#willow oswald pelekai
yourluckyoswald · 3 months
Sleep deprived
Price: What's wrong with you four?
Gaz: We had a bet on which one of us can stay up the longest
Ghost: It's been 6 days
Price: I can tell...
Oswald and Soap: *Fighting each other for the coffee pot*
Gaz: *Looking at Oz and Soap fighting* I'm so gonna win
Price: Uh huh. By the way, you're pouring salt instead of sugar in your cup
Ghost: *Bangs head on table, asleep and snoring*
Gaz: Haha! One down! *Sips his salted coffee, unfazed*
Price: I'm calling Laswell for a transfer...
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omniscientoswald · 3 months
Down range Part.2
Soap: *Puts M-16 down* I can fire this baby all day
Ghost: Rather you not
Soap: *Smirks* Ye just upset you're not part of the next opperation, am I right Bonnie?
Oswald: *Sound asleep on the bench*
Soap and Ghost: ...
Soap: How can she sleep so peaceful at a range...?
Ghost: You'll be surprised with what she can sleep through...
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islandtarochips · 1 month
OCs Heights Differences Pt 2
Talofa again! I am doing another one for my OTHER mutuals OCs heights difference with mine! Here it is!
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And DAMN! Alicia! Tiala only needs 3 more inches and you two will be the SAME!
Like my GOSH! First Damien and Sparrow! And now YOU?!
Alicia "Origin" Marchant - @deeptrashwitch
Tiala "Shark" Toa - Me
Willow "Oswald" Pelekai - @yourluckyoswald
Eden "Spectra" Park - @cloudofbutterflies92
Jennie Hong - @caelums-fate
Halia "Sigma" Connors - @mutantthedark
If I got it wrong about your OCs heights guys! Just let me know and I'll fixed it! Love you peles! 😘❤️
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cloudofbutterflies92 · 3 months
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Until we meet again
Moodboard dedicated to @yourluckyoswald and her OC Willow "Oswald" Pelekai
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
Boom Buddies
Ghost: I request to transfer
Price: Any particular reason to why?
Ghost: I can't stand those two *points out window to Soap and Oswald*
Soap: *tying a bunch of C-4's together*
Oswald: You sure this will be enough to wake the whole Barracks tomorrow?
Soap: Aye! With both our brains combined, we can create a nuke!
Price and Ghost: ...
Price: You make a fine point Simon, but i'm gonna need you to hide those C-4's tonight.
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
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yourluckyoswald · 2 months
Soap: *Sneezes*
Oswald: *On coms, flying past Soap in a F15* Bless you
Soap: *Yelling back towards Oz* Thanks Bonnie!
Oswald: *Sneezes*
Soap: *Rolls past Oz in a tank* Bless you!
Oswald: Why, tank you
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
A trip to Hawai'i -Continued
[Sandball Fight]
Soap: *Hiding behind a makeshift sandwall with Gaz* Listen, L.T! We don't have to do this!
Ghost: *Hiding behind a makeshift trench, opposite of Soap* You fired first, Johnny. There's no turning back. This. Is. War
Oswald: Sandballs are ready, Lieutenant!
Ghost: Good. On my go, we fire the first round. Ready?
Oswald: *Nods* Ready, L.T
Ghost: FIRE
Oswald and Ghost: *Fires a bunch of sandballs, plummeting Soap and Gaz*
Soap: *Acting like he's on coms while holding Gaz* PRICE! MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!
Price: *Yelling from the shade* Leave the Sarg and counterfire!
Gaz: Wait what-?
Soap: *Drops Gaz and starts firing from his end*
Soap: *Gets hit* Oof! I've been hit!
Ghost: Its over Soap! Surrender and give up
Soap: NEVER L.T! There's only one thing left to do...
Gaz: No! Soap you can't-!
Soap: *Runs into no mans land, firing Sandballs*
Ghost: What an idi-
Soap: *Tackles Ghost* GOT YOU L.T
Price: *Yelling from shade* DRAG HIM TO THE WATER, JOHNNY!
Soap and Ghost: *Wrestling to the ocean and falls in*
Price, Oswald, and Gaz: *Cheering them on*
Laswell: *Looking up from her book* Animal's...
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yourluckyoswald · 3 months
Overheard in the mess hall:
Ghost: This is the last time I'll say it. Eat the bloody tomatoes!
Oswald: NO. If you don't stop pestering me, I'll do to you what my ancestors did to Captain Cook
Ghost: ...
Ghost: Fair enough
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yourluckyoswald · 3 months
Soap: *Making the most extreme and reckless plan while hiding from the enemy* What do ye guys think? Good plan eh?
Oswald: Whatever floats your Titanic
Gaz: Titanic? Didn't it sink?
Oswald: Yep. Just like Soaps IQ when he came up with that suicidal plan
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
A trip to Hawai'i
[The Beach]
Soap: Ye weren't kidding, Bonnie. The beaches here are surreal!
Ghost: *Nudges Oswald* And with less people
Oswald: *Smirks* You're lucky you know someone with knowlage about the less touristy spots
Soap: *Bolts to the ocean to avoid the hot sand*
Gaz: He didn't put on sunscreen
Price: *Walking up, blowing out his cig* He'll figure it out sooner or later
Laswell: *Sitting under the shade with Price* It's nice to have time off to losen up
Price: Mm, after last opperation? They deserve it
Laswell: *Smiles* Nice knowing they can finally relax too
Soap: *Yelling from the water* BONNIE! I FOUND A TURTLE!
Oswald: OI! NO TOUCHING DA HONU'S! *Throws sandball at Soap*
Soap: OW- *Picks up sand and attempts to throw it at Oswald, but misses and hits Ghost*
Laswell: Well...they're relaxing in their own way
Price: *Ammused* GET UP SI! THIS MEANS WAR!
Laswell: *Puts on earbuds to block out everyones shouting* At least I'll be the one relaxing today
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yourluckyoswald · 2 months
Handling heat
During physicals in 98⁰ heat:
Oswald: *Stretches* Isn't the weather just perfect?
Soap: *On the floor, drowning in sweat, panting* When is fall again?
Gaz: *Laying next to him* Not soon...not soon enough...
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
Oswald: *Sipping another cup of coffee*
Gaz: She hasn't slept in days. And when she is forced to do so, its only an hour max. I'm worried for her
Price: *lighting a cigarette* Laswell did mention this. Oz doesn't sleep well during missions
Gaz: Maybe we let her off easy today? What do you think Soap?
Soap: Aye. Bonnie needs some rest. She cannae keep this up or she'll drop
Price: Mmm...alright *puts out cig* Oz will be with Gaz and I in recon. Soap and Ghost will take the base camp. When everyones ready, get your things and lets move
Return home:
Laswell: Great to see you all in one piece
Oswald: Guess you can say that *Waves bandaged stabbed arm*
Laswell: We'll arrive back in London by 0600, so rest up *nods at Oswald, softly patting her shoulder*
Price: *discussing the mission after takeoff* Alright. Soap, you did a good job getting out in time. And Ghost, good covering. But always make sure to watch your time
Soap: Aye
Ghost: Yes sir
Price: Gaz, try not to rush in. Oswalds your cover so dont try to opperate alone next time. You'll end up shot again
Gaz: Understood, cap
Price: And Oz, try not to go too hard on yourself during missions. You'll turn into a liability one day
Oswald: ...
Price: *Looks to Oswald deep in sleep*
Soap: *chuckles* Guess Bonnie can sleep afterall
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yourluckyoswald · 3 months
Soap: Hey, Bonnie
Oswald: Yeah?
Soap: *Grins* The teams not here
Oswald: ...
Oswald: You got the C-4's?
Soap: Aye *Pulls out the hidden container full of explosives*
2 hours later:
Price: Hopefully the base isn't up in fire
Gaz: *Pulls up to the base* Shocker, looks normal to me
Giant explosion is heard:
Gaz: Aaaand, I spoke too soon
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omniscientoswald · 3 months
A trip to Hawai'i P.2
Price: Oz said this is the more local part of the island, so behave yourselves
Gaz: Got it, Cap
Soap: Ay-
Local: Howzit! You guys tourist's? Look haole das why
Gaz: Ah, uh...yeh we ar-
Local: Ho! Strange accent braddah. You a different kine haole
Gaz: We're from Engl-
Local: Eh same ting'doh. Why you'z not ovah in dakine? Its weird for tourists to be Leeward side. Dey always in dakine das'why
Soap: We 'ave a friend who was showing us this area and let us stay-
Local: Lots of strange accents, ah? Shoots brah! Unnko nevah mean to push you'way. Sorry brah. See dis area? Cherreh brah, cherreh. Bumbai I show you tho? Shoots? Unnko take care you
Price: Sorry, but we better be going-
Local: Ho! You see that shop ovah dea? Da auntie dea make killah furikake chicken cuz! Killah. Broke da mout, everyting *Continues friendly rambling*
Price: *Leans to Gaz* Call Oz...
Gaz: *Phone already on dial* Way ahead of you, cap
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omniscientoswald · 4 months
Oswald: K, the first step is-
Soap: Pshhh, I've seen enough movies to know the basics. Watch, Bonnie! *Akwardly rotates hips*
Gaz: I don't think hula's supposed to look like that, Soap
Soap: *Scoffs* What do ye know 'bout hula?
Gaz: Enough to know what's idiotic
Oswald: *Clasps hands* Alright, Alright. We're not thrusting the air, Soap. *Bends knees to demonstrate* Bend your knees. Each bend rotates the hips, guiding the sway
Gaz: *Bends knees and sways* Like this?
Oswald: Yep. Just keep swaying like that
Soap: Ye show off *Purposely bumps Gaz with his hips*
Gaz: You wanna fight, Soap? *Bumps Soap back*
Soap: YOU'RE ON!
Soap and Gaz: *Having a fight using their hips*
Oswald: *Sighs* I give up...
Ghost: *Yells from outside the room* Looks like you're in a Hula-of trouble, Oz
Oswald: *Groans*
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