#i think it’s a scene with chiaki actually
shackledaces · 1 year
ngl i find it pretty cute that Truth Bullets are actually just hajime’s inner notepad, so when he “adds it to the handbook,” he’s technically just keeping that piece of evidence in the back of his mind.
…and of course i gotta bring komahina into it aND I JUST THINK ITS CUTE OKAY—
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after the betrayal thing too i think it’s pretty adorable that hajime still takes nagito seriously even though most people don’t.
(for those of you who MIGHT be wondering, this takes place during the Ibuki/Hiyoko case investigation where hajime was gonna overlook (??) the rope but then nagito came in and BOOM, hajime is suddenly a believer)
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penguwastaken · 16 days
Danganronpa 2 Never Said Chiaki Never Existed
In Danganronpa 2, AI Chiaki shows surprise when seeing her profile in the book that Nagito got. A lot of people use this as proof that chiaki never existed, but that's really never said at all.
I figured it was pretty obvious, but the reason she is surprised is because she never knew there was a real Chiaki.
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In chapter 5, both Monomi and Chiaki herself aren't aware of how Chiaki got her personality, so they just assume it might have come from the people that made them.
Of course, Danganronpa 3 later gives us an actual answer and says she was created by the memories of Class 77, directly building off of this mystery in the second game.
Point is, Chiaki doesn't know where her personality came from, who she's based on, or even that there was a real Chiaki at all.
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"Erm but Pengu, they say that Chiaki's profile is fake"
That is never actually stated in game, all that is told to us is that Monokuma slipped in false information.
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However, Monokuma DOES confirm that everything in the book is reused from information provided by the former headmaster (Jin Kirigiri obviously), which causes Nagito to question if the traitor is a former Hope's Peak student.
Once again, Chiaki's presence in Danganronpa 3 seems to be here to tie up these loose ends and mysteries.
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So then what false information did Monokuma include then? Simple, he left Chiaki's profile in. He didn't fake a profile, he just included the profile of someone who wasn't actually in the killing game.
He even admits to ignoring the traitor, which is kind of a weird thing to say if you went out of your way to fake something for their sake.
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AI chiaki is NOT the same as IRL Chiaki
They have different lives, memories, personalities, etc. All they share is the same persona, but ultimately AI Chiaki is just an ai that takes the appearance of Chiaki.
AI Chiaki is her own person, an AI created by Chihiro designed to create a chaperone like student based on the needs and experiences of those involved with the Neo World Program, and it just so happened to result in taking the form of Chiaki because of that. However, it is still not Chiaki. So leaving Chiaki's profile in and implying Chiaki is a part of the killing game is inherently false information.
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At most, Danganronpa 2 leaves whether there was a real Chiaki or not in the open, however it never confirms or denies the existence of one. Nothing in the game outright says that a Chiaki never existed, only that the one we see is an AI of vague origin.
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And if that isn't enough to convince you, during the scene with Chiaki's memory and Hajime, Kodaka says that he felt like Chiaki there felt more real which inspired him to make Chiaki a real person.
"Actually, now that I think about it, when I started making DR3, I got stuck on something from DR2. After Nanami dies in Chapter 5, she comes back in Chapter 6 through a glitch, and when I was writing Nanami for that, I had the idea that she was 'a little bit off'. She’s not like the Nanami we’ve seen so far, I thought; she was never that tender. I had that gnawing at my brain when I was making DR3, and I thought, 'Maybe that really was a different Nanami,' and that’s how I came up with the Nanami in Zetsubou-hen." -Kazutaka Kodaka in an interview
Of course this does not mean Kodaka intended that Chiaki in this specific was meant to be the real Chiaki when making Danganronpa 2. However it DOES show that Kodaka never ruled out the posibility of a real chiaki, because if he did he wouldn't have even come to that conclusion.
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If you want my opinion, this seems like another scenario of people who don't like Danganronpa 3 having their personal interpretation of the story proven wrong and instead of admitting that they were wrong about something they just call it a retcon. The same thing happened with brainwashing, it happened with Mukuro, and I'm certain that's what happened here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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celepom · 1 year
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For Transgender Day of Visibility, here’s several books about Gender that I haven’t recommended before (I Think)!
Fine: A Comic About Gender
By Rhea Ewing
As graphic artist Rhea Ewing neared college graduation in 2012, they became consumed by the question: What is gender? This obsession sparked a quest in which they eagerly approached both friends and strangers in their quiet Midwest town for interviews to turn into comics. A decade later, this project exploded into a sweeping portrait of the intricacies of gender expression with interviewees from all over the country. Questions such as “How do you Identify” produced fiercely honest stories of dealing with adolescence, taking hormones, changing pronouns—and how these experiences can differ, often drastically, depending on culture, race, and religion. Amidst beautifully rendered scenes emerges Ewing’s own story of growing up in rural Kentucky, grappling with their identity as a teenager, and ultimately finding themself through art—and by creating something this very fine. Tender and wise, inclusive and inviting, Fine is an indispensable account for anyone eager to define gender in their own terms. 
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star 
By Jadzia Axelrod & Jess Taylor (Illustrator)
It takes strength to live as your true self, and one alien princess disguised as a human boy is about to test her power. A vibrant story about gender identity, romance, and shining as bright as the stars. Taylor Barzelay has the perfect life. Good looks, good grades, a starting position on the basketball team, a loving family, even an adorable corgi. Every day in Taylor’s life is perfect. And every day is torture. Taylor is actually the Galaxy Crowned, an alien princess from the planet Cyandii, and one of the few survivors of an intergalactic war. For six long, painful years, Taylor has accepted her duty to remain in hiding as a boy on Earth. That all changes when Taylor meets Metropolis girl Katherine “call me Kat” Silverberg, whose confidence is electrifying. Suddenly, Taylor no longer wants to hide, even if exposing her true identity could attract her greatest enemies. From the charming and brilliant mind behind the popular podcast The Voice of Free Planet X, Jadzia Axelrod, and with stunningly colorful artwork by Jess Taylor comes the story of a girl in hiding who must face her fears to see herself as others see her: the prettiest star.
To Strip the Flesh
By Oto Toda
A moving collection of six short stories that explores what must be stripped away to find the truth and celebrates the beauty of embracing who you are. Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most.
Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston 
By Esme Symes-Smith
In a magical medieval world filled with dragons, shape-shifters, and witches, a twelve-year-old hero will search for their place as an impending war threatens. A thrilling middle-grade series opener that stars a nonbinary tween and explores identity and gender amid sword fights. My name is Callie, and I'm not a girl. I am here as Papa's squire, and I want to train as a knight. In a world where girls learn magic and boys train as knights, twelve-year-old nonbinary Callie doesn't fit in anywhere. And you know what? That's just fine. Callie has always known exactly what they want to be, and they're not about to let a silly thing like gender rules stand in their way. When their ex-hero dad is summoned back to the royal capital of Helston to train a hopeless crown prince as war looms, Callie lunges at the opportunity to finally prove themself worthy to Helston's great and powerful. Except the intolerant great and powerful look at Callie and only see girl. Trapped in Helston's rigid hierarchy, Callie discovers they aren't alone--there's Elowen, the chancellor's brilliant daughter, whose unparalleled power is being stifled; Edwyn, Elowen's twin brother, locked in a desperate fight to win his father's approval; and Willow, the crown prince who was never meant to be king. In this start to an epic series packed with action, humor, and heart, Callie and their new friends quickly find themselves embedded in an ancient war--the only hope to defeat the dragons and witches outside the kingdom lies in first defeating the bigotry within.
I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend Into a Girl 
By Azusa Banjo
It's a familiar story: a popular high school student gives their plain friend a makeover and transforms their life. But this time, the path to a new life isn't quite so straight and narrow. Kenshirou Midou has loved cosmetics all his life, keeping his obsession secret from almost everyone except for his childhood friend Hiura Mihate. One day, Kenshirou gets permission to practice applying makeup on Hiura, and the results are earth-shattering: Hiura's appearance transforms from a plain, undersized boy to a pretty, petite girl, and Kenshirou discovers just how freeing it is to apply his passion! Yet he's not the only one who finds the process liberating. Hiura likes the makeup, and the subsequent dress-up in feminine clothes, and decides to start wearing the girls' uniform to school. Kenshirou doesn't understand if he's unlocked something in Hiura, or if he's simply seeing a new side to his childhood buddy that he never noticed before. What are these feelings bubbling between them now--is this attraction truly new?
My Androgynous Boyfriend 
By Tamekou Wako and her androgynous boyfriend don't exactly have the most traditional of relationships. She spends her days working hard in the world of publishing, while he spends his time obsessing over fashion and makeup--all with the goal of making himself beautiful just for her. This romantic slice-of-life story is about love, relationships, and breaking with tradition!
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hajihiko · 2 months
Hey. So, I saw your Chiaki & Fuyuhiko comic that I like to call "Look on the Bright Side" (since it didn't have an official name in the post itself), and I loved it. I loved seeing Nanami & Kuzuryu interact with each other with the former comforting the latter on Peko and complimenting on how brave he was to save his friend, the scene between Fuyuhiko & Peko during the latter's execution, and then the scene of you making a throwback to your DR3 rewrite from your Talky Talky Tuesday content where the DR2 cast witness Human Chiaki's death and chose not to help her because of how awful Junko's influence on them was. It was heartwarming, bittersweet, and terrifying all at the same time, and as @/self-in-dulled-gent put it in their reblog of the comic, the 4th & 5th panels depicting your DR3 rewrite is a cool and visceral indication of how far the DR2 cast had fallen into despair. Heck, both the comic & the rewrite even serve as inspiration towards my au/rewrite/reimagine of DR3's Despair Arc & how Junko corrupts the DR2 cast into despair. So, thank you so much for the inspiration. I really appreciate it.
With all that in mind, I have some questions I wanna ask you regarding both the comic & DR3 rewrite, if you don't mind.
May I have your permission to do a review on your DR3 Rewrite post for my Advian Reads & Reviews content (which in case you're curious about, AR&R is reading review series where I read something, like fanfiction for example, while also doing a review on it at the same time, giving my thoughts on whatever I'm reviewing as well as potentially even sharing my own stories)?
Will you ever showcase the bonus panel of the rest of the class witnessing Chiaki's death that you mentioned in the comic's tags?
Who is the 5th person on the right between Kazuichi & Hiyoko in the 4th panel (I'm assuming it's Sonia based on the hairstyle, but I thought I'd ask for some confirmation)?
Will we ever get to see the dialogue of Chiaki not resenting Hajime/Izuru for not helping her you also mentioned in the comic's tags?
Follow up on that previous question, do you think it's possible that we might also get to see if Chiaki resents her classmates for not helping her, or if she would also get it with them like she did with Hajime/Izuru?
How exactly does Junko kill Chiaki in front of her classmates? Does she still have her go through her execution like in canon, or does she kill her in a different way, and if so, then how? I ask because I saw Nanami had blood coming from her eyes & mouth (making it look like Junko literally pulled her eyes out), there's blood on her hoodie & left thigh, and she appears to have been stabbed on her right side.
And those are my questions. In regards to gaining your permission to review your DR3 rewrite, if you do grant permission, great! I'll be sure to credit you and give you a shoutout too if you do. And if you don't, then I'm content with that and will understand and respect the reason behind your refusal, whatever that reason may be. Feel free to respond back to me whenever you get the chance. Thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. 🤗💕❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖💕🤗
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that's one heck of an ask so I'm using a readmore:
Thank you! I remember that comment hehe I'm really glad people like it
1: sure! Just know that I'm like, you know, just a fan and a hobbyist and not even really a writer so I'm not saying my rewrite is more right than anything else!
2: the bonus panel was actually everyone else's deaths (in SDR2) since they all sort of died alone, too. But it didn't feel relevant enough, I prrrrrrrrobably don't have the sketch anymore
3: yep that's Sonia
4: I'll be totally real i don't remember what I was thinking there at all. Sssssorryyyyyy
5: I think Chiaki, if she got to see the events of SDR2 as the AI, wouldn't resent her classmates so much as feel sorry for them and be disappointed. At the same time though I think she might be shocked at what they're capable of. Maybe she can't help but be a bit bitter, who knows. Hajime/Izuru is a different deal since that guy literally got his brains scrambled, can't really blame him. (sort of like deleting all the save data, maybe?)
6: the blood and amounts of it was more about the drama lol. But I thought the obstacle was like, a little too fantastical, not serious enough, so in my rewrite she straight up beats Chiaki to death with some kind of instrument. I think the image of Junko doing something so realistic (and slow) while everyone watches passively is even worse.
Thanks for asking beforehand! 💙
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anonzentimes · 1 month
Hii!! I agree with your points and your interpretation is valid. But just wanted to say that I think that using a guy character not acting like a pervert and borderline assaulty around women as a proof of them not being attracted is a very flawed and harmful logic (talking ab the scene of Komaeda falling under Mikan’s skirt you mentioned). I’m attracted to women but if I fall under girl’s skirt or witness an embarrassing situation I will be uncomfortable too. Komaeda’s reaction is how a normal respectful person would react and I’m very saddened that the amount of pervert anime characters has normalized such behaviour
That's super fair! I only realize now I am using it under the expectations of Danganronpa since there are so many perverted characters in the franchise, you're right and thank you for pointing that out. That actually is really upsetting now that you mention it, yeah I'm going to edit that out ew.
I've made posts on twitter of small, even if silly, praises about how Nagito seems to really value consent. He's always the loudest and most annoyed about teruteru's behavior, and within the franchise he's the one who's the most respectful and realistic when it comes to the problematic subjects. It's sad that not every character is as respectful as him. In fact almost all of the dr2 male cast is crushing on girls, some being gross about it, the only ones who don't are Nekomaru and Nagito. Crushing on girls is definitely not the issue, but half of them being gross about it is.
Just to redeem the example because I'm upset by it here's some instances of his weird somewhat lack of interest in women that we've seen or general vagueness
Chiaki saying this isn't as straightforward but it still implies her being sexy wouldn't work to get Nagito's attention which still says things about his possible disinterest or respectful nature maybe even both.
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During fan service scenes in every manga adaptation he never blushes while every other character does
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He avoids the question of sexuality every time it's asked, he either doesn't know it himself, doesn't think about it because he thinks he's unworthy, or has to beat around the bush because he's closeted. Although outside of characterization wise it may just be kodaka staying vague because that's the common pattern Lmao. The question is avoided during Q&as and during ultra despair girls he just ignores Kurokoma altogether lmao (would add more but image limit on mobile is my worst enemy)
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i've seen multiple interpretations for this so just ???
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Either way the status of canon is: Nagito shows interest in men and we see he has sexual desires, he's anything that isn't straight or aroace. He doesn't show evident interest in women and there's been no official word on his sexuality, it is up in the air when it comes to specifics. He is absolutely a queer coded character, whether he's gay, pan, bi, or something else there's no doubt about that. I believe Nagito is gay because there's a lot of evidence supporting this, I think it also makes his storyline more impactful. But at the end of the day there is no said canon and people are free to headcanon what they want to, whatever people say that isn't invalidating important parts of his character we actively see is preferred.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
S/O sacrifices themself in the funhouse
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki ]
[ Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ This contain a little bit of spoilers, heavy spoilers in Chiaki's part
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Sweet and heartbrokening funhouse ~ (and overwhelming too 💀) im still sad for that chapter)
I think this isn't my best work, but I still hope you like it
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Hajime Hinata
Since the start of the trip unlike the others Hajime had never trusted this place, neither Monomi or Monokuma
Every time a new part of the island is open he gets nervious and prefer to be cautious, trying to stay by your side while exploring it, fearing that something may hurt you
Even if it was a amusment park he doesn't fully trust it, and even so he calls everyone to the funhouse when Monokuma tell him (maybe it was because he asked nicely or that you were excited to try it)
After everyone wake up in a weird and colorful place and Monokuma had revealed his plan he feels like an idiot, blaming himself for falling into Monokuma's trap (even more if you seem scare), and the whole thing of a traitor doesn't help at all
While exploring it and searching for an exit he wants to be by your side, he wants to make sure nothing bad happen to you, but how he dares to do that if he was the culprit of you getting in this trap? (if you try to comfort him it would help him, but just a little)
The conditions that Monokuma had put for let everyone go wasn't easy to process, but the conditions you were living weren't easy either and with every day it pass the environment goes more and more in decline, it was getting in to the point that even Hajime was thinking on try to get the the most powerful weapon, thinking that maybe that would help somehow, even if he has to risk his life for it, but you don't wanted that
One day he wakes up like normally and prepare himself for another horrible day in that stupid house, but this time you weren't there, you didn't say good morning, he tried to stay calm thinking that maybe you had wake up earlier (or you hadn't even sleep at all), maybe you had already go to the Monokuma class
But what he find was far away from what he was expecting, from what he ever wanted to see. He can't help but let go a scream, aghast to see your body laying on the floor covered in blood, by the moment they others come to his side and Monokuma's annocment of a body is playing on the monitor his tears had already covered his eyes
He was shocked, unable to move and still trying to process what he had just see, but all his feelings quickly change to anger in the moment he heards Monokuma's laugh, saying that all of you should get ready for the trial
His friends had to stop him before he let out all his anger on Monokuma, telling him that doing such thing just will make things worst, but he doesn't care, he had already lost the most important person for him
Chiaki was the one who convinced him to put that energy in find the culprit, even so the investigation gets so difficult for him thet he can't even bare to look at you, at the end he just manage to investigate the scene and the alibis
During the trial it was obvious that he was affected, he was mixed between the sadness and the anger, and during it he was rather aggresive (specially when there was a possible culprit)
By the very moment someone had bring up the idea of you being the one who had plan this he get offended and just make him even more angry, why you would do such thing? you would never just plan your own death, right? But when the culprit (or even Monokuma) confirmed that you actually did it so them can go out of the funhouse he was shocked, even more than when he had saw your body
You have give your life for all of them, so they could live when he had already given up, when he was the one who put you in that situation, he can't help but blame himself for your death
It would take him a long time to accept it, even after the trial he was still shocked and unable to talk, no matter who try to talk to him he doesn't answer to any one, not once
It will take him a while, but with the help of his friends he will be able to at least try to continue, just so he can end with this stupid game and with Monokuma (even so, the feeling of guilt never left him completely)
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito had never think much of himself so he is just grateful to be in the presence of so talented people, not paying too much attention on where you are or the game Monokuma put
And he feels really lucky to have you by his side (for once his lucky do something good for him), he doesn't think that he deserve you as his partner but at the same time he feels grateful
He tend to cause problems and scare your classmates so he end up relying a lot on you, aside from you he have pretty much nothing and if you don't mind he will follow you around like a lost puppy, so whenever another island is open you two are together to investigate it
When you two were call to the funhouse he didn't say much, even if didn't want it he won't say anything, unless you are the one who seem scared of it, and even if this was a trap from Monokuma to make you continue with the game Nagito tried to stay calm and analyze the situation
While you explore the building if you express that you doesn't want to give up he will be inspired by your hope, but if you express fear its okay, he will try to comfort you (he may not be the best at it or even say that they could just kill him to get away from there, but he is trying)
While the time pass things started to get more and more difficult and people start to lose hope too, everyone just started to give up for not planing to kill each other, and knowing Nagito you will know that he is planning to go to the deadly room, even if he puts his in risk it doesn't matter to him if he can help (and more since you are affected too) you could try to stop him from doing it but at the end he will go (he will make sure you are distracted while he does it since he doesn't want to worry you)
Even if you didn't manage to convice him to don't do it you will be able to make him say to you what he discovered (but he won't tell you what he found out about your classmates) and with that you could make a plan. If you want to make it before him you will have to be quickly, Nagito is pretty smart so it won't take much time for him to come up with a plan (specially for how things get worst by the pass of the time), and you probably will have to try and convice him to wait just a little longer to win some time
Even if Nagito is clingy if you ask for some time alone he will let you alone (he will suspect about it under the circumstances, but try to don't say anything and just trust you), you were taking too long but he tries to not pry on it, he tries to stay calm and just think on his own plan
Probably even the morning has came without news of you, and he is really worried (he has being for a while now) but still he had been trying to distract himself. Since it had been so long he start searching you (he hadn't really slept that night), it could be either that he had heard the body discovered announcment or that he had find your body himself, either way he us pretty much shocked, even after everyone had came or after Monokuma says that is time to investigate he doesn't say much, just maybe say that it was for the sake of hope and you should continue
Everyone might think he's insensitive or just some kind of monster, but the reallity is that he is suffering, he felt like the time had stoped when he saw your death body, he feels devasted and the despair begins to wrap him completely, but he won't show that, not to them, he doesn't trust them anymore and the only person he still trust and cares for is dead now, so now nothing matter for him anymore
He will be even more harsh with his words, more aggresive towards them, and during the trial when the truth of your sacrifice is revealed to all is the only moment he isn't rude, just because in that moment it's all about you and your infinite hope, it's about how you had gave your life in order to bring hope to them again, but after the trial he gets really aggresive towards everyone again
To be honest, his lost is just making him crazy, he was so used to be hated and stay alone, but when you came to his life he started to feel hope again, you had make him company and give him the affection and comfort he craves for, he started to feel at peace with his life and with himself, feeling that with you everything will be fine, but you are gone now and he is all alone once again
Knowing the truth it hasn't done him any good either, it just makes things worst and now that he is all alone again he doesn't have anything to lose, so he probably will be more impulsive and eager with his next plan (he won't rush, though, his plan has to be perfect to achieve what he wants)
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Chiaki Nanami
Since the start of the trip Chiaki never really showed much worries about the place or the game, it isn't like she likes it but she just pay more attention on your classmates
Chiaki isn't exactly clingy but since she is pretty easy to get distracted and just falls sleep most of the time she tend to rely a lot on you, especially when it comes to explore the island or when you two have some free time
Whenever a new part of the island is open and she go to explore it she still keeps in mind that she has to investigate for a way to escape from there but she tries to take it easy or don't show much worries. If you want to go alone she wouldn't mind too much but it makes her happy if you two go together
When the amusment park were opened she get pretty interesed on it and she wasn't going to say no to the funhouse Monokuma had tell them about (specially since everyone seem interested on it)
She didn't give it much importance at the place at first, but is when Monokuma revealed his plan to everyone when she gets worried about it, Chiaki unconsciously takes you hand as searching for a reasurance
While exploring she didn't go with you since Nagito had tell her that he need to talk to her, and without thinking much she just accepted, but after everyone end up the investigation of the place and meet again is when she stays by your side again
The conditions of the funhouse were terribles, the place was made to push everyone to the extreme and still everyone seemed to not planning to give up, even if you express that you aren't planning on give up either she still decide to keep a close eye on you, she just want to make sure you don't plan to do something that will put you at risk. She has even asked you to please don't put yourself at risk, don't give Monokuma what he wants, she doesn't want to lose you
But even if you had promised to her to don't do it you don't want to just give up and let everyone fall, and for the rate things are going it would be soon, so building up your courage you come up with a plan to make free all your friends
For how sleepy Chiaki is it would be rather easy get away from her. When she had wake up to go to the lesson Monokuma force you to take is when she noticed that you weren't there, just by noticing it she was already having a bad feeling, still she goes across the funhouse carefuly hoping to find you somewhere
If she hear the body announce before finding you she will be already thinking the worst, in either case when she finds your body she feels bad, horrified, but that feelings quickly becomes frustration and sadness
She should have stopped you, she have should conviced you to stay by her side, but now there is nothing she can do for you aside from continue and put an end to this game
Even when Chiaki had just prefer to focus on the investigation and the trial, even when she is trying to continue is obvious how affected she is, her sadness is obvious for everyone and they try to comfort her, but she doesn't answer to her kind words just look down to the floor, she is grateful for it but she doesn't want that, she wants you
She tries her best to continue with the trial and solve the case, she is just focused on continue, giving her best on the trial but even after this ends and everyone can go back to theirs cabins the frustration and sadness doesn't go away
Is until she is finally alone in her cabin when she let her feelings out, laying down on the bed she cries while cuddle a pillow, how she wished it was you instead of a pillow, how she wished that you were there to comfort her, how she wished that she had the opportunity to at least say goodbye
The next days she tries to act like her normal self and continue with everything, is just when she is alone when she truly let out her sadness (or maybe with Hajime and Monomi too since they are her closest), she can't show them how sad she is because she can't tell them how even when everything ends and all of you finally wake up from the program is her who will never get a chance to see you again
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theamityelf · 4 months
Oh God, I need more zombie au interactions. The whole thing is just too morbidly precious. Like...Nagito coming back from a scavenging hunt to surprise Chiaki with a new game cartridge. Or Gundham trying to recall magical seals to protect their luckster. Or Mahiru implying through facial expressions and grunts that she'd like him to open up about his life before Hope's Peak. Meanwhile Makoto is like Class 78's teddy, and they take turns nuzzling up to him each night.
You're so valid for that, and thank you! (Okay, I'm going to try to do a series of little snippets/vignettes here, but I've failed at this in the past by getting too into a particular scene, so wish me luck)
It was really cozy at first, but now Makoto kind of needs to get up, and the arms around him are more stubborn than usual.
"Come on, guys," he tries to insist. "If I don't get up now, I won't have time to catch enough food for all of you."
A head pointedly nuzzles the injury that Mukuro had to wrap for him yesterday. It wasn't that bad; they're just overprotective.
"I know," he soothes. "But it's not going to happen again. I was just clumsy. I'll be fine."
He notices that Sakura is standing at the door, making sure no one takes his state of incapacitation as an opportunity to sneak out. But when the door opens behind her, she moves aside to let Taka back in. He's followed closely by...
Oh. This is a little embarrassing.
"Hi," Makoto says to the upperclassman.
Nagito looks slightly rattled when he first walks in, but he relaxes considerably at the sight of Makoto's...encumbered state. "Oh, good. I was a little worried when Ishimaru knocked on my door alone."
"I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be making a food run soon, but these guys are still upset that I, uh...tripped, yesterday." He does a bad job covering it, but he's actually not entirely sure what happened. He was just walking through the grounds when suddenly some kind of rope trap activated and might well have held him fast, if he hadn't managed to trip at exactly the right time and land on some key mechanism with his arm. As it stands, his bleeding arm and a small amount of rope burn around his ankles is all he has to show for it.
Nagito laughs lightly. "They're worried about you. You should take it as a compliment."
"I know. I do. It's just...well, they still need to eat, and they won't let me get up."
"I can bring them something. Unfortunately, it might be human; Akane broke out again recently."
Makoto's brow furrows in sympathy, both for the poor reserve course student and for Nagito. "You're having a hard time with Akane."
"She's an Ultimate-level athlete," he says, with perhaps too casual a shrug. "There's not much I can do to stop her. Do you need anything?" He walks closer to Makoto– on the Mondo side rather than the Byakuya side, which is a wise call. Chihiro, spread over-top of Makoto like a blanket, is watching him but doesn't look apprehensive.
"Water, maybe?"
He smiles. "Coming right up."
Most of the 77th class descended right away on the new catch that Nagito dragged in (even the Imposter leaving his fort to join them), but Chiaki and Kazuichi were more interested in the bag Nagito was carrying. The three of them went to sit in their usual spot on the floor, and Nagito went through the bag's contents one by one.
"Let's see...He had his wallet on him; Akane will like that. He had his phone-"
Chiaki perked up at once, enticed by the prospect of new mobile games.
Nagito laughed fondly. "It's yours, of course, Chiaki, but we'll have to take it to Fujisaki first to get past the passcode. And while it seems to be fully charged, he didn't have a charger on him, so we're out of luck in that regard."
Kazuichi made a small grunting sound.
"Yes, you can have it when it dies, if we haven't found a charging cord for it by then."
A happy sigh.
Nagito turned back to the bag. "He had...Huh. He had raw onions. The last one had some, too. I wonder if they think these repel the undead. Ah well. Maybe Teruteru will want to do something with them. Some school supplies...Oh! A pen with Hope's Peak's crest on it. Makoto will like this." He smiled at the thought. "And Ishimaru or Togami might enjoy the books. I shouldn't bring it all by at once, though; that might make him suspicious. Just the pen and the phone, today."
Kazuichi nudged the bag impatiently.
"Right. What else...A flashlight. Yes, you can have that. A pack of trading cards? Oh, Pokémon! I wonder...Ah, yes, he has the games, too." Nagito freed a GameBoy Advanced and a zipper pouch of four Pokémon games, which Chiaki eagerly took and held like they were treasures.
Kazuichi tugged insistently on Nagito's pant leg.
"Huh? That's everything in the bag."
Kazuichi made an agitated noise.
"Oh, you want the GameBoy. Well, the cartridges are compatible with Chiaki's DS. What do you think, Chiaki? Will you let him have the GameBoy?"
She let the GameBoy fall onto Kazuichi's lap, gently bit Nagito's hand in thanks, and crawled off to Sonia's fort with her treasures.
"You're getting good at that," Nagito observed.
He could have been speaking to Makoto or Hiyoko. Makoto, who was getting noticeably better at cutting Taka's hair, or Hiyoko, who was close to mastering the small-scale dexterity required to finger-flick Nagito in the temple over and over. (The undead weren't good at precise hand movements, relative to their former selves.)
Makoto, of course, was the one to say "Thank you." Holding down Taka's ear to better trim at the hairs nearest it, he added, "I know the faculty is keeping a tight lid on who can see any of this, but I still feel like I should try to make him look the way he'd want to be seen. The first few times he asked me to do this, I felt guilty for how it ended up."
"You gave it your best. And I suspect he's more preoccupied by the feeling of his hair being too long than the prospect of it being cut unevenly."
Mahiru clicked her tongue and grunted mildly.
"Sorry. I'll keep still, now." Nagito was seated in a chair next to Taka. When Taka had shambled up to Makoto with a pair of scissors in hand, Mahiru had taken it as an opportunity to sit Nagito down, as well, to have a go at his tangles.
Most of the rest of their classmates were watching a movie; Makoto had found a DVD in one of the teachers' desks. It wasn't everyone's genre, but being mesmerized by bright colors on a screen was enough to draw most of them. Chiaki and Akane had fallen asleep already. Sayaka was humming along to the background music, and Hifumi was drawing on the walls.
"Done," Makoto sighed, blowing away the excess hair. "Do you like it?"
Taka patted his head and made a grateful sound.
"That's great! Now you can go watch the movie with the others, right?"
Of course, he couldn't get out of it that easy. Taka got out of the chair and was soon ushering him into it, taking the scissors from his hand.
"Good luck," Nagito whispered, and Makoto sat very still.
Taka was careful. As careful as he could be. He only nicked Makoto's ears and forehead a little– which was, in his defense, the worst he'd ever done. It wasn't his fault that it was inherently terrifying to have him wielding scissors around someone's head, and it wasn't his fault that he felt a need to return the favor every time Makoto gave him a haircut.
Taka patted Makoto's head when he was done, and the tension in Makoto's shoulders finally relaxed.
"Thanks, Taka."
Taka made a noise which was loud and the right amount of syllables to be "You're welcome," and then he went to responsibly put away the scissors and then sat with Mondo to watch the movie. Mondo handed Taka an arm that he had already eaten half of the meat from, and Taka ate gladly.
A human arm.
Makoto didn't know what to do with his unease over how often the 77th class seemed to be eating human. How casually Nagito brought it to share with them. Of course, if it would otherwise just be going to waste, then there was no point refusing, but it just...He just didn't like it. His heart beat uneasily whenever he thought about it.
When Hope's Peak finally found a cure, how was everybody going to feel about having eaten raw human? Poor Akane...
"Makoto?" Nagito said.
Makoto smiled a little, despite himself. Nagito had been calling him "Makoto" lately, instead of "Naegi". They'd been spending a lot of time together. Combining their classes more and more often. He loved his classmates, but...it was just nice not to be alone in this.
"When Mahiru is done with my hair, do you want to watch the movie, too?"
Why did that question make him blush?
A drop of blood rolled down the middle of his face.
"Oh. Maybe after we've done something about those cuts," Nagito said lightly.
Mikan, who had started crawling over at the smell of blood, sprang suddenly to her feet. "H-Hurt!" she accused, with a big smile on her face. "Hurt!"
"Uh-oh," Nagito sighed. "Do you mind letting her...?"
"Yeah, it's fine," Makoto said.
"Go ahead, Mikan."
In a startling demonstration of the inhuman speeds the undead occasionally exhibited, suddenly Mikan was behind Makoto's chair and winding a bandage around his head, tightly enough to hurt more than the injuries themselves.
"O-Ow," Makoto said thoughtlessly, and then regretted it when Sakura looked over with immediate concern. "Don't worry; enjoy the movie," he quelled.
"You can tell her to stop whenever you want," Nagito added, with a rueful smile in Mikan's direction. "She has plenty of people to play with."
For some reason, the statement gave Makoto an intense sinking feeling. "What does that mean?"
"Hm? Oh, when the others get hurt, she likes to bandage them up, too. They don't really bleed the same way humans do, though, so I'm sure she prefers it when one of us gets hurt."
Oh. Of course. Of course that was what he meant.
Mahiru pulled the comb from Nagito's hair and handed it to him. With a heavy sigh, she went to watch the movie with the others, and Hiyoko likewise stopped finger-flicking Nagito's temple to follow her.
"I have some snacks in my backpack," Makoto said, managing to turn toward Nagito while Mikan tied off the (patently excessive) bandage. "Do you want to sit in the back, or in that free spot next to Gundham, or...it looks like we could sit up there with Hiro, if...?"
"Let's sit in the back."
"I could've sworn we sat in the back," Nagito teased.
They had, but gradually the group had concaved around them, and now Chiaki was asleep in Nagito's lap, Sayaka was cuddled against Makoto's other side, Byakuya was holding Makoto from behind, Hiyoko was hiding paperclips in Nagito's hair, and so on.
"Yeah." Makoto laughed mildly. "This...isn't bad though."
Nagito slid his hand subtly closer to Makoto's, interlocking their fingers without Byakuya noticing. "This isn't bad."
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
COMMISSION: Nagito Komaeda x Reader - Love Hotel
Details: V3 has the Love Hotel/Love Key scenarios - I’ve been asked to make a version for SDR2 as if it were canon in the second game as well. If you didn’t play V3 and aren’t familiar with the Love Hotel scenarios/scenes, don’t worry, Monokuma will explain the concept early on in the fanfiction below! Also, I don’t think I used any gendered terms for the reader, it just didn’t come up/wasn’t necessary with the details I was describing. So, anyone can read this with themselves in mind. 
Warnings: Spicy but not NSFW - mature themes and romance into a fade to black/implied at the end just like the actual V3 Love Hotel scenes. Would probably be Mature but not Explicit on AO3 - Also SDR2 spoilers!!!
Word Count: 4k words
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When hanging out with your peers and exploring the island, you often found these little Monokuma coins tucked behind objects or hidden under things. These “Monocoins” could be exchanged at the Monomono gacha machine for prizes. Some were tiny, and some had no business even fitting inside the machine. It was a wonder how they got there. In between the stress of the killings and trials, it was nice to exchange little gifts that said “I see you, and I trust you, and I want to be closer to you” with the friends you had left. The Monomono machine often rewarded you with intriguing and seemingly targeted items. For example, when you got a magazine on beast breeding and taming, it was clearly meant for your exchanges with Gundham Tanaka. When wound gauze or a nurse’s apron dropped from the machine, it was obviously a sign to get to know Mikan.
Today’s trinket was a mystery to you: an ornate key - golden with a pink heart-shaped gem embedded onto its handle. It dropped into your hand as you popped it out of the gacha capsule that protected it. It was a nice size, probably to a door rather than say, a locket or jewelry box.
Immediately upon receiving it you began to look for what it unlocked. It didn’t seem like a gift subliminally meant for any of your friends, so instead you chose to find a little adventure in all the chaos, a treasure hunt of sorts. You’d tried little tool sheds or abandoned buildings around the first three islands, back doors or closets inside places like the market or pharmacy. The pink gem made you think of Monomi - or rather Usami. It matched her aesthetic and color scheme. You’d questioned her about it, and she seemed to draw a blank. You felt like she was being honest with you, so you moved on. A frustrating thought began brewing in your mind: maybe the key went to a door on an island that was still locked away from you and your peers. Perhaps the bridges guarded by Monobeasts blocked your path. Unfortunately, following the ongoing pattern, someone would have to die for a new island to become accessible, and that was most defintiely not worth sating your burning curiosity. And so, you asked your closer friends, such as Hajime and Chiaki, to keep an eye out for a possible clue, but ultimately let it go, tossing the key into a accessory dish on the beside table of your cabin.
Speaking of your cabin, there you were, winding down for the night in your customized little cottage in the lineup of huts at the resort. It was cozy, a personalized type of dorm room substitute decked out with items to serve and encourage the development of your Super Highschool Level talent. The cream-colored canopy bed was pretty large for single student and super comfortable, and so on days when the survivor’s guilt wasn’t weighing on your mind like a plague, it was very easy to fall asleep quite quickly.
You’d been asleep for what must’ve been at least a couple of hours when a noise startled you awake. Still groggy and half-asleep, you spot the black and white bear you all hated so very much standing in the middle of your cottage.
“What the…” your words slurred, eyes barely open. You would’ve been freaking out at his appearance, had it not been extremely normal for the bear to pop up out of nowhere. That and the fact that it was against Monokuma’s rules for him to ever hurt a student on his own left you at ease and not fearing for your life.
“Oh, great, you’re awake! Would’ve been awkward if I had to crawl up on the bed and shake ya’ to life! Phew, saves me the trouble!” He giggled in his own little mischievous way as you sat up, giving him mostly your full attention. He never left until he made his point anyway, so why waste time arguing with him for interrupting your beauty sleep?
“Alright, alright what do you want? I’m still tired! Unless someone is dead, say what you need to say and leave…” you grumbled. Monokuma bristled at that.
“How rude! My time is very valuable, you know! Since you’ve been hurting your puny little brain trying to find the solution to that Love Key over there, here I am, going out of my way to help you! You should be more appreciative!” He growled, claws displayed.
“Love Key…?” You looked to the key on your bedside table, still in a bit of a daze. “So that’s what it’s called…” Still not much of a hint, you thought.
“Yep, yep! I’ll tell you how to use it!” He perked up once again. “You see, it opens the way to a very special place! A place you’ve searched many times before… however, it’s form has now changed!”
“Hmmm…” How curious… since you had in fact checked every available area multiple times over.
“You see, if you go visit the motel on the third island right about now, you’ll find it buzzing with an aura of lust and romance!” Your brow raised as he laughed impishly. “That key you got transforms the motel into a place you can clear out some of your most carnal desires at night, but… only the one with the key and… one other person will see this change!”
“What are you talking about?!” You were only half-awake before, but now you were sure you had to still be dreaming. What an insane concept. This is what he came to say? This nonsense?
“Oh, are you starting to get worked up? Are you ready to let it all hang out?” He began to sweat, a wicked, messed up grin on his face. “Your key will unlock a particular Love Suite at the motel,” he continued, barely containing his excitement, “and you and one other person will be invited to spend the night. There, you will be a part of that person’s fantasy. They will see you as their romantic ‘ideal’ and basically just swoon all over you. Think of it as a kind of sexy dream that lets you escape the cruel reality of the killing game! It’s their escape, too though, so it’s important for you to play the role your Love Suite partner wants you to! If you break character, your dear partner may very well wake up in anguish, all pent up and frustrated! And you wouldn’t want that, would you?” He snickered.
“This all sounds very inappropriate and embarrassing, so I think I’ll pass.” You grumbled, shuffling uncomfortably in your sheets. At this point, you just wanted him to go away.
“Oh, don’t worry! What happens there, stays there. Memories are wiped when you exit. Oh, and one last thing: anyone can show up there. Any of your classmates, even those who’ve passed on.
Well now, you had to be dreaming. Memories wiped, the motel transforming, and not to mention four of your classmates were very much dead… how could they show up? Seeing the look on your face, incredulous and lost in thought, Monokuma gasped softly to grab your attention, speaking up again:
“What’s wrong? You seem skeptical. Why not try it out for yourself, then?” If Monokuma were allowed to cause a killing, you’ve sworn this was a plot to set you up. Not that it mattered in a dream, anway. “Let love take hold! Take that ol’ Love Key for a spin!”
After much hesitance and with Monokuma having left your cabin nearly a half hour beforehand, you were now out walking alone, leaving the resort and making your way to the third island. You tried not to disturb your other classmates in their cabins, being sure not to make any noise as it must have been well past one in the morning. Sand and gravel crunched below your shoes as you walked rather hurriedly to the long wooden bridge that connected the islands. Moonlight shined off of your pajamas in the cool tropical night breeze, giving a small relief from the usual humidity, and if you weren’t sure this were a dream, you would’ve felt like an idiot, opening yourself up to being an easy target for a killing.
You wrapped your arms around your waist nervously. In the end, you were too curious not to try it out, but you had to admit, you were still mulling it over in your brain:
Their ideal… a shared fantasy… So they wouldn’t really see you as you are per se…  but what did that mean? Did that mean that if they liked submissive cute pretty boys, that’s how you appeared to them? If they wanted a buff aggressive woman, you’d suddenly grow muscles? Would it all be an illusion? Maybe just your personality would change… 
Play along, Monokuma had said…
Passing the hospital and music venue, you approached the motel and immediately noticed the change. The retro sign out front was now decked out in pink and red neon lettering boasting the words Love Motel. The building itself, once dingy, dirty and forgettable, now had spotlights and strobes out front and the yellow, beige and brown chipped paint had transformed into a Valentine’s-type aesthetic. Pinks, reds, whites, the typical colors of the heart and romance surrounded you and gave the motel a whole new vibe. The line of ground-level rooms were still present, and though you assumed your key only lead to one of them, you’d have no trouble figuring out which. One door in particular, smack dab in the middle seemed to be pulsing with life. The paint seemed to be a shade darker on this door, and pink smoke spilled out from underneath the crack. It was like it was luring you in, tempting you to enter. It was as if pheromones leaked from its crevices. You placed a shaky hand on the door knob, entered the key with the other, and gave it a twist. It opened with a hiss, like pressure releasing. You stepped inside, the door closing on its own behind you.
The room around you was mesmirizing, unlike anything you’d seen on Jabberwock Island before. Scattered around were velvety plush love seats and cushions in crimson reds and deep pinks. The carpet was luxurious and pink lava lamps stood nearly five feet tall in the corners of the room. Soft lighting set a dreamy mood. The floor underneath the carpet was checkered tile like a chessboard. Above you dangled a large, expensive-looking crystal chandelier with heart-shaped accents. In the middle of the room was a round, almost comically large bed with a thick red duvet and a mountain of pillows. Your eyes bounced around the room, taking it all in with wonder, until they settled on the area just beside the bed.
“No way…” You gasp lightly, hands coming up to cover your mouth.
“Hello there, (Y/N),” Nagito smiled back at you: genuine, warm, welcoming. His eyes creased into little lines with the expression. Dressed in his usual attire, he raised a hand to wave gently.
It was like every step of this journey, every new discovery proved over and over to you that this was in fact, a dream. You had to be asleep for Nagito to be here. Nagito… Out of all of your classmates, fate chose your crush to place upon you. It felt like an ambush, like a trap.
Your feelings for Nagito had blossomed almost immediately upon meeting him. There was physical attraction at first sight. He was tall, thin, with a pronounced Adam’s Apple and veiny arms. His pale skin was vampiric almost, translucent in the bright sun, especially when he went swimming with little on but his trunks. His hair was wispy like cotton candy, soft and full. You imagined running your hands through it often. You were lured in by his kind and helpful personality. After the first class trial, when you all learned of his true disposition, you fought to keep your feelings under wraps. He was dangerous, volatile, unstable, and a whole lot of other negative adjectives, so you held it all in.
Still, you couldn’t deny your attraction to the mystery that came along with him. He was obviously extremely intelligent, often moving behind the scenes and one step ahead of everyone else. His mind and the way it worked, just the way he talked was alluring to you. It often felt like he was flirting with you when you were around him. You just assumed he was just trying to butter you up to use you, trying to get closer to further his goals of “hope.”
You tried to be around him as little as possible, though… or that’s what you wanted your peers to perceive. You tried to only hang out with him when you had an excuse: looking for clues and evidence, during investigations, interrogating him, trying to get closer to him under the guise of wanting to control his crazy so he wouldn’t hurt your friends. In reality, you enjoyed every moment spent with him. He could be scary at times though for sure, getting all wild and frantic when speaking of the future and his plans for hope, or even knowing he was plotting when he was quiet. Which is why it was so odd that he was almost… shy at the moment?
“(Y/N)...?” He cleared his throat, gaining your attention once again. Shaken out of your trance, you made eye contact with him, feeling instantly a bit shy yourself.
“Yes, Nagito?” You speak softly, never moving an inch. This felt surreal.
“I knew it would be you…” He smiled just barely and took a step forward, a gleam in his eye.
“Nagito… do you know what’s going on here?” You inquired, and he nodded enthusiastically. Always a step ahead.
“When I learned of this place, I just knew it would be you that showed… after all, you’re the ultimate shining hope that eclipses all others! It could only be you!” His arms were outstretched as if to embrace you, or welcoming you to embrace him, but yet he didn’t step any closer.
Ah, yes, his ideal… you think to yourself. He was obviously very mentally ill, you’d gathered, obsessed with the idea of hope even if there had to be an event of despair that preceded in order to propel forward such hope. Sometimes it was vague, to you at least, what hope meant to him. He seemed to know very well what he meant, though nobody else did. Not one hundred percent of the time, anyway.
“So, where should I begin? Tell me how best to serve you! Let me please you!” He took a large stride forward, grasping your hand in his own and bringing it to his lips in a gentlemanly gesture. Like some victorian nobleman greeting a lady, he kissed the back of your knuckles as if he revered and respected you highly. Taken aback by the sudden action, you jerked your hand away.
You felt hesitant… Weren’t you supposed to be his ideal? Why is he all up on you, then, asking to serve and please you?
“Please, allow me to be your stepping stone. Use me, let me be your tool for hope! I know I’m less than nothing, but if I can help you even a microscopic amount, I can die happy!” He fell to his knees, wrapping around your legs like a child latching onto their mother. He looked quite pathetic, actually. He ran a cold, pale hand up and under the pant leg of your pajamas and you shivered. Your heart rate began to pick up at the skin to skin contact. “Whip me if it pleases you, if it feels better and relieves your stress. Hit me! Take out your build-up from the day on me, so you can continue to work hard for the cause of hope!” 
This is wrong… You shook him off gently, backing away until your back hit the door. He stood, a displeased look across his face.
“Am I fucking it up? I can do better, please. I’ll do anything for you!” He began to shuck off his outer layer of clothing, his green coat. You found your eyes instantly glued to the veiny expanse of his ghostly white arms, the callous of his knuckles, the way his Adam’s Apple bobbed when he swallowed nervously and-
No… this is wrong! You repeatedly to yourself mentally. Reluctance, sweat running down the back of your neck, this awkward knot in your stomach. You felt confused. This had to be wrong. He probably didn’t really feel this way. Not about you, anyway. Monokuma influenced this for sure… obviously. How could he see you as an ideal? There was no way… you had to get out of here… back to your room and…
But then again… this was a dream. Your mind wandered. This was some kind of freakish lucid dream that you could be aware of and be in control of. Who could fault you for enjoying a dream? When would you ever get an opportunity like this - with your crush of all people - ever again? Maybe you should just… let go… enjoy the night.
Nagito, now devoid of his coat, crossed his arms at his pelvis, taking up the bottom hem of his white t-shirt and began to lift it with the intent to remove it altogether, exposing his belly button and the veins that ran down his lower abdomen. He looked to you for approval. He couldn’t help but notice that even with his eagerness to please, you had a twisted expression on your face. It was uncertain, puzzled, maybe upset with his efforts? You certainly weren’t paying attention to him, that was for sure. He let go of the shirt, and it fell back into place.
“Am I still disappointing you?” His words brought you back to the present, and you looked him up and down once again, stepping a bit forward and back fully into the suffocating ambience of the suite. You were tempted, so very tempted by the mere sight of him. Monokuma had said this was a building of lust and romance. “It is to be expected. I am a total filthy useless loser, and you are the epitome of goodness and cleanliness in this world.” He spoke matter-of-factly, now approaching you again, circling you like a hawk with it’s prey. “Hmmm… well maybe, you aren’t as clean as you’d like people to think?” Suddenly, more forceful than you’d ever seen him, you found yourself pushed back, up against the wall, and he held you there, pinned by his own body weight. 
“N-Nagito!” You sputtered, more shocked by the position he now had you in than than anything else so far on this very strange night. But wasn’t he all submissive just a second ago? This is what you meant by volatile, unstable… 
“Ah well, that’s fine with me, as long as you’re the ray of hope the world needs you to be outside of the bedroom…” His thin fingers trailed up your forearms until they met your hands. Interlocking your fingers with his own, he forced them up and beside your head, locking you into place against the red wall. You swallowed, suddenly feeling very small. His eyes seemed dreamy, lazily glazed over and sultry. A crooked smirk formed upon seeing your flustered reaction. “I have no issue changing strategies…” He leaned forward, whispering suggestively into the shell of your ear. He could feel you tremble at that, content to let him take over. “Your reactions are quite telling.” His grip slipped down from your fingers to your wrists. There was a shit-eating grin, a condescending tone behind his seemingly effortless bravado.
What you were starting to realize was that Nagito could be whoever he needed to be at any given moment in order to meet his goals. In an instant, he could change and adapt. His personality shifted just like that. You questioned how the groveling servant-like act from before could flip into this dominant, aggressively contrasting performance, but that was just it. Nagito’s fantasy was to be the stepping stone that would support and propel the greatest hope the world had ever seen to glory, to have that beacon of hope see him as useful and genuinely feel like he means the world to them. He did this by enabling them to do their best, whatever the cost, therefore, their fantasy was his fantasy. Being what they needed and wanted, that was all he wanted. Their pleasure was his pleasure, like an endlessly looping cycle. You didn’t seem to respond well to the sniveling slave character, so now, he would show you that you could be made to submit to him, that he could be your ideal and force you to relinquish control. If that’s what you wanted, he would fill that role.
His grip on your wrists tightened, a bit painfully. You sucked in air through your teeth at the pressure. He was so lanky and thin, you’d never guess he was this strong. You probably couldn’t shake him off unless you used your full strength and and the boost of an adrenaline rush. Your eyelids fluttered closed, finally accepting the blissful feeling this dream could provide.
“I can tell you like this… You’re trying to hold back all reactions and sounds, but you should just let go… I know already… I know~” He teased, leaning in until his forehead touched yours. The closeness, the invasion of your personal space excited him. He truly didn’t have many opportunities for physical touch in his life. Knowing it was with his ideal match, this experience, all of it set his heart ablaze in his chest. “Who would’ve thought? Heh, wait until the others hear you’re not so innocent…” You knew Nagito as one who never missed a beat, that’s why he was so useful in class trials and during investiagations. So of course he noticed when your bottom lip quivered and the tiniest, quietest moan escaped the depths of your throat. He exhaled amusedly, a puff of satisfaction through his nostrils. A checkmate of sorts. “Oh? You seem to like even the threat of me telling…” He was smug, so very smug.
“N-No, that’s not true…” You breathed out an overstimulated, constrained response.
“You want me to be meaner to you?” It was posed as a question, but he wasn’t asking for permission. Without waiting for a response, he firmly pressed his mouth to yours, lips enveloping your own. Your head tilted to meet his, melding perfectly into each other. Your hands itched, begging to be allowed move, to run your fingers through his hair, but he wouldn’t release his grip on your wrists. He loved to feel you struggle against him. Pulling back from the kiss, he allowed you a moment of air. “Okay, okay… I’ll extend this one little kindness…” he whispered, throaty and intoxicating. He let go of your left wrist, using that hand instead to move to the front of your pajama shirt. He popped upon the first button with a single graceful movement. With your newly freed hand, you savored your first little taste of the cloud-like texture at your fingers. You were in heaven. His hair was just as fluffy and soft as you’d always imagined.
As his fingers descended down and down, removing the obstacles of every button in his way, you looked over his shoulder at the expansive, lavish bed behind him. It seemed a very long night was ahead of you.
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sweepweep · 10 months
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@bonsaa actually asked for me to continue my Kamukura Project ramblings and I’ve never been more thrilled, this gives me a great excuse to continue.
Continuing with the idea of how marvelously fucked up the Project was in the first place: the project was sketchy from the start. For one, I’m pretty sure Hajime’s parents were NOT aware of it at all. If they were, they either would’ve 1: signed Hajime away to it, not giving him a choice. Or 2: disagreed with it and also would’ve not given him the choice. The fact that the chairman ASKED Hajime whether or not he’d come to a decision shows this.
There was also the fact that whatever Hajime signed was a blatant lie. Going into the building after he’d agreed to it, Hajime says that he’ll become someone Chiaki could be proud of, someone with a talent. He was convinced that HE would be coming out of it, same person, same personality, just with a talent. If he was told that he would’ve been erased, he wouldn’t have done it. Why? Because if he came out a different person, the whole “Chiaki can be proud of” thing would be for nothing.
So of course, now we’re at the point and time for the start of the surgeries. Izuru has super strength and super speed. That has to have been given to him while he was still Hajime. Because if they created Izuru with average human abilities, THEN given him speed and strength, Izuru would’ve figured out what he was before the scientists got a chance to use him as intended. Just imagine that. Hajime is told he’ll be going into the first surgery to get a talent. He comes out of it and now has to function in a completely different and strange body. He goes to pick up a fork to eat and accidentally mangles it. That sounds like an exaggeration, but Izuru threw Junko and Mukuro across the room by flicking his wrist. Izuru was “born” with abilities like that so it would’ve been normal to him. Hajime on the other hand, then would’ve had to adapt from what he was used to.
And you can’t just erase someone’s entire existence in one surgery. The scientists and doctors probably cut off all of his contact with the world so that he didn’t have any reminder of who he was. They probably referred to him as Izuru Kamukura throughout the process to condition his mind to respond as if it was his name. On that note, Izuru was described as a “super weapon” and a “tool for hope”. That is objectification. The scientists probably didn’t consider Hajime or Izuru human. I can imagine they referred to him as an object, not only so that Izuru would think of himself as a weapon for Hope’s Peak (sure that was a lot of it), but also to clear their own consciousnesses. It would’ve been a lot easier for them to think about preforming a lobotomy on a non-human object than on a person.
And of course we all saw the room Izuru was kept in. They probably kept Hajime in the same room so that 1: he didn’t have any self-reminders. And 2: so that Izuru would be more likely to consider it his room when he was created. We saw from Chiaki’s death scene that Izuru kept some of Hajime’s feelings, so if Izuru considered that empty box his room, he’d be less likely to want something more habitable, as he’d be used to it.
And when it comes to the surgical procedures themselves, I did a little digging on sedatives. Just going to start off by saying that Hope’s Peak probably didn’t fully sedate him, in hopes of increasing pain tolerance. But what I found, was that many even heavily sedated patients are award of their surroundings. It’s recommended people talk to them because they can hear and comprehend what they are hearing. The only issue being, they can’t respond. Now when working with sedated patients, the doctors will close the patient’s eyes and put something over them. If you look at Hajime just as he’s going into the final surgery, his eyes are not covered. He was probably listening and seeing as the doctors spoke about what they planned on doing. And while it would’ve gotten fuzzy when they started on his brain, sedated patients have spoken about how they remember a lot, but just chalked it up to a vivid hallucination or nightmare. So Izuru would’ve retained a lot of that.
Keeping with the topic of sedation and awareness, we’re going to circle back to the muscle and body modifications Hajime would’ve had to go through. Everyone talks about his main lobotomy scar on his head, but Izuru came out of everything super strong and fast. Post-Neo World Hajime wouldn’t have just had a scar wrapping around his head, but so many along every muscle in his body. Reminder that Izuru took down the SHSL Soldier with a wrist flick. Imagine the modifications that would’ve had to have been done to allow him to do that. Post-Game Hajime would’ve had scars all over his body, accompanied by memories of the slicing done to get them.
Now during the surgery, once Hajime realized that they planned on erasing him, or even when they cut off his contact with everything and everyone he knew, he would’ve tried to fight back. He fought the Ultimate Boxer as a Reserve Course Student. Being even stronger (and knowing that) he wouldn’t have wanted to stick around for long, so why not use his new strength to just fight his way out. The scientists would’ve known about this and put him on a crap ton of mood-changers to keep him remotely cooperative. His food was probably drugged left and right, and that along with the entire project would’ve led to a truck-load of trust issues that would take years to undo.
Thanks for listening to my hyperfixated ramble. I wish I could finish my WIPs with this kind of dedication.
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dangakkisland · 1 month
Veiled Hope (Beta: H.O.P.E) Concept art below
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‹long post be warned (If you don't feel well to touch on subjects like death, corpses even if with not much detail I recomend watching after yourself and maybe pass this post for another time!)
For starters Veiled Hope was supposed to be called "H.O.P.E" or "E.S.P.E.R.A.N.Ç.A" As in the portuguese script I wrote for it, the "Veiled" part came from another work called "Veiled Shadows" which fused with H.O.P.E; One more reason for the name was because it was fully focused on Izuru after the Hope cultivation program jumping the entire part of the DESPAIR arc
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Izuru's uniform is the same as Hajime's right now the only difference was the symbols being green spades rather than light-red diamonds (Notes from the images above: Always keep the card theme between Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki, possibly could work with Makoto/Mitarai in the end but not when they don't know both his identity yet)‹ this is not followed anymore
[He was still Ryota Mitarai/Ryota Nanami instead of Mitarai Nanami, the change was because it just sounded way better and it flowed like a feather.]
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Yasuke alive and well even after Junko took his life for unknown reasons I put as "Later but related to Hope's peak academy and the Future Foundation"⟩ if I followed I would probably blame the Ultimate Pharmacist and her magic medicine or the same thing that Kyoko used to jump back from the dead.
He also has lobotomy marks, I put his state as "Depression, Delusion, Dependent all with extra steps"
His design would be only Yasuke in a Black and white suit probably something relating to Monokuma as a callout for Junko somewhat in the design, the only note in specific is make the sole of his shoes reflect the weird red eye on Monokuma/ half of the Hope's peak symbol under the sole of his shoes.
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Mahiru! Her redesign as the Ultimate despair, all smiles. All the Ultimate despairs received redesigns but the starter ones were way more brutal like Mahiru's (She used to have way more teeth than she is supposed to, that was to reflect the smile dillema and fuse it with despair) and Servant's (After Another Episode he had to amputate one of his legs due an infection and the injury was way more gorey than it should {Removed})
There was one flashback scene of Izuru dancing with a students half alive half dead corpse {Removed}
Izuru's cave like hideout painted pink {Removed}
Izuru disguised as Junko for Makoto {Removed in this certain situation}
Kyoko and Izuru serious talk in private, Izuru disguised as Hajime {Removed but depends on certain situations}
Kyoko animated failed execution {Removed}
Ultimate despairs break Makoto's security system in the most silly way possible (Metal pipe) {Maybe just because its funny}
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Shirokuma was supposed to be a big role, I didn't elaborate much myself only letting a note about how it wandered in vents EVERYWHERE in red marker
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Makoto sick with despair after seeing the first chapter of Super Dangaronpa 2, He couldn't get a hold of reality as the security system was locked (Flooded by the Junko AI). Byakuya taking his duty of watching the Killing game instead when Kyoko tried to figure out how the Virus got there filling everyone involved in their Seniors with serious distrust.
I was thinking on making this longer bit actually this is everything giving no spoilers for the story at all, mostly just removed content and some character designs with unused descriptions. I'll probably do it again when I finish completely, I can't tell how long it will take probably years 1-2 however it could be probably so worth it and I'll fight as long as I can
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funishment-time · 4 months
as an English Major i am all about taking Subtext and just assuming it's canon, for better or worse. i get being a "i need confirmation from the Creator" type but i am Built Different. therefore you will never convince me of anything but the following:
Sakura and Hina had something. it may not have been a full Relationship™ but they had feelings
same with Tokomaru/Syomaru: we were meant to assume there are Certain Feelings there. they may never actually pan out in canon (in fact, i guarantee they won't) but there is an Implication beyond fan service
besides the above mentioned folks, the following characters are sapphic in some regard: Sayaka, Kyoko, Junko, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Ibuki, Mikan, Kaede, Miu, Tenko, and Kotoko
(yes, i really do think many DR girls are intended to have genuine Girl-liker feelings. they may not ever act on them, but they do.)
(i headcanon that all DR girls are sapphic but that is because i am a big lesbian pervert Myself. in terms of actual canon, though...)
as i have never been a MLM i can't speak too much on that front, but Mondo, at least, clearly has Feelings. and not just for Taka, either: Summer Camp's got this scene with Chihiro...
Junko has done some sincerely not great shit. i mean beyond Mass Murder and Inciting Nonsense. i love her as a villain, and i'm not saying it's like "oooh super sexy" or anything that she may be a cannibal (among other shit), but, like. enough said
Chiaki and Himiko, at the very least, are neurodivergent
are there any Subtextual things you all just assume are canon in DR?
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fujoreads · 5 months
To Strip the Flesh // Review
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To Strip the Flesh is a short tales collection in manga format, containing 5 stories in total—the main one going by the book’s title.
I remember someone mentioning this in a book-related podcast I listen to, but I don’t remember which one. I found it at a bookshop when I went on a little date last year, and I just had to buy it! It took me a while to finally read it, but I’m glad I did.
CW: Gender Dysphoria, Explicit Nudity; Organs; Hunting; Animal death; Sexism; Transphobia; Body Horror
This manga was something else. I may not have the exact same experience as our protagonist Chiaki, but I related so hard I cried—thrice, in fact. I got such a headache from crying I had to end the day that evening. Powerful stuff.
I knew I would probably enjoy it because of the art and the topic of trans issues. I myself am a transmasc bastard, so it’s always nice to see manga talking about these things.
When I finally finished it, I had to pause for a minute or two. For the first half, I read many scenes where I felt dysphoric together with Chiaki, but the way the story ended made me actually try to be stronger and fight for my right to happiness, even if I have to face transphobic doctors on the way.
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Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most. (The StoryGraph)
Although the main story is this one about Chiaki, there are many others who are also just as enjoyable, albeit shorter.
This tale is condensed in about 100 pages, but packs an emotional punch enough to leave you in tears. It made me realize that I have my own found family and I don’t need to keep living a lie.
The flow of the story may have been somewhat rushed due to its overall length, but it still felt neatly presented. I do wish I could have seen more of Chiaki and the rest of the cast, especially his late mother.
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This manga’s artstyle is interesting. It feels very anime, but it does feel different in some aspects, like how soft the eyes are. I really enjoyed it.
As someone with a big chest, I personally related to Chiaki’s struggles and the way it was visually presented was just wonderful.
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Chiaki is the son of a hunter (who also butches his own kills). He lives as a closeted trans man and desires not to betray his parents’ wishes for him—to be a bride—hurt as it may. He struggles with trying to impose his masculinity to his father, who refuses to see him as anything else but his daughter, saying how “women don’t hunt”, and never letting him get hurt, seeing him as a frail girl. However, we also see his weaknesses: how he never lets his father know his true feelings, even when his father clearly shows he cares for what he thinks is best to Chiaki. It’s understandable, but also what strains their relationship at some point, even if from Chiaki’s perspective.
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It’s so sweet to see Chiaki’s growth after a big moment where he has to make an important decision, both for him and his father, and how that improved their overall relationship.
His father was an interesting character to follow as well, even if we see less of him, and usually accompanied by Chiaki. I wish we could have had more moments with him.
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I enjoyed Takato as a friend of Chiaki’s, but while he is sweet and supportive, he’s also a bit annoying. Maybe having him grow more throughout the story instead of a last-minute development would have made him more justice.
This was a lovely read, and not just for the main story. Personally, the Hot Watermelon short story was my second favorite, followed by David in Love.
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I got even more excited seeing how Oto Toda, the author, worked as an assistant for Tatsuki Fujimoto on Fire Punch—one of my favorite works ever, as despair-inducing as it was.
If you care about stories centered around trans issues, you’ll certainly like it. It’s also a tale of father-son love, and how old wounds can be treated, even if it seems all too late.
This is a very short story, followed by other even shorter stories, so if you desire a more detailed and lengthy tale, you might not enjoy this. It’s a powerful narrative, but it’s rushed at times and unless you personally relate to Chiaki’s struggles, you might feel less emotionally affected.
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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pechebeche · 6 months
Something I really like about THH vs SDR2 that I don't think I've talked about before is that, in THH, every single character is shown to be capable of malicious murder; whereas in SDR2, there is not a single killing or attempted killing that isn't self-sacrificial.
By the end of THH, every single character has attempted or been shown to be capable of murder, including the victims. Sayaka actively tries to kill Leon; Chihiro's creations result in many deaths, both through Alter Ego killing Junko and their work on the AI that eventually became Monokuma unintentionally leading most of the class to their deaths; Hifumi actively tried to kill Taka, and it was made very clear this was a two-sided rivalry. Most of the survivors actively try to kill Sakura, and Hina tries to kill everyone, including herself.
Even Makoto has an alternate ending where he intentionally kills Kyoko through the trial system and lives with the consequences - at which point, Kyoko kills him through the trial system. The only characters we don't physically see attempt murder, Mukuro and Jack, both have canonical kill counts. Every THH character has blood on their hands, despite being the hope for the future.
On the other hand, from the very first trial, the SDR2 killings are always committed on behalf of others. Teruteru tries to kill Nagito to keep him from killing someone else - whose plan to murder was actually a farce to help the rest of the group grow, and who is protected by the Imposter's willing sacrifice. Twilight Murder Syndrome hinges on Sato murdering Natsumi to protect Mahiru, and the parallel of Peko killing Mahiru on behalf of Fuyuhiko. Mikan kills on behalf of her beloved. Gundam and Nekomaru both go into their battle knowing that they will die so that the whole group does not starve. Nagito kills himself in order to support the traitor, and Chiaki sacrifices herself for the group. And this culminates in the graduation scene, where these sacrifices inspire the survivors to live on. Every SDR2 character comes from a place of care for others, despite being the Ultimate Despair.
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theblackinnkeeper · 2 months
Cross examining the ova analysis (a critique of @rirururu)(pt1)
So if you don’t know rirururu I big time komahina shipper has made an analysis that is very popular among the shippers and as you can imagine not so popular for me now I am going to look at the post and critique it now for this post I am going to look at the first segment (spoilers and snark)
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I’ve seen the one he’s following up on (trust me it isn’t very good) and university thesis worthy? From the clown whose shipper goggles are so stuck on he claims hajime was mourning from nagito when his reactions indicate shock and disbelief more than loss.get ready folks this is gonna be a fun one!
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I kid you not they’re whole analysis is full of this kind of mass exposition
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Accurate for the most part but makes a few mistakes nagito doesn’t act maliciously regularly unless someone gets too close to him or despair is involved(and even then he didn’t act maliciously during his final free time event where he did try to push hajime away) and grew up there? For that to be possible it would mean he had to be in their for about sixteen years or the machine twisted his mind
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Twisted definitely but cynical please. Putting the mistaken statement about his bad luck aside I feel that’s reading to much into it because that’s nothing new or something that’s been hidden deep inside nagito is someone who wants to help others we already knew that he wants to help people and that he doesn’t typically expect anything the more Likely interpretation is that in this world his luck is actually helping others and it makes sense considering part of the reason nagito tried to kill the ultimate despair was to bring validation towards his existence
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Hopes peak academy’s corruption again ladies and gentlemen
(And one more thing when nagito shows these problems you go aww poor baby he shouldn’t feel like this but when Chiaki does it people like you say “shut up you privileged bitch” I’m annoyed you don’t see the irony here
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I wouldn’t say that I mean can’t just helping others be a joy in of itself I mean what are you gonna say people like Superman don’t have a grasp on happiness for living to help others
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Well if it was the shock the ultimates shouldn’t even be here considering those should fall into the “ too painful to remember” category and I do agree that nagito’s desire is to live a normal life (though for different reasons)
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I think the context of that scene seems to suggest that the shocked expression came from the pain from the spear rather than any fear of death and I don’t think his dependence on hope blinds him so much as suppresses them (I’ll elaborate on the next half)
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We’ll see about that
(To be continued)
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hajihiko · 1 year
I ask for souda’s crush List now kindly mucho gracias 🙏🙏🙏🧎
Crush list in order of happening, game and onwards;
Princess Sonia. Like, obvi true love!! No one else compares ever!!
Hajime but like a bro crush tho! There's nothing wrong with appreciating your homies sick pecs and kind and understanding nature and being heartbroken when you think they betrayed you! .... shit.
Nagito? DEFINITELY not Nagito.
Chiaki, who doesnt love a cute gamer girl?? Computers are just machines! Pink buddies!
NOT Fuyuhiko that's for sure.
Ibuki has a charm. But what if she's more punk than me D:
DEFINITELY not Gundham.
Peko. She's hot! Also kind of sweet if you unlock that watermelon scene.
Peko well. ... would have been weird after getting to know Fuyuhiko anyway.
Akane! Also hot! A little scary too but I mean hey that can be a bonus!
On that note, Nekomaru; there ACTUALLY is nothing wrong with appreciating the insanely buff bro that partakes in hijinks with you. Like, objectively.
Ibuki oh.
Not Mikan.
Ok yeah Fuyuhiko. Only because he's blonde and pretty and a good human shield and needs someone to visit him in the hospital.
Nekomaru well...
.... definitely not Gundham.
Or Chiaki.
Or maybe anyone anymore.
I'm gonna die a virgin :(
Nevermind most of those I guess.
hehe Nevermind.
God damn it
Akane I guess we were like siblings or the cool cousins all along.
Why did Impostor have to actually end up being really cool???
It's okay if Ibuki is the most punk bitch alive I am now secure enough in my personality that I could totally make it work. Unfortunately my detective bestie is telling me she's probably not really into guys. ... what if I'm not actually really a guy ...
Does Hajime count when he's like reinvented his personality? I'll count him again.
Princess Sonia just Sonia. But like ... different now.
Maybe Nagito again.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I just want to say that I love your imagine about self aware enstar and the one where we enter Ensemble stars was Terrifiying if you think about it. First there's language barrier issue where you don't understand Japanese sure they can speak English but the fact they can understand each other limit your changes to escape also the unit I feel will get the short stick will probably be Eden if we transport in their academy era. Best situation will probably if we meet Anzu first when we transport to their world,she let us stay in her apartment after some time because she doesn't want to stray too long from you she'll will invite us to ES pretending as her assistant or protégé. The characters gonna be confuse seeing Anzu so clingy with this new assistance until some of them find out our identity then all hell break lose. I think the one that probably gonna find out first is trikstars since they're close with her and since they're nice too they probably gonna help us escape, the second would be one of the eccentric five they're gonna be more selfish and probably try to steal us from anzu discreetly but not like anzu gonna let it happen. In the end Anzu is the one with you since the first time you install the game she surely help you when you ask her help to escape right?
Thank you so much so much for reading my works and I´m so happy that you like them!! Honestly, all of the support I´ve been getting for this Au is really nice and it motivates me to keep writing!
Since you had a lot of neat ideas in your ask I will try to expand on some of them below the cut!
Holy heck how did I almost write 2k words
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, imprisonment(?)
Language barriers, Eden,  meeting Anzu first, her “support” in trying to keep us hidden away from the others, and that eventually backfiring in the Yandere self-aware enstars Au!
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Alright, so first let´s start with the issue of languages. If the player can speak Japanese then they obviously have an advantage over those that cannot. While yes, the characters will try to speak a language you yourself speak so you can actually interact with them, some of them might try to hide certain things from you.
So if you´re someone that can´t speak Japanese and somehow got pulled into the world of Ensemble stars, you should definitely be a bit concerned. I don´t think all of them would try to take advantage of the language barrier as most of them are just happy to have you with them and don´t see any reason to try and deceive you ( Nazuna, Kaoru, Chiaki, Hiiro,...) Who are they to think they could treat you like that? They´re just happy that you even decided to grace them with your presence and that you can tolerate them long enough to have a conversation with them! ( Mika, Mayoi,....)
But some are more shrewd than others. Yes, they are obviously happy now that you are within their reach and they can talk to you and be close to you without that pesky screen between you and them, but they still aren´t completely content with their situation. They aren´t quite as close to you as they wish they could be and they see a serious problem in how the others cling to you so desperately, leaving them almost no chance to be alone with you, so they may try to talk to the others in Japanese to give them some sort of excuse as to why they have to be somewhere else right now, so they will leave you alone. It´s not hurting anyone if they can have you for themselves a bit, right? ( Natsume, Ritsu, Izumi, Anzu,..)
And then there´s also always the option that you might try to run away from them one day. While everyone else is happy, they´re carefully observing you and your every reaction, and they can see that you aren´t very happy about the current circumstances. So they´re trying to manipulate things behind the scenes to make sure that you aren´t going to leave anytime soon. They´re bribing security to not let you leave, they´re posting things you can´t understand on their social media, cheerfully declaring to their fans that you´ll be staying with them now and to expect to see you with them from now on.
They´re trying to put down all the groundwork to ensure that you won’t be able to flee without random fans on the street recognizing you and posting about your whereabouts online because they´re excited to meet someone affiliated with their favorite idols, which would then let them know where you went. They have to make sure they can find their darling again if you decide to run away, right? And you don´t need to know that they´re taking all of these precautions in secret. You won´t have to worry about it anyway if you just decide to stay with them willingly <3 ( Eichi, Ibara, Keito, Rei, Rinne but I feel like he might not try to hide it either)
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Putting a line here to try and separate the different ideas without putting a bunch of space there kjnflsfb moving on!
Now that you mention it, yeah, Eden would probably have a pretty bad time if you happened to get into the ensemble stars world during enstars! , the academy phase. Since you take over for Anzu while you´re playing the game, I feel like it´s very likely that the game itself will make it so that you will be attending Yumenosaki yourself because that´s where most of the idols are.
Poor Eden is in a completely different school and so for a while, they won´t even know that you´re here now. When they find out they´re obviously pretty distraught and disappointed that you didn´t join their school instead. Why should those other idols get to spend so much time with you? Eden was introduced pretty late into the main story so they got less time with you than the others anyway, which they were already upset about.
And now you´re telling them the others got to spend several weeks or months right by your side while they remained unaware? They gotta get over there asap. You better believe they´re even more excited for the upcoming live with Trickstar because it means they can finally get a glance of you, their lovely producer that was unfairly stolen from them.
They´re going to give Trickstar even worse of a time just because they´re jealous
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And last but not least, let´s get back to Anzu. I´m actually kind of happy that you guys want to read more about her because usually the player characters aren´t very well liked so I guess that means I must be doing something right after all ^^
I think the scenario you thought of is very likely to happen! If Anzu was the first person you met, you would probably be safe for a good while because she´s so glad to see you and wants you to be safe and sound so she would absolutely let you stay at her apartment! The thought of coming home to you after work is very domestic and it makes her swoon just thinking about it. And back there no one else is going to find out about you and try to steal you away from her! She knows well enough how crazy most of the other characters are about you so the moment they would find out about you, they wouldn´t leave your side, and then she couldn´t have you all for herself anymore.
So she holds out for a while and just lets you spend your days in her apartment. Anzu tells you over and over that you shouldn´t go outside because it would be troublesome and dangerous if someone happened to pass by and somehow recognized you. And you listen, of course, you´re so confused and scared by this whole situation of suddenly being in the world of a mobile game you loved to play, that you don´t dare to defy the one person that is looking out for you. So you stay and try to not let the boredom bother you too much. I honestly don´t think there´s a lot in Anzu´s room you could use for entertainment because she spends most of her time working and so her room is probably pretty barren.
This works fine for a few days but soon, both of you grow restless. You because you´re bored just staying inside doing nothing, Anzu because she can´t handle being away from you for so long. She keeps zoning out during work, her thoughts circling back to you, thinking about what you might be doing right now and if you´re safe while she´s gone. All she can think about is that she wants to go home already and have you in her arms, it´s so difficult to stay focused and it´s pretty noticeable honestly. Several people have commented on the fact that the producer seems to keep spacing out recently.
So despite knowing better, she asks you to tag along with her when she starts missing you too much. She tells everyone that comments on you, that you are her assistant and that you will be accompanying her for some time now. Of course, some people accept this more easily than others. Some just take it at face value while others highly question this. Why is it that Anzu suddenly has an assistant when she didn´t need one all this time or didn´t even mention you before? Ibara is the head of Cospro, why does he not know about this?? Things just don´t really add up and everyone starts wondering where you suddenly came from and why the producer seems to be so fond of you.
Anzu meanwhile knows that this is a huge risk but she can´t seem to care too much now that you´re with her all the time and she doesn´t have to be apart from you anymore. Her mood immediately brightens the first day she brings you along, positively beaming and with a spring in her step as she walks through ES. She´s always keeping you close, both to keep an eye on you to make sure you don´t wander off too far and just because she likes being close to you, her perfect darling.
She might throw herself into even more work though because she wants to impress you with how hard-working and reliable she is, please send help
Trickstar knows her best and so they will certainly notice the difference in her usual behavior. They´re stunned at first when they find out that the player they´ve been looking up to for so long is actually you and they´re really, really excited to have you with them!! But it doesn´t take long for them to find out that you might be in danger because they´ve seen how intensely some of the other idols feel for you.
Makoto shivers when he thinks about how Izumi has been talking about you nonstop, he knows what it´s like to be his target and he honestly fears for you.
Mao is struggling to keep this a secret from Ritsu, who can read him like a book and just knows that something is up.
Subaru is so excited that he almost spills the beans several times and is only stopped by Hokuto, who awkwardly tries to make up something on the spot to explain away what the other was about to say.
It´s not looking too good though and eventually, the secret is revealed and it´s like a shockwave goes through ES as everyone finds out.
You bet Eichi, Wataru and Ibara are some of the first ones to know, and honestly at that point all you can think about needing to escape.
Trickstar is panicking, they all really love you and wish you could be with them but they see just how obsessed everyone else is and just fear for your safety so they try to help you the best they can with your escape. It definitely won´t be easy though, it´s not like the four of them can just hold off 40+ idols on their own
So in the end, you beg Anzu for help, saying that you need to get away from all of your pursuers. Surely she will help you, she´s been with you for so long now!
And she will help with hiding you indeed. How about you move back into her apartment, permanently? She´ll find a way to make sure no one is going to bother you again. You trust her, don´t you? She´ll keep you nice and safe in the comforts of your shared home
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