#also just realized the way they spell chronos
Lots and lots of thoughts and theories on Hades 2 so far. My Greek geek is overflowing and I have no where else to hyperfixate so here you go. Apologies in advanced and I’m so excited! (and will def be disappointed by the theories that don’t come true but that’s just the life)
First off, I definitely think Melinoë came after Zagreus reunited their parents and the sequel is set eons after. Time and the development process works different for gods so it could def be plausible. I’ve seen people saying she’s the older sis or that she’s been a secret the whole time, and while those are fun to think about, I don’t think there’s any way that’s gonna be the case here.
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People call her Mel the same way they called Zagreus Zag.
Zag was STOKED to be a big bro and Mel loves him (even though she groans when he bear hugs her).
Persephone and Hades being relationship goals and they better keep them being lovey to each other and their kids. I’ll be so disappointed if they try to make it “edgy” by giving her a bad upbringing or having her been abandoned. Give me all the healthy relationship representations!
And of course, an updated portrait! Maybe as like a locket or picture frame in her bedroom at Hecate’s since we won’t be in the actual house.
I just really really want to see Mel loving her family. I hope she’s awkward and kind, but kick-ass and ready to kill for those she loves.
One of Hecate’s main stories is how she witnessed Persephone be stolen and helped Demeter search for her. I like to think that with the revised “kidnapping” story that the game does, this will also be revised to reflect Hecate and Pers being buds. Maybe she thought Pers got stolen and then helped her out when she realized her friend had fallen in love. Maybe she even helped construct Persephone’s home on Earth so she was hidden from everyone?
There is this blurb in the description referencing her affiliation with the Underworld, so hopefully that’s what they’re going to talk about.
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Either way, Aunt Hecate.
It does look like in the trailer Mel calls her (or someone, I assume it’s Hecate) “Headmistress”, so I guess she’s maybe at a boarding school for witches? Idk how I feel about that, but again as long as she was raised with her awesome parents and bro, that’s all I care about for her backstory lol.
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I mean, it could just be that Hecate is training her, similar to how Zag calls him “Master” Achilles because he was his teacher. But the “head” mistress part heavily implies that there’s going to be more mistress teachers, so that’s why I’m banking on a boarding school.
Also hope they reference Mel’s nightmare affiliations as well instead of just leaning in on the witchcraft stuff. It feels very heavy on the witchy stuff so far and the only thing that’s really referencing that part of her is the arm and leg (I’m guessing). I just hope they make this a big part of her personal journey since she is the “bringer of nightmares and madness”.
Would love to see her constantly fighting with this aspect of herself. Have her be sweet and kind and just wants to do good in the world and everything she touches turning into madness. I wanna see her fight to figure out how to flip this “curse” of hers around.
With that, it’d be neat to see like the Oneiroi and Morpheus, or other dream/nightmare related characters.
A dream realm would be sick!
I feel like it’s going to be similar in story mode to Zag’s where we’re just dropped into Mel’s story after it’s already started. Either the issue with Chronos and Hades happened after she started her school with Hecate, or she’s at the school as a result of.
If they don’t do this^, I’ll be surprised but not disappointed. I just can’t see them putting us through a backstory/training storyline. I feel like one of the cooler parts of Hades is the fact that you just drop in and slowly start to figure out what’s going on.
Aunt Nyx. Or at least some reference to everything she’s done for the fam.
GAIA (she could be like the Chaos equivalent)
Give me Mel descending into the Earth, into Gaia’s realm for some treacherous boons. It would be cool to show her having a real conflict with how she feels about her involvement in both using Chronos to kill his father Uranus, and then “helping” Rhea and Zeus kill Chronos. But now helping Mel because she’s her great-great-granddaughter (or triple great, depending on how they handle that incest bucket) and also knowing her son is cray.
Moons used in the same vain as Nyx’s Darkness, or something that is a call to Hecate’s three moon symbolism. I see that a lot of her design already has some references to moons paired with the sickle so that’s already pretty cool.
Same with like herbs/potions or stuff to collect for spells or levels up. It looks like there’s going to be a “magick” element to restore.
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Hecate’s black dogs. Give me all the floofers.
And of course Cerberus being on guard as she gets to the gates of Styx. And I’d be down with him being a cuddle monster just like with Zag. (this will also depend on the storyline of the underworld and house and how Cerbs has been effected by Chronos, but a girl can dream of her giant three headed Clifford making a reappearance)
I do see the giant frog (her familiar, maybe?) and Mel giving it cuddles in the trailer. From the looks of it, that seems like her bedroom, so that’ll be interesting.
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And since I consider this a direct-ish sequel, the Olympus family members will all be backing her up (which the game description does imply it as well). Maybe we’ll see some repeats for boons, but I kind of hope we get some new people and just some references to the OGs or special guest appearances.
That being said, give me Grandma Demeter again BUT transformed into a spring or summer version to show her transformation of having her daughter back and newfound family. Give her a new look and badass boons that rep that. Don’t go lazy on me supergiant.
Since we’re getting Apollo from the OG lineup, let’s see Hestia and Hera too with some badass boons. Give me fire and peacock emblems.
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Hephaestus as the Daedalus equivalent. He’s too busy to meet in person but he gives you some kick-ass weapon upgrades.
Zagreus running Hades and not being happy about it. (again, depending on the story sitch. I just love the idea of grumpy responsible Zag lol)
Or Persephone, since she is the Queen after all.
And if that’s the case, then Zag could help Mel in some way. Idk if I’d want him to be a boon exactly, because there’s others that I’d want to see before him.
Either way, I definitely don’t think Zag will still be trying to escape out while this is happening. That’s another one that’s funny to think about and make memes of, but I’ll be very disappointed if that’s actually the case. I want to see the whole Hades fam in an uproar and fighting like hell to save Hades and the Underworld.
Or if Persephone isn’t running Hades (or maybe even if she is, whatever, again just depending on the story) it’d be cool to have her be a boon giver to her daughter. Her keepsake was sick and I’d love to see how powerful her boons are!
I hope we still get new and alt weapons with references to all kinds of fighters and witches, and maybe some ancient titans. It’s already exciting to see the sickle used for ref to Chronos.
In that same vain, seeing other myth or famous story references with the weapons the same way we saw before, with like Arthur’s sword, Lucifer’s gun, Gilgamesh guns, Beowulf shield.
Also how they brought in Nemesis using her sword aspect, I hope they bring in a couple of the other Greek characters that were named in the aspects using their weapons. Like Eris, Talos, and Chiron.
It’d be cool if they incorporated Selene in there too since she’s the Moon goddess and Hecate is all about them moons. (I just have a soft spot for Selene)
Selene could also be likened to a Chaos equivalent where Mel ascends to the moon or something. I still love the Gaia idea but this could be neat too.
Or seeing some more non-dark/night gods and seeing some like super cute bubbly bright ones that are like crazy deadly. Like imagine Iris, goddess of the rainbow, giving you crazy destructive boons to kill your enemies!
Also give me some more famous witches and enchantresses who help Mel out, or maybe who she has to fight, like Circe, Medea, Calypso.
It does look like in one of the screen shots there’s some odd looking creatures in the (what I’m guessing is) witch boarding school. So maybe it is related to Circe?
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I hope Nemesis is used in a similar way as Meg (or even Thanatos kinda), where like maybe they’re fighting but over time they end up growing on them. Gotta love enemies to lover!
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Same with Moros. And please have him bitch (but also idolize) about his more popular big bro Thanatos lol.
Speaking of Moros, in the trailer it looks like theres a super long scroll next to him and he says “there’s an opportunity for you”. So I wonder if he’s going to be like a Charon equivalent where you buy things from him or something like that.
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It would also be cool to have some friendly Titans as side characters as she makes her way down, like maybe Prometheus or Atlas.
Some more heroes like Atalanta (give me a female heroine I beg you), Jason, Perseus, Bellerophon.
There does look like there’s a handsome unnamed character in the lineup that wasn’t in the trailer, and he’s exuding loads of hero pompousness lol so that’s my guess. Just not sure which he’ll be, prob Jason or Perseus if I were a betting gal. He looks too posh to be Hercules.
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Or some hero-adjacent people like Hippolyta (Amazon Queen), Helena (of Troy), Cassandra (cursed prophet), Medusa, or Pandora who are pissed with what happened to them or want revenge. Idk, might be far fetched for this but you love to see it lol. (also didn’t intend for all those examples to be girls, but it’s funny how that ends up, ain’t it?)
Other mythical creatures that might be more earth related like cyclops, giants, Pegasus, chimera, sirens, griffins, etc.
I’ll be interested to see how they incorporate the time aspect with Chronos. I wonder if it’ll be like a time loop and that’s how they emulate the “dying” aspect from the first game. I hope there’s some time related items.
Please for the love of the gods, make dick jokes about Chronos castrating his father and the variation in myth of how Zeus then did it to Chronos. Like, I get it if it’s too cringe to outright talk about, but if they don’t make SOME reference to either, I’m calling cowards.
An equivalent to the fishing feature, maybe planting seeds or something dream related. Just give something cute and fun again.
Also having some crazy ideas of even another sequel. Especially if this one ends up being on Earth or focusing on the middle plane and getting to the underworld, how awesome would it be for one day having like another sequel where you actually get to fight through Olympus. Like maybe a backstory for Hades would be cool, of how they rose to power and he made it all the way to Mount Olympus just to draw the short stick and get sent back down.
Ok I’m done for today. Carry on with your lives and I’m sorry again for this long post showing up on your feed.
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mister-e-muss · 2 months
I had a game development idea, so if you’d like to hear me ramble about an idea involving ATB and Stamina systems in RPGs, follow me. I should warn you though, that this is probably the longest post I’ve ever written.
So, I was looking at gameplay of Final Fantasy 13 out of curiosity, and a thought struck me.
Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and Legend of Legaia all use something I refer to as a stamina system for their attacks: You have a certain amount of points, and you can use as many of them as you want in a given turn, with extra bonuses sometimes stacking on top depending on how many and what types of attacks you’ve used. If you wanted to stretch the definition, then you could argue that Baten Kaitos does this as well, but with cards instead of basic attacks.
This made me realize that Final Fantasy 13 did something similar, but using Time as your resource. You can have an entire log of basic attacks, a medium amount of medium attacks, or a limit break that takes up all your time. What also separates FF13 from the aforementioned examples is that FF13 uses it for all of their abilities and options, instead of just basic attacks.
I know that a lot of the criticism towards FF13 comes from having to rely on auto-input rather than manually planning out your turn. So I started to think on how I would maybe handle the same idea of an “ATBar as Resource” or a take on something inspired by FF13.
My theoretical battle system goes something like this. Like FF13 your options revolve around queuing up sets of commands for your character or characters to enact. Unlike FF13, you have as much time as you’d like to have when deciding your commands. (Think Wait mode in classic FF games and Chrono Trigger, where time pauses as you scroll through your magics.) However, your turn only starts once you’ve queued up your attacks and what have you. When you’ve finished selecting your strategy, the time starts ticking and the abilities you’ve selected all start to charge up, going off when they reach full charge. Like Xenogears Deathblows, there would even be extra moves and bonuses for choosing the right combinations. The key difference here is that it applies to more than just basic attacks. Like using two spells that go off at the same time to combine, or using ascending levels of spell to create an ultimate attack for that element.
I actually made a little design guide for comparison, and hopefully explain the idea better.
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I realize that stamina systems might be best used in a more traditional turn-based system, so that the player isn’t getting overwhelmed by constant inputs. However this is why I suggest the pausing as the player picks commands. To keep this more in line with ATB, all of the turns will have a separate ‘Cooldown’ phase that determines when they’ll be able to act again. Maybe even have this cooldown extend the more actions or longer actions are taken. To keep this from getting to confusing, I’m suggesting color coordination. I’m picturing something like this:
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(I was worried the photo wouldn’t look good. My colored pencils are not the best quality.)
Hopefully even a system as theoretically complex as this would be manageable if everything is laid out properly. A standard party status would look something like this:
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Revisiting the whole Combo Finisher/Deathblows mechanic, I feel like this is a personal preference rather than a solid design necessity, but when your combat relies heavily on experimentation, a clear way to keep track of what works is vital. I’m not suggesting that all the combos are listed fighting game style right off the bat, but rather that the game keep track of discovered combos and potential combos.
Like, say that you have used the level 1 Thunder exemplified in my first diagram, but you haven’t yet acquired the other two Thunders, or if you have them but haven’t used them in that order yet. Then when you start your turn with Thunder it will register in a database that you can check on the main menu. It will say “[Thunder l.v.1] + [???] + [???] = [???]” This doesn’t really tell the player much, but it does say at least that there is a combo move that starts with the basic Thunder. This means the player will find out when they are on the right track, won’t hesitate to experiment, and have a place to check their moves if they step away from the game for a while. I’m not a believer in explaining to the point of killing discovery. However I’m also very much against blind aimless wandering.
This last idea might be a step too far, but at this point I’ve spilled everything else, I might as well spitball this too. What if, in this theoretical RPG, you could combine turns? Pass one character so that when the next one finishes cooldown, they pool the available attacks and queue points so that even bigger and more complex combos can be built?
Idk Man, it’s half-an-hour into the next morning, and I don’t even know if a game like this sounds like a good idea. I am not, have never been, and most likely never will be a game developer. This is just the most detailed gamecrafting thought that I’ve ever had, and I feel like it should be written down and documented just in case. And hey, if there are any Indie devs out there who would want to take a crack at this type of combat, please tag me, I would Love to see if this works in practice as well as it does in concept!
Thank you all for indulging my very detailed ramblings.
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Continuing in my Dirty Hands series! Thank you as always to @otterandterrier​ for being my beta! And huge shout out to writer sprints aka the reason I finally was able to write. 
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Han tossed and turned in his bunk, unable to get his fight with Leia out of his mind. The evening had started out so well. Leia’d had dinner with him, Luke and Chewie on the Falcon and it had been nice. Even nicer was how she left with Luke but circled back a few minutes later, jumping right into Han’s arms.
It was a rare quiet night for the rebels and she’d been giving him eyes all day. The foreplay of hidden looks had lasted all day, from the moment she’d greeted them at the Mako-Ta docks and until she’d snuck back onto the Falcon and finally climbed him like a tree. 
He’d been away for a week and seeing her made Han’s heart beat faster than he’d admit. The whole time they were away he’d missed her, which was against her very strict rules. 
She’d set the rules hours after their first time sleeping together, writing them up and handing them to him on a datacard to make it as impersonal as possible. He’d agreed, of course. No matter how infuriating he’d found the interaction after touching her, kissing her, being inside her, he couldn’t say no. 
She was worse than spice and twice as powerful. 
Han loved that he knew things about her that no one else did, that there were parts of her that would always be his. He wanted to find out all those hidden little secrets and collect them just for himself, to know Leia better than anyone; every scrap of information he found, he hid away for himself. 
Leia would have never admitted to missing him but he could feel in the way she held him. It was a big night in Han’s opinion—she’d surprised him by letting him be on top, which put them face to face for the first time. Han couldn’t get enough of watching her face as they moved together, unravelling so close up. This time, she hadn’t pushed him away as soon as they were done, either. 
Afterward she’d laid in his bunk with him and they’d actually talked. Han had asked her about what she’d done while he’d been away and she’d filled him in on some hilarious stories of the exploits of Luke and the other X-ing pilots. She’d been laughing at something he’d said when a lock of her usually neatly done up hair had fallen into her face. Before he could think about what he was doing, Han had pushed her hair back behind her ear. 
Something expanded in Han’s chest as she looked up at him with her large liquid eyes. He’d traced his thumb along her cheekbone and moved his fingers into her braids. Han had kissed her then, and she’d hesitated for just a moment before returning his affections. 
Their kisses had remained sweet and slow. Han’s fingers had moved on their own accord into Leia’s hair and he’d begun to undo her braids. 
She’d frozen and, after a moment, Han had stopped. 
“What?” he’d asked when she pulled away from him.
“Don’t touch my hair. Ever.” She faced away from him, holding her hair in place. She’d covered up her half-done hair the way most people would cover their nakedness. 
Han was without words while she’d dressed, but found his voice before she left. 
“Yeah goodnight to you, too, sweetheart,” he’d grunted out snidely. 
“If you can’t follow the rules I’ve set out, then this is over.” 
She hadn’t looked back before leaving the room, and a baffled Han, behind.
Hours later, he still couldn’t sleep. He rolled over and buried his head into his pillow before quickly throwing it to the ground and pounding a fist onto the bunk. 
It smelled like her. Stang, how did it still smell like her? 
Leia haunted him like a ghost. 
Knowing he was in for a long sleepless night, Han decided to take a walk, maybe train with his blaster for a bit, shooting something might make him feel better. 
Mako Ta was the fanciest base the Rebellion had. It was state of the art, fitted out with a gymnasium that catered to all manner of sentients, and Han, though not usually the most athletic type, decided he wanted to work off some energy. The simulated battle course would suit him nicely.
Despite how late (or early really) it was in ship time, the gym had a good amount of beings using its facilities. A pair of Mirialans jogged past him on his way in and he could feel their eyes on him as they passed. He looked back over his shoulder and one of them was still admiring him. She was pretty, with yellow skin and dark matching tattoos on her cheek. She smiled at him in a knowing way and he took a moment to admire her, wink, and pretend he was interested in anyone but Leia. 
He’d just passed a large swimming pool where all manner of aquatics were gathered when his attention was drawn to a growing crowd over by his planned destination. Han had no interest in running or swimming but he liked the obstacle courses that filled the back of the gymnasium. They required use of his mind, body, and blaster in concert, and exhausted him thoroughly. On this night, though, a small crowd was gathered around watching two people leaping and shooting in one of the holo simulations designed to look like a jungle from Yavin IV.
The course was set to look like the jungle planet and it featured holo Walkers and Stormtroopers, making the participants run through the simulated landscape while under attack.
Han stopped in his tracks when he identified the two humans as Luke and Leia. They worked perfectly together, almost like they were reading each other’s every thought. There were no words between the two, but they covered each other from the fake blaster fire as they ran on the fast treadmill turned jungle. 
The courses were beautifully done, created to feel truly real. The user could even add heat, cold, precipitation, and adjust the pain level for the blaster fire. Leia’s brow was covered in sweat, flyaway hairs plastered to her face, which was filled with intense focus, but also a type of exhilaration he’d come to look for in her. 
The Leia Organa who always acted so serious actually craved adventure and excitement. It was the look she wore when they were sneaking around, but here she was wearing a similar look as she ran the course with Luke. Han wanted to walk away, but the strange battle dance that she and Luke were performing was difficult to look away from. 
Leia in particular was a wonder as she leapt over surprise barriers and dodged oncoming hits like a born warrior. 
Force, he was falling for this woman. 
The end of the course was signified by two X-wings waiting in the holo hangar, and when they reached their goal the small crowd cheered. Luke and Leia waited for a score to come up and, unsurprising to all who’d been watching, they took the top spot. Leia let out an uncharacteristic whoop and launched herself at Luke, who spun her around. 
The onlookers moved forward to talk to them as Han decided it was time he left. 
She looked happy; he didn’t want to ruin that. 
He was so deep into his own self-pitying thoughts that he hadn’t heard the running footsteps behind him. 
“Hey, Han.” 
He was so shocked to hear Leia’s out of breath voice that he stopped fast. 
“Good performance out there, Your Highness,” Han spat out as she came into his vision. 
Her face transformed from curious, to irritated, to forced calm in a matter of seconds and he watched her take a deep breath to calm herself. 
“Listen, Han, I’m sorry.” 
Convinced he’d not heard her right, Han just gaped at her. 
“Did you hear me? ‘Cause I’m not saying it again.” 
After that he was sure he’d actually heard her and he rolled his eyes. 
“Look I’m trying to apologize, it’s just—” her voice lowered and she looked around, “Hair, specifically, unbraiding a woman’s hair, is very… intimate… on Alderaan.” 
When she realized she’d referred to her home planet in the present tense, she flinched. 
“Was intimate on Alderaan, and it’s still that way for my people. I realize that you were not aware of that custom, so, I’m sorry for getting angry.”
Her face was red from the running but he could tell the apology was also contributing to the blush, and hearing her actually talk about her lost homeworld caused a pang in his chest. 
“It’s alright, Princess, thanks,” he waved it off, as if he hadn’t been losing sleep over the whole thing. 
“Right, um, thank you.” 
They stood there distinctly uncomfortable for a few seconds, Leia still catching her breath, until Han hooked a thumb back over his shoulder, indicating the course she’d just finished. 
“I meant it, by the way, nice work out there. You guys are a good team.” He really hadn’t meant for the last part to sound bitter but somehow it left his mouth that way.
If Leia noticed the slight venom in his voice, she didn’t show it. 
“Yeah, well, it’s not really fair when I’m teamed up with a Jedi in training; of course he’s going to win.”
Han shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve seen Luke run that course with others and even alone, he’s never done so well.” 
He didn’t know why he persisted; it was like the need to push on a bruise or pick at a hangnail, he couldn't help digging his grave deeper. 
Eyebrows drawn, Leia looked away and said, “I guess.” 
They were silent again for another moment until Luke’s excited shout broke them out of their awkward spell. 
“Han, old buddy! How are ya? Did you just see that? Leia and I broke the record!” Luke’s face was pure joy and Han couldn’t help but return the smile. 
“Yeah, good work, kid, they’ll have to invent a new level just for you two!” 
“Join us next time! I bet with the three of us we can beat the trio round too!”
Han chuckled and didn’t meet Leia’s eyes. “Sure, next time.” 
Both Han and Leia noticed Luke’s eyes trail away to see Wedge entering the gym. 
“I’ve got to tell Wedge, he’ll be so mad! Night guys!” Luke looked down at his chrono and shrugged. “Or morning I guess,” he corrected, and jogged off. 
Han and Leia’s eyes met then. 
“I better….” 
They nodded at each other and hurried off in random, opposite directions. Han looked back over his shoulder for just a moment to catch her retreating back, but he turned away before he caught her own last look. 
She’d be the death of him.
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blazehedgehog · 4 years
Everyone is seems to be talking to you on your opinions on the FF7 Remake. I barely know the FF series, TBH. However, going in a different direction, how would YOU change the original game to bring it to this day? Try not to consider the Remake, but the original game by itself. Always appreciate your stuff, Blaze! (Sorry for the poor english)
Well I hate to sound like a broken record, but I think the gold standard is Resident Evil. Both the original remake from the Gamecube era, and now Resident Evil 2.
Those remakes change a bunch of stuff! And add a lot of new content! Puzzle solutions are different, there’s new monsters to fight, they rework the layout of environments and add new areas to explore, and so on. In terms of Resident Evil 2, they also change up where some story beats go, like when you meet Robert Kendo or where Mr. X shows up.
But they keep it in the spirit of the original games. They say, “Here is what we were trying to do in 1998, but now better realized.” The shooting is better, the mechanics are tighter, the cutscenes are more cinematic and less goofy. But you can still point at them and say, “That’s Resident Evil.”
The problem is, after Final Fantasy 7, Square-Enix started experimenting wildly with what their RPGs are supposed to play like.
Like, Final Fantasy 8, right. They did away with weapon equips entirely. You have one sword for the entire game. Magic spells are now vacuumed up from special fountains or captured from enemies like Pokemon. There’s the overly complicated Guardian Force system with affinities and learned abilities and that whole mess.
Chrono Cross goes in the opposite direction and basically does away with experience points and leveling up. You only level up after bosses in that game, so you can’t ever be under-leveled for anything (but that means you also can’t be over-leveled for anything either, a key feature I like about JRPGs).
And it continued like that. Every new game felt like they were trying new ways to reinvent different wheels because they were out of ideas on how to improve the core turn based mechanics. So Final Fantasy mutated, and mutated, and mutated… until it’s become basically unrecognizable to me.
So what do you go back to? What has Final Fantasy ever been? Can it even be defined, outside of fashion model character designs and the vague concept of “swords?”
To be honest, I would have been fine if the Final Fantasy franchise had ended a long time ago. But I feel like, with the fact that none of the games have to be connected to each other, that gave Square-Enix a license to keep going well past the point of logic or sense. Anything can be a Final Fantasy now! Which also means Final Fantasy is nothing specific, not anymore.
If I were handling the remake, I’d use this as an opportunity to re-examine turn based combat and figure out what made it appealing. We’ve had a spate of games like that recently – again, we have Resident Evil. After Resident Evil 6 imploded for being too much of a summer blockbuster, Capcom was surprised by the sales of Resident Evil Remake HD, leading to Resident Evil 7 re-focusing on horror and giving us Resident Evil 2 Remake.
And then you have Doom 2016, which similarly backpedaled after Doom 3 went in a new direction.
“Back to basics” is in-vogue right now, so instead of pushing Final Fantasy 7 to conform to the example set by 15, we could go back and just give it a turn based battle system. You could say that “Final Fantasy 13 just had a turn based battle system, it wasn’t that long ago” – but you have to remember that FF13 released eleven years ago. It’s been a while.
If not that, if they’re really set on making it in to more of an action-based experience, then go all the way action. None of this “wait until your ATB meter fills up to access your inventory” weirdness. Making it this weird half-step between turn based and an action game is what bothers me the most right now, because it feels like the elements don’t fit together.
How you’d handle the story is a different subject, and one I haven’t thought about on a super deep level, because there’s a lot of story in FF7 to sift through and remember. But I can tell you right now I wouldn’t end it the way the current Final Fantasy 7 Remake ends, which is…
Lbh svtug gur tubfgyl ercerfragngvba bs “pnaba”, naq vgf qrsrng nyybjf Frcuvebgu gb yvgrenyyl erjevgr gur cybg sbe gur tnzr, naq va qbvat fb punatrf gur gvzryvar fb gung shgher ragevrf va gur Svany Snagnfl 7 Erznxr qb abg unir gb sbyybj gur bevtvany tnzr'f fgbel va nal jnl funcr be sbez. Nf va, gur ernfba vg'f pnyyrq “Svany Snagnfl 7 Erznxr” vf orpnhfr vg'f guebjvat bhg gur byq fgbel naq erznxvat vg gb or fbzrguvat ryfr. (spoilers, paste in to rot13.com to decode)
But really, my example is just “Do it like Resident Evil and Doom did it by making it like the old games, but still good.” I know that’s an incredibly basic appraisal, but that’s what I feel like. Because, like I said, what do you even go back to? Final Fantasy’s greatest consistency is its inconsistency. The primary thing it’s been good at… is that it hasn’t been good for me for a long time. 
I just wish it was, and the FF7 Remake was a great chance for that to happen.
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cutiegrumpycerym · 5 years
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New boy ! You know what that means ? New comic ! The comic will be very short, it will just tell his full story. Here is now a full reference for him !
Name : Aion
Age : ?
AU : He comes from a dead AU, but its name was Aiontale.
Role : Gardian of Time in the multiverse. His role is to protect timelines and worldlines of the AUs, preventing useless resets done by the humans, and restoring corrupted timelines when he can.
He is NEUTRAL, so he doesn’t save anybody from they fatality. He is also not interested in making people happy. He just does his job, and wants to “pass time” by finding entertainments for himself. So he is more exactly CHAOTIC NEUTRAL.
His role is also to help the Creators to find the time they need to create AUs. And the time they need to rest, because it’s also important. His point of view on this will be explained in the comic.
Backstory : For some reasons that will be explained in the comic, his AU died, consumed. Every inhabitants was “falling down” one by one. To avoid this fatality, Aion had to destroy his own SOUL before it consumed by itself, letting him “fall down” too to die. It also erased him from the existence of every timeline and worldline possible, separating his Fate from the Fate of his world. Also, everyone would have forgot him, like he never existed. They wouldn’t even see him, as it was like if he was non-existent. He lost his ability to feel, and his memories. When he woke up, his world was just gone.
The first person he met in the multiverse was Error, who obviously tried to erase him from existence. But he couldn’t do what was already done in a certain way, so he simply tried to kill him. But Aion abilities made his magic useless, so Error gave up, upset. But the fight exhausted Aion and drained all his magic which couldn’t re-new.
Ink found him after a time, inconscious. He was interested by his story which looked similar to his own. For this only reason, he helped Aion to leanr many things like his abilities, how the multiverse worked, and the role he should have. Only because Ink was curious and fascinated.
Fresh was the third person Aion met, but they didn’t talked for a long time. But Aion has a better feeling with Fresh, because he is more similar to him than Ink is.
He also met Lust and found him particularly interesting, but I’ll keep this story for later~
Abilities :
- Two swords swordsmen. His swords are clockwise. The minute-hand, Kairos, can “slash time”. The hour-hand, Chronos, can “block time”. The second-hand, Aion, is not a weapon but a tool which allows him to “rewrite time”. He can change the past, the future and even the Fate of a person or a timeline. But as he is neutral and is not able to care about people, he just uses it to restore damaged timelines. He also doesn’t sees the point in fighting, especially with Error. So he never fights seriously.
- He can see Past, and all Futures possible of any living creatures thanks to the red belt around his coat. The problem is he can’t predict which future can occur. The only future he can see with perfection are only the next few seconds or minutes. He also oftenly confuses Past and Future with the Present time he is actually in, so he can say very confusing things to people.
- He is also aware of every alternate realities that exists thanks to Creators. So he knows about Sanscest, Fontcest, ship childs, and even fusions like AccidentVerse. But he can’t access them. He can just have a glimpse during his “dreaming sessions”.
- As a SOULLESS being, he can’t dream. He actually sees Past, Futures and Alternate Realities during his sleeps. It just confuses him a lot because he can’t distinguish what’s real or which “time” it corresponds to.
- He can feel. He actually knows two spells.
- “Chrono Stasis” allows him to “kill the time”. Basically, he can stop time. But he can do it only on living beings. Not on an entire timeline. That kinda useful in fights !
- “Chrono Anastasis” is the reversed spell, which means “Resurrection of Time”. This spell allows him to do a lot of things like healing people or cancel magic attacks, but it especially allows him to “steal and consume time” of living beings or timelines to “go back in time” for himself, bringing him back the feelings he had when he still had a SOUL. But the thing is that he’ll remain soulless, so he doesn’t know HOW to feel. Nor when, nor why. It’s just kinda confusing to him.
- This spell also allows him to re-new his lost magic. It’s the only way for him to use magic.
- This spell basically converts the time of other living things to Aion’s own benefit. But it has its risks. Each universe and person has its own resistance. Its own limit of time before being destroyed. If Aion passes this limit of time for a timeline, it will shatter and disappear like it didn’t existed. That’s why each time he enters a universe or see someone he want to use “Chrono Anastasis” on, his internal clock (located in his left eye) tells him how much time he can use it.
- If for example he uses “Chrono Anastasis” during 6 hours on a timeline, he will hace to restore those 6 hours to the timeline, losing his ability to feel and re-new his magic, and he will have to wait 6 hours before using it again, repeating the cycle. Everything’s proportional !
- His internal clock indicates him what time it is in each AU he enters, as notion of time is messed up in the multiverse.
Trivia :
- If he is too much disturbed and loses his focus, he will lose track of time and his internal clock won’t be able to update again. That’s why to prevent that, he also thinks to put his watches on the right hour. But if he forgot, and lost track of time, he will have a huge panic attack.
- When he looses track of time, his left eye will show a red hourglass instead of a green clock.
- When he is thinking, the hourglass will also show up !
- The color of the clock / hourglass depends on his “emotions”. Green if he feels okay, red if he doesn’t.
- He has a huge phobia of not being able to know the time and measure it. So he basically hates voids because time doesn’t exist there, so his internal clock can’t do anything for him.
- When he doesn’t feel, he quickly loses track of time in an AU as he is not able to “feel the time” anymore. So he will rely on his watches. If he forgot to put them on the right hour, he will just stay immobile until he compketely blacks-out, like a broken clock.
- He hates to wait.
- He hates wastes of time.
- He has also a huge phobia of “being inexistant”, or just not living. That’s why he entertains himself in any ways possible to feel alive. That’s why he feels so alike with Fresh.
- He met many people, outcodes like Paper Crane, and even Template and Pale. He likes Pale a lot while he can’t understand Template.
- He really likes most of the Floweys.
- He developped sadistic tendancies, so he will purposely say scary things to people just to see how they will react.
- Or mainly because he can’t realize when he does something bad. Heh. He can’t feel. That’s pretty hard for him to figure this out, or understand others or even feel empathy for them !
- He can purposely act annoying. Just for fun. He is the kind of guy to SLUUUURP intensely what he is drinking right next to somebody just to watch they reaction. Cuz dat’s funny lol.
- He finds Lust very fascinating. Because he doesn’t understand him and is curious. And because WOW. “HIS DIFFERENT PASTS, FUTURES AND EVEN SELFS IN ALTERNATE REALITIES ARE COMPLETELY WACC ! GOOD JOB CREATORS !”
- Laughs at everything.
- Doesn’t understand metaphors. And many things about people.
- Tells time-related puns. Of course.
- His favorite food are niku-pan. Also called bobuns (I believe ?) You know ? Those soft breads with meat inside ? Delicious~ “He could kill for it~”
- He enjoys to do scary smiles like Flowey, just to scare people. That’s funny too.
- When he feels, his emotions are very random unlike Ink. This spell is based on his Memories. And the freshest and most traumatizing memory he has is the feeling of terror and despair he felt as the idea of dying while seeing his own world shatter.
- So yes. When he feels, he is very anguished. Most of the time. That why he does anything to feel better and amused.
- He anguishes a lot when someone points out his bad or inappropriate behaviors whereas he can’t even understand what he did wrong. Then he will feel frustrated of not being able to understand.
- He can’t give a proper definition to feelings. He knows what are basic emotions such as joy, sadness, anger or fear. But that’s all. He doesn’t even know what Disgust or Disappointment are.
- He acts like a jerk without knowing it. And when he knows, he doesn’t care. He is Neutral !
- When he doesn’t feel, he can feel fear in very critical or dangerous moments, because our brains are programmed to create a reaction similar to this feeling that doesn’t depend on SOULs. Like with Flowey. That’s called “Survival Instinct”. Something very present within Aion.
- Aion is the metaphysical time. The time we can’t measure, such as generations, age, fate, ETERNITY. This is one of the three types of time with Chronos and Kairos.
- No one knows if he can use magic in the same way as other Sanses, like bones or Gaster Blasters. Even him. He haven’t found yet any memory about magic from his world.
- “To find the Time, we need a lot of Patience, and Perseverance !”
“Well, see you in the comic, Creators !”
————– Aion!Sans and Aiontale by me Art by me
(Click for better resolution !)
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scatterpatter · 4 years
[ROUGH DRAFT] Corren’s Backstory
Okay so i REALLLY stress the “rough draft” part because I need to run this by my dm and he’ll probably need me to make changes, but this is the general idea so far- granted its worded for him and the group who know the story already rather than for like a new player, so sorry if a lot of things are out of context XD
Content Warnings: Death, emotional and physical abuse, violence, depression
Life for Corren was pretty par for the course for a Marelienth child. He lived with his father, mother, and 2 older siblings in a somewhat large town known as Warrencrest. Warrencrest was a town nestled in the Thistlepoint mountain range- a range named for the thistle-bearing plants that lined the edges of the trails. Many adventurers traveling through the mountain range wouldn’t take the trail through Warrencrest, so the city did not see many travelers. Of course travelers and adventurers weren’t rare, but the town was mostly made of Marelienth residents.
Growing up, Corren was the youngest of three siblings- his brother Julian being the middle child and his sister Mila being the eldest of the bunch. Mila and Julian were very close in age, though Corren was considerably younger. Despite this, they were as close as siblings could be- even building a tree house on their property. Most in his town practiced spellcasting in one way or another- and that followed to his family. Julian was a necromancer, and Mila was an Evoker. Due to a lack of visitors and adventurers, there were often all sorts of jobs and mini-quests posted for townsfolk to take to earn some extra cash.
Julian and Mila were definitely the adventuring types, always taking jobs to help provide for the family when not working their usual jobs. They loved every minute of it, and they’d do it full-time if they didn’t have a family to help provide for. Corren was far too young to accompany them, since many quests involved either fighting enemies and monsters or some other form of treachery, but they let him tag along on more tame quests such as deliveries or escorts. They were both so kind and happy to have him tag along, and he wanted to be just like them when he grows up.
… But things couldn’t be perfect forever. When Corren was about the Marelienth equivalent of a pre-teen, Mila got sick. It didn’t seem serious at first, but her condition slowly began to deteriorate. No one knew exactly what this illness was nor where she contracted it, but many believe she contracted it on one of her adventures with Julian. Healers in Warrencrest did whatever they could to help save her, but for whatever reason, they couldn’t. She died in their home.
Julian and Corren were understandably devastated upon losing their big sister, and neither really knew how to cope. The day she died, they spent the entire afternoon in their treehouse, just hugging each other close and not saying a word, crying in each other’s arms. … Though, Julian was a grief-stricken young adult with a focus in necromancy. That never ends well. That night, while everyone else was sleeping, Julian snuck to where they kept Mila’s body… and attempted to use his magic to resurrect her. One cannot truly resurrect a corpse unless they are level 20, and Julian was far from 20, but that didn’t stop him.
Corren woke to the sound of screaming, rushed over to where the noise had come from- only to find his sister’s corpse, still fresh and beginning to rot… attacking his brother. Mila was not herself anymore, she was a mindless undead creature with the mind of a cornered animal. Corren watched in horror as his parents rushed over to help Julian and ultimately kill the creature that was once Mila. Being only one undead creature, the battle itself wasn’t hard, but it looked too much like Mila for anyone to willingly bring more harm than necessary to it. The battle quickly ended and she was laid to rest a final time.
This was the last straw for their parents, though. They chewed Julian out for being so reckless and for essentially desecrating their daughter’s corpse. As things escalated they eventually kicked Julian out of their home forever, unofficially banishing him from the town. Corren attempted to protest, but no one listened to him. As they were throwing him out, Julian caught one last look at his little brother and shouted “We’ll meet again, this isn’t goodbye forever!” and, as a physical reminder of this promise, threw a pendant to Corren. The pendant was nothing special- a simple amethyst wrapped with copper wiring on a chain, but Julian would always wear it, and now it belonged to Corren.
To this day, they still haven’t found each other. Julian could be long dead for all Corren knows. He has no leads on where his brother could have possibly ended up.
The next few years were the hardest. Being the Marelienth equivalent of a teenager, he now had to truly focus on studying and magic, and his parents became extremely strict with him now that he was the only child of theirs that wasn’t dead or disowned. They forbade him from any questing, as they believe that’s what killed Mila, but they also forbade anything to do with necromancy, as that’s what Julian specialized in and they didn’t want Corren to turn into someone like that. They pressured him into various “safe” schools of magic, to which Corren eventually decided on Chrono-Busting.
Over the years, the tree that their childhood treehouse rested upon grew old and began to rot, and one storm brought winds high enough that made the tree topple altogether. The treehouse was ruined and unsalvageable, and as Corren stared at the wreckage that once brought him so much joy, he felt that last pit of childhood innocence fade from his soul. He kept to his studies, completely absorbing himself in books to try and distract himself from the vast emptiness he felt inside himself. As he learned how to properly cast Rope Trick, he found the room he was brought to could be molded to look like anything he wanted… … Of course, it was that tree house. It was still empty and depressing without his siblings, but at least it gave him good memories to cling to.
 … Though, he still kept the small amethyst pendant that Julian gave him. He simply couldn’t hate his brother, no matter how much his parents tried to convince him of how awful his brother was. He still looked up to Julian and still aspired to be like him… maybe without the whole “messing up in trying to revive their dead sister” part. He couldn’t help himself, as he started to study necromancy on the side, learning a few spells in that field. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but… he simply couldn’t help himself. 
One night, however, his father caught him practicing his necromancy, and things quickly went south. Corren admittedly doesn’t remember much about what happened that night, it was a blur. All he remembers is there was a lot of yelling- mainly from his father- him trying to explain himself, his father grabbed something from the desk, a sudden movement- and next thing he knew, Corren was on the floor, a dull throbbing in his head as he only saw red from his right eye. Time felt like it slowed down from there- he wasn’t sure if it was from the adrenaline or the fact that he was studying how to manipulate time itself, but it was just enough to act before he got hurt any worse. He didn’t mean to cast a magic missile… it just… happened. To be honest, to this day he’s unsure if he killed his father or simply wounded him, because once he hurt his own parent he knew there was no going back. Panicking, he took the amethyst necklace, a cloak to shield him from the elements, and ran.
He knew he wouldn’t survive a winter in the Thistlepoint range without a proper shelter, so his first order of business was to get away from the mountains and flee to a town with a more temperate climate. As he was crossing one river, he spotted his reflection in the water and realized why his vision in his right eye had gone wonky: whatever he got hit with was sharp, and left a good scar across his eye. Great, now he looks like a criminal too. But it was something he’d have to live with. His vision returned to normal within a few weeks which was good, though of course he still needed glasses. 
The next few years he just spent on the run, hopping from town to town. He never stayed in one place too long, as he didn’t want to raise any suspicion and for people to find out he was a runaway from a town he could potentially be wanted in. He absolutely hated this life, he hated feeling like a criminal, he hated how afraid he was to be found out and forced back home, he hated how he barely scraped by… and he hated being alone. He missed Mila. He missed Julian. … At least his scar slowly healed over the years, to the point where most don’t notice. At least he didn’t look like a criminal anymore.
One day, going between towns, he ran into the city of Lilenthemar. The story he told the residents there was that he was some kind of refugee from the Crescenfall area. Luckily they seemed to trust him and his story enough to allow him to stay a while, so that became his temporary home. … One day, though, he ran into an interesting fellow by the name of Jethro Mosen. He doesn’t even remember how they began talking, especially since Corren was far from the social type. Yet- something just clicked. He found himself conversing with this man, avoiding as much about his own story as he could but rather focusing on who he currently was. Though, Jethro seemed to have picked up on something, and began asking more… intellectual questions. It felt as though he was being quizzed… but Corren didn’t study magic and history for years for nothing, so he answered everything with ease. 
Then… Jethro smiled. No one had smiled at him like that since he was a child. Before he could question it, Jethro offered to hire him as a historian for the Mosen household. Corren couldn’t believe what he was hearing. To be offered a job and a place to stay- and to offer that to a stranger? There had to be some kind of catch, right? Jethro explained that whatever his story was, he was clearly qualified. Maybe it was obvious that Corren was currently homeless and jobless, to be offered a position on the spot, but… how could he say no?
And that’s what lead him to live in Lilenthemar as he aged into adulthood. He had a job that paid for food, a shelter to keep him warm, a place far from Warrencrest… And most importantly, he had Jethro. Someone who took him in and cared for him, seeming not to care about who he used to be but rather who he is now, and was so much more than an employer, he was a friend. He was even the only person that Corren had ever told his true backstory to, and despite being a runaway criminal, Jethro was so understanding and non-judgemental to his situation. Some may think that his feelings towards his employer are romantic, and honestly Corren himself doesn’t really know what he feels for Jethro… but all he knows is that for the first time in many years, he didn’t feel completely empty anymore.
The next few years he remembered what it was like to feel happy. He grew his magical skills, still mostly chrono-based but with his typical dash of necromancy. He learned to handle firearms to defend himself if magic couldn’t suffice. He began a collection of books that quickly grew into full library now that he didn’t have to be on the run with minimal possessions anymore. He even wrote a few books based on his studies, mainly focusing on the Menoa tree. He spent much of his time studying the magical properties of this place, albeit a bit frustrated that he couldn’t ever seem to activate these supposed magical properties. He kept the amethyst pendant all these years and almost never took it off, though he usually wears it underneath his clothing to protect it, so it’s rare for anyone to actually see it. He spent much of his time with Jethro, offering to help out with chores or housekeeping whenever not doing his usual historian tasks. He would find just about any excuse to have bonding time with the other, but why wouldn’t he? He may not have been this exciting adventurer that he wanted to be when he was a child… but he had a stable life that treated him well, which is more than what most of his adolescence offered.
But then… he met the F.U.C.K.s, as Jericho was Jethro’s son and the crew needed escort to the Menoa tree. Corren was more than willing to help someone of the Mosen family, so he didn’t mind giving them escort at all. Though… they quickly revealed themselves to be so much more than a typical group of adventurers. The Menoa tree immediately reacted to their presence, putting them through a series of trials before bestowing a magical weapon to Jericho. And yet… they hardly reacted, as if this was normal to them. Corren… admittedly had a meltdown in front of them, he’ll admit it, yet he just couldn’t wrap his head around who the hell these people were! Who just shows up, activates a magical tree, accepts a magical object from said tree, then turns around and leaves like that isn’t a huge deal?! Yeah, no, that was enough excitement for him. He escorted them back and told them how to get to their next destination… then he took a goddamn nap. He was so done with that crazy shit.
… Yet, he couldn’t quite forget them as easily as he wanted to. There was something so familiar about them… and then it clicked. They were just like Julian. Loud, dorky, rushing head-first into adventure, and not questioning how crazy life was for them. He nearly forgot what living life as an adventurer could be like, since that was something he gave up in favor of a stable life. He did whatever he could to distract himself from these thoughts, yet they never failed to creep back.
One day, while with Jethro, they both received the news that Jericho and company were going to war. Not just any war, the war against the Scabbards- Corren was lucky enough to have never run into them before, but he heard the stories over what they were capable of. They both knew this wasn’t going to be an easily-won war, and many would die in its wake. Jethro was worried about his son, and could Corren blame him? They weren’t fighters, though, so all they could do was sit back and wait for news- good or bad. … Unless?
To this day he didn’t know what came over him, but Corren offered to go and assist Jericho, doing whatever he can to keep him and his party alive. He came up with every excuse to go: he was a historian and wanted to witness this historical event, he was a skilled spellcaster who could help the party when need be, he had a sniper rifle and pistol to use when not using magic, so on and so forth. Something was pushing him to join and help… and he had a feeling Jethro could see that, considering how willingly he allowed Corren to go.
And that’s how he rushed to the city of Joshua as fast as he could. Admittedly, he was pretty late in the game, considering how the walls came down and just how many either evacuated or lied dead on the ground. But he knew who he was here for, and he was determined to catch up to them… of course he tripped the moment they saw him. Of course. But he was relieved to see that everyone in the party was still alive. It took some convincing, but they let him tag along and offer whatever help he could.
This had to be the worst place to begin adventuring- right near the climax of a brutal war? Well, things were never easy for Corren, so he gladly took on the challenge. Maybe it was rude to feel so exhilarated when so many were dying around him, but hey, he’s part-necromancer, death is far from foreign to him. But what made his heart race more than anything was the party he was with. They were brave and strong, inspiring and kind, even if annoying and confusing at times- they were just like Julian. In every action they took, in every enemy they slain, he saw his brother. He saw his brother in each and every one of them. He’d never admit it, but he was quickly growing endeared to them- he didn’t really know what he was doing, but he knew that it was right. 
All he has to do is try and prevent these dorks from getting killed.
No pressure or anything.
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killscreencinema · 4 years
Trials of Mana (Super Famicom)
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Although I was never the biggest Secret of Mana fan, it was the game that ignited the spark of love I’d go on to have for JRPGs... you know, until they got kinda dumb.  Maybe they were always dumb, and I just outgrew them, but I refuse to believe that when games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Xenogears, and Final Fantasy Tactics exist.  I realize the latter game isn’t a “J-RPG” in the strictest sense of the word, but I think it counts.
Anywhoozles, even though I moved on from Secret of Mana pretty rapidly after getting a taste of the Final Fantasy franchise, I held enough affection for the series to be excited for rumors of a sequel possibly being released.  Those rumors were quickly squashed when it was revealed that the sequel, Trials of Mana (also known as Seiken de Setsu 3) would only be released in Japan.  We would later find out the reason for this was Squaresoft somewhat accurately surmised that American audiences were too stupid for their games, and because of that rational we also missed out on great SNES games like Live A Live, two Front Mission games, and Bahamut Lagoon.
Oh the many times I’d see screenshots of these mysterious games in magazines and lament on how unfair it was that we would be denied these games because, yes, most of the gaming audience in America at the time was too stupid.  Now “Secret of Mana 2″ as I’d refer to it for many years was next on that list of forbidden games.
Then emulators became a thing and, shortly thereafter, fan translated ports of those lost gems.  I never really dived into them, as I have a strange distrust of fan translations, but I finally got a chance to play an official port of Trials of Mana thanks to the Collections of Mana release for Switch.
So was it worth the wait?
Let’s get something straight right off the bat - Trials of Mana is a superior game in so many ways to its predecessor.  The sprite animation and character design is superb!  The graphics in general squeeze every bit of potential the SNES has to offer and then some.  The gameplay is much, MUCH tighter, with A.I. partners that aren’t complete buffoons and much more solid combat.  If anything, my only complaint is the combat is so fast and frenetic, it’s difficult to keep pace with what’s happening before your character is suddenly on the verge of death! 
I will say the soundtrack is a MAJOR step down from Secret of Mana.  Trials has some nice tunes, but none of which that touch the memorable auditory experience that is SoM’s soundtrack.  Fight me on this!  You know I’m right!
Another issue with Trials is the menu system is so clunky and tedious.  While it took some getting used to, I grew to actually rather like the ring menu in SoM.  It never completely takes you out of the game like the menu in Trials.  It doesn’t help that there seem to be lag issues with the menu too - yeah, LAG issues in a SNES game.  I thought that was weird too.  It takes several seconds for the menu to pop up and several seconds to load each sub menu.  It might seem minor but it begins to grind one’s patience, especially when you’re fresh from using the ring menu system in SoM like I was.
The story in Trials of Mana is much more complex (though that isn’t to say it’s good - in fact, it’s very convoluted), with several threads you can follow depending on which characters you select to be in your main party at the beginning.  The lead character will determine the “main story”, as well as who the final boss will be.  My party consisted of Duran as the lead, as he seems to be the main hero of the game; Hawkeye, because I need someone who is a more balanced fighter in contrast to Duran’s function as a tank; and Charlotte as my designated healer. 
I really enjoyed much of the game, but it eventually begins to drag, as the level grinding becomes incredibly tedious.  As the game progresses, you are given two opportunities to change Class, but you have to have reached a certain level first.  It is INCREDIBLY important that you change class as the earliest opportunity too, as the game’s difficulty becomes very steep from this point and changing class is the only way to level the playing field more.  The problem is the game doesn’t really give you enough experience points organically, as you play through the story, for you to reach the appropriate level for class change, forcing you to do one of two things: 1.) tough it out and endure the agonizing difficulty until you level up naturally, by which point it will be too late and the game will have moved on where you’d need to make the second class change to be on par with the enemies or 2.) spend time laboriously level grinding until you reach the level. 
Like I said before, I would advise changing class as soon as possible, so opt for the second strategy, as boring and monotonous as it is. 
There are many times the game’s momentum kind of grinds to a halt, not only because of level grinding, but by virtue of how the game was designed.  There comes a point towards the latter half of the game where 8 demi-gods escape from the Mana Sanctuary and spread throughout the world.  Your objective from that point forward is to hunt these bosses down and take them out.  Mercifully, the game marks their location on the map, although curiously the marks don’t go away once you beat the boss, causing me a lot of confusion as to whether or not I missed something. 
At this point of the game, I got kind of bored and frustrated.  For one, it is at this point it’s prudent to change class for the second time once you reach level 38, but I had just FINALLY class changed at level 18.  So.. I was a long ways off and these bosses are no joke.  So it took a lot of time and persistence before I finally started knocking these bosses off and beat the game, but damned if I wasn’t tempted to just quit.  It was sort of similar to how, in my playthrough of Secret of Mana, I got all the way to the final boss only to find out that you MUST level up the tree spirit enough to use Mana Sword or you’re fucked.  In that case, I bit the bullet, level grinded my tree spirit, and other spells just to be safe, went through the final dungeon again, and beat the final boss first try. 
I’m happy to say that by the time I reached the final boss in Trials of Mana, I beat him first time out too, because by then I was a goddamn hardened Mana warrior, but it wasn’t a very fun journey and not as satisfying as other games where “getting gud” is key to success. 
I realize that since American gamers have been able to play Trials of Mana, even before it’s official port and current remake, it has garnered almost universal praise and I understand why they would feel that way.  Despite its flaws, it is a great game and it’s a damn shame we didn’t get to experience it during the SNES’s golden age of RPGs.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 1, crossfire (vector && rubiksi)
this one didn’t go as well as it should because originally i was going to write it as a 10k word chapter for all nine months, but i didn’t happen so i guess we’re gonna wait again for the writing fairy to whack me over the head again.
anyways psa i love mr bug man and you should too.
written: 9.20.19. word count: 2,419.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song: crossfire, stephen.
character file: khelan hyllus & vector hyllus.
1 month.
rubi-no, khelan now, isn't sure what to think anymore, as she stares out the window of her apartment. all she wants to do is lie down and cry, and she's not sure what's causing it anymore. after all these years, all her tears should be dried up now. they should be, but for some reason it seems like every day a new situation arises, and she isn't emotionally ready to deal with it. picking up the holophoto on her night stand, she tries not to cry as she analyzes the photo taken on their wedding day. the way she'd faked a smile in a white dress and vector in a diplomatic uniform until she could return to the phantom to be alone for a while with her emotions. it should've been a happy day.
but it wasn't. why couldn't she just be happy for once? and stop thinking about marring the skin beneath her sweater sleeves, about finally leaving this world for good? possibly it's because of the pale lines that still dot her wrists, and the fact that the ring on her finger feels heavy with pity everytime she slips it on.
"khelan?" a voice startles her from her thoughts as she places it back gently next to the chrono, where it always sits.
"yes, vector?" she asks, turning from the window as the joiner enters the bedroom. he's dressed down today, and he smells of sweets. the man had taken up baking since they'd moved in together, saying something about finally being able to please her properly with his cooking. it's delectable, as is to be expected. (he spent months learning from two-vee in secret before presenting her with an exquisite cake for her birthday. possibly the hive has been giving him recipes, and though she knows they can't read minds, he always seems to know what she has a taste for) "is there something wrong?"
"you didn't come to eat dinner." he responds, curiously cocking his head, as a child would. his dark hair plays peek-a-boo with his pupiless eyes, and she offers him a smile as he brushes it out of his vision, coming to stand next to her by the floor-length window, the cool sky reflecting onto his pale skin, "we were worried."
"i'm just fine, vector. do not worry yourself with the likes of me." she responds, inhaling his scent as he moves to put his arms around her. there's a significant between the joiner and prior agent, but she feels safe as she buries her head in his chest. safety isn't ever guranteed for her, and she's glad that she took the leap of faith to finally say yes to him. he was never persistent, he gave her the space she needed to recuperate from the life she'd once lived. he leans his head against the top of hers, and she closes her eyes to relax for just a moment. he smells of the rain, but also of the forest and a sharp smell of something spicy she just can not name. she wouldn't trade her husband for the world. "i will come to eat in a bit."
"if you are not hungry, we can put away the food for another time, ru..khelan." he corrects himself as she frowns, pulling her hair back into a low ponytail at the base of her neck. he's not used to her new alias either, and it's as if he can sense it bothers her. her aura must be out of whack again as a questioning look covers his features (she'd never understand how vector saw her, though he'd tried to explain it a few times with little success). "we are sorry if we've troubled you. which do you prefer?"
she considers for a moment before following him out of their bedroom. "i wish i did not have a name at times like these, vector. it makes everything so much more difficult. i don't even have my own identity that wasn't cultivated by intelligence."
he simply listens as she walks into the kitchen, pacing back and forth as the thoughts fly through her mind at breakneck speed. she's never been more grateful for him as she thinks to herself, and he simply continues to prepare dinner alongside her. it isn't until they've sat down across from each other that she responds to his question, "the ensign once told me on my official records, my name is ana'la. would you like to call me that, vector?"
"we would be happy to call you whatever you prefer, ana'la. names are not everything." he says, picking up his own cutlery as he tries to comfort her, "all that matters, is that we love each other."
she seems surprised for just a moment before looking down at her own plate with a certain satisfaction in her eyes. "thank you, vector."
"we are happy to be with you, ana'la." he responds, though instead of indirectly looking at her (as he typically does), he finds that her aura is rather odd. it's color remains the same, an indistinct grey tinged with red and pink, as it typically is when they spend time together, but something is making it white. he won't prod into how she's feeling at the moment, but he is curious. what has his wife feeling such a way?
month 3.
khelen didn't tend to ever eat much as it was, but this was getting a bit ridiculous, even for her. the odd way how she couldn't ever hold anything down, even her most favorite delicacies from vector. water was the only thing that would stay down, and she was beginning to have an aversion to even the most pleasant smells.
she was concerned she was going mad. maybe the workaholic lifestyle and done something unspeakable to her, and now she was feeling the after effects? she tried to keep a myriad of other other fragrances about the apartment to keep the feeling of retching out of her mind. it proved difficult, and she eventually threw quite a few away after realizing that vector's enhanced senses were most likely going absolutely bonkers with the strong smells. it seemed the smell of the constant kaasian rain was the only thing that would soothe her, and so that lead to the couple's apartment windows being open a portion of the time.
to say the least, it was still annoying to be so absolutely sick that she didn't want to continue getting out of bed half the time. she was considering holoing lokin at this point, and she rarely if ever contacted her old crew, vector excepted. kaliyo was somewhere in the underbellies of dromound kaas after she dropped out of contact, temple returned to serving the ascendancy and the empire, SCORPIO could be doing something highly illegal, and lokin was always going back and forth between morally questionable medical conferences. she always kept tabs on them, even if it didn't benefit her directly. she still cared about their well-being, even if they didn't.
but being bed-ridden didn't fancy her. at all. the nightmares plagued her, being controlled by watcher x again and again, by the sis. keeping busy, even working on the side for intelligence is what kept her mostly sane. her obvious health issues kept her out of the field for a long while, but once this spell passed, she'd try and begin working in diplomatic services with vector. maybe they wouldn't see each other as much anymore, but it was better than being home alone.
wrapped up in one of vector's jackets, she usually sleeps or reads until he returns home. her current holonovel was just wrapping up, so she'd have to go and buy another soon. with nothing better to do, she might as well train her mind in puzzles and literature while in this state. she'd been slacking lately, and there was no way intelligence would take her back without the required skills.
the door opens just as she's sitting up from her perch on the bed, brushing her hair back as she tries to keep her meager breakfast down. vector must've been back early today. padding out the bedroom, she finds him just taking off his overcoat and hanging it on one of the nobs near the door. she offers him a smile, and he returns it. "you're back early, vector. is something wrong?"
"there is nothing wrong, ana'la." he responds softly, a kiss pressed to her forehead as he puts down his bad. "we were let go early today. we wished to see you again, we were concerned you were ill."
"i'll be fine, vector." she responds, trying to choke back the bile building up in her throat again as she covers her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt. "i've been sick before, and survived worse."
he doesn't respond, but frowns in disbelief. khelan would know this, after knowing him for so long. he often doesn't try to hide his facial features and the emotions tied to them, and she knows good and well he doesn't believe her. "i've been resting lately, if that makes you feel any better." she says, trying to comfort him. speaking isn't helping either, and the feverish feeling she gets before inevitably tossing her last meal is beginning to creep back into her system. "it's most likely just a harmless virus."
"your aura is...different." vector makes note, and she figures he isn't looking directly at her anymore. what does it typically look like? she'd never understood how her husband saw her through his lens, and she wondered if there was some sort of chart she could find somewhere on joiner's and their auras.
"i'm sure it is, doesn't sickness affect it as well?" khelan tilts her head just a bit, and brushes the hair out of her face as he seems to contemplate it, pacing into the kitchen. is he upset? sometimes he bakes when he's feeling upset (she wouldn't exactly complain, they were still very good, but it does concern her when he does). "vector, talk to me. is there something wrong?"
"your aura is, special. we are unsure of why." he says pointedly. "white represents that of purity, and childish natures. we don't believe you radiate much of either."
she decides not to comment here, as he most likely has more to say, "we don't wish to worry you or plant the seeds of doubt in your mind, ana'la."
"do you believe there is something wrong, vector? do you believe that's why i feel ill?" khelan still isn't catching onto what he's saying, or if he's trying to imply something to her. he continues to pace into the living room as she hurries to follow him before he pauses abruptly, "whatever it is, i'm sure we can face it together." she whispers, though she isn't sure this is that's the best answer. what if she's dying? what if her life is ending, and there's nothing they can do to stop it?
he seems unsure of himself before finally turning fully to her, "we've only seen this aura a few times in our life. but, we believe you are with child, ana'la."
something stops functioning properly as she tries to soak in what he's admitting to assuming. child? as in, she'd be a mother in a few, short months should she allow it to continue? how? and when? they had always been careful, and rarely if ever made love to each other as it was. how did this happen? why?
could she be a mother? a functional one at least? visions of the fire blare through her mind, as her adoptive father yanked her older brother away and her older sister tried to protect her the best she could from the dangerous situation. would her child end up in such a situation, khelan unable to protect them from something lethal?
"this is all speculation, ana'la." he breaks her train of thought to tilt her head upwards from where she'd been staring at her hands. "it could be nothing, for all we know. do not panic yourself over the unknown."
it would explain the sudden onset of these horrid symptoms for the last two moments. the vomiting, the unexplainable aversion to her favorite foods. she'd heard about it a few times around the agents she'd met that were now off the field and happy with children, but had never expected it would happen to her. she and vector had never spoken at length about it, ever. it was just a subject that never fascinated her to any end, and so it didn't matter.
or she could be dying. that's a possibility too. one she'd rather not think about at that moment, though it itches at the back of her mind. "possibly you're right, vector."
"do you believe so?" he asks, his face still contorted into that of concern and confusion. "we would believe you would be the first to deny such a thing."
"it makes sense, to say the least." she responds, wringing her hands out as the thunder crashes over her words and thoughts, "this may not be our most ideal situation."
"maybe not." he answers, still seeming uneasy. "at least your child will still grow up here instead of a battleground. they will have a loving mother, and pick up your own admirable traits." she turns an eyebrow up as he continues on, "intelligent, clever, compassionate. beautiful. we have high hopes for your child, ana'la."
"i...yes. thank you vector." he seems satisfied with her answer, and presses a kiss to her forehead to reassure her, her cheeks heated as he makes the observation. still after all these years, he's still able to stun her with his way with words.
she pauses to think for just a moment, before responding with what was on her mind while he spoke, "it seems you forget i've never been with another man though. this is your child, as much as they are mine."
he smiles for once in the entire encounter, and surprises her by picking up around the waist. she holds back a shriek as he smiles, as her own legs latch around his waist to keep from falling. "we do not believe you understand how happy that makes us, ana'la."
"i can make some guesses." she responds, managing a grin for her husband as he kisses her softly in the light of fading day outside.
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dramioneasks · 5 years
Fics like Reverse by Lady Moonglow, where everything is different. And the situation is hopeless, but the way it's written you see that there's hope. And there's so much new / different in the world that it's refreshing to read?
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- Lisa
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drwnng-ophelia · 5 years
I’ll Come Back For You | Michael Langdon x Reader
   Chapter 5
Find the first four chapters on my masterlist! ♥️
Pairing: Michael Langdon / Female Reader
Genre/Warnings: Rated M for smut (series)
Summary: Not even your wildest imagination, your impossible dreamscapes, could have prepared you for finding your savior in the man who was none other but the spawn of Satan. Michael Langdon. [this is based on a prompt where the reader, ultimately, will go back in time to fight Mallory and to save Michael]
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 Scene 1 Your clicking heels and the whispering skirt of your dress were the only sounds as you wandered through the cavernous hallways. Michael had asked you to change for the imminent journey to the Sanctuary and you had followed his wish although you knew that you would never leave. Cordelia was terribly close, her proximity making your power tingle in anticipation. Everything would culminate soon. Too soon maybe.
As a pleasant surprise, you had a found a stunning black gown waiting for you on your bed. Its v-shaped neckline allowed a tasteful show of cleavage and from the waist down the skirt flared out in a subtle a-line, ending in a small train. Crafted from sheer silk georgette, it was adorned with rows and rows of pearls and crystals, their placement tactical and narrow enough to ensure that certain places of your body wouldn’t be exposed. As you had adjusted the long sleeves, you turned in front of the mirror. You looked as if you were wrapped in the night sky; you looked like a queen. His queen.
Outpost 3 was eerily quiet now that almost everyone was dead. This place had suddenly changed from being a shelter to becoming a tomb; if only for a few of its inhabitants. You tried to fight the tightness in your chest, telling yourself that you would right all of this when your moment had come. You sent a silent prayer to your mother, asking her for guidance.
Suddenly, your thoughts and the chilling calmness were disrupted by the sound of a gunshot. A voice inside your head whispered that nothing had happened to Michael and, yet, you hurried to his room, heart hammering in your chest as you finally pushed open the door.
You were still catching your breath, your anxiety only subsiding slightly, as you saw Miss Venable lying on the floor, a pool of crimson slowly creeping out from beneath her body. When your eyes slid to Michael, you saw him take a satisfied breath, a smirk tugging at the corner of his delicious lips. Miss Mead had shot her mistress, her mechanical hand shaking as it was still clutching the gun, the movement and the panic in her eyes so much like a human’s. Quiet, you stood in the doorway, allowing Michael to explain himself, to activate some memory in Miss Mead’s system so that she realized her true function. To serve him, to be with him.
The robot was still coming to terms with its reality, when Michael finally shifted his focus to you, “You look stunning. Tonight, you’re a full-fledged goddess, my dear.” Usually, his compliment would trigger a blush blossoming over your cheeks, but all you could do was give him a weak smile. His brow furrowed, confused by your lack of reaction, “What is it?” But you didn’t have to tell him. He could feel them just as clearly as you could. “A powerful presence,” he noted, his voice coated with ice…and fear. “I thought everyone was dead?” Miss Mead looked between you, confused. “Not anymore.” Michael held out his hand, a silent request for you to follow him.
Power stirred within you when your fingers interlaced with his. You would face the Supreme with him, standing by his side. Ultimately, you were as different as Michael. Cordelia wasn’t your leader, could never be your leader. There was no point in pretending that you would side with her in this fight.
Faint voices traveled through the hall, telling you that Mallory, Coco, and Dinah had been brought back to life — and that their identity spell had been lifted. You could practically feel Mallory’s magic awakening as it started to settle back into every fiber of her body, stretching and yawning after having slumbered for too long. “They are weaker than me,” you muttered as you finally destroyed the adamant walls within you, giving your power free reign for the first time. It flooded you with such violent force that you had to pause for a moment. You braced yourself against the wall, the cold stone biting into your palms as you tried to steady yourself with a few deep breaths, stars dancing before your eyes.
“What did you just say?” Michael checked and slid an arm around your waist to support you. A fire burned in his eyes, revealing that he had heard your words, he just needed you to confirm them. Together you could wipe out the witches with a simple snap of your fingers. It was what he wanted from you, had maybe wanted ever since he had sensed your power for the first time. But it wasn’t your purpose. It wasn’t part of the plan.
“I need a moment.” It wasn’t a lie. You could still not see clearly as you freed yourself from his grasp and relaxed against the wall, your hand resting on the scythe that started to burn against your skin. Around you, it felt like the walls were caving in and as your hazy view wandered aimlessly, you suddenly noticed a tall shadow moving towards you. Not your mother, not a witch. Something else.
“Who are you?” you whispered, ignoring Michael’s urges which sounded muffled and far away. “You asked for guidance, child. Come with me and I will take you to the place where you are needed. What happens here is not for your eyes,” the man’s voice was warm, gentle, and oddly familiar. “But he needs me.” You searched for Michael but you were unable to find him in the cloud of darkness that suddenly surrounded you. “He needs you elsewhere,” the voice assured you and you felt a hand on your shoulder.
The scythe that had been hanging around your neck dissolved into thin air and you understood that your power had burned it instinctively. Chronos. You had called upon Chronos, the personification of time. “Let me at least tell him goodbye,” you begged, terror flooding your body. Michael would be alone again, abandoned by yet another person he had trusted. You were no better than the people who had misused him in the past. But Time ignored your plea and as he wrapped his soft wings around you, silver lined your eyes. Somewhere, far away, hidden in the darkness, you could hear Michael call out your name, the sound of his desperation reverberating through time and space.
 Scene 2 Although the Californian sun was burning down on you relentlessly, Chronos wrapped a dark cloak around your shoulders, its fabric swallowing up the surrounding light. “Keep yourself hidden at any cost, no one is to see you. Time does not react well to any confusion,” he explained calmly, “Although your power is strong enough to veil you, you should wear your brother’s cloak. It is crafted from materialized darkness so that not even the witches can sense you.”
You nodded at the old man in front of you, his white feathered wings now folded tightly behind his back, “Why are we here? Where is the house my mother showed me?” Chronos had brought you both to a somewhat busy street that was lined with stores, people scurrying around as they ran their errands, completely unaware of the deity in their midst. “You need to see her,” he just said, gesturing to a young woman who hurried down the street. She was still dressed in her uniform which gave away her identity even though her hair was now unbound and curtained her face. Mallory.
With curiosity, you watched her from under your obscuring veil of shadow, observed how she changed her clothing in a store and then stole a luxurious car from the street. Mallory took whatever she wanted and needed, not sparing a single thought to the consequences. Her carelessness was baffling and a part of you instantaneously knew that she would never offer her hand to Michael. No, she would rather cut it off. The usually gentle and kind witch was out for bloodshed, her mind purely set on revenge; not salvation. You decided to thank Chronos for having removed you from the Outpost when he had, otherwise you might have killed her then and there.
Time’s wings wrapped around you anew, moving you through the world, from one place to the other, with marvelous ease. His feathery darkness only enveloped you for a short moment before the sun’s rays beckoned you to open your eyes again. Stretching out in front of you, was the place where everything had begun and where it would all come to an end: Murder House.
The house appeared quiet, peaceful even, although you could feel the spirits stirring inside, curious about the unexpected presence of such a strong celestial being that stood at the border of their eternal prison. But instead of considering to spare any of them, Chronos turned to you, ignoring the screaming souls entirely, “This is where I leave you.” He leaned in to place a tender kiss on your forehead, “Remember why you are here and let your power guide you.”
You nodded slowly, slightly distracted by the eyes that observed you carefully from inside the red brick building, “Thank you for helping me.” Chronos inclined his head and with a forceful flap of his large wings, he disappeared into nothingness, diving into the void between the worlds. When he was gone, the spirits quieted; apparently, Erebus’ cloak not only obscured you from the witches, but also from any spirits.
Even from where you stood, their disappointment was conspicuous, the balmy afternoon air carrying it on its wind as it danced around the house. Their whispers told you enough about how desperately they wanted to leave this place. Maybe you would find a way of helping them once you had saved Michael?
A heated argument coming from next door pulled you out of your musings abruptly. Constance Langdon’s voice was shrill and the words she spat at her grandson brought about a lump in your throat. It wasn’t easy to stand witness to her spite, albeit that you had already heard her hateful speech, every syllable burned into your memory. Decidedly, you swallowed hard and blinked the tears away that burned behind your eyes. You had to be strong now. With silent steps you approached the house, tensely waiting for Michael to emerge.
Against your will, you stood by, not revealing yourself, when young Michael Langdon finally stepped out of the house, barefoot, his sun yellow t-shirt damp from the tears that were still falling down his cheeks. Your heart ached for the precious boy as he padded onto the front lawn, his wheat blonde curls shining like liquid gold in the daylight. His anxiety and pain surrounded him like a thick cloud as he looked up and down the street with wide eyes, not knowing where to go or who to turn to.
In the distance, you could hear the screeching of tires against hot blacktop road, the sound urging you to hurry after the boy. As you ran, you pulled off your brother’s cloak, the movement forceful enough to send some of the pearls and crystals that adorned your dress clattering to the ground. The souls in the house awoke anew, craning their necks so they could observe the source of the power that had just been unveiled.
The moment you caught up with Michael, you cast off your obscuring veil, your sudden appearance startling him so much that he stopped dead in his tracks. Your palms connected with his slim shoulders to push him out of the way, sending him staggering back until he landed on his bottom. Instinctively, you held up your hand, forcing the car to an abrupt stop as if it hit an invisible wall. Mallory would suffer from more than a whiplash when you were done with her. “W-what’s going on?” Michael’s voice trembled with fear, his eyes shifting between you and the young witch that climbed out of the car. “I’ll explain later,” you promised, “You’re safe now. I’m here for you. I came back for you.”
Raw power. You could feel it now, what he was made of. No wonder Mallory had chosen this moment in time. He was vulnerable and untested, unaware of the gifts that were slumbering inside of him. Carefully, you sent tendrils of your power in his direction, letting it snake around him until it had created an invisible, shielding cage that would protect him from Mallory. And protect you from him.
You turned to bare your teeth at the young witch, the new Supreme. “[Y/N], what are you doing here? How did you…?” her doe eyes wandered over your body until she was certain that you were unscathed. But then her gaze slid to Michael, who was cowering in the grass, horror written on his youthful features. “By the help of my family,” you explained coldly, claiming her attention.
At the sound of that word, Mallory finally realized that you were not here to help her, not here to end the Antichrist. She understood that you didn’t consider her or the rest of the Coven your family. Neither Cordelia nor Myrtle had helped you here. It had been someone else.
“Killing a child in cold blood,” you clicked your tongue at her and shook your head in disappointment. “He will bring about the Apocalypse,” she sounded pleading and gestured towards the young man, “He will kill us all.” “He doesn’t have to. His path isn’t set in stone. You could and should have helped him,” you clarified, disgust lacing your words, “But you chose against it, blinded by absolute anger and animosity.” “You’re insane!” she exclaimed and you felt her magic nagging at you, no more than a small fly that you could swat away with a wave of your hand.
“Your parlor tricks won’t work on me, Mallory. Not anymore. While you and Coco were concealed by the identity spell, my own power awoke.” It was too easy to wield your divine magic and to let it lace through the young woman’s gifts, binding it down with adamant chains while you circled her predatorily, “I found out why my spells didn’t work, why I was so behind on everything.”
“Why?” she spat the question at you, struggling against your mental hold, against the talons that you dragged over her magic tauntingly. “I’m not only a witch,” you took a deep, satisfied breath before you continued, something you had seen Michael do so many times at the Outpost. It was difficult to ignore the pang of missing him, but you succeeded in shoving it to the back of your head for now. “I’m a demi-goddess, daughter of Ananke, sister of the Moirai.” “You’re the daughter of Fate,” fear rang in her voice, but you had no comforting words to say to her. Not anymore. When she had chosen what she wanted to do to the young Antichrist, her own destiny had been rewritten. “Michael’s fate wasn’t settled yet, but yours is now,” you felt the ripple of comfort as your sisters answered your silent call and started to manifest behind you, carrying a gift with them, “Meet Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.”
The three goddesses were dressed in exquisite dark robes, hoods drawn so their faces were hidden. Clotho came to stand beside you, carrying a spindle in her delicate hands. “Do you know what this is, Mallory?” you asked, taking the thread that Lachesis now offered you. The goddess gave you a small reassuring nod as you wound the silken strand between your fingers. “My…life,” the witch swallowed hard as she watched you toying with it. Atropos chucked darkly, hungry to fulfill her purpose. “I see now that I measured it too generously,” Clotho said in a voice that was even softer than the thread you held in your hand.
The ground seemed to shudder when Atropos produced her shears from inside her robe, its metal glistening in the sun. “Please, you should cut his fate and not mine!” Mallory begged, sinking to her knees in defeat. “I have not woven his thread,” Clotho explained with an elegant shrug. “And even if she had I would not have measured it,” Lachesis clarified. “And I am not to cut it,” Atropos concluded, “Neither will I cut yours.” Mallory let go of a breath she had been holding, relief washing over her features.
Your heart pounded in your chest and you heard your blood rushing in your ears when Atropos handed you the shears, “My sister will do the honors.” The tool was surprisingly heavy and you weighed it in your hand for a moment, your eyes locking with Mallory’s in these last moments. “For betraying an innocent like this,” you lined up the shears, sliding the blades apart and placing the thread between them, “For refusing to help him, both then and now, you shall pay with your life.”
“He is the Antichrist, he deserves to die!” Mallory cried out. “You do not get to make that decision, feeble human,” Atropos hissed. You shook your head at the witch, “Insulting the inevitable fate, death, is never a good idea. May you rot in hell.” The shears snapped shut, the blades cutting through Mallory’s thread like a warm knife through butter. And just like that, she toppled over, her head hitting the street with a soft thud. The new Supreme was dead, giving space to someone else, someone more capable, someone who was only half a witch.
“You did well, sister,” Atropos took the shears from your trembling hand and pressed a small kiss onto your cheek, “Release these souls when your mate has grown into who he is supposed to become.” She gestured towards the house, but you were too preoccupied with her words, “Mate?” “He is your other half, my dear,” Clotho said softly and kissed you goodbye. “Only together you are a whole. The Apocalypse came about because he found you too late and became enslaved instead,” Lachesis explained and brushed her lips against your forehead, “Hold him dear and you will live a prosperous life.” With those words, your sisters disappeared and left you behind, with a dead body on the street, a house full of screaming souls behind you, and a frightened boy sitting on the grass.
“What just happened?” he demanded, his voice shaking when you came to kneel before him. Slowly, you retreated the vines that had been securing him and took his hands into his. “I’m here to bring you to safety, Michael,” you said gently, carefully wiping away the tears that were still staining his face, “Come with me. There’s someone you need to meet.”
“Who are you?” he wanted to know as he let you guide him to the car that Mallory had stolen. “I’ll introduce myself later,” you evaded and picked up Erebus’ cloak before sitting down behind the wheel. “I never meant to hurt anyone,” he sniffled as he fastened his seatbelt. You allowed yourself to take in this devastatingly beautiful boy who was now finally given the chance to become a great man. “I know that. And so will the people that will take you in.”
Exhaustion washed over Michael by the time you hit the freeway, speeding down a still very well-known route: you were going home. On your way there, you sometimes felt the boy shudder, violent memories dancing through his dreams. Whenever nightmares breached through his soft slumber, you would take his hand and squeeze it reassuringly, telling him that he was safe. You took a deep breath when you came to a stop in front of your house and looked at the home that was now dipped in a golden orange shade by the sinking sun. The blue hydrangeas were stretching towards the last rays of light and the grass on the front lawn looked to be freshly cut. Nothing looked out of place, everything was untouched by any evilness, catastrophe or tragedy. No, this place didn’t need any resolution.
“Michael,” you said gently, stirring him awake. His pale blue eyes glistened in the burning light, his fear exchanged for tranquility as he answered your smile. “We’re here. Just walk up to this door and give the man this cloak. He will take care of you.” “Can’t you come with me?” he muttered, brows pulled up when he realized you weren’t coming with him. “I, um…will meet you inside, I promise.” You leaned over to him, cradling him for a moment until you placed a kiss on his cheek, kissing away the tear that had crept from his eye. “This is not a goodbye,” you promised and gave him the bundle of darkness, “Now, go. I’m right behind you.”
Although tentative at first, Michael got out of the car, his pale blue eyes flickering back to you before he walked up to the front door. Carefully you wrapped your veil of shadows around yourself and then followed him.
The images your mother had planted in your mind flashed before your eyes with every step that you took towards the house. And with every step, you felt how you melted into someone else, as you felt yourself return to the young woman whose father had just opened the door for a strange, young boy, tearstained and blonde locks in disarray. A young boy who from that day one would live with you, as a part of your family.
You tried desperately to hold on to the images. To the first kiss you would share with Michael, both of you dipped in the cold blue light of the next full moon, fingers interlaced and souls bound to one another. To your beautiful wedding dress that you wore during the charming fall ceremony, where Miss Cordelia was smiling proudly at you, her successor. To the feeling of the growing bump hidden underneath your black sundress, to your awareness of the incredibly powerful child that you were carrying for Michael, for yourself.
The world had been given the chance to better itself one more time, the souls of Murder House would be released, while you were showering the Antichrist, a man of flesh and blood, with the love that he was entitled to. As you helped him cope with his urges, as you strengthened him as he strengthened you. As you showed him what joy and happiness felt like. Michael was your companion, your best friend, your lover. Your other half.
You returned to your young self with a smile, looking forward to your bright future, the images now merely a shadow that would sometimes revisit you in your dreams. And Michael…Michael had been given the fate that he had always deserved.
Hey fam! This was the last chapter of the miniseries! I hope you enjoyed it! I’ll work on some requests now and go back to my other fic, Hunter and Prey. ♥️
@langdonfern @nolixxx @hxdesworld @saddbxtchh @cslestial @glassheartandconcreteflowers @what-is-originality @the-captain-kidd @crybabycth @golddustcoven @ghastlybespook @killercween @michaels-slut @shadowhunterscloset @kaigitana @langdonsdemon @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn
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uminoisthebest · 6 years
Journey to the Future: Battle of the Space-Time Corridor
Season 2; Episode 82
Before we even hit play, I’m just going to say that's a mouthful of an episode title.
Note: This episode moves FAST! If there’s less jokes, it’s because this episode has little time for the jokes. It’s getting shit done. As such, this might be more episode recap than me making half-baked lame jokes.
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Gotta admit, I like this opening credits song. It’s no Attack on Titans Season 1 opening but it’s catchy.
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Okay. I made a joke about green hair last episode, and so this episode thinks I won’t make the same joke. It’s wrong. Usagi has snot colored hair for some reason.
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We are barely 2 minutes in (including the opening credits) and stuff is blowing up. 
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Okay, After everyone came back to life in Season 1, I’m not as concerned with this as probably I should be. 
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Chibiusa spotted. Minus 49 quality points.
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Oh that’s crap! It was Chibiusa’s nightmare. Nice try show! You’re not getting me to care about her!
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Chibiusa and TM meet. Chibiusa is afraid for the team, TM spouts typical TM stuff. She’s convinced with his reasoning because she’s a child and her frontal lobe is not developed enough to process arguments.
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Sailor Guardians are meeting and they’re concerned about Chibiusa. This seems to be the wrong way to deal with this. Shouldn’t they be partying?
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UH?!? What?! Can we talk about why TM was hiding a small child inside his cape? Like that’s not acceptable AT ALL.
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Chibiusa doing magic. And Chronos? Nice Greek shout-out.
Episode is moving F'in fast.  
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Time travel happens! (I assume?) Sailor Moon is separated from the group. 
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Why have a door if no one is supposed to go through it? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to destroy the door than anyone who approaches it? 
Also...Chibiusa is useful. I won’t repeat that.
Sailor Pluto! I'd complain about Pluto not being a planet, but neither is the moon, so whatever.
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All the rest of the Sailor guardians appeared without a sound?!
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And everyone said “AMEN!”
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So in this place (more on this in a second) Bubbles unlock doors. Maybe that's Ami's true calling. Back to “this place.” Where is the door of space and time? Cause it’s gotta be in a place, and it’s gotta be at a specific point in time. 
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Look. I’m a literal guy. When someone says “Never” that means any time for any reason. If Sailor Moon never lets go of Chibiusa’s hand, this show just got a million times worse. Also, I had to hold my mom’s hand when I crossed the street when I was a kid. I kinda feel like there should be a bit more of a uh...security feature(?) for time travel.
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Yea, I’m going to let that slide without comment. But my eyes are are saying a whole lot while they roll.
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Wow...Luna is the worst secret keeper ever!
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So the Space-time Corridor is located on a planet?!? Is this a bad translation? I could’ve been content with “realm” or “passage” but PLANET?! 
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From hence forth, Wiseman will be known as Darth Sidious. And he makes his appearance. Once again, not upset about the decision to make a cross-over with this and Star Wars.
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This ain’t creepy at all. 
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It ain’t getting any less creepy!
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Bad guys can’t be trusted! Here’s my shocked face -_-
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I made a comment about how Esmeraulde annoys me. @uglygreenjacket​ said she was about to die soon. She spoils things like no one else.
This episode is going really quick! Already at commercial break.
"Doofusdangle" was just said out loud during the viewing. 
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Esmeraulde made them lose each other! They're all dead.
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Time travel paradox! If SM young dies, does SM old have to die?!
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Rei being the best! This should have been Ami, but as I’ve vented about before, the writers don’t actually think Ami is smart.
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If everyone dies in the TM group, does anyone care? No? 
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Whenever threatened - just stand still and cry.
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Really? Slingshot? Not flaming swords? Shotgun? 
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Anyone know what time polarity is? Cause Wikipedia got nothing.
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Rei’s attack looks so cool.
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Ami is finally being legit! Nerds FTW!
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Sailor Planet attack?!? It sounds cool, looks less impressive.
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Every congratulates each other for defeating a monster...not like they do that every episode.
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Crystal Tokyo is torn up.
The Adventures of Umino and Naru: During this episode, Umino and Naru built a spaceship that takes them to the space-time corridor planet. There, they use a teleport that takes them to the Harry Potter Universe. Umino is sorted in to Ravenclaw (Represent!) and Naru is sorted into Hufflepuff (she’s a severally underdeveloped character, sorry!). Umino and Hermione become friends (because duh) and instead of making her cry in her first year for correcting him on a pronunciation of spells, Umino graciously thanks her for helping him learn something new. So instead of crying in the bathroom during Halloween, she, Umino, and Naru make it through the trap door and find the Philosopher’s Stone. Now Herminone is ready to take down Voldemort...and the Patriarchy.
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cinaed · 6 years
Red vs Blue: S16:E12 - Docudrama
I’m a First member, but I’m going to be posting my reactions a week after to avoid spoiling anyone. So here are my thoughts upon a second watch!
The animation is so gorgeous this season!
Look, I have no strong feelings about the CarWash ship, but man that scene was awkward, especially when you realize Carolina and Wash are watching it. Though "I want to be in you like an AI" is a pretty good line. But still, damn it, Jax. Also show, way to taunt me with a Grimmons sex scene and not deliver. I'm just going to go with the Grimmons reunion being where Jax reshoots it and finally gets a close up on the kiss.
Kai is so mad about not getting in on these sex scenes though.
Simmons' sheer joy over Grif's new sword brings me life. And how they both instantly start to discuss sword puns.
DONUT! I missed you so much. We'll see if he's still working for the Trickster god, I suspect he is.
Grif's refusal to call Atlus and the others gods is so good. Meanwhile Tucker is almost cheerful about gods.
"We leave you alone for five minutes and you piss off GOD?" Iconic line right there.
Listen, I am a sucker for documentary stuff-- The Office, the Leverage ep that's a parody of The Office-- and so this little bit with everyone's titles DELIGHTS me. Also noted that her company is called Blood by Blood Gulch Musical Festival, in case it needs to come up in fic!
Dexter Grif: Pizza Lover. Okay, I laughed at this the first go round but uh, doesn't pizza no longer exist? Or were those kids just fucking with him? I'd love it if they were fucking with him and pizza existed the entire time.
Grif has no problem with lying to Sarge's face. Same.
Kai/Huggins OTP. But also I love Huggins and Grif's friendship. Please give us jealous Simmons. First Locus, now Huggins.
"Last time I was called agent, I got dental." "You're protected by a god! That's full coverage!" is also a great line.
Wash definitely sounds the most like himself than he has for most of the season, though the memory problems are still a thing.
Haha, I missed that bit about JFK the first time.
Okay, I guess pizza still doesn't exist? Now I'm just imagining the documentary crew being like "WTF is pizza?" "I don't know, man, but do you want to ask Mister Jax?" "Uh, fine, Dexter Grif: Pizza Lover it is."
Everyone needs to be nicer to Donut! It says something with a potentially evil god is nicer to him than people he's spent the last decade with. I am still pretty sure he's still working for Chronos or Kronos or however it's spelled, because wouldn't he have mentioned O'Malley working for the bad guy by now?
Caboose and Chinese fingertraps. Amazing.
Of course Jax has been using the time travel gun. Ugh.
Also the time travel looks like a penis was a good visual gag, ngl.
Simmons being supportive of Grif and then confused about it. I can't wait to see him watch Grif actually be polite to the alien gods. That'll truly blow his mind.
And then Wash hits us all in the feels.
You'd think during the interviews Carolina could've taken the Reds and Blues aside and mentioned what was up with Wash. This is not the way to handle things, especially when they're about to talk to powerful aliens.
Get wrecked, Jax. I guess we'll find out if he's dead or not in the next ep, but personally I don't care either way, heh. I disliked him this season.
Sarge is so sad about Kali being married. Same, buddy.
Tucker, did you never learn about Greek mythology? It's all sister-wives and brother-husbands there.
If Genkins/Jenkins is a trickster god, I wonder if his remark about "The pink one is going to steal the hammer" has any significance for the next ep.
Simmons, Wizard of Science. ....Listen, I love him.
Someone needs to write me a fic of Kai partying and sleeping with the gods, please and thank you. Kali/Kai/Huggins threesome??
Grif spent all this time trying to avoid a long story, and now he's going to be stuck listening to the supposed story of the universe. Sorry, Grif.  
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep10: Kaiba Embarrasses Himself on International Television Again
We start off this duel by teasing us into believing that this is a part of a theme park:
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The Kaiba theme park is a weird mix of actual horrorscapes and animal crossing cutesy stuff...you can really tell what parts were Mokuba and what parts were Seto in this park.
But Leon takes it well, just kinda standing there as he’s done this entire arc--being a general forgettable nice boy who just...doesn’t do anything. Like he gets up, he plays cards, he sits down. Having him on top of a rock with melodramatic Little Mermaid waves crashing at his feet is laughably the opposite of Leon’s whole vibe.
Leon just seems like the type that listens to coffee shop ambient Youtube videos when he wants to amp himself up. This kid appears to attend a private school...somewhere...I think, and just went to a dueling competition in his school outfit because he literally doesn’t have a style of his own hanging in his closet.
Like Yugi wears his school outfit, but he does that ironically, to off-set the amount of makeup and hair spray he has in his hair. Leon wears the school outfit maybe because he admires Yugi so much, but is like “time for my rogue bow I wear in my hair. That’ll scare my competition.” He completely missed the point of the 00′s alt school outfit scene.
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I do way too much art to not see the imagery. I feel like this is half my job, and playing “where’s the hidden Freudian meaning?” is half the fun of going to any art museum.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Seto got tired of no one paying any attention to him, so he stepped out of his 14-monitor mancave, he very quickly pulled his Dragon outfit out of the (dirty) laundry, flicked a couple sea crabs out of his pockets, spritzed it with Febreeze and called it “good enough.”
Like, is it just me, or has dragon jacket greyed out a tad from last season? Like it’s starting to get a little...worn? Like what funk is coming off of Seto Kaiba right now?
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Also notice that he brought his giant stash of cards to the duel. He’s going to put on this show as if he’s not going to pull out the giant stash of cards. But like...he’s going to pull out the giant stash of cards. Like Hell boring ass Leon is going to play his deck of Candyland characters again.
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Leon is declared a winner on Technicality and it’s like.
Damn Seto, for reals?
So congrats, Leon, you did literally nothing, again, and yet you mystifyingly  persist on this show. Clearly you aren‘t going to grow a second head out of that ponytail like professor Quirrel in the last act of this arc.
That’s when Yugi’s hazy memory recalls something from the Before Times of “that time period before I was possessed by a needy ghost that eats up 3/4 of my memories and time.”
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So Schroeder is Atari. Neat.
Also, this makes Zigfrieds outfits a hell ton more endearing when you realize he’s this Willy Wonka game company owner making toys for children. Kinda makes you wonder why Seto’s such a stick up the ass in comparison when it’s like--dude Kaiba, maybe you could learn a thing or two about whimsy. It could really help out your inconsistent park.
Anyway, Kaiba quickly realized who hacked the park and so, understandably, he asked Zigried to leave, which...backfired?
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Y’all card culture is a lot. Everyone in the audience covered their faces in shame because they were so embarrassed by Seto Kaiba and I’m like...not sure why? Because he didn’t do a duel? Against this guy who snuck into his tourney not unlike Rex and Weevil? This asshole?
Recall that the last time Seto played a guy who had a fake name it was Marik freakin Ishtar and he killed a LOT of people (actually, it was Alister, pretending to be Pegasus, but he also killed a lot of people so that still tracks). Card culture can’t seem to learn from their mistakes, although Seto clearly sees the problem with dueling a professional hacker in a digital card game on a hologram that may or may not be able to murder you. At least its not a magic.
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And so, tired of being humiliated on television, Seto decides to bust out the dueling gloves (well, not those gloves. You know what I meant) and use the equipment he BROUGHT WITH HIM and clearly never intended not to use in the first place.
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(I hope you enjoy this dutch angle that wasn’t quite dutch enough, so it just looks like they’re lounging)
Roland patiently walks over from...somewhere? I don’t know where Roland comes from whenever he pops up, but he waltzed over to hold onto this suitcase as if that’s a formal part of his job.
I say this so often but like...I don’t know what Roland’s job is. He’s like a valet/butler/duel referee/duel cheerleader/CEO/and I will spend the rest of this series trying to understand it. Part of me is like...could Roland be a temp worker at an agency who just gets rehired for a different Kaiba Corp job every couple of weeks?
That weird ass fourthKaiba, I will never understand Roland.
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Just one letter away from being a Zigfriend, Kaiba. Just one letter away. I know this because I misspell friend a LOT.
Zigfreind? Zigfriend? Damn it, both of them look the freakin same to me, this sucks! Why can’t I spell friend without autocorrect!?
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Just the amount these two fight when Seto clearly barely even remembers who this guy even is.
Leon shows up in the seats, pretending that he’s totally cool about winning on a technicality right after Zigfried went on a rant about how shameful, irredeemable, and mortally embarrassing winning on technicalities are.
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He seems to take it pretty well, smiling, sitting next to Rebecca, and then dissolving right into the background because this kid’s whole deal is being way too nice to exist on this show.
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Y’all we just had that art meme where people were redrawing that “How to draw manga face” and guys...that’s what our anime used to look like.
I mean look at that uncomfortable chin there, that tapers in for some reason. Those eyes melting off of her face. The lack of any 3d sense. This was an anime ideal for a very, very long time.
Anyway, the “how to draw manga face” is a perfect masterpiece and never needs to change. (But it is fun to make fun of it although I guess the person that drew it was actually a kid, which makes sense from a publishing perspective to have a kid make a book about how to draw stuff for kids.)
We see a little flashback of Schroeder and why he hates Seto Kaiba, and can I just say, I kind of love this little outfit. Kind of a shame that it’s stuffed into a flashback.
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Which is when we found out that Zigfried thinks Seto Kaiba did a plagiarism.
Which is hilarious because it was Gozaburo Kaiba who was plagiarizing Seto, so like...who did it first?
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OK guys. Lets talk about this.
APPARENTLY, there was some sort of contest to work with Pegasus...kind of like an architecture contest (which is a thing, when a city is doing a big project, they send out a call, and big firms will compete to see who builds it) and I GOTTA know what Pegasus’ theme was.
Like did he say to all the little rich kid geniuses “I would like something that makes my cards ALIVE, can you do that?” Then when Pegasus got a hell ton of holograms and was he like “But ALIVE--it makes it alive, right boy?” And when he was shaking the hands of each stupid kid was he like “So if I hypothetically put my dead wife on a card and slapped it into the machine--could she EXIST. Like...enough? I just need her to legally exist is all, and not like..literally of course...but enough literally to be a sin against God, can you do that?”
I just want to know if Willy Wonka Wonderkid Von Schroeder had any idea he was creating a resurrection chamber for a dark wizard. Like he has no idea that he dodged getting his business bought straight from under him and his soul shoved into a card. And it’s not like Schroeder was going to abduct Yugi’s Grandpa and ensure that Yugi would be there to save him down the road. Like I’m pretty sure Schroeder would have been sacrificed waaay before that whole island contest even went down.
Zigfried got so freakin lucky. I can’t believe he’s mad. But then again...
...the man swims in milk pools so like...maybe his logic center is busted? Maybe he wanted to die in a horrific murder island? I don't know what Zigfried is into, but I do know that because Zigfried doesn’t have millennium rod powers linking him to the millennium eye--so would it have mattered? There’s destiny reasons that Pegasus chose Kaiba.
Course...we never found out where the scales ended up, have we? We think it’s Shadi, but have we seen Shadi bust those out since Season Zero?
Man that would be a good plot twist that will absolutely not happen.
Yo, make horse guy into a dark wizard, show, I dare you!
Anyway, that’s all for now, but if you want to read from the beginning, here’s the link:
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francostrider · 2 years
Tales of Vesperia Thoughts Pt. 3
I want to talk about the combat, but first there are a couple of things I want to go over about me in particular to put these thoughts in the proper context.
Firstly, I am a bit of a purist as far as combat systems go. Give me twitch based combat, OR turn based. And the closest thing to a hybrid you can convince me to play is Bioware’s classic Realtime-With-Pause flavor.
Secondly, I dislike limit breaks. My first foray into RPGs was Final Fantasy VII back when fire was invented, and time has not been kind to them in my mind. “Oh, no! My health is low from getting the crap kicked out of me! I know, I’ll summon a giant ass laser sword that pierces the very orbit and crash it down on my enemies for, like, an eighth of their health! No, this could not have helped at any point in the story!” They break my suspension of disbelief, take way too long, and I prefer combat that relies on the plain factors rather than being drowned in super moves. Such as Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin and Demon’s Souls.
“Then why the hell did you play a JRPG?” you’re probably wondering.
There are exceptions to my numerous, let’s call them, “guidelines” about what games I will play. Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest 8, the Fire Emblem series and a few other favorites tend not to have the usual staples that made me tired of the genre. And I’m not entirely against being flashy. It just has to be quick and to the point, not be a small cutscene every other move.
So, what do I think of the combat in Tales of Vesperia?
Okay, I will take a moment to admit that I probably did not have the best grasp of the combat, even by the end of the game. There was stuff that the game was bad at explaining (the special artes during the limit break, for instance). In fact, the Mystic Artes I never used, because never realized that you needed an additional limit break level to pull them off. And in order to do that, I needed to craft a specific item in the synthesizing shop that I completely missed and probably did not have the parts for.
Therefore, my feelings toward the combat was an unsteady waxing and waning the entire game. The beginning really did not equip you well, even the context of starter bosses. Zagi is especially brutal, throwing stuff at you that you would not have been prepared for. Then it was okay for a little while with more in your party. Then it got brutal, and I took some more time to learn it, and turned all of my movements on full manual. Then I got kind of bored, and turned down the difficulty just to move it along. But then that got boring, and I upped the difficulty back up. Then I used two of the +5 levels because I just wanted to see the end.
It’s not my least favorite combat system. I do feel it was worse in Symphonia, and I’ll take this over the one in Xenoblade Chronicles. My real test for a combat system is how well a player can turn things around during a fight. This is not possible in Xenoblade, where you’re either equiped well enough or you’re dead.
But there are little things I like about it. One, you can give direct orders when you need to. Some people scoff at pausing the game for a menu, but when battles are this busy, I’d rather have that than trying to go through a menu in real time. Finishing moves are fun to time and you can, with some thinking, take out higher level enemies.
But this is also one of the weirdest systems I’ve ever played through to the end.
It’s twitch based, but it’s not as straight forward as that sounds. By default, you move back and forth against an enemy on a 2D line. But you can hold a button to free run. This is because there are different directions to attack, not unlike Marth’s combo special in Smash Bros. And the reason for that is because you can use specific directions to break down specific defenses, and that’s how finishing moves are done. Different spells and abilites correspond to different directions...
Okay, I imagine one of two kinds of people is reading this. Either you’ve played this game and going “Oh dear god” at the most tedious description possible. Or, you haven’t played this game and your mind is screaming at the word salad presented to you above. It’s one of those things that’s easier to demonstrate than describe, and even watching a video did nothing to prepare me for what it was like.
You know what? I’ll stick to basics. For twitch gameplay, the enemies movements are not predictable enough to make guarding or dodging entirely viable. Enemies turn at an instant and there can be little to no wind up for big attacks. It’s nearly impossible to back out of an attack, and it can take a while to be able to move again once you’re done with a combo. Item use is a necessity in this game. And because of how the defense system works, a lot of fights were spent using the same attack over and over again, as there is little to no value in mixing up the combo.
Despite all of that, there can be satisfying moments, such as getting through a grueling boss fight. Toward the end of the game, those were the real highlights, as the in between fights got kind of dull for me. 
In fact, I would not have wanted to beat the final boss in any other way than I did. I was basically out of revival potions. With the rest of the party down, it was just Yuri with a handful of healing items, vs the last boss. I looked at his health, did the math, and had the simple thought of “Wait... I can do this.”
Sticking to basics, I blocked, attacked, healed when I could. Then I did one last Azure Edge, the very first ability Yuri gets, and the fight was over.
It was as cinematic as it could have gotten without it be scripted. I can’t deny that the choices I made led up to that glorious moment, and I do have the combat system to thank for that.
However, that may be the last time I touch it. There was a lot of frustration throughout the game, and I don’t know if I would have the patience for it again. I think it’s a greater credit to the game’s writing and characters than the combat that I wanted to see what happens next.
That said, I will admit once more that I likely did not have a great grasp of it. There were a couple of mechanics that I completely missed, and there was always the niggling little thought of “Am I supposed to be playing it this way?”
The answer is probably “No.”
Until next time!
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maneaterwithtail · 6 years
Some older post finale Gravity Falls headcanons (most pre journal 3)
Bill Cypher is a recipe for Tulpa based about knowing things and mysteries. However every shaman/user ends up with him/her/it screwing them over to take a body or set up some calamity.
It is like the chaos gods in that its alive but unborn until it FINALLY (by cheating) pulled off a breach during Weirdmaggedon.Bill's nature is why he's so reflective of Both the Elder Pines. Namely looking akin to Filbrick while having the obsession and mystical self stylings of Ford and the conartistry and disdain of empathy and so on of Stan.
Mind he doesn't know this, or if he does doesn't like to think of himself that way than you or I think of ourselves like a bunch of genes, meat, bones, and etc that accidentally things we're special.
Technically Cypher is born and dies with each summoning and banishment though recalls and pick up from the previous interations (one life having skin puppets) He lost this ability when he took physical form and moved out of the Mindscape or would have.
The current one we know has been semi-active, as he wasn't formally banished, for 40 years an unprecedented time with no interruptions, hence his greater success.He is naturally to reform but without use of the spell this could take at minimum 30 years, likely more with the destruction of any image or symbol near his body which he MUST now remanifest into.
This is helped by the function/being known as Axoltol, though because Bill has sooo much bad karma from bad deals and technically is trying to break a fulfilled one.
Bill was let into the mind of the person he agreed to and attempted to renege on the deal to harm STan's family when he got what he asked for, its why he couldn't break out along with the mindspace dissolving around him
Stanford was overly dramatic, he could have just set the raygun to "Bill Cypher" though likely didn't know this as he didn't realize how LITTLE Stan knows Bill.
Incidentally this is why with Stan's mind coming back Bill hasn't there isn't as much rooted memory to pull from as his own mind/life.
The full mindwipe has put Bill down considerably and without outside intervention its a Loooooooong reconstitution for Bill.
The Zodiacs are his power, his key, his bane, his rivals, and his source. Its complicated.
The human energy circuit would have trumped Bill and thus he could be banished, permanently negated, enslaved, or had his essence, knowledge, power (everything that makes him him) divided to the Zodiacs or something they want.
The Zodiacs are less the individuals so much as mantles. Some being the symbols resonating traits onto the individual, some being traits that resonate to the symbol.
Switching the visible marker of the symbols changed and freed the Zodiac characters who did so to grow and change and resolve themselves. Some have grown and resolved their issues.
Others, like Robbie, are still a bit to go but can if they wish.There are always multiple canidates though some better than others for a symbol.
Soos still qualifies for the Question Mark but so does Melody but he also is Big Fish like Stan.
Transcendence could have still happened, if Bill's powers are being converted, ala a tree does a corpse/mulch into the powers for a Zodiac which will be minor and liminal until charged up, possibly by uniting iwth others, exposure to supernatural magic, or other triggers/empowering. Each one will develop supernatural abilities and so on based on themselves AND the symbol.
Dipper is going to summer intern or do the apprenticeship more as a after school thing to test things out.
Ford is reacclamating though is borrowing money from the newly enriched Fiddleford.
Stan is managing Fiddleford's estate and earnings and so on.
Demon Guardian AU is sort of true. There is a Duane, Dot Matrix, and so on. Though they are locked in the dying dimension of Bill
Bill's dimension isn't "dying" just the parts he has touched are devastated. With his defeat his influence even there is waned and the henchmaniacs, depowered because they were tied to Bill, are being rounded up.
More than GF and that dimension was saved.The spacecraft's systems are highly automated and out and date. It will take a long time, but not as much proper stellar understanding would tell, but extraterrestrial civilizations have been notified and signaled due to the events of Ford's capture in Dipper and Mabel vs. The Future.
With the events followed cursory examination (hmm ancient penal probe signal.. nothing big just a standard scan and ping back and WHAT THE FUCK A Class X breach with no limit. A Celestial level entity with stable temporal signature and armies of chrono-teched agents. And what's this thing A WAR one of them killed the other. Holy FUCK, call the boss this needs a full on Investigation and Research TEAM)
Even with the wrap up people out there will want to land and find out just what the fuck is going on. especially learning that the P-drive has been leaking for a near geological scale of time having who knows what effect.
Likely we've already seen them (Lefty) but more are on the way. We've caught attention and while it won't happen all at once GF Earth isn't going to be completely ignored
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darkhymns-fic · 6 years
Heal with a Smooch
Robo wants to get better at healing. If a kiss can heal, could he learn that too?
Fandom: Chrono Trigger Characters/Pairing: Lucca/Robo, Crono, Marle, Ayla, Frog Rating: G Mirror Links: AO3 Notes: Mainly @taco-night-frenzy‘s fic idea, who is also writing several other CT fics that I was inspired from so go read those thank you.
To better one’s own capabilities was a natural human instinct. And Robo, a creation of humans, possessed that same instinct. Upgrading his parameters and various tools came with the program (so to speak). Especially when one needed said skills to improve so they can more efficiently help their friends.
Fighting against a particularly nasty reptite that refused to be taken down in quick succession, Crono had taken the brunt of the creature’s attacks. Robo hadn’t had a chance to heal him during the scuffle, sensing that his usual lasers were not operating correctly. It was something he would have to discuss with Lucca later, if she had enough energy to give him the proper repairs.
The battle was over, and Crono was on one knee, his sword still clenched in his right hand, though in a limp manner. Robo felt guilty that he could not help his friend! Perhaps he truly was defective? Not even a genius like Lucca could fix what was ultimately so broken at the core.
“Crono hurt!” someone shouted – the cavewoman that had joined them not so long ago. Rushing on all fours, she appeared at Crono’s side and then, before the other could react, took the young man’s face in both her hands. “Ayla heal! Crono feel good.”
To what Robo could surmise from the interaction, it appeared that the woman was pressing her lips against Crono’s own. Robo had never seen such an action before, though he could already detect Crono’s body temperature levels had risen quite considerably. Once Ayla stepped back, Crono’s face was as red as his hair, but he was also standing on both legs, any obvious cuts and scrapes he once had now completely healed over. Robo theorized that this could not be magic, such as Marle’s healing capabilities, nor was it a product of science as for his own healing beams. Yet, it proved to be just as effective, if not more so.
Lucca was laughing nearby, while Marle had also gone red in the face. Her breath huffed in a bit of an erratic pace though she said nothing. Ayla still heard her however, instantly turning.
“Marle hurt too?” Ayla wasted no time in going over to her. “Ayla give heal! Ayla give kiss!”
“What? I’m not hurt I’m just mffhfptt!”
So this is called a kiss? It seems such a simple maneuver, yet it clearly has demonstrable healing properties, rooted in neither magic nor technology. Robo assessed this new information into his system, making sure to observe the act a second time as Ayla performed it on Marle. The princess eventually stepped back, a bit flustered while Ayla grinned wide. If I could learn such a thing, I could prove to be more useful to my friends when they need it most.
“Hey, Robo. I saw you having some trouble in the fight earlier.” Lucca was next to him, giving him a friendly smile. There was a small scrape on her cheek, not at all life-threatening or even that painful, yet he wished he could heal that away without the use of circuitry. “Let’s take a break and see what we can fix up.”
He nodded to that politely, deciding to further analyze the effects of healing kisses for another time. “Yes, Lucca. You are too kind.”
Traveling to another time period confirmed to Robo that a healing kiss was not merely restricted to the stone age.
“Lady Lucca!” spoke Frog, quickly sheathing Masamune. “You are injured! Allow me to heal you in whatever way I can.”
Lucca had been slashed at her side by a monster. The claws had not done significant damage, due to the armor she wore, but it had been enough to draw a little bit of blood. Robo was already preparing his healing lasers before Frog had interrupted.
“It’s okay. Let’s just quickly focus on beating this OH GOD!”
Frog very suddenly extended his long tongue straight to Lucca’s face. She paled quite extremely as the appendage made contact, coating her cheek in saliva. Still, with that, the blood had gone away, and Robo noted that Lucca gripped her gun with more ease.
“I apologize for such crude methods,” Frog said somberly. “But I have discovered long ago what the abilities of my form can do. You should be well now.”
Lucca remained still, chin dripping with icky slime. “Thanks… Frog…”
After their battle ended, Ayla ran over to Frog with a light in her eyes. “Frog has same heal as Ayla! Ayla and Frog heal together!”
Frog pondered this new proposal as he rubbed his chin, his eyes just as bright – though most likely due to the fact that Frog’s eyes were quite big and their shade of yellow happened to catch the light more easily. “You bring up an interesting idea, Miss Ayla. By combining our healing techniques, we can better heal others as well.”  
Ayla nodded to that. “Ayla strong! Frog strong! Ayla and Frog heal strong too!”
Robo noted the creation of the healing duo and, strangely, felt a bit envious. Robots were not to feel or understand such emotions, yet the definition in his memory banks told him that this was what he was experiencing at this exact moment. He was envious that the two could heal naturally, and that they could make it even better by working together. If only he needn’t rely on his own limited capabilities…
Another fight followed shortly after. The monsters had been high in number, prompting the magic-users to unleash powerful spells that engulfed the entire field. Even so, Robo saw some of his friends sustain numerous injuries, straining his lasers to their peak. Once it was over, wounds still needed to be treated.
“Ayla and Frog heal good!” Ayla motioned to Frog, who looked to her in complete understanding. “Heal good!”
“Yes. Let us both heal away your troubles with our Slurp Kiss!”
Crono, Marle and Lucca instantly blanched. The women protested while Crono remained still in what seemed to be shock. Ah, Robo thought, the poor man must have been more injured than I realized!
Once everyone was drenched in saliva, including Robo, who was busy wiping away the substance from his optics, both Ayla and Frog stood among their friends with pride. Robo already felt much more invigorated than before! Truly, this was an amazing power!
“…I think I need a bath…” Marle said. Lucca was shaking, and Crono continued to remain standing in place, though he was less pale than before, all injuries gone.
Robo decided then that he would learn this ‘kissing,’ so that he could better help others.
“Um, Robo, what are you doing?”
The group had gone back to the present time for the moment, so that they could be in more familiar terrain for at least a majority of the group. Lucca’s parents were very accommodating, barely blinking an eye at the woman in fur clothing, or the frog with exceedingly polite speech. Lucca’s father was especially amazed at Robo, bombarding the machine with questions regarding his nature and equipment until Lucca had to shoo him away.
Currently, it looked like Lucca was about to shoo Robo away too, eyebrow raised as he carefully plunked his forehead against her helmet. “I am practicing the kissing technique. It is rather difficult, as I do not possess the necessary parts to make it more effective.” He said the last with a bit of disappointment.
“Kissing?” Lucca gawked, a slow flush building up to her cheeks. Robo was still locked in his position, forehead to forehead with Lucca. She took a step back, prompting Robo to raise his head. “Why would you want that? Your healing lasers are already effective!”
Robo tried to put his feelings into words. “But… can it not be better? Should I not upgrade my capabilities to reflect our current situation? I feel that perhaps I am simply not doing my part, not how both Ayla and Frog have been able to.”
Lucca gave her robot a friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I mean, if you really wanted to kiss, I’d have to fashion a pair of lips for you and –” her body shook at that, cheeks puffed in amusement – “I don’t think it’s the right look for you.”
Robo wondered. He had analyzed the possibility of having such parts built, though perhaps Lucca knew best on what operations worked for him. Still, he wished he could do more. Perhaps there was another way…
“I can work on your healing lasers some more, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’re already doing great, I promise you that.”
Robo only half-heard, thinking of certain avenues, but he nodded to Lucca’s suggestions. “If that is no trouble.”
“It never is, Robo.”
What he had surmised from both Ayla and Frog was that their healing kisses contained a wealth of emotion in them. Ayla’s was with incredible passion (as he had been witness to when she kissed several of their friends) and Frog’s with the utmost justice, always making sure to give an apology before he initiated.
Robots were not supposed to have emotions, but he had long ago accepted that was what he possessed. Even Lucca, whom he trusted most, assured him this was so.
His deep care for his friends would be enough to heal away their injuries without any side effects. He was sure of it!
“Crono!” shouted Marle, already putting away her crossbow. “You need to be more careful!”
Crono only gave a weak nod, his body now worse for wear after withstanding numerous magical attacks. He turned to Marle expectantly. This would be about the time that Marle would do a healing spell on him, all while both Frog and Ayla were a bit distracted with defeating another monster.
However, this was when Robo saw his opportunity.
“Worry not, Crono!” he shouted from across the field, his body already in forward motion towards his friend. “I have perfected my kissing techniques and will heal you to the maximum output!”
The earth shook with Robo’s frenzied footsteps. Crono slowly turned his head to find the gigantic machine rush over to him like a fast-coming boulder. His hands raised up with a bit of a flailing motion.
Oh no! Crono was so injured that he was losing control of his motor coordination skills! He had to hurry!
With a quick motion, Robo gripped both of Crono’s shoulders, then leaned down quickly to complete the act as soon as possible. He poured all his care for his friends, his desire to save the world from the bleak future that he was from, to make Lucca proud at just what he could do. Stars filled his vision at the action. Kiss complete!
Confused, Robo stepped back. There was a bruise on Crono’s forehead that had not been there before. Reeling backwards, Crono promptly landed on his back, sword flinging from his outstretched hand. Everyone stood around both robot and now unconscious man, mouths agape in shock. Even their enemies could only stare at the sight.
Robo beeped in embarrassment, bringing a hand to the back of his head. “Oh. Um. Pardon.”
As they camped that night, Robo watched as Marle laid an icepack on Crono’s head. He was no longer unconscious, but he had to lay down on his back to avoid any dizzying effects.
“No one’s mad at you, Robo.”
He turned, finding Lucca seated nearby. She was fiddling with an open compartment in his arm, screwdriver poking at unseen sections as she worked her genius.
“But… instead of trying to save my friends, I have only hurt them instead.” He lowered his head, feeling an unseen weight on his form, yet no, that was not logical at all. “A defective robot can only do so much, I suppose.”
“You are not defective. Now stop with that.” She made sure to slap his arm gently, compounding it with her words. “You’ve helped plenty during all this. You know that.”
Robo would not reply. He only kept going over the reasons why his kiss didn’t work. He didn’t have the necessary parts, he did not perform the action correctly, or he truly could not express any love or care into it. Perhaps, he had only fooled himself into thinking he had emotions when he really didn’t at all…
There was a motion to his left side, where Lucca was. She sat up on her knees to plant a kiss on his facial compartments. Something sparked within his circuitry – not literally, but that was the term that came forth to him immediately. He turned to Lucca, finding her nervously smiling.
“See? I can’t do it either.” She shrugged, still gripping the screwdriver in her hand. “We can both be weak kissers together.” A pause. “Wait, that… that didn’t come out right!”
Robo felt… touched. Another term that came up so suddenly. With a gentle motion, he laid his head against Lucca’s, mimicking what he had tried to do the other night. A soft plunk! concluded his action before he softly lifted away from her. He detected a quickening heart-rate coming from Lucca. Perhaps she was a bit sick? He should make sure that she did not overwork herself for at least a few hours.
“I find myself always saying this but, at the risk of sounding repetitive… thank you, Lucca.” He felt lighter, despite knowing how his parts weighed approximately 5 tons. He would have to wonder at that later. “I feel… much better.”
Lucca smiled again, more widely this time. She copied his action, plunking her helmet against his head. “It’s no trouble, Robo. Really.”
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