#why did i want to write your url as desperados
animasend · 2 years
    “ This can’t be legal.” honestly, she doesn’t know how she got talked into coming here, but she’s severly regretting even agreeing to go along. now, Olga necessarily doesn’t have a fear of heights. there were plenty a night where she snuck into the balcony roof in her family home. the difference was, that height was relatively normal. this? this is downright insane. even as she leans forward ever so slightly, gaze peeking over the very, very steep drop, Olga can only feel her heart begin to drop into her stomach.
             and they want her to jump from this height. into a giant body of water. with no perceivable bottom. yeah. this is totally a good idea.
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   the mage looks back and forth. from the drop, to the people that just leapt without hesitation, then back to the drop again. “ This is just a death trap in disguise.”
@hesperrhodos​ -- spiralefes
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wxr-zxne · 3 years
~slides two dollars, coffee and my url across your dash~
Do I Follow Them?: With all of my heart yes
Why Did I Follow Them?: I really fell in love with T's writing and saw the chance for a good chance for a really badass partner.
Do We Role Play?: Yes. a lot.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: nah JK I love annoying them with my ADHD ass wanting a million fucking things at a drop of a hat.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: AHAHHAHAHAAH so many
A Song For Our Muses: desperado - tiktok version
Do I Ship Our Muses?: AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAH nah never, I HATE SHIPPING EVERYTHING WE WRITE. *Heavy heavy sarcasm, the ships give me life*
What I Think About The Mun: Just adore, so wonderful and kind.
Overall Opinion: 150/10 would recommend
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 151
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blackberries45 · 3 years
30 q’s tagged by @steeeeeeeviebb ✨💗 thank you 🤗😘
1: Name/Nickname:
Alex. It's technically my middle name and only Stevie knows my old lady first name 🤣 Unless I'm in trouble or at the doctor's, I never hear my first name, not even by my parents.
2: Gender:
Female she/her
3: star sign:
taurus ♉ thru and thru, too
4: height :
5'7" and a freaking HALF and don't you dare forget the half!!!!
5:. Time :
6:. Birthday :
if you know your signs, you can guess about when. And it's towards the end of it 💚😏 in 1990
7 : Favorite Bands :
oh my god!! That's so hard!! I love music and from all types of genres!!
The White Stripes, Rob Zombie, The Scissor Sisters, The kills, U2, Duran Duran, NIN, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Led Zeppelin, No Doubt, The Eagles, Florence and the Machine, Ok Go....it goes on and on
8: favorite solo artist :
ugh, you're killing me... Jack White, Thomas Jack, John Mayer, Moby, Sylvester, Lana Del Rey, Adam Ant
9: song stuck in head:
South Side, now that I wrote Moby. The radio and video version with Gwen Stefani. I don't care who is with me, I blast that song if I hear it. (also, 99 problems, which I know all the words to. Just incase you're in the car with me, you have been warned)
10: Last Movie :
Sucker Punch. Take out the war crap and give me more Blue
11:. Last show :
technically sesame street right now 😆 But The Falcon and the Winter Soldier if paying attention
12: When I create this blog :
Sherlock. That should tell you. But I didn't start understanding and actually posting and reblogging until...December I think?
13 : what I post :
I mainly reblog Pedro and Oscar stuff but my likes are all sorts of things.
14: last thing I googled :
do color wonder paints work on color wonder marker paper. (still don't know. If you do, let me know)
15: other blogs:
I don't have any
16:. Do I get asks :
no because I don't write but I'd totally answer them if I did get one (send me a random ask 😆)
17:. Why I chose my url :
it was the most random thing I could think of. And I like blackberries
18:. Following :
19: Followers:
a few
20: Average hours of sleep:
5 to 6. No, it doesn't work. Yes, I feel like junk. Yes I should be asleep before 2 am. No, reading fics doesn't help my insomnia. Yes, that's the only time I usually can spend on reading them
21: Luck number:
don't really have one. But if I see 11:44 on the clock, I try actively stop what I'm doing, smile, and say "thank you" to my peeps
22: instruments :
I had piano lessons and was told I had good fingers for it (thanks) but my teacher moved away and I stopped. I also bought a mandolin and was determined to play. It's still in the box 🙄
23:. What am I wearing:
red shirt with black leggings
24: Dream Job:
helping people. I was a phlebotomist and loved my job. Had to give it up during my first pregnancy. Still a vampire at heart though 🦇❤️
25: Dream Trip:
France with my mommy
26: Favorite food:
my trifecta is a slice of pizza, a california roll, and a bean and cheese burrito. The craving hits once a month and ultimate goals if I can make that happen all in the same day 😁
27: Nationality:
28: Favorite song:
god. Ugh. It all depends on my mood.
*Fell in Love with a girl
*living Dead Girl
*Tainted Love cover by Marilyn Mason. (yes, total asshole, just naming songs)
*South Side
* That slow reverb version of Desperado 🤤
29: Last Book:
The Death of Mrs. Westaway ( not finished yet)
30 : Top 3 fictional universes I'd live in:
(These are three movies that make me feel happy and I'd live in them)
*The legend of Sleepy Hollow
*Batman Returns
*Dr Sleep
I'm tagging the three usual suspects 🤣😘 but no pressure and whoever wants to, join in!
@slater-baby @foxilayde @starlightmornings
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