#would happen if russia somehow pursued him romantically. so this is still good *nods head*
cowboy-robooty · 2 months
see actually i do like an accept content that is germany and italy shipped with other characters but it has to be done accurately ie. their lives have to be absolute dogshit because theyre not together. because i can enjoy a good rusger or ameger but only if germany is literally enduring the worst torture known to mankind and doesnt even really end up actually loving the other person its more of some stockholm syndrome shit because i in fact do believe thats exactly what would realistically happen in a universe where germany and italy dont stick together for whatever reason. like for italy he doesnt need to be experiencing actual guantanamo bay torture like germany but he does need to be living a "hate my wife" syndrome existence with the other mf. because i think italy would only not get hate my wife syndrome with germany and with anyone else eventually hed end up cheating n shit lawl
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