#wind breaker nirei
toast-boat · 2 days
He’s my favourite
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101suouexpressions · 5 days
You know the friendship is real when your first instinct against danger is to protect the group's little puppy.
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This is one of the scenes that I adore SO much. You can tell that both Suou and Sakura made the decision to shield Nirei subconsciously. This is so important because usually Sakura would charge into the battlefield and leave Nirei in the care of Suou since he was aware that Suou could do that with ease.
The look of surprise on their faces when they saw the other doing the same thing is so priceless. I think at that moment they really realised how much they had grown on each other.
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witch--btch · 29 days
Windbreaker Official Room Designs
by Satoru Nii
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Nirei, Sugishita, Kiryu, and Taira’s under see more …
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yanderederee · 9 days
Orange Theory
Bofurin Edition
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concept: The Orange Peel Theory is from a viral trend where you ask your partner to bring you an orange. If they bring it to you peeled and ready to eat, it indicates that they're thoughtful and caring. If they bring it to you with the rind still on, it could indicate a lack of consideration.
a/n:I tried sticking as closely to their character colors as I could٩( ᐛ )و I also tried including as many characters as I could, even lesser written characters like Tsubakino/Taiga/Kiryu/lowkey Kaji too lol… I hope you like and agree!♡
Sakura Haruka
Poor boy would be so lost.
“I’m really craving an orange…” you mumbled to yourself.
“There’s some in the kitchen.” Sakura would reply casually, popping another grape in his mouth.
You’re silent for a while. Eventually he picks up on it and looks at you with a raised brow. “What’s up?” He’d ask.
“Can… you bring it to me please?” You’d ask. Sakura wouldn’t mind. He’d simply nod and hoist himself up, walk into the kitchen, and return with two unpeeled oranges. “I kinda want one too…”
He hands you one, distracted by the group chat on his phone as he began to peel the orange in his hand.
You were beginning to give up on the test, looking down at the unpeeled orange solemnly. “You haven’t touched your orange, you okay?” He’d ask, cluelessly.
“Im fine..” you’d reply, feeling silly for feeling so distant.
Sakura knows something’s up, so instead, he leans over, and takes the orange from your hand, replacing it with orange he had just peeled from his other hand. “If you wanted me to peel it for you, ya couldn’a said somethin’.”
Overall; 4/10. He sees you as a person who can do simple things for themselves, and may only feel the need to act more considerate if he notices you having a hard time.
Suou Hayato
The two of you decided on having a movie night at your place, and Suou thought it’d be courteous to bring a bag of oranges with him as a gift.
“You know what they say, oranges being good luck and prosperity.” (I was the one who wrote this and I still expected to proof-read ‘an orange a day keeps the doctor away.’)
Before you even had the chance to ask for one, he’s asking to use your kitchen to fix one up for you.
You agree, trying to watch him from the kitchen entrance. He smiles sweetly at you and politely asks you to wait for him in the movie viewing area.
It’s curious, but you do as he says.
He returns soon with a plate, neatly peeled and decorated.
Also asks if you would prefer a fork, if you didn’t want to risk getting your fingers sticky. It’s a little over the top, but he’s only trying to be considerate.
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Overall: 11/10, He even saves the peels for Umemiya to use as compost. Encourages you to eat the entire plate, but will indulge in one if you insist.
Nirei Akihiko
Nirei asked if you’d like to binge your favorite show that night. As you both stopped by the store to pick up snacks for the binge, you remembered a couples trend, centered around the oranges in front of you.
You bought a couple, the excuse for them being one of your snacks for the night. Sweet Nirei praises you for making such a healthy snack choice, and even inspires him to put back some of his own snacks to live up to your example.
Just as you were about to begin the binge, you got very comfortable on the couch, and batted your eyelashes at your sweet boyfriend. “Can you bring me an orange please? I forgot them in the kitchen..”
Immediately agrees and hops up from beside you and to the kitchen.
He’s very happily humming to himself as he’s concentrating on the orange, walking back to the couch trying to get a good peel started.
Poor Nirei is so bad at it though, only able to peel off little bits of rind at a time. Half way through the first episode, the orange is crudely peeled, and he’s holding a slice out to you for you to eat.
Overall: 9/10, while its poor, he peels the orange with no indication you need him to, and feeds it to you one by one. ♡
Sugishita Kyotaro
Oh no.
Umemiya led you to Furin’s back yard area, eager to show you and Sugishita the fruits(haha) of his labor; a freshly grown baby orange tree.
Sugishita is immensely proud of his senior, and praises him for his hard work. Umemiya sends you two off with only one orange, since he needs to share the few he did receive from this harvest with the others.
At first, Sugishita doesn’t want to eat it. He wants to preserve it for as long as he can because it was something his previous Umemiya grew.
After a few comments like “It’ll go bad soon, you wouldn’t want Umemiya-san’s efforts to go to waste, would you?”
No way in hell would Sugishita allow that.
Sugishita hands you the orange, perhaps too nervous of accidentally crushing the fruit with his immense strength.
If you’re too slow on the take to peel it, he will accept the task. However, his worries are warranted, you discover, when he shares a slightly soft and dripping orange with you.
Overall: 5/10. He’ll initially wait for you to peel the orange, but he’s too impatient and will offer to do it instead. It’s slightly crushed, but that’s okay.
Hiragi Toma
You asked Hiragi to come over and help you with some yard work. Of course he’s happy to help.
During a break from the work, you lazily asked him to bring you an orange while sitting in front of the box fan.
He chuckles, kisses your sweaty cheek, and walks off to fulfill your request.
It takes him a minute, until he asks from the door way, “Can I go ahead and make some juice outta these?”
You blink wide at him, unexpectedly. “If… if you want to.” You mumble in response.
He nods, hustling back into the kitchen, before he begins peeling multiple oranges, and blending them up and straining them to make a fresh orange juice.
He returns with two full glasses and a half pitcher resting in your fridge. “You’ve worked hard today, hopefully this helps.”
Overall: 11/10, one of Hiragi’s love languages is acts of service, and of service he is to you all the time. Mr. “You want it? I got it.”
Kiryu Mitsuki
Sweeet sweet baby.
The two of you are just hanging out in his room, listening to whatever bedroom-pop song he put on while you both scrolled on your phones.
You come across the orange theory while on a social media app; and grin.
“Mitsuu~ I’d like an orange~.” You singsong to your boyfriend.
Kiryu looks up from his phone, and lazily hums. “Good idea~ can you bring me up one too?” He asks.
Your mouth almost hits the floor at his casual tone, but it ends when you see him hoist himself up from the bed, laughing “Just kidding angel~ I’ll be right back.”
Holding one of his many plushies close to your side, you wait for your boyfriend.
Kiryu returns with an unpeeled orange and a knife. The knife takes you by surprise at first, but once he sits at his little table and begins working on the orange, you realize he’s cutting it into sections with the rind on.
He offers you a slice with a lazy smile. Once you take it, he quickly pops a slice into his own mouth, making a cute wide orange smile.
The unexpected action sends you into a fit of laughter, your adorable boyfriend only grinning wider and blushing at how cute you are.
Overall: 10/10 I guess? He loves seeing you smile and actively does things to make you do so.
Kaji Ren
The two of you will be chilling on the Furin rooftop, enjoying the cool breeze and quiet hours, now that everyone was finally gone.
The only sound coursing through the air was the music escaping from his headphones, which lay carefully by his side, instead of his neck, so you could both enjoy the tune.
A bag of snacks lay between the two of you. You felt a bit peckish, so you glanced over at the bag and spotted an orange. Quickly, you get the idea to test the orange theory.
“Re~n, could you give me the orange?” You ask, feigning your inability to get it yourself as he was closer to the bag than you were.
Kaji looked over and spotted the orange from the bag. He reached over with ease and made a gesture like he was preparing to underhand throw it at you.
You quickly crossed your arms to show you did Not want him to throw it. He considered his options for a second, before huffing, sitting up, and leaning over so the orange was just a few inches from your reach.
‘Damn.’ You frowned. ‘Maybe this wasn’t the right opportunity to ask?’
Kaji noticed the disappointment on your face, but even after staring at you and trying to figure out what was causing your sour mood, he couldn’t imagine why. He gave you the orange just like you asked, and didn’t throw it.
“What?” He asks bluntly, causing you to flinch. “Nothing.” You replied back, closing your eyes to enjoy the evening breeze once again.
However, your answer was unsatisfactory, and your orange was left untouched. He really had no idea what he did wrong.
Kaji walks over to you, and squats to glare at you. “Quit lyin’ ‘n just spit it out.” He’d press. If you kept being stubborn, he’d just tickle you ruthlessly until he got his answer.
“T-the orange..! Aha—it, ehe… it w-was a test!” You yelped. Once you came clean, Kaji would stop just for a second to let you explain further.
Once you explained it clearly for him, his expression only soured further, tickling you even more sternly. You screamed for him to stop but he refused.
“That’s so dumb, of course I care about you. If you want me to peel a damn orange just say so, ‘n I’ll do it.” He huffed, finally releasing you and sitting by your side.
Overall, 1/10. Kaji is extremely caring and indeed will do anything for you, as long as he knows what’s expected of him. He’s doesn’t much appreciate his affections being tested in such a lame way though.
Taiga Tsugeura
Sweet angel child
You agreed to come over to his house and spot him as he did his usual muscle training routine.
Once he’s finally tired himself out, he begins talking about wanting a healthy snack. He’s going through the options he has while raiding through his cabinets.
As he does this, you notice a load of fruit in his fruit bowl. “You should eat a banana Taiga. Would you mind getting me an orange while you’re there, please?” You’d ask him nicely.
He grins as bright as the sun at your suggestion. “Great thinkin’ Y/n!!” He’s quick to grab both the banana and orange from the bowl. Before he can hand you the orange, his grin becomes more mischievous.
“Check this out,” he says with pride, holding the fruit in both hands. Then, with a quick snap, he rips the orange in half.
You’re BAFFLED. mouth agape and simply, STUNNED. Your shocked expression is all he wanted. He laughs hard, and displays the two halves face up, his own face in the middle.
“Cool huh!” He asks, before doing the same thing with the banana. “Want me to break the rest up for ya?”
Honestly, you aren’t sure what to say.
Overall: 7/10. He… does? It? But it’s more because he wants to show off a cool skill of his than he’s doing it for your sake. He also always asks you if you want him to peel your oranges, so… the thought is there.
Tsubakino Tasuku
Aaaaahh! (I am choosing to use she/her pronouns)
You were cuddled up with Tsubaki in her bed after a long day. After a well deserved nap, you woke up when Tsubaki gently slid out from under you, assumingely to use the bathroom or something necessary.
Groggily, you reached out your hand to her, and whined. “Dar~ling~ ‘so snacky… can.. you bring me back… an orange… pleeeeasssse…”
Tsubaki thought you were the absolute cutest. “Of course my dove~” she would kiss your forehead and pat your hair down sweetly. “I’ll be right back.”
You fell back asleep, but when you did wake up, you saw Tsubaki only a few feet away painting her nails. “Ah! You fell asleep before I got back, you know!” She pouted.
You giggled an apology, and looked around for the orange you’d asked her for. “On the nightstand darling.” She helped direct you.
You are not expecting to look over and see a dazzling fruit assortment waiting for you. Halved grapes, thinly sliced strawberries, heart shaped banana slices, and bite sized mandarin oranges, all neatly assorted in a bowl…. With a sprinkle of sugar making the entire display shine.
You’re stunned, gasping at the beautiful display. “It’s so cute!! All for me?” You asked, glazed eyes seeking your partner out. She giggled back. “Of course all for you~ enjoy!” She blew you a kiss.
Overall: ∞/10. Are you kidding me? She ABSOLUTELY would go ABOVE and BEYOND for the ones she loves, ESPECIALLY her partner. PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY GIRL’S NAME RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME!!!
Umemiya Hajime
As much as your boyfriend wishes he could grow a fruit tree of his own, he knows that they take time. So, he settles for easy to grow vine fruits like Strawberries and blueberries.
He loves making you an assortment of berries, and presenting them to you with love. It’s so so very sweet.
ALWAYS encourages you to eat vegetables and fruits, even if you’re not in the mood for them. “They’re super good for your health y/n!”
So you indulge him.
When it’s you who’s asking instead, “Can you bring me an orange please?” He’s elated.
“YES MA’AM!” He all but yells, rushing to get you just that.
Umemiya returns with two imperfectly peeled oranges. He’s a little clumsy with it, but he’s just excited.
Loves sharing food with you and will hand feed you them like a goddess.
Overall, 12/10. The assignment is to gauge one’s thoughtfulness, and Umemiya blows it out of the water. He wants nothing but the best for you and aims to give it to you tenfold.
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oxandthorn · 22 days
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wind breaker • some stills from the ending credits
i've rediscovered the joys of collecting anime stills lmao
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qweaenr · 10 days
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owarinaki · 28 days
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Furin students 's Sleeping
Wind breaker official art by Nii Satoru
Wind breaker Manga art : 1sleeping / 2character
Wind Breaker Recap All EP links
OP gifs // Character design //Manga art
EP1 : EP2 : EP3 & EP3 Gifs
EP4 Gifs & EP4 Pic :: EP5[Gifs] & EP5[PIC]
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moonreimo · 2 months
⌕ : ɴɪʀᴇɪ icons ୨♡୧ 冫ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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𝐀𝐤𝐢𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐍𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐢
ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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formula-wind · 17 days
choose your agent! — valorant mains of furin high first years
※ headcanons for wind breaker characters as valorant players ft. sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suo hayato, & sugishita kyotaro
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Sakura Haruka — instalock duelist
Like with gang fights, he definitely had his fair share of experiences with cocky duelists so it’s no surprise he tries to take the main damage-dealer role first in his team when he queues for a game.
Reyna would be the first one Haruka tries to pick because of the agent’s self-sustaining nature. No need to rely on teammates for entry support or heals—relating well with his independent character.
I mean, Reyna’s blind wont affect his teammates so there’s no reason for them to yell at him for bad blind timings or wasting heals so less problems!
Though not that he would admit this, but he also thinks she’s the most useful agent for helping the team out.
No one is an initiator? Haruka entries site for the team with a blind, killing anyone there who stops his team from getting in.
No one is a sentinel? Haruka stays behind to guard their backs trying to stay alive for as long as possible to protect the spike (when attacking) or site (when defending).
No one is a controller? Well, he can’t really do much with Reyna’s abilities but he does hunt down enemies when he has ultimate available to reduce the team’s worries.
Definitely sets a good example for how Reyna mains should be.
He also just hates being in a team with Reyna players who talk shit more than get kills. Who doesn’t though?
Because of this, he does understand that instalocking Reyna would get his teammates assuming he’s one of the bad players but he couldn’t care less when they express their annoyance.
Haruka can and will prove them wrong, after all.
However, in extremely rare cases where people instalock duelists before him, he either dodges (95% of the time since he just wont be able to stand the possibility of egoistical teammates) or picks Chamber.
Why? He can stay behind guarding flank or site strongly as his “dumbass teammates” charge the enemies.
With his shooting skills, he can really makes the most out of Chamber’s abilities.
Also because of chamber’s pistol and rifle ultimate, he’s also able to buy a gun for a teammate if needed. Again, definitely not something he would admit, but if pointed out, best believe he’s going to scream in voice chat about how irresponsible his team is with credits.
Akihiko Nirei — sentinel or controller strategist
We all know how proactive he is with gathering information about guys he finds cool so I am pretty sure that when he gets really into Valorant he has a notebook full of strategy plans, setups, and lineups from his research and actual game experiences.
His analytical skills and game-knowledge would definitely make him the best supporting member of the team.
Nirei would be that person that waits for everyone to pick their agent before picking his to avoid complaints and to work with the team dynamic.
If a sentinel is needed, fits well with the team and the map; he would most likely select Killjoy.
He probably mastered a lot of swarm + alarm bot setups. Though, he does like using the same setups twice or more instead of switching it up if it works against the enemy.
Probably does it because he thinks the enemy wouldn’t expect such plans to be executed again (not really true most of the time).
Good thing about Nirei is he knows what he’s capable and not capable of; he understands his weaknesses so he plays it safe to not become a burden to his teammates.
Enemies call him a rat for being so skilled with his utility usage, and he takes it as a compliment with pride.
Loves playing post-plant lineups! He practices a lot in custom before each ranked game.
However, if his team needs a controller to block out sections of a site to secure entries, he’s playing Astra.
Now, Astra is probably one of the toughest agents to master since it needs good map awareness skills and team coordination so Nirei only picks her if he knows his team can give good comms and support (like if he would be playing with the other bofurin members).
He would definitely take pride in assisting his teammates with getting kills by using concuss (nova pulse) and pulling enemies (gravity well).
May get too focused with getting his abilities set up and activated right so he would need someone to watch his back (he has been trolled and stabbed multiple times, which sometimes led to really funny games).
Truly the teammate with the braincells we all need (and aspire to be).
Suo Hayato — duelist-like sentinel or full-on duelist
He is a Sage main. 100%. No doubt.
Oh but Hayato's not your stereotypical bottom frag “team before me” Sage main.
He’s the type that would carry the whole team—some would even say he’s one of those “selfish” Sage players.
Why she’s his first pick? Simple: fun walls.
He doesn’t really like walling off the spike since it doesn't provide good entertainment he knows his walls can be used for better uses.
He loves tormenting the enemy with crazy Sage wall placements, getting kills without the enemy knowing where they’re getting shot at brings him so much joy—it’s almost sadistic.
You think a wall is misplaced so bad it lets you enter the site easier? Wrong. Hayato's behind you getting your team one by one.
Sometimes he drags it out, watching the enemy team get past him when they don’t check their corners and follows them to the site—and if they’re attacking—he does the little ninja defuse trick; defusing the spike as soon as the other team has planted it.
With his healing orbs, he is still very supportive of his team and usually heals them first instead of himself, not really minding if they still die first after getting healed. He’s pretty confident with his shooting skills so he survives well without needing additional health stats.
He plays at a distance so even on low health he is able to get frags.
His slow orbs are also mainly there for its regular use of keeping enemies at bay, but also torment his team members if they’re getting on his nerves—which doesn’t happen often.
The reviving ultimate? If his team keeps asking to be revived best believe he’s only using it to use the revived bodies as a shield or revives them in the most inconvenient moment.
When given the chance to be a duelist, he is definitely picking Jett.
You really can’t convince me otherwise cause her swift play style suits well with Hayato's character.
Those updraft knife trick shots on tiktok? He does them at least once a game to bring down the enemy’s mental.
Would probably be like a Tenz with Jett’s ultimate. He would save the other abilities if he knows he has or is getting his ultimate soon to do those crazy killer dash moves.
This is pretty much self-explanatory so I don’t know what else to say. Hayato is graceful; Jett lets him prove it in game.
Sugishita Kyotaro — hunting-focused initiator
Probably not the most active player in Bofurin but when he does play, he’s playing Fade.
Is probably only ever playing fade because it fits the most with him though.
Short explanation: their auras match well; scary and will be out to torment you.
Long explanation: if he’s playing with Umemiya, he’s probably using Fade to provide support and keep the enemy as far from him as possible.
Since he also doesn’t talk much, Fade uncovering the location of enemies helps him be useful for his team without needing much interaction. I mean, the agent literally can direct you to enemies with the ultimate ability so what else is there to point out?
I also see him as a very proactive corner-checker so Fade’s haunt and prowler is really handy for him. No corner of the site is left unchecked with Kyotaro around!
However, I can’t really picture him using seize that much for capturing enemies so I think he doesn’t really purchase it. If they’re out in the open, he likes killing them head-on so he doesn’t see much value to the said skill.
Overall, even as a one-agent player, he definitely excels with making the most out of Fade’s abilities.
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a/n: depending on whether or not anyone is actually interested in this i may turn this into a series,,
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hajimemiya · 1 month
— fanboy nirei (wind breaker)
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• some excited nirei ft. his notepad (low quality)
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haikus-art-corner · 20 days
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Othello the flustered boy
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101suouexpressions · 6 days
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Please believe in yourself, because Suou and Nirei support all your rights and wrongs!
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witch--btch · 23 days
Windbreaker ChatLogs
By Satoru Nii
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yanderederee · 22 days
Windbreaker Official Q&A !
Part1 › Part2
(answer releases are slow, so I’ll post an update probably within a month or so?) -> Q&A hosted here
1. What would you spend 500 yen on?
Sakura: “I’d buy Saboten’s Curry Bread.”
Nirei: “I’d like to buy more notebooks!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “A cup of delicious coffee.”
Suo: “I would donate it of course.”
Hiragi: “I just ran out of stomach medicine.”
2. If you were to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
Sakura: “Well… a place worth taking a walk.”
Nirei: “We should all go to Okinawa, it looks like fun.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I want to see the snowy scenery of nature in Hokkaido.”
Suo: “I’d like to go to a tea plantation in Shizuoka and pick tea.”
Hiragi: “I want to try snowboarding, so probably a ski resort.”
3. What is your favorite seasoning?
Sakura: “Ketchup. Omurice with ketchup is the best.”
Nirei: “I like to eat rice cakes with sugary soy sauce!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Japanese-style soup stock. With that, I can make anything delicious.”
Suo: “I’d say soy sauce. It's sweet, isn't it?”
Hiragi: “It's delicious if you put miso on nigiri rice and bake it.”
4.) What do you think about before going to sleep?
Sakura: “Fighting.”
Nirei: “I think about everyone I was with that day.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Pothos's sales status.”
Suo: “The dragon sealed in the left eye is about to rampage, so I guess that's it, haha.”
Hiragi: “If I can’t sleep, I try not to think about it.”
5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Sakura: “What… Why is it the last one? I’ve never thought about it.”
Nirei: “High-class meat. I want to eat til I’m full!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I dont care what I eat, I just want to eat it with everyone at the facility and the teachers.”
Suo: “Hmm, I don’t need to eat anything.”
Hiragi: “If it’s my last meal, then that must mean I’m in a bad situation, right? That means my stomach hurts, and I wonder if I can eat it. If I can eat it, I might say Katsudon.”
6.) What happened recently that made you happy?
Sakura: “At the butcher's... I got a bonus when I bought croquettes…”
Nirei: “I was able to have small talk with Mr. Umemiya.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Customers really liked the new menu.”
Suo: * “I had two tea pillars stand recently.”
Hiragi: “I got a ticket for my favorite band.” (LETS GO TOGETHER PLEASE!!!)
* When pouring freshly brewed loose-leaf tea, you can sometimes expect to find a tea stem/pillar in your tea. It’s considered good luck if one of those pillars stand vertically.
7.) What would you do if a stranger of the opposite sex asked for your contact information?
Sakura: “What?! What are you going to do when you have it!?”
Nirei: “A-are you sure it’s mine you want!? Not Sakura, or Suo’s?!”
Sugishita: “eh… uh…. um…”
Kotoha: “Sorry~ I have a boyfriend.”
Suo: “I don’t have a phone, sorry.”
Hiragi: “O..Oh… is my number okay?” (YES PLEASE)
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missyandthemisfits · 1 month
Akihiko Nirei - 90.8 Kilos, Approximately 
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His brown eyes were intense as they scrutinized every inch of her form, jotting down notes periodically as he did so. (Name) could do nothing but shuffle uncomfortably in her skirt and skin, eyes transfixed on the ground as she quickened her pace. She was above average as far as weight so she was pretty used to people giving her funny looks, but nothing quite like this. Unfortunately, he took this route as well, walking to and from school she guessed. Finally, she decided she’d had enough, stopping abruptly before spinning on her heel, face burning as she confronted the bleached stranger. 
“I dunno what I did to deserve this, but it needs to stop! I don’t even know you and here you are judging me-,”  His eyebrows scrunch together at this accusation, waving his hands in protest and approaching cautiously.
“Judging you? There’s no way I’d do that! I happen to think-,” He takes a beat, face heating up, “I happen to think you’re very cute, Miss. Probably the cutest girl I’ve ever seen!” 
She was about to protest, eyes burning from frustrated tears, ready to call bullshit - but the look on his face, the seriousness in his eyes made her think otherwise. 
“If that’s true then…why are you always scribbling in that notebook instead of talking to me?” The expression he gives is one of a child who’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t have, complete with a stutter and an even brighter blush.
“I uh… I like taking notes on people who are really cool. Though in your case it’s because you’re insanely cute. I-I thought if I knew more about you it would make it easier to approach you, but…” He trails off, sufficiently embarrassed. “Sorry…”
She takes a breath, exhaling loudly in an attempt to calm her own nerves before speaking again. Carefully she closes the distance, taking out her phone.
“You’re lucky you’re cute too, blondie…Here, my number.”
Nirei takes out his own device, nearly dropping it in the process. He was a clumsy fool by his own definition, but his curious quirks seemed to have worked in his favor - this time, anyway. 
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goatedgreen · 9 days
idk if club penguin was a thing in japan but i know Nirei would have gone craazyyy on that shit like he would have had the drippiest penguin with the high tier membership and i KNOW his ass would be hanging out in the plaza spamming "123 to chat" and "party at my iggy" . he would have been logged the fuck IN during the EPF events as well
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