#when they found out willow and xander were making out on the low key say it with me now EVERYONE WANTED TO THROW UP
wolfstrong · 1 year
the relationships in buffy are so fucked up that usually in canon when everyone figures out that people are dating their reaction is to scream and throw up and kill themselves
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Shared Minds and Shared Souls (7/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mention of past trauma, fluff 
Word Count: 1.8k
Part Summary: Y/N is doing everything in her power to get back to normal and recover. However, when Dawn goes missing, she’s stuck having to ask the one person she knows can help (though she hates to admit it). 
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Sitting on the floor of the living room, I place each healing crystal ranging from rose quartz to jade neatly in a circle around me. The strong scents of peppermint and lavender fill my senses as the oils radiate from my anointed hands. These elements will help me heal both physically and mentally. It will be a tedious process, but I hope that I’ll eventually be as strong and powerful as I was previously. Closing my eyes, I do my best to focus and internalize my thoughts. Every part of healing is internalized. I have to channel the healing power from these elements and transfer them to myself.
As I sit in silence meditating, I start to hear a faint buzzing sound. This is good, it means the spell is working. I’ll have to do this each day for a certain amount of time until I feel recovered.
The front door creaks open, distracting me for a second. I return my attention back to my task. If I slip, I’ll have to start over. Besides, it’s probably just Dawn getting home from school. She insisted on walking home today and I didn’t put up a fight. The girl has been through enough already and could use some space to breathe.
I hear Joyce traveling down the stairs to greet her youngest in the foyer.
“No, it’s me,” Buffy replies.
My eyes snap open and the crystals that were floatings around me fall to the wood floor with scattered thuds.
“But where’s Dawn?! Is she with you?!” Joyce rushes out, already panicked.
“She isn’t home yet?!” Buffy questions.
“No!” Joyce frets.
I gather my belongings together and set them aside, no healing today for me. It’s alright, I can survive another day all off-balanced, what else is new. I join Joyce and Buffy in the foyer, reaching for my jacket on the hook. The two of them turn to me.
“Where are you going?” Buffy questions.
“Going to go find Dawn,” I explain plainly, slipping on my leather jacket.
“But you’re still recovering,” Joyce ever so kindly reminds me.
Someone has to go find Dawn and these two are just standing here going back and forth.
“Someone has to do it,” I remark, sounding unintentionally snarky.
“Use a tracking spell!” Buffy suggests as if I haven’t already thought of that.
“I’m too weak. My intuition, along with everything else, is all out of wack,” I grumble, annoyed with my useless state.
“Then I’m coming with,” Buffy declares, already setting down her things from school.
“Peachy,” I mutter, already heading out the door. “You take the north side of town and I’ll take the south,” I instruct Buffy on the way to my car. “Call Willow to have her be on the lookout. I’ll check in with Xander and Anya, Dawnie may have gone over there.”
Buffy grabs my forearm, stopping me on the sidewalk in front of her house. “Why didn’t you pick her up from school today?!”
I raise my brows at her, the audacity of this girl. Is she seriously trying to accuse me of something? Who was the one who saved Dawnie’s ass last week and nearly lost my mind because of it?
I pull my keys out of my pocket and unlock my car with a snicker. “Don’t start with me, Buffy,” I warn her with a dismissive grin. “Let’s just find your sister.”
She releases my wrist and I jog to the driver’s side of my car. Climbing in, I immediately turn on my radio, blasting alternative rock. Buffy runs down the sidewalk, heading north. Geez, I was right. The sooner I can get out of this town and save everyone’s ass, the better.
As the sun starts setting, I’m running out of places to check. Xander and Anya haven’t seen Dawn all day. The achy feeling in my gut is growing with each passing minute. Dammit, why didn’t I just pick her up from school?! I slap my hands against the wheel of my car, screaming at the top of my lungs. If Dawn is fucking hurt, it’s going to be my fault and everything is already my fault! First, I go and get my head scrambled like damn eggs by Glory. Then, I fuck things up with Spike which were already pretty fucked up already now that I think about it. Finally, it’s my fault that Dawn is missing!
Wait, Spike! He’s the last person I feel like seeing right now, but he might be able to help! After the other day, when he said what he did and Buffy came in, he ran off. He never came back. Oh screw it! Ignoring the laws of the road entirely, I do an illegal U-turn in the middle of the road, whipping back in the direction of the cemetery. I guess I’m making a late visit to Bleach Head.
Without invitation, I barge into Spike’s crypt. I’ve never actually been here before, never having the pleasure of a visit. However, Buffy’s told me a million times about it, so it wasn’t hard to find.
“Spike!” I shout for the peroxide crazed vampy. “Dawn’s missing, I need-”
I halt, my eyes land on Spike and Dawn sitting across from one another on a casket vault. What the actual hell? Spike’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as I slowly approach the duo.
“Y/N!” Dawnie squeals with excitement. “Spike was just telling me the most intense story!”
My eyes remain on Spikes as I stand beside my young cousin. “Is that so? What about?”
“Oh it was nothing,” Spike is quick to hurry along with the conversation.
“It’s so suspenseful!” Dawn gushes.
“I don’t think Y/N cares to-”
She interrupts Spike, continuing to ramble. My attention fades as I look to Spike for some real answers. I haven’t seen him in a few days. He looks like shit. Well, he’s still gorgeous, but a little... well... undead. Spike nervously avoids my gaze, his eyes flickering between me and Dawn.
“Hey Dawn,” I interrupt her chatter calmly.
She hums, perking up.
“Could you wait for me outside? Your mom and Buffy are losing their shit and I need to get you home,” I explain, finally breaking free of Spike’s gaze to focus on Dawn.
“Oh great! So Buffy is just going to hell at me when I get home?!” She fusses with a whine.
“I’m not the one who decided to visit the cemetery on the way home with calling to let me know first,” I smirk at her with a knowing look.
She hops down from the vault with a huff and slings her back over her shoulder. “At least it was you who found me and not Buffy I guess,” she grumbles.
Abruptly, she grabs my arm in a panic. Why is everyone doing that today? Do I have a sign on my forehead that says ‘please grab me! I love to be touched!
“You’re not going to tell her where I was are you?!” She rushes out.
“You think I want Buffy yelling at me all night?” I sass, looking at her like she has three heads. “No way, you were at Janice’s, deal?”
“Deal,” she smiles and heads to the door. “Bye Spike!”
“Later Nibblet,” he hollers back before directing his attention to me.
“Go wait in the car!” I command. “No running off!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she repeats monotony, shutting the crypt door behind her.
Spike fiddles his rings, his head hanging low. I lean against the vault, crossing my arms over my chest. There’s a painful silence between us. Since the moment we met, there was never silence. When he thought I was Glory, we spoke. Even when we were fighting and arguing there was discussion. I’m unsure of what to say, but I’m certain I hate the silence.
“You’re... you’re very good with her,” he compliments quietly. “Nibblet.”
I swallow hard, finding myself wishing he would just look at me. Instead, he continues to avoid my eyes as he pulls himself a cigarette. I watch quietly as he lights it and takes a smoke.
“You are too,” I return the compliment in a whisper, lacking confidence.
His head slowly rises with surprise written on his features. Evidently, he didn’t expect me to exchange pleasantries. He forgets I’m not my cousin. I didn’t come here to yell at him or be bitter about everything. I’ve seen his memories, I’ve seen the cards he’s been dealt, and I understand. Why would I want to add to that mix? He’s been through enough and has caused enough suffering as it is.
Hesitantly, I approach Spike steadily. He sits uncharacteristically still with his sea-blue eyes locked on me. Slowly, I raise my hand reaching out for his cheek as my eyes search every aspect of his face. He cowers away slightly, avoiding contact for my sake. When I don’t flinch or show any signs of fear of the action, he relaxes. His brows scrunch together in faint confusion. I hover my fingers over my cheekbone, unable to actually touch him. The limitation frustrating me to high heaven. All I want to do is to touch him, feel him, yet I can’t.
My eyes glance back to his, his exquisite sea glass blue eyes. They flicker between my eyes and my lips. Compelled by him, I lean forward at a cautious pace bringing my lips closer to his. Spike hesitates, searching my eyes worriedly for any sign of second thoughts. Considering my hindered and weak state, I can’t blame him. It’s the only way we can touch and I need to touch him. He places his hand on my jacket covered arm, squeezing it gently. Then, he completes the remaining distance between us, pressing his lips to mine.
Closing my eyes, I see bright flashes of white and silver light. They’re bright like fireworks illuminating a dark sky and I feel an immense charge coursing through my body. Pressing my palm to Spike’s chest, I guide him back to rest against the vault. He complies, gripping my waist as I climb on top of him. No different than a rushing wave, it travels through my blood like a golden stream of life. I haven’t had this much energy in me since before Glory’s attack. My weak state is squashed and becomes a distant memory. As if I’m drinking from the Fountain of Youth, I can’t get enough. I lean into the sensation, deepening the kiss, craving more. I surrender to the glorious essence that consumes my body and soul. I let myself go and a jolt shocks me, causing me to break away. Sitting up, I catch my breath.
“Y/N!" Spike shouts my name beneath me.
I snap my head down, meeting his wide-eyed gaze.
"Your eyes,” he gasps, prompting himself up on one arm and holding me with his other. "They're... they're bright blue! Almost white even! Like bolts of lighting are circling in them!"
I blink rapidly and glance down at my hands. Strays of electricity travel between my fingers at random. I feel their charge and warmth. I snicker lightly, the overwhelming sensation makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud. I've never felt so high and powerful in life. I could part the whole damn Pacific if I wanted to! God, this feels great!
Tags: @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @hexmancia​
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Buffy Season 10: Review
Not gonna lie, I am entirely biased here. As a Spuffy shipper, this season was basically... everything I could dream of and then some more. And that’s just the ship-stuff. The story itself? The development of the overarching plot? I’m just so in love with season 10, it ain’t even funny anymore.
But let’s do this chronologically.
Bringing back Anya as a ghost... hurt. A lot. And, okay, I’ll say her ending was not great. Really tired of women dying, especially women dying for Xander. Starting to think there might be an actual curse involved here. I wish she could have gotten to live and could have gotten her chance to make her own life.
XANDER. Okay. I can’t put into words how much I loved that. Last season, I got increasingly more uncomfortable with Xander’s writing because it was really just two steps away from making him an abusive partner. That he actually went to therapy and is actively working on his issues. The improvement. The growth. Love to see it.
Dracula was decidedly less offensive this season. That was... minorly improved.
Andrew attemting to resurrect Tara put genuine tears in my eyes though. That hurt. And it also... it made sense? He’s been so desperately trying to redeem himself. Still, this one was a gut-punch. Which is a compliment to the writing, it was a well-delivered gut-punch.
Surprising to literally no one, I am absolutely living for the Love Dares You plotline. Buffy taking a mind-journey into Spike’s inner thoughts? Seeing the bad, but also the good? And even as the demon was trying to control him, she managedd to bring him back. Damn. That. That’s the kind of thing I’d go seek out in fanfiction, but legitimately never expected to encounter in canon.
I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Andrew’s coming out. I mean, on the one hand, yes we all knew he was gay, the show’s not been super subtle about that. On the other hand, as a gay person, I am very much not a fan of straight people going “I knew all along” and the amount of characters who did this with Andrew, to his face, was starting to get frustrating.
The... rift between Willow and Buffy felt very much “I told you so”, I mean... Buffy was right. In the end, she turned out to be right. And that was obvious from the get-go. I’m glad that they didn’t have a bigger blow-out about this, because that would have been frustrating with just how painfully obviously Buffy was right. The military is not your friend. A lesson they both should have learned many years ago, so it baffles me that Willow so blindly leaned into it. Yes, admittedly, the resources were useful and Willow did a lot of good with them, but she was relying a little too heavily on support from them, as could be seen by the way things came apart.
The thing with D’Hoffryn and how it played out was also... very much projected from the get go. And again, Buffy was right. She was the most vocal about not giving the council the powers and while much of what she said to her friends in the blow-out was low and unfair, I do think she had a point in that Giles and Willow, who advocated for giving the council the powers, ought to have read the freaking fine print in the council’s contracts. Still, not a fan of how much steam Buffy blew off by blaming others and putting all blame away from herself.
Dawn actually being... majorly useful is... new. Interesting. The fact that her being the key actually came into play? Damn. And her being a goddess in another dimension? I surprisingly really enjoyed her little side-quest. Her and Xander bringing buildings, plumbing, theater and therapy to the demon-dimenson was hilarious. And that, in the very end, Dawn got to keep her powers, even in our dimension? Very nice touch. I dig it.
Okay now that all of this is out of the way, let me talk about Spuffy.
I love them so much. I said I’d be biased here, okay? But... oof, this has been a ridiculously slow-burn. Comics came out in 2016, that makes it a fiteen years long slow-burn. Add five years because I only got around to reading them now.
They are so... soft. Just, them holding each other, leaning onto each other? Waking up with each other? But it’s not just all smooth. It’s awkward. They’re both afraid. They’re both flawed and have their own issues.
I can’t put into words how much I loved when Spike wanted to break up with Buffy. And she’s just like “no”. Puts a pin in it. Things hard about it. And actually uses her words. Admitting how hard this is, admitting her issues, even admitting that she’s relieved Spike is scared too because that makes two of them. And both of them being willing to work it out together. Fight for this relationship.
I also loved the return of Dylan, or rather the way she returned. When she first popped up at the bar, I thought this was going to be used for a misunderstanding and jealousy and such. Instead Spike’s being a total awkward bean who’s like “I have a girlfriend” right away? And Dylan invites him to the gallery opening. And Buffy teases him about having a friend. No jealousy. Heck, even Buffy pointing out that since they had gotten together, they have been working with three of her exes. No jealousy when she meets Dylan either. They even seemed to be getting along. I loved this. I love the idea of Spike just having friends.
I love the way Spike and Buffy’s relationship is developing. And - something I might love nearly as much as the Spuffy - they did my favorite angle fo the found family trope. The one where they all live together. Finally all the Scoobies share a house. Well, not all. Andrew’s still over in Oakland. But having Giles, Xander and Spike (in the same apartment. Amazing), Willow, Buffy and Dawn all live under the same roof makes me incredibly happy?
I’m just, overall, really loving season 10. The writing was amazing. There was so much happening - but not in a convoluted manner that makes it confusing or overwhelming, it was all woven in together so well. It just felt that I consumed three seasons, not just one.
I can’t wait to see what season 11 has in store.
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layla256 · 5 years
Key to Her Heart Chapter 2/52: Children’s Games
And here we go, the second chapter! I know the Slayerfest would have probably been a better episode to do this prompt with, but I don’t really have access to the episode since I’m on a cruise ship with no internet right as I’m writing this, so I figured I’d go with the next episode in season two.
Cause I love me some season two. Wonder why?
This was hell to write. Frankly, there’s about 200 words missing from this chapter, mostly because of the 2000 word limit. I was gonna have Faith finally show up in all her Single-Slayer glory, there was an entire conversation Buffy has with Spike about Ford and their friendship, there was a lovely torture scene where Spike’s feelings for Buffy start to come through, there’s an entire sub-plot with Buffy’s Mom and her gallery.
None of which I got to touch. So I’ve decided, since I have the extra time on my hands, I’ll start writing shoot-offs of the series. Things that have nothing to do with the Prompts as I’m writing them, but will definitely flush out the over-all story.
The prompt this time was: The most dangerous game.
Again, Slayerfest would have been perfect, but I barely remember the episode. I’ll have to start re-watching when I get home.
 Buffy wasn’t sure if she wanted to be flattered by Spike’s defense of her supposedly sullied honor or still horrified that his response to her assault had been to slaughter an entire frat house in her and her friends’ names.
Being fair, they were sacrificing teenage girls to a giant snake demon, so she wasn’t exactly upset that they were dead, but a voice sounding incredibly like her mother insisted that murder was still a very wrong thing and wasn’t to be encouraged.
Either way, Buffy had some serious thinking to do, which she figured was best done at the Bronze with bestie back up.
“Well,” Xander said, “I’ve given my opinion on the guys, so . . .”
Willow and Buffy both sighed. “‘Fuck ‘em,’” they quoted. It had been his mantra all night. Sure, he’d been the first on the Let’s-Stake-Spike train right along with Giles when he’d first heard, but the second his actual intentions had been revealed, they suddenly changed their tones.
“Extenuating circumstances,” Giles had called it, while cleaning his glasses for the fifteenth time that conversation.
“Well, someone got a potty-mouth while I was gone!” a strained voice called, bringing Buffy’s attention around to the familiar figure behind her.
“FORD!” She yelled out, not seeing the grin on his face.
  Spike couldn’t believe his fucking luck! He knew that Faith was a royal bitch to everyone (Buffy had complained about it plenty of times for him to get the picture), but to have a childhood friend turn her over to a Master Vampire to save his own skin? Spike had originally had his doubts when some posh human came and offered him the slayer on a silver platter in exchange for immortality. Had he not been able to smell the sick and medicine on the kid, he would have smelled a trap instead. Kid was dying and desperate, and Spike was just the kind of bad, rude man to take advantage
He would kill Faith, Dru would be able to drink her dry, then . . .
Then they would leave. Just like he wanted three months ago. His Dark Princess all healed up, they’d paint the town red before moving onto the next. This was, literally, the sole reason he came to this ruddy town.
Not why we stay, his demon whispered. Never before had he felt so strongly the urge to physically kick the damn thing. Yes, he knew bloody well that wasn’t why he stayed, or why the idea of leaving left him feeling more bereft than before, but it was completely and utterly a non-issue.
Before he could remind himself all the reasons why it was a non-issue, a hand came across his face, scratching as it went.
Ah, Dru was in that kind of a mood today then.
“Stop all that glowing,” she demanded. “You’ll burn up my daisies!”
Spike sighed heavily, drawing on a full century of loving Dru through all these fits to keep his temper. “Dru, Princess, ‘m not glowin‘.” He calmly took both of her hands into his own, holding them firmly so she couldn’t attack him again.
“You are!” she insisted, struggling in his grip. Normally, she could have broken it by now, but that mob had really done a number on her. “You glow with her! I’ll not burn up with you! No sunshine for Daddy’s princess!”
Spike was in game face in an instant. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, that’s all he sodding heard about. Every damn night his Dark Princess insisted on bringing up her wretched sire, asking after him, commenting on whatever he was doing, all of it. Frankly he was fucking sick of it at this point.
“A hundred,” he growled at her, shaking her in his grip. “A hundred fucking years, I’ve stood by you. When Darla left cause she couldn’t put up with your fits, when he left because of that fucking soul, I stayed and took care of you, loved you through every sodding demon you opened your legs for. Kept you safe and happy, and stayed. Never strayed a once. So whatever Miss Edith told you, get it out of your head now.”
As he panted with unnecessary breath, he saw tears well up in her eyes. Immediately, he felt like a pillock. He knew it wasn’t Dru’s fault. Between the visions and the regular bouts of insanity, the poor girl couldn’t tell up from down half the time. It had been decades since he’d lost his temper with her.
“Princess,” he whispered, moving to bring her into his arms. “Princess I-”
“Princess wants her Daddy!” she wailed, crumbling to the floor.
And, for the first time in a hundred and eight years, Spike let her and walked out of the room.
He had a Slayer to kill.
 “Let’s go people-watching,” Ford suddenly said, drawing Buffy out of her Algebra-induced state. Something she was grateful for because, frankly, she was getting sick of those trains. However, when his words registered, she gave him a sarcastic look, raising her eye brow at him in what looked like a very Spike-ish expression. “Come on,” he needled, sitting up straight on her couch. “It’ll be just like old times! You used to love playing ‘Story Time’.”
Buffy shuddered at the name. “Yeah, until we made that amazing love story.” Buffy didn’t have to finish the rest. It had been her favorite story by far, full of drama, romance, and perhaps a hidden connection to the Dutch throne (did the Dutch even have a monarchy? It wasn’t something she’d considered when she was ten) rivaling any she’d come up with before. All of which had come crashing down when she’d caught the morning news and discovered the guy was actually a serial killer and the woman his latest victim.
Story Time stopped being fun after that. These were actual lives. Sure, it was fun to joke that the old man feeding the pigeons was a retired CIA spy who had a Bond Girl retiree waiting for him at home, but for all Buffy knew he was a widower trying to make it day by day.
“I don’t know Ford,” Buffy finally said. “It’s just not a fun game anymore. Besides, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
Ford shook his head. “Look, I know this club, it’s just full of a bunch of teenagers. It’s, like, ten minutes from here. No big deal.” He smiled at her, exuding confidence and almost jittering with energy. “Come on. For me?”
Buffy sighed. “We’re back by nine though,” she caved. “I’ve totally got to actually finish this Algebra homework or Ms. Jefferson’s gonna eat my soul or something. She wasn’t very clear.”
 Buffy already wanted to leave, and they hadn’t even spoken to anyone.
A vampire club. Ford had taken her to a fucking vampire club, and she was pissed.
Sure, she knew these kinds of places existed. There were a few in LA. Hell, there was a ball held there every now and then. She’d thought it sounded glamourous when she’d first heard of it in high school. The pictures she saw in one of the goth kid’s lockers showed big ball gowns and costumes everywhere. She’d even thought about going to one once. If only for an excuse to dress up.
Then she found out that A.) Vampires and demons were real and they were far from glamorous, B.) She might be one of them, and C.) Some of the people at those things took the whole thing way too seriously.
She wanted to tell Ford that moment that she was going home. Fuck the game, fuck this club, and, a tiny bit, fuck Ford, but she couldn’t bring herself to do or say it. He was still her friend and, frankly, she wasn’t comfortable leaving him wandering Sunnydale by himself at night.
“Let’s pick,” Ford said, his tone an odd one that Buffy couldn’t quite place. She looked over and saw a smirk across his face, but it wasn’t mischievous or knowing. It was frightening. It reminded Buffy strongly of her night at the frat, and she found herself moving away from him carefully, gently reminding herself that she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in hours, so nothing was in her system.
While Buffy was focusing on her breathing, Ford seemed to find what he was looking for. “Oh, how about them!” He pointed below them. “Those two probably aren’t going to murder each other tonight.”
Buffy wanted to scold him. The game wasn’t fun or entertaining, and what had happened to that poor girl wasn’t something he should be making fun of. However, her eyes drifted to who he was pointing to, and her throat closed.
Spike. Spike was here with Drusilla.
And apparently this Vampire Bar had a few more actual vampires than Buffy had originally thought.
“Ford,” Buffy said, “I’m leaving. Let’s go.”
Ford shook his head. “What? You don’t like my new friend?”
Buffy’s eyes widened. “Friend? Since when do you even know Spike?” Before Ford could answer, she was shaking her head. “You know what? No. Doesn’t even matter. So low on the mattering scale I can’t even see it. We need to leave. Now.”
Buffy knew how Spike was. If he was there with Drusilla, they were planning on feeding. Buffy couldn’t protect everyone.
Ford seemed to hesitate but nodded. “Alright. We’ll go out the back way, so he doesn’t see us.”
And Buffy was so thankful he hadn’t argued with her, she didn’t even think of how bad an idea that was.
 Spike was mere seconds away from ripping the little wannabe behind him apart with his teeth when one of his men signaled him. Ford had actually managed to get the slayer into the alley. Bloody hell, he certainly owed the kid.
Moving quickly, he left Drusilla behind. She hadn’t spoken to him since the incident that morning, but Spike frankly couldn’t bring himself to care.
Stepping outside with a grin, he started swaggering towards the two figures, curious why he didn’t smell Slayer. Taking a deep breath, Spike scented the medicine and sick from the boy, the beer and vomit from the alley, and finally, a familiar vanilla and steel.
He must have said her name aloud, because the two turned and looked at him, a smile on the boy’s lips and terror on hers. “Spike,” Buffy hedged, putting herself between him and the boy. The lying little shit. “Spike, please. He’s my old friend, just leave him alone, please.”
Suddenly, it all fell into place. The shit hadn’t lied. Not to him at least. He was just a sodding fool. A sodding fool who hadn’t tried to sell him Faith, but Buffy.
“Buffy,” he said firmly. “Go home, lock your doors, and make sure your mum’s all tucked in.” He stalked towards Ford.
“Spike please no. I don’t know what he said—”
She was cut off when Spike grabbed Ford by his throat. “He sold you to me Buffy,” Spike growled through his fangs. “Swore your blood to me in exchanged for being turned.”
Kill the demon demanded. He was inclined to agree.
“We- We had a deal!” Ford gasped, clawing at Spike’s hands futilely.
“Not anymore,” Spike declared.
 The next night, Buffy was sitting next to Ford’s grave, a stake clutched in her hands and tears in her eyes. “I’m not talking to you,” she said, not even bothering to look at Spike as he approached from behind. “You had no right to have your minions haul me off while you—” she cut herself off with a choked sob.
Spike sat next to her, gently taking the stake from her hands. “I didn’t turn him,” he assured her, “But I wasn’t letting you stay for what happened.”
Buffy wanted to be furious with him. To hit and scream until her heart stopped hurting.
Instead, she just sat next to her friend’s killer and cried on his shoulders.
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tialovestelevision · 7 years
“Glory transforms a snake into a terrifying monster.” This is a promising premise!
1. The “Previously On” is about how overwhelming Buffy’s life is at the moment.
2. Joyce getting a CAT scan. Dawn in waiting room. Buffy gives her a soda. It’s generic. Now Dawn asks what a CAT scan is. Dawn needs silly, and Buffy can’t deliver it. But she does give a hug.
3. Tara and Giles at the Magic Box. He put an ad in the Yellow Pages. Now Anya, Xander, and Willow are there. Xander is complaining about Riley killing the vampire nest. Giles thinks it was reckless; Xander agrees. Anya didn’t want to start her day with a slaughter. They’re researching the Beast.
4. The Beast is in a giant mansion, doing her nails. A demon servant calls her Glorificus; she prefers Glory. The demon has a spell for her, on a scroll. The demon’s name is Dreg. She wants to make sure the spell will work. She has to get the other items she needs… and she’s going to the Magic Box to get them. Opening credits. No Tara.
5. Riley’s coming to Joyce’s house. I rather miss the dorm set from season 4. Riley found a blanket or something on the ground floor… and Spike is sniffing Buffy’s covers. Spike says he’s looking for Buffy. It was a sweater he was smelling. He’s making excuses. Riley is throwing Spike out. Spike is pointing out that Buffy’s never de-invited him, and told Riley Buffy’s at the hospital while making implications about Buffy not telling him.
6. Hospital. Riley just showed up. Buffy needs hugs. CAT scan is done. She’s asking Riley to sit with Dawn while she talks to Joyce. In the exam room. The doctor is checking the OR’s readiness. Joyce needs exploratory surgery in her brain. A biopsy. Doctor says it’s too early to be concerned, which is one of those things that never helps.
7. Magic Box. Research still ongoing. Tara thinks Glory might be something new… or very, very old. Willow points out that the Dagon sphere was made to repel things that can’t be named. And there’s Glory, buying a set of ingredients. She just successfully made her purchase. Everyone watched her go.
8. Hospital. Riley finds a sleeping Dawn. Joyce is probably in surgery now. Riley is sitting with Buffy. Doctor just came out. Joyce is going into recovery now. Low-grade glioma. Brain tumor. Scene fades, then we come back to the doctor talking to Buffy. They have to determine if the tumor is operable, and they’re working on that now. Now she has to answer insurance questions. Ben just showed up to tell the doctor he’s needed in the ICU, and sat down to talk to Buffy. He’s comforting Buffy. Joyce will be unconscious for six or seven hours. Buffy says she has to do a healing spell. She’s going to go to the Magic Box and Riley is dropping Dawn off at school.
9. Magic Box. Anya going through receipts. She found something, and wants to get people’s attention. Giles sold someone a Kohl’s Amulet and a Sobekian bloodstone. Annnnd they now know who Giles sold the items to.
10. Dawn is with Riley at the park. She’s not hungry, even for ice cream. Dawn is comforting Riley about his comforting skills. Dawn is recounting her tenth birthday party, which never happened, where they rode the carousel for a whole hour. Riley says Joyce will get better. Dawn said the Angel word. Nothing makes Riley feel better.
11. Magic Box. Buffy is asking about magic cures. Giles says there’s too much risk. People are trying to keep Glory’s presence from her. The spell changes a cobra into a monster. Buffy’s off to kill the monster.
12. Zoo. Reptile house. Glory just pulled a cobra out of the display… wow, terrible effects. It’s obviously rubber for most of these shots. She puts the snake in a jar. She takes the amulet. And Buffy’s there, punching Glory. A lot. But Glory just started on offense. She’s utterly dominating this fight. Buffy is whimpering in a display while Glory and Dreg finish their spell. And… it’s a serpent monster.
13. Still zoo. Buffy just got out of the display. She’s running away. Glory is telling her snake to find the Key. Snake is slithering away. Now we’re at the Magic Box. Xander is prodding Riley. He’s going out to find Buffy again.
14. Now we’re at a church, for some reason. The snake monster is there. And back at the Magic Box, where Buffy is calling Giles. Warning him about the serpent. Buffy pointed out that Dawn’s coming to the Magic Box, and Giles needs to keep her safe. I… guess Riley is hunting the snake? Nope. He’s at the bar, drinking, while Buffy sits at the hospital and Dawn does homework at the Magic Box. Woman sits next to Riley. Doctor and Buffy tell Joyce about the tumor. There’s been a lot of brain surgery this season. Riley is with the girl from the bar… she’s a vampire, because of course she is… and Riley’s letting her bite him. Nobody’s hunting the snake. He just staked the vampire, but has bite marks. Snake is slithering over to the carousel. It’s night now. Snake’s eyes glow when it gets to where Dawn and Riley were sitting.
15. Magic Box. Buffy’s arriving there. She just came in the front door. Dawn is there and runs over to hug Buffy. Dawn asks if Joyce is awake; Buffy says they’re going to go see her. The snake hasn’t shown up. And… there it is. Terrible CGI. The snake just pinned Buffy under the shelf before rushing Dawn then running away to report to Glory. Buffy knows the snake knows. She and Giles are going after it. Or maybe just her… Giles is going a different direction. He got his car. The snake is leaving a trail; Giles hit a pile of trash. Big car chase. Buffy’s chasing the snake on foot now. Caught it. Choking it. Wow, the CGI hurts me. She’s strangling it… poor snake. Its nictating membrane stopped moving. It’s not dead yet, though… Buffy’s punching it to death. And well past. Dreg is not going to be happy. Wow, it was close to Glory’s mansion.
16. Hospital. Joyce wants to talk to Dawn alone. She doesn’t look like Scary Mom. Dawn just came in, and Buffy left her alone with Joyce. But she’s watching through a crack in the door. Riley showed up and called her over… he’s wearing a turtleneck. Buffy’s hugging Riley. If she starts crying now, she won’t be able to stop, so she can’t. Joyce called her back into the room. Riley is left outside, and I’m supposed to feel bad for him.
Overall: Well, that was unpleasant, mostly in a good way.
I’m going to talk about Joyce for a few moments here. Season 5 Joyce is really, really different from Seasons 1-3 Joyce. Her abusiveness is less aggressive, her treatment of Buffy more caring if still far from optimal. Is it just better writing? Possibly; the show’s found its feet with regards to characterization a lot in the later seasons. But what could explain it in-universe?
The two most obvious possibilities are the brain tumor, since those are quite capable of modifying behavior, and Dawn. I think it’s more likely Dawn… which means that, according to the memories of the cast, all of Joyce’s abuse of Buffy has been either mitigated or deleted. Did Dead Man’s Party even happen in the reality they remember? Did Gingerbread?
It’s an interesting, and underexplored, thought. What changes to what we saw had to be made in their memories when Dawn was inserted into them?
Giant snakes are cool, even when the CGI for them is terrible. This is important.
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