#why not the LITERAL diabetic
theinfinitedivides · 11 months
he's an absolute idiot in love but ykw he's her idiot in love so it's fine
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mandalhoerian · 10 months
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🎀 show what your OC would be like if they never went through that one defining traumatic event they did, and then show what becomes of them after that trauma (basically the un-traumatize your oc trend on tiktok). the picrew. tagging: @lucky-peenut @shadowsofrose @the-resident-vampire @mishwanders @winksasleeplesseye (and everyone who would like to do it!)
1. Raccoon City Outbreak never happened, and Vera remained as a private investigator with a peculiar skillset. This is the “somehow Umbrella disappeared” ending lmao
2. No Time To Die events.
3. Post-NTTD. No comment.
4. bonus: if she remained in turkey and never ended up in america at all — studying engineering in boğaziçi university at 21. She would eventually pass away during the 17 August Earthquake at age 22 before her last year in uni could even start.
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pinkcadaver · 8 days
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Put in the Dexcom by myself this time. It went a lot better than the Libre that’s for sure… and the Dexcom 4
Ok story time. I used to use the old school G4 Dexcom which I HATED. It was uncomfortable, it was loud, and I used this big mp3 player looking thing that vibrated so loud. It hurt my arm whenever I swam and I hated it. I honestly stopped putting it in (well I would always have my mom do it cuz the way you put it in was very intimidating. You pushed down on a giant plunger and the Dexcom would go in). And I moved on to the Libre. The Libre is much smaller and you use your phone to scan it. It doesn’t warn you about your blood sugar, so no alarms, it lasted two weeks, and it gave me serious rashes, but gosh it was soooo much better than the Dexcom. The alarms were unbearable with the Dexcom and it was nice to have a break. But I always had my mom put it in cuz when I did try to put it in myself it was midnight and I was crying 😭😭😭 luckily diabetes camp gave me the courage to do it myself and I never had issues with putting it in since (I believe all type 1 diabetics should go to camp, or even volunteer if you’re too old. It’s truly incredible). I did try out the Libre 2 and 3, and those did have alarms, but you still had to scan it to see your blood sugar which, at that point you might as well not use the Libre cuz it now has alarms and you can’t just see where you’re at. But still, the Libre never gave me issues with movement. Now it did fall off a lot, but a major improvement from the G4 Dexcom.
Now I’m new to the g6 Dexcom but it’s ten billion times better than the G4. Where it was on my arm for some reason hurt for a week tho idk why, but I didn’t work out cuz of it. But I was def scared to put it in myself just cuz it’s new. But luckily putting in the new dexcoms are MUCH better than the G4. Just look at these pictures:
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Look at the thing that you use to put it in. It was big. You stuck it on and pushed down on a giant plunger. It was clunky are very scary for little ol me. And then here’s the g6
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I use my phone so I don’t have the receiver, but the thing is still a little big, but you just push a button to get it in. Nice and easy and less scary. Plus having a phone instead of the receiver is so much nicer. Plus it’s even an improvement from the libres. You stick the thing on you and THEN you push the button in to insert the needle. Plus the button is super easy. Easier than the Libre I’d say. Tho there will probably be moments when it will jam. I can tell. And just for fun here are the libres:
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The Libre 1 and 2 looked the same, but the Libre 2 had alarms while 1 didn’t. It’s hard to see the size but you can look it all up on google if you want to see it compared to a person, but the applicator was much nicer than the g4. You just put in on you and push down. It was more like a giant button than a giant needle. The libres however don’t stick onto you before the needles go in like the dexcoms do. So you can’t stick it on and then push down, you have to have it in the right position before you push down. And here’s the Libre 3 size difference.
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Ignore the text and the markings but the Libre three is TINY. Which is nice since it means less rash areas. Very comfy too. For reason I always had the sensors and pumps that gave me rashes lol. But yeah. Idk why I went on a super long tangent about cgms lol. Hope it was educational at least?
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jimmy-wilson · 1 year
You know. I'm really starting to understand why they guess lupus in every fucking episode bc every single time some weird medical thing pops up i look it up and the cause is always Always Fucking Lupus
#personal#teddy talks#seriously tho its ridiculous#i literally have Symptom Disease#the weirdest thing i figured out is actually fucking mental (which. psychosis is also a symptom bc why tf not?)#but ive had hearing problems since i was a kid. ive also worn glasses for a good decade or so. both of those are because of lupus#and its super commonly misdiagnosed just bc its so vast#it has nearly all the same symptoms as diabetes but no blood sugar problems#also the same symptoms as narcolepsy including seizure activity#and pcos#and schizophrenia#and fibromyalgia#and aids#literally name a big scary disease and ill bet $100 that lupus can present with the same symptoms#this time im mad bc sometimes i get this thing where the roof of my mouth hurts too much to eat. wanna guess why?#also as im typing this im getting the fucking shakes bc....you guessed it! lupus.#thats probably the most and least realistic part of the show#most bc its could literally cause any problem on the face of the fucking earth practically#least bc its never diagnosed like ever. i only have a half hand-wavy 'probably' bc my moms entire side of the family has it or similar#autoimmune stuff and i have the rashes on my face and hands#but like. i camt get treated bc i cant get diagnosed bc it can only be diagnosed by one particular test#thats fucking stupid expensive and comes bqck inconclusive over 70% of the time unless youre dying or over 45#dont quote me on that stat thats just what my gp said years ago#which i barely remember bc lupus fucks w your memory#also! also. they say theres all these diseases that 'mimic' lupus right like sjorgens and hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis but like#you know what also can appear as secondary disorders (might i say symptoms) with lupus?? sjorgens and hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis#every single disease that 'mimics' lupus can also be ACTUAL SYMPTOMS OF LUPUS#theyre not even comorbid at this point theyre straight up symptoms#even other diseases that arent lupus ARE STILL LUPUS#edit: the stat is actually that it reports a whopping 30% chance of a false positive. but its also much more conclusive after 35 y/o
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every-captain · 3 months
I also found out I have pretty pretty high cholesterol. This wasn't something my doctor flagged for me just 4 years ago when I last had labs, meaning it's a pretty new issue. That checks out since I've always had good cholesterol.
In good news I'm not even in the ballpark of at risk for diabetes which is the one everyone's worried about for me constantly cuz im fat.
Made an appointment with a psych but I can't get in till May. But once I get my vitamin D under control and get on some kind of mental health pills/assistance and get some energy back it'll be a lot easier to exercise. Until then I'm just gonna focus on eating meat and dairy a little more discerningly and drinking more water cuz my labs came back dehydrated too >_>;
I really wish my doctor had given me some more specific instructions than just "go on a diet and exercise" without even asking me about my diet or activity levels but what can you do. Once you're over 300 pounds you're not really a person to a doctor until you've lost half that.
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bigboymoozz · 5 months
Every time o research things to learn abt my brothers new type one diabetes diagnosis I have vivid flashbacks to how he looked when we were loading him into the car to go to the er and I start having a panic attack
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non-disabled people (and honestly sometimes people with other disabilities than your own) will truly talk like they don't know what having a Condition means. they'll get mad at a diabetic for having bloodsugars that are abnormal. like bestie that's what being diabetic means. they'll get mad at people with fatigue for not exercising more, or for walking too slowly. tell people with adhd they just need to sit and focus. say "why are you always getting upset?" as if i don't have Getting Upset Frequently disorder. like if i could do All That i wouldn't have a Condition now would i. we have grown up brains i know we can think this one through a little bit
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backhurtyy · 1 year
not me getting a post with a diabetes joke on my dash because it’s in a tag i follow,… i’m going to commit crimes
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cumulativechaos · 2 years
poorly-managed diabetes rlly is just MAG14: Piecemeal
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xshinormx · 3 months
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aqpippin · 7 months
i have had some DAYS
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leaving-fragments · 9 months
it makes so much sense for me to get tired when my blood sugar is high but somehow the correlation of sleepiness and high blood sugar only occurred to me like. thirteen years into living with diabetes
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shiegra · 11 months
There’s so much drama/soap opera bullshit I’m willing to handwave if you give me an excuse but the premise ‘she is so allergic to her own tears, as in saline produced by her own tear ducts, she may die if she comes in contact with them’ makes what science brain i do have full on short circuit
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hanalbal · 1 year
🤮🤮🤮🤮 my moms doctor put her on keto like it’s giving quack
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Heat Intolerance
This disability pride month I'd like to talk about heat intolerance. Because honestly although it's not the first health issue that presented symptoms in my life. It was the first time I was like "I don't think my body works right".
And honestly given disability pride month is during one of the hottest months in the year. It seems fitting. Especially because there's a lot of disabilities and medications that cause it.
What is heat intolerance?
Simply speaking it's the inability for the body to regulate it's temperatures especially in hot settings to cool itself down.
Why is awareness important?
Because gaslighting people or worse not providing them a place to cool down just because you "feel fine" is extremely fucking dangerous.
What are the medicines that can cause heat intolerance?
Antihistamines (Allergy medications) . Decongestants (Sudafed or any medication that has the D at the end of it). Stimulants (ADHD medications. Steroids. Caffeine.) Beta-blockers (blood pressure medications). Overactive bladder treatment. Psychiatric medications (including but not limited to medications for depression and anxiety). Pain relievers. Antibiotics.
What medical conditions can cause heat intolerance?
EDS (Elhers-Danlos syndrome). Autism. ADHD. Migraines. Brain/spinal-cord injury. Sensory processing disorder. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Endocrin problems. POTS. Menopause. Hypothyroidism. Diabetes. Heart Disease. Multiple sclerosis. Mental health disorders.
What should I do if I suspect I have heat intolerance?
Reduce time outside during hot months. Keep your electrolytes up. Drink plenty of water. Stay out of the sun whenever possible if outside. Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Clothes that are best worn for heat intolerance. Loose lightweight breathable fabrics. Natural fibers. Long sleeves that protect from sunburn as sunburns will increase your risk. Light clothes that reflect light. Wide brimmed hats that shade the face and neck.
Cool. So what are those symptoms I'm supposed you be looking for?
Headaches. Excessive fatigue. Mood changes. Muscle cramping or weakness. Nausea/ vomiting. Rapid heartbeat. Excessive sweating or not sweating at all.
When should I do to the doctor?
If you suspect you have heat intolerance you can go to your PCP to discuss what medications you may be on and what you can do about it. Otherwise, please go to the emergency room if you have symptoms of heat stroke.
This is good information and all but why are you making this post?
To raise awareness. Not just for the people that have it but weren't aware of what it was called. But for all of the idiots that tried to gaslight me when I was in school because I was like "I don't think this is normal. Every time we do our mile run outside I vomit all over the place but other kids aren't doing that."
Also because people always blame me for over heating if I wear long sleeves or pants. I always like to take notes from what people in the middle east wear because they literally live in the excessive heat and spend long hours in the excessive heat. Often in clothing that covers most of their body. They've gotta know what they're doing, right?
I have some type of xenophobic comment about why people from the middle east cover up
Shut the fuck up 😊
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