#why yes i did build that hand in the headpat like that hand model fsdljsfd
kibbits · 2 years
Hi hello take the world's tiniest sketches for the Break a Leg!AU
I wanted to give them a Big Coat! They lost their coat of the moment some time during storage, so they're pretty happy to be able to change costumes again once they find their old stuff, and do so often
They're always making big exaggerated movements that can be seen from afar. Sun takes SUCH big strides that you have to trot or run all the time to keep up
Also Big Coat for Big Comfort : )
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Idk if I'm gonna go with a changing Y/N design, a generic, or a specific one, but I'll keep them fat either way.
Not enough fat Y/N's! : O
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And a little surprise musical number where he "leads" you in a dance (read: treats you like a prop). As a treat.
Idk, I think it's neat that something can be both silly and whimsical, but also mildly threatening : )
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