#wicked little rambles
wickedlittleoz · 8 months
an artist i follow got an ask about whether it was alright to use their art as covers for fanfic bookbinding and i'm. sorry i must have missed this discourse but since when are people outright printing out other people's work and binding them into books? do you contact and get author's permission (sure as fuck hope so)? and how do we writers feel about that, because i certainly feel very uncomfortable with that idea. i mean not to spoil the artistic expression of bookbinding because it's beautiful work that i most certainly could not do, but. you can access them stories any time you want on the websites where they were originally posted. why print them? again i mean i get the pleasure of holding & reading physical books, i much prefer that too, but like. get some books i guess? sorry i come from a place of honesty and tbh surprise and confusion about this whole thing. someone tell me how we're feeling about this. someone explain to me why it's being done. i just wanna understand
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gelphiegifs · 4 months
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Gelphie Femslash February Day 15: Favorite Gelphie Scene
At this point in the story Glinda has spent years cultivating this public persona of Glinda the Good, despite missing Elphaba terribly she doesn't let those feelings get in the way of how she's trying to live her life. We know Glinda is unhappy as hell but she's still willing to put herself in the spotlight as this carefully curated figure and has spent a significant amount of time and effort doing so.
And yet the second she sees Elphaba again, all of that crumbles.
The Wizard is there! The man who could order her imprisonment if he wanted to is right there and Glinda knows this and she does. not. care.
Glinda didn't even know if Elphaba was alive, she's been dealing with these rumors about her for YEARS and she's so incredibly relieved to see her again she just has to hug her and she throws caution out the window to do so. (And this is GLINDA we're talking about. Her whole character relies on NEVER throwing caution out the window---except when Elphaba is involved. Elphaba is the only reason Glinda ever goes against the status quo but that's a whole other post.)
The scene plays a little differently with each performer, of course, but I love when Elphaba is portrayed as an active participant instead of just waiting for Glinda to approach.
Elphaba absolutely knows she's in danger, and yet she reaches towards Glinda and even shakes her arm a little impatiently while Glinda is frozen (sometimes Elphaba even walks up to her, too.) She's in danger and she doesn't care at all, she wants to allow herself this moment of reunion. Even while she's behind enemy lines. Because this is Glinda!! This is her Glinda who is right there!!
I could go on and on and on about this tbh but it's so precious how they haven't seen each other in years and they're on opposite sides and they're in this very dangerous place and through all the shock and disbelief of seeing each other again they still hold each other even for a moment.
Then it's back to business. "Only you shouldn't have come, if anyone discoverates you---" because Glinda is Glinda after all and there is work to do, but for a few seconds nothing but Elphaba mattered. It was like they were alone in that room.
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lovexmemonster · 4 months
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ponifies ur irumeanie
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amxthystiine · 7 months
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Same image
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adonis-koo · 6 months
i never talk about how in wicked it’s story canon that the Jeon’s all have genetically, dark hair, sharp, more angular features and an ‘icy stare’ BUT also they are genetically all very tall 🙏 Jungkook is 6’2 which is actually considerably short for a Jeon, Areum is 6’4 and Jeong Dae is 6’5 and a half, the half counts ☝️ Dae Seong is the the tallest sibling at 6’6
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... maybe I'm looking respectfully at a character.
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subsequentibis · 4 months
inspired by @vimbry 's post from a little while back these are my current top 10 favorite tmbg songs in no particular order!
mrs bluebeard
by the time you get this
till my head falls off
alienation's for the rich
where your eyes don't go
lie still little bottle
i love you for psychological reasons
they'll need a crane
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wicked-remarks · 1 year
A writing event based on summer as its main theme!
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Hello! I’m hosting a little writing event to bring some inspiration to those who may want to write something new!
Here's a little FAQ if you aren't familiar with writing events (or at least mine!):
What’s it about?
For a lot of people, summer is almost there! Try to write something with what can be considered a "summer topic." EX.: the beach, a vacation, sundresses, swimsuits, a date in warm and sunny weather and so on.
Are AUs allowed?
Yes! Though of course they aren’t mandatory. Mob AU, Modern AU, Royal AU… whatever fits best the narrative you’re looking to do! Here are a couple I’m able to think of right now:
Coffee shop AU
Flower/tattoo shop AU
College AU
Historical AU
Fairy tale AU
Roommates AU
Dystopian AU
Modern AU
Some more questions you may have…
“Event time?”
From June 1st to August 31st! It’s summer where I live during that time and it made me want to organise a fun challenge for fic writers all around to participate in.
“Can I write about any fandom?”
Of course! I am tagging some fandoms though it is obviously not limited to only these!
“One shot or multiple parts?”
That is up to you and where your imagination takes you! I think the event time is long enough to do multiple parts should you want, but a one shot is already wonderful! You can even do multiple one shots if a couple of subjects interest you!
“SFW or NSFW?”
Both can be done! though not mandatory. You can write the fluffiest fluff, the smuttiest smut, or both at once! Even angst if you feel inspired!
Here’s a list of tropes, situations and even quotes that may inspire you along with the summer theme!
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
mutual pining
Arranged marriage
fake relationship
Hanahaki disease
Sex pollen
Fake dating
“there is only one bed and neither wants to let the other sleep on the ground”
“now is clearly not the right time to express their feelings but they both feel like they’ll never do it otherwise”
“saw the other in a swimsuit/specific outfit they never wore before and they are currently slowly losing it”
“person A invited B to a festival, fair, crowded event and using it as an excuse to hold their hands as to not lose them in the crowd”
“person B asks to go swimsuit shopping to A and A is feeling blood rush somewhere from person B modeling swimsuits to them”
“There’s a firework show going on but person A is looking a person B instead”
“Gimme a sec I’m not drunk enough to listen to this”
“Take another step, and I can’t be held responsible for my actions”
“After all this do you really think I don’t love you?”
“Look at how far I would go in fear of losing you”
“I thought I lost you”
“Let me show you how much I love you”
“I wasn’t sure which flowers you liked so I got one of everything they had”
“Is there a special reason as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“I have a name, and it’s not sweetheart”
“I’ll do it. If you do something for me.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep”
“I can’t help it, you’re fun to mess with.”
“If I could, I’d kiss away all your scars”
“prove it.”
“Do I look like I’m messing around? Do I look like I won’t punish you?”
“Show me how much you missed me.”
“What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?”
“Shall we put that mouth to better use?” I hope this brings you some inspiration! you can use #Wicked's summer festival 2023 and I shall reblog (or at least try to) your fics here!
Taglist: @moonyslove78 @rae-gar-targaryen @papaya-047 @drew-garfi @fallensilencefics @petcr3 @squiddtheekidd @albatrossandivys @mortwig @withahappyrefrain @lilacvine
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kattt-5865 · 29 days
i really am getting into john wick 1 right now. its getting unhealthy i cant stop thinking about this movie. that is almost ten years old. oh god help me
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fissions-chips · 8 months
Evil Polycule AU but-
Tim finding out eventually about the major event that caused Jon to ‘fall from grace’. Jon (indirectly) killing Butler, kidnapping Artemis and holding him at gunpoint, etc.
Of course he’d be upset, enraged even- and Jon’s not really in the best mental state to try to defend himself. He’s terrified, now, as he’s given Tim control over his life in return for safety and suddenly, the reality hits him that it all could be snatched away from him again- or worse…
(but also, perhaps, the third member of the party, in a truly unprecedented move, speaks up on Jon’s behalf…)
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wickedlittleoz · 7 months
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pinkmirth · 1 year
I’ve been down terribly bad for eren jaeger lately… do NOT perceive me!
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tumblasha · 1 year
i forgot them on the printer
senior feelings and why i'm not sad that i'm not sad
events like senior sunset always remind me of how i feel to leave the institute soon. i think that i get to remind myself who i remember and who i wanna forget.
on the dance floor, my old parasocial peer called out my name and waved at me. i made eye contact with the first one. i avoided eye contact with the ones i left.
so many times when i get ready for whole-class events, i feel the anxiety of maybe not knowing "enough" people in my year. i ask myself, why are most of your friends not 2023s? don't normal people have more friends their age / status?? it's only until i get to the function that i realize that i Have actually done a good job (good grade in "student!" [1]).
and then i realize how easy it is to pass a silly little test. of course i could link some faces in lecture to names on a program, but i know i can't remember for more than two days after i've seen them perform.
the ones that i won't forget are the ones i talk to every day, the ones that make me want to run around and look for them if i haven't seen them in the past 24hrs. the ones that i won't forget are the driving force of a tear shed at an airport.
to be loved is to be changed.
this silly garfield meme [2] makes me want to punch the three-second-younger version of me that existed before i read the quote. it'll hurt to know that i'm changing in a different direction than the current way, but i think that any type of further life fulfillment can't be done if i refuse change and the change of the change.
and there's also the trust that i'll see at least most of them again. they're willing to pull open a laptop and the academic calendar. they're willing to start planning when to have vacation days in jobs they haven't even started yet. they're already planning what next restaurant we're going to visit.
i love y'all, and soon i'll say it all by myself (like a big boy!). i've written out how much i love u and it's about to start printing, just don't let me forget the paper on the printer.
[1] whenever i go to a performing arts show (or any performance with a list of the entire ensemble), i always look at the program and tell myself "you're only a good member of the student community if you know at least one person on each song / part"
[2] https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/to-be-loved-is-to-be-changed
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adonis-koo · 1 year
discovering voice writing on Google docs has to be the best thing that happened to me all year
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shrimpscrawling · 1 year
I am a vicious, vengeful and hateful bitch but also like just a 26 year old teenage girl
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hyperionshipping · 1 year
I've been thinking abt stuff Beverly said last night it won't get out of my head x.x
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