#wind breaker suo
naiutical · 3 days
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a gentleman
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karasukarei · 2 days
Daily questions 5 - Suo Hayato
For all other translations, see this post!
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Suo's answers:
If you have 500 yen, how would you use it? - Of course I'll donate it. (edit: my original translation is wrong, this is the correct translation)
If you could travel to somewhere in Japan for a holiday, where would you go? - The tea fields in Shizuoka, to try picking tea leaves. (t/n: fun fact, I've actually been to those fields before, there's a huge word for "tea / 茶" in one of the fields that you can see when passing by the tea fields)
What's your favourite condiment? - Shoyu, in particular sweet shoyu
What do you think about before you sleep? - The dragon sealed in my left eye could escape and go wild, something along those lines, ahaha. (t/n: this is the very essence of a self-aware chuuni LMAO)
What would you eat for your last meal? - Hmm, it's ok if I don't eat.
Recently, was there something that made you a little happy? - There were two vertical tea leaves in my tea. (t/n: vertical tea leaves (茶柱/ chabashira / literally "tea pillars") are a sign of good luck. Here is a very wholesome comic of this scene showing what they look like!)
If someone of the opposite gender asks you for your contact number, what would you do? - I don't have a contact number, sorry
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gojosatoruwifey · 18 days
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someday sakura's romance sensor will bring trouble to suo.
the thought of it brings a sigh to the one-eyed patch young man.
“hm?” a voice hummed beside him, he glanced down to see you curiously looking back at him. suo ignored the little leap his heart made. “are you still tired from the fight a few days ago?”
“oh, is it that obvious?” suo smiled. he set down the cup on the table and slightly leaned into you. suo fights back his laugh as he hears a choke somewhere in front of him. his sappanwood eye focused on yours, intense.
“why don’t you nurse me back to health?” he teased.
and there is it. the reaction he is looking for — your flustered, shy expression. then, it immediately changes to a glare he found so cute. suo takes a quick look at the bicolored or should he say, tricolored man? sakura’s face is flaming red, he almost resembles a tomato.
suo chuckled. “ah, did i accidentally set off a sensor?”
“suo-san!” nirei’s eyes darted to sakura’s trembling form and suo’s smiling face back and forth, nervous. you do the same, confused by what suo’s words. what sensor???
too bad, you will never know about it until sakura can’t take any more of suo’s teasing.
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oxandthorn · 16 days
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wind breaker • some stills from the ending credits
i've rediscovered the joys of collecting anime stills lmao
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ccraccz · 5 days
Hello! I saw that wind breaker requests are open!
May I request some fluff for umemiya, suo, sakura and togame please?
I you could please write about how they would react if they saw their crush crying because they were worried about boys injuries please?
Thank you!
YESYESYES SO CUTTEEE!!! Thank you so so much for the request sweets!!! <333
Characters: Hajime Umemiya, Suo Hayato, Sakura Haruka, Jo Togame x reader (GN! since not specified)
Patch me up
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He usually never got this injured
but the gang that had used you and a few other vendors as hostages had knives and bats that had bruised and sliced at his, and his gangs skin.
After the fight, and after he looked over Bofurin to check for injuries, he quickly went up to check on you and some other vendors
Tears stained your cheeks as he fast walked to you, urgency in each step as he grew closer to you
You both locked eyes, and in an instant, you ran towards him, throwing yourself into his chest and wrapping your arms around him, tightly squeezing before tears restarted flowing down your cheeks.
your tears seeped into his white shirt, that was stained with red due to the scratches and slices on his skin
He wraps his arms around you as you sob, mumbling about how your safe and that he's fine
he brings you home, were you patch him up with sniffles and cuddle him for comfort, where he blushes lightly.
Your hold was nice, and warm, and it was so comforting
He felt sorry that you had to experience such a traumatizing situation, and that you had to see him fight and be serious
he closed his eyes, sitting on the couch as the thoughts of today rush through his mind, staying awake in as images of your terror filled face stayed imprinted under his eyelids.
that day, he did not sleep, even in the comfort of your embrace.
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he barely even gets hurt in general, so that person he was fighting would have to be very fast and diligent in their movements to even be able to touch him
He had been fighting a group with the other windbreaker first years, and the gang leader had been intently watching them, learning their steps and movements.
Suo was the first one who finished fighting the underlings, not even breaking a sweat, and he was the one who decided to fight the leader
since the leader had watched them, he had learned how to counter his fighting style and more
it took him of guard and made him hesitate in a movement which the gang leader used to his advantage and struck him, cutting his cheek in the process due to him falling on the ground before he jumped back up and fought back
it didn't come to mind until he finished the fight with the help of Sakura that the scene was right in front of you place
so after the fight, you running down the stairs of your place and basically shoving your face into his chest and you basically fall on your knees, loud sobs resonating in his ears
tears fell from your eyes like waterfalls, arms tightening at his waist and fists wrinkling his gakuran
he laughs as he pats your head, telling you to not worry, and that he was fine, a blush on his cheeks
he enjoyed that you worried so much for him, enough to sob at the sight of him 'endangering' himself to help the town.
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Get used to it
he loves fighting and getting injured is a part of it
its mostly for the thrill of hurt for him
but seeing you freak out about his bloody nose, bruised knuckles, and scratched face makes him tense
his bright red face basically blended with the redness of his blood LMAO
he's so awkward about it as you bandage his fists, patch up his scraped up elbows and cheeks, and clean him up of dirt
big crocodile tears flow down your cheeks as you clean him up, loud sniffles making him look at you
the tears just kept falling as you rubbed your face to dry them up, but they just kept dribbling down your flushed face and soaking up on his black pants as you sat, kneeling before him on the floor of your place after you patch up his scuffed up knee
he makes a face before standing up, making you look up at him as he grabbed you and made you stand up
he then held you close, holding the back of you head to his collar bone with one hand as the other wrapped around your back and awkwardly patted it
he was at least trying to comfort you, and it was working.
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it was during a festival
a gang had shown up randomly and decided they were going to start some chaos
so they started to robbing food and drinks, destroying the stalls, and even pushing around some vendors
you had been helping out your friends parents in their stall since your friend got injured and their parents were busy selling their sweets as you kept an eye on the hot sugar when you heard the chaos happening a two stalls down
the stall besides yours was being helped by Jo Togame, who had been watching you from the corner of his eye the whole time, a small blush on his face
Togame had hear the chaos happening and asked the vendor to be able to check out what was happening, which the vendor quickly agreed
The male quickly slips on his Shishitoren jacket, the clacking of his geta sandals being loud as he walks towards the ruckus of the opposing gangs show of power
what he got hurt with wasn't an injury from a punch or a kick, but a few scrapes came from how harshly he landed when he tackled the gangs leader, knees sliding on the floor and ripping his loose, monk pants
you had turned off the heat on the sugar and made the last few sweets to be sold before focusing on the fight happening, your friends parents having started to freak out, trying to take care of the elderly around you
you weren't too worried about the people around, more worried for Togame, with how he slid in the rough, rocky ground
the sound of screams and punches were loud, but you could only watch as Togame slowly stands up and tells the gang to scram
you quickly grab the first aid kit that was under you friend's parents stall and rush forward, tears brimming your waterline as you jogs up to him
you grab his sleeve, pulling him to a seat and cleaning his knees and knuckles
you blink, and suddenly your crying, sniffling
Togame blushes, not knowing what to do other than to hold you close
and so that's what he does
he stands and walks away with you, holding onto your sleeve this time and dragging you to a secluded space
the festival was then canceled for the rest of the night
but both you and Togame stick close to each other, looking up at the dark sky that is luminated by the stars and the moon
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yanderederee · 16 days
Windbreaker Official Q&A !
Part1 › Part2
(answer releases are slow, so I’ll post an update probably within a month or so?) -> Q&A hosted here
1. What would you spend 500 yen on?
Sakura: “I’d buy Saboten’s Curry Bread.”
Nirei: “I’d like to buy more notebooks!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “A cup of delicious coffee.”
Suo: “I would donate it of course.”
Hiragi: “I just ran out of stomach medicine.”
2. If you were to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
Sakura: “Well… a place worth taking a walk.”
Nirei: “We should all go to Okinawa, it looks like fun.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I want to see the snowy scenery of nature in Hokkaido.”
Suo: “I’d like to go to a tea plantation in Shizuoka and pick tea.”
Hiragi: “I want to try snowboarding, so probably a ski resort.”
3. What is your favorite seasoning?
Sakura: “Ketchup. Omurice with ketchup is the best.”
Nirei: “I like to eat rice cakes with sugary soy sauce!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Japanese-style soup stock. With that, I can make anything delicious.”
Suo: “I’d say soy sauce. It's sweet, isn't it?”
Hiragi: “It's delicious if you put miso on nigiri rice and bake it.”
4.) What do you think about before going to sleep?
Sakura: “Fighting.”
Nirei: “I think about everyone I was with that day.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Pothos's sales status.”
Suo: “The dragon sealed in the left eye is about to rampage, so I guess that's it, haha.”
Hiragi: “If I can’t sleep, I try not to think about it.”
5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Sakura: “What… Why is it the last one? I’ve never thought about it.”
Nirei: “High-class meat. I want to eat til I’m full!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I dont care what I eat, I just want to eat it with everyone at the facility and the teachers.”
Suo: “Hmm, I don’t need to eat anything.”
Hiragi: “If it’s my last meal, then that must mean I’m in a bad situation, right? That means my stomach hurts, and I wonder if I can eat it. If I can eat it, I might say Katsudon.”
6.) What happened recently that made you happy?
Sakura: “At the butcher's... I got a bonus when I bought croquettes…”
Nirei: “I was able to have small talk with Mr. Umemiya.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Customers really liked the new menu.”
Suo: * “I had two tea pillars stand recently.”
Hiragi: “I got a ticket for my favorite band.” (LETS GO TOGETHER PLEASE!!!)
* When pouring freshly brewed loose-leaf tea, you can sometimes expect to find a tea stem/pillar in your tea. It’s considered good luck if one of those pillars stand vertically.
7.) What would you do if a stranger of the opposite sex asked for your contact information?
Sakura: “What?! What are you going to do when you have it!?”
Nirei: “A-are you sure it’s mine you want!? Not Sakura, or Suo’s?!”
Sugishita: “eh… uh…. um…”
Kotoha: “Sorry~ I have a boyfriend.”
Suo: “I don’t have a phone, sorry.”
Hiragi: “O..Oh… is my number okay?” (YES PLEASE)
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moonreimo · 1 month
⌕ : ꜱᴜᴏ icons ୨♡୧ 冫ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐨
ᴡɪɴᴅ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ
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witch--btch · 17 days
Windbreaker ChatLogs
By Satoru Nii
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heauxzenji · 3 days
sinister ♡ suo hayato
+ virgin!freader. smutty, aged up as always- mid 20s, NOT OOC (y'all don't know him like I do), suo has a thing for virgins, implied virginity loss, implied trophy taking, kind of implied manipulation, but I did write in condom use so be very proud of me
daisy says: this has been rattling in my brain's little cage ever since I saw him- I had to get it out. I have lived long enough to see myself become the villain (I need him so bad and no longer wish to live in denial).
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He was nice. He was charming. He was respectful. Those are the three characteristics you could always use to describe Hayato Suo. Or you could say enigmatic, worldy, kind of a flirt... It’s also not a bad choice to add ‘Smells like Bleu de Chanel in the spring and Tuscan Leather in the winter.’ The fact of the matter is, he was a chameleon, the perfect definition of adaptable. And that’s what made him so sinister. 
The first few dates were great. A lavish dinner or two with great wine and a well of conversation that seemed to never run dry. On your third night out, there was even a little nightcap at a late-night teahouse that served as a speakeasy after hours. But, ever the gentleman, he would drive you home, walk you to your door, and gently peck you on the cheek. 
“I had fun tonight,” he would hum the words low and into your ear, interlacing his fingers as he looked over you, his frame casting a shadow in the doorway. 
“You can come in if you want…” Your voice was soft, timid. 
“It’s late, but maybe… if we… go on another date?”
He raised an eyebrow, placing a kiss to your hand, then one to your lips. 
“I’d like that,” you smiled. 
As he let go of your hand, he shot a glance back your way. His eyes had a way of seeing right through you. You could never forget that gaze. There was something in it, something you could never quite put your finger on. 
That next date came. It came and went and once again there you stood, his frame once again towering over you on your doorstep.
“You can come in if you want.” It rang out of you like every other time before. But call it a change in the wind, call it the stars aligning, call it what you want- this was different. 
“Would you like for me to come in, Y/N?” It was sticky sweet but equally coated in a spicier innuendo.
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Another thing about Hayato Suo you could now add to your list- he was a good- no,  an amazing kisser. It was as if he studied your every move before you could make one; the way his lips ebbed, the way his tongue slid against yours, he could knock the wind out of you and give you the jaws of life simultaneously. Your mouths hit one another’s and moved in complete sync as he pushed you through the threshold of the softlit apartment. Your teeth briefly clattered together as you discarded your purse and jacket, keys falling to the floor of the entryway as you never once broke or separated yourself from each other. The tension built between your bodies over the past month or so of barely-there encounters was apparent and falling away just like every piece of clothing between you that was being strewn about the hallways leading to your bedroom. 
You started to come to your senses as your head hit your mattress, leaving you to gaze up at him longingly, staring with widened eyes while he worked at the buttons on his shirt. You bit your lip, scooting back and pressing your thighs together. Here you were, practically naked, save your matching bra and panty set- in front of a guy. Granted, he wasn’t just any guy- but the fact of the matter stood- you’d never been here before, never this close to the opposite sex, let alone- having sex. You wanted to, of course, but you had no idea what you were doing or even what to expect. 
“Wait I- ahhh- mhm, Hay-” he cut you off. 
“I’ve told you,” he laughed.  “It's okay to call me Suo.” His lips stayed pressed at your neck, slowly detaching as he craned his own neck to look you in the eyes. 
“You shouldn’t be so formal with me, Y/N, especially not now.”
“I’ve never- I…” the words got caught in your throat. 
“You’ve never done this before,” he finished for you. 
“I know. Don’t worry I’ve got you.”
How did he know? Not important- There it was again. That look. The look into you that bored right through your body. The liminal space between you was filled by barely there touches and feathering kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach. He worked his way down, stopping just between your thighs now, the heat present near your core practically calling him in. Carefully nipping at your hips, Suo caught the thin band of your underwear between his perfect teeth, tugging you out of them before tucking them in his back pocket- his new prize safely locked away. The sting of his cold hands titillated the skin at your thighs. Slowly, he ran his hands down to your knees, parting them to reveal your already glistening slit. He licked his lips as you shuddered in anticipation.
It felt as though he was barely there, fingers lazily lingering inside you, slowly inching toward the spot you needed them the most, but with no release in sight. the teasing sensation of them moving at all leaving you trying to rut yourself into him further. You weren’t strong enough for him, even with one hand. 
 “How badly do you want it, baby, hm?”
He wiped the side of your mouth, lolled open with drool from your dizzied state. He added a third digit to your already messy, helplessly needy hole, your walls immediately tightening in response. He was deadly as a nightshade- and you were just another flower growing in his garden, petals bright pink and ready to be picked. The quivering in your lip told him all he really needed to know, and still, he kept stringing it out, keeping you there on the brink of explosion.
“Just say you want me to fuck you and I'll do it. Say it now."
“W-want you to fuck me, please, I wan’ you to…” Your words trailed off yet again as you reached toward him, quickly pulling him down to loom over you. You had never seen him like this, but you wanted him to stay there forever. He moaned into your mouth, swatting your hands away to fumble around in his pockets for the condom he put there before leaving tonight. 
You’ll never know, but he planned it this way. He was always going to be your first… he knew that, but you didn’t- you didn’t need to. 
Sinister, indeed. 
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romantichomicide95 · 17 days
suo hayato ;
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posted with written permission
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yue-chan077 · 30 days
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" Being cute when losing your temper only works up to grade school..." [ #WINDBREAKER ]
And-- here comes my weekly compensation for a wbk update! 🏃✨💙
we finally get to witness out boy suo on a fight ! ✨😭😭 (*confetti*)
h-elp- that was actually really good ! seeing the boy on action and seeing the fancy suspicious grin on his face-- it was very amazing 🏃✨
I absolutely cannot wait to see the rest of the shishitouren fight come in action!
ya all we back with suo on this other artstyle of mine! 🙇‍♀️✨ I'm slowly trying to adjust my way okay- I'll try to make it work more this month too😭💙
anyway-- see ya all's next week with another wbk fanart for sure-- imma be back to my wips~ 🏃🏃🏃
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prplocks · 16 days
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 hayato suo ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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haikus-art-corner · 14 days
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Othello the flustered boy
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formula-wind · 11 days
choose your agent! — valorant mains of furin high first years
※ headcanons for wind breaker characters as valorant players ft. sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suo hayato, & sugishita kyotaro
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Sakura Haruka — instalock duelist
Like with gang fights, he definitely had his fair share of experiences with cocky duelists so it’s no surprise he tries to take the main damage-dealer role first in his team when he queues for a game.
Reyna would be the first one Haruka tries to pick because of the agent’s self-sustaining nature. No need to rely on teammates for entry support or heals—relating well with his independent character.
I mean, Reyna’s blind wont affect his teammates so there’s no reason for them to yell at him for bad blind timings or wasting heals so less problems!
Though not that he would admit this, but he also thinks she’s the most useful agent for helping the team out.
No one is an initiator? Haruka entries site for the team with a blind, killing anyone there who stops his team from getting in.
No one is a sentinel? Haruka stays behind to guard their backs trying to stay alive for as long as possible to protect the spike (when attacking) or site (when defending).
No one is a controller? Well, he can’t really do much with Reyna’s abilities but he does hunt down enemies when he has ultimate available to reduce the team’s worries.
Definitely sets a good example for how Reyna mains should be.
He also just hates being in a team with Reyna players who talk shit more than get kills. Who doesn’t though?
Because of this, he does understand that instalocking Reyna would get his teammates assuming he’s one of the bad players but he couldn’t care less when they express their annoyance.
Haruka can and will prove them wrong, after all.
However, in extremely rare cases where people instalock duelists before him, he either dodges (95% of the time since he just wont be able to stand the possibility of egoistical teammates) or picks Chamber.
Why? He can stay behind guarding flank or site strongly as his “dumbass teammates” charge the enemies.
With his shooting skills, he can really makes the most out of Chamber’s abilities.
Also because of chamber’s pistol and rifle ultimate, he’s also able to buy a gun for a teammate if needed. Again, definitely not something he would admit, but if pointed out, best believe he’s going to scream in voice chat about how irresponsible his team is with credits.
Akihiko Nirei — sentinel or controller strategist
We all know how proactive he is with gathering information about guys he finds cool so I am pretty sure that when he gets really into Valorant he has a notebook full of strategy plans, setups, and lineups from his research and actual game experiences.
His analytical skills and game-knowledge would definitely make him the best supporting member of the team.
Nirei would be that person that waits for everyone to pick their agent before picking his to avoid complaints and to work with the team dynamic.
If a sentinel is needed, fits well with the team and the map; he would most likely select Killjoy.
He probably mastered a lot of swarm + alarm bot setups. Though, he does like using the same setups twice or more instead of switching it up if it works against the enemy.
Probably does it because he thinks the enemy wouldn’t expect such plans to be executed again (not really true most of the time).
Good thing about Nirei is he knows what he’s capable and not capable of; he understands his weaknesses so he plays it safe to not become a burden to his teammates.
Enemies call him a rat for being so skilled with his utility usage, and he takes it as a compliment with pride.
Loves playing post-plant lineups! He practices a lot in custom before each ranked game.
However, if his team needs a controller to block out sections of a site to secure entries, he’s playing Astra.
Now, Astra is probably one of the toughest agents to master since it needs good map awareness skills and team coordination so Nirei only picks her if he knows his team can give good comms and support (like if he would be playing with the other bofurin members).
He would definitely take pride in assisting his teammates with getting kills by using concuss (nova pulse) and pulling enemies (gravity well).
May get too focused with getting his abilities set up and activated right so he would need someone to watch his back (he has been trolled and stabbed multiple times, which sometimes led to really funny games).
Truly the teammate with the braincells we all need (and aspire to be).
Suo Hayato — duelist-like sentinel or full-on duelist
He is a Sage main. 100%. No doubt.
Oh but Hayato's not your stereotypical bottom frag “team before me” Sage main.
He’s the type that would carry the whole team—some would even say he’s one of those “selfish” Sage players.
Why she’s his first pick? Simple: fun walls.
He doesn’t really like walling off the spike since it doesn't provide good entertainment he knows his walls can be used for better uses.
He loves tormenting the enemy with crazy Sage wall placements, getting kills without the enemy knowing where they’re getting shot at brings him so much joy—it’s almost sadistic.
You think a wall is misplaced so bad it lets you enter the site easier? Wrong. Hayato's behind you getting your team one by one.
Sometimes he drags it out, watching the enemy team get past him when they don’t check their corners and follows them to the site—and if they’re attacking—he does the little ninja defuse trick; defusing the spike as soon as the other team has planted it.
With his healing orbs, he is still very supportive of his team and usually heals them first instead of himself, not really minding if they still die first after getting healed. He’s pretty confident with his shooting skills so he survives well without needing additional health stats.
He plays at a distance so even on low health he is able to get frags.
His slow orbs are also mainly there for its regular use of keeping enemies at bay, but also torment his team members if they’re getting on his nerves—which doesn’t happen often.
The reviving ultimate? If his team keeps asking to be revived best believe he’s only using it to use the revived bodies as a shield or revives them in the most inconvenient moment.
When given the chance to be a duelist, he is definitely picking Jett.
You really can’t convince me otherwise cause her swift play style suits well with Hayato's character.
Those updraft knife trick shots on tiktok? He does them at least once a game to bring down the enemy’s mental.
Would probably be like a Tenz with Jett’s ultimate. He would save the other abilities if he knows he has or is getting his ultimate soon to do those crazy killer dash moves.
This is pretty much self-explanatory so I don’t know what else to say. Hayato is graceful; Jett lets him prove it in game.
Sugishita Kyotaro — hunting-focused initiator
Probably not the most active player in Bofurin but when he does play, he’s playing Fade.
Is probably only ever playing fade because it fits the most with him though.
Short explanation: their auras match well; scary and will be out to torment you.
Long explanation: if he’s playing with Umemiya, he’s probably using Fade to provide support and keep the enemy as far from him as possible.
Since he also doesn’t talk much, Fade uncovering the location of enemies helps him be useful for his team without needing much interaction. I mean, the agent literally can direct you to enemies with the ultimate ability so what else is there to point out?
I also see him as a very proactive corner-checker so Fade’s haunt and prowler is really handy for him. No corner of the site is left unchecked with Kyotaro around!
However, I can’t really picture him using seize that much for capturing enemies so I think he doesn’t really purchase it. If they’re out in the open, he likes killing them head-on so he doesn’t see much value to the said skill.
Overall, even as a one-agent player, he definitely excels with making the most out of Fade’s abilities.
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a/n: depending on whether or not anyone is actually interested in this i may turn this into a series,,
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ccraccz · 8 days
Hi hi lovelies!!! Long time jo update LMAO 🫢🫢🫢
I'm am announcing NOW THAT
1. Requests will be opened, but updates will be quite slow.
2. I will be doing headcanons, one-shots, and scenarios of WINDBREAKER (the anime and manga)
Though sadly, there will be no more Heartsteel in this blog, even though I love it with all my heart, I have to let it go...
I will try to organize this blog a bit more now.
Thank you all for your support, I understand that change is hard, but I believe this is a necessary mover for me in this blog.
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darthvaders-wife · 27 days
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It was love at first sight🥹
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