#where hajime thinks something along the lines of jotting a piece of evidence down then it’s added to the handbook
shackledaces · 1 year
ngl i find it pretty cute that Truth Bullets are actually just hajime’s inner notepad, so when he “adds it to the handbook,” he’s technically just keeping that piece of evidence in the back of his mind.
…and of course i gotta bring komahina into it aND I JUST THINK ITS CUTE OKAY—
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after the betrayal thing too i think it’s pretty adorable that hajime still takes nagito seriously even though most people don’t.
(for those of you who MIGHT be wondering, this takes place during the Ibuki/Hiyoko case investigation where hajime was gonna overlook (??) the rope but then nagito came in and BOOM, hajime is suddenly a believer)
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