#world press day
miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Happy World Press Freedom Day!!
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World Press Freedom Day is celebrated to raise awareness of the freedom of speech the press and journalists have and ensure that this will be followed for the years to come. Like Nadja and Alya, journalists should seek to discover and share the truth about the current situations, no matter the circumstances.
Graphics by KiMOCherry
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getting-messi · 1 year
This is why Brazil lost.
They were cursed.
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bloodanna · 11 days
spoilers for Dimension 20: Fantasy High - Junior Year (which I haven't finished yet)
I think the thing that is getting me most about Kipperlilly Copperkettle and her railing against the "unfairness" of The Bad Kids having Dramatic Backstories (TM) is that the one that has come the farthest and learned the most and who could be a terrifying solo adventurer in their own right isn't the one with the surprise demon parentage or the son of a famous pirate or The Chosen One or the Elven Oracle or even the detective whose dad got eaten by a dragon.
It's the sweet adopted Half-Orc who now has two sets of loving parents and a group of encouraging friends.
It's not big and dramatic. It's just determination and an endless heart.
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lazzarachan · 3 months
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Notable bands in emo music history from Alternative Press, November 2017.
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lullabiestoparalyze · 27 days
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Al Jazeera's Israeli office has been shuttered on World Press Freedom Day.
All eyes on Rafah.
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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On World Press Freedom Day, there is no better expression for this day than what was drawn by the martyr Naji Al-Ali.
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lightseoul · 1 year
no thoughts brain empty except for retired househusband!bakugou waiting for you to get home from work :(
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quillkiller · 5 months
outtakes from my rita skeeter character study i did feverishly at 4am last night/this morning
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daniel-nerd · 27 days
when everyone is talking about rafah, and israel passing a law allowing them to ban al jazeera, and then immediately enacting on it. here are some numbers, compiled nicely into 2 graphs
the first graph, is the SCORE reporters without borders(RSF) gave to Israel, USA, and Russia, in their world press freedom index. (higher is better)
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as you can see. there is a pretty big drop between 2021 and 2022, lets talk about that
In May of 2021 Israel had a military operation in gaza. on top of that, in march of 2021 israel had the 4th election since 2019, where the Likud got 24.19% of the votes, and Naftali bennett managing to form a coalition, making him the prime minister, ending the strike of netanyahu, which was the prime minister since february pf 2009, the coalition survived until November of 2022, where israel had the 5th election since 2019, the election that formed today’s government of israel, with netanyahu back as prime minister, the coalition is also known as the most extreme right wing government israel saw in years, if not in the entire history of Israel.
the next graph shows the POSITION of each country in the RSF world press freedom index(lower is better)
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as you can see, israel slowly started to go downwards to a freer place, with better freedom of press, until 2022 when the current government formed. and haven’t shown any signs of slowing down the suppression of the press.
in 2020: 51 journalists were killed worldwide
in 2021: 48 journalists were killed worldwide
in 2022: 57 journalists were killed worldwide
in 2023: 45 journalists were killed worldwide, the lowest since 2002!!
since October 7th over 105 journalists were killed in gaza alone. easily getting us to triple digits, something that we haven’t seen in over a decade.
currently, any website of Al jazeera except ajplus is banned and blocked in israel. (I have no idea why ajplus wasn’t blocked, but I also haven’t looked around the website, i only found out it was a thing thanks to wikipedia)
changing your DNS server to openDNS seems to bypass the ban,
using VPN seems to bypass the ban,
using the tor browser (obviously) seems to bypass the ban.
I haven’t checked google’s DNS servers but it will probably bypass the ban too.
this post is all over the place, but CHANGE YOUR DEFAULT DNS SERVER
it is very easy! i use OpenDNS, they have great tutorials explaining how to change your DNS. and it WILL bypass most of the blocked sites if your country ever try to block a site.
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non-un-topo · 11 months
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My Neekeys over the last two-odd years. I was curious to see the changes 🤔
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its-me-seven-eleven · 7 months
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i like making silly lil gifs
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judasisgayriot · 1 month
sorry but I bravely refuse to pick a side in the worlds dumbest rpf slapfight, i am a top patrick AND bottom patrick enjoyer and i won't be swayed
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
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I know we’re booping cat style but I’m also throwing out boops in this exact voice and I just need y’all to know that.
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irhabiya · 4 months
the human shields shit has always been a lie anyone with half a brain knows that but it's also like. how can you even say that when the israeli forces on the ground have SNIPED innocent children, women, men at this point? what, did the bullet loop around and accidentally hit them while they were held hostage as human shields? fucking kill yourself
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uwmspeccoll · 8 months
Milestone Monday
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On this day, October 2, 1872, Jules Verne (1828-1905) sent his protagonist Phileas Fogg out on the adventure of a lifetime in his novel Around the World in Eighty Days. On the evening of October 2nd, while at the Club playing cards and debating how the world has grown smaller since a new railway section in India had made it possible to travel around the world, Fogg accepts a wager from his comrades for £20,000 to follow the Daily Telegraph’s itinerary of steamers and rails around the world and make it back to London in eighty days.  
In observance of this fictional anniversary, we’re looking at The Limited Editions Club (LEC) publication of Around the World in Eighty Days written by Jules Verne and illustrated by Edward A. Wilson (1886-1970). It was published in 1962 and printed in an edition of 1500 copies by Saul and Lillian Marks at The Plantin Press in Los Angeles, California. The illustrations consist of sixteen pen-and-wash drawings by Wilson, reproduced in gravure by the Photogravure and Color Company of New York and then colored by hand in the studio of Walter Fischer.  
Wilson, an attendee of the Art Institute of Chicago, illustrated over a dozen books, magazines, and World War II propaganda posters between 1924 and 1950. His vibrant work within LEC’s Around the World in Eighty Days reinforces a sense of wanderlust and adventure throughout the novel. In an eerie coincidence, October 2, 1970 is also the day Wilson passed away after a long struggle with an undisclosed illness.  
The Special Collections holds number 289 of this limited-edition publication, from long-standing LEC member Austin Fredric Lutter of Waukesha, Wisconsin.
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View more Limited Edition Club posts. 
View other Milestone Monday posts.
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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No to the sound and video silencer
On World Press Freedom Day and every day, we must not forget that “Israel” and its tools have assassinated more than 250 male and female journalists since July 8, 1972 (the date of the assassination of the martyr Ghassan Kanafani). More than half of them were assassinated during the current aggression on Gaza.
*These are some pictures of the martyrs of the Palestinian press..
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