cute 3 minute, 26 episode series. It follows the daily home life of an otaku husband (verging on, if not already a NEET), and his wife who is not interested in anime or manga. It's interesting seeing how they make their relationship work together despite the lack of understanding between each other on the topic of the husbands large obsession of anime and manga (as well as his no will to work.) It's a cute series, and if you want a quick cute and funny watch this is a good one that you can blow through in an hour or two. Not the best short series out there, but still cute.
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and Eternal Summer 9/11 re-watch
This really is an amazing series. I just finished and wow. Even when the giddy blindness that you get from a show after watching it for the first time has passed and your re-watching it with a clearer head sometimes shows turn out to be not as great as you first thought. This is not one of those shows. Yes there's a whole lot of fan service mainly with all the muscles, but it's still an incredible show, it still has an incredible story and character relation, and wow the second season is fabulous.
The show follows Haru and his friends as they start a swimming club and try to climb their way past their own limitations, strengthen and repair their bonds, fight their way to regional and national competitions, and in the second season struggle with their uncertainty towards the future.
Where the first season focuses more on the 'now' of making new friendships and rekindling old ones, the second season really is a coming of age/growing up story focusing on their future. As sappy as that might sound you don't even realize it until its all over. Hell, I didn't even realize it until someone mentioned it online and gave me that epiphany that I now see should have been pretty obvious.
Yeah, the character designs are not new, or innovative, or terribly complex at all, but they are characters that grow on you. As long as you can still love the characters, care about them, and watch them grow, then that's all you need. Couple that in with the uniqueness of the characters situations, the lighthearted comedy of the show, and the underlying messages that really do sneak up on you and you have one hell of a sports anime.
If you ever want to know where to start your sports anime obsession, start with Free! or even with its amazing parody 50% Off which got me obsessed with sports anime! Seriously this show is fantastic, 10/10 would watch again. Two seasons of 12 and 13 episodes, its a quick watch with a very good English dub~
(Speaking of sports anime, I started doing sports anime bingo recently and played it while re-watching this show. It took a while, but oh man did I hit bingo with Free!)
Natsume's Book of Friends Seasons 1-4 9/3 TOP PICK FOR THIS MONTH!!
This is an incredibly adorable show. Its heartwarming and has a 'feel good' movie feel to it. If anything taking into account the art style and how good it makes you feel it reminds me a lot of Fruits Basket. Don't get me wrong, its nothing like Fruits Basket in terms of story, but its got the same 'feel'.... if that makes sense.
Anyway, the premise is that Natsume is the only one able to see yokai (Japanese monsters/spirits/gods). After moving into a new town with some distant relatives, Natsume finds out that is deceased grandmother could also see yokai and made quite the reputation among them. She would take the names of local yokai and put it into a book called the book of friends, with their names she could control the yokai. Now yokai are coming after Natsume either to ask him to return their names or to take the book of friends for themselves.
The majority of the show is about Natsume steadily coming to understand both humans and yokai more clearly than he has before. Making friends, learning about the lives of others, learning about his grandmother, and finding out what it really means to be apart of a family and not be ostracized by others because of his ability.
This show is wonderful, its not as gripping or super emotion/action driven as some other shows are, but its very well done. The character are great, the stories are so heartwarming, and it breaks a number of the stereotypical cliches that are often found with anime about a character who can see something that others cannot. An example that I particularly love is how other characters who come into the mix who are also able to see yokai are not automatically 'evil' or an antagonist. So rather than causing mroe trouble for Natsume from the 'get go' they are actually there to help develop him into a better character. Which I love~ Any actual antagonist that shows up are antagonists for a real reason, rather than just for the purpose of having one.
If your into exorcism anime or anime that focuses on traditional Japanese monsters/spirits/gods you will love this one. It is slower paced and focuses more on story than action so keep that in mind. Also keep in mind that there are only 4 season out right now as of this post. Season 5 will be coming out with this falls simulcasts and I'm super excited for it~
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