#who I usually spell Cronus or Kronos
Lots and lots of thoughts and theories on Hades 2 so far. My Greek geek is overflowing and I have no where else to hyperfixate so here you go. Apologies in advanced and I’m so excited! (and will def be disappointed by the theories that don’t come true but that’s just the life)
First off, I definitely think Melinoë came after Zagreus reunited their parents and the sequel is set eons after. Time and the development process works different for gods so it could def be plausible. I’ve seen people saying she’s the older sis or that she’s been a secret the whole time, and while those are fun to think about, I don’t think there’s any way that’s gonna be the case here.
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People call her Mel the same way they called Zagreus Zag.
Zag was STOKED to be a big bro and Mel loves him (even though she groans when he bear hugs her).
Persephone and Hades being relationship goals and they better keep them being lovey to each other and their kids. I’ll be so disappointed if they try to make it “edgy” by giving her a bad upbringing or having her been abandoned. Give me all the healthy relationship representations!
And of course, an updated portrait! Maybe as like a locket or picture frame in her bedroom at Hecate’s since we won’t be in the actual house.
I just really really want to see Mel loving her family. I hope she’s awkward and kind, but kick-ass and ready to kill for those she loves.
One of Hecate’s main stories is how she witnessed Persephone be stolen and helped Demeter search for her. I like to think that with the revised “kidnapping” story that the game does, this will also be revised to reflect Hecate and Pers being buds. Maybe she thought Pers got stolen and then helped her out when she realized her friend had fallen in love. Maybe she even helped construct Persephone’s home on Earth so she was hidden from everyone?
There is this blurb in the description referencing her affiliation with the Underworld, so hopefully that’s what they’re going to talk about.
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Either way, Aunt Hecate.
It does look like in the trailer Mel calls her (or someone, I assume it’s Hecate) “Headmistress”, so I guess she’s maybe at a boarding school for witches? Idk how I feel about that, but again as long as she was raised with her awesome parents and bro, that’s all I care about for her backstory lol.
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I mean, it could just be that Hecate is training her, similar to how Zag calls him “Master” Achilles because he was his teacher. But the “head” mistress part heavily implies that there’s going to be more mistress teachers, so that’s why I’m banking on a boarding school.
Also hope they reference Mel’s nightmare affiliations as well instead of just leaning in on the witchcraft stuff. It feels very heavy on the witchy stuff so far and the only thing that’s really referencing that part of her is the arm and leg (I’m guessing). I just hope they make this a big part of her personal journey since she is the “bringer of nightmares and madness”.
Would love to see her constantly fighting with this aspect of herself. Have her be sweet and kind and just wants to do good in the world and everything she touches turning into madness. I wanna see her fight to figure out how to flip this “curse” of hers around.
With that, it’d be neat to see like the Oneiroi and Morpheus, or other dream/nightmare related characters.
A dream realm would be sick!
I feel like it’s going to be similar in story mode to Zag’s where we’re just dropped into Mel’s story after it’s already started. Either the issue with Chronos and Hades happened after she started her school with Hecate, or she’s at the school as a result of.
If they don’t do this^, I’ll be surprised but not disappointed. I just can’t see them putting us through a backstory/training storyline. I feel like one of the cooler parts of Hades is the fact that you just drop in and slowly start to figure out what’s going on.
Aunt Nyx. Or at least some reference to everything she’s done for the fam.
GAIA (she could be like the Chaos equivalent)
Give me Mel descending into the Earth, into Gaia’s realm for some treacherous boons. It would be cool to show her having a real conflict with how she feels about her involvement in both using Chronos to kill his father Uranus, and then “helping” Rhea and Zeus kill Chronos. But now helping Mel because she’s her great-great-granddaughter (or triple great, depending on how they handle that incest bucket) and also knowing her son is cray.
Moons used in the same vain as Nyx’s Darkness, or something that is a call to Hecate’s three moon symbolism. I see that a lot of her design already has some references to moons paired with the sickle so that’s already pretty cool.
Same with like herbs/potions or stuff to collect for spells or levels up. It looks like there’s going to be a “magick” element to restore.
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Hecate’s black dogs. Give me all the floofers.
And of course Cerberus being on guard as she gets to the gates of Styx. And I’d be down with him being a cuddle monster just like with Zag. (this will also depend on the storyline of the underworld and house and how Cerbs has been effected by Chronos, but a girl can dream of her giant three headed Clifford making a reappearance)
I do see the giant frog (her familiar, maybe?) and Mel giving it cuddles in the trailer. From the looks of it, that seems like her bedroom, so that’ll be interesting.
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And since I consider this a direct-ish sequel, the Olympus family members will all be backing her up (which the game description does imply it as well). Maybe we’ll see some repeats for boons, but I kind of hope we get some new people and just some references to the OGs or special guest appearances.
That being said, give me Grandma Demeter again BUT transformed into a spring or summer version to show her transformation of having her daughter back and newfound family. Give her a new look and badass boons that rep that. Don’t go lazy on me supergiant.
Since we’re getting Apollo from the OG lineup, let’s see Hestia and Hera too with some badass boons. Give me fire and peacock emblems.
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Hephaestus as the Daedalus equivalent. He’s too busy to meet in person but he gives you some kick-ass weapon upgrades.
Zagreus running Hades and not being happy about it. (again, depending on the story sitch. I just love the idea of grumpy responsible Zag lol)
Or Persephone, since she is the Queen after all.
And if that’s the case, then Zag could help Mel in some way. Idk if I’d want him to be a boon exactly, because there’s others that I’d want to see before him.
Either way, I definitely don’t think Zag will still be trying to escape out while this is happening. That’s another one that’s funny to think about and make memes of, but I’ll be very disappointed if that’s actually the case. I want to see the whole Hades fam in an uproar and fighting like hell to save Hades and the Underworld.
Or if Persephone isn’t running Hades (or maybe even if she is, whatever, again just depending on the story) it’d be cool to have her be a boon giver to her daughter. Her keepsake was sick and I’d love to see how powerful her boons are!
I hope we still get new and alt weapons with references to all kinds of fighters and witches, and maybe some ancient titans. It’s already exciting to see the sickle used for ref to Chronos.
In that same vain, seeing other myth or famous story references with the weapons the same way we saw before, with like Arthur’s sword, Lucifer’s gun, Gilgamesh guns, Beowulf shield.
Also how they brought in Nemesis using her sword aspect, I hope they bring in a couple of the other Greek characters that were named in the aspects using their weapons. Like Eris, Talos, and Chiron.
It’d be cool if they incorporated Selene in there too since she’s the Moon goddess and Hecate is all about them moons. (I just have a soft spot for Selene)
Selene could also be likened to a Chaos equivalent where Mel ascends to the moon or something. I still love the Gaia idea but this could be neat too.
Or seeing some more non-dark/night gods and seeing some like super cute bubbly bright ones that are like crazy deadly. Like imagine Iris, goddess of the rainbow, giving you crazy destructive boons to kill your enemies!
Also give me some more famous witches and enchantresses who help Mel out, or maybe who she has to fight, like Circe, Medea, Calypso.
It does look like in one of the screen shots there’s some odd looking creatures in the (what I’m guessing is) witch boarding school. So maybe it is related to Circe?
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I hope Nemesis is used in a similar way as Meg (or even Thanatos kinda), where like maybe they’re fighting but over time they end up growing on them. Gotta love enemies to lover!
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Same with Moros. And please have him bitch (but also idolize) about his more popular big bro Thanatos lol.
Speaking of Moros, in the trailer it looks like theres a super long scroll next to him and he says “there’s an opportunity for you”. So I wonder if he’s going to be like a Charon equivalent where you buy things from him or something like that.
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It would also be cool to have some friendly Titans as side characters as she makes her way down, like maybe Prometheus or Atlas.
Some more heroes like Atalanta (give me a female heroine I beg you), Jason, Perseus, Bellerophon.
There does look like there’s a handsome unnamed character in the lineup that wasn’t in the trailer, and he’s exuding loads of hero pompousness lol so that’s my guess. Just not sure which he’ll be, prob Jason or Perseus if I were a betting gal. He looks too posh to be Hercules.
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Or some hero-adjacent people like Hippolyta (Amazon Queen), Helena (of Troy), Cassandra (cursed prophet), Medusa, or Pandora who are pissed with what happened to them or want revenge. Idk, might be far fetched for this but you love to see it lol. (also didn’t intend for all those examples to be girls, but it’s funny how that ends up, ain’t it?)
Other mythical creatures that might be more earth related like cyclops, giants, Pegasus, chimera, sirens, griffins, etc.
I’ll be interested to see how they incorporate the time aspect with Chronos. I wonder if it’ll be like a time loop and that’s how they emulate the “dying” aspect from the first game. I hope there’s some time related items.
Please for the love of the gods, make dick jokes about Chronos castrating his father and the variation in myth of how Zeus then did it to Chronos. Like, I get it if it’s too cringe to outright talk about, but if they don’t make SOME reference to either, I’m calling cowards.
An equivalent to the fishing feature, maybe planting seeds or something dream related. Just give something cute and fun again.
Also having some crazy ideas of even another sequel. Especially if this one ends up being on Earth or focusing on the middle plane and getting to the underworld, how awesome would it be for one day having like another sequel where you actually get to fight through Olympus. Like maybe a backstory for Hades would be cool, of how they rose to power and he made it all the way to Mount Olympus just to draw the short stick and get sent back down.
Ok I’m done for today. Carry on with your lives and I’m sorry again for this long post showing up on your feed.
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