#wordpress team plugin
rsthemewp · 2 months
How do you showcase your team members in WordPress?
#WordPressTeamShowcase #TeamMembers #WordPressDesign #CompanyCulture #EmployeeSpotlight #WordPressWebsite #TeamShowcase #WordPressPlugin #CompanyTeam #WordPressShowcase
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jnexttech · 3 months
Operating a business is not easy! It needs a lot of hours, resources, and efforts to start, sustain and run it efficiently. Right from product manufacturing, or service engineering to customer conversion- multiple teams are involved to get from the starting point to the end! We have a best WordPress Development Team for wordpress upgradation nad migration services.
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ariyogames · 2 years
Patreon has laid off their security team
I know this isn't an update on my interactive fiction game but I just wanted interactive fiction creators and other people who have Patreons to be aware about this issue.
Whitney Merrill on Twitter: "Whoa @Patreon laid off their ENTIRE security team. Wouldn’t trust my data there. Also there’s some amazing talent to scoop up." / Twitter
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For creators with a Patreon, I would recommend using a password manager to generate a randomly generated password so that when Patreon has (another) security breach, your password will be unique.
For creators that are uncomfortable with using Patreon and do not want to lose their Patreon content, you can import your Patreon content to a WordPress website with a WordPress plugin that can be used with a WordPress membership plugin like Paid Memberships Pro that lets patrons subscribe to your content like on Patreon. However, please keep in mind that WordPress plugins are also very vulnerable to attack so it is very important that you update the plugins frequently if you choose to go this route.
Ko-fi is also a good alternative that I know a lot of interactive fiction creators use for their work. SubscribeStar is a good option for NSFW artists.
Hopefully there won't be any serious security breaches with Patreon but who knows what will happen...
UPDATE (10th September 2022 - 11:30AM BST):
Patreon has confirmed to reporters that they are hiring an external security team to handle Patreon's security.
Kevin Collier on Twitter: "Wild. Patreon confirms the layoffs in emailed statement to me, says it's ok, they're using third-party security. https://t.co/zV9zw9yOlh" / Twitter
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What this means is that Patreon has decided to go for the cheaper option by outsourcing their security to a team abroad instead of spending more money and resources on an in-house security team. This is what is known to infosec/cyber security experts as MSSP/MSP.
However, a lot of cyber security professionals have criticised this decision by Patreon because historically, organisations that have outsourced their security to a team abroad have usually had a lot of security issues/security breaches later on down the line because they do not check/scan the security of the company as frequently as an in-house security team would.
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This also conflicts with what a laid-off security employee has said about the situation where they disputed Patreon's claims of this decision not impacting their security by alleging that Patreon has cut down of its use of external security vendors in the past four months.
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So what does this mean for Patreon's future and how am I affected?
What this means is that there are things going on behind the scenes at Patreon that we do not know about yet, all we know is that the leadership over there is making incredibly unwise business decisions by firing their entire internal security team and what this usually means is there will either be a huge security breach down the line or an announcement of a merger or acquisition.
Another potential risk is supporter deanonymisation, where attackers with malicious intent could blackmail subscribers that pledge to NSFW artists and kink content creators and threaten to reveal their Patreon pledges to an employer.
Your payment information (credit/debit card information) should be safe because Patreon do not process payment information themselves, they outsource it to Stripe and PayPal.
This blogpost by a cyber security professional is worth reading to know more on what to do about this situation.
Should I delete my Patreon account?
If you have no other option, then I would not delete my Patreon account especially if it is your only active source of income. What I would do is what I have listed above: by turning on two factor authentication through an app like Google Authenticator or Authy and changing your password to a randomly generated password so that you are not too much at risk when a security breach inevitably happens.
If you do have other options and are not as financially dependent on Patreon alone, then I would think about switching to other crowdfunding services like Ko-fi, SubscribeStar (I hear SubscribeStar is a good option for NSFW artists) and Comradery
I was originally going to create a Patreon for my interactive fiction/narrative game studio after I release the demo/first chapter of the interactive fiction game I'm currently working on (Mutants of Mayprice) but Patreon's lack of communication about this situation and their unwise decision of firing their entire internal security team (which wasn't many people to begin with, five people) does not leave me with a lot of confidence about the future of the platform.
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kalasharkss · 2 years
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fenrislorsrai · 7 months
Firefish - a twitter alternative
TLDR: Looks like twitter, functions better. Lets you interact across multiple platforms. Allows NSFW. Has built in anti AI scraping.
If you ever used Twitter, it's going to look similar in structure, so the learning curve is low. There's more features that that, but they're not so intrusive you HAVE to learn them right away but also aren't hard to find. It's a nice balance.
The big difference is post length- it allows up to 8000 characters, so like Mini-Tumblr.
one of the features I like that familiar's but better is if you hover cursor over name on desktop is it pops up the profile for the person and a follow button. So you can immediately hover over name and get context about the person posting when it's not someone you already follow. Is this health info being posted by a professional or by someone that thinks you should stick rocks in your vagina?
That feature also means its incredibly easy to follow people regardless of the instance. On Mastodon it was extremely annoying to follow people. If that the thing that put you off Mastodon, Firefish fixed that and made it better than Twitter.
Firefish runs off ActivityPub, so it lets you follow and interact with anyone using the plugins for that. So includes Mastodon, WordPress, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Lemmy, Misskey, and Tumblr is allegedly developing an integration to run it.
Okay, NSFW content! We're about to get slightly in the weeds here. whether NSFW content is allowed is generally by server. When you go to join Firefish, it'll ask you what server you want to use and it'll tell you about rules. If you want NSFW, pick one that allows!
That's it. If you picked one that did not, it generally won't allow you to follow things that do or boost stuff from a location that did.
NOW, A GREAT FEATURE! Spoilering stuff is super easy on Firefish. Just click the button! Say you see something you wanna boost but its *not* spoilered. You can boost AND spoil the image/text of the quoted item! MAGIC.
now, on to antennas.
The Antenna feature on there lets you track tags or users in a separate panel so you can see it in one spot. You can also add NEGATIVE tags to the antenna. So say you want to see news about your city. So you set the main tag as the City. But you don't want sports news. So you can put in negative tags of sports, specific sport names, and individual teams in the city. And then you get news about the location, but no sports
For fandom purposes, you can use it to filter out things you just don't vibe with. hate that one ship? BEGONE.
PROFILES: you can stick hashtags in your profile and it'll turn up in searches easily. also it will ask you "are you a cat?" If you say yes, it gives your profile pic cat ears.
Overall when I'm posting links to Firefish posts (or posts via something from ActivityPub hosted sites that I interacted with via Firefish), so far it renders the preview link well on most platforms. I'm not sure how it works for embedding a whole message into a static page (like you could do with Twitter for news articles).
AN IMPORTANT NERDY NOTE: okay, you wanna sign up for Firefish now. Select from the servers offered some have different rules restrictions and some have Non-english default languages. Pick the one you like. If you pick Firefish.social itself that one IS the largest but also it gets day one code updates... so sometimes it gets funky or won't load properly for a few hours. If that will drive you bonkers, pick *any* other server. The server size is almost irrelevant because Firefish plays so well with other services!
also, if you don't see one today, check again in a few days! admins rotate through open enrollments to keep the growth rate managable. also, if you're *that* kind of nerd, you can host your own server. Even with only YOU on it. and it still interacts normally with the rest of the ActivityPub servers!
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year
Marvel Trumps Hate is looking for people to join our team!
Consider this our official announcement: Marvel Trumps Hate is coming back for our sixth year! 
We’re preparing for another awesome auction, and the first thing on our to-do list is finding a server mod, developer, and two designers. Please note that if you’re on the event team, you can still participate in the auction! On the flip side, if you only want to help out as a team member, you’re not obligated to offer fanworks or bid on anything in the auction.
If you’re interested in joining our team, please email [email protected] and include the following information:
Confirmation that you’re over 18
The best way to contact you
What position you’re applying for: server mod, developer, or designer
Availability: Please let us know what time zone you’re in and what days/how many hours per week you can commit to MTH from the start of September to the start of November
Server mod - Please state if you have any experience modding a Discord server or other community. Server mods will be expected to field questions about MTH, make sure the server rules are being followed, and handle any disagreements that may occur. This requires patience and good interpersonal skills
Developer - We’re looking for someone who is familiar with coding/programming in PHP, particularly writing and modifying Wordpress plugins. CSS and HTML will also be helpful. You’ll be working with the dev team to update the auction system on the website, mostly searching already written code to make tweaks to its function and appearance and using basic back-end Wordpress controls to keep the site functional and up-to-date. Once sign-ups and bidding go live in October, you’ll help make sure everything is running smoothly and provide some tech support for the rest of the mod team in case of issues
Designer - If you love making graphics/edits, help us make pretty event and creator banners (event banner examples: x, x, x, creator banner examples: x)! Photoshop access is required. Please provide us with examples of your work 
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. You can reach us by email, Tumblr Messenger, askbox, or Twitter DM. Thank you!
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wordpress · 6 months
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macmanx · 4 months
It looks like this "WordPress Security Team" impersonation scam is back, so please spread the word!
The WordPress Security Team will never email you requesting that you install a plugin or theme on your site, and will never ask for an administrator username and password.
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nextdynamix · 3 months
Unleashing Innovation: Android Application Development Services by NextDynamix
In the dynamic world of mobile technology, Android applications have become an integral part of daily life. With the increasing demand for innovative and user-friendly mobile solutions, businesses are turning to Android application development services to stay ahead of the curve. At NextDynamix, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of this digital revolution, offering cutting-edge Android development services tailored to the unique needs of businesses in Australia.
NextDynamix: Your Trusted Partner in Android Development
As a leading provider of Android development services in Australia, NextDynamix is committed to delivering exceptional results that drive business growth and success. With our team of experienced developers and designers, we strive to create custom Android applications that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a presence in the mobile space or a large corporation seeking to enhance your existing app, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.
Harnessing the Power of Android Development in Australia
In today's digital age, having a mobile presence is essential for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. With Android being the dominant mobile operating system in Australia, investing in Android development services is a strategic decision for businesses looking to expand their reach and maximize their impact. At NextDynamix, we leverage the latest technologies and tools to develop high-quality Android applications that resonate with users and drive results.
Joomla Website Development and Android Integration
As experts in Joomla website development, we understand the importance of seamless integration between web and mobile platforms. Our team has extensive experience in integrating Android applications with Joomla websites, allowing businesses to provide a cohesive and consistent user experience across all touchpoints. Whether you're looking to add mobile functionality to your existing Joomla site or develop a standalone Android application, we have the expertise and resources to make it happen.
Logo Designing Companies: Enhancing Brand Identity on Android
In addition to our Android development services, we also offer comprehensive logo designing services to help businesses establish a strong and memorable brand identity. Our talented designers work closely with clients to create custom logos that reflect their unique personality and values. By incorporating these logos into their Android applications, businesses can enhance brand recognition and foster customer loyalty.
WordPress Development Company: Seamlessly Integrating Content with Android
As a leading WordPress development company, we understand the importance of content management in today's digital landscape. Our team specializes in developing custom WordPress websites and plugins that make it easy for businesses to create and manage content. By integrating these WordPress sites with their Android applications, businesses can provide users with access to valuable content on the go, driving engagement and retention.
Best PPC Marketing Services in Australia: Driving User Acquisition for Android Apps
At NextDynamix, we offer best-in-class PPC marketing services to help businesses drive user acquisition and maximize the success of their Android applications. Our team of digital marketing experts works closely with clients to develop tailored PPC campaigns that target their ideal audience and drive results. Whether you're looking to increase app downloads or drive traffic to your Android app, we have the expertise and resources to make it happen.
Node.js Development Services: Powering Scalable and High-Performance Android Apps
In addition to our Android development services, we also offer Node.js development services to help businesses build scalable and high-performance backend systems for their Android applications. With Node.js, we can develop real-time, data-intensive applications that meet the demands of today's mobile users. Whether you're building a social networking app or a messaging platform, our Node.js development services can help you deliver a seamless and responsive user experience.
Conclusion: Partner with NextDynamix for Your Android Development Needs
Android application development services are essential for businesses looking to stay competitive in today's mobile-first world. At NextDynamix, we offer a comprehensive range of Android development services tailored to the unique needs of businesses in Australia. From Joomla website integration to logo designing and PPC marketing, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you unleash the full potential of Android for your business.
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swayaminfotech · 10 months
Advanced Web Development Tools For Efficient PHP Developers
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Web Development is working with frontend and backend both languages that are used by programmers and developers to build a well-functioning website or web application. Some of the most commonly used frontend languages are JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue and backend languages are Python, Java, PHP, and C#. 
PHP is the fastest and most widely used server-side scripting language that is ubiquitous in websites and web app development. It is known as a general-purpose scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and interactive websites. It offers plenty of frameworks and supports several automation tools for application testing and deployment. 
Nowadays the market is flooded with many PHP tools, and choosing the right one from among them is a challenging task. Here, we have made a list of leading tools that your development team can utilize to build feature-rich and innovative PHP webs and applications in 2023.
PHPStorm is the most standard choice because of its nature of being lightweight, extremely fast, and smooth. It simplifies time-consuming tasks such as static code analysis, debugging, and generating functions. PHPStorm is compatible with many frameworks like Symphony, Drupal, Zend, WordPress, Magento, Laravel, etc. 
Sublime Text
One of the most customizable, as well as malleable text editors out there for PHP developers, is Sublime Text. This cross-platform source code editor natively supports multiple coding and native mark-up languages. 
AWS Cloud9
One of the main benefits of AWS Cloud9 is it is a cloud-based service, which means that it can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. AWS Cloud9 comes with a code editor, terminal, debugger, and all necessary programming language tools, such as JavaScript, Python, and PHP, etc. It is an impressive feature-filled software that facilitates real-time code collaboration.
Netbeans supports building large-scale web apps and offers a range of languages like English, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian. It is considered one of the best software for PHP development and is most commonly used for developing PHP applications. 
Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio is an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for building dynamic web applications that use AJAX, PHP, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails as well as HTML and CSS.  It is enabling developers to develop web apps quickly and easily. Its core features include a code assist, built-in terminal, deployment wizard, and integrated debugger.
CodeLobster IDE from Codelobster software company is the most popular well-liked PHP dev tool for the developer community. It endorses most PHP frameworks like Drupal, Joomla, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Magneto, CakePHP, etc. It supports numerous plugins and a PHP debugger to validate code. It can accelerate and simplify the development process.
It has a huge community of developers who work on all sorts of plug-ins and equip Eclipse with features. Eclipse features include the Eclipse ecosystem, code assist, syntax highlighting, code templates, syntax validation, code formatting, code navigation, and PHP debugging. These features make it easier for you to write better code.
Zend Studio
Zend Studio is a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for professional PHP Web development, debugging, deploying, and managing PHP apps. It is a suitable option for anyone who wants to develop web applications with PHP version 5.5 and above. It offers fast coding along with an intelligent code editor and integrates with Zend Debugger, X-ray, and Xdebug. 
These PHP web tools will set up configuration, complete your code intelligently, help to navigate, and check for errors. They are generally open-source and offer excellent features like syntax highlighting and debugging. They will help increase your productivity and efficiency. If you’re planning to get a web app with PHP, then you can contact Swayam Infotech and schedule a meeting for a detailed discussion. Our PHP experts will guide you with your requirements in a perfect way.
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softgridcomputer · 5 months
Unlocking the Potential of Your Online Presence: 
WordPress Website Development Services
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Today's era, a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals looking to establish their brand, reach a wider audience, and achieve their goals. 
WordPress, the world's most popular content management system (CMS), has revolutionised the way websites are built and managed. However, to truly unlock the potential of WordPress and create a professional and impactful website, engaging the services of a WordPress website development company is highly beneficial.
Why Choose WordPress Website Development Services?
Expertise and Professionalism: WordPress website development services provide you access to a team of experienced professionals who specialise in creating and optimising websites on the WordPress platform. These experts have a deep understanding of WordPress and its features, allowing them to develop websites that are visually appealing, functional, and tailored to your specific needs.
Customization and Personalization: While WordPress offers a wide range of themes and templates, a WordPress development company can customise and personalise your website to reflect your brand identity and unique requirements. They can create custom themes, design unique layouts, and implement advanced functionalities, ensuring that your website stands out from the competition and aligns with your brand's image.
Advanced Functionality: WordPress website development services can extend the functionality of your website beyond the basic features provided by the CMS. They can integrate and customise plugins, add e-commerce capabilities, implement advanced forms, and incorporate other tools to enhance user experience and meet your specific business needs.
Responsive Design: With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a responsive website is crucial. WordPress development services ensure that your website looks and functions flawlessly across all devices and screen sizes. They employ responsive design techniques, optimising layouts, images, and content to provide an optimal browsing experience for your visitors, regardless of the device they use.
SEO Optimization: A website without proper search engine optimization (SEO) is unlikely to reach its full potential in terms of visibility and organic traffic. WordPress development services have SEO experts who can optimise your website for better search engine rankings. They conduct keyword research, optimise meta tags and headings, improve website speed and performance, and implement other SEO strategies to enhance your website's online visibility.
Security and Maintenance: Website security is a paramount concern in today's digital landscape. WordPress development services implement robust security measures to protect your website from potential threats. They ensure that your website is secure, regularly updated with the latest security patches, and backed up regularly. Additionally, they provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure your website remains secure, optimised, and functional.
Choosing the Right WordPress Website Development Services:
Portfolio and Experience: Evaluate the portfolio and experience of the WordPress development company. Review their previous projects, assess the quality of their work, and determine if they have experience in your industry or niche.
Client Reviews and Testimonials: Check for client reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the company's reputation and customer satisfaction. Positive feedback from previous clients is a strong indicator of the company's reliability and professionalism.
Services Offered: Consider the range of services offered by the WordPress development company. Look for a company that provides comprehensive services, including website design, development, customization, SEO optimization, and ongoing support.
Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is crucial throughout the development process. Ensure that the company has clear communication channels and is responsive to your queries and feedback. Look for a company that emphasises collaboration and involves you in the decision-making process.
Pricing and Budget: Consider the pricing structure and ensure it aligns with your budget and expectations. Request a detailed quote and clarify what is included in the pricing package.
Engaging the services of a WordPress website development company can transform your online presence and help you achieve your digital goals. With their expertise, customization capabilities, advanced functionalities, and SEO optimization, they can create a website that represents your brand, attracts visitors, and drives conversions. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above and choosing the right WordPress development services, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress and establish a strong and impactful online presence.
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brandngraves · 7 months
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Elevate your website's capabilities with unparalleled WordPress Plugin Development Services offered by HireWPGeeks. Our expert team crafts bespoke plugins tailored to your specific needs, enhancing functionality and optimizing performance. Whether it's customizing existing plugins or creating new ones from scratch, our services ensure seamless integration and robust solutions for your WordPress site. Embrace innovation and empower your online presence with our exceptional WordPress Plugin Development Services today.
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r-kad · 1 year
Exciting news! Introducing Avantex Premium, the ultimate WordPress theme for multiple websites. 🚀
💼 Unlock a world of possibilities with Avantex Pro's versatile and attractive designs. From the front page to about us, services to the portfolio, blog grid to team members, clients to contact us, and beyond, Avantex has you covered with its array of responsive templates. 🎨💻
🔌 Take your website to the next level with external plugin support. Avantex Pro seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Elementor, Contact Form 7, SEO, Theme Builder, WooCommerce, and more, empowering you to enhance functionality and create a standout online presence. 💪🧩
🌐 Upgrade your website today and experience the power of Avantex Pro!
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trooblog · 10 months
What Are the Best Practices for Converting Figma to WordPress?
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Are you seeking tips and tricks while converting your Figma to WordPress website?
You arrived at the right place.
What is Figma?
Figma is a popular vector graphic editor designer used to create user interfaces, illustrations, icons, and more. 
The process of conversion started with converting the Figma design to code. The second method is to export as PNGs (Portable network graphics), JPGs, and SVGs (Scalable vector graphics). It is like other designing tools, like Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Sketch, etc. 
Apart from the similarity with the other tools, Figma has a few unique features and functionalities that make it a valuable tool for designers.
Figma has become a famous alternative for building visual hierarchy websites and interactive web applications.
This platform is famous for its capability and flexibility, making this a unique one and one of the influential designing tools.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is a well-known CMS (Content management system) that powers more than 40% of all websites worldwide. 
WordPress continues to influence the CMS ( content management system) industry and stays in competition. 
Its extensive offerings of plugins that improve functionality, its user’s support community, and its adaptability make it a perfect choice for developers.
Let's walk over a few best approaches for Figma to WordPress conversion.
Top 5 Best Practices for Figma to WordPress Conversion
Let’s check out the best approaches while transferring files from Figma to WordPress. Check this following given below:
WordPress Installation:
One of the most important things to remember is to ensure you have a clean WordPress installation before converting your Figma design to WordPress. The installation will assist you in avoiding problems with current plugins and themes.
Choose theme compatible with Figma: 
Look for a WordPress theme that integrates with Figma. A suitable theme will make converting your Figma design into a WordPress theme easier.
Employ a Child Theme: 
If you are using a WordPress theme that supports Figma integration, it is recommended that you first establish a child theme. It enables you to modify the theme without compromising the original design.
Use Page Builder: 
Page builders are an excellent approach to transforming your Figma design into a WordPress theme quickly and effortlessly. However, seek a page builder that integrates with Figma.
Once you've transformed your Figma design into a WordPress theme, properly test it from beginning to end. Before publishing your website, test the Figma design to uncover potential concerns. If an issue arises, it may be resolved here.
Considering these few basics, you can ensure smooth Figma to WordPress conversions.
Looking for Figma to WordPress conversion?
TRooInbound is one of the well-known organizations having demonstrated years of experience. 
We have an expert team of Figma and WordPress developers to offer any Figma to WordPress conversion services. 
Our specialties include website development, application development, migration, digital marketing, and conversion services. 
We have more than 5 years of industry experience with a demonstrated work portfolio. Our expert team is highly qualified for any web development project.
Why are you waiting for?
Contact us today!
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year
Marvel Trumps Hate is looking for people to join our team!
Thank you to everyone who has applied. We’ll be closing applications on Wednesday, July 5, which is when we’ll make a decision and get back to all applicants, so don’t worry if you haven’t heard from us yet! 
This means you still have two weeks to apply for an event team position if you haven’t already. Again, if you’re on the event team, that doesn’t prevent you from also participating in the auction, but you aren’t obligated to do so either.
If you’re interested in joining our team, please email [email protected] and include the following information:
Confirmation that you’re over 18
The best way to contact you
What position you’re applying for: server mod, developer, or designer
Availability: Please let us know what time zone you’re in and what days/how many hours per week you can commit to MTH from the start of September to the start of November
Server mod - Please state if you have any experience modding a Discord server or other community. Server mods will be expected to field questions about MTH, make sure the server rules are being followed, and handle any disagreements that may occur. This requires patience and good interpersonal skills
Developer - We’re looking for someone who is familiar with coding/programming in PHP, particularly writing and modifying Wordpress plugins. CSS and HTML will also be helpful. You’ll be working with the dev team to update the auction system on the website, mostly searching already written code to make tweaks to its function and appearance and using basic back-end Wordpress controls to keep the site functional and up-to-date. Once sign-ups and bidding go live in October, you’ll help make sure everything is running smoothly and provide some tech support for the rest of the mod team in case of issues
Designer - If you love making graphics/edits, help us make pretty event and creator banners (event banner examples: x, x, x, creator banner examples: x)! Photoshop access is required. Please provide us with examples of your work 
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. You can reach us by email, Tumblr Messenger, askbox, or Twitter DM. Thank you!
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wordpress · 6 months
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Want to get started contributing to WordPress? We're looking for some new friends to join the Plugin Review and Community teams!
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