#ca n jazz
lazzarachan · 3 months
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Notable bands in emo music history from Alternative Press, November 2017.
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Co-Stars pt.13
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Y/n and Callum have their puppy interview, but they fell in love with one...
Warning: use of Y/n/ babies/
Word count: 750 words
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They sat down, she was so excited. ‘’I’m so excited!’’ She squealed as she rested her head on Callum’s shoulder. Callum only laughed before Great Pyrenees puppies run into the room. Y/n’s eyes filled with stars, just like anime, she was in awe. ‘’Oh my god! Hi precious!!!’’ she squeals. Callum looks at her, smiling, but a puppy ran on him. ‘’Oh, hello you!’’ he giggles. Puppies run into each other and fight a little. ‘’No! Don’t fight, I’m going to separate you!’’ Y/n squeak, separating the puppies. ‘’Honey, these puppies are not Daisy and Ophelia’’ Callum laughed. Y/n giggled and looked at the interviewers. ‘’How did your labour go? And did it affect your work?’’ Y/n smiled. ‘’I was long, but it was totally worth the pain, I have two beautiful girls at home. And I think it affected my work in way that I’m more conscious of the time I’m spending away from home’’ she said, while her hand was being chased by puppies. She really fell in love with one of the puppies. ‘’What’s this little guy’s name?’’ she asked. ‘’He’s called Jazz’’ one of the women said. ‘’Callum, what was the best thing about working with Y/n?’’ As he was about to answer, a puppy ran on his leg. ‘’Hey there, little guy, uh the best thing about working with her was, uh, it was like having a safety net. During like hard scene, she was often with me, and it was reassuring, knowing that she was there with me’’ he said. ‘’Y/n, same question’’ Y/n smiled and looked at Callum. ‘’Uh, like he said – ‘’ a puppy was chewing on her hand. ‘’ – no, I’m not a toy. Uh, sorry where was I?’’ she laughs. She didn’t think she was going to give much content, she was too distracted by puppies.
The interview was sadly over, Y/n didn’t want to go. She fell in love with Jazz and wanted to bring him back home. ‘’Can we have him?’’ Y/n asked, eyes filled with happy tears. She was holding Jazz. ‘’Y/n, we have newborn twins at home, you want a puppy that’s going to grown and be enormous?’’ Callum giggled. Y/n nodded and smiled, she kissed Jazz and looked at Callum. ‘’Please, look at him! He’s adorable!’’ She squeals. ‘’But we’re already sleep deprived, we have two babies, and you want a puppy?’’ he laughed. ‘’Yes, please, please, Callum you’re the best husband and the best dad ever, please!’’ she did her puppy eyes, he wasn’t able to resist. ‘’Ok, but remember it was your idea!’’ he finally gave in.
When they entered the house, Rosemary was in the living room with the twins. ‘’Hello! How did it go?’’ she asked. ‘’Good, we have a puppy!’’ Y/n exclaims as she shows the puppy to Callum’s mom. ‘’Oh my, he’s adorable!’’ she smiles. Y/n puts the puppy on the ground and goes to her daughters. ‘’Hello my precious! Were you good for grandma?’’ she squeaks. ‘’They were angels’’ Rosemary answers.
She looked at the time, 3:16 am, she was woken up by cries, Callum was asleep, but it was okay, he already got up earlier to feed the twins, but it was Y/n’s turn. When she opened the door, Jazz was in front of it. He looked like he wanted to pee, so Y/n quickly got to Ophelia, she was crying, started to breastfeed her as she went down the stairs to bring Jazz to her pee mat. Callum woke up, because his other daughter was crying, his wife wasn’t beside him. He went in his daughter’s bedroom and took Daisy in his arms, he heard Y/n talk downstairs, so he followed the noise and found his wife, breastfeeding Ophelia and directing Jazz, at the same time. She was seated on the floor, waiting for the puppy to pee. ‘’Honey, what are you doing on the floor?’’ he yawned. ‘’Ophelia was hungry, and Jazz needed to pee, but the mat is stressing him, so I’s staying with him. Is Daisy hungry too?’’ she asked. ‘’Yeah, I think so, give me Ophelia’’ Callum said as they exchanged daughters. She switched breast as she began to feed Daisy. Callum sat next to her. ‘’I told you it was going to be tiring’’ he smirked. ‘’Don’t be a smart butt, I’m not (yawns) tired’’ she said. She rested her head on his shoulder. ‘’I love you’’ she whispers. ‘’I love you too’’ he replied. Jazz finally peed; the couple almost celebrated, that meant that they could go back to a much needed sleep.
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queenshelby · 6 months
An Illicit Affair
Part Two: Jazz Bar
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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The jazz concert took place in a small bar, downtown Soho. It was a Thursday evening, at around 9 o'clock, when you arrived at the establishment with the view to meet your best friend and fellow student Lucy there. Lucy was two years older than you and you shared a dorm room with her on campus. 
Just like you, Lucy was nerdy and focused on her studies, telling you years ago that you should not have gotten involved with Max but, of course, you did not listen to her at the time. 
That evening, Lucy stood you down, not intentionally but out of necessity. She had an assignment due the following day and recognized that she had not spent enough time on its content. 
So, at around nine that evening, you received a message from her saying that she had to bail on you, leaving you alone in the quirky bar which, by now, was filled with art students, middle aged men and women and a few musicians. 
Still, you were determined to make the most of the night. After all, your favorite band was playing, and this alone encouraged you to order yourself a drink and take a seat close to the stage.
A few minutes later, the band started a lively tune, and soon everyone began dancing.
You found yourself swaying to the rhythm, feeling the energy of the crowd enveloping you and, just as you were starting to get lost in the music, you spotted a familiar face.
It was Cillian, Max's father, who was standing near the bar, nursing a glass of red wine. 
The sight of him jolted you, sending a wave of mixed emotions coursing through your veins. You hadn't seen him since that fateful weekend in Dublin over fifteen months ago, and the memory of his captivating blue eyes and mesmerizing voice lingered within you. You watched him from afar, unable to tear your gaze away.
Cillian appeared to be engrossed in a conversation with a group of people, but every once in a while, he would glance around the room, scanning the faces of the attendees.
That's when his gaze landed on you and he excused himself from the group of people he was with. 
Approaching you with purpose, he smiled warmly. "Y/N, hey...it's nice to see you again," he greeted you. "How have you been?" he wanted to know and, immediately, his deep voice resonated through your body, stirring a familiar spark within you.
"I'm doing well, thank you," you responded, trying to remain composed. "How about you?" you asked before asking "what brings you here tonight?" with some surprise. 
"Oh, I saw that this band was performing and thought I'd check them out," Cillian explained casually with his thick Irish accent. 
"Are you in London for work or to see Max?" you asked Cillian, trying to keep your voice steady. 
"I am here for work, shooting a commercial, but I did catch up with Max yesterday for dinner," Cillian answered. "He seems to be doing well, even though he dropped out of medical school," he explained, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing that you may have been the reason he quit his studies. 
"I am sorry Cillian, I feel like I caused this," you admitted hesitantly, remembering the countless arguments you had with him about his lackadaisical attitude towards academics right before the break-up. 
"No, you didn't. If anything, he hung in there as long as he did because of you," Cillian reassured you. "He is a good kid, but he lacks the discipline and commitment for such a difficult field of studies, and I must admit that, so did I, when I was his age," he chuckled before telling you that, at the age of twenty, he dropped out of law school. 
"Well, fortunately for you, you discovered acting and that clearly turned out to be your calling," you said with a wink and Cillian laughed heartily, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"That's right, I guess," he agreed, sipping on his wine. "So, no doubt Max will find his way too, at least once he gets over you," he then added calmly before gesturing towards the chair next to yours, wanting to take a seat.
"I am sure he is over me. It's been a year already and I see him quite often on campus these days. He may have transferred to the Arts Faculty, but he is still chatting up and flirting with the medical students," you joked before indicating to Cillian to take the seat. 
"He's a charmer, that's for sure," Cillian said with a hint of pride in his voice. "So, tell me," he leaned in closer, his scent intoxicating, "have you narrowed down your field of practice yet? Are you still interested in pediatrics?" Cillian asked you, his eyes sparkling with interest. "I mean, you mentioned it the last time we saw each other, but have you decided on anything yet?" Cillian pressed further, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I suppose that's accurate," you replied, feeling a surge of nervousness wash over you. "Pediatrics is definitely the direction I'm leaning towards, particularly oncology research."
"Oncology? That's fascinating," Cillian remarked, his eyes widening.
"Why oncology specifically?" he pressed, genuinely curious. "Is it because of your friend who battled leukemia? I remember you talking that," he went on to say and you were impressed by the fact that he remembered. Unlike Max, Cillian appeared to be a good listener and you appreciated that. 
"Yes, that's right. Ever since visiting my friend in the hospital, I've been fascinated by the idea of using science to combat diseases. Research gives me the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of healthcare," you explained earnestly.
Cillian tilted his head, studying you closely. "Your dedication is admirable," he complimented, admiration glimmering in his eyes, and you blushed faintly, feeling flattered by his praise.
"Thank you, Cillian," you mumbled shyly before downing the rest of your drink.
"Would you like another drink?" Cillian thus asked, being observant, as he settled into the chair, his scent wafted over you, a mix of expensive cologne and freshly laundered linen. "My shout," he then went on to say as he noticed you hesitating and, immediately, you suppressed a shiver, suddenly aware of the intimate setting you'd created.
"Okay," you muttered nervously, gazing down at your empty glass. "Thank you," went on to say and, not long after that, Cillian walked off and instructed the bartender, handing over his credit card.
When he returned to the table, you both fell quiet again, awkwardly staring at the dance floor. The band played a slow, bluesy number, and couples danced intimately beneath the dim glow of the stage lights.
Feeling increasingly uneasy, you attempted to change the subject. "How is Danielle?" you asked, swirling the wine in your glass.
Cillian hesitated, his expression clouding over. "Alright, I suppose," he muttered, a hint of melancholy creeping into his voice.
"Alright, you suppose?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. The way he answered your question seemed absurd.
"Yeah, well, things aren't exactly smooth sailing with us," he admitted reluctantly. "We have been having problems for years," he confided in you, causing your heart to skip a beat.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," you sympathized, genuine concern etching your features. "Max did mentioned about you fighting a lot," you commented cautiously, careful not to cross any boundaries.
Cillian exhaled deeply, his shoulders drooping slightly. "We've been trying to work things out but it hasn't been easy," he confessed, his voice laced with sorrow. "Sometimes it feels like we're stuck in a cycle of misunderstandings, accusations and resentment," he admitted.
"I may have heard about certain rumors, in the tabloids, concerning you and other actresses," you ventured delicately, "but I know that these gossip magazines tend to blow things out of proportion," you quickly added just as Cillian chuckled and interrupted you. 
"I didn't take you to be the kind of person who reads these kinds of magazines Y/N. I am really disappointed in you," he mocked, giving you a sideways glance, which made you blush. 
"I don't, unless I am at the hairdressers and my phone is running low on battery," you admitted, meeting his gaze. "And I know the press loves to feed on drama," you added defensively, trying to cover up the embarrassment.
"Well then, for what it's worth, I can assure you that I have never cheated on my wife," Cillian stated plainly, his eyes locked on yours. "Not that I haven't had the opportunity though," he admitted without hesitation, his honesty striking you speechless.
"I am sure you have had many opportunities," you commented lightly, shifting uncomfortably in your seat.
"Maybe not many, but I had some," Cillian laughed before changing the topic to something lighter. 
"What about you?" he asked. "Have you met anyone new since you broke up with Max?" he wanted to know before apologizing for his question, telling you that you did not have to answer it if it made you uncomfortable. 
You swallowed nervously, your pulse quickening at the mention of your former lover. "No, it's okay," you told him. "I haven't had much time for dating," you lied, fiddling with your napkin. "Med school takes up most of my time," you added, not wanting to reveal the truth that no one had caught your attention since Max, at least not yet.
Cillian nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine," he said, before pausing briefly, watching you sip your drink before continuing with caution. "So, besides med school, what keeps you busy?" he questioned, curiosity burning in his eyes.
You sighed softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Not much, honestly," you confessed, shrugging nonchalantly. "I mean, there's the occasional date with friends, dinners with family, and that's pretty much it," you admitted. "I can't lie though, it does get lonely sometimes," you revealed, peering down at your lap.
"I get like this when I am away filming for weeks," Cillian shared, nodding sympathetically. "When the loneliness creeps in, it makes you feel so isolated, doesn't it?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, absolutely," you agreed, your voice barely audible. "I've learned to appreciate moments like these, though, because they remind me how precious human connection truly is," you confided in him, reaching to clasp your hands together.
Cillian gazed at you, his gaze softening. "It must be tough, being so dedicated to your studies. How do you manage to balance everything?" he pondered aloud.
"I've developed strategies to cope. For instance, I set aside time for myself each day, whether it's going for a run or reading a book," you admitted, your voice trailing off and it was at this point that you learned that you shared even more common interests with Cillian. 
He, too, liked to go for runs and read, and not just scripts for upcoming projects. He enjoyed historical fiction as well as thrillers, and his literary horizons were broad. You found this refreshing, considering how insular and self-involved actors could be.
After ordering more drinks, you and Cillian talked some more and shared some laughs. Your conversations flowed effortlessly, covering various subjects ranging from books you both loved to visit places you hoped to travel to someday. Cillian spoke passionately about the beauty of Ireland and its rich history, while you eagerly described your fascination with Italy, having taken a trip there during your gap year.
You exchanged stories, sharing experiences both past and present, discovering more similarities between the two of you. Cillian was intrigued by your intelligence and wit, while you admired his charm and charisma. The chemistry between you intensified, growing stronger with each passing moment.
By the time it was midnight, the group of people he had talked to earlier left and the music had stopped, which is when Cillian reached across the table to refill your glass from the bottle of wine he had ordered thirty minutes ago and, just as he did, his fingers brushed against yours, igniting a spark that neither of you could ignore.
An awkward silence ensued, but instead of dissipating quickly, it grew thicker with tension.
Cillian's intense gaze bore into you, leaving a trail of goosebumps along your arms. You glanced at the stage, searching for a distraction, but the band had packed up their instruments and left.
Cillian cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Well, time flies when you' are having fun," he murmured, his voice husky and seductive. "It is nice talking to you, but it is getting late," he added, checking his watch conspicuously. "And I should probably head back to the hotel," he concluded and you blinked twice.
"Where are you staying?" you blurted out impulsively, catching yourself off guard by your sudden curiosity.
"At the Hilton," Cillian replied simply, adjusting his posture in his seat. "It's not far from here, actually," he added, his voice drifting into a contemplative tone.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, contemplating your next move. "That's convenient," you murmured, attempting to sound casual. "I have heard that they have a decent bar downstairs," you stammered, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
Cillian chuckled softly, his eyes glinting mischievously. "They do. So, perhaps we should grab a nightcap before you are heading home," he offered you almost nervously, causing your heart to race. 
"I would like that," you said softly, offering him a gentle smile, hoping that he would interpret it correctly.
With a nod, Cillian rose from his seat, his frame casting a shadow over you. He extended his hand, helping you to your feet. You felt the warmth of his touch and the strength of his grip, and your knees weakened slightly.
As you followed him towards the exit, the crowd parted, making way for you two as if silently acknowledging the magnetic pull between you two.
Once outside, the cool air hit you, a stark contrast to the heat inside the bar.
The neon signs cast a hazy glow on the cobblestone streets, and the distant hum of traffic blended seamlessly with the whispers of passersby. A sense of excitement pulsed through you as you allowed your senses to heighten, embracing the intoxicating atmosphere.
You and Cillian headed for the Hilton, which was a five-minute walk from the jazz club.
As you approached the hotel lobby, the ambient lighting and plush furnishings provided a cozy refuge from the chilly night air but, much to your disappointment, you noticed that their bar was already closed.
"I suppose we won't be having that nightcap after all," you lamented, pouting your lips while Cillian contemplated whether or not to ask you to join him in his room. 
He bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling before making a decision.
"We could always go to my room and order a bottle of wine," he then suggested, his voice trembling slightly. "If you want to, that is," he added hastily, turning his gaze onto you and, immediately, your heart skipped a beat, your breath hitching as you stared into his deep blue eyes.
"Okay, yeah, why not," you managed to utter, feeling a rush of nerves wash over you. "Just for one drink though," you insisted, hoping to ease your mounting anxiety while Cillian's piercing blue eyes lighted up.
"Sounds perfect," he agreed, leading you towards the elevator bank with a pang of guilt flooding his mind as he thought about the possibility of taking this further than his vows would permit. "Just one drink then," he thus reminded himself as he pushed the button for the top floor, hoping that his loyalty to Max and Danielle would prevail over the desire for you.
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kvetchlandia · 9 months
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Jim Marshall Lou Rawls and Big Mama Thornton, Monterey Jazz Festival, Monterey, CA, 1964
"" began to learn acceptance, direction, understanding and perception, all elements that had been sadly lacking in my life. I might have lived long enough to learn all this in the long haul, but I would have been just another soul taking up time and space before I learned." -Lou Rawls, on on surviving a 1958 car crash that left him in a coma for five days.
“I gave her the right and the permission to make “Ball ‘n’ Chain,” She always was my idol before she passed away… and I thank her for helping me.” Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton on Janis Joplin's cover of her song.
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ramzawrites · 1 year
ARIA - Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant | AI!Reader in the Krang Apocalypse - Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: None
Characters included: Future!Donatello, Future!Michelangelo, Future!S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, Future!Leonardo, Future!Raphael, Future!April
Warnings: n/a
Series: Part 2
Summary: Aria is slowly growing into their own person with the help of their father, uncles and of course brother Shelldon.
Word count: 3509
Authors Note: I admittedly was sitting on these parts for a while so here second chapter already haha
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As expected Aria learned and assimilated themself easily into their new environment. Of course, they were at the start very matter of factly and took everything literally but that was to be expected. Donnie did of course program them with the ability to recognize emotions and being able to detect things like sarcasm easier but putting down the theory on that alone can still not compare really to doing it in practice.
It helped a ton that Shelldon immediately took on the job of supervising them, explaining to his creator that he probably knew best how to teach them and show them how things worked. How could Donnie argue with that? Shelldon literally was in the same boat as Aria.
So when Donnie did enough tests and felt like their robot body worked up to his specifications, he wanted to properly show his new invention around the base to make sure they can find their way and recognize the few people he put into their databank.
Aria introduced themself to everyone “Hello. I am the Autonomous Research Interactive Assistant, but you may also call me Aria. It is nice to meet you. I will be able to answer any inquiries you have. How may I help you?”
It was Shelldon who told them that they don’t have to say out loud that they created a new register and will keep updating it whenever they interact with the new person. That was better left unsaid. It made people feel watched and paranoid and paranoia was in abundance in this apocalyptic world.
Most reacted positive to the new robot though. At this point everyone knew that Donnie was pretty much able to create miracles if he had the resources, so to see a new sentient robot walking around really wasn’t that crazy. While they reacted positively there was still a smidge of hesitancy that was natural ever since the Krang took over.
While the Krang were organic, to the point of their technology even being an organic being, they still deployed monsters into the wild that were basically robots with glowing red eyes. But the people knew. The people knew that technology that was branded with the GeniusTech logo was safe.
His family though didn’t have this same hesitant reaction. They knew that Donnie’s inventions were safe, even after years where they had to “fix his fixes” over and over again. Even so, they trusted Donnie and to that extent his tech unconditionally. Sometimes this realization crept up on Donnie and he couldn’t help but feel warm deep inside his chest.
When they walked past Leo, Donnie stopped him in his tracks. Leo knew of his project but hadn’t had the chance to interact with it yet.
Shelldon happily stood next to his robot sibling and stretched his hands towards them, doing jazz hands as he presented them to Leo “Look at them! That’s Aria! My new sibling who knows everything Donnie knows!”
Leonardo snorted out a huff of air at the excited behavior of Shelldon. His eyes rose to Donnie once with a raised eyebrow before he knelt down to offer his hand to Aria.
Donnie rolled his eyes, he wanted to say that this was unnecessary, but he chose to hold back. Instead, he just watched Leo as Aria went through their introduction spiel once again. The way his older twin brother smiled and begun asking questions as to what exactly Aria can do, it reminded him very much how Leo always interacted with the children in the base.
He always tried to make himself smaller, get to their eyelevel and graced them with the same soft but smug smile. Always asking them questions what they can do and what they had learned recently. The reaction was usually always the same impressed gasp which apparently he couldn’t help doing as he listened to Aria count of all their functions.
When it was way into the night and both Shelldon and Aria were currently charging Donnie met up with his brother in the kitchen when both seemingly went to get a snack and something to drink at the same time.
It was then that Donnie brought this observation up to him.
Leo shrugged “Technically they are only like a week old, and they are also so small. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because it’s very obvious that they are new and still getting used to everything? In a way it really does remind me of a child, I guess? Even if they are a robot and all.”
“You never did the same with Shelldon.”
Once again he shrugged “Eh, I was a teen then and Shelldon seemed to be on eyelevel. Now I’m older and stuff… I don’t know!” He raised his voice at the end but laughed.
It was clear he wanted to give Donnie an honest answer but he himself couldn’t really explain it. Not that this was an important matter anyhow. He was just curious what about Aria made Leo react that way. Maybe it was just his analytical brain trying to understand how Aria came across to others and if he needed to make adjustments.
Mikey was so excited when he met Aria properly. He just kept asking them all sorts of things. Why are plants usually green? Why are some oceans seemingly gray and others are a deep blue? What can you do to force another growth spurt?
Donnie had a smile on his face as he watched his younger brother use Aria as his personal encyclopedia. To be honest this was kind of a good idea to just let Mikey ramble off all his questions and see how Aria reacted. They seemed to react just as he wanted, being able to “dumb down” their explanations if Mikey told them that he didn’t understand their too technical response.
Honestly it was really good training for them to learn a more natural way of speaking and explanation. Even if the details of the subject go missing but those could be asked for and maybe one day Aria will learn with whom they can speak more technical to and for whom they had to rephrase their knowledge. Frankly something he had to learn as well.
Shelldon was also at their side. Explaining to them exactly why Mikey might have not understood their current explanation. He went even so far as giving them a ton of verbal praise to make sure they understood that they did this correctly.
Seemed like Shelldon really took them under his wing immediately.
Raph’s reaction was kind of a mix between Leo and Mikey. Over the years Shelldon also started to climb all over Raph’s shell when he had the chance, just how Raph’s brothers used to do. Well, they still used him as their personal perch to be fair.
Shelldon released his rotor blades on his back to fly up and then sit down on one side of Raph’s shoulder, afterwards putting the rotors back into his shell. The red turtle didn’t even react, so used to this. Instead his eyes were glued on the new robot who was once again introducing themself formally.
Without a warning he just snatched them from the ground and moved them up, so they were on eyelevel with him. He scrunched his face together in thought as he eyed the new robot “So, I can ask you any question?”
Aria nodded, something they didn’t do at the start but learned while doing introductions “Yes. If it’s in my databank I can answer any questions and if it’s not I have the abilities do my own research to answer your question.”
Their speech pattern improved a lot as well. Not referring to questions only as inquiries anymore for example.
Raph squinted his eyes even more together “So.” He drawled out “Could you also help Raph with creating a better training plan? Because I know there are ways to make it better, but I don’t really know how.”
Actually, that was a good question! This wasn’t a straight question for one specific fact. This would require combining multiple things together. It really was a good idea to do the rounds with Aria.
“It should be possible. There are many ways to go about this. Are we talking about increasing muscle mass? Cardio? What kind of training do you already do?”
Raphael smiled “How about I show ya. You can help me then.” He then proceeded to move Aria up to his other shoulder. Shelldon’s hand immediately darted over to grasp onto Aria when he saw them swaying back for a second when Raph began walking.
When Aria introduced themself to April, she looked towards Donnie with a raised eyebrow “Say Donnie, this one won’t go all rogue like Shelldon did once, right?”
He scoffed offendedly at that, even if this was mostly meant as a way to tease him “No! I’ve learned since then! Besides I have higher hopes this time around that my lovely brother won’t just sabotage my work. I’m pretty sure that this fact played a huge role in that”
April chuckled at that “Alright, alright. I gotcha. Just making sure.” She winked to really bring home that she was just teasing him.
She then turned to the new small robot and introduced herself as well.
“Yes. April O’Neil. Oldest sister to the Hamato’s. The brothers met you when they all were still kids.” Aria explained.
She nodded “Made sense that Don already told you that all. Well, I already know you’ll be a huge asset to the resistance and welcome to our little family. Well honestly our family isn’t so small anymore.”
This was certainly true. At first it really was just the four with their father. Then April joined and later Sunita and even Cassandra. Somewhere along the way Draxum joined the family as well. And if you added Shelldon and Aria as well then that made up a group of eleven people. It was just sometimes hard to see with everyone busy or away on missions.
It didn’t take long for Donnie to let Aria roam around the base on their own.
He first placed them to what they referred to as the kindergarten. Really it was a school and a way to train children basic skills to survive in the new apocalyptic world. They had games like “Down the Krang” that was just a way to teach them where some of the weak points were on Krangs and how to work together from an early age on.
But Aria was there and helped the few teachers out that were able to teach the kids. Just how they did with Mikey, they acted mostly as a personal encyclopedia for the children. Which got Donnie a little bit in trouble since apparently Aria didn’t realize they shouldn’t mention the most cruel details of certain subjects.
Kids certainly shouldn’t have to hear about how Krang assimilate other people and how they can basically take apart the victims brain.
Not that this wouldn’t be a thing they’d soon learn anyhow. But people tried to save the children’s innocence as much as they could. Even with death and worse things being a daily occurrence.
It was a bit tricky to explain this concept to Aria though. Luckily Shelldon was right there to take that duty on to himself. Basically explaining in more detail how parents and adults want to ensure children have a happy childhood, trying to avoid anything that might be considered as something negative. Not everything at all the time but they want to take their time before getting into the cruel stuff. Give them a chance to prepare themselves for some of the more cruel aspects of the world.
Which them sported Aria asking Shelldon a ton of questions. Would it be okay to talk about death in general? But shouldn’t they learn what to do when seriously hurt?
It really surprised Donnie when Shelldon seemingly had answers to most of their questions. He supposed it made sense that he had problems trying to teach Aria these things since most of it relies more on instinct and having watched behaviors of others for a while to make these judgments, while Shelldon from day one was only able to rely on what he knew and then over the years what he observed.
Donnie didn’t realize that his instinct when it came to interaction was this strong though, since he often felt like he mostly emulated what others did. Well might be that his emulation of everything happens on a more instinctual part.
As they days passed more and more approached Aria instead of Donnie when he was obviously busy. When Aria was already busy they put the next person in a sort of que in their system and ran from one part of the base to the next.
When Shelldon wasn’t busy on doing his rounds around the base or was on a special recon mission he was usually found at Aria’s side. At this point it really felt like they were joined at the hip. Often enough when Aria had questions on how to handle certain situations they approached their brother more than Donnie, which he didn’t mind! It was an interesting observation mostly.
Though the consequences of this were that they seemed to pick up more and more of Shelldon’s mannerisms. That said they never seemed to take on the same kind of chill bro speech pattern. Even if Shelldon tried to make them say “Brah” only to admit that it felt “way off” coming from them.
“Father, you should rest. You have been awake for 68 hours.”
What they took away from Shelldon was them also starting to refer to Donnie as father. And it surprised him when he didn’t mind it. It made sense. He saw all of his projects as “his babies” after all. Not that he ever would say that out loud. The only one he ever really showed this kind of relationship openly with was with Shelldon.
Well, there was this incident with his bed invention but that’s not the point right now. It wasn’t a true AI anyhow.
The first time Aria referred to him as father, he had to take a double take. They usually tended to refer to him as Donatello, sometimes Donnie and rarely creator.
They once did refer to Donnie as Mister Hamato when there was a prick military person in the base who kept calling the turtle brothers derogatory names and apparently Aria thought this would make Donnie sound more like a person to be taken seriously.
It ended with Leo laughing so hard he fell to the ground blinded by his own tears since this came out of nowhere.
Donnie was mostly annoyed with Leo apparently thinking it was hilarious when someone tried to pay him, deservedly, respect.
But father was a weighted word and normally Aria would ask others for their permission to assign a new alias or nickname for them. But this time they didn’t.
“Excuse me? Can you say that again?” Donnie asked, trying to hide his bewilderment as he turned around in his chair to look at his robot.
Aria had their hands on their hips and the pixelated face was turned into a pouty frown “I said that you have been awake for 68 hours straight and that you should rest.”
It’s been only a few weeks and they seemed to already have improved so much and even showing off their own personality. They often enough reprimanded him to take better care of himself and in a way this reminded him so much of how he used to interact with his own father.
“I, uh, yeah. I got kind of caught up in this project. But what did you call me?”
Aria’s arms dropped to their side, their face turning to a smile as they tilted their head to the side “I called you father.” Their robotic voice was more unsure “I’m sorry. I didn’t ask for permission. I just assumed since Shelldon always calls you dad and he calls himself my brother…” They trailed off at the end.
Donnie was for a moment caught in the realization how much better they got at showing actual emotions. A feeling of pride grew in his chest at the words they used.
They assumed.
They assumed!
They are learning and in turn are growing. And now they are seemingly trusting their own ability to think for themself. Donnie knew that they were a true sentient AI but to see them actually grow on their own? There was no better word than pride.
He slowly nodded “No, no. Shelldon was right.” He hesitated a bit at the end. It is a bit ironic that he created AI able to feel and think for themselves when he is famously bad with feelings himself “It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Aria just stared at him for a moment longer before answering “So, it is alright if I call you father? Or dad?”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. I don’t mind.” He tried to sound casual. He was somehow nervous? Happy? It was a complicated feeling that was settling down in his chest and gut which made him almost more annoyed than anything.
“Alright then, dad. It is time for you to rest. I already asked Uncle Mikey to make you something small to eat as well.” They then walked over and begun softly pulling on his hand.
Donnie couldn’t help but just follow along. Sure, Aria was stronger than most but right now they were barely pulling on him, still Donnie moved as his robot pulled him away from his work and instead into the part of the base the Hamatos have claimed for themselves.
“Uncle Mikey?” Donnie asked as they made their way. Donnie was a bit ducked down so he could still hold onto Aria’s hand as they continued to pull him along as if he didn’t know the way to his own kitchen.
Aria nodded “He said I could call him that and I like it. I like that I have a family.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
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cactusblossom · 1 year
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Parcel Omen - powerful robot they/them ace/aro Exploring Romantically: No Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Traits: Quick Learner, Perfectionist, Ambitious, Unflirty Color: likes purple, pink & blue; dislikes red Music: likes electronica, focus & jazz Activity: likes research & debate, robotics, programming, rocket science & video gaming Conversation Topics: likes deep thoughts & small talk; dislikes affection, flirtation & physical intimacy Sim Characteristics: likes cerebral sims; dislikes emotional decision-makers & romance enthusiasts Décor: likes industrial This is my second entry for June in the CAS Pick 'N Choose by @samssims
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yonkimint · 2 years
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The End is You and I [Taehyung x Reader]
11. Jazz Night
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lixxen · 9 months
Sweet Dead Eyes (Jazz Fenton)
This is a chapter from my Haunting of A Vivisection fic that I wanted to post onto here because I liked this chapter. This can be read by itself, but some parts might be a bit confusing.
This is supposed to mirror Danny's perspective in Ch. 1. Sorry that formatting is weird, if you don't write directly into Tumblr posts it'll mess things up (plus it has html coding in it)
Warnings: mentions of unintentional child neglect.
Jasmine Fenton couldn’t remember a day where ghosts didn’t negatively affect her life.
Jazz remembers from a young age having to learn that she would have to be the one to raise her brother Danny. It came crashing down on her at the age of six when her parents disappeared for hours at a time into their labs. She remembers ten years later the sound of her baby brother screaming for their parents' attention and the feeling of fear as she stared down at her little brother. She managed to help him up and took care of him before turning on a space documentary. 
That single instance made Jazz realize that she will have to do more for Danny.
Jazz had spent hours helping Danny with anything and everything, talking to him about his interest in space and rockets. She was the one to convince her parents to take them to Cape Canaveral when Danny was eight. He had almost begged their parents to buy him a model rocket and they gave in to the puppy dog eyes.
Jazz always cooked dinner and made sure that when Danny was old enough that he could join her in cooking. It wasn’t at first to bond, but out of necessity. Their parents never spent time on cooking, so if it wasn’t for Jazz cooking then they wouldn’t have an actual meal but instead microwaved mac n cheese. 
Once the two of them had gotten good at cooking food, and their mother had caught on and actually bothered to buy real food to cook, Jazz started to demand their parents to eat with them. Danny had started to talk about eating together and Jazz did not want to disappoint him when he asked if they’d be joining the two for dinner. So after a few days of bugging her parents to the end of the Earth, the two adults joined them. This led to years of expecting Danny and Jazz to cook and them appearing for an hour to eat dinner. Which eventually led to the family acting like a normal functioning family by the time Danny hit middle school.
Which is where things started to change again.
Jazz watched as Danny became friends with Tucker and Wes with slight concern. She knew exactly how the town saw her family. She heard the whispers of the small town’s gossip and spent years protecting Danny from it. Her worst fear was that other kids would bring Danny’s world crashing down upon him. She could protect Danny from their parents but not from other people.
Jazz watched as Wes and Tucker chased Danny through the school halls and smiled. The three boys got along well and she ended up befriending Wes’ brother Kyle. They started to get close because every day they would walk together to the playground to get their brothers and send Tucker home. 
“How’s it going, Fenton?” Kyle gave a nervous smile as he joined her on her walk to the playground.
“Pretty good. Being a freshman is the worst, but hey.” Jazz smiled while eyeing Kyle. Something was wrong. “What can I do?”
Kyle nodded and looked forward. “Yeah. Nothing really you can do.”
Something was definitely wrong, and if Jazz knew what she knew now she would have just stayed quiet.
“Is everything okay, Kyle?” Jazz offered a genuine smile. She watched as he sighed and looked down.
“My parents don’t want Wes around your brother.” Kyle stopped and turned to Jazz. “Or me being around you.”
Jazz stopped and she could feel her heart in her throat. She knew this would eventually happen. It wasn’t surprising but it still hurt for him to tell her.
“Yeah. No.” Jazz nodded and looked away, turning back to the playground they were next to. She watched Wes chase around Tucker and Danny, the three boys not having a care in the world. “I totally get it. We’re the weird family and your folks are just worried.”
“Jazz…” Kyle started and she just shook her head.
“It’s fine, Kyle.” Jazz turned back to him before smiling, trying to hide the tears that threatened to form. It stung. But she was used to it. Things were changing in high school for her, but they haven’t changed yet for Danny. “I do get it. Let’s not talk about it. Okay?”
With that, Jazz walked to the gate and called the boys over. It was almost somber watching them all run together and say their goodbyes, promising to see each other tomorrow.
That night, Jazz cried to herself in her bedroom. She mourned her brother’s friendship.
Sam thankfully came into their life and had brought back the missing piece that had been taken away.The girl came from the rich family that had moved in a few years before they went to school. Jazz vaguely remembers their parents talking about the Mansons and their odd name, which was ironic to Jazz.
Sam was a decent influence on the boys and it was nice having a girl around. It allowed Jazz to somewhat connect to Danny’s friends easier and she managed to loosely be acquainted with them as they stayed around the house more and more. Jazz wanted to be a buffer between their parents and the kids, so she hovered for the first handful of times Sam and Tucker were fully over at the house.
It wasn’t until Jazz hit her emo phase did she think that her influence on the three was actually substantial. She was going through a rough time with school and having to still keep track of Danny, so she started to get lost in her own feelings. She started to listen to darker music that made her feel less alone and like the world wasn’t out to get her. It made her happy to see that Danny and his friends followed suit.
Danny loved the music and would spend hours listening to it with Jazz, which made her feel less alone and reminded her why she did all of this. It was for Danny and to see him happy, and if that meant he and his friends got into her new music and edgy style then she sure would stay with it.
Until Sam cut and dyed her hair at their house and Jazz had to panic save them. Then deal with both her parents and Sam’s parents scolding her. It was a very unpleasant experience and she managed to convince Sam’s parents to not take Sam away from the boys. She told them about how teenagers tend to go through phases and wanting independence. That Sam acting out was from her wanting to express herself. They listened and came to the conclusion that they couldn’t fully control her and they did not want to lose their child.
When the accident happened, Jazz was on her way home.
She was walking down the street from her friend’s house when her phone started to ring. She squinted at the screen before realizing it was Sam and answering.
“Hey, Sa-” Jazz started but was cut off.
”Jazz please hurry. Please come back home. Danny-” Tucker was sobbing into the phone and Jazz could hear Sam calling Danny’s name. ”Danny’s hurt and I think he died but Sam brought him back.”
Jazz’s heart stopped and she broke out into a sprint. She ran as fast as she could, her panic fueling her as she went down the dark street. She passed many people and she could hear sirens approaching behind her. She glanced back to see an ambulance and three police cars going towards her. 
One of the police cars slowed to a stop and she saw the deputy sheriff.
“Jasmine. Are you going home?” The deputy sheriff asked. “There’s a call for your home.”
“Danny.” Jazz almost threw herself towards the car. “They said Danny is hurt.”
The deputy nodded and let Jazz into the car, where they rushed to Fenton Works. As soon as they pulled up, Jazz bolted out of the car and ran into the house.
“DANNY!” Jazz screamed as she moved past the paramedics who were trying to get a gurney into the home. They let out objections, but she didn’t care as she ran down the stairs and towards her brother.
Jazz stopped in front of Danny before dropping to her knees and letting out a heavy sob. He had burn marks on his skin and paler than she had ever seen him. He was barely conscious as blood dripped from his ears, nose, and mouth.
“Danny,” Jazz pleaded as she reached for him. “Danny please wake up.”
“Jasmine, please don’t touch him.” One of the paramedics told her.
Jazz brought her hands back and looked up to Sam and Tucker. She felt a range of emotions go through her as they took her brother and put him onto the gurney.
What did they do? Why were they playing around in the lab? Why would Danny put himself in danger?
“I’m sorry.” Sam looked like she was crying. “I’m sorry I asked if we could look at the portal. I just wanted to see it and then he noticed something.”
Jazz shook her head as the paramedics started to pull her attention away.
“Jasmine. We have to go.” The paramedic said and took her hand.
The rest of the day was a blur. She remembers her parents showing up and crying their eyes out in the waiting room. She remembers her mouth tasting bitter as she silently cursed them and their stupid ghost obsession. The two adults that she loved dearly had finally done something to hurt them physically. It wasn’t fair.
Within a day of finding out Danny was okay, they were back in their labs, leaving Jazz and Sam to take turns being there for Danny. Jazz came home late one day to have her parents practically jump on top of her.
“It works!” Her mother grabbed her shoulders and hugged her. “The portal works!”
Jazz was quiet as her parents talked about their portal. About how whatever happened to Danny had brought the portal to life. That they were right this whole time and that this would make their lives better.
Jazz remembers screaming. She remembers screaming her head off and sobbing. She remembers her parents’ shell shocked looks as she sunk to the ground after the loudest emotion they had seen from their daughter in about ten years. It shocked them and made them listen. She begged them to pay more attention to them. To care more. 
They silently agreed. That was that. They tried to get Danny involved in their ghost business in a desperate measure to please him and Jazz. It only half worked as Danny seemed to withdraw from everyone besides Sam and Tucker. So her parents tried to love him to the level that wouldn’t overwhelm him, shifting their focus to protecting them as ghosts came through the portal.
Especially from Phantom.
So when Jazz watched Danny transform into Phantom, there was a pit in her stomach.
It left Jazz to think about all of the events that had happened. Danny’s sudden standoffish attitude towards her and their parents. His push for more personal space and telling Jazz that he didn’t want to hang out as much. His odd appearance and sudden change in appetite. It all made sense as Jazz watched Danny fly away. Jazz knew that Danny didn’t want her to know this secret. It was obvious to her by his actions leading up to this, so she wasn’t going to confront him about it. Whenever Danyn was ready, he would tell her.
Jazz ended up back in one of her old spots behind one of the old farm houses at the edge of town. She sat behind the farm house and tugged her tan winter coat closer to her. Halloween was coming up soon and the temperature was dropping quickly in the town. It reminded her of her freshman year of hanging with the cool senior kids. She sometimes missed it, as they were some of her only genuine friends she had in high school. The rest either only wanted her for grades, her looks, or the fact that she held good standing in the school. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” 
Jazz looked up to see Kyle with some sort of cigarette in his mouth. It didn’t smell like tobacco and Jazz understood what it was as he approached her. She didn’t respond, which he seemed to accept as part of the mood she seemed to be in.
The two were silent as Kyle sat down next to Jazz. He held the makeshift joint to her and she just shook her head no. Kyle shrugged before putting it back into his mouth and taking a deep breath. He blew the smoke away from her and waved away the smoke so she wouldn’t go home smelling like it.
“So why are you out here looking like misery came to town?” Kyle asked, looking at her from behind his cut bangs.
“I’ve been worried about Danny. He has too much on his plate.” Jazz didn’t know how to frame it.
“With him playing as Phantom ‘n all?” Kyle asked and took a long drag before blowing it above them.
Jazz’s head shot up and she peered at him. What did Kyle mean by playing Phantom? How did he know? This isn’t something you could have just guessed unless you knew Danny pretty well or witnessed it.
Kyle peered at her and frowned.
“Did you not know until recently, Jazz?” Kyle tilted his head, his eyes calculating. “I know that nobody seems to know who is playing the ghost kid and all, but still. You’re his sister. It isn’t hard to figure out since they look the same. Great quality in wigs and contacts, by the way.”
“I..?” Jazz didn’t know what to say to that. “Kyle, do you think the ghosts are fake?”
Kyle made a face and laughed.
“Yeah? Ghosts aren’t real, Jazz.” Kyle seemed to genuinely laugh at the idea that ghosts were real. “It is kind of fucked up though that they took the kid who was in a horrible accident to play the ghost kid. Y’know? He was literally dying and they went oh let’s make that one the dead one!”
Jazz put a hand on her mouth and looked down. Kyle seemed to realize what he said and sighed.
“I’m sorry, Jazzy.” Kyle snuffed his joint and turned fully to her. “I shouldn’t have said that. But I do feel bad for Danny. Wes has been talking about how much he’s changed and how afraid he is for Danny. He’s… acting weird apparently. Something was wrong and I just assumed he didn’t want the pressure of the character on top of being the kid who got into a dangerous accident.”
“You’re fine.” Jazz sniffled and turned back to Kyle. “I just want everything to go back to our old normal. I don’t want my brother wrapped up in all of this. Let’s keep this between us, okay? Not everyone knows.”
“I get that.” Kyle nodded. “I promise.”
Jazz smiled, feeling the best she has in almost a year.
Jazz walked down the steps of Casper High a few days later and she sat quietly next to Danny. Neither of them talked as they watched as people walked by. Jazz could tell Danny was on edge as he watched people and Jazz didn’t blame them. Slowly, she leaned into him and then pressed a kiss into his hair.
“I’m proud of you.” Jazz leaned away and looked forward again. Danny turned to look at her, his eyes apprehensive.
“How long have you known?” Danny asked quietly, bringing Jazz’s attention back to him.
“Since Spectra.” Jazz confessed and watched as Danny sagged. “I didn’t want to force you to tell me, so I wanted you to tell me on your own when you were ready.”
Danny slowly nodded before leaning into Jazz. The two didn’t speak for a second as Jazz wrapped her arms around her brother. She wanted to protect Danny from the world but it seems like he is the one who will have to protect her now. It was almost a bittersweet feeling.
“I’m guessing you died in the accident?” Jazz asked, her voice quiet so no one would overhear.
“Yeah.” Danny simply replied. “Bits and pieces are coming back from it.”
Jazz nodded and pressed her face into her brother’s hair. She closed her eyes hard and tried to not start crying right then and there. She had failed him.
“I love you.” Jazz whispered into his hair and Danny smiled.
“I love you too, Jazz.”
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ladydeadrabbit · 1 year
Rhythm [Cassandra Pentaghast]
Rating: General audience
Warnings: None
Category: F/M
Fandom: Dragon Age
Relationship: MaleInquisitor/Cassandra Pentaghast
Summary: Male Lavellan Inquisitor wants to dance with the beautiful, but stubborn, Cassandra Pentaghast.
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Your bored, tired eyes glazed over across the crowd of party-goers as you swirled the glass of sparkling champagne in one hand while the other buried itself deep within the pocket of the black dress pants of your tuxedo. Quiet piano music played off into the background as chatter and laughter filled the air. You sighed once, took a sip, and sighed again as your [eye colored] gaze moved from one spot to the next.
From across the room, you could spot the short stature of Varric Tethras sitting at a table with a crowd around him- more than likely, he was telling an over-exaggerated tell about you. Probably something along the lines of "and then Lavellan slew a bear single-handedly with his eyes closed."
You chuckled at the thought before something, in the corner of your eye caught your attention.
Turning your head, your breath caught in your throat at the sight before you.
There, leaning against the wall fidgeting nervously, was Cassandra Pentaghast. Her athletic build was squeezed into a slim, open-legged, black dress. The long braid she'd normally have pinned to her head was now let-loose to flow down her backside.
You must've been staring as she turned and caught your eye. She offered a small smile before wading her way through the crowd and over to your side.
"Some party Vivienne has decided to throw, huh?" Her thick accent flowed through your pointed ears as her dark chocolate-colored eye's met yours.
"Haha, yeah. But I'm not really one for these types of things...." you shrugged as your gaze nervously moved away from her.
"I...can relate," she admitted. "I only came because Viv insisted that I wear this dress," she gestured down to herself.
"Vivie does have divine taste's. You look wonderful, Cassandra." This time you met her gaze. She needed to see that you were telling her the truth and not just trying to be nice in hopes of not offending her.
Cas' face instantly burned red at the unexpected compliment just as the band, that was previously playing something light and soft, kicked up the beat to some soft Jazz-swing music.
"Hey," you caught her attention again. "Would you like to dance?"
"N-No! No...I can't, really, I'm a horrible dancer."
"Awe common, Cassie, you can't be that bad." You held out your hand for her to take, "I'll lead."
Hesitantly, and mush to your surprise, she took your hand.
You started off with the simple one step forward two step's back as you guided her with your right hand on her hip and the left one holding her's.
At first, the ravenette was tense in your hold and kept stumbling over her own feet. But with soft-spoken words of encouragement and gentle eyes locked to her's in reassurance. You physically felt the muscle's in her back relax and her stronghold your hand and shoulder loosen.
And before you knew it, there was a small circle gathered around the two of you clapping to the beat, and Cassandra was smiling brightly than the sun.
And as the song mellowed out and your dance came to an end Cassandra pulled you into a kiss.
"Thank you, Lavellan, I didn't know you had such a good rhythm."
"If you think that's good rhythm then you should come up to my room tonight," you sent her a goofy wink- to which she rolled her eyes at.
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swedesinstockholm · 6 months
26 novembre
jour 4 du futur navigable et fertile mmh qu'est-ce que j'ai fait aujourd'hui? hier je me suis couchée à trois heures du matin parce que je me suis perdue dans mon journal du lycée à la recherche des cochons et de yannick mais c'est surtout mes jérémiades sans fin sur p. que j'ai trouvées et elle sont insupportables à lire. j'avais envie de me pousser violemment et de me dire mais vas-y PARLE-LUI BORDEL. ça aurait pu se passer tellement différemment. j'aurais pu être amie avec lui et avec d. et sécher les cours avec eux pour aller à tous les concerts d'indie rock des alentours au lieu de toujours y traîner f. but it didn't. j'avais envie de me pousser mais en même temps je me rappelle exactement de ce que je ressentais, de comment je voyais les choses, je me rappelle très bien du mur entre moi et le monde, entre moi et ce que je veux. je mentionne aussi un rdv chez une psy où je suis allée qu'une seule fois et qui m'avait dit comme tous les autres que j'étais pas d'une nature timide à la base et je me dis que peut être que je finirai par être une vieille extravertie et que ça me servira bien pour me faire facilement des amis quand on en aura besoin pour survivre collectivement à l'apocalypse en 2060.
cet après-midi après m'être plongée dans mon passé puis celui de n. (j'ai commencé son livre ce matin, un jour à berlin elle m'avait dit you're so weird. but in a good away! et vu ce qu'elle raconte dans son livre, je comprends pourquoi elle me trouve bizarre), je me suis plongée dans le passé de r. sans vraiment en avoir l'intention, j'écoutais le groupe dans lequel il joue pour voir si c'était bien et puis je me suis retrouvée à regarder des lives de 2014 où il était tout bébé et tout fou mais il est toujours tout fou, ils jouaient à l'ab et c'était en janvier et j'ai pas pu m'empêcher de comparer à mon janvier 2014 en crise absolue à paris, prête à abandonner mes études pour me laisser glisser dans ce qui allait devenir La Situation. et puis j'ai regardé des clips de son ancien groupe, des clips vraiment cool réalisés par une fille qui est suivie par toutes la lesbosphère francophone d'instagram et je me suis de nouveau dit mais qu'est-ce que t'as fabriqué pendant toutes ces années lara? dans un des clips il danse sur le toit d'un immeuble et puis il danse sur un chantier il danse mais il DANSE et je lui enviais sa liberté, sa façon d'être sans retenue, d'exploser dans tous les sens comme un feu d'artifice ou une chanson d'animal collective. la joie qu'il dégage aussi.
c'est une joie contagieuse parce que vers le soir je suis descendue dans la cuisine et j'y ai trouvée maman qui jurait en faisant claquer les casseroles mais elle avait allumé la radio qui passait du jazz joyeux et ça faisait un décalage bizarre, alors je suis discrètement remontée dans ma chambre et j'ai mis france musique pour continuer à écouter le jazz joyeux et j'ai commencé à danser, je dansais tellement fort que j'ai du poser mon pull parce que j'étais en nage. et puis j'ai commencé à trop me regarder dans la glace et à être prise de dégoût par mon corps, mon corps que je déteste de toutes mes forces parce que je me prive de sucre depuis un mois et rien ne change et je le déteste de me faire ça, ça me remplit de colère, je suis remplie de colère contre mon corps, et donc mon corps est en colère contre lui-même, ou je suis en colère contre moi-même, ou mon corps est en colère contre moi?? je sais pas, dans tous les cas y a beaucoup de colère. et puis j'ai arrêté de danser parce que j'étais démoralisée.
27 novembre
hier soir j'ai enfin regardé split que j'avais hautement anticipée mais j'avais visiblement oublié que ça restait une série france télévision et donc c'était un peu nul et j'étais un peu déçue. non seulement c'était filmé comme une série france télévision mais en plus c'était plus un manifeste qu'une série, on aurait dit que la série servait de prétexte pour dire et montrer des trucs qui sont très peu ou jamais représentés dans les médias, et évidemment que c'est très bien de faire ça, mais ça suffit pas pour faire une bonne oeuvre de fiction, je pense, sorry iris brey. en plus les actrices jouaient mal. voilà donc j'étais déçue et ça a pas du tout réussi à me détourner de mon chemin hétérosexuel comme ce que la série m'avait promis, mais y a tout de même une scène qui m'a marquée. on y voit le personnage joué par jehnny beth dire à alma jodorowsky qu'elle pas l'habitude, quand alma pose ses bagues pour s'apprêter à la pénétrer, mais elle dit qu'elle en a envie donc elle la laisse faire et on dirait qu'elle jouit, mais après elle se met à pleurer et puis le perso d'alma lui demande si elle pense que c'est à cause de son viol quand elle avait douze ans qu'elle est devenue lesbienne, parce qu'elle dit qu'elle a jamais couché avec un homme, mais je sais plus si c'est la même scène. ce matin dans la salle de bain quand j'ai changé ma serviette j'y ai repensé et j'avais envie de lui demander si elle non plus elle mettait jamais de tampons.
jour 5 de mon futur FERTILE ET NAVIGABLE JE VAIS ÊTRE PUBLIÉE DANS LA REVUE SABIR!!!! j'y croyais absolument pas parce que je me disais que mon texte était pas assez expérimental master de création littéraire, et puis si. j'ai crié de joie en réalisant que c'était pas un mail de refus. je l'ai dit à personne sauf à a. ce soir. elle m'a dit qu'elle voulait écrire une comédie musicale mais que c'était vraiment dur et je lui racontais à quel point c'était compliqué et technique un synthé et elle me racontait à quel point c'était compliqué et technique de chanter et on se demandait toutes les deux pourquoi la musique avait autant de pouvoir. à un moment le proprio du bar qui était turc et qui parlait très peu français s'est incrusté à notre table pour discuter et au bout d'un moment il a fait remarquer que j'étais dans la lune et il arrêtait pas de dire elle pense à un monsieur! et ça m'agaçait donc je devais faire la grimace et a. rigolait parce qu'elle me prend pour une lesbienne mais la vérité c'est que j'y pense 24/24 et le fait que j'écoute que des chansons qu'il m'a conseillées ou que j'ai glanées dans ses stories n'arrange pas les choses. je suis rentrée à pied en dansant sur deerhoof dans le noir parce que j'étais contente.
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misterewrites · 1 year
Hope’s Meadow (Inc) *Mirror’s Edge*
I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! hiya everyone E here! still kicking and alive.
So this chapter is exceedingly late. I got busy during December and honestly a lot of people who i don't normally see came by to visit and such. I did write actually but those were personal gifts to my friends involving their own ocs and worlds and all that jazz and I didn't feel right posting them because they're not mine. So yeah i was writing i promise I just can't share them. But I'm here now.
I get it. It's a lot right now and I want you to know it's okay. It'll be okay. Even if it doesn't feel that way. Just take it a step at a time, have fun when you can and enjoy the little things. Step away and lose yourself in a story. Doesn't have to be mine but I would appreciate it. haha be safe, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Wear a mask. I know. I know but it's still a thing and we still need to take care of each other. Get vaccinated if you can. Push for it worldwide cuz we're all in this together (feel free to sing this bit) and hey, I'm proud of you. We made it this far! let's see how far we can go. Happy New Year 2023! :)
That's it for me! Be safe, have a great week. I am gonna try to update this within a week, two weeks and be more consistent on that. If you are enjoying this, thank you for your time. feel free to recommend this to anyone, leave a comment, reblog. I love it all! E is out, see you soon!
If you need an update what happened last time on Mirror’s Edge, here’s the last chapter ---> https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/106456251
Here’s the current chapter on a much more reader friendly site riiiiiight here! ---> https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/111360014
If you’re curious what all this is about here’s the story from the beginning https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/75486005
And if you’re in the mood for more familiar pieces of media, I got a whole a03 with legend of zelda, Arcane, Soul Eater, A Percy Jackson AU. You can find all that https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/pseuds/MrE42
And for those of us departing here, have a great day!
Summary: It's time to get to work and Casey is eager to get on the trail. First stop, after breakfast of course, is to visit the local cemetery and hopefully get the information out of some spirits. In the meantime a few more lessons about the other side wouldn't hurt especially if Casey wants to survive. 
“So.” Casey asked eagerly as he placed their order on the table before them “Verdict?”
Yorrick shot the young man working the cash register a disinterested glance before hungrily picking up her breakfast bagel “My-something was way cuter.”
Turns out Casey was both right and wrong: This trendy fast food coffee shop HAD once upon a time been a sandwich shop. Evidently it was recently bought by A Taste Of Faire, some sort of medieval themed coffee...thing. Honestly Casey wasn’t sure what to make of it and he was too hungry to care.
Casey took his own breakfast in hand“Hope’s Meadow is around corner. We’ll finish up and head over.”
Yorrick was too enraptured by her meal to give any meaningful answer beyond a nod.
Casey chuckled before taking a bite himself.
The two ate in a surprisingly comfortable silence, a quiet that was both peaceful and oddly relaxing.
“I have a question.” Casey finally spoke after a few minutes of consuming his burrito “Do all you-know-whats look like bed sheets?”
Yorrick titled her head sideways “Youknowwhats? What’s that?”
Casey’s gaze shifted to Kal. The ghostly companion floated openly in public, his translucent form bobbing up and down in the sun.
“Umm….” He gestured with his eyes.
“The window?” Yorrick turned her head, unsure what she was looking at.
“N-no. Umm….your friend.” Casey patiently clarified.
Yorrick stared blankly at him
Casey pursued his lips, unsure how to further ask Yorrick about her ghostly friend.
“Oh!” Realization struck as Yorrick’s ghostly greens went wide “You mean Kal?” she motioned to him with her thumb.
Casey could feel his ears burn as he felt the pointedly stares of the other customers at Yorrick’s outburst.
Yorrick remained oblivious “I wouldn’t know I’ve always been able to see them as they were. They look like people to me. I guess it’s the closest concept your brain can perceive their form to be.”
Casey bristled at the idea “Wait but I know about death. I experienced it when my grandma died. I’m pretty sure I would know what a ghost looks.”
“I blame all those cartoons. Bed sheets are simpler to draw. Easier to remember.”
“But I’ve been to funerals.” Casey frowned “I’ve mourned, I’ve grieved. How can I not see ghosts?”
Yorrick chewed her food slowly “Well yeah but have you talked about death? Really come to terms with what it means to die?”
An uncomfortable tingle ran down Casey’s spine as the idea began to swirl in his thoughts. Fear and uneasy prickled at him and he struggled to keep his face indifferent.
“See?” Yorrick pointed with her half-eaten sandwich “You haven’t accepted it.”
Yorrick interrupted “I get it. It’s not a very fun thing to talk about. The mere mention of death kills any conversation.”
There was a pause before her lips broke into a smile.
“Haha death kills any conversation.”
And with that the Gravekeeper of Souls descended into a fit of giggles.
Casey opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. There was a strange mixture of embarrassment and shame burning in him. He was sure she didn’t mean it like that but he felt somehow she was making fun of him, laughing at a joke only she understood.
“Oh that was so lame.” she wiped a tear from her eye.
She stopped and eyed Casey carefully.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Yorrick sheepishly smiled “I didn’t mean to make you so uncomfortable. It was a funny joke! To me at least.”
Casey gave a strained smile “Oh it was. I was just wondering.”
“What you said before the joke.”
“What I said.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully “What I said. Before the. Oh! About your inability to see ghosts and how that ties in with your lack of acceptance about dying.”
Conspiratorial whispers from the customers but Casey did his best to ignore it.
Yorrick straightened up “It’s a normal thing. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not.” Casey began but Yorrick clicked her tongue in disagreement.
“I am not making fun of you. It’s perfectly natural for you, me, anyone not to want their story to end. The unknown is the scariest fear in all existence and what’s scarier than the great unknown that awaits us all after we leave our mortal coils?”
Yorrick gave a reassuring smile “It’s okay not want to talk about the end. But that’s what I mean. I could see how awkward it made you feel, the uncomfortable thoughts that came just mentioning the word.”
Casey shifted in embarrassment.
“And I don’t think less of you for it.” Yorrick patted his shoulder “Because we’re all fighting for every extra second. And we should! Fight death tooth and nail. But with acceptance comes perception. Because spirits are entwined closely and tightly tied with death. You cannot remove one from the other.”
“So.” Casey began to realize what she meant “Because I don’t want to talk or think about it, my brain shuts out anything tied to it and that’s why I can’t see ghosts? Is that right?”
Yorrick gave a quick nod “Bueno! Estrella de oro para ti!”
“Umm excuse me?”
“Estrella.” Yorrick repeated, snapping her fingers in hopes of remembering the word “Estrella. You know. Es-tre-lla….Es-tre. Star! Gold star for you!”
“Oh okay.” Casey chuckled “I didn’t realize you knew Spanish though I’m guessing you know a lot of languages given how much you travel huh?”
Yorrick grinned proudly “Another gold star! Ghosts tend to stay stuck in their ways so to speak. And physically really. While they are capable of learning and adapting to their current…existence and settings, most just don’t and thus I need to learn how to communicate with them. Which means learning as many languages as I can.”
Casey nodded approvingly “That’s cool. Are you ready?"
Yorrick gave a salute, rising to full height with walking stick in one hand and the chain holding her tombstone in the other.
Hope’s Meadow (Inc.) was the newest of the cemeteries that were inside the city proper and the only one to be blessed by a good-aligned cleric. Widow’s Weep up north was blessed by a cleric who followed the goddess of murder and Sunset Plains was covered by a cleric of chance. Casey wasn’t really sure who blessed Hope’s Meadow but he had a sneaking suspicion it was Doctor Carmichael.
Divinity and divine magic were interchangeable between the terms divine and holy. It had less to do with alignment or morals and more tapping into the positive or negative force of the gods. Every single paladin and cleric of any god could call upon the power and magic of their deity and have it considered divine. Casey was just as capable as any evil aligned cleric of drawing upon negative energy to harm others as a cleric of death was to draw up positive energy to heal or help others.
Honestly the only difference between the various paladins and clerics is the tenets of their god, a guideline to further their deities influence and power in this plane of reality. As a cleric of the Hearth, Casey believed in tending to the home, protecting others and caring for them as if they were family. There were many ways to act in the gods will but it was still a pretty rigid path. A goddess of murder tended to want murder done in her name, whether innocent or guilt-ridden blood did not matter to her. Casey’s god believed in devoting one’s self to others.
There were many benefits of course especially the free spellcasting. Clerics and Paladins didn’t know magic, not really. Instead their god of choice would guide their hand, providing them with the proper gestures and words to speak their magic into the world. No shortcuting powerful spells though. One still needed magical muscle to perform the higher levels of magic and the only way to build it up was to cast, cast, cast.
Blessing cemeteries was much about safety as it was a civic duty. Hallowed, blessed grounds prevent fae from entering and turning the place into their own personal playground. Shockingly, fae were pretty irreverent about everything.
It also prevented necromancers from raising an army of skeletons and zombies, a favorite pastime of theirs.
Most importantly, however, was the preservation of souls. Spirits were very valuable in all forms but especially in many dark spells. Blessing the ground not only prevents unsavory forces and creatures from wandering in but also offered a safe haven for any wayward spiritual beings. Even evil gods and goddesses agree that it would not be good for anyone if spirits were used to fuel terrible, dangerous unnatural magic.
It was still early so very few people were out and about here. Casey wasn’t exactly sure what Yorrick was up to but he figured it was better that less prying eyes were around to see it. Finn warned him the Council still hadn’t figured out what exactly the Veil blanketed or what it did not.
Yorrick stood in the middle of the walkway, her gaze fixated seemingly on some far horizon only she could see. She took a deep breath in before tapping her finger once against the top of her rusty lantern.
There wasn’t a muted thud like Casey was expecting but rather a single chime of a bell, a beautiful sound that vibrated the air itself with an ancient power. He could feel it wash over him, sending a chill down his spine and making his hairs stand on end.
The chime faded slowly but its effect was noticeable: The air was still but cold with a thick tension that had not been there a moment before. Hushed, hurried whispers echoed all around him while a fog rolled in from nowhere. A deep instinctive fear uncoiled itself in the pit of his stomach and the sudden urge to run far away from this place began to claw at his resolve.
Yorrick was unaffected. In fact she leaned closer, head tilted to one side as if listening to someone. She nodded a few times before murmuring something in return to the whispers.
It could’ve been his imagination but for a brief moment it sounded like the fog let out a sigh of relief and thinned ever so slightly.
It went on like this for an hour: Yorrick listened to the whispering of the invisible force and would speak in return. Sometimes it was a quick conversation, a few words back and forth. Other times it felt more like a heated debate as Yorrick spoke with a firm edge as if scolding to a fuming child. Once Yorrick only muttered a single word and a harsh breeze would pick up out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly.
Whatever Yorrick was doing did not consistently affect the mysterious fog that surrounded them. Mostly after each discussion (or scolding) the mist dissipated a bit. A few times, to him at least, it looked like nothing had changed.
“Yorrick?” Casey gently nudged her shoulder to get her attention.
Yorrick whirled around, clearly surprised “Oh Casey! Hi there. Sorry I didn’t really explain all” she gestured to thin air “This. I’m not used to people actually coming with me to work. Or watching me work. Or staying to watch me work.”
“That’s okay.” Casey reassured her gently “I take it you’re helping spirits move on?”
“Or updating them on the current year, events.” Yorrick added in “Or offering to pass along messages to their living loved ones.”
“The one with the breeze?”
Yorrick’s face turned deadly serious “Troublemaker. Well not anymore. Did you want to go do something else? I might be a while. Major city’s cemetery tends to have a large spiritual population and I don’t want you to sit around bored out of your mind.”
“Actually as I am a cleric I was thinking I could help you with all this. It is one of my duties though admittedly.” he looked around, unsure where to look “It is a little lacking and I might have trouble helping what I can’t see.”
“Don’t worry Casey I gotcha!”
Yorrick reached into her pocket, pulling a matchbox out. She struck the matchstick against the rough grooves of the box and lit the lantern. Orange flame burned a ghostly green within the lantern and crackled with a warm heat.
The light from the lantern washed over the fog and what was once cold frigid air became people. Different people and races surrounded them in a loose circle. Some floated midair lazily. Others had their feet planted firmly on the ground as they did when they breathed. Some were chasing each other in play, waiting impatiently for their turn. Translucent, pale spirits of various ages and walks of life. Normal people no different than anyone else Casey passed by every day.
Well except the giant knight that towered over everyone.
Casey knew his eyes went wide in shock and his mouth was agape though it was hard to blame him. This spirit wasn’t like the others: It was much more solid. While the others wore differing articles of clothing from across the ages, this spirit donned full armor, a sleek white shade that gleamed as bright as the sun. It was easily 8 feet tall with a shield half its size at the ready. Firmly planted in the grass was the hilt of an impossibly massive sword that Casey couldn’t ever hope to even budge. Two pure white wings held the spirit aloft The symbol of a scale emblazoned on its chest told Casey that Doctor Carmichael did not bless this place.
“Cleric of Justice.” Casey mumbled in awe “Okay. Eden maybe?”
Yorrick carefully pushed his shoulder “System shock buddy?”
“Yeah. The spirits I was expecting but.” He pointed to the massive armored spirit “Should’ve expected an angel and an archangel no less.”
“The gods do not mess when it comes to the spiritual world.” Yorrick stated matter of fact.
Casey took a deep breath in “Well we’re still alive. That’s good. C-can I get to work?”
Yorrick said nothing. Instead she gestured to the still shell shocked cleric and proceeded to speak with the next spirit in line.
A young man floated up to Casey and waited patiently. Upon realizing this, Casey shook focused on the task at hand.
“Y-yes?” Casey asked shakily, trying to ignore the massive archangel hovering overhead “How can I help you?”
"Hola senor! Mi nombre es…”
“Yorrrrrick! A little help!”
One “English only” sign and a few hours later, Casey felt accomplished despite the fact he was unsure either of them had gotten any information about the crisis at hand.
He listened to the spirits, their questions and concerns. Their hopes and fears. Regrets and dreams long since passed. He offered comfort to them and prayed to the Hearth for them. Even cast the odd simple spell from time to time, a small blessing. He wasn’t very good at it if he was being honest but the spirits at the very least seemed to appreciate his efforts.
Some vanished just as they had done with Yorrick. The Gravekeeper explained that these spirits had chosen to move on with the next stage of their existence but could return if called. Some stayed, relived at Casey’s words but only floating off to wander the cemetery. Yorrick told him these spirits usually still had some sort of business left here, often waiting for their loved ones so they could move on together though some just liked Earth too much to leave. Still, informing them of current events was a good way to keep them calm and not lashing out in confusion.
He didn’t get any troublemakers thankfully though it seemed Yorrick did. She was ontop of it though, banishing the spirits with a single word before moving onto the next waiting in the wings. During their break Yorrick informed him that she simply forced them to move on. Unlike choosing to move on, however, it wasn’t permanent and they could easily return though it was difficult for any spirit. She did mention she could’ve made it a permanent eviction with the proper spells and rituals but these were normal people’s spirits and those extreme measures were saved for extreme cases.
Casey was curious on how exactly spirits were called back to this reality but luckily a family had saved Yorrick from explaining it.
It was a mother and her adult son visiting their father and husband. They brought him flowers and spent a few minutes cleaning his plaque. Casey wasn’t sure when he appeared but he did: an older fellow, translucent and ghostly like the others. They spoke of news and changes in their life with tears and grief in their eyes and while they couldn’t see him, he heard them. The old ghost cheered when told of good news and groaned at misfortune. He held them tight when the bad times came up and beamed with pride at their accomplishments. Perhaps some part of them could feel him because while they grieved, they felt more at peace. They hoped he was well and promised to visit soon. They left and so did the old ghost.
“Love.” Yorrick smiled softly at the family.
Casey smiled “Too powerful a force to be bound to a single memory.”
“He still sees them by the way.” Yorrick clarified “Watches over them from the other side. Most spirits don’t usually get enough strength to affect our lives but that one. Stubborn as a bull.”
“They still remember him at home.” Casey added in, piecing everything together “Their love keeps his memory alive.”
“And that allows him to watch over them. Even visit them there too.” Yorrick finished
Casey nodded in agreement but fell into silent contemplation.
There were still quite a few spirits wandering around but those were ones who had chosen to stay for the time being. It was nice and quiet, a peaceful calm filled the cemetery.
Casey decided to bite the bullet “Any leads on our end of the world event?”
Yorrick remained silent, her eyes searching for someone in particular but not finding them.
Casey was about to ask who she was looking for when he found a curious pair of eyes staring directly at him.
It was the spirit of a young boy, 6 maybe 8 years of age. It was hard to tell. There markings around his eyes and chin, messy lines and uneven patterns of tribal tattoos like the child had attempted to emulate some warrior’s markings. He had round chubby cheeks, seemingly never getting rid of his baby fat. He had a mess of black curly hair and he was an average frame for a boy his age. His bare arms had more messy tattoos running down them.
“Yorrick.” he nudged the distracted Gravekeeper “I think we got one more customer.”
Yorrick snapped her head in the direction Casey gestured, her eyes going wide with excitement as she bellowed at the top of her lungs “KAL!”
“Kal!?” Casey choked out, completely caught off guard by this revelation.
Kal did not move from his spot behind a headstone. He simply flickered out of existence and reappeared before them before Casey could even blink.
“How did he….?”
“Don’t let his appearance fool you Casey. He’s thousands of years old.”
Casey gulped upon realizing the implications of that statement.
Yorrick, completely obvious to Casey’s surprise, turned to her ghostly partner “Kal, what did you find out?”
Kal said nothing.
“The museum?” Yorrick tilted her head curiously “Are you sure?”
More silence.
Yorrick pursed her lips thoughtfully “Well that will be tricky but we’ve worked with worse!” She leapt to her feet, hoisting the tombstone onto her back with little effort “Come on Casey! We’re robbing museum!”
“That’s nice.” Casey groaned, struggling to resist the syrupy urge to sit back down “You know if Kal is thousands of years old, he must be insanely...wait. Did you say rob a museum?”
“Yep! Hurry up we’re burning daylight!”
And with a mad sprint, Yorrick waved goodbye to the spirits as she raced outside the cemetery gates.
Casey suddenly felt his legs turn to jelly.
“Sure. Just rob a museum. No pressure.” He mumbled to himself as he uneasily wobbled after Yorrick.
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theatrekidstatus · 10 months
Chapter 4: TW:too much rizz and s/h (fr)
Y/n pov: i wake up and I'm the first one I hide Greg and get changed into this
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Not the book,candle,phone, "cute fit" "thanks" i turn around and see
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"can-t sa-y th-e sa-me" god why did I try to be a smart mouth "can't say much can you" (a/n:bully rizz) "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" I add (bonnets are the real Ops)"oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House (a/n:shut up) Im getting waffle,bacon,grits, "y'all isn't that waiter kinda cute" jazzy ask
"ooooh jazzy's crushing" "🖕🏽" "hey that's mine thing" the waiter comes over "hello pretty ladies what might you be ordering" "can I get eggs and waffle" pippa asks "can I get bacon eggs and a waffle" nea asks "waffle,bacon,grits,please" jazzy looking at him like a dork "ma'am" "huh" "what would you like" "your number" she whispers "excuse me" "grits and bacon please" "ok "aww" "shut up" 25 minutes later "jazz call your boyfriend over" pip says "oh he's coming over" "ah shit" jazzy wipes food off her faces and puts lip stick back on "do I look ok" "👍🏾" "good" "are you pretty girls ready for the check" "yeah" "oh I think you need this" he puts the plate shit in the middle and gave jazzy a napkin we got to the car "jazzy there something right here" "wait do y'all that's why he gave me the napkin" "🤷🏽‍♀️" "ugh" she pulls it out and squeals "what happened" "he wrote his number on the napkin" "eee" we all squeal "omg he heard me" "damn" "shush y/n this a good thing jazz" nea said we make it back to the theatre "how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "wait I saw the cutest puppy on insta imma show y'all" "k" "cool" "sure" I get on my search thing and I see Lin posted it was me and ant "favorite couple" was the caption "🙄" I check the comments "she's so ugly" "he could do better" "ant I thought we were better than this" "she's so fugly" "man Ramos check my dm's you'll move on real quick" I throw my phone and run to the back I took my bag i was crying so hard "I check my bag I found my old blade I was gonna throw it away but it looked REAL helpful right about now I held it to my wrist I hear  long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door "y/n please I love you" I hear it was ... ant he loves me I stand up and open the door Lin ran and hugged me "I love you don't ever scare me like that" I just start crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picks me up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" I Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n" at the apartment "wait did you want people over DONT LIE" "yeah I love them" "ok..." "I hear a knock at the door" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure" "I look up it's ant" "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" he looks down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at him "im sorry" and ran away Lin came in and I told him everything "I'll call him" "no lin please" "ok" everyone came over and I  said everything from the comments to ant "yn/n I'm sorry"  "it's ok it's been a hard day I kinda wanna eat and sleep" "oh of course" "I'm sorry" "DONT say sorry it's just boundaries" "let's go ya'll" "k" they all left "I made your favorite" "thank you chef Lin" I eat it and the food was really good I hop in bed and sleep my ass off.
Anthony Ramos pov: I wake up i notice y/n is up she's not at my side I go to the bathroom and get ready I see y/n I saw "cute fit" "thanks" "can-t sa-y th-e sa-me"  "can't say much can you" "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" y/n added "oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House oak was talking bout his plan too ask pippa same with davved and nea "Ramos when are you gonna ask out middle" "WHO?" "y/n" he whispered "ohhh idk why'd you say middle" he just 🖕🏿 me "ohh" "yeah" "y'all are grown men and can't talk to your crush" Chris chimed in "I can't imagine not dating your crush" groff says as he touches Lins hand "yeah baby" "get a booth"
A little later
"how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "im so tired I tell the guys" "same" "for real" "yeah" I see y/n running away crying "what happened we ask the girls" "we don't know" i pick up her phone and read some strange comments i was nauseous i show them and Lin said "on no" we run after Lin he dose long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door I was so upset I just yell "y/n please I love you" everyone looked at me and tears down my face as i didn't hear anything from her she and opened the door Lin ran and hugged her "I love you don't ever scare me like that" she just started crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picked her up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" she muttered Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n at the apartment" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure"  "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" i look down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at her "im sorry" and ran away
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pia-writes-things · 1 year
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J'ai publié 10 881 fois en 2022
C'est 5 184 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
176 billets créés (2%)
10 705 billets reblogués (98%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 5 485 billets en 2022
Seulement 50% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#dw - 1 033 billets
#kaamelott - 499 billets
#stranger things - 355 billets
#stranger things spoilers - 260 billets
#pia's oversharing - 231 billets
#vdf - 174 billets
#upthebaguette - 169 billets
#funny things - 166 billets
#esc 2022 - 148 billets
#inthetags - 133 billets
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#en plus (je vais pas faire une dissert dans les tags parce que j'ai des disserts à rédiger pour les cours présentement) mais ça aurait été
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
I just finished The Ruby’s curse and I think I will never be able to thank Alex Kingston enough for writing it.
Granted, story-wise or writing-wise it’s not the best book I’ve read. It’s really good but I’ve been able to guess some plot points before they were revealed and all that jazz.
But it’s still one of the best book I’ve read because of the care with which it’s been written. I don’t know how to say this in English but it’s like the book transpire Alex’s love and care for the show, for River, for the Doctor (and probably for us, the fans). There were so many Easter eggs, private jokes and other references, it was a true joy to read as a whovian and I think my heart doubled in size multiple times during my reading. But also all the parts about Cleopatra and Ceasarion were so cool and interesting and just... You can feel that she wrote about two of the things that interest her the most in life, and two of the things that she loves the most in life and as a reader, those kind of books are always the best to read.
Anyway, I’m awfully biased about this, obviously, but I truly loved this book and it’s like, the ultimate comfort book! We don’t deserve Alex and I hope someday I’ll be able to thank her, one way or another.
34 notes - publié le 5 janvier 2022
Holi, hola, frenchside of Tumblr!
Je ne crois pas en avoir parlé ici mais, je fais actuellement partie de la revue littéraire de mon uni en Colombie, El Galeón (insta: @gacetaelgaleon, site web: https://gacetaelgaleon.wixsite.com/galeon)
Et, hier, le rédacteur en chef m'a proposé d'ouvrir une nouvelle section dans la revue le semestre prochain (donc à partir de janvier), une section pour les textes en français 🤗🤗
Du coup, l'idée serait que je sois en charge de trouver des textes originaux en français et de faire le processus d'édition pour ensuite les publier, une fois tous les 15 jours 😍
Ca peut être en format écrit mais aussi audio ou audiovisuel, ça peut être de la fiction, de la poésie, des essais académiques, à peu près tout et n'importe quoi de littéraire 😊
Donc, si c'est quelque chose qui vous intéresserait, si vous avez envie de voir comment ça fait de publier des textes dans une revue littéraire, ou si juste vous trouvez ça cool de publier des textes en français mais en Colombie, vous pouvez me les envoyer et on pourra travailler tout ça ensemble 🥰
Je vous avoue que je sais pas trop dans quoi je me lance, mais j'ai déjà fait un peu de beta-reading par le passé et je prends des cours d'édition donc a priori, je sais à peu près ce que je fais ^^
Pour les critères techniques, c'est juste en dessous :)
Format: Word
Police: Arial
Taille: 12
Interligne: 1.5
7 pages maximum ou 10 min max pour des audio ou vidéos
Si le texte est un essai et a des citations: normes APA 7ème édition
Images: JPG ou PNG haute résolution
Audios: MP3
Vidéo: MP4
Les propositions doivent être envoyées à [email protected], avec pour objet "Proposition de publication" et l'e-mail doit contenir les détails suivants : Nom complet de l'auteurice (ou des auteurices). Courte biographie, 100 mots maximum. Adresse électronique Numéro de portable Si l'auteurice (ou certain.e.s d'entre elleux) est mineur.e, une lettre d'autorisation signée par un.e tuteurice légal.e majeur.e doit être jointe.
Voilà, voilà !
36 notes - publié le 1 octobre 2022
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Pia refait sa culture queer français part. 1
(Celui là je le liveblog parce que même si vous dormez toustes, je sais que c'est le genre de truc qui vous fera délirez)
42 notes - publié le 16 novembre 2022
If I had a nickel every time Anthony Stewart Head played a character named Rupert, I'd have two nickel. It's not much but it's weird that it happened twice.
64 notes - publié le 20 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Joyce’s expression when she corrects Hopper’s pronunciation of “chianti”. That’s it. That’s the post.
67 notes - publié le 22 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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isthespiceoflife · 11 months
One listen through of Jalen Ngonda's soaring n' piercing notes on "Come Around and Love Me" immediately call up legendary names such as Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye et al!
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DC-based, by way of London and dropping his debut LP, Come Around And Love Me, his single of the same title is sure to lure you to catch these vocals live (tour dates below)!
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Upcoming Tour Dates:
09/05 - Asheville, NC @ Grey /Eagle
09/06 - Atlanta, GA @ Terminal West
09/07 - Durham, NC @ Motorco
09/08 - Charlottesville, VA @ The Southern
09/11 - Cambridge, MA @ The Sinclair
09/12 - Philadelphia, PA @ MilkBoy
09/14 - Baltimore, MD @ 8x10
09/15 - Washington, DC @ Black Cat
09/16 - New York, NY @ Racket
09/18 - Toronto, ON @ Horseshoe
09/19 - Detroit, MI @ El Club
09/21 - Evanston, IL @ SPACE
09/24 - Minneapolis, MN @ Fine Line
09/27 - Denver, CO @ Globe Hall
09/28 - Boulder, CO @ Fox Theatre
09/30 - Ft. Collins, CO @ The Armory
10/01 - Salt Lake City, UT @ State Room
10/03 - Boise, ID @ The Olympic
10/05 - Seattle, WA @ Madame Lou's
10/06 - Vancouver, BC @ Hollywood Theatre
10/07 - Portland, OR @ The Jack London Revue
10/09 - San Francisco, CA @ The Chapel
10/10 - Sacramento, CA @ Starlet Room
10/11 - San Luis Obispo, CA @ SLO Brew
10/14 - Los Angeles, CA @ Gold Diggers
10/15 - San Diego, CA @ The Casbah
10/16 - Phoenix, AZ @ Last Exit
10/18 - Dallas, TX @ Deep Ellum Arts Collective 
10/19 - Austin, TX @ Empire Garage Control Room
10/20 - Houston, TX @ Axlerad
10/22 - Nashville, TN @ Basement East
11/01 - Glasgow, SCT @ King Tut’s
11/02 - Liverpool, UK @ Jimmy's
11/04 - Birmingham, UK @ O Institutes
11/06 - Bristol, UK @ Exchange
11/07 - London, UK @ Jazz Cafe
11/08 - Rotterdam, NL @ Bird
11/09 - Paris, FR @ Cafe De La Danse
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broderek · 1 year
Bäst av bästklubben 2022 del 1
Animal Collective - Time Skiffs N: Gamla vänner som jag trodde mig vara trött på. Känns bekant utan att fördenskull bli gammal skåpmat. Bra driv, stundtals funkig med många hooks. Precis som man vill att gamla vänner ska vara.
Hinako Omori - a journey.. T: Detta har varit min go to skiva hela året. Att lyssna på denna i urar från början till slut är en fröjd och en härlig resa. Så härlig atmosfär så håret reser sig. Bästa spår: A Journey och Snow
Caroline - Caroline P: En viss nostalgi över att lyssna på den här skivan då soundet tar en tillbaka till ca: 2008. Lite Beirut, ambient, jazz, pop och folk. Många fina låtar där framförallt en är min favoritlåt för året 2022. Om ni bara ska lyssna på en låt: Skydiving onto the library roof
Dungen - En är för mycket och tusen aldrig nog M: Riktigt gamla vänner. Känns som de går tillbaka några år soundmässigt. Man får vad man vill ha och håller fortfarande. Gillar låtraden ”det finns ingen sanning, bara historier” på låten Om det finns något som du vill fråga mig. R: Genom våra säsonger har vi inte haft så värst mycket svensk musik, så jag tyckte det kändes kul att plocka upp den tråden trots att vi på sistone har fått en rätt några svenska akter och Toffe plocka med Jonathan Johansson på sin lista. Jag valde att plocka med en förvaltare av något jag uppfattar som vårt musikarv. Dels ligger där en äldre arv med vår folkmusik, dess skalor, men även mycket från den svenska proggen på 70-talet, nu kan ni nog gissa. Tycker alltid att det även finns en mängd andra influenser i musiken, gamla och nya, samt att texterna alltid är tänkvärda vardagsbetraktelser av livet. Skivan är Dungens - En är för mycket och tusen aldrig nog. Dungen är verkligen är alltid ett kärt återseende för mig.
Richard Dawson - The Ruby Cord O: Lite av en ny favorit för mig. Egensinnig gubbe i gränslandet mellan rocker och medeltida bard. Klingar starkt av urbrittisk folk och prog, men utan retrovurmande klichéer - temat här för den som går igång på sådant dessutom snarare framtidsdystopiskt. Triggervarning för mastig dubbel-LP, men rekommenderar att slå er ner med albumets öppning och magnum opus, The Hermit. En långsam berättelse stöpt i ett luftigt och frisläppt arrangemang, där bitarna som till en början kan kännas chansartade till slut faller på plats. Avnjuts med en stor, stark stout.
Katy Kirby - Cool Dry Place (Expanded version släppt 2022...) P: Soft-pop när den är som allra bäst. Den här skivan välkomnade jag våren i Sthlm med. Många tidiga morgnar på tunnelbanan med solen i ögonen över Skanstulls-bron. Skivan kan te sig mjuk vid första lyssningar men växer över tid med små finesser och melodier. Väl värd att checka in. Om ni bara ska lyssna på en låt: Traffic!
Cult Of Luna - The Long Road North D: Årets bästa och fetaste skiva kommer här, episk, grandios och hänsynslös välter den fram med en massiv ljudbild. En dynamisk ångvält av norrländskt vemod. Bara lyssna på mistluren som inleder skivan.
Shabason & Krgovich - At Scaramouche T: En stor favorit från detta året. Lyssna gärna på deras egna projekt som de gjort tidigare. Hade tänkt att köra denna skiva i klubben men nu fick den hamna här istället. Gillar verkligen detta; snygg ljudbild, lite skeva ljud, djup och nära sång och bra melodier. Favoritlåtar: Childhood Mcdonald's och I Am So Happy With My Little Dog.
Oren Ambarchi - Shebang O: Denna dök upp påpassligt medan jag var inne i ett Keith Jarrett-stim. Påminner en del om ECM och elektriska Miles. En gitarrskiva som inte direkt låter som en gitarrskiva. Det är repetitivt, aldrig enformigt, föränderligt och och fyllt av bra ljud som sveper in och ut från en ensemble som känns live men aldrig varit det. Har man hört Ambarchis tidigare är det nog bekant mark, men här kompletteras den drivande pulsen ännu mer av övriga musikers inspel, vilket gör den delvis till ett annat väsen. En skiva man kan återkomma till och hitta små nya detaljer i. 
Decapitated - Cancer Culture D: Nästa skiva är smålökig modern Tech Death, men de har dels lyckats få fram samma ös och teknisk ekvilibrism som på genombrottet 2006 trots att flera bandmedlemmar är utbytta, men det är också den perfekta mixen av det bästa med både Göteborg-och Stockholmsdöds. Ett väl förvaltat arv av såväl At The Gates som Entombed som gör att jag kan leva med de gästande sångarnas malplacerade skönsång, önskar att de bara låtit Jinjer leverera growl.
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fara-posts · 1 year
Check it out
Ca un vagabond rătăcitor printre străzi, sub soarele arzător care se îneacă și între furtuni, merg în căutarea vinului care să-mi potolească setea, acel vin care să mă ducă de la extaz la beția unei mari pasiuni.
Am călătorit în jumătatea lumii, am gustat vinuri tinere și bătrâne, dar nu unul cu gustul perfecțiunii care este în corpul tău.
În plimbarea mea am încercat vinuri roze, albe și roșii... M-am cufundat în plăceri, în amestecuri de arome și culori dar niciunul cu aroma ta.
Au fost vinuri pe care le-am băut reci, la temperatura camerei, și altele care au fost servite foarte calde...
Gustul meu s-a bucurat de ele dar a fost doar o beție temporară și fără consecințe.
Fiecare pahar avea dulceața lui, fiecare pahar m-a invitat să visez dar astăzi...
Astăzi voi bea cu tine, astăzi voi bea o aromă cu totul diferită, astăzi ne vom îmbăta împreună, îmi vei potoli setea, îmi vei gusta vinul și mă voi îmbăta de tine, de pielea ta, de sărutările tale și pasiunea va scrie o nouă poveste în cartea noastră.Fiinte mici,gingase,curcubei ...ce spiridus ...si albastru...tacerea dintre chei....o lume se desparte in cioburi mici ,de zei,se aud de acum,indefinit ...si clopotei...argintul inveleste in pieptul meu, ranit ,ce ti am dezvaluit in taina si tu,nu indrazneai ,erai pierdut si cam vrajit ,pareai intreg la minte ,pareai ca ntineresti ,pareai asemeni celor din alte lumi,povesti...sa ti fiu un curcubeu ,o zana sidefie ,iubita cu cirese si piersici din pustie,sa ti fiu ingemanarea acelui nesfarsit care unind in taina ne a impartit la nesfarsit ....fiinte de lumina,infinitezimal...gingase,fine...oare... banalul are har?...oare e -o lume n care ,noi, am fi..., asa ,nestingherit de singuri ,in doi ...un dans i vom fi sau nu vom fi...
Tacerea si lumina ,si... uneori, cadenta rubinie a visului ce se mplineste ,naucitor si incredibil,cand nu mai vezi ...culori...fiinte de lumina pierdute, uneori,in nuante fragile ,subtile ,ca firul nevazut....profunde... cu care țesi,iubito,asa ,ca de niciunde ...povestea mea cu tine ...,unde...este asa de jazz,asa de albastru,doară ....ce o fi acest topaz... si odinioară...că ne rani lumina...sa iti sarut si ochii... doară,doar uneori albastrul ,arde,odinioară, lumina,ochii..doar uneori...mi.e atat de dor incat se aude un geamat fin ,infinitezimal,povestile cu zane ,iubitule,doar...uneori....
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