#which yeah I feel that I love TJ too but
transfemarmin · 10 months
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INSPIRED BY: @cyb3rspyd3r
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU whenever you leave your phone with him when you leave the room, he’s going through.. in a way to make sure you’re behaving the way you promise him you are, to see what new numbers you have in your phone, to see if you talk about him with your friends, anything that shows him he isn’t wasting his time by being with you.. don’t mistake that for him not trusting you… he does, he’s just a nosy bastard.
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU his mood can be adjusted by the sheer sight of you, let’s say he’s mad about something.. maybe his counselor was feeding him bullshit about his future; that he needed to mention the fact he was struggling in order for colleges to give him any kind of time of day… that pissed him off, because who are you.. to tell him that he’s just a struggling poor kid but the second he laid his eyes on you.. he was smiling again, and forgot why he was mad in the first place
“ whatchu smilin’ all hard for?”
“ nothin… I just.. like being around you, mama.”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU the littlest things will remind him of you, miles morales.. who is so in love with you.. that he once gave you a rock he found on the ground because it had a smooth front, and he remembered the time your arms were smooth after shaving.. that he couldn’t stop touching them, even when you wore long sleeves; he’d just sneak two fingers into your sleeve and run them down your arm.. it would usually be a surprise too..
“ eek- what! miles?! can you get your cold ass fingers off me.. please..”
“ mami.. c’mon, you feel so good though.. like a countertop or sum.”
“ boy… you stupid if that’s the only thing you can compare it too..”
“ stupidly in love with you.. that’s the only thing I’m stupid in.. don’t play with me before I fuck you up.”
“ nigga.. miles shut the fuck up, you ain’t touching me niggatron..”
“ …”
“ yeah exactly..”
“ oh, no.. trust.. I will take care of that attitude.. but what the fuck is a niggatron..?”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU that he takes pride in being your ‘ mini me’ every single saying that you have said around him; he’s said it around his friends, his uncle, everyone.. it just slips out, like one time he accidentally said one thing you say quite often around his uncle, after his uncle
“ girl..you did not eat that.. you thought you did, but I still see the lil ceasar’s hot and ready on the table.. why is that?”
“ nigga what?”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he never says no to you, whatever you want.. he will get it.. if it’s within his budget.. he’s fifteen years old not a sugar daddy, as well as the fact his mother is struggling with the bills so most of his money goes towards her; but with the extra money she refuses to take from him.. you’re spoiled with it.. if he hears you need a new lip liner, he’s asking what color.. suggesting a reddish brown or a black, his favorite colors on you.. if you want a new stuffed animal he’s buying one from the nearest store, while he usually has to stretch his dollar, and most trips are made with him asking you which one you need more.. a teddy bear.. or chick fil a, and he gets whichever one you want more.
“ mama..”
“ you can’t rush perfection, miles! I’m thinking..”
“ girl.. perfection? I asked you if you wanted ice cream now or chipotle later..”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he tells everyone who will listen all the wonderful things about you.. and by wonderful I mean everything you did.. whenever his girlfriend is mentioned or the possibility of hanging out with someone who isn’t you.. he will start yapping about you
“ hey man.. you coming over to TJ’s? we gon be playing basketball.. and then going down to the mall.. “
“ nah man, my girl said she wanted to come over tonight.. meet my ma n shit..”
“ man.. didn’t you have your girl over last night too? “
“ yeah .. she comin to meet my mami tonight though.”
“ she couldn’t have met her last night?”
“ my ma be at work.. ion think she even remember me telling her about my girl, to be honest with you mane.”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he steals his uncle’s car to see you late at night, he knocks on your window at two in the morning, because his uncle is working… not a normal job but that job, so he drives over there.. illegally may I add; since he’s 15, he only has his learners. he does this just to lay in bed with you, to spoon you and tell you how much he loves you.. how much he lives for you
“ I love you.. so much, [name] you make my life.. so easy.. so tolerable.. I’m not as.. sad and depressed now that you’re with me, I love staying and being with you. you make my world brighter, you make my life better.. I love you, I can’t imagine a world with you.. cariño..”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he asked you to marry him one day, he had gave you a plastic ring he got from one of those coin machines when he was going to wash clothes with his mom; he had got a pretty one that had a plastic gem shaped into a heart.. he told you how much he valued you.. how much he cared, how he never wanted to lose you.. how he knew you two were only teenagers.. but he wanted to be with you forever nonetheless.
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU that he has your face plastered on every social media platform he has, your face is his profile picture on the very few he has. ( instagram, twitter, & tiktok.. he has snapchat too, where the main things he posts are just recycled videos he already sent you, and a private story with all the girls he knows has a crush on him added, and he just show cases your love)
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU after the first date, he walked into his room with a big grin on his face. you two had went to the aquarium, and he saw a shark plushie he wanted but didn’t have enough money for.. and you had bought it for him.. no hesitation.. he was so in love with you in that moment.. that he had named it after you.
“ I don’t give a fuck if this shark a boy.. his name gon be [name] today.”
overall.. he’s just so in love with you.. he’d do whatever it takes to make sure you know he loves you.
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turcott3 · 4 months
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tj hughes x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, kissing, fluff!!
when you know you know
as you finished packing your bags, you hung up the facetime and turned to your fellow team girlfriend, alexis.
“i’m so excited for this trip, i still feel so new to the group, it’s only been 4 months so it’ll definitely be nerve wracking.” you admit to her
“we all love you so much, you have nothing to worry about. we all hoped tj could land a girl like you.”
“you’re too nice stop it.” you say, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“no i’m being serious. he’s a good, sweet, and responsible guy. we’re so glad he has you, and then we also get to have you. it’s a win win.” she smiles as you hug her.
“are you sure it’s okay that tj and i have our own car? it’s a long drive, id feel bad if only we traveled alone.”
“yes babe, it’s totally fine.” she laughs exiting your room.
“goodnight lex.” you call out.
“good night y/n.” she yells back.
early the next morning, the lot of cars arrive outside to pick the girls up.
“i’ll see you when we get there.” alexis smiles climbing into the vehicle with rutger and kayleigh.
“you ready to go?” tj asks, appearing next to you leaving the car running.
“yep.” you say smiling.
“me too.” he replies kissing you on the cheek and grabbing your luggage.
“you don’t have to carry that.”
“well i’m not letting you so, it doesn’t matter.” he replies back and you roll your eyes jokingly.
“catch yall in pcb.” frank says rolling the window down before they take off down the street. tj opens the car door for you to get in and puts on the playlist you two made together.
“damn, long drive.” you scoff looking at the screen.
“yeah well at least it’s just me and you.” he says placing a light hand on your thigh.
“yeah baby?”
“can we stop? i need a snack.”
“yeah of course, look at the exit signs and let me know.” he says without hesitation.
“this next one has a nice gas station.”
“perfect.” he says, pulling off the long interstate. you enter the gas station grabbing a few snacks and drinks for the ride. you place them all on the counter and they get rung in.
“your total is 11.84. cash or card?” the woman asks.
“card.” tj interrupts stepping up beside you.
“tj i-“
“don’t care, i’m paying.” he smirks before quickly pecking you on the side of the head causing you to giggle. the pair returns to the car, snacks in hand, for the remainder of their 15 hour ride.
“is it okay if i take a nap? i woke up at 4 and it’s really ruining my vibe right now.” you ask.
“yeah of course, however long you need.”
“okay i just wanted to make sure, didn’t wanna leave you lonely.”
“i’m never lonely with you.” he smiles turning to look at you which you gladly return. you shut your eyes with your head leaned up against the window, praying this long drive could be over soon so you could enjoy time with everyone. you were quick to slip from reality soon after you shut your eyes. after what seemed like a few short minutes you woke up and saw the clock had gone from 12 pm to 3 pm.
“woah i slept for a long time.” you say quietly breaking the silence.
“good morning sunshine, how’d you sleep?” he giggles.
“oh i slept wonderfully.” you reply stretching out.
“we only have about 7 more hours to go.”
“ONLY?” you say in disbelief, this ride was endless.
“yeah i know, it’s taking forever. they’re like a solid hour ahead of us.” tj says.
“wow we’re gonna be fashionably late.”
“that’s because we’re awesome.” he turns to you smirking.
those 7 hours passed dreadfully and you’d finally arrived. you see the condo building approaching.
“finally.” you sigh as tj passes it without hesitation.
“isn’t that where we’re staying?”
“no baby, that’s where they’re staying.” he smirks.
“what do you mean they’re staying?”
“my aunt owns a house a little further down the coast. she’s letting us stay there.” he says placing a hand back onto your leg.
“you’re joking?”
“not joking.”
“who else is there?”
“it’s just for us y/n.”
“like we have a whole house just for me and you?” you ask and he nods.
“does everyone already-“
“yes, they know. i told them.” he quickly replies.
“they weren’t mad?”
“no of course not. we’ll still see them.” he giggles, squeezing your leg slightly. you pull into the driveway of a gorgeous beach house. as soon as the car is off, you open the door and inhale the salty scent of the ocean.
“it’s beautiful.” you say.
“i’m glad you like it.” he says grabbing your luggage and carrying it up the front steps. he unlocks the door, opening it for you to enter. you observe all of the cute and modern coastal decorations that littered the entryway.
“where’s my room?” you ask.
“you mean our room?” he says and you turn your head.
“this is our first big trip together, of course we’re sharing a room. i don’t wanna spend a split second away from you.” he says hugging you from behind.
“oh i’m so excited. i’m gonna go unpack.” you say grabbing onto his arms.
“sounds good, i’m gonna go grab my stuff.” he says pulling away and exiting the house back out to the car.
after you finished unpacking everything, it was late. you’d spent the whole day in the car and just finished unpacking at a ripe 10:30 pm. you step into the bathroom, pushing your hair back with your big tacky bow headband to wash your face. once your skincare was complete, you walk back into the room to tj already tucked in, waiting for you to join him.
“i love that pink headband you use to wash your face. it’s so goofy.” he says as you tuck yourself under the covers.
“it keeps my hair out of my face and i look great in it.”
“touché to that.” he giggles reaching over to pull his lamp string.
“goodnight my love.” he says kissing you sweetly on the lips.
“goodnight tj.” you smile, rolling over and drifting off into a peaceful sleep. when you wake up the next morning, the bed is cold and empty.
“what the-“ you say looking over at the alarm clock that read 8:30. you get out of bed and slide on your slippers, waltzing into the bathroom to put your contacts in. you make your way out of the bathroom and follow the strong sent of something being cooked, which lead you to the kitchen. you’re met with tj leaned over the stove in his boxers and your bright pink bow headband.
“good morning.” he smiles at you.
“good morning my beautiful bow head.” you giggle walking into the kitchen to kiss him on the cheek.
“hey it really does keep my hair out of my face.”
“and you look great in it.” you say, just like he had last night.
“honestly, can you order me one? cards in my wallet on the counter.”
“yes teej, i’ll order you a pink bow headband.” you laugh.
“i’m being fully serious i hope you know.” he says turning to you smirking.
“you are very hard to take serious in that bow babe.” you state, pulling up amazon on your phone.
“i’m a very serious person, haven’t you noticed.” he scoffs, returning his focus to the pancake that was ready to flip. you order him his prized bow headband and pull yourself up onto the counter to watch him hard at work. once he’s finished his cooking, the two of you eat and get ready for a day alone at the beach.
“white or purple?” you say holding up your bikinis.
“whichever one shows more of your butt.” he says, his words muffled by his toothbrush. you took note of the grey swim shorts he was wearing and how they complimented his skin tone. he was practically irresistible.
“lord.” you laugh, setting the white one back in your suitcase.
“what? is it a crime to stare at my girlfriends butt?” he asks, spitting the remaining toothpaste out.
“no tj, it’s not.” you laugh, changing into your swimsuit.
“look at you, do a spin.” he smiles getting a good look at you. you do as your told and approach him, his arms wrapping around you and sliding down your back onto your ass as your arms linked around his neck.
“you’re so beautiful.” he smiles.
“all you babe.” you reply kissing him and pulling away.
“got everything ready?” he asks, picking up the two chairs.
“yup, i’m ready to go.” you say, leading the pair out the door. after a few hours spent on the beach together, you come back to the beach house to get ready to go to dinner with everyone.
“first day at the beach, check.” you say setting everything down on the deck, out of breath from the hellish walk back.
“new favorite thing, going to the beach with you.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your warm sunkissed cheek.
“baby, i’m getting in the shower.” you call out from the bathroom before starting the water. once it’s a temperature you liked, you step in, washing away all the remaining sand. completely relaxing in the shower. once you were fully rinsed, you step out and wrap your body in a fluffy white towel before hearing tj’s voice. you could tell he was on the phone so you tip toe over to the door, pressing your ear up to it, trying to see who he could be talking to.
“it’s been great mom, the weather is so nice.” he says, you not being able to hear the other end of the conversation.
“she’s been incredible. couldn’t ask for a better woman.” he says before pausing for a good while.
“i really do think i love her mom. i don’t think i’ve ever felt this way about-“ he begins and you back away from the door, not wanting to spoil anything for yourself.
“he loves me?” you whisper to yourself, your heart growing giddy at the fact that you felt the exact same way. you just never knew when to say it. you finished drying off, blowing out your hair and exiting the bathroom.
“bathrooms free if you wanna shower.” you smile at the strawberry blonde boy.
“perfect, i’ll be out in like two seconds okay?” he states.
“okay.” you blush as he kisses you on the head in passing.
the two of you got ready for dinner, listening to your playlist.
“which button up?” he asks holding up two of the shirts you’d bought him.
“i like the white one, we’ll be matchy matchy.” you laugh, applying a layer of aquaphor. he reappears in the doorway in his shirt and gives you a little twirl.
“you look great babe.” you giggle stepping towards him and attaching your lips to his.
“i’ll never look better than my lady. look at you, pure perfection.” he says, grabbing your hand and twirling you around.
“okay baby, let’s go, don’t wanna be late.” he says grabbing the keys and opening the front door for you.
“so where is it we’re going?” you ask buckling your seatbelt.
“well we have to make a pit stop first since the sun is setting. told them to give us 30 more minutes.” he winks at you.
“tj we are not fu-“
“that is not what i was implying, chill out.” he laughs, placing a hand in your lap and you interlock your fingers with his. he drives to a beach just down the road and pulls into a parking lot. you meet at the front of the car, him reaching his hand out to yours and you gladly accept. you both remove your shoes before walking down the short path to a beach that was completely empty.
“this is so peaceful.” you say as you get further out onto the beach.
“my mom and i used to come here every first sunset of our trips.” he smiles, stopping in his tracks.
“it’s beautiful tj.” you say looking around. he grabs onto your other hand to focus your attention onto him.
“just like you.” he smirks.
“stop you’re gonna make me blush or whatever.” you giggle together.
“listen y/n. we’re been together for 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days. those have been the best 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days of my life all because of you baby. you make my everyday so much brighter. i couldn’t stand living another day without telling you how much i love you. i love you so much i don’t even have to proper words to express it. you’re so beautiful, gracious, funny, sweet, kind. the list could go on forever. you’re fucking incredible. i love you so much.” he says, not losing your eye contact a single time, even as the tears welted up, eventually spilling over.
“i love you tj, i love you so much.” you say hugging onto the boy.
“why are you crying honey?” he giggles holding onto you tightly.
“i’ve never felt this way before. which sounds so tacky but everything just feels right with you. no icks, no complaints, nothing. you’re perfect i love you.” you say grabbing onto his face and bringing his lips to yours.
“you think we can still make it to dinner in time?” he giggles pulling away and wiping your tears delicately with his thumbs, bringing his lips to yours again for a short moment.
“i think we can, come on.” you say grabbing his hand and running back to the car. you make it back completely out of breath and quickly rinse your feet to get in the car, speeding off down the road to get to dinner. once the two of you finally arrive, you enter the restaurant to everyone sitting and waiting for the two of you.
“sorry for the hold up guys.” tj laughs pulling your chair out for you before he takes a seat beside you, placing an arm around your waist.
“and no before any of you fuckers ask, we were not having sex in the parking lot.” you say pointing at duker and rutger.
“hey i wasn’t gonna say anything.” dylan says defensively.
“he’s right, but i definitely was.” rutger says and kayleigh smacks him on the arm.
“what was the hold up then hm?” mark asks as frank nudges tj’s arm.
“you guys are acting like i proposed or something.” he laughs.
“well?” mark repeats.
“i told her i loved her.” he admits and the whole table smiles and rutger hands dylan a 20.
“yall bet on us?” you laugh.
“sure did.” duker smirks as rutger flips him off.
“did you say it back though?” alexis asks from beside frank.
“yes i sure did.” you smirk, leaning on tj’s shoulder as his hand brushed gently up and down your side.
“new official lovers have entered the group, we’re getting crazy now guys.” ethan says causing the whole table to laugh. this trip turned out to be the best thing that could’ve happened this semester, you were there with your best friends and what turned out to be the only guy you’ve ever truly loved.
(sorry for the tacky ending, didn’t know how to round it off😍)
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s-38-n · 3 months
Okay, I’m actually doing this. This is an analysis of dndads and the theme of becoming your parents (cause definitely this is one of the most important topics of the show).  So I’m doing this family by family. (btw I’m choosing the colors for each family based on the vibes they have ig :]) Just to make sure
So we’re starting with the Wilsons. In season 1 it's really easy to pinpoint this theme, mostly because Darryl says it directly! When Scam likely asks Darryl why he is not a good dad, Darryl answers “because I try to be my dad. After I lost my dad, I tried to be just like him rather than the dad that Grant needs”. So directly as he says, Darryl tries his best to be like Frank even though yeah, that’s not at all what Grant needs. Darryl arc after all is a lot about learning to be what Grant needs as a parent and not what a perfect parent for Darryl is (aka Frank)
So we move to season 2. We can see that Grant didn’t become similar to Darryl and at least in Grant's words, Darryl was a great dad. The important part of this for this topic is the chat Grant and Link had when Grant was in real Earth at the start of the show. Grant is worried that Link is too much like him (probably with Link being a bit of an anxious kid at the start at least). He doesn’t want his son to become like him, not make all the mistakes he did, to become a killer. He tells his son to not become like him and love him less. The thing is, Link isn’t like Grant! Link hates the idea of killing and ends up resenting his father for the things he does, in some way, ironically, following what Grant told him to do at the start
We’re gonna move from your faults being trying to be too much like your dad to your faults being trying not to be like your dad in the slightest. Beary as a father is a controlling person, putting Hen in a high standard and trying to make him what Beary considers a perfect person. Henry hates it, moving to Earth lets him be his own person, not what Beary wanted. And Henry as a dad is the contrary to Beary, he is too leaning, not wanting to limit or not let his sons be free, just like Beary did with him when he was a child. Trying to be a soft dad instead of a strict dad. This kind of backfired; yeah, you could argue that Sparrow more or less became a loving kid that even though he is kind of violent he does it for the people that he loves. But Lark didn’t, mostly because of chance, the kid ended up hating his father and making his own way, a much more violent way
In season 2 we can see the effects of this separation in the kids. Sparrow is a lot like Henry, trying to be soft spoken (in a mean way), worrying about the rest and trying to have their feelings in consideration (for example when TJ died and Sparrow was trying to make sure the kid was okay), being a druid and a vegan (this is more of a joke, but I mean it’s a really good example of the teachings of Henry of loving the world and not hurting nature as much as possible…). And then we have Lark, him being direct, more violent, having collections of arms in the Oak-Swallows-Garcia house, eating meat… Both kids took completely different routes in adulthood though they stick together
Then we have Normal and Hero. Whose names show the role that they were given since birth. Hero being trained to be the chosen one (which kinda reminds me of Beary trying to shape Henry to be what he deems a perfect kid) and trying as much as possible that Normal grows up to just be a regular teen. This ended up meaning that the kids of the two inseparable twins almost don’t talk to each other for five years. But the funny part here is that the kids subvert the roles they have, Hero wanting to just have a regular life and Normal becoming one of the teens that are saving the world from the Doodler!
But what about just being the opposite of your parents without even trying? I would argue that Ron represents the opposite of Willy. Ron being a good hearted man that even being a little dumb and weird just tries to be the best person and step-dad he can be (and he improves a lot at it during the story). While Willy is well, Willy, the opposite, evil and self centered and intelligent and basically the villain of the story. He tries to kill his own son, the person who represents the opposite of him. But we know that in this case, Willy's opposite is who ended up causing Willy's death, in part
For Terry Jr we’re moving to season 2. We can clearly see that Terry Jr ended up in Ron's position (a step-dad of a step-child who hates him) and kinda ironically Scary takes Terry Jr’s place for similar reasons (resenting her step-dad in part because it represents that her real dad won’t come back. Same as Terry Jr in season 1, or at least I think so). We can even see Scary seeing Terry Jr's diary and mentioning how it's funny that Terry Jr had a step dad that he hated (I dont remember the exact words) Sadly, we don’t get to see how their relationship could slowly become better like in season 1 with Ron and TJ
And last but not least, the family that is quite literally the reason this analysis exists. Let’s talk about just becoming like your dad. For what we can see, Glenn is literally like Bill, more a friend than a dad, not worried about the safety of his kid and putting him in dangerous schemes. And Nick seemed like he was going to become part of the pattern too. The kid literally tries to be like his dad as much as he can, he literally joins a UFC fight so his dad thinks he is cool, like Glenn is! But then the trial happens and Glenn is no longer Nick’s dad, instead, Jodie is. And then we have Nicholas, a little Narc that tries to be responsible and a goodie two shoes in general, just like Jodie. Nick/Nicholas is just someone who tries as much as he can to be just like the figure he admires the most, his dad. 
And we can see the same with Nicky in season 2! Anthony describes him like half rockstar half cop (I have being searching for the quote and I can’t find it but I’m pretty sure Anthony said it, so maybe I’ll find it in the future and put it in a reblog), that means half Nick, half Nicholas, or in a way that is thematically appropriate, half Glenn, half Jodie
And then we have Taylor, who is a bit different from all the comparisons I’ve been doing. Mostly cause he doesn’t want to be/is like his dad! Instead he wants to be like his mom! He is a momma’s boy after all. For what we know at least he is trying to be a voice actor, just like his mom (you could argue is to get closer to the anime world or nepotism, but I’m pretty sure is just to be like his mom)
But yeah, just to finish, obiously this is a theme of the show, after all is all about parents and their kids. But I just wanted to mention each example (even tho the teens ones are a bit of a reach. The dads and kiddads are more obvious at least to me)
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bordysbae · 1 year
Could you do 53 and 54 combined, with Mark Estapa? Please and thank you 💋
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“can i be your boyfriend?”
mark estapa x fem!reader
53. yeah i like you dipshit
54. i want you, not them
disclaimer: i’m so sorry this is definitely one of my least favorites i’ve written, but it’s been in my inbox for a few days and i felt like i need to write it sooner than later? i’ve been pretty sick lately so i truly apologize if this is actually dog shit ugh. ALSO!!! emma is a fake character, idek if ethan has cousins LOL
you and mark aren’t dating, but everyone can clearly see that you guys like each other, it’s just a matter of time until you both admit it. normally you aren’t one to get jealous, but something clicked tonight when you saw him talking to her.
ethan’s cousin came to visit him at college, and this isn’t the first time she’s been here either. last year when she came to visit for her winter break, which started a week before michigans, she had everyone’s attention. all the guys were swooning over her, but of course she chose mark. at that time you were nothing with mark, just a close friend with all of the guys, so it didn’t bother you. they never ended up working out since mark thought ethan would be pissed, and he didn’t want to do long distance on top of that.
at the beginning of this semester you and mark became very close friends, and you both developed feelings. neither of you wants to admit it, but it’s just sort of a known fact that you’re bound to date. you guys have seen other people, but once you both began hooking up it stayed that way. you haven’t seen anyone else since you guys first hooked up, and neither has he. but now you’re not so sure, since mark seems perfectly content with her obvious flirting.
you begin to chug your drink as she laughs at whatever he said to her. you can’t imagine anything mark estapa said is that funny, so obviously she’s faking it. “you need to relax, he wouldn’t do that to you y/n,” dylan says to you as he takes a sip from his red solo cup.
“dylan you saw how obsessed they were with each other last year, and it doesn’t help that she’s prettier than me! she looks like a fucking instagram model!” you throw your head back as you place the cup to your lips, finishing the last of your drink.
“relax, she’s not prettier than you. she gets botox and her hair color is fake” dylan chuckles.
“oh dylan you’re such a woman, i love you!” you exclaim as you wrap your arms around the boy. he lets out a laugh and scruffs up the top of your hair.
“let’s go get more drinks yeah?”
“oh hell yeah, i need a lot more to be able to watch this shit” you groan, making dylan chuckle. on your way into the kitchen you both run into luke and tj.
“ah my favorite hughes!” you reply, buzzed a little bit. “hi y/n, hey duker!” luke says.
“y/n did you hear em-“ tj begins to say. “shut up tj, yeah i know she’s here. i don’t really care buddy” you roll your eyes and scoff. you excuse yourself from the conversation before you show anymore jealousy.
you cant stand how much the boys talk about her. it’s always “emma this!” “emma that!” like honestly who cares? you assume ethan isn’t very happy with her at the moment either, so you go find him once you refill your drink. you spot him on the stairs looking bored out of mind as he talks to some random girl, so you decide to save him from his misery, “ethan!” you shout to grab his attention. he instantly turns around and excuses himself from the conversation with the girl. “thank fucking god, you’re my lord and savior!” he exclaims, pretending to bow down to you making you laugh.
“why aren’t you with mark? i feel like at every party you’re always under his arm” ethan asks, taking a sip from his drink.
“he’s uh, with your cousin”
“he is? of course” ethan chuckles. although he’d never admit it, ethan isn’t too fond of his cousin. she’s very touchy with all of his teammates and friends, but since she’s family there’s not much he can do about it.
“yeah, they’re over there” you say pointing to the living room full of drunken people vaping and dancing. emma and mark are sat on one of the couches, and that’s when you notice her hand on marks bicep. that throws you overboard, and makes your blood boil.
“oh you’re kidding” you mumble. ethan turns to you and gives you a confused look.
“what’d you say? i cant hear you over the music.” he says leaning down to hear you better.
“ethan flirt with me!” you blurt out, making ethan spit his drink back in his cup.
“pardon?” he asks, thinking he’s maybe had too much alcohol and is beginning to hear things.
“i said flirt with me! i need to make mark jealous”
“you’re gonna get me killed, y/n!” he cries out.
“and whys that? it’s not like me and mark are dating or anything! we’ve been hooking up, i caught feelings which everyone knows about, and now he’s all over your cousin. so i don’t really see why i cant flirt with you!” you shrug
“i cant tell you why but i just cant do that to him!”
“well he hasn’t been a man and told me he likes me, soooo just flirt with me for christ sake! i’ll go find some random guy to flirt with me if you won’t!”
“no no don’t do that, the guys here are sketchy. fine i’ll flirt with you, but if mark kills me you better speak at my fucking funeral”
“attaboy!” you say playfully hitting his chest.
you and ethan begin fake flirting, and it’s only when you lean into his ear to whisper something that drives mark over the edge. you’ve seen him glaring at you both a few times, but now he’s storming over to you guys.
“eddy what the fuck are you doing?” he drunkenly yells at ethan, making ethan’s eyes go wide. “see i told you he’d kill me! get mad at her man not me! y/n explain it to him” ethan proclaims.
“mark can we just go outside” you roll your eyes at him, he nods his head in annoyance and follows you out onto the porch. you sit against the wall and mark sits down next to you. “the fuck was all that? are we nothing to you?” mark says.
“oh you’re fucking funny mark! you’re one to talk! don’t go blaming me for this shit! first of all, we aren’t even dating so i don’t know why you’re so pissed at me! and sec—“ you begin, but mark cuts you off, “well—“
you then interrupt him back, “i’m not done talking shh! as i was saying, second of all, you were all over emma! you didn’t even seem to mind that her hand was on your arm, and that she was laughing at every fucking thing you said! so no mark, this isn’t my fault and dont accuse me of assuming we’re nothing! i like you, dipshit! is that so hard to see?! i’ve liked you for months now! i don’t want you with anyone else, so i wanted to make you jealous! im not used to seeing you with other girls mark, it’s always me under your arm not emma!” you cry out, now standing up pacing the deck.
“i like you too dumbass! i was planning to ask you out on a date and tell you how i felt, maybe even ask you to be my girlfriend, but then stupid emma came back to town and ruined it! i’m sorry i made you feel that way, but it also hurt me seeing you all over my best friend. girls use me to get to ethan sometimes, and i don’t think you’d do that but it just struck a nerve i guess.” he explains, now standing up as well.
“why did you let her be all over you?”
“i don’t really have an answer if i’m being honest. i didn’t even think about it, i’m really sorry. i get it if you’re pissed at me, i would be too.”
“i’m not pissed at all i’m just annoyed. not necessarily at you, just at everyone. they all kiss the ground she walks on and it’s just fucking annoying. i’m sorry for everything mark, i promise im not mad at you” you say, looking up at the 6’2” boy.
mark looks down at you, and cups your cheeks, “i want you, not emma. know that.” he then leans down to kiss you, and you return the act. his hands remain on your cheeks, and your hands find their way to the back of his nec. you both taste like a mixture of alcohols, but you’re both too far in the moment to even notice.
he pulls back for air and smiles down at you and your slightly swollen lips. “so what do you say, will you be my girlfriend? actually no scratch that, can i be your boyfriend?” he smiles cheesily, way too proud of himself for his romcom of a proposal.
“you’re so cringe, but yes i would love for you to be my boyfriend estapa!” you giggle, playing with the hairs at the back of his neck.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
The First Week & Joes Guests
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: you’ve been living with Joe for a week now, how have things been going? While you relax by the pool, Joe brings over some guests that you didn’t plan on meeting right away…
•word count: 2.7k
•warnings: language, alcohol, mentions of condoms, sex, and Joe’s teammates
Series Masterlist
September 16, 2022
Today marks one week. You have officially been roommates with Joe for one week.
It hasn't been terrible, just a little, awkward? It's easy to see neither of you really want to live together. He would much rather live with Ja'Marr—which you don't blame him.
Take that as you will.
Throughout the past week you’ve been trying to settle yourself into the apartment. You’ve been replacing some things around the apartment to make it known that it wasn't just Joe who lived here. Like in the kitchen, you added a vase of pink flowers. The gray cabinets and white marble countertops of the kitchen needed some color. You bought pink towels for the bathroom too, which didn't go over great with Joe.
You sighed as you stood from your bed. You walked out of your room and into the space between the living room and kitchen.
"Yeah?!" you called out.
Joe stepped out of the bathroom, holding up a pink towel. He gave you a look, raising his eyebrows and expecting you to explain why his bath towels are now pink.
You shrugged, "Beige is boring. So I put my pink ones in there."
"You can't do that."
"Last time I checked, it's my bathroom too. If I want pink towels, I can have them in there."
Joe scoffed, "Okay well, what did you do with mine?"
"They're still in there? You just grabbed the pink one."
He huffed out a dramatic sigh.
"Y/n, I can't have pink towels in my bathroom. I don't care if you use them, just keep them in your room."
You rolled your eyes, "Oh come on, seriously? You worried your friends are going to make fun of you for having pink towels?"
"Yeah, actually, I am!"
You couldn't help but laugh. He was so worried about these damn towels.
"Okay, fine. I'll get 'em out of there after your shower. Happy?"
"Very." He said, going back into the bathroom and shutting the door.
end of flashback…
Now you didn't have to worry about making the bedroom your own. Since that was void of any of Joes belongings, you could do whatever you wanted with it. You kept it simple, yet feminine. You have a gray comforter, with soft pink pillows and a fluffy pink blanket to match on the foot of the bed. You have a full body mirror on the wall next to the bed, with decorative flowers on the sides. You also bough canvas' to put on the wall that you got from TJ Maxx before you moved here.
You already loved your room. Spending most of your time in there this week while Joe was home. You and Joe tolerate each other for the most part. You don't really go out of your way to talk to each other yet. Both of you are still trying to get used to living with the other.
Most days, Joe has practice all day and the days he gets out of practice early, he goes out and does stuff with his teammates. So the days he's at practice, you go out to the living room or out to the pool, since it still feels like summer in Cincinnati. Now you don't plan on staying inside the apartment this whole year, obviously. You are going to go into the city and find a job when Joe's in Dallas this weekend for his game. Hopefully finding a good job will keep you busy so you can stay out of Joe's hair.
You decided to add some decorations to the living room. Nothing too extravagant, just some pastel pink decorative pillows for both ends of the couch, along with gray marble coasters. They were the perfect addition to the living room in your opinion. Joe, now he might think otherwise. Just a few days ago, you were adding some finishing touches to your room when Joe barged into your room to talk about the apartment.
"Hmm," you thought out loud, “this doesn't look right."
You were currently trying to organize your closet. Trying to color code your clothes, but it just wasn't working out for you. So you decided to reorganize your closet for the third time now.
You sang along quietly to Love Game by Lady Gaga, "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco-."
The door burst open, causing you to jump.
"Jesus," you breathed out, placing a hand on your chest.
It was just Joe.
"Sorry," he laughed, "I didn't mean to scare you."
You paused the music before splitting your attention between him and the clothes you were hanging up. "What do you need?"
Joe sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "We need to have a talk. About the apartment."
You furrowed your brow in confusion. "Okay?"
"I want to start by saying, I don't mind if you use anything in this apartment, you know all that what's mine is yours bullshit."
You nodded as he continued.
"I just don't want you moving my...important stuff."
Oh no. You don't remember moving any of his things?
He rubbed the back of his neck, "You moved my SpongeBob shoes and condoms."
You let out a loud laugh and then instantly covered your mouth. You took your hand away and composed yourself, “Sorry, I'm sorry."
Joe just rolled his eyes as you let out a little chuckle.
SpongeBob shoes and condoms, now that's the first time you’ve heard those two things in one sentence.
"I'm sorry Joe. I won't move your shoes again."
"Thank you."
You put your hands on your hips, "But the condoms? I think I had every right to put those up."
"But they're mine! I can choose where they go."
"Okay but not on the kitchen counter!?"
He threw his hands up "They weren't used!?"
"So!? They're still condoms, Joe!"
He just shook his head as you spoke.
"I don't care who you screw, when you screw, where you-well, I kind of care where, but whatever. As I was saying, I don't care who you screw just don't keep the condoms in the kitchen."
He sighed, smiling smugly, "Fine. I'll keep 'em in the bathroom. Wait, even better my bedroom. Happy?"
"Very." you said nodding your head and giving him a tight smile.
end of flashback…
So you and and Joe aren't exactly off to the best start...
You will admit, it is partially your fault. You just want the place to look like you live here too. It's not just his place anymore!
After adding some more of your own things around the apartment, you decided to head out to the pool for a bit. You put on a bright red bikini. The top was triangle shaped and the bottoms were high leg, shaping your body perfectly. You slipped on your white flip flops and grabbed a beach towel from the closet. You went into the kitchen and filled up your water bottle before heading down to the pool. Joe wasn't supposed to be back for about another hour, so you figured you would stay out there and relax for a bit. You picked out a beach chair and laud down, putting your sunglasses on and airpods in your ears, blasting your favorite songs as you basked in the warmth of the sunlight.
Joe's Pov:
"Yo! Burrow!"
I looked up from my phone, seeing Ja'Marr and Logan jogging over to me. I put my phone in my pocket and turned to the guys.
"What's up guys?"
"We still on for tonight?" Ja'Marr asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, "Oh yeah. You guys can follow me home."
Logan nodded, "Sounds good. Let me call Macee real quick, then I'll be right over."
"Man you better make that call quick, I don't need to hear no phone sex right now." Ja'Marr shuddered.
I smirked, "You'll be hearing that on the plane tomorrow, my guy."
Ja'Marr laughed, "Not from you."
Logan smirked and clapped my shoulder, "I'm sure Burrows got a lady friend...he's just keeping her from us."
"Oh you know, wouldn't want her to fall in love with you, Ja'Marrr. You're fuckin' crazy."
"And you're not?" Logan questioned with raised eyebrows.
I shrugged, "Touché."
Ja'Marr and Logan laughed. Logan spoke, "Alright, well I'll see y'all at Burrows apartment."
I nodded. "Yup."
I got into my Porsche and turned the car on. As soon as I sat down, my eyes widened in realization.
My apartment. The guys are coming to my apartment. Shit. They don't know about Y/n.
"Ah fuck." I muttered under my breath as I backed out of my parking spot.
I had to get there before Ja'Marr and Logan did so I could talk to Y/n and maybe get her to go somewhere else for the night so the guys and I had the apartment to ourselves.
I know that makes me sound like a dick, asking her to go somewhere else for the night. But Y/n and I aren't exactly starting off on the best terms. We've started to discover how to get under each others skin and it's only been the first week of living together. Based on how we've started, who knows what it'll be like ten weeks from now.
She seems like a sweet girl and she's very pretty...I just don't think we make good roommates, at all. And the last people I want her to meet right now are my teammates, especially since she and I aren't getting along great right now.
I pulled into the lot by my apartment, parking in my usual spot. I quickly turned the car off and went to my apartment, not even caring about grabbing my bag from practice. I had more important things to do. I pulled my key out and unlocked door. Walking into the apartment, I was met with silence.
Eerie silence.
"Y/n?” I called out. Nothing. I sighed, and walked to her room. I peered into her room. Nothing.
"Great," I sighed, "this is great."
I could only hope she didn't come home while the guys were over. They'd never let me hear the end of it if they saw her.
You took your AirPods out and put them back in their case. You had been outside for almost two hours, so you decided to head back inside. You picked up your phone and looked at the time. You were hoping you would still get some time to yourself, but unfortunately Joe would be back from practice by now. You slipped on your flip flops and grabbed your towel, ready to head back to your apartment and shower.
You went to unlock the door but stopped when you heard voices and laughter.
Joe never told you he was having friends over!? If you would've known they were coming over you would have never gone to the pool! Now you have to walk in in just your bikini!? Oh lord...
You took a deep breath and unlocked the door.
"Burrow, man why the hell do you have pink towels in your bath-oh."
You walked into the apartment, shutting the door behind you. You stood awkwardly at the door.
Joe was sitting on the couch with Logan Wilson. You noticed Joe's eyes widen when he saw you walk in. His eyes slowly scanned down your body. He was practically drooling at the sight of you in your red bikini. You’ll have to mention that to him later...
You wrapped the towel around your body, covering yourself up. Joe took his gaze off of you and turned to Logan instead. The two of them having a beer while Ja'Marr Chase was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, holding up your pink towel. Ja'Marr turned the bathroom light off and walked back out into the living room.
Logan looked at you with a smirk, "I knew Burrow had a special lady he was keeping from us."
You felt your face heat up. "Oh no. No, we're not dating."
"Nope. Never." Joe said shaking his head.
Ja'Marr looked between you and Joe, “Look, I ain't here to judge, if you two are fuck buddies and you're here for him to take you to pound town, I get it. If that's the case Wilson and I are gone."
"Oh my god." Joe said, sighing.
"Dude," Logan said, putting his hand out, stopping Ja'Marr, "don't ever say that again."
Ja'Marr put his hands up in defense, "I'm just sayin! Look at her, she is gorgeous. If Burrow isn't with her I may have to-."
"Okay, okay, stop." Joe said, standing up and waving him off.
You couldn't help the faint laugh that escaped your mouth as you watched the guys interact. Joe stood up and pointed at you.
"Logan, Ja'Marr. This is Y/n, my roommate." He turned to you, “Y/n, these are my teammates and best friends Ja'Marr and Logan."
You smiled, waving at them, "Hi guys, it's nice to meet you."
Logan waved back, “It's nice to meet you too. Joe didn't tell us he had a roommate."
"And a gorgeous one at that." Ja'Marr said with a wink. Joe rolled his eyes at his best friend as you smiled sheepishly, muttering a thank you.
"I don't want to intrude on your guys night, so I'm going to go shower real quick and then I'll be out of your hair."
The guys nodded.
"You're welcome to join us though." Logan said with a smile.
"Mmm..." Joe trailed off quietly.
"Thank you," you said, gratefully. However, you eyed Joe as you continued, "but I'll just stay in my room. I'd hate to ruin poor Joe's night. It was good meeting you guys though, enjoy your night."
With that, you walked off to my room, shutting the door and locking it. Ja'Marr and Logan watched with wide eyes as Joe stood with his lips in a thin line.
"Woah." was all Ja'Marr said.
Joe plopped himself back down on the couch with a huff. He grabbed his beer bottle and took a swig before he spoke.
"So that's Y/n. She's lovely isn't she?"
"Man," Logan sighed, "what was that?"
"What do you mean?"
"I can still feel the tension, sheesh." Ja'Marr replied, shaking his head.
Joe shrugged, "Well, she and I aren't exactly, friends."
Ja'Marr laughed, "Burrow, I'd say you're enemies at this point."
Joe shook his head, "Whatever. I only have to live with her for a year, after that I'll never have to see her again."
Logan chuckled, "Don't you at least want to try to get along with her? I mean, you don't want to be miserable for the whole year, neither does she."
"Yeah, I guess. I think she forgets I lived here first though. It's kind of annoying, the things she does," he sighs, "I just don't-." Your bedroom door opening caused Joe to stop his sentence. You walked out of your room and made your way to the bathroom, not even acknowledging the guys. As soon as you got into the bathroom you leaned up against the door, letting out a heavy sigh.
This has been one extremely long and exhausting week.
But if Joe thinks you’re annoying already, then he better get prepared.
Because you’re just getting started.
hey loves!!
we're finally getting into the good stuff for this book—YAY!
i'm having so much fun writing this. i've said this before, but i really cant wait for you all to see what i have planned for this book :)
some of the characters mentioned in this book are not real. obviously the bengals players are all real people, but Macee and Emma (who will be introduced soon) are not. they are made up for this book!
i hope you’re all enjoying this story so far. more coming soon!! i have chapters done from wattpad that i just need to transfer over here, but i’m trying to space them out a bit.
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justablah56 · 7 months
Since you seem to be having a bad day, I threw together a little ficlet for you. Read/respond at your leisure (whether that's in 3 minutes or not until next year)
It had been a long fucking day.
It was a full day of teaching for Terry Jr, with a bad cold wiping out the entire drama department of San Dimas High (which had only been two teachers and a tech in the first place). There was screaming, and snotty noses, and one or two kids bursting into tears, and by the time the school bell rang, he was just about ready to collapse. And, of course, that was clearly asking too much, because it was drama club that day. 2 whole hours of dealing with kids who are meant to be off book two weeks ago, and still hadn't learnt half their lines. It was a fucking nightmare.
Now, dear reader, don't misunderstand. Terry absolutely adored his job and the kids he worked with. But today was one of those days where you just want to roll over and hide back under the covers.
The train had been cramped and noisy, even if the journey had been mercifully free from the kids usual loud arguments. (Why they insisted on riding back with Terry Jr, he had no idea. It was baffling though that Scary waited for him, and they were going to the same house. Although, somehow, her friends always seemed to stay over longer than expected.) Honestly, it was a relief to lock the door behind them all, the kids rushing off to the garden for soccer practice - mostly moral support to be honest.
Terry wearily pulled off his shoes, before turning to Scary.
"Hey, kiddo, I'm gonna go have a lie down. Let your mom know, okay?"
Scary, for once, didn't seem to protest either the request or the nickname. She just nodded, frowning.
"Yeah, sure. Go have a nap or whatever." He ruffled her hair a little (this did elcit an irritated groan. He may not be her dad, but she was still his kid and it was his duty to embarrass her in front of her friends after all) and headed upstairs.
Terry didn't bother to turn on the lights as he collapsed down into the bed, just letting himself he enveloped by the darkness and the comfy sheets. He felt bad about breaking his normal routine of kissing Veronica when they both got home, but honestly he just couldn't handle doing anything other than laying down right now.
He lay there with his head burried in the pillow for maybe a minute, maybe an hour, when he felt the bed dip.
"Hey, Tear-Bear. Bad day?"
There was his amazing wife, the light of his life. Her hair was flying loose from her bun, and even in the dark Terry could see that her office clothes were slightly rumpled.
She was stunning.
"You know, you gotta stop picking up Nicky's pet names. He has far too many." Terry mumbled as he grabbed her hand, tiredly bringing it up to his lips.
"Ah, but that would mean I don't get to hang out with your wife as much. Darling." A familiar weight draped itself over him, tail curling round his leg. "Dropping round unexpectedly and hanging out with V without you is half the fun."
Nicky's voice was a soothing rumble against his chest. Somehow, just having his two partners here made it easier to relax. Even if Nicky had definitely not announced that he'd be coming over. Veronica kicked her feet up and slung an arm over Terry's shoulder, pulling him closer.
"Come on, time for you to rest, TJ."
okokok I've hoarded this fic long enough , ive probably reread this AT LEAST 5 times now xnsnmsms anyways it means *so very much* to me that you decided to write an adorable little ficlet for me bcs i was not feeling good <3333 this lil fic is literally *so* cute i don't know how to properly convey to you how much i love this but icy i love this so much . thank you <33333
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idmnbc · 21 days
Phrases I love in “How To Be A Normal Person” by TJ Klune now that I’m reading for a second time this beautiful book:
Before he fell asleep at precisely 11:00 p.m., he looked up at the ceiling and said, “Today was an okay day. Tomorrow will be too.” And he almost believed it.
“… Something tells me that I’m going to be in here quite a bit as I’ve decided that you and I are going to be friends.” And then he winked. That was the moment Gustavo Tiberius realized he was most certainly doomed.
“… Maybe smoke a little, drink a little, cry a little if you have to, and remember me a lot. But be happy. You promise me. That’s all I ever wanted for you was to be happy forever. You make me happy, Gustavo Tiberius. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been. Because as much as I love this little clay pipe, you will always be the greatest thing I have ever created.”
But here was Casey, stoned, confusing Casey who was hugging Gus like they did it every day, and he wasn’t even put off by the fact that Gus had yet to hug him back. And Casey had been right, he was good at hugging. Their bodies were perfectly lined up with each other, barely a space between them. Casey’s arms were under Gus’s, hands clasped at the back. Gus cold feel Casey’s breath on his neck, and it wasn’t sexy, it wasn’t arousing, it was just… it was good. It was sweet and kind, and Gus hadn’t realized how much he’d missed being hugged.
“Eep,” Casey said. Gus made a strangled noise because it was not adorable when Casey did that. And what the hell was the word adorable doing in his vocabulary?
“Trying something different,” Casey said. “Los Angeles was getting too crowded for me, and I couldn’t think. I thought maybe some mountain air would do me good.” He glanced quickly at Gus before looking back as the We Three Queens. “Seems I was right.”
“… It’s not a secret, nor is it meant to be, but it shows a sign of trust and comfort to be told.” Gus was quiet for a moment. Then, “He gives really good hugs.” The We Three Queens sighed. “Ah, to be young again,” Bernice said, hands clasped over her heart. “Hugging is wonderful,” Bertha said. “We should hug more,” Betty said.
If you had told Gus even a week ago that a bow tie worn by a bearded guy who could pull off a man bun, for fuck’s sake, would be the beginning of his downfall, most likely he would have glowered at you until you returned to the pit from which you had crawled with the sole purpose of saying something ridiculous.
“Yeah,” Gus said. “Totally. I can totally see that. Great story. Right on, brotha.” Casey grinned. “You okay, man?” “I’m epic,” Gus said. “I’m so epic, I’m like the Lord of the Rings musical score by Howard Shore, ya know?” “Cool,” Casey said. “I never saw those movies.” “They’re epic,” Gus said. “Just… boom.” “Yeah,” Casey said. “I saw the commercials. I was, like, ten years old.” Well, if that didn’t make Gus feel old as fuck.
Gus glared at him. “Nothing you just said should be used to describe anyone ever,” but he wondered just how much Casey could see him. Or, rather, how much he wanted to show to Casey. Not in a Share Bear way, of course, because what the fuck. But other ways? Maybe. Maybe a lot. And god, if that didn’t scare the shit out of him.
However, it was a low thing, a negligible thing, outweighed by that bright, damning feeling in his chest. As his fingers brushed against the hair at the back of Casey’s neck, Gus understood if for what it was. Happiness. It was happiness. Gus was a little dumbstruck with the idea that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt happy. And why was it that it would be happening now. Simple answer, those. He hadn’t been happy since Pastor Tommy died. He was happy now because of an asexual hipster. He was so fucking screwed.
Bertha frowned. “Now you’re generalizing and that’s not fair. Sex and romance don’t always have to go hand in hand, Gustavo. And there’s a difference between being asexual and aromantic. Asexuals experiencia little to no sexual attraction. Aromantics experience little to no romantic attraction. They’re not the same. And you can be one without the other. Or both. Or neither.”
And three days before the last time he went into the hospital and thirteen days before he died, he said, “I believe in you, Gus. I believe that you’ll take care of things after I’m gone. I believe that you’ll be strong and brave and that you’ll be so good. I wish I could be here to see everything you’ll accomplish, but just know that wherever I am and wherever you are, I’ll always believe in you.” Gus’s hands had shook and his voice had gone away but he’d nodded, and Pastor Tommy, that has been enough. For Pastor Tommy, Gus had always been enough.
“What?” he asked, still hearing the laughter in his voice, noticing how Casey hadn’t moved away. “Nothing,” Bernice said, recovering first. “It’s nice. You know. Hearing you laugh. It’s just nice, is all.” “It is, isn’t?” Casey said, briefly touching his forehead to Gus’s temple. Gus wondered if this was what Pastor Tommy had meant by having belief.
“Yes,” Casey said as he nodded furiously. “All the dates. Like, so many dates. You’re not even going to believe how many dates.” “There aren’t even numbers for how many dates we’ll go on,” Gus said, pretty sure he could smell the burning that must have been pouring from his ears as his brain broke down. “They’ll have to make up numbers just to quantify how many dates we’ll go on.”
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
@stellaluna33​ be careful what you wish for.... Now let’s start off with a far too long list of Eurovision headcanons I have for Gilmore Girls.
While Richard and Emily did technically come across Eurovision (or at least national selection season) in the first half of the 80s (thank you @thatscarletflycatcher​ for that amazing headcanon) Lorelai herself wasn’t introduced to the world’s best singing concert until she met Michel. Michel told Lorelai about that time Celine Dion participated and won for Switzerland, which Lorelai then had to find proof of. Soon enough she catches her first taping of Eurovision (maybe 98 with Dana International) and she’s been obsessed ever since.
Lorelai loves everything at first, but over the years she grows a special kind of love for the truly tacky Eurovision entries. The more glitter and nonsensical english lyrics the better. 
Rory is obviously brought into this in her early teens and bonds with her mom over it. She does love a good tacky entry as well, but what really made Rory come back for the competition every year is all the political gossip and drama that seeps into each year. The voting results announcements is when Rory inches closer to the screen.
It’s not enough for Lorelai to enjoy this by herself with Rory. She shares her opinions with Michel (who hates it), makes a whole themed yearly event of it with Sookie, spreads the gospel of Eurovision to Miss Patty and Babette, and tries at least once to convince Taylor to make Eurovision week an offical town holiday or at least an event. Taylor will not approve of this anti-American nonsense. That is his loss.
Of course Luke is forced to sit through this every single year. And no he does not like it. He gets angry about the hypocrisy of all the “peace and love”-songs sung by artists representing countries that do not have peace and love in their policies, is intimidated by all the glitter, and could really do without the akward hosts. He will admittedly enjoy the odd dad-rock entry that comes every year, but keep it to himself since everyone else roasts them.
Since Michel is the one who introduced everyone to Eurovision (well, he introduced Lorelai who introduced everyone, but it wouldn’t have happened without him) and since he’s the only actual European around, Michel feels very protective and possessive of it. He will let Rory bait him into talking about how he as a Frenchman views other European countries (it gets stereotypical), and he will at the same time tear a hole into anyone who scoffs at ‘ethnic’ or non-English songs. 
Like his uncle, Jess is not a Eurovision fan and would really like to skip watching this, if only to avoid the crowds that Lorelai gathers for the event. He does like it when audience members sneak up on stage or something goes really wrong. Teenage Jess could stay away because of how things were going around that time of year, but adult Jess who visits multiple times a year for Doula and Luke and has to remain on civil terms with Lorelai cannot escape. And yeah, it might bring Rory joy to watch him awkwardly sandwiched between TJ and Luke watching Verka Serduchka scream numbers in German.
Lane loves Eurovision. She loves the showmanship, loves the variety of musical entries, loves being introduced to country-specific genres. When the internet community around Eurovision grows, she starts finding updates (and eventually streams) of the national selections around Europe and starts watching them as well. For Lane, Eurovision-season starts in December the year before.
Paris doesn’t really get Eurovision at first (noting the same hypocricy issue as Luke), but with time she starts to let loose and enjoy the circus for what it is. She tends to change what genre she prefers every couple of years, but she’s a loyal Portugal-supporter and likes pretending to be as above everyone else as Michel simply because she can speak Portuguese.
Dean never really got Eurovision, but would be fine watching it as long as he was spending time with Rory. Logan tried to convince Rory to get tickets with him and just head on over to Europe once for a finale, but to Rory that would be a betrayal against her tradition with Lorelai and the town. Either they all go or none of them go.
Richard and Emily are appalled by how tacky the whole event is, but they will watch it in the privacy of their home because it’s become a guilty pleasure. They tend to prefer French entries when the French aren’t sending songs like “Moustache”.
Lane has tried to get Hep Alien to add at least one Eurovision song to one of their setlists. She tends to try with safe rock songs like “We Could Be The Same” by maNga or “Something Better” by Softengine, but really she would love to do something hilarous and out of the box for their band, like “Secret Combination” or a Johnny Logan song.
Oh, but Jess liked “Viszlat Nyar” by AWS. He didn’t expect something like that to show up on Eurovision. It was nice.
Rory really enjoys that semi-indie music thing that’s been going on in Belgium and the Netherlands lately. Think “City Lights” by Blanche and “De Diepte” by S10.
Michel’s the kind of Eurovision-fan who prefers divas singing ballads or dancing girls with a whole crew on stage. 
Babette and Miss Patty will cheer for any entry with skimpy outfits, particularly shirtless men. “OPA” in 2010 was a moment for everyone: a fun one for the two of them and traumatizing for everyone else.
Miss Patty makes a whole separate drink for Eurovision. It has edible glitter in it.
Nobody in town seems to know what to make of Australia being in the competition. People like Lorelai and Sookie and Liz don’t mind, while people like Taylor find it categorically wrong that a European song contest has a country from the other side of the globe participate. But nobody even jokes about the US joining. Michel has made sure of that.
Lorelai’s all time favourite entry is Ukraine in 2004. Michel’s favourite is Switzerland in 1988 because of course.
Sookie uses Eurovision week as an excuse to experiment with different European cousines. At first she would do dishes from the host country, but nowadays she will occasionally switch to the country she’s rooting the most for that year or a country that hasn’t had a win in ages.
Michel still has access to voting, and when people catch wind of this it becomes a nightmare for him. Everyone wants to use Michel to vote for their favourite entry, but he refuses to do it for free, and refuses to blow up his phone credit for them. Eventually he gives the entire town 10 votes that they can bid on or agree on together, but either way Michel is getting compensation for this.
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random-bi-writer · 9 months
if becky was raised by miss power how would she act
Depends on how Miss Power raises her.
One thing I noticed in "The Rise of Miss Power." Miss Power doesn't actually try to kill Becky, only apprehend her.
Before you say that Wordgirl is a kid's show, the woman deadass tried to kill Dr. Two Brains in front of everyone.
So she's not above gravely injuring children?
Miss Power might try to raise Becky normally, showing her love and spoiling her with gifts yadayada, but there's no way she's not going to cause problems on the girl's mental health.
So in this au, I think Becky would be a little naive and self-deprecating.
In canon, I think Miss Power wasn't lying when she was teaching other heroes how to be ruthless? So yeah, Becky is going to be exposed to that for a long time.
She doesn't want to hurt the villains' feelings, but she also doesn't want to disappoint her mom either and everyone is acting like this is normal so maybe Becky's the one who isn't normal and tries to hide it.
Cue to Earth, and Becky is excited to have a permanent home and gets to join her mom and uncle to protect the city.
But she does notice that not everyone likes it, especially these kids who seem to hate how her family does things. (Violet, Scoops, Tobey, Victoria, Eileen, and Tj.)
And Becky is confused and heartbroken. She finally has the chance to spend time with kids her age and not a single one of them likes her? That's going to be in her trauma list.
And the DA is oddly nicer than her own mom, nothing she says sounds like a guilt trip, and it's confusing to her.
Then there's the villains. Who obviously noticed that something's wrong with the younger superhero and tries to be nice with her.
Which leads her to a guilty spiral where she questions what she should do that doesn't upset all sides of the party.
On one hand, Miss Power genuinely loves her even if their dynamic is problematic and Becky doesn't want to disappoint a great superhero like her mom.
But on the other hand, she's in her shadow and wants to be praised for things she's doing and not her mothers. She wants to stop feeling guilty every time a villain gets hurt. She wants to stop having nightmares about eyes looking at her with fear and hatred.
It's too bad that there's no Captain HuggyFace in this au to support Becky cause there's no way Bob is going to let Miss Power raise Wordgirl like that.
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aurorawest · 8 months
Reading update
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Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault - DNF
I have to admit I didn't give this one much of a chance. I got it in a Rainbow Crate so I felt compelled to at least try to read it, but it's just not my kind of thing, and I DNFed at page 4. Really didn't like the writing style.
Idol Minds by KT Salvo - 2.75/5 stars
Almost DNFed this when I was about 50 pages from the end because it very abruptly lost my attention. I never really liked either of the main characters so I didn't care about their breakup or HEA. Also the sex scenes were weirdly short but also repetitive, somehow?
Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse - 3.75/5 stars
I will be completely honest and admit that I could remember almost nothing of the first book when I started reading this the other day. I remembered that I really liked it, and that was about it. This one was...good?
Ok, so, let me see if I can put this into words. During the pandemic, authors kept writing, right? Especially if they were under contract to produce a series. And for some authors, that was fine. There is no discernible difference in their work. And then other authors, it's like...the anxiety brain fog got baked into their writing. There's nothing technically wrong with it. Things are happening. The characters are still engaging. And yet...sometimes it just feels like...things are happening. Like the author couldn't really process the emotions of the things happening, and thus couldn't really write feeling into the work? So it becomes just Things Happening. And I know how I should feel about it, but I'm not feeling it. Like when the dose of your antidepressant is too high, and you just have no feelings? It's sort of like that.
On the Rooftop by Margaret Wilkerson Sexton - DNF
There's nothing wrong with this book, tbh—it's well written with an interesting setting, characters with depth, and a theme that should, in theory, interest me. That said, I just wasn't feeling it. I won this book from my local bookstore and it's the sort of literary fiction that I read all the time in my teens and early twenties, even though I never really enjoyed it? I'm a genre fiction kid, as it turns out.
My Dear Henry: A Jekyll and Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron - 4/5 stars
I really really liked this, and I probably would have rated it higher, except it fell into the trap that a lot of queer retellings of classics do: in being forced to hew to a plot line from a century or more ago, a lot of story and character depth has to be jettisoned. This book did a much better job than The Henchman of Zenda by KJ Charles, but I still found myself wanting a more modern storytelling style. Overall it was really good, though.
Less is Lost by Andrew Sean Greer - 4.75/5 stars
I hated Less for most of the time I was reading it (but it didn't bore me, so that's something). When I got to the end and realized it was a romance, I ended up loving it, but I had to split the difference in my rating, haha. This is the direct sequel and I loved it. It's laugh out loud funny (which I did not find Less to be most of the time) and melancholy, but at its heart is also a love story.
When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain - 4/5 stars
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske - 5/5 stars (reread)
I loved it even more on the reread. I would die for Edwin and Robin. I'm crazy excited for A Power Unbound.
Hoarfrost by Jordan L Hawk - 4.25/5 stars
Such a Quiet Place by Megan Miranda - 3.5/5 stars
I never know how to rate thrillers because honestly, they aren't my genre. This was part of the batch of books I won at trivia from my local bookstore. It was good in that it held my attention and was entertaining (and a bit creepy), but like, I don't know that I'll tell people that they simply must read it. But yeah, I read it in a day, so it's a quick read.
Spell Bound by FT Lukens - DNF
Ugh. Reads like my fantasy epic I was writing when I was 14 (see also: TJ Klune's Verania series). When I'm mentally editing the book as I'm reading, you know that's a bad sign. The first chapter could have been like, 2 pages (instead it was 18). Here's how Chapter 3, which introduces the other main character begins: Summer was such a waste of time and effort. Spring was okay. Autumn was the best. Winter wasn't bad.
Okay???? Great??????? Why do I care? I read for another page after that. Lukens is an author I really, really want to like, but the last two books I've read by them are just obnoxious. I could forgive The Rules and Regulations for Mediating Myths and Magic because it was one of their first books (it might have been their first?), but this...is not their first book, yet that's what it reads like. I suspect this is a manuscript they wrote a while ago, shelved, and brought it back out now that they're having success.
Heart of Dust by HL Moore - 5/5 stars
You know when you read a book that's so good, and you can't figure out why the hell you had to stumble across it by going down some algorithm recommendation rabbit hole? This is one of those books. Gritty and unique sci-fi setting, a backdrop of labor rights, aching gay mutual pining? Please read this.
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tj-dragonblade · 3 months
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper, thank you! It's delightful to see new/different get-to-know-me questions circulating
Who was your first fictional crush?
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Tygra from Thundercats. Had a friend when I was maybe ten and we'd hang out at recess and she'd make up Thundercats stories, and she loved picking on Tygra in these stories, so at some point I ended up going 'stop being mean to him, fuck it he's mine now' and I don't know if you'd call it a proper crush but there you go.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour? …Purple
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day? Don't know that I've ever been scarred by fic, per se. But that MCU fic where they used pancake syrup as lube still drifts to mind every now and then
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me? Ahhhhhh, uhm, I don't really have the kitchen skills uh. I will corral Mr TJ to make you his signature chili and cornbread
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos? Kangaroos
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them? Danzo from Naruto perhaps - I mean it's not an 'oh my god I just love this guy' kind of thing as 'this dude is absolutely fascinating and compelling as a villain to the story who willingly makes himself the villain for the greater good and thereby maybe sees himself a sort of hero.' I enjoy him where most of fandom loves to just hate on him, and I definitely like him far better than any of the other villains that Naruto fandom adores
But also. Erik, Phantom of the Opera? Like yeah okay he's Got Issues he's murdered he's a stalker a manipulator etc etc but I have never felt inclined to root for anyone else in that story, sorry. He's probably the prime candidate if I was going to undertake to rewrite 'the story you think you know' a la Wicked or Maleficent
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls? I'm sorry I have never seen Mean Girls and don't know enough to answer this one
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom? Favorite as in current? Barring that 24-hour diner business (I had the impression it was worldwide but I could be wrong), probably alright. Favorite as in longest-standing? I'll probably be fine in the Trek-verse too
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre? I have not
Do you feel sorry for Medusa? Not something I'd ever thought about? But I am a fan of the trend of taking classic stories and reworking them from new perspectives, different points of view, with the idea that the narrative we're used to being given may not be how it actually went. So…I'm inclined to view her sympathetically?
Which song makes you think of your OTP? Uh, for current otp, maybe it would be Ville Valo's Olet Mun Kaikuluotain? Not even lyrically, just. Vibes. Soft waltzy quiet cozy romance vibes and that's what I want for them
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest? Depends on several factors but usually it will be if a song is firmly attached to a story in my head, where the story is built on or around the song. Like there was a whole multi-incarnation backstory I had in my head for Goujun/Tenpou at one point in my Saiyuki days, springboarded from Nightwish's Ghost Love Score to some degree, and for awhile that song would put me deep in the thought-spinning for that (which of course I never wrote)
Tagging, no obligation, tag me in your existing post as applicable: @danikatze, @zzoomacroom, @teejaystumbles, @academicblorbo, @staroftheendless, @chaosheadspace, @rooftopwreck
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midnightisquiet · 8 months
tagged by @wellhalesbells - Thank you! 💜
The Expanse Series by James S.A. Corey (Sci-Fi) - (I know its a series. No, it's not cheating) It's just- it's just my favourite, okay? It's found family on a spaceship, it's politics and aliens and epic and action-packed and spans decades and I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS WITH MY WHOLE HEART. (also, check out the tv show on Prime)
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden (Fantasy/Historical) - (no, still not cheating) Russian folklore inspired fairytale taking place in medieval Russia
Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt (Sci-Fi) - about a guy who involuntarily travels to a new alternate universe everytime he falls asleep. This gave me such a Doctor Who feel, I could have read a whole series of Zax just travelling from world to world.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (Historical/Fantasy) - lets be honest, if you are at all in any kind of bookspace, you have heard of this book.
Recursion by Blake Crouch (Sci-Fi) - don't know what I can say about this without spoiling anything, but it's Blake Crouch, so it's a fast-paced top-tier Sci-Fi Thriller and this was the book that made me decide to read absolutely everything Crouch ever publishes (sneakily slipping Dark Matter in too - yeah, okay, that was cheating)
The Stand by Stephen King (Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi) - my favourite Stephen King so far - but that's not saying much, because he has written a gazillion books and I only read a fraction of them but...oh well. Post-apocalyptic (which I'm still not sick of) and a real chunky boy at about 1440 pages.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune (Fantasy) - this is just a hug in book form. it's cute as hell (iykyk) and magical and has the found family trope front and center.
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson (Sci-Fi) - aaand we're travelling to alternate worlds again - what can I say, I like what I like.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling (Horror/Sci-Fi) - about a cave explorer who begins to think she might not be alone in that huge ass cave - and that she also maybe shouldn't trust her handler, who's in charge of her high-tech suit. Yeah, this really creeped me out.
Tagging: not really sure who I should tag for this so how about
If you made it this far, you're tagged. Yeah, you! Do you read books? I just tagged you. Go on, I would love to see the books you love.
Also shamelessly linking to my Storygraph and Goodreads accounts.
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tasha-tasha · 11 months
Wolfsong by TJ Klune: the things I liked and didn't
This was a good read, completed it in a day.
SPOILERS ARE IN RED- They are not major
The characters having 'bonds' in every sense, such as the parallels between Ox's relationship with his mother and Elizabeth, Thomas and Joe, my personal favourite being his brother/fatherly bond with Gordo.
The way the characters at Gordo's (the car mechanics') interacted with each other- the playful teasing between these characters was definitely a highlight and made for the funniest scenes.
The twists and turns of the story both managed to make sense and be decently unexpected. Of course, some of them are predictable, but I'd argue predictable isn't bad as long as it really makes sense.
Ox's character development was great. Seeing him develop and grow into that of a leader, seeing him gain both confidence and a family.
The Bennetts as a family was well set up, even when we see them take to Ox very hastily, it doesn't seem rushed. It feels very natural and their family dynamic never failed to make me smile.
How grief and trauma was handled. How Ox becomes much stronger from it, grasping to keep everyone together despite his own grieving. How Elizabeth completely blocked out her pain, reverting to a simpler form, in order to process her emotions. How Joe becomes impulsive and fleety...etc...etc...
The fact that many minor characters in the first half of the story come back. Like with his ex Jessie and the boys from Gordo's.
The reunion was handled well I believe, it always annoys me when a character either spends too long forgiving a character when in a dire situation. Or when they do a 180 as soon as they reunite. It took a week, which, considering they didn't know when they'd be in danger again, makes a lot of sense.
The repetition of certain phrases. Such as what Ox's father said to him as a child, or 'not yet'. The best of these is the 'oh' moments when a character bonds with another in a very deep way. Without any spoilers, they form a deeper understanding of what the Bennett family or their love truly is.
The writing style fits the main character a lot. He's straight to the point and doesn't use embellishments in his words. Though, sometimes I would've liked some pretty descriptive words- like say- what we would get in Song of Achilles. Yet, it fits the book well and was a good narrative device.
I'd say the best aspect of this book is the relationships between the characters. The family bonds, friendships and love shared between our two main characters.
My favourite characters would have to be Gordo and Elizabeth.
The age gap: 6 years is not always a bad age gap, but I'm a bit iffy at this one.
Their relationship doesn't begin until both characters are 17 and 22/23, and their sexual relationship doesn't begin until they're 20/21 and 26. However, they meet when Joe is 10/11 and Ox is 16. Which, yeah a bit weird. It's obvious that Joe has a little crush on Ox, and it can be uncomfortable at times.
Only 2 main characters in the first novel are women, one is a mother, and the other is an ex-girlfriend who at some point becomes a more prevalent character in the book. Sorry if that's nitpicky, but I did wish there were more female characters. Since many of the men in this book are queer, it would be nice to see a few queer women as well.
Some of the 'wolf talk' can be very confusing to read. I'm not sure if that's the point, but it can get a bit tedious to try to decode all of the dialogue.
The highschool. We didn't see much of highschool at all. I mean Ox spent most of his time there in the first quarter, and we only see a handful of random scenes. It's also stated that the Bennetts are revered and respected, But I don't really see any of this in practice. It's just stated a few times.
It's hard to place who Joe is as a character. He changes a lot in the book, but I don't find it gradual due to the fast time skips. This is likely to represent and allow us to also feel the 'boy became a man' scene. Ox one day is stunned by the realisation that Joe is now a man, and he hadn't even noticed. But I'm talking about his personality, we don't see how he goes from clingy and sweet to flirtatious and teasing. Then to what he becomes at the end of the book- kind of patient and possessive, his personality kind of hinging on 'I love you' and 'I'll tear the world down for you', which is very romantic and all...but, what else?
End notes:
There are two sex scenes in this book, one in the last quarter and one in the epilogue. They're okay, didn't make me cringe, that's all I can say about that.
Give this book a 8.5/10 maybe a 9/10 if you like angst, werewolves, queer romance and found family.
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animation-is-my-jam · 8 months
Victor/TJ > TJ/Johnson
I'm must be sad being so wrong 😞 /lh
Hjjhkffgj But I kinda get the appeal. Victor is probably the second most unexplored one off character, even though we've known of his existence since Victoria's debute. ig ppl aren't that really interested in him or even forget he exists (which fair, I think it's good we are limited to one villian white blonde boy to hyperfixate on). And what we know is that he has a terrible inferior complex against Victoria, and probably like her he's also emotionally abused too. Though we know with his bent up frustration that he takes his jealousy and anger to a more villainous degree than Victoria sometimes. Plus there's the fact he was literally created (design and narrative wise) to be a bizzaro TJ like the other members of the family are to the Botsfords. He is the foil to TJ's entire dynamic with Becky (where TJ of course feels inferior to Becky in a lot of ways [cough, Homerun king ep] and he wants to take her down a peg, but he won't try to use or put ppl in danger for it). So I can see where the idea to put them together comes from, afterall the entire episode where we formally meet Victor has TJ gush over him in the beginning, and we know that whenever TJ fawns over a boy it doesn't go well lol. They have a *friends to enemies to lovers energy*, very Tobecky and Bectoria coded (if Victor was like secretly in love with TJ but conveyed it poorly). But I think I like their dynamic as one-sided rivals better, the idea of Victor hating but secretly liking TJ is really funny, and TJ just does not care for Victor, he's got homework to do, leave him alone.
So even though I can see it.... TJOHNSON still sweeps I'm sorry. LOOK, besides them being adorable, they have amazing potential that I only think about. Yeah sure it's not the popular idea of enemies to lovers (I mean it can be, I got some ideas).... but the slow burn friends to lovers and storytelling of denial with longing is strong in them, and I live for that sooo--
(Thx for the ask!)
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tapejob · 1 year
ty @paulie-the-penguin for the tag <33 ily
what book are you currently reading? - negotiating the unnegotiable by dan shapiro. one of the best guys I’ve ever met and one of the best books I’ve ever read, honestly should be required reading for everyone. 10/10
favourite movie you saw in theatres this past year? - only movie i’ve seen in theatres in 2023 was avatar: way of water which was alright? favorite movie I’ve ever seen in theatres was definitely everything everywhere all at once, though
what do you usually wear? - if you see someone in a stars hoodie and black sweats on any given day, there’s a non-insignificant chance that could be me. i’m usually a hoodie and sneakers and sweats kind of person, unless pressed by necessity
how tall are you? - 5'3”
what's your star sign & do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? - cancer!
do you go by your name or a nickname? - tj, teej, whatever u make of it
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child? - interesting question. in a sense, yeah, this is exactly where i wanted to be as a kid. but at the same time i feel like i’m on the road downhill.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? - not in a relationship and hopefully won’t be in one anytime soon. wanna enjoy my time alone and help some friends wingman :)
what is something you're good at vs something you're bad at? - good at data analysis, bad at networking
dogs or cats? - cats <3
if you draw/write/create in any way, what's your favourite picture/line/etc. from something you created in the last year? - i drew a lil mcdavid in acrylics while at a friends house, and sometimes I like to stare at his colorful cheeks
what is something you would like to create content for? - i’d love to draw more in general, but not a lot of time. it’d be cool to do more data projects with hockey too :)
what's something you're currently obsessed with? - hockey (always) and finishing my psets
what's something you were excited about this past year that turned out to be disappointing? - the state of harvard women’s hockey. coach stone wtah
what's a hidden talent of yours? - badminton trickshots :)
are you religious? - nope
what's something you wish to have at the moment? - my article to get approved … dropbox to cooperate … something to do over the summer
tagging @sophie83540 @reavenedges-lies @blueskrugs @tapedsleeves @birdcage @lovethygoalie @donttelltheelff and anyone else up for it :D
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
So, out of genuine curiosity, if they were to make spinoffs from Gilmore Girls, what would you like to see?
Personally, I would love to see a spinoff of Jess and someone who could be a version of Jess, like Doula, who we haven't seen. And also, it would be flipping the main idea of Gilmore Girls- from 'mother and daughter being friends' to 'brother and sister being more like a father and daughter'. And then Rory could be like the stand-in version of Luke, and she finds herself pining over him.
Another one, for me, would be Jess's spinoff but with Doula instead, maybe finding a relative and staying with them, eventually trying to piece together her identity as both a Danes and well, TJ's last name...
What do you think of these?
Also, love your AYITL 2 head-canons... Do you have any ideas for Doula and what her relationship could be with Jess? And who do you think should play her? My personal pick is Izabela Vidovic, cause she has the same eyes as Milo Ventimiglia, and she has a very distinct Jess vibe, if you see her in Homefront (2013) and the Veronica Mars reboot.
Anyway, sorry this got too long. Thanks. 😃
God I love your asks!! Anyway I never put too much thought to gilmore girls spinoff but however, if we’re talking about next gen thing? i want it to be about Rory’s kids, or rather, the Mariano - Danes family after Liz left again. In my headcanons, Liz leaves again and she never comes back, which lead Luke takes care of Doula as he did with Jess. But Doula is more open and yeah, in a lot of hurt, but she still has her father and her uncle and Lorelai to take care of her. I’d love to see Lorelai - Doula dynamics because I think, by the time Liz would leave, Lorelai is already part of their family at this point. Doula calls Lorelai “Aunt Lor” since she can remember, they are a family and the situation is very different to what it was with Jess.
But I think Jess would struggle with that a lot. With Liz’s leaving again. He’d blame himself over it again and again, he wouldn’t want Doula to feel what he felt since he was 8. But I also think about how he’d never pack her stuff and told her to leave with him. She has her father, and while I don’t think T.J is very bright or smart, I think he would do anything for Doula to make her feel okay again.
I would love to see Rory & Doula relationship! Especially if Doula ain’t book-nerd as her brother and his wife. I think their relationship would be so interesting to explore. Mostly because I don’t think Rory was around when Doula was growing up, not as Luke or Lorelai were.
I see Doula as more of a gamer teenager? She’d love Zombie and Apocalypse shit, her favorite game would definitely be tlou in my opinion and I think she’d make everyone play it!
Doula and April relationship is something that I would love to explore as well! Actually, I would love to explore Rory - April relationship but also April / Jess / Doula relationship with Luke and his different approach to each of them.
I read @lanekim great fanfic the other day (haven’t finished it yet!!!) about how Luke is actually the town dad and how he takes in the kids nobody wants and i think it’s very true and i think he is a father figure to most of the kids of stars hollow, not just to Rory or Jess…
Anyway now I need that Doula spinoff lol 😂
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