#with him. he's based in irl colonial times and thinks of himself as a hero in his attempt to rid the world of magic
kuruna · 2 years
It is kind of interesting to see where TOH picks up where SU failed regarding themes of colonization </3
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ririthedevil · 6 years
Okay so I thought this best to post as a singular post! I personally don't watch much fantasy and romance, but I can recommend you things I have watched which go along with those genres as sub-genres! (skip to the bottom for a less detailed list).  I think you’d like Sword Arts Online - romance and fantasy! It’s very popular and set within a virtual reality gaming realm called SAO, which is just a normal avatar medieval-esque game where they can fight, earn objects and coins, and be whatever they want etc! One day however the owner of the game decides to create the ultimate challenge after the beta tests and the official release of the game. The characters get stuck within it due to this challenge and if they die within the game they die in real life - and if anything irl tries to take their VR headsets off they can die too! To survive the game, they have to win it by reaching the top level and defeating the bosses as they go. (Don’t wanna give more than that away but give it a check)! It’s on Netflix I think!
Also I have to super recommend a new anime I just finished called Erased! It’s a crime one. It’s about a guy who randomly can set back time to a point in his life where something went wrong in the future but he can fix it (i.e. a truck driver almost hits a child after he has a heart attack while driving and the main character goes back and stops it from happening). One day however he gets set back by over a decade and is back in school (he turns the same age physically as he was back then but has the same mind of a 29 year old) and has the chance to stop the murder of children from his school. It’s like 12 episodes long and is super great!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is another favourite of mine - it’s fantasy and action (about 64 episodes long too). Also on Netflix! It’s within a world of a science called Alchemy, where you can create things on the principles of equal exchange. Yet there are taboo subjects such as you can’t bring back people from the dead. It’s about two brothers who try to get their mother back who passed away but because they never followed the rules one brother loses his arm and leg and the other his entire body except for his spirit which his older brother puts inside of a metal armour (which can walk and talk). So the overarching plot is that they try to find a way to get the younger brothers body back and become a part of the military to get access to materials which could help them discover a way. HOWEVER this is just one of the many motivates of the whole show, which is based in a time parallel almost to that of World War 2 (where there is a military state, war and a genocide). I want to explain so much more but don’t want to give anything away! It’s sometimes funny, sometimes heart breaking but super breath taking! No Game No Life I have just started watching, and is about two siblings who are well known within the gaming world for being undefeated. They see the real world in lousy terms and something of a game until they get a weird email challenging them to a match and once they accept they get taken into this fantasy world. The world however is one where conflicts (from small arguments to the fate of countries) are made not through war but through high stake games, and each person in the game has to contribute a wager equal to that of other players. 
Zero No Tsukaima
action, fantasy and romance
- it was also one of the very first anime I ever watched and has three seasons (though honestly i just recommend the first two). It’s a class based anime almost, where elite Nobles within high class academies perform magic and within a certain year can summon a ‘familiar’ which they can train to do whatever they want (mostly fight in this case and protect them). The main girl of this anime, called Louise (nicknamed Louise the Zero because she’s super bad at magic) summons however not a usual beast but instead a human boy Saito who she basically makes somewhat a save as she perceives him to be lesser than that of other familiars. Over time however with each others encouragements, Louise gets better at magic and Saito becomes a wonderful fighter. I think I sold this one a bit poorly because honestly I can’t remember a lot of it as it’s been like 6 years if not more since I last watched it! But I always think of this anime when I think romance! 
Clannad also is a true romance and a true heart breaker, centred on the love story of two individuals since they met in school and the problems and lovely moments they have experienced along the way. It’s incredibly bitter sweet and made me cry on multiple occasions! 
Someone recommend Fate Stay Night to be once which goes along the fantasy, romance genre and is meant to be a bit bittersweet. I think though more recently I am going on to more action packed anime shows and off of romance. So I found the first few episodes a bit more talkative thus got a bit bored. However it is one a lot of people recommend so maybe it’s just not my cup of tea but could be urs! 
CODE GEASS is my pride and joy and I cannot recommend it enough - it is action and mecha with hints of romance throughout it though its never over exaggerated! It’s my absolute all time favourite anime about a highly intelligent 17 year old boy named Lelouch who is Britannian ex-Prince who is in hiding and his sister Nunnaly (who is blind and cannot walk) and one day wants to take on the throne to stop the injustices he sees in the world. The world itself is based on a time of intense colonialism (yet is set in the future, funnily enough 2017 is the year) where Britannians rule a third of the world and Japan becomes instead a country called Area 11 under their rule and it’s people are called Elevens who are seen as lesser beings. This is just one injustice Lelouch wants to wipe away and one day when he is about to be killed by a soldier after trying to save a woman he is given a power called Geass which allows him to command an individual to do whatever he says (but he cannot use it more than once on the same person)! Using this power and by leading a rebel force which is trying to take back Japan, he uses his power and amazing intellectual gifts to take on Britannia's elite- all within his disguise of a mask and cloak in which he calls himself Zero. Throughout the time you find interlinkages of plots with both much hated and much loved characters, and find yourself questioning who the real villains and heroes are all the time! I CAN’T EVEN WITH THIS ANIME IT’S SO AMAZING AND SO FAR 50 EPISODES LONG UGH! It’s sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes mind boggling and absolutely brilliant. It takes on political notions and racism, while still balancing out with light hearted episodes which make you realise these characters are just kids at the end of the day! 
I’ll stop here not because I feel like it’s too much info now and maybe I should have just created a list and have u find what u think looks best just by name at first glance. 
Other animes are:
Howl’s Moving Castle - fantasy, romance movie (cute af)
Wolf Children - another romance and fantasy of a young lady who falls in love with a man who can turn into a wolf and they end up having two children together who can also turn into wolves. Bittersweet but it’s love story for both the couple and between that of a family, as well as a coming of age story too! 
Kaze no Stigma - this is incomplete though because the person who wrote the novels it is based on passed away before he could finish 
Cowboy Bebop - action and crime and is AMAZING AF OMG 
Kill La Kill - action but beyond weird but in a super satisfying ‘i can’t keep my eyes off of this and need to know what happens’ kind of way. The plot twist in it made me go bonkers! 
Ouran High School Host Club - a comedy and romance which is also an absolute classic for those starting anime 
Soul Eater - also super fab and another classic - action and fantasy based within a school in the United States where humans can transform into weapons and have friends who can wield them. It’s a super fun anime where you easily fall in love with all the characters. 
Yuri on Ice! - romance between two male figure skaters, with one who is world famous and a champions who becomes a coach and another who has lost his confidence after losing in a World Championship and wants to find inspiration again. 12 episodes and just another anime you call in love with every character.
Boku No Hero Academia - still ongoing within a world where like 80% of people in the world have super powers (called Quirks) and a rare 20% do not. The main character is one of these poor individuals, despite desperately wanting to become hero like his idol All Might. One fateful meeting however comes about when meeting his hero for the first time, who sees potential within him as someone with a brave and honest heart. Therefore he entrusts him with the ability of One for All, where one has incredible strength and speed which in turn allows him to go study to become a hero at the Hero Academy.  Yet there are troubles ahead, with the Villain League coming out of the realm hoping to destroy such heroes and students of the Academy being trusted to deal with the events to come. 
Your Name - a time travelling, mind swapping romance movie which is OUT OF THIS WORLD STUNNING OH MY GOSH! The animation is crisp and the plot line exceedingly good which makes you almost weep! About a girl and boy who switch bodies and go on a quest to find one another to change back. They communicate by leaving notes to one another - either on notepads or on their phones. It’s a bit complicated to explain the time travelling aspect throughout it but YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. 
OKAY NOW I’LL STOP OR I’LL COMBUST from wanting to rewatch all of these. 
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