eldritch-spouse · 3 months
pov: me being nice to to some kind of monster(Breg)
one day he finally follow me home 😘💕😍
THE HOME (some BIG fancy house)
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Oh this sucks.
Not the house, the house looks great.
It's just that it's so massive Breg can basically squat in it at all times. He doesn't even have to leave! He can just continuously stalk you in the halls of your own disgustingly large home and retreat to a division you hardly check when it seems like you're getting suspicious.
The breeder is almost concerned for you. This space is far too open and vulnerable to be called a home. How can you feel safe here? All your security systems did nothing to stop him. Seriously angel, he doesn't know how you sleep soundly at night, without your mate protecting you.
If you're lucky, Breg will accidentally fall into the pool and struggle like a yowling wet cat, giving himself away finally.
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legiblyloathed · 1 year
Ain’t He Darling? (Chapter 2)
Yandere! Wally Darling x Reader
A/N: This has gone from a oneshot to a twoshot to what’s now shaping up to be at least a five chapter story and for that I apologize. The “date” with Wally was only meant to be half a chapter and now it’s a full one. I will, in fact, learn nothing from this and will continue to accidentally increase my workload in the future. Many thanks for the kind comments on chapter 1, and I hope you enjoy chapter 2!
People who requested to be tagged; @whynot5243 @tikosan @itsyellow @twerkingnutella18 @azoart Y’all keep me going, I wish you the best.
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You know, maybe it was hasty to imagine Wally killing me as the worst case scenario. I think I’d take getting murdered in the woods over the uncomfortable silence I’ve been stewing in all afternoon.
Or at least, the silence is making me uncomfortable. Ever since I dragged myself out of the house to paint with him like I promised, I’ve spent damn near every minute avoiding eye contact like it’d kill me. Not that it seems to be working, as every time I glance up from my painting, I can see him out of the corner of my eye, and without fail he’s always focused on me. How he’s managed to finish his own drawing in between these moments is beyond me, but the way the easels are laid out, I can’t see his canvas anyway. There’s every chance it’s blank, and he just coerced me out here to stare at me without interruption.
But now, the sky is shifting to a myriad of colors, and I send up a silent thank you to the heavens for the excuse to leave. “Well, this has been fun,” I start, wiping the excess paint on my hands onto the apron he loaned me. “But I don’t wanna have to walk home in the dark, so I’d best be off.”
“It has been fun, hasn’t it?” After who knows how long of complete silence, his voice makes me jump slightly. Wally takes a few slow, measured steps in my direction, stopping just a little too close to my personal bubble. His eyes glued to my messy painting of the woods, and his eternal smile seems to widen. “You’re good at this.”
I manage to let out a laugh. “Not really, but I appreciate it.” I glance over my own art at the back of his easel, morbid curiosity eating away at me. As much as I want to see what the resident weirdo drew when he wasn’t trying to burn a hole in my forehead, something tells me it’s better not to know.
Wally’s head turns slightly, following my gaze to his own artwork. “Oh, do you want to see mine?” he asks, not waiting for my answer as he walks over and grabs it off the easel. He stares down at it for a moment, as if ensuring its quality, then turns it around and holding it up for me to see. “I worked hard on it. What do you think?”
Upon examination, I think I should have chosen a different neighborhood to move into, one with less terrifying residents. Staring back at me is a portrait of none other than myself. I’m sitting on a bench, which, after a moment, I recognize as the one under the apple tree where Wally had been the day prior. I look relaxed, leaning back and resting my weight on my hands behind me, my attention drawn to something off to the right. As I scan it over, I note that I wasn’t drawn with the clothes I wore today, but the ones I had on yesterday, down to finest of details. It’s beautiful, and I hate it.
I’m left frozen in place, gawking at the perfect recreation of my likeness in silence. The man doesn’t seem to mind, content to let me take in the details of his piece as he in turn observes my reaction. When I manage to pull my attention back to his face, I stammer out, “That’s…” A hell of a red flag? My worst nightmare on a canvas? A fear I’d have deemed laughable before this moment? “…incredibly realistic.”
Wally turns the painting back to himself, looking down at it with an air of fondness. “I suppose it is. I can’t take all the credit, though.” His eyes look up at me, his head unmoving. “I had a very inspiring model.”
At this, I can feel the two sides of my brain start to feud. The optimistic side makes a good effort to insist that this explains the staring, that he just wanted to get the details right and I was wrong to treat it like a problem. The more realistic side then slaps the optimistic side upside the head and points out that no amount of staring could explain the sheer level of detail in clothes that I’m not even wearing today.
My thoughts continue to conflict with each other, the turmoil so strong that I don’t even register Wally getting closer until he’s barely a foot away from me. I jolt back, nearly falling over. He seems unbothered. “Say, neighbor, would you mind helping me carry all this back to Home? The paintings are delicate, I don’t want them getting crushed.”
Part of me really wants that painting getting crushed, but I don’t dare admit that out loud. Instead, I nod. “Alright, but we gotta hurry. It’ll be dark soon.” Already the sun is casting long shadows, obscured by the trees to the west. Wally and I pack up the paints and fold up the easels, and I balance them all in my arms while he holds the canvases to his chest. Together, the two of us set off towards the house in the center of the neighborhood.
No words are exchanged as we journey through the town. He seems content with the silence, and I’m content to not have to talk to him. It seems the rest of our neighbors have called it a day, Wally and I being the only two people out and about. The weight of the supplies makes my arms ache, but if the alternative is carrying a piece of art that feels just a little too haunted for my taste, I think I can tolerate the discomfort. I don’t know how the hell he managed to drag all of this junk out in the first place.
The sun has sunk down past the horizon by the time we make it to Home, painting the sky a myriad of purples and deep blues. It takes all I have left in me not to collapse upon the porch, made all the worse by Wally’s continued nonchalance as he opens the door and beckons me inside. I brush past him into the living room, dumping my armload of supplies onto the coffee table. With a weary huff, I throw myself down onto his couch to catch my breath, my eyes drooping shut.
“You feeling alright, there, neighbor?” The sofa sinks ever so slightly as he settles down beside me. When I don’t reply, too busy staring at my eyelids and regulating my heartbeat, he speaks with what almost feels like genuine concern, “If you were getting tired, you should have spoken up. I’d have been happy to take a break.”
I shake my head. “Fine, I’m fine. Just need a minute before I head home.”
There it is again, that damn laugh. “What do you mean? This is Home.” The sound of a door squeaking registers in my periphery, and I let my eyes open, squinting against the bright colors of his house. I take a glance out of the corner of my eye, and sure enough, his own are glued on my face with a smile that registers as a little too suspicious for my tastes.
An increasingly familiar sense of unease overtaking me, I push myself up and lean away from him, hoping he didn’t notice, yet knowing he did. “I mean yeah, it’s your home, Wally,” I say, “but I have my own home to get back to.”
He lets out a soft hum, and I swear his smile wavers for just a moment. “I suppose you do,” he murmurs, sounding like he was talking to himself more than me. Risking another glance, I’m surprised to see his eyes not on me, but focused on the paintings that he had leaned against his armchair. My portrait, with its flat, distracted gaze, seemed to be staring back at us from the angle at which it stood.
With this newfound distraction from his observation, I move to push myself up off the couch, snapping him out of whatever stupor he’d been wandering in. I make sure to speak before his mouth catches up to his brain. “Well, today’s been… fun, but I think I’m gonna head out.”
I feel a hand clasp around my forearm, and I barely bite back a yelp at the contact. “It’s pretty dark out there, neighbor. Are you sure you don’t want to just sleep here tonight? I think you’d be safer.”
Nope, nope, nope nope nope. I pull my arm away, praying it didn’t look as panicked as it felt. “I appreciate the concern, but I’ll have to pass. It’s not that long a walk, I’ll be fine.” I step away towards the door, and my stomach sinks when I hear Wally get up as well.
As I prepare to head out, the same hand settles upon my shoulder instead. “Well, if you’re sure, I won’t stop you,” he drawls, a trace of emotion I can’t quite name evident in his tone. He slips past me, opening the door himself. He tilts his head, eyes locked on mine. “Let’s do this again sometime. Won’t that be nice?”
If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a challenge. Straightening up, I stand in the doorframe and meet his stare as evenly as I can. “I’m sure it would be.” The evening chill washes over me as I exit Home. “Good night, Wally.”
“Good night, neighbor. Sleep well.” My steps are steady and even as I walk down the porch stairs, and the light still pouring out as I walk away tells me that the door is still open. That he’s still there, still watching me. I hurry along towards my house, being sure to break out of his line of sight as soon as possible. It doesn’t help with the paranoia, but I pretend it does.
Tears nearly stream down my face in relief as I enter my own home and close the door, leaning back against it and sliding down to the ground. I don’t bother getting up, not to eat, not to shower, nothing. I just sit there, alternating between keeping my eyes closed to try and relax and opening them when I see those horrible eyes taunting me in the inky black. As I feel myself drifting off, one final thought crosses into my mind:
I never got my painting back from Wally.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilish handsome singer part 2
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,
Summary: Wally somehow Mario finds where you live and he decides to pay you a visit discovering a secret when you find him. Oooh, he in trouble~
Illustrated Mafia Au, picture by @clownsuu! Here is your part two @@frindtheshapeshifter405! He be looking fine in the drawing
Oh and by the way Happy Birthday Clown!
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M/n was a beauty, no one could lie. He was what most would call perfect and one of that most included Wally Darling, Welcome Home mafia leader, a cartoon man that was feared world wide.
The man called Mario payed him his money just as promised and Wally decided that an alliance couldn't hurt anyone but he needed some reassurance and that is what lead him to your home address as a little gift of alliance from Mario. He went alone, he just wanted to see the god like beauty of a singer not kidnap him which is what led to him entering your house through a window and hiding behind the couch waiting for M/n to arrive.
"Mr. Genapetti, I'm proud you managed to do something right for once by creating the alliance with Welcome Home now what angers me is that you keep trying to sell me...," Said M/n and Wally stayed quiet, curiosity poking at him while he looked at M/n take off his heels and corset which made the shirt reveal his stomach, only one botton holding the shirt together which made Wally blush and look away.
"Mario Genapetti, unless you want me to kill you I suggest you remember your role and not pull shit like last time when Mr. Darling was in my bar," said M/n making Wally perk up which made him hit his hand against the table next to the couch which made M/n stop dead in his tracks.
"Hold on a minute Genapetti, don't hang up if you know what is good for you," said M/n before walking towards the couch and seeing the curly blue hair and he knew who it was.
"Oh Mario, Mario, Mario. You better be in my office tomorrow in the morning, we shall have a talk, hmm?," Said M/n before hanging up his burner phone and breaking it in half, he picked Wally by the shirt and then put him down in the couch.
"Want some tea? I'm asking since the cat is out of the bag," said M/n while walking to the kitchen, Wally nodded and waited for M/n to walk back.
"You are the leader of the Hidden Pictures mafia, aren't you?," Asked Wally when M/n sat across from him, blowing his tea before taking a sip.
"That I am," answered M/n while looking at Wally with those beautiful eyes of his. Wally would have been struggling to talk in a different situation.
"Ask away Darling, I can tell you have questions,"
Part 3? Let me know if you want to be tagged if I do one
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
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Is honestly the easiest to draw …cas I can’t draw muscular man… anyway this is the second time I drawn him :) what will he think if I show him this? (Probably rip to little pieces…knowing him) would love to fuc— the shit out of him if I could 😋
Very cute!!! ✨️
Vinnel is not the easiest to draw, like objectively he's not. I struggle with certain portions of him, I have no idea how you see him as the easiest to draw, but congratulations! 👀
Vinnel likes an artsy or crafty person. Perhaps not as much as a monster like Shags, but someone who can make something every once in a while.
When shown a drawing of himself, you can always expect him to mess with you by saying something like "My sleeves are bigger!" or "Wow Poppet you gave me a prong-cut, huh?", maybe even a "Does my ass look that fat to you?" but none of these are genuine jabs, only meant to rise some sort of defensive bickering from you. The jester giggles and stores these drawings away in the same place he usually keeps his dolls. The ones he particularly cherishes are hidden in a place where Vinnel keeps extremely important memorabilia.
It may seem as if he's discarded them, but rest assured all drawings are kept somewhere safe from prying eyes.
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
what are your most favourite tropes?
and what is your favourite Fnaf character? mine is the SUN AND MOON!!!!
Favorite tropes, in general? Aside from the yandere trope as a whole.. Ah, let me think...
I really like the idea of 4th wall breaking, as in a supposedly fictional character becoming aware of their situation and that you're more than just the avatar of you inside the game, and they fall in love with you, maybe glorify you, attempting desperately to keep your attention even if it means breaking the game around them.
Similarly, I also really enjoy those cheesy narratives where a player is isekaid into a game, but the twist is they're ridiculously overpowered because they can use cheats or the game's mechanics don't really register them as something with a hitbox, so they're basically invincible and everyone around them is fascinated by both their abilities and their knowledge of the game's world.
I like stories where there's a sort of ownership dynamic going on, let me explain. Like you trespass in a monster's territory, or do something that symbolically signals you're fair game and they keep you in their living space, growing ever fond of you by the day. The opposite is just as good if not better to me, somehow ending up bound to a monster that's so much more powerful than you, which you have to learn to live your painfully mundane life with.
I love the idea of being physically tied to a monster too. As in, maybe there's a feedback of sensation between you two, or they're housed within you. Or even that monster being made from you, in a certain way.
There's probably more I'm not remembering right now...
As for a favorite FNAF character, I've never been too consistent on that. I like Moon and Sun a lot, I have to admit.
Classic Bonnie is also very near and dear to me. As is Withered Bonnie.
I'm not sure if Springtrap counts because it's more William Afton than anything (unless we're talking about some AUs where Springtrap is his own thing), but the way he acts in the third game endeared him to me.
Apart from those, I'm not too sure who else I particularly enjoy.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilish handsome singer part 3
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,
Summary: So many questions were dancing around Wally's head but the man infront of him seemed to short circuit his brain everytime he looked at him. Such an awful punishment...
Illustrated Mafia Au, btw it's a really close screenshot of the picture but the picture was made by @clownsuu!
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M/n was sitting in front of Wally with his legs crossed softly blowing his tea before taking a sip. He kept his eyes on Wally waiting for him to start his question that were so clear he wanted to ask but everytime he looked up he lost all his words and looked away again. M/n raised a brow and stood up to fetch another shirt which made Wally let out a sight he didn't know he was holding in the first place.
"Do you have no questions or are you perhaps considering your odds at killing me?," Asked M/n while taking another gulp from his tea while smiling softly seeing how Wally started stumbling on his words denying ever thinking of hurting him which provoked M/n to laugh at his reaction.
"I just don't know how to ask," grumbled Wally softly while looking at the ground which made M/n's smile grow at the "intimidating" and "dangerous" man behavior. M/n looked at him and Wally finally asked the question, without looking at him as a countermeasure to not, temporarily, forget how to talk.
"Why are you a singer in your own bar of your own mafia group? Why all the ruse with that Mario guy?," Asked Wally making M/n smile and finally take the last sip of his tea before setting it down. The sight of M/n slightly leaning in and looking him down almost made Wally combust and have a heart attack while M/n looked at him through thick eyelashes.
"Having someone act to be the leader of Hidden Pictures is comfortable, he is targeted instead of me by my enemies and I get to sing as an "innocent bystander", pretty genius right?," Said M/n now leaning back towards his chair still keeping his gaze on Wally, it was a soft gaze and he had a playful smile on his lips.
"It is quite the genius move," said Wally while looking away from M/n, he seemed unable to even hold contact for more than a second with him.
"I suppose that you want to break the alliance?," Said M/n not looking bothered at all but his eyes held some type of discomfort. After all it wasn't that often that his alliances were as handsome as Wally Darling himself. Wally smiled softly before answering M/n.
"No, that is not going to happen anytime soon,"
Part 3 is done! Should a part four be made?
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames @elegantkidfansoul @fluffyart5000 @totofranken @sjalyne @thezhephir
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilishly handsome singer part 6
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Mafia leader singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7,
Illustrated Mafia Au, wrote a little bit in Spanish but do use translation if you don't understand and picture done by @clownsuu
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Wally smiled softly while twirling in his hands a apple whiskey, Howdy was cleaning the counter and looking down, minding his business. Both man were thinking, albeit different persons, on a guy; Wally was thinking of M/n’s enchanting eyes while Howdy was thinking on the kind yet shy smile that Gepeto gifted him. Our boys be simping 
“So, Gepeto and you?,” asked Wally smirking before taking a sip at his apple whiskey. Wally almost laughed at how it seemed that Howdy short circuited at his simple question, Howdy only shared his head in a no while one of his hands covered his blue dusted cheeks. Wally’s attention span on Howdy lasted a couple of minutes but soon his smiled grew when he heard his phone ring, it was exactly nine o’clock and that meant M/n’s gang, Hidden Pictures, was ready to start their attack on San Stars. 
“Hola hermoso, are you ready to conquer a gang?,” asked M/n’s insanely sweet voice making Wally blush softly. M/n smiled on the other side of the hand listening the soft crack Wally had on his voice when he answered with a simple yes.
“Mhmm, que lindura… We are going to meet at, como se llama esa calle pelotudo?, Boulevard Broken across the street of Dreams… si la conoces?,” said M/n and Wally blushed at his use of Spanish.
“Yes, I know where that is… We’ll be there in a few,” said Wally hearing how M/n chuckled before saying a “See you here preciosura” to hang up. Wally sighted dreamily and looked at Howdy who started telling everyone to grab their favorites weapons since they are going out.
Everyone grabbed their weapons; Wally took his mere presence, Howdy took his ice pick, Barnaby took his biggest guns, Julie took her tranquilizer sniper gun, Sally took a rocket launcher against everyone’s demise, Eddie took a simple revolver to be able to protect Frank because Poppy was simply going as medical stand by and Frank was going to help her through any panic attacks.
When they arrived at the meetup Wally smiled at seeing M/n with a long black trench coat were in the back had a picture with roses crossed over with red in the back and on the sleeves, he had some beautiful red high heels just go with it and a beautiful apple red silk shirt that was accompanied with a white corset.
“God, he is fucking beautiful…”
Part 6 is out dearies! Part 7 is on the making shall but let me know if you want to joint the tag list!
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames @elegantkidfansoul @fluffyart5000 @totofranken @sjalyne @thezhephir @mythjustiice @waywardstardustcollector @thezhephir @rizzardbutonlyforai @beu-is-here0 @therealdonnied @maijvme @yuri-dono-blog @curiosityscrewedthatcat
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilish handsome singer part 4
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Mafia leader singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7,
Summary: Wally decides to go visit M/n at the wrong time and instead falls more in love while he is punishing a traitor.
Illustrated Mafia Au, picture done by @clownsuu
Extras: wrote a little bit in Spanish but do use translation if you don't understand, some gore mentions and Mario and Gepeto ain't happening because I live Gepeto to much to leave him be with Mario- you'll see Gepeto's future boy in the next part!
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Wally hasn't been able to get M/n out of his head since that talk they had at his house when he broke in to see him but M/n seemed more amused than anything which is a good sign... Right?
"Howdy, I need you to take me to Gepeto's...," said Wally and Howdy nodded not daring to question it. As they were driving to their destination Wally's mind drifted back to how their conversation finished.
"Well Mr. Darling I believe you should go porque aunque seas una muy atractiva visual I see no need for you to stay longer," said M/n making Wally scrunch his face in confusion.
"I don't know spanish," said Wally making M/n laugh softly while opening the door and when Wally stepped outside M/n said a soft "letting a ""I know" fly around the air before closing the door of his house leaving Wally puzzled.
"Sir, we are here, should I keep the car running?," Said Howdy snapping Wally out of his thoughts before nodding while getting out the car. He entered the bar to see M/n sitting in a table wearing some black dress pants with a navy blue silk shirt that was tight on his figure. All the staff was standing around him in a circle and he laughed.
"Mario, Mario, Mario... I remember when I picked you off the street, made you part of this family and I believe everyone remembers what happened to Selene, right? Giselle can you please remind Mr. Genapetti what happened to Maria since he doesn't seem to remember?," Said M/n with a kind voice but his eyes held no kindness in fact his eyes didn't show any emotion but rage in them. Giselle Shaked like a leaf but took a deep breath before talking.
"You ripped out her vocal cords and after a week you decided to hang her on the street lamp as an example for us," said Giselle shakily making M/n clap his hands in a "proud" way as if she had passed a test.
"Good memory Giselle, I indeed did that to stupid Selene! Now Mario, do you think you deserve such punishment for giving Mr. Darling my address and for trying to sell me to multiple businesses partners?," Asked M/n while lifting with his shoe Mario face that had multiple tears running down it. Mario softly said "give me one more chance... I won't let you down again" which made M/n chuckle before kicking Mario's face.
"Your lucky that you are dating Slevia because she is the only reason why I'm giving you a second chance... don't become a Selene, understood Mr. Genapetti?," Said M/n making Mario scramble to his feet towards Gepeto who hugged him. Wally was still at the entrance with a cherry red color in his cheeks at the scene he had witnessed, Wally got off the bar and went back to his car which made Howdy drive away from the bar.
Part 5? Will be made so let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames @elegantkidfansoul @fluffyart5000 @totofranken @sjalyne @thezhephir @mythjustiice @waywardstardustcollector @thezhephir
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New Neighbor Part 4
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: Love interest is your role in Sally's play but that means that the main star can't keep up with their calm persona around you because, well, you are you.
Illustrated Au, picture by @ihasnoplann
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Its finally the day where the play is being presented, Wally can't help but be nervous. Not because he is going to act, he has done that multiple times before infront of tourists, but because today M/n and him are going to dance and be romantic with each other thorough the whole play.
Worst thing is that Andy, the love interest, was inspired by how M/n is when he is in a relationship! He is basically giving Wally a taste of what it would be like to date him and Wally was starting to get addicted to the taste.
Wally was backstage waiting for the signal that the play was starting, he wondered where M/n was since he still hadn't arrived.
"Hello my darling, I'm not late am I?," Asked M/n making Wally's heart skip a beat. He turned around to say hi to him since he was finally able to talk without stuttering, that much at least, but he stopped dead in his tracks. M/n had his hair down, his eyes were sparkling under the moonlight; his makeup was subtle and at the same time it wasn't but what really left Wally speechless was the red apple earrings he was wearing to finish his outfit. Wally still speechless only shakes his head as an answer for him which made M/n laugh while walking closer to him, only stopping in front of him to lift his face up with his fingers.
"Well you look deliciously perfect my dear~," was all M/n said before letting go of Wally and walk into the stage, Wally following behind with wobbly legs while little hearts danced around his head. He waved them off before entering the stage and reciting his lines.
They finally got to the final scene, the scene where Wally and M/n are supposed to dance and so the dance begins. Soft music plays while M/n and Wally move their hip along the beat, M/n gives Wally the softest of smile and then spins him.
"Well honey, it seems it's only you and I against the world," says M/n softly while looking at Wally before making him spin one last time to put him in the famous dip.
"Seems like it, is that a problem?," Says Wally softly while staring at M/n's eyes before he smiled softly at Wally which caused a blush to appear.
"Not at all," says M/n softly while cupping one of Wally's cheeks. Wally was blushing like a mad man, he knew this scene was supposed to be like this but he can't help but feel sad that he could only get this loving treatment from M/n from his play. He doesn't want it to end, he doesn't want the long taste of the relationship he could have with M/n to end.
"Not at all," M/n repeats softly before connecting in a gentle yet passionate kiss, his lips fitting perfectly with Wally's. The curtain closed while they kissed and they could hear the cheering from the crowd. They separated, even though Wally chased M/n's lips as a reaction, and they got off the position. The curtains opened again and all of the cast joined hands and bowed while the public threw roses at them.
M/n's hand lingered on Wally's before breaking the beautiful hold and giving Wally a peck on his cheek with a soft smile. M/n walked away leaving a very love struck Wally on the stage.
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @eyesarefullofstars @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @whoamveye @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w
Part five? Why not! Do tell if you want to be tagged
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New neighbor Part 9
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Illustrated Au, picture made by @nekfofes
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Wally sights dreamily when he closes the door of Home since M/n had bring him back in his motorcycle. Wally leaned against the window and stares at M/n while he drives away towards his house, his attention is gained by Home doing some bangs and knocks and he sights dreamily once again.
"It was amazing Home, he took me to dinner and we danced underneath the stars. He treated me like if I was the most important thing in the world," said Wally while plopping himself on his armchair and played, carefully, with the red and black roses that he had gifted him. Home does some creaks which made Wally blush a bright red.
"Oh my rainbows! You are right Home, I didn't plan that... it didn't even cross my mind!," Exclaimed Wally while dialing the phone with hurry, the phone ringed and soon the voice on the other side answer.
"Hello? Which neighbor is it and if it's Julie the answer is no to whatever crazy scheme you thought of," said M/n making Wally chuckled and blushed at his voice.
"Hello Neighbor, it's Wally," said Wally while playing with the string of the phone in a shy matter while he looked again at the roses on top of his armchair.
"Oh Wally, is something wrong?," Asked M/n, Wally chuckle while thinking "always the gentleman" and then he cleared his throat feeling more shy than usual. He could almost feel M/n's loving gaze on him.
"No, nothing is wrong I was just wondering if you were free in two days time, around five? Maybe we could do a picnic together," Wally said shyly and then he heard M/n gasp and chuckle softly. Wally felt a shiver go down his spine because of the chuckle.
"I would love to go on a date with you Wally! Let's best do it tomorrow so Sally doesn't try to interrupt us," said M/n softly gaining a shy smile from Wally, Wally looked out the window and saw M/n standing in front of his, his shirt was slightly opened so he averted his gaze in a shy way.
"Alright then, goodnight," Wally said to blush a bright red when M/n chuckled and said "Goodnight my darling". Wally sighted dreamily for the third time that night and he smiled while putting the roses in a base.
"Maybe this could be the most beautiful thing that has happened to me..."
This is the end of season 1! Hope you liked it!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets @redjeanjacket @fried-lotud @waywardstardustcollector @frindtheshapeshifter405 @lotusflowerexe @sleepyscxry @the-gayest-toad @mythjustiice @backyard-bear @beu-is-here0 @just-random-post
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New Neighbor part 6
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: A date is what you asked Wally on, and he was panicking. What should he wear? A suit or something more casual? What about his hair, should he do his famous pompadour or let it down since you seemed to like his hair down? Home is freaked out because of his behavior.
Illustrated Au, picture done by @qep0ermint
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Wally's Pov
M/n? A date? Me? M/n and me on a date? Maybe I'm dreaming so I should not freak out. Wait... I don't even sleep in the first place!
"Home! What should I do? I never been on a date! Should I hold his hand? Should I kiss him? Oh, my rainbows! What should I wear?", I screeched in a panicked way, frankly, running around the house. To say Home was irritated was an understatement, it was about to be three in the morning, and I have been doing all these questions since M/n left. Home opened a door on my face making me fall on the floor which shut me up. Home started making squeaks, bangs and some knocks and the house answer helped me to calm down.
"Your right Home! I shall not go outside and fuss over what I should wear," I said excited, and a groan could be heard deep from Home's walls as I ran rapidly to my room basically smacking the door of the closet open, ironic statement.
I start pulling clothes from the never-ending walk-in closet and started trying outfits out. Nothing seemed perfect or appropriate for a date, I started getting exasperated and so I decide to do the one thing that could send me to an early grave.
"Hello... Julie, could you bring me an outfit that is date worthy?", I said softly hearing how Julie squealed on the other side of the line. She screamed a yes and hung up on me, she might give the most beautiful outfit or the most awfully extravagant outfit in the world.
Julie arrived at six with my outfit and I had my hair in my usual pompadour, and she only shook her head telling me no before pushing me inside of Home. She threw the outfit at me and simply said "Change, now!" before pushing me to my bedroom. I put on a white shirt that held a place where I putted a red tie, beautiful blue blazer and red dress pants, Julie enters the room while I fix the sleeves and makes me sit down in front of my mirror; she undoes my pompadour and lets my blue hair free; she styles it to the side and smiles.
"You are ready to go handsome!", She exclaimed making me smile at her comment; Sally is lucky for having such a nice girlfriend. I hear a door knock and I see that is already eight. Oh, my rainbows! Time sure flew by.
Part seven? I believe so! Let me know if you want to join the tag list!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @eyesarefullofstars @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets @redjeanjacket @fried-lotud @waywardstardustcollector @frindtheshapeshifter405 @lotusflowerexe @sleepyscxry @the-gayest-toad
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilishly handsome singer part 5
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Mafia leader singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7,
Illustrated Mafia Au, wrote a little bit in Spanish but do use translation if you don't understand, for better plot you have different eye colors and very close screenshot of picture (done by @clownsuu)
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Wally received a call and picked up after shutting up Barnaby in a respectful manner, he put the phone to his ear and waited for the other side of the line to talk.
“Mr. Darling, hello… this is Mario and I’m here to let you know that we need to meet,” said Mario making Wally sight dramatically. He thought in over and shrugged to himself.
“Alright, guess we can meet but you better not be wasting my time,” said Wally before hanging up while looking at Barnaby who nodded before exiting the room with Wally trialing behind him, Barnaby opened the door and Howdy drove away towards Gepeto’s bar. Howdy opened Wally’s door and closed it when he stepped out following behind him, Wally walked towards the table closer to the stage where Mario was waiting.
“Go fetch me your actual boss,” said Wally making Mario scurry off, he looked at Howdy and made a sign for him to mingle which Howdy did while walking towards the bar where Gepeto greeted him. Wally smiled seeing how Howdy had a soft blue hue in his cheeks through the interaction but he snapped his attention to M/n who sat down in his lap.
“Hello, Mr. Darling… glad you could make it,” said M/n while staring intensely at him and even though M/n’s eyes were covered by a band he still managed to be intense. M/n’s band started slipping and it reveled beautiful (e/c) and (e/c) eyes which made Wally swallow harshly, M/n fixed his band back in his eye and smiled.
“Que lindo te ves sonrojado… Igualmente, I called you here to suggest you a conquest. You see, the band San Stars are being a burden and I know how much you hate their morals así que what do you think about taking them down?,” said M/n in a soft voice making Wally shudders since the soft yet ragged voice M/n possessed could drive anyone insane.
“Sound like a plan darling…”
Part 5 is out dearies! Part 6 shall be made but let me know if you want to joint the tag list!
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames @elegantkidfansoul @fluffyart5000 @totofranken @sjalyne @thezhephir @mythjustiice @waywardstardustcollector @thezhephir @rizzardbutonlyforai @beu-is-here0 @therealdonnied @maijvme
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New neighbor part 7
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: Wally opens the door to see you standing there, simply looking breathtaking while holding a bouquet of roses. He almost dies at seeing you.
Illustrated Au
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Wally heard a knock on his door and he went to open it after realizing it was eight. He rushed to the door and opened it to see M/n wearing a beautiful black silk dress shirt and black dress pants with roses embroidery in white. M/n had some dark purple eyeshadow and was holding a bouquet of red and black roses. M/n’s hair was in a loose ponytail which was slowly becoming undone and while Wally stared the hair tie finally slid all the way down letting M/n’s hair free that ended framing his face perfectly. When M/n noticed the open door he smiled brightly at Wally while some wind picked up making the hair sway softly. Model material tbh
“Ready to go to Gepeto's my darling?,” asked M/n making Wally blush a deep shade of red while looking at him. Wally nodded making some of his hairs land infront of his eye which made M/n chuckle while pushing away those stray strands of hair which earned a soft squeak from Wally. M/n laughed softly and gently grabbed Wally's hand and started walking with him down the street until Wally saw up ahead a motorcycle.
"You are not afraid of motorcycle's are you?," Asked M/n while putting on a leather jacket and starting the bike which made Wally stare at him in a shy yet intense gaze. Wally walked slowly to M/n and got in the bike, hugging M/n from behind, not noticing the red color settling in the opposite cheeks.
They both rode into their location, Wally enjoyed the ride. He didn't leave the neighborhood so often but the few times he did he loved the visuals but this time it felt different because he was there, because M/n was there. Wally smiled against M/n's shoulder, enjoying the feeling of the proximity.
"We are here," M/n said softly while parking the motorcycle. Wally opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful restaurant his eyes ever laid on, in big red letters were the words Gepeto's which made Wally's heart skip a beat since this was really happening but it still felt surreal.
Wally grabbed M/n's outstretched hand with a soft smile while his cheeks stayed in a cherry red color. Wally smiled grew when he noticed the pink color that covered M/n's cheeks. They both walked inside the restaurant and a man greeted them while the chef walked out of the kitchen and as soon as he saw M/n he ran to him and hugged him, lifting him up from the ground.
"Gepeto! Is been a while my friend!," Exclaimed M/n after being put down on the ground. M/n and the man called Gepeto chatted for a while until he and Wally got a table, they say down and their date started. M/n smiled at Wally whose hair looked fabulous, thanks to Julie, and so M/n smiled before grabbing Wally's hand with care and chatting the night away, enjoying the food and the lovely company.
Part eight? Sure do think so! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @greenteaanon @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets @redjeanjacket @fried-lotud @waywardstardustcollector @frindtheshapeshifter405 @lotusflowerexe @sleepyscxry @the-gayest-toad @mythjustiice
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New Neighbor part 8
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Illustrated Au, here's your human knocking out the eight part of this fic! Did not think it would get so much love or I would write so many part but here we are! Anyways, picture was made by @qep0ermint!
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The dinner at Gepeto's was a success, Wally enjoyed seeing M/n enjoy himself and admittedly he got a tad jealous at M/n's close friendship with Gepeto but it didn't stop him from enjoying the simple and cozy dinner with him.
M/n carefully grabbed Wally's hand and guided him outside of the restaurant after Gepeto insisted that it was on the house.
"Gepeto and you are really close, huh?," Said Wally trying to sound indifferent but he was failing because M/n could see the light crease in his eyebrow and how he tighten his hold just a tad on his hand. M/n chuckles softly while squeezing Wally's hand back for reassurance.
"He is like a brother to me, the way we met was kinda comical, almost as if it was scripted," M/n said picking Wally's interest, he looked at M/n as a sign for him to carry on while he basked in how beautiful M/n looked under the moonlight.
"I was running around this town, script's and rough drafts for some novels in hand until I crashed into him making all the paper fly around the air. He helped me up and I realized how nervous he looked, I of course asked why and he just spilled everything from how he got divorced recently to how he couldn't afford to buy the restaurant you and I were in a minute ago," M/n said while, with his hand still holding Wally's, moving his hands in motions that represented some part fo the story. Wally blushed at how handsome M/n was, mostly with how the moon was making his eyes sparkle in a almost perfect way.
"What happened then?," Asked Wally curious now looking at the sky, it was beautiful the colors that were being mixed. He should paint it, he should paint M/n with the sky so he could call it his masterpiece.
"After a year of friendship was stablish I decided that it was time to make Gepeto's a reality and bought the restaurant for him with my savings! He cried and has never let me pay a meal since then, not even after I told him that it was fine if he didn't pay," M/n said now looking at Wally's eyes while smiling softly. The sight made Wally swallow harshly as he seemed to get lost in a trance, he could paint him and it will still not be a match to the actual god like beauty that M/n, his date, possessed.
"I did promise you a dance so, would you care for a dance my darling?," Asked M/n while his eyes flickered from Wally's to his lips and then back to his eyes. Wally blushed at the action and smiled while shyly nodding a yes, M/n started humming a song and the sound of M/n's voice mixing with the soft whistle of the wind and the crickets had become the perfect white noise for Wally if he tried to sleep. They swayed from one side to the other, occasional twists and dips happened and small laughs were shared between the two of them. It was a perfect moment.
Wally sighted happily while now cuddling next to M/n on the grass against a maple tree. M/n smiled and looked at Wally gaining his attention when he pushed a strand of his blue hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ear, he blushed while M/n cupped his cheek with care which made Wally melt. Wally slowly started going closer to M/n and the opposite closed the gap between them with a soft kiss. When M/n pulled apart from Wally he had a brush and he kissed Wally once again which made Wally giggle against M/n's lips, they both were thinking the same thing when they looked at each other's eyes with dopey smiles.
"Best date ever..."
Do you guys want the aftermath of the date 👀? Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so I can tag you!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets @redjeanjacket @fried-lotud @waywardstardustcollector @frindtheshapeshifter405 @lotusflowerexe @sleepyscxry @the-gayest-toad @mythjustiice @backyard-bear
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tiredly101 · 1 year
New Neighbor part 5
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer! Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: Wally's has been crushing for too long so Barnaby decides that exposing him would not hurt anyone, right? Right?
Main Au (Illustrated Au), honestly did not think this would be loved so much but oh well. Picture done by @eechytooru
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Barnaby was honestly a disaster creator waiting to happen, sometimes this was a good thing and other times this was a bad thing. This was one of those time where it is a bad thing.
Barnaby knew about Wally's huge little crush on M/n which meant him trying to make those two happens. Their dynamics was almost like shy x calm suave flirt and it drives Barnaby crazy! They could not not be a couple, they need to start dating ASAP and if he had to butt in so be it.
"M/n! I need to tell you something important, like world crisis important!," Exclaimed Barnaby basically barging in into M/n's shop which left him frozen in motion. He had a cup of tea in his hand and was about to sit down to write in his typewriter, his eyes were open in shock and his mouth was open softly as a small squeak left him, it was almost as if his soul left his body for a couple of seconds.
"W...what happened Barnaby?," Asked M/n while setting his cup down on the table and basically throwing himself on the chair while his glazed eyes turned into a fixed stare on Barnaby.
"Well, I need to tell you that Wally likes you! As more than friends of course," said Barnaby and it took a couple of minutes for M/n to finally process his words.
"M/n," Barnaby said while waving his hand in front of M/n's face which earn him a soft whimper as a response.
"I know... well kind of, I had a gut feeling but I just pushed it aside as me trying to have hope," said M/n when the feeling of nausea finally left him. 'I really should stop sitting out of nowhere with such force' was something that crossed his mind.
"Well he does! You should try asking him out, he will definitely say yes!," Barnaby said making M/n smile at the thought of seeing Wally blushing and stuttering a yes.
"Maybe I will Bar, maybe I will," was all M/n while getting lost in thought. He didn't even realize when Barnaby smiled and left the shop, he only realized when he felt the sun on his face. The sun was starting to set and M/n decided this would be a good time to ask Wally out.
M/n walked down the street and knocked on Home's door, Home seemed happy to see M/n if anything they looked smug? M/n brushed it off while waiting for Wally.
Wally opened the door and a blush made itself home in his cheeks when he saw M/n who only smiled softly at him.
"Hello neighbor... what are you doing here?," Asked Wally shyly while looking at the ground feeling the heat in his cheeks worsen by the second.
"Well my darling, you and I, tomorrow at eight I will pick you up and take you to dinner at Gepeto's and then we will dance under the stars, alright?," Asked M/n with no type of fear or doubt which left Wally confused. What was happening?
"Are we going? What?," Asked Wally softly finally looking at M/n's eyes who only held love on his gaze.
"I'm taking you out on a date Wally, if you accept of course," said M/n while smiling at Wally whose blush went from a soft pink to a soft red, this made him laugh softly while he leaned forward never taking his eyes from Wally. Wally nodded rapidly since he knew his words would betray him and M/n smile grew before he kissed him which made Wally's whole face become a fire red while hearts flew around and some steam came off his head. M/n smiled when he pulled away from Wally and kissed his hand before walking away shouting in the distance:
"See you tomorrow at eight my darling"
Part six is being made! Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Tag list:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @eyesarefullofstars @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @ghosteezofvispast @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets
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tiredly101 · 1 year
A picture not ment to be seen part 3
Pairing: Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader
New Neighbor Masterlist
Summary: Wally's head was splitting. He could hear your laugh, your voice and he could see your face, your smile... He closed his eyes and saw...
Illustrated Au, picture is not mine but I wanna give this man a hug because- look at that sad face-
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Wally was now simply staring at the photo album trying to understand what was going on, who was this M/n guy and why is he so damn handsome? If he had to forget someone why did it have to be a guy with god like beauty?
Wally was shocked but soon his beautiful black eyes filled with tears, why can't he remember M/n? The name is so familiar and he can't help but want to know where he was after all they are kissing in that picture which has to mean something more than friendly was going on between them, right? As questions filled his head he then saw it, right infront of his eyes he saw him, M/n was standing as clear as day in front of him and next to M/n was... Wally?
"Look love, we could decorate Home to be a mix of us! Your painting could go there and I could plant this flowers outside of Home?," Said M/n making Wally chuckle while hugging him front the back, placing a soft kiss in M/n's neck which made him giggle.
"I love you Wally, I know we said we would wait but I can't help it... I love you...," Said M/n while turning around in Wally's arm now seeing Wally blushing. M/n smiled and pecked Wally's lip.
"I love you too M/n so please move in with me," said Wally softly while M/n nodded happily and peppered his face with butterfly soft kisses.
Wally's head was splitting after that memory, M/n now mingling with the shadows of Julie's home. Wally felt his eyes start tearing up but he could only feel M/n; he could hear his laugh, his voice, he could hear the 'I love you's" and then he could see his face, his smile, his adorable little features that only he had the honor to memorize in the moment. Wally closed his eyes and saw Julie standing while looking at him with a shocked expression that soon morphed into one of pity while she ran to hug him.
"Get off me!," Said Wally rather aggressively which surprised Julie as she stumbled back. Wally pointed at the photo album before taking it in his hands, his free hand pushed his blue locks out of his face.
"You better explain when the time comes Julie...," Said Wally before walking out of Julie's door with the photo album held tightly in his arms. He went to his favorite painting spot and sat down while staring at the album until he felt a hand touch his face.
"You look so pretty with you hair down Wally, don't let anyone tell you otherwise because they are surely blind," said M/n while pressing a soft kiss on Wally forehead and before Wally could answer,just as he appeared, he was gone. Wally was shaking but he steady his hands with force before climbing up the apple tree. When he reached the top he hid the album in his secret compartment and then his eyes met a shocking sight that left him breathless.
"Wally Darling and M/n Cherry were here!"
Part 3 is done! Part 4 will come out so let me know if you want to join the tag list!
Tag list from New Neighbor because this is season two:
@farleyis @whynot5243 @fluffyart5000 @blueberricowboi @bonesbonesbonesuponbones @who-let-me-write-this @pr5is1ng @just-random-post @smiling-carcass @nettaw @sleepyscxry @theorchardcollective @thelostboys11 @darling-w @ametistacollinsworld @vampyrefay @cloudeecheer @lacunaanonymoused @waywardstardustcollector @welcome-home-puppets @redjeanjacket @fried-lotud @waywardstardustcollector @frindtheshapeshifter405 @lotusflowerexe @sleepyscxry @the-gayest-toad @mythjustiice @backyard-bear @beu-is-here0 @just-random-post @fic-fortress @elegantkidfansoul @eyesarefun @one-green-frog @beu-is-here0 @waywardstardustcollector @24-7lazy @azyimnothere @fluffyart5000 @chesterthejester12-blog
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